#gebel bloodstained
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wyverncult · 1 year ago
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they are very shanoa and albus. i miss them
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candiedcaiman · 4 months ago
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I haven't drawn my boy in a while so I wanting to draw them in costume
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fheros · 1 year ago
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mewkwota · 1 year ago
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Sometimes humor requires layers, upon layers of understanding. But then does that still make it count as a "good joke"?
(Well it made one person laugh, so I'll take it.)
Fans have translated this character's name as "Jibber", but the JP reading is "Jiboru". My pea-sized American brain says that sounds a lot like Mr. Gebel "Jiiberu" Bloodstained. . . So, tadah~ ( ·     · )
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rosestarreverie · 4 months ago
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"...Gebel? Is that...YOU?"
"Come with me, Miriam...come stay in the forest with me, you don't have to worry any longer..."
So I was talking with RadiantMagician and I had this idea about Lubius taking on different forms depending on the person, so we agreed that if Miriam went and encountered Lubius, she'd see Gebel, or rather a very handsome dreamy butterfly-like version of him...
I had so much fun drawing him, hopefully soon I can do a colored version of him...
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m0rb1dspade · 1 year ago
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You do not have permission to use/steal/trace over this image. Only the commissioner can use this.
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catluniscia · 2 years ago
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Sooo Context, when I was streaming Bloodstained Ritual of the Night, I mispronounced the villains name Gebel, as Gerbil which lead me to making this and the running gag on my streams. Behold Gebel the Gerbil!
Fear his little tiny demonic little hands. and give him the snackies!
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theradiantmagician · 4 months ago
Gebel: Life keeps fucking me and I can't remember the safeword.
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calochortus · 2 years ago
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myristicisms · 1 year ago
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A Semi-In depth analysis of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night and Miriam
I haven't seen a lot of posts that have a timeline for the events listed and seeing as I write Miriam and am replaying the game, I've taken to compiling information I find important regarding the timeline as well as detailing thoughts I have regarding her characterization and personality, this is definitely something that ended up being a lot longer than I'd intended but regardless I'm very proud of it and wanted to share my findings in case anyone in the fandom was also wondering and wanted information or for anyone I write with that's not fully familiar with Miriam but wants to know her better for plotting/interacting purposes. With that said, there are four main sections to go through with the last two being full of spoilers for the game.
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Part I; The Timeline Pre Game
Bloodstained Ritual of the Night begins with detailing the summoning of the hell castle by the alchemist guild in a last ditch effort to restore spirituality in England to maintain funding for their research, as per an unnamed alchemist's notes littered throughout the castle it's found that the prototype of a shard was unintentionally created as a byproduct of an attempt at creating a homunculus in the year 1764, in 1765 there was a demon that appeared and was dispatched by the guild which resulted in the discovery of other shards and their existences alongside the binding effect of the original prototype shard found a year prior, this discovery would eventually lead to tinkering with the idea of combining the shards with the human body to test what might happen and in 1766 it's implied that the first Shardbinders had been created; We see in the alchemist's notes once again that of the Shardbinders, the one that showed the most promise was Gebel however his shard lagged behind in developing further capabilities compared to the other children that had gone through the same procedure.
It's at this point in time that it's important to make mention that, due to other notes that will later be delved into, Miriam was born in the year 1765, one year before the beginnings of the Shardbinder experimentations and procedures became a thing which could imply one of three things; Either the alchemist guild acquired her as an infant and grafted the shard in her when she was a year or two ( unlikely though that's out of my own optimism which might be ill placed in this regard ), the alchemists acquired her as a toddler but waited until she grew a bit older before implanting the shard ( more likely given it's been said the shards attract demonic entities and that would endanger a young child that's defenseless ), or ( the most likely ) Miriam wasn't orphaned until later in her childhood and once she was sent to the orphanage, the guild likely took her in much as they did other children ( As Gebel is just slightly older than Miriam ) and grafted the shard into her during early teenhood.
It's also important to note additional information given by the unnamed alchemist's notes as well as Miriam herself that once the shard effectively bound itself to their flesh, the Shardbinders themselves were put into training against the different demons that would come to the guild and absorb the shards as a means of further expanding upon the guild's research and this effectively lasted until 1783, which is how I was able to find out Miriam's birth year because shes said to be 28 during the current events of Bloodstained, meaning Ritual of the Night itself takes place in 1793-1794, as we know Alfred put Miriam into an alchemical coma right before the ritual to summon Bael, which is stated to be a decade prior to when we start in the Galleon Minerva, with that being said, that's how I was able to calculate the year Miriam was born as well as when the game takes place.
Part II; Humanity, Family, and Grief
With previous timeline stuff out of the way, now I can move onto Miriam lore, I just wanted to get basic timeline information put out there, let's start off with Miriam's early life or with what we know about her early life ( likely around her early to mid teens but not too terribly close to 18 ), we know based on two separate conversations she has with Gebel and Johannes that before the ritual, likely at least a year or so, she resigned herself to feeling as though she was no better than the demons she'd have to absorb the shards of after killing them which eventually led into an argument with Gebel. We aren't given a timeline for any of Miriam's earlier years however with what we are given, it's safe to assume that a lot of her childhood/teenage years were far from normal circumstances and even traumatizing to a degree as per Miriam herself stating that the pain of all of the experiments and the shard itself had left her feeling hopeless as is stated in conversation with Gebel aboard the Galleon Minerva, quote “ I was the one that came to you broken, convinced I was a monster. And you told me— Our power doesn't make us good or bad. Our choices do. I'd given up on my humanity, but you restored my hope. Don't you remember?! ”
We also see her expand more upon this conversation/argument in a conversation with Johannes when he asks her about a promise she had made to Gebel, “ Well, back then, the experiments left me feeling stripped of my humanity. The pain from the crystal was a constant reminder. At one point, I lost my will to live entirely. Gebel and I got into a fight over some stupid thing, and I shouted,"How long are you going to pretend you're human? We're monsters now." ”; “ It cheered me right up. I felt like a person again." ” Followed by, “ And that was when we promised to stop each other if we ever lost the ability to choose. ”, As those are just her lines and not the dialogue from Gebel, I'll paraphrase the in-between; Essentially she had repeated to Johannes what she had said to Gebel aboard the Galleon Minerva, quoted in the previous paragraph.
Additionally Miriam also points out in dialogue aboard the Galleon how painful absorbing shards truly is, “ I'd... forgotten the way it felt... Like uninvited claws scraping across my bones... ” which lends to another interesting point; Miriam's willingness to sacrifice herself to some degree. Throughout the game, Miriam has to traverse the hell castle and absorb different shards in order to gain abilities and make progress, Gebel had knowingly put her into a situation where she would need to absorb shards in order to reach him and ( albeit with little success ) try to convince him to give up summoning Bael/quit being the lord of the hell castle. Something else worth noting is that with each shard that merges with her crystal, the more risk she has of the crystal corrupting and taking over her body which would effectively lead to her death; She's aware of this and even tells Johannes “ I know my body's limits better than anyone. And I'm going to need all the power I can get. ” After he expressed his concerns on the matter, of course this conversation happened prior to her conversation with Gebel and yet even with that knowledge she still put herself at risk in hopes of saving her best friend.
Moving on though, we also find out that Miriam wasn't completely parentless to some degree; Among the alchemists in the guild, she'd taken well to one named Alfred and saw him as a father figure of sorts, unfortunately though it's unlikely that that had been reciprocated as we see in the Den of Behemoths, Alfred's motivations for putting Miriam into the coma and attempting to keep her away from the castle weren't out of a sort of fatherly concern but because she's “ the most attuned ” in reference to her ability to wield demonic power through her shard, essentially making Miriam one of the main keys necessary for the summoning of Bael and effectively making her coma the main reason for the prior ritual's failure, though that isn't to imply he held no care for her either given the fact that he just as well could have killed her a decade prior which still likely would have halted the ritual much the same.
I'll be delving into spoilers now therefore this is the only warning I'll be giving regarding spoiling events in the game;
Part III; Storyline and Character Development
After initiating combat with Zangetsu for the second time ( initiate is a strong word, he decides they need to speak his language; Combat ) and proving herself worthy of wielding the Zangetsuto ( Zangetsu meaning moon slayer/to slice the moon, just neat trivia ), after which Miriam heads to fight Gebel and, depending on the player, will either receive the bad ending or unlock the final portion of the game. Should the player kill Gebel in combat ( this can be done prior to getting the Zangetsuto, similar to that of Castlevania SOTN with Richter and the holy glasses ) then a cutscene will play out depicting Miriam and Johannes standing outside the castle talking about what to do next, the castle has yet to fall and they decide to leave it to Dominique and the church despite both feeling as though something was off, this is the bad or wrong ending of the game. The true ending is unlocked via damaging Gebel just enough for the moon within his room to turn red, after which you need to slice the moon in half with the Zangetsuto which forces Gremory out and leads into another cutscene, this time between Miriam and Gebel.
In this cutscene, Gebel starts off with recognizing Miriam and telling her he's missed her and even thanks her for keeping her promise ( showing Miriam to be someone who keeps her word regardless of how painful it might be for her to do ), while the dialogue plays out, we can see Gebel slowly crystalizing and get to watch Miriam panic over how rapidly the process is taking over his body ( resulting in his death ) and insists she'll handle the castle while trying to convince both him and herself that Gebel will live, he does not. It's right before he fully succumbs to the crystal that Gebel delivers his final line, “ I'm glad I got to see you smile... one last... ” Only to die off which leads into Miriam weeping and Johannes finally making his appearance, it's here where Miriam expresses that she “ has a new promise to keep ” and then eventually finds her way into the Den of Behemoths after slicing the moon in half once more and opening a portal to the location.
It's here where she bumps into a severely wounded ( and dying ) Alfred and Zangetsu, who both reveal to her that they'd all been manipulated by Gremory and Dominique, at this point this leads into another point regarding Miriam's personality where it's mentioned multiple times throughout the game that she's incredibly stubborn as per Johannes and even Zangetsu mentioning the trait in their own backwards ways. Additionally, she's also shown to be incredibly independent as per her mentioning that she should be the one to handle the castle's problems since she's trained properly in combat compared to Johannes who is merely just an alchemist. Johannes also tends to put a focus on dietary needs for Miriam in some of his "extra" dialogue when interacted with after most of his story driven dialogue has been listened to, while not particularly impactful or important to note it can definitely be implied that Miriam could have an issue with not eating enough or simply he's concerned for her metabolism and a lack of proper sustenance due to her alchemical coma, regardless she's displayed delight in both cooking her own meals and eating new foods since she has a special animation whenever she does cook and often makes a happy remark whenever she eats something save for eating the dark matter, which results in a pathetic " that's foul... " And resulting in Miriam being poisoned, this shows she's not quite a picky eater which likely stems from a combination of her being an orphan in 18th century England and the likelihood that the alchemists may not have been too concerned about what was fed to the kids.
Moving on in the timeline as well as further characterization, upon reaching the glacial tomb, Miriam first faces Gremory, it's in this leading cutscene where she witnesses Zangetsu being ( presumably ) dragged down to hell and likely killed, during this scene just before he vanishes with Gremory's arms he says “ Good luck... Miriam. ” which then leads into Gremory taunting Miriam about the fact that while she has the Zangetsuto sword, she doesn't believe Miriam will succeed in killing her only for Miriam to respond with “ Wrong, demon. Zangetsu's wrath and mine are now one. ” Which while a bit of a cheesy cliche ( power of friendship or whatever ) also adds onto how important companionship and friends are to Miriam despite how she continuously loses those closest to her. ( RE; Gebel, Alfred, and even Zangetsu to an extent. ) After killing Gremory and acquiring the shard " Dimension Shift ", Miriam makes her way to the final room of the Glacial Tomb and encounters Dominique.
This encounter is dramatic with how intensely Miriam feels, her sense of justice shining through while listening to Dominique talk about her sought after power and reasoning for her ambitions. Dominique reveals her plan had been to slowly acclimate Miriam's shard to demonic corruption and upon being exhausted from her fight with Gebel, Gremory was meant to possess Miriam much the same as she had Gebel. Dominique further irritates Miriam by accusing Zangetsu of betraying her to which Miriam responds with “ Doing the right thing isn't a betrayal. ”, once again showing Miriam's strong sense of justice. Later in the dialogue it's mentioned that Dominique managed to find a way to receive her own crystal and with the shards sold to her ( or I guess pretend sold to her if the player refuses to do so? ) begins the ritual with the Liber Logaeth to summon Bael, Miriam makes a remark that it's a slow process to which Dominique says “ Do you really think you can stop me before then? ” resulting in Miriam retorting back with “ Oh yes I do. You don't understand what power is for. You wield it stupidly, arrogantly. And now you will pay the price. ” That line among other spoken dialogue throughout this particular conversation demonstrates a strong distaste for those that pursue ambition and power for the sake of doing so, it's after this conversation that Miriam must fight Dominique and unfortunately is just barely too late, resulting in yet another portal (?) being opened and starts the fight with the demon lord Bael.
It's after the defeat of Bael that Johannes uses the Liber Logaeth to destroy the hell castle and the ending dialogue begins with Miriam and Johannes standing outside Arvantville, their conversation essentially is just discussing the losses it took for their victory, Miriam grieving each one while Johannes remarks that they all made their own choices and their lives deserved to be celebrated, not mourned. The scene ends with Johannes mentioning that before Alfred's passing, he'd given advice on permanently halting the spread of Miriam's crystal and while he could not promise it would work, he would do his best. Miriam seems pleased enough and the duo leave to return to wherever they call home.
Part IV; Additional/Miscellaneous information
Miriam is able to play the piano, demonstrating prior training, this can be found in the Secret Garden and if you have the Carabosse summon equipped, will lead into a song, otherwise Miriam just plays a nice instrumental version of said song. Miriam's name has multiple meanings, the main ones being Bitterness, Sea of Stars, drop of the sea, and Beloved depending on which etymology you're looking at, all of which are very fitting of her character. Just before Alfred's death, his final interaction with Miriam is asking for forgiveness for all he'd put her through. While we see that Zangetsu was dragged to hell, players who play in a wider resolution will see his model walk in from the right side of the screen which could either just be a fun little easter egg or is meant to imply that he'd somehow escaped it, I don't really know the answer but I wanted to make mention of that small clip too just to get that out of the way.
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beevean · 2 years ago
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Gebel (Honoring the Oath)
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wyverncult · 1 year ago
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suddenly thinking about bloodstained :)
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mediamixs · 10 months ago
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, a gothic horror video game that will blow your mind
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Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a gothic horror action side-scrolling RPG set in 9th century England. The game is a modern take on the classic Castlevania series, with a focus on exploration, combat, and character progression. It was developed by ArtPlay, DICO, and WayForward, with Koji Igarashi, a renowned developer known for his work on Castlevania, at the helm. The game's story follows Miriam, an orphan who has been cursed by an alchemist and is slowly turning into crystal. She must navigate a demon-infested castle, fighting through hordes of enemies and bosses to uncover the secrets of the castle and stop the summoner, Gebel. The game features a large, interconnected world to explore, with a map size almost twice as big as Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night boasts high-fidelity 2.5D graphics, with detailed 3D models rendered in a 2D side-scrolling environment. The game's soundtrack, composed by Michiru Yamane and Ippo Yamada, veterans of the Castlevania franchise, is an unforgettable experience. The game also features multiple playable characters, with secret characters awaiting discovery. The gameplay is reminiscent of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, with a focus on exploration, combat, and character progression[. The game has a high level of replayability, with a level cap of 99 and the ability to unlock new abilities and items through exploration and combat. The game also features a crafting and upgrade system, which requires collecting demon parts to craft new items and upgrades.Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night was initially funded through a Kickstarter campaign, which raised $5,545,991, making it the most funded video game on Kickstarter at the time. The game has received positive reviews for its faithfulness to the Castlevania series, while also introducing new elements and gameplay mechanics. Overall, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a must-play for fans of the Castlevania series and horror action RPGs in general. Its engaging gameplay, beautiful graphics, and haunting soundtrack make it a standout title in the genre.
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The plot of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night revolves around Miriam, an amnesiac girl who becomes a demon hunter after waking up to find herself cursed by an alchemist and slowly turning into crystal. The game is set in a demon-infested castle that has appeared from another dimension. Unlike many other games in the genre, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night takes a more upbeat approach with well-lit environments, up-tempo music, and light-hearted story moments to balance its dark narrative. The lore of the game involves a nefarious plot by individuals aiming to end the world to prove their importance. Despite the somewhat convoluted storyline, the characters are well-written and engaging, providing players with adequate motivation to embark on the adventure. The game features full 3D models, with environments that are visually appealing, and a soundtrack that evokes a nostalgic Castlevania vibe. In terms of gameplay, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night follows the classic Metroidvania formula, emphasizing exploration, combat, and character progression. It incorporates an item-based progression system that unlocks new areas of the map as players acquire new abilities. The game rewards players for exploring the castle by presenting them with areas that require specific power-ups to access, encouraging backtracking and thorough exploration. The overarching narrative of the game involves Miriam's journey to uncover the secrets of the castle, stop the summoner Gebel, and thwart the plans of those seeking to bring about chaos and destruction. The plot delves into themes of demonic possession, manipulation, and the consequences of alchemical experiments gone wrong. Through interactions with various characters like Dominique, Alfred, and Gebel, players gradually unravel the intricate web of motivations and alliances that drive the story forward.
The gameplay in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is reminiscent of classic Metroidvania titles, focusing on exploration, combat, and character progression. The game features an item-based progression system that unlocks new areas of the map as players acquire new abilities. Players are consistently faced with areas they can't reach initially, encouraging them to return later with the necessary power-ups to access new areas. Unlike many modern "Metroidvanias," Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night stays true to the core elements of the genre, offering a rewarding exploration experience. The game's atmosphere is mellow, with well-lit environments and up-tempo music, creating a unique vibe within the genre. The game's aesthetics include full 3D models, visually attractive environments, and a soundtrack that evokes a nostalgic Castlevania feel. In terms of combat, players engage in battles with various enemies and bosses throughout the demon-infested castle. The game offers a variety of weapons, abilities, and upgrades to enhance combat mechanics. Additionally, players can craft new items and upgrades by collecting demon parts, adding a layer of customization and strategy to the gameplay.
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sulan1809 · 2 years ago
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Zangetsu - Um espadachim que quer vingança contra os demônios
Em Bloodstained, Zangetsu é um espadachim habilidoso, protagonista cental de Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon(2018) e a continuação, Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2(2020). Em Bloodstained Ritual of the Night(2019), Zangetsu aparece não apenas como chefe, mas como personagem jogável. Segundo a descrição oficial, Zangetsu é um samurai do Extremo Oriente que veio para a Inglaterra dez anos antes dos eventos da história para combater a invasão demoníaca. Ao longo dos anos, os demônios pegaram seu braço direito e muitos de seus amigos mais próximos, estimulando o ódio pelos demônios e pelos alquimistas que os criaram. Zangetsu é o principal personagem jogável de Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon. Afligido pelo título "Maldição da Lua", Zangetsu viaja para o castelo demoníaco para derrotar Gremory, um arquidemônio com domínio sobre a lua. Ao longo do caminho, Zangetsu encontra três aliados em potencial: Miriam, Alfred e Gebel. Zangetsu está particularmente relutante em deixá-los entrar, mas pode recrutá-los porque compartilham um objetivo comum. Dependendo do desempenho do jogador na trilogia Bloodstained, pode-se obter um final bom ou ruim...
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deaths · 2 years ago
okay!! in that case i think youd like zangetsu and gebel from the bloodstained series honestly, zangetsu is a demon hunter whos wary of others but in curse of the moon if you recruit everyone in the party he still ends up sacrificing himself so that the others can live (though this is a double edge sword since he become a demon lord himself after that) while gebel is an antagonist in ritual of the night. gonna be honest here though, im more familiar w cotm than rotn, but from his characterization hes shown to be willing to put aside his own plan if it means to get rid of the things in his way, and hes also shown to not be completely uncaring ie in the nightmare mode of cotm1 hes willing to help purify / free zangetsu from being the demon lord. anyway all that aside i think youd like gebels design at the very least. if youre familiar with castlevania its pretty heavily inspired by it, so yknow
what if we kissed. SORRY THIS IS SO GOOD OKAY you're right i do like both of them atleast from what you've said and what google has shown me..... both are very easy on the eyes :) THANK YOU SO MUCH hold on let me look into this series. OH SHIT ITS A CASTLEVANIA LIKE YEAH? okay it seems fun. ill probably try it out atleast a lil bit once i finish ffxiv :3
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livly-spotlight · 9 months ago
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Livly Spotlight: Gebel!
Here's the Bat Boss himself, Gebel. He was born on July 26, 2022, and adopted on July 30, 2022. He's my Korume P-1. For a while, he was a Volg instead. The pale purple highlights on his black coat look refined. He is named after the character Gebel from the Bloodstained series of games, which takes heavy inspiration from the Castlevania series. His favorite BGM is Night Carousel.
To fit his namesake, Gebel's island is in a haunted castle. There's a lot of rose imagery. The tree, the bed of purple roses, the black rose scarf, and the thorny vines decorating the island... I'm not sure what describes it better: "beautiful" or "tense."
Gebel's napping in the picture, so here's a photo from the Dome Garden:
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