#gear 5 luffy x shape shifting reader
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snowywolf1005 · 9 months ago
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Give me your headcanons of gear 5 luffy x lunala reader!!!!
I know you guys love gear 5 luffy x lunala reader so much, so I'm asking you if you give me any headcanons of gear 5 luffy x lunala reader.
Please 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
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kingofthe-egirls · 1 year ago
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SUN GOD AU: LUFFY x Y/N (part 2)
part 1
originally requested by @braini-wiz
(cw: food mention/eating, holding hands, reader is a sun priestess that can't see sun god luffy, sorta spoilers post wano, slight gear 5 silliness, smut is still yet to come)
(a/n: sorry it's all plot)
words: 1.4k
Sun god Nika holds your hand all the way to the city’s shopping district. He stamps along next to you, his sandaled feet (you assume) leaving imprints in the sandy roads.
“Still can’t see me?” He asks curiously, squeezing at your hand. His palm is warm and strong around yours. His hand is so much bigger.
You squint your eyes, trying to make out the shape of his form next to you. “Still can’t see ya,” you confirm. “Is that strange?”
He shifts; you can hear the rustling of his clothes as he moves. He whines, as if he’s thinking of something he can’t quite place. Like a word he’s forgetting but can almost taste. “Sorta? Usually priestesses can see me right away.”
You stare down as dust kicks up around your feet. “Sorry,” you say.
Your voice is quiet, shy.
Luffy tugs on your arm.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, slowing his pace. The sunshine filters blue through the shadow of olive trees, as you trudge downhill towards the city. The sun temple sits atop a rocky incline, facing over the sea.
Grassy tufts of shrubbery line the walkway, with an olive grove foresting the western side.
You stare at the shoreline, sapphirine and gold as it sparkles beneath the setting sun. The olives are still unripe: small and caterpillar green.
This city has always hated you.
You shake your head.
“Sorry I can’t be a better priestess,” you say, adrift. Your feet scuff the ground as you walk. It’s something you’ve always known: that you don’t have any spiritual gifts. Or any gifts at all, really.
Luffy stops, tugging at your hand.
You stumble, but gasp as you feel his strong hand steady you by the stomach. His palm presses flat against your abdomen; his fist curls in the soft fabric of your chiton.
Your blood runs hot beneath his touch. And maybe that’s not just because he’s the sun god, but you push that thought away for later.
“Stop that,” he says, voice suddenly low and serious. His breath is steamy, hot on your face as you suppose he leans closer. You squeeze your eyes shut, fighting against stinging tears.
“S-stop what, master?”
He scoffs. “First off,” his index finger pokes your forehead. Your eyes spring open, staring at the space in front of you with a frown. “Stop calling me master. And second,” he squeezes your shoulder, his hand leaving your stomach. It feels cold without him. But then he’s leaning in even closer, the weight and press and heat of this man who's also a god standing in front of you, smiling at you (for you hear it in his voice) is all just so much.
“Stop saying you’re no good.”
You blink.
That’s not what you thought he was going to say.
“Excuse me?”
He starts walking again, the soft pat-pats of his sandals scuffing down the hilly sand. He stretches out, his limb's elastic space roping between you, before suddenly you’re shooting through the air and crash landing into his invisible embrace.
“What the fuck—?!”
He snickers, straight into your face, before smooching your cheek once again. But this time, you don’t feel fear. You feel brave.
You stop breathing for a second, holding air in your lungs as you lift your fingers to where you think his face might be. You feel squishy skin (cheeks?) and then the slope of his smile. Your fingers brush against his teeth, and you grin. “You smile wide,” you say, staring at nothing but feeling his smile.
He snickers in answer, and starts trotting back down the hill towards the city. His steps turn to leaps, turn to bounds, and then you’re screaming in delight as you fly through the air. He sets you down once you reach the city gates.
Sighing, you set down the woven basket of goods you’d shopped for at the marketplace. You’d bargained with butchers for the best prices, the freshest goods, and the most succulent cuts of meat. Sun god Luffy seems to be pleased.
He hovers over your shoulder, somehow suspended in midair.
“Shishishi,” he snickers, poking at the paper-wrapped packages. “Let’s eat!”
You swat his hands away as the paper folds beneath his divine touch. Except you don’t know where his hands are, so it turns into you just swatting the air above the basket with two hands and a scowl on your face. You stamp your foot.
“Stop that! We have to cook it, first.”
He sighs, all dramatic, while a slide whistle sounds as he presumably sinks to the floor. You snort. “You’re silly,” you decide, stepping around the sounds of his pouts and whines. You heft the basket onto your hip, and start heading down the stone hallway to your kitchen.
It’s a simple space, all whitewashed and clean as you place the basket atop the wooden counter space. You drizzle the counter in olive oil, and start unwrapping the meat.
It’s a little while, before the food is ready to eat.
Sun god Nika has been busying himself by poking all around your living space. He’s knocked over seven candles, three sconces, and at least one marble statue (of himself).
The cracked-off head now sits on the altar, haphazard and ridiculous atop the golden offering dish.
You sigh, wiping your hands on a dish rag. The meat is sizzling, spiced and greasy as it pops in the skillet you’ve set over the hearth’s flames.
“S’ready yeeeet?” Luffy whines out, sinking to his knees again as he tugs on your dress. The pink chiffon crinkles under sightless fists.
“Stop acting like a baby,” you complain, swatting your hands through the air again to try and disconnect his hold from your skirt. “But yes, it’s ready.”
Luffy yelps in delight, the floorboards squeaking under his feet as he speeds to the stove. He grabs a steak—it lifts by itself—and devours it in one gulp. You watch it disappear.
“So good!!!”
He cheers, before starting to devour the next piece of meat. You smile, despite yourself, and reach for a piece yourself.
Later, when you’re both full and happy, you sit outside the temple’s back entrance, watching white stars pinprick through the violet sky.
“S’beautiful,” he sighs, reclining on the grassy hill next to you.
You tear a handful of soft emerald blades between your hands.
You admit without thinking.
Luffy stops, the sound of his breathing paused as the air stills. “What makes ya say that?” He asks.
You sprinkle the torn up grass back onto the ground. You stare at the stains it leaves behind on your fingers. “It’s so restrictive,” you confess, “I wanted to become a sailor, but women aren’t supposed to do that,” you scrunch your face in disgust. Luffy stays quiet as he listens to you vent. He’s the only one who’s listened to you speak in a long, long while.
Priestess life is lonely.
“So I started training as a priestess instead,” you prop your chin in both hands, curling forward over your crossed legs. Your leather sandals are scuffed, at the soles. “Since no one wanted to marry me,” you sigh, “This was my only other option. Unless, of course,” you smile wryly, “I wanted to be a prostitute. At least that way I could own land.”
“That's what I said!” You say, exasperated as you lift your hands just to drop them back onto your lap. Silence stretches between you, until another spark of courage shoots through your belly. Slowly, you reach an arm over to where Luffy’s voice has been coming from. You can see the dip in the grass where he sits. Your hand alights upon his knee. “Sun god temple isn’t so bad, though.”
“What’s…not so bad about it?” He asks hopefully, a slight rasp in his heavenly voice. You shrug, snaking your fingers through his own.
“I get to spend most of my time alone,” you say, “So I can sort of do whatever I want. Except leave.”
Luffy stays silent for a moment.
“Wanna come with me?”
“I’m sorry, what?”
He squeezes your hand, his divinity warm and safe beside you.
“I said, d’ya wanna come with me?”
You stare at the space where your hand rests a foot above the grass. “Come with you…where?”
He squeezes, once.
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snowywolf1005 · 10 months ago
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I was finally thinking. If you can ask me a request of...
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snowywolf1005 · 1 year ago
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Warning: blood, curse
Luffy was defeated by Kaido, and now Kaido is attacking everyone. The strawhat thinks Luffy has died, as for you .
You were injured, badly injured so bad, you just passed out while luffy asked Law to put them in a better place.
You were with Nami, marco, and tama. "Luffy dead!? Now, way! That's ridiculous!" Nami cried. "When he says he's gonna win, he'll definitely win, at any cost!" She yelled.
Then Nami began to cry, "So stop lying, you disgusting snake! Luffy, I know you can hear me! Please don't make (Y/N) cry!" She yelled. "Keep your words as always!"
Luffy lay on the ground, and his heart started pumping, playing music. So, as you, your heart starts playing like shamisen.
Zunesha heard the sound of bumping and the shamisen. "momonosake," he said, "what? Zunesha!?" Momonosake asked.
Then the drum started playing in music. "Momonosake! I can hear them!" Zunesha yelled.
"It been a while..." he said, luffy hand start twitch. Momonosake looks confused, "you can hear them? It's been a while? Zunesha, what are you talking about!?" Momonosake yelled.
Luffy body started steaming. "I can hear the drum of liberation. I'm hearing them for the first time in 800 years! I'm positive that they are here!" he yelled.
"wh-who's here?!"
"Joyboy, luna... has returned!" He screams. Luffy hair turned white, and his body started jumping. Red and white lighting flying everywhere.
Luffy lifts his body. "What happened... to me?" he said, standing up and trying not to fall. " How come I can still stand up?" He asks, then Luffy starts smiling.
" I lost the battle," he said, smiling. "But this is getting fun!" He laughed, falling to the ground. As for your body, it started moving a little.
"Joyboy! Luna!" Momonosake yelled, "luffy and (Y/N) is joyboy, lunala!" Yamato yelled. "Is that what zunesha said!?" Yamato question.
Luffy laughed, rolling on the ground, and couldn't stop laughing even more. "This is getting fun!" He said, his clothes turned to white, his eyes turned pink.
In the performance floor. Everyone was shocked to see on above, "What? Is that straw hat man?" Said hyogoro, then he smiled.
"Straw hat!?" Said marco, he turned to Nami and tama, who were hugging each other and you too. "Hey! He's still alive-yoi!" He yelled.
"Luffy's not dead?!" Nami yelled, crying. "Big bro's still alive?!" Cried tama, "That's great!" They said crying. "(Y/N)! Luffy is alive!" Nami cried, hugging your body.
Luffy laughed, jumping.
In the mary geoise, pangaea castle, the hall of power. The five elders were in the meeting.
"Sacrificing one of our best agents... only to enrage kaido is like putting the cart before the horse," said warcury.
"But what if it's better than the alternative? It's better to eliminate a risk factor." Said Saturn.
"The world government... has always tried to get hold of the gum-gum fruit and the shape-shape fruit, but it never came into our hands. For 800 years!" Said nusjuro.
"It's as if... the fruit is evading us... That not entirely implausible," said Mars. "Zoan type devil fruit have a will of their own." Said Peter.
" Furthermore, that devil fruits bears the name of a God. Another name for the gum-gum fruit and shape-shape fruit is..." said warcury.
"The Zoan, human-human fruit, mythical type, model... 'nika' 'lunala'. They say that his body had the exact properties of rubber, as for lunala. She can shapeshift and illusion. They fought as they fancied and made people smile." Said Peter.
"The warriors of liberation and the moon queen, also known as... nika, the sun God! Lunala, the moon, God!" Peter yelled.
"Awakening it is said to give its user's rubber body and the shape shifting body even more strength... and freedom. I heard that it's the most ridiculous power... in the world, " said Peter.
Luffy jumps in the sky, jumping on the ground, clapping his hand. "I can do everything I wanted to do! I think I can fight a little bit more!" Said luffy.
Jumping around, dancing around. "My heartbeat sounds funny!". Luffy jumps high, "This is our peak! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Luffy laughed.
"This is it! Gear five!" Luffy yelled, letting out all lighting go nuts around. And you, you opened your eyes and it full of red. 'What going on?' You question.
'How come I can't feel anything pain at all? What is this?' You keep questioning yourself. Then you hear drums, 'what that sounds? It sounded familiar? Why can't I remember?'.
Luffy jumped around, clapping his hand. Smiling, bouncing, dancing. Being all goofy all that stuff and started laughing.
As for the bottom, everybody was shocked to see full lightning. 'What going on? What happened to luffy?' You question, luffy grab his tumb and stared blowing on it.
His arm became bigger and bigger. "Hey, what going on?!" Someone yelled, "someone's color of the Supreme king?!" They yelled.
"Where is it coming from?!" Someone yelled two, kaido looked above and saw someone outside above. "What's that on the roof?" Kaido said. He looked a hole on above, then a huge hand burst out and grabbed kaido.
"L-luffy?" You said with a lower voice, luffy pulled kaido up, Law and kid was surprised. "Straw hat?!" Said kid, "is that luffy?!" Chopper scream.
Luffy pulled kaido way up, kaido scream. Then luffy pulled his pruple rope on his waist and became muscles. "Muscles! Muscles! Muscles!" Luffy yelled, luffy flew to kaido face.
And punching him, luffy jumps back and grabs kaido body. "Here we go!" Luffy yelled, luffy spin kaido body around, then slamming his body on the ground.
Luffy keeps slamming kaido body on the ground. You, on the other hand, are still injured. You can see Nami, tama, and marco taking, "l-luffy," you said.
Nami turned around to see you, talking. "(Y/N)! Aaaaaa!! I thought you were dead!!!!" Nami cried as she hugged you. "Luffy, I got to help Luffy," you said, trying to stand up.
"(Y/N), you have rest!" Marco yelled, and then you finally opened your eyes. Nami screamed, Marco and tama looked at you and was shocked.
Your eyes turn to red, "(Y/N)?" Tama asked, then you stand up. Your skin turns white, and pruple lightning comes everywhere on your body, and a pruple smoke sorm around you.
"(Y/N)?!" Nami yelled, your body turned to blue, then you transformed into a gaint shadows monster.
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"AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Nami and tama scream. Then you fly up, everybody looks at you in horror, "What is that!?" Someone yelled. You look up to see a hole lend to outside.
"Luffy's," you said, you go through the hole and make bigger holes. You looked to kaido turn black.
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And luffy laughed when luffy looked at you.
You flew over to luffy, and you turned to your human form. And luffy was shocked to see you alive. He put his hand on your cheeks, "(Y/N)!!!" Luffy laughed, and he hugged you tight.
He started kissing you all over your face, and you kissed him on the cheek. "So you're alive as well?" Said kaido, you look at him and transform your monster form.
You and luffy V.S kaido, let see who wins.
If you want more, just leave a comment below!!!!!
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