saltpepperbeard · 1 year
i feel like we aren’t talking enough about taika’s acting in the storm scene. because holy shit dude. his facial expressions, his maniacal laughter, the swings to his voice…
like, it had me stunned on the first watch, but on the second watch i was FLOORED.
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fennelrabbit · 1 year
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Simon, what the hell are you talking about?
You didn't mean to find the crown, neither did you know what was gonna happen when you put in on 😨😑 this isn't some weird karmic punishment from the universe, it was completely out of your control. Do you tell someone who got into a car crash that if they were "just a little less selfish" they wouldn't have gotten into that car and have that RANDOM TRUCK CRASH INTO THEM because somebody else was drink driving????? Why talk about pointless what-ifs when you're talking about unalterable life events?
This is just so bizarre. Ignoring the fact that 'selfishness' is not a flaw Simon Petrikov has, why not choose to demonstrate "selfishness" with like, Simon actually making a selfish choice? Maybe Betty becomes sad from a heavy life event, and Simon experiences a smaller sadness like being laughed at by his coworkers, and Simon asks Betty to comfort him, and then Simon forgets to ask Betty about her day?
I mean, I wouldn't write this anyway because "selfishness" is not a flaw Simon needs to overcome, but anything would've been better than "Simon only had two choices, ask Betty to stay with him, or forget about her so she could go on the bus trip". There's options???? They can stay in touch and write to each other? Besides, it would only be inconvenient to Betty if Simon just invited himself on her trip with no tickets and no luggage.
Geezalou... 🙈
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geezally · 5 years
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Okay... first time posting is definitely stressful... So I’ve been in the MCL fandom since 2016, although at first I was just joking around in the game. And we’re in 2020 now, and here I am, 16 yo geek who’s in love with this game and Armin. Here you have a drawing of Armin and my OC, Mia. Tbh I love this, and it’s probably the first time when I like what I drew.  ~GeezAlly
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whumpzone · 3 years
adsgsgdhfkskss oh GEEZ oh boy oh boy ohhhh geez you wouldn't BELIEVE the whumperflies that last Col piece gave me oh geezalou oh mercy good job
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Me at 1 in the afternoon:
y'all better stop texting me at ungodly hours you crazies a girl needs her sleep geezalou
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Honestly - today hurt. 
It shouldn't hurt. I am back home for the weekend and I had a wonderful day with my parents.
I woke up to snow flurries falling from the sky right outside my bedroom window.
I get to go to my favorite person’s baby shower on Sunday and celebrate a wonderful life that is about to be born.
I have so many good people back at school who rally behind me in everything and love me so well.
My dog is damn well the best dog on this entire planet.
I live in a beautiful and magical world.
Yet, today, I am overcome with sadness.
It sucks that it is caused by him, but it is. It shouldn’t be because he’s just a boy, but the pain I felt when my mom held me as I cried was real. The stomach-sinking, eye-stinging was real. AND I HATE IT. I guess I should have seen it coming. I should have recognized the distance. The “friend” references. I should have known he wouldn’t just wait around for me forever. But it sucks that as soon as I decide I’m ready, he decides to move on.
But that’s life, isn’t it? 
We want so badly for things to always go our way, but they rarely ever do and that’s okay. Detours are okay. Everything is OKAY.
I know the sun will rise again and the new day will awaken with new promises of happy times to come, but as I stare at the dark night sky tonight, I feel sad. 
I know there is no point in dwelling on what could have been and I know it is time to focus in on what is. I know one day I will find the one I am truly meant to be with. I know this heartbreak was needed in order for me to give myself the permission to fully and whole-heartedly work on my inner and outer being. I know this is how it needed to happen.
But geezalou does it hurt my heart on this night. And it probably will sting for a while. 
But I will heal.
I will heal.
“But I believe good things happen everyday. I believe good things happen even when bad things happen. And I believe on a happy day like today, we can still feel a little sad and that’s life, isn’t it?”
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