#gear 5 luffy x goddess reader
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snowywolf1005 · 10 months ago
I wonder how everyone in the world would react to lunala readers goddesses form on her wanted poster?
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He was surprised to see your wanted poster. The crew was impressive and even luffy Bounties, gear 5 form. Shanks knew about you and luffy Devil Fruits' secret.
And he was really shocked what your form height is. It's 52 ft (15.8m), and your wings span is 803 ft (244m). Wow.
And your bounty is $3, 290, 000, 000-.
He remembers like it was yesterday, when he first met you and luffy when you two were little. Even your human form.
He does remember luffy mother 'Sofia'.
He is in tears right now.
Seeing his two best friends become a five ember. And he was surly surprised about your height and your form.
As he read the newspapers, he saw that you and luffy defeated kaido to protect wano. He is so happy for his friends.
Koby was surprised to your bounty. He read the newspapers about your form, and it appears to be your legendary form. And saw your human form.
He likes your glaxey hair.
"What is this picture?!"
"What's going on?! Gee!"
The Elders were shocked to read the newspapers when they saw your bounties and your bat form.
"We told you to remove the 'D'. Too!" Said valcurie. "No, we weren't told about it! We got the pictures from Guernica-sama of CP-0." The marine captain.
"Reprint them immediately!" Valcurie yelled, "but we can't contact the printing company..." he says.
Kid was surprised to see your wanted poster. His crew was amazed by your form. He saw your bat form during the battle.
And he saw your bounties. He really wanted to ask you to join his crew. But he knew you gonna saw no.
His crew is in love with your bat form, and we're shocked to read about your height. And they even saw your human form. Kid loves your form.
Law was shaken up. When he first saw your bat form, you were so big.
The heart pirate did see bat form, and they were afraid of one's shadow. They thought you were going to eat them for some point.
And he was really shocked when he saw what your height was. He really wants to ask you to join his crew.
But he knows you gonna say no. The crew was amazed by your form. They really want to you. If you can, let them ride you to fly with you.
They do see your Pictures on the newspaper, images of you, and luffy. And saw your human form looks like. They love the star on your hair.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 2 years ago
I Found You Again
3. Spoiler alert! Chapter 1044/Episode 1071 Spoilers!!!!!!
"Nika!Luffy and fem!reader where reader is the moon goddess. In the legends, the moon goddess and the sun god Nika were lovers that seperated to help humanity. Before Luffy is awakened, he feels a strange bond toward reader and so does she. Reader always loves being by his side, even in battle, which leads to her joing the crew. After the battle with Kaidou, Luffy was seriously injured. However, Luffy's awakening also trigger reader's awakening. Reader turns into goddess form that helps healing Luffy. Seeing reader in that form, Luffy laughs and pulls her in for a kiss, saying that he now knows why he is attracted to her, she was his, all this time. Reader, crying as now finally reunited with him, returns his kiss."
Warnings: Chapter 1044/Episode 1071 Spoilers!!!!
Word Count: 1180
     Nika gave his beloved a smile, though his eyes were brimming with tears. He really didn’t want to separate, much less like this.
     “I love you Nika and I know we’ll find each other again. One as untamable and restless as you? I have no doubt you’ll look for me. Just be careful. The humans are more fragile than we are.” the goddess said, giving her white haired lover a kiss.
     “I love you too G/n, I promise I’ll find you. You’re the only one who I would be willing to be chained by and the one I trust most not to do so. Don’t worry, I’ll be careful. Besides, we’ll be making them strong, then they won’t be as fragile.” Nika gave her his usual sunny smile, followed by his little ‘shishishi’ laugh that always made her smile. She gave him one last kiss, before touching her forehead to his as they disappeared, heading to the earth below.
     He’d always felt close to you, from the moment he saw you, he felt something for you. Granted, he didn’t know what he felt for you, only that it was something. Almost immediately, he’d asked you to join his crew. No reason given, just ‘join my crew!’. The others hadn’t been sure what to make of it. Most of them had joined for a reason, but you weren’t a navigator, a sniper, a first mate, a cook, or a musician. You weren’t an archaeologist, a shipwright, or a doctor. You were a devil fruit user on an island they stopped by. Okay, sure, you wanted to go out to sea, you said you were searching for… something. You’d told them it was a meaning, a purpose to your life, but you still weren’t like the others. Sure, you were strong, and yeah, you could fight, but Luffy hadn’t even known that in the beginning. Just, ‘join my crew’. Of course Luffy loved being around you constantly once you’d joined. Whether it was playing games on the deck, talking about beetles or something one of you found interesting, sitting next to you during meals, or even just laying on the grass together in silence. Where one was, the other could be found. Fights were much the same unless Luffy was fighting a particularly difficult opponent, you were by his side and had each other’s backs. That being said, he always made sure your safety was a priority. Meaning if he thought the fight would be too much for you, he got you out of harm's way.
     Looking up at the top of the skull that made up Onigashima, you couldn’t help the horror that filled you. Luffy… you couldn’t hear him anymore. Couldn’t hear his heart. Tears ran down your cheeks, your beloved was gone. You didn’t even notice the sudden pounding that resonated throughout your body. He couldn’t be gone, yet there was nothing coming from the rooftop. Another pulse ran through your body as your eyes changed color. Even in your pain induced trance, you noticed the strange pulsing that resonated throughout your body. Not that you cared, not until the sound of drums reached your ears. Your hair began to float slightly as it lengthened, turning a silvery white like the moon. The drums seemed to pick up in beat and volume as you smiled. Somehow, he wasn’t dead, ignoring Kaido, you shot up to the roof, your new found powers sending you flying through the air as you smiled, landing beside a rather different Luffy. His hair and clothes were white and though he was still wounded, he smiled at you. Placing a hand on his cheek, you smiled. Your touch was cool but pleasant as his wounds stitched themselves closed, his smile widening. As soon as he was healed enough to move, he was tackling you and pulling you into a kiss.
     “Shishishi, I found you, G/n! Told you I would!” Luffy said with a wide grin, though he wasn’t entirely certain as to what he was saying. Your name was Y/n, not G/n and he’d never promised to find you to the best of his knowledge, but the words left his mouth before he could think about them, not that he would have anyway.
     “I suppose you did. Now if only I could convince you to be careful for once!” you teased, taking his face in your hands. Luffy could only give you his signature little laugh as he smiled at you.
     “I was careful, promise! Besides, you’re here so now I’ll always be okay! You always make me feel better!” he said, pulling you into an embrace. His eyes suddenly widened as he pulled away, remembering what was happening below, “Oh! I forgot about Kaido! Hang on! I need to finish my fight!” he said excitedly, making you laugh.
     “You are absolutely not doing this without me this time!” you said as Luffy reached down to grab Kaido. Though Luffy’s sudden transformation seemed to surprise the others, you found yourself oddly unphased by his new look and abilities as you stayed on the roof with him. You wouldn’t jump in unless he needed it, Nika had never needed your aid before. Your brow furrowed as you shook your head. Luffy, Luffy had never needed your help in a fight before. Where had Nika come from? The ‘fight’ didn’t take long, Luffy easily defeating Kaido before stretching his arms and pulling you close again, giving you that same sunny smile he always gave you.
     The both of you seemed to return to ‘normal’ as you stood atop Onigashima together, though it was clear Luffy was feeling rather drained.
     “Rest, my sunlight. You’d been through a lot tonight. Just as the moon watches over those who slumber away, I’ll watch over you as you sleep.” you said softly, gently lowering him to the ground and lightly forcing his head into your lap. It wasn’t even 5 seconds later that his snores filled the air, letting you watch over and protect him as he rested. Though you’d healed some of his injuries, he would still need a great deal of rest. Picking him up and putting him on your back, you carried him back down to the others, smiling when they gave you odd looks.
     “There’s no way to explain anything without sounding insane, just trust me that Luffy and I are alright and there’s no need for concern. He’ll need a few days of rest though. Awakening a devil fruit like his is… a strain on his body.” you said, as you all headed off of the ‘island’ that now sat not far from the flower capital. Turning your head, you smiled at your sleeping love. You were finally reunited, truly reunited. Though you still didn’t understand why your mind kept calling him Nika or why you felt like you’d just reunited when you’d been fighting your way up to the top together, you could figure it out later, all that mattered right now was that you were together and he was alive.
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kingofthe-egirls · 1 year ago
how about an God au with gear 5 luffy?
He's the sun god bored out of his mind until a new girl, Y/N arrives in town. Y/N is a new temple maiden by the way.
He's quickly enamored with her as she is sweet and kind to everyone, but he doesn't like that she has sutiors. She turned them all down though.
One gets handsy to her discomfort but Luffy intervenes with a lightning strike and people see it as an omen and Y/N becomes off limits!
One day to his luck, Y/N arrives to his temple to do cleaning at night, he appears to meet her. Saying he has been watching her since she arrived.
And with some soft coaxing, Luffy starts to spend a real steamy time with her. There won't be a part of her he won't touch! Or taste!
And through that time he makes Y/N his goddess! Which kind of Goddess is up to you!
i have done my best
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(cw: sun god!au, sorta spoilers, sfw, cheek kiss, reader can't see luffy, food mention)
(a/n: okay so sorry this took so long, this is sorta what i have so far, i just haven't written the smut yet. it's sorta plot heavy, so i hope you still enjoy this!)
words: 1.1k
Sun God Nika is bored. 
She's dusting the altar again, singing to herself. He peers down from the marble pillars, legs wrapped around the column as he stares at her working. She's wearing a soft chiton, pastel pink like the rose petals she sprinkles on the golden offering dish. Luffy'd much prefer meat.
"Hmm," he stares down at her, swinging upside down from the pillar. She doesn't see him yet. He wonders if he should say something, maybe get her attention. Most priestesses can see him, if he speaks up. She's singing now, murmuring little lullabies with a songbird's voice. 
Luffy smiles.
She's pretty.
So he spirals down the marble pillar, letting his limbs snap back to his torso with a whack as he lands. He stands, grinning, his fists on his hips. He's shirtless, wearing nothing but his clouds and snow-white shorts. His sash swishes violet around his waist, as he steps up behind her with a shit-eating grin on his face. He's sending out rays of sunlight, he can tell, since she's all lit up sparkly and gold as he approaches her. 
She's sweeping as she hums, brushing away the dried rosebuds and sunflower seed shells from this week's previous offerings. He likes the seeds, but since he can't eat roses he wishes she'd leave the petals out of it. She stops, suddenly. She shifts, as she starts to sense his presence.
She turns, and Luffy stands with his biggest grin to greet his newest friend.
She's staring right at him, but her eyebrows are furrowed as she scans the room. He waves. 
She screams.
"Ah!" She yelps, jumping in place as she drops the broom. It clatters to the floor, scattering shells and petals everywhere. She swirls around, shaking visibly in surprise. "Wh-what the fuck?! Is there someone here?" She's breathing heavily, nostrils flaring as she tries to keep her cool. Her soft dress sways around the scattered rosebuds. Luffy's confused.
"Hello?" He says again, head tilted. She stares at the space he's occupying, but sort of past it. Luffy waves again, but she doesn't respond. Oh. She can't see him.
That's a first.
"Huh!" He says, stumped. But then he gets an idea, and he's smiling again as he saunters up to her. "It's me!" He smacks a kiss on her cheek, expecting the swoon he usually gets, but she screams and slaps him in the face. She scrambles backward, swiping up her broom to wield in front of herself like a bo staff. She's flushed, chest heaving in fear. 
Luffy scrunches his lips to the side: he's somehow made a mistake. 
Nami, his sister-goddess (she governs stars, currency, and navigation), would smack him upside the head for something like this. He frowns, sitting cross-legged in midair as he stares at the frightened human. She swallows heavily, starting to shuffle around to behind the altar. She looks like she's going to bolt at any second.
"Okay, okay, sorry!" He waves his hands in surrender, but then drops them as he realizes she can't see his gestures. He casts about him, searching for a way to calm her down. "Ah…uhh," he swirls around to the other side of the altar with her, sending as much radiance and light as he could. "See that? See the sunlight?" He asks hopefully, seeing the gold reflections in her eyes.
She stares.
"S-sorta…," she allows, still brandishing her bo-staff-broom. 
Luffy snickers, setting his feet down on the marble floor. His sandals crunch over the scattered shells. "It's me! Sorry ya can't see me, I dunno what that's about…" He frowns, scanning over her face. She seems like she can see other stuff, like how she stares at the rose petals and the flickering candle lights. Or her own fists wrapped tight around the handle of her broom.
"Here," he says softly, alighting his fingertips onto the tip of the handle. He pushes it down, just so she can feel his weight manipulating objects in the mortal world. She gasps, but doesn't drop the broom. He slowly slides his hand down the handle, until his fingertips are almost touching hers. He doesn't want to scare her again, so this time he asks. 
"S'okay if I touch ya?"
She hesitates, but nods.
So he softly traces the backs of her knuckles, before wrapping his hand around her fist. She's smaller than him. She seems to glow a little bit, being touched by a god. She breathes in a sigh of relief, shoulders visibly relaxing. She lets go of the broom with one hand, letting her fingers tangle with his invisible ones. She's soft as feathers.
"Doesn't hurt, does it?" He asks cheekily, and she smiles as she shakes her head.
"S'warm," she confesses, letting his fingers trail up her inner forearm to dance at the crease of her elbow. She scrunches her nose, "Tickles."
"Shishishi," Luffy snickers and pulls away. He sits back up in midair, legs crisscrossed under him. "So, what's it like serving me? S'fun so far?" He tilts his head, floating along behind her as she sets the broom to the side. She seems much more comfortable now, since she knows he's real. She's all melty and relaxed, like she's been sunbathing for a while.
She smiles dreamily, fingers playing in her hair. It's decorated with gold jewelry, with a sparkling jewel at the center of her forehead. Third eye, Nico Robin would call it. She's much better at this spiritual stuff than Luffy is, truthfully. But his temple priestess is suddenly flustered again, except this time she's blushing instead of breathing heavily. 
"Oh, um! I should have offered you sunflowers, or something–"
"You're good!" He's sick of flowers, "Is there any meat instead?"
Luffy flicks a sunflower seed off the gold offering dish. He sits on the marble slab, relaxing amid the candles with his head propped up on his hand. "S'my favorite! Any kind of meat will do," he watches her cast about breathlessly, a soft blush decorating her cheeks.
She's cute.
Luffy likes her, he decides, although he'd already liked her singing. 
She shakes her head, comma of displeasure forming between her eyebrows. "I-I don't think so… I'd have to go to the market," she twists her fingers in front of her, tangling them in the soft pink fabric of her dress. She stares to the left of where Luffy stands. "Is…that okay?"
"Sure!" Luffy chirps, sliding his warm hand into hers. She blushes ferociously, but she squeezes his hand in comfort, anyway. He swings their arms between them as he starts leading her toward the front door. "Let's go!"
She stops, stricken. "Wh-what?"
Luffy snickers, "Let's go together! Cmon, it'll be an adventure!"
She swallows, letting him start dragging her back towards the door. She scuffs her sandals along the sandstone floor, but she doesn't refuse. "Okay," she says quietly, "I think I'd like an adventure," she smiles at him, sorta to the side, and Luffy beams back. He squeezes her hand.
"Let's have an adventure, then!"
She smiles, and lets Luffy drag her all the way to the town square.
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snowywolf1005 · 9 months ago
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Give me your headcanons of gear 5 luffy x lunala reader!!!!
I know you guys love gear 5 luffy x lunala reader so much, so I'm asking you if you give me any headcanons of gear 5 luffy x lunala reader.
Please 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
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snowywolf1005 · 9 months ago
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I was finally thinking. If you can ask me a request of...
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snowywolf1005 · 11 months ago
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Okay... I think this is the final one!
Previously, you and luffy use maximum power to defeat kaido, but kaido has an idea, covering himself a gaint fire of himself.
And you with your shadow monster form:
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And you use your ability called Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom:
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"Let's fight it out! Straw Hat!" Kaido yelled, he Flys toward Luffy metal hand by opening his jaw. "Are they going to destroy onigashima?!" Momonosake yelled.
"Create Flame Clouds! Or we'll all... be swept up!" Yamato yelled. "Take this!" Luffy yelled. "I haven't had enough fighting yet!" Kaido yelled.
I'm gonna skip kaido past cause I really fucking hate him so much.
"You'll be betrayed because you two are so weak. I'll form the strongest group in the world and turn this boring world into a world of violence. I'm the strongest!" Kaido yelled.
"The way you unified those samurai with the help of your crew was impressive. You're a star of hope that the cowards of the land of wano seized upon! They entrusted their future to you, but what's your goal? Straw Hat!" Said kaido
You and luffy try to push back kaido. "You two did great." Says kaido, then he blasted a fire ball at you two. Luffy is getting burned, and so are you!
"Well done fighting to this point! But..."
Luffy screamed in pain, and you screamed too (like mothra sound). "You can't change the world!" Kaido yelled, "luffy!" You scream.
Luffy smiles, "Of course, We're gonna win!" He yelled, making his hand bigger, and you making yourself much bigger! Onigashima began falling apart, "AAAAAHHHH!!" You and luffy scream.
"I don't know where they got it from," Kaido thought, and he remembered something.
'But Yamato mentioned joyboy and lunala name.' Said kaido.
'Oden wanted to open the borders to welcome lunala and joyboy... if he is the same guy you're waiting for, King, then I know exactly who joyboy, lunala is.' He said, King was surprised.
Luffy punch kaido really hard, that he almost so close to hit him. "Go luffy! (Y/N)!" Momonosake scream, "get the hell out of wano!" You yelled.
The onigashima is falling on the bottom. "Do not lose heart, Momonosake! They will win! Luffy (Y/N) will win! They will... surely defeat kaido! I can do it!" Said Momonosake. "That's the spirit! You'll save the people of the land of wano! Create them, Momonosake-kun!" Yamato yelled.
Momonosake tried to make the flame clouds, and he finally made it! "Come out, Flame Clouds! Heed my call!" Said Momonosake.
Then, a hole of full of water burst out inside the onigashima, Momonosake was surprised. "Hurry up! Onigashima's gonna fall at any minute! Please, luffy (Y/N)... finish this battle as soon as possible!" Said yamato.
"Don't give up! Fight until the very last minute!" Hyogoro yelled, "No, on in this world... can beat me!" Kaido yelled.
"What's this noise?" Kid asks, then a big rumble causing everybody to shake and almost losing their balance. "What is it this time?!" Nami ask.
"This doesn't look good!" Said Chooper, "Robin-san..." said brook, Robin is in the water not moving. Brook swims toward, "Don't give up, everyone! I'll make it reach you!" Said raizo.
"Bring the fire under control!" Jinbe yelled. Everyone is sucked into the water, and the fire is put out. "Save everyone!" Jinbe, raizo yell. And a huge wave burst out. Everyone was surprised and shocked, Law was surprised, too.
Nami, tama, and Chopper were scared, "Water," they scream. "Everyone's raining down!" Said tama, then Nami saw something, "look! Is that...".
"We'll make it back alive!" Usopp yelled. "-Usopp?! Kin'emon! Okiku-chan!" They yelled. The water wave towards Nami, tama, and Chopper, and they're pretty scared. "No!" They yelled.
More water came and made it to a flood. "I'm sorry, zoro... hey, don't get washed away, guys!" Said Franky. "Where did the water come from?!" Said sanji, the water started to push sanji away.
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" He screams, "sanji-san!" Osama screams, "Osama-chan!".
The onigashima began to flood, "What is happening on onigashima?!" Momonosake question. Then the onigashima started to titled, "the Flame Clouds are disappearing! Too late! Onigashima's gonna fall!" Yamato scream.
You and luffy try your best, but you're too tired, but you can't give up now! "Momonosake-kun! We gotta stop onigashima! You wanna save the Flower Capital, right?!" Yamato question.
"I will stop it! I will not allow people to suffer anymore! Come out, Flame Clouds!" Momonosake scream, he use all his strength to make the flame clouds. A huge line of flame clouds hoops.
Yamato was amazed, "That's amazing! That's great, Momonosake-kun! Stop onigashima!" Yamato yelled, "Got it! Count on me!" He yelled. Momonosake grab the flames clouds hoops.
And Momonosake Flys toward to onigashima, "go!" Yamato scream. Momonosake warp around the onigashima and pulled as best he can.
"Violence will dominate the world! You two are gonna fall victim to it!" Said kaido, "shut up!" Luffy yelled. Then luffy punch kaido cheeks, and you use all your strength to push kaido back, too.
And a bright light show inside the onigashima. Kid and Law saw the bright light of kaido, "Straw Hat! Shape girl! If you lose, you'll pay for it!" Kid yelled. "Go, Straw Hat-ya! (Y/N)-ya!" Said Law.
"The strong will live, and the weak will die! I'm gonna bury you along with your friends! And your girlfriend will be my pet!" Kaido yells, those words made you and luffy pissed. "Shut up! You're not taking (Y/N) away from me!" Luffy yelled.
"Starting with the land of wano, I'll take over the world! What kind of world can you create?! Straw Hat!" Kaido yelled, luffy scream, Flys back.
"Luffy!" You yelled, then kaido hand grabs your body, and you scream in pain. "(Scream like mothra) Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" You scream, luffy watches kaido grabs you and started screaming. "(Y/N)!" Luffy screamed, "Do you see this! Straw Hat! This is what happens when you can't protect someone who you care about!" Kaido yelled.
Then, a huge bright light shoots out, and everyone watches the light. And tama, remember something.
'Tama! Don't set the bar too low! I'll make it your everyday life!' Said luffy, tama was amazed his words.
'By the time we leave this country, we'll make it a place where you can eat as much as you want! And I'll teach you how to dance!" You said.
"Big sis! Big bro!" Said tama, luffy Hand, became larger, kaido was shocked, "let (Y/N) go!" Luffy commend. You try to get free from kaido Hand, and you have an idea. You transform your human self.
And free from kaido hand. Kaido tried to grab you, but he was too distracted from luffy large fist. "Luffy!" You cried, luffy see you free. "(Y/N)!" He yelled.
And you transform to legendary form. This is your form:
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Luffy loves it so much, like he wants to hold you, but he can't. "Now! Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom!" You yelled, and six laser been shoots out in different eagle and started to hit kaido.
Now, kaido thinks he's about to lose.
"We want..."
"(Y/N)! Luffy!" Momonosake yelled, "Charge!" Kin'emon yelled, all the samurai held their sword up and screamed for victory.
"...to create..."
Kaido fire form is starting to disappear, turning him back to his blue dragon form.
"... to create the world..."
Then, kaido fire form blown away.
"...where our friends can eat..."
"As much as they want!" You both scream. And use all your power to defeat kaido, you laser, hits kaido body every each. Luffy fist hit kaido face.
Kaido was wide eye to see your ture powers, remembering his past and remembering oden face screaming his name.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" You both stared screaming so hard, and kaido fell back, getting knocked out, falling down to the sky.
You and luffy sigh, catching your's breath, luffy smiles. You saw a bunch of sky boats with letters saying to defeat kaido, then luffy laughs.
'I know exactly who joyboy and lunala are.'
'Who is it?'
'The ones who will defeat me!'
'Then I don't think they'll appear.'
Momonosake falls down, stressed out, and finally placed onigashima safely. And luffy began falling down, you transform back your human self.
And flys down to reach luffy, you grab him. Luffy body transforms back his original self, yamato runs towards you both. You landed carefully, placing luffy in your arms, and you kissed his lips.
You saw Yamato. "(Y/N)?!" She asks, you nodded your head, "Yep that's me, but you have to quiet, luffy is sleeping," you said. "So it's really you, in the bats form," said yamato.
And you felt something, you turnaround to see luffy holding you, warping around you. You smile and you transform back your original self.
"I think he doesn't want to let go," you said, laughing. "Well done, Momonosake." You said, "Yamato...".
Yamato, look at you. "Can you hold me pls, I going to take a nap..." You said about to close your eyes. "Don't die! (Y/N)!" Yamato screamed, shaking your body.
"I'm not gonna die! I just said I'm going to take a nap!" You yelled, "and while you hold me, I'll hold luffy cause he starts getting worried about me." You said. "Luffy really in love you." Said yamato, smiling, you smile back.
You pat luffy head.
I'M DONE!!!!
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snowywolf1005 · 1 year ago
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snowywolf1005 · 1 year ago
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I don't know how many I could write this, but I want to finish it!!! I won't give until I finish the story!!!!
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snowywolf1005 · 1 year ago
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I was thinking about writing a fairy tale of the two gods of nika and lunala who become fall in love❤️!
And Roger and his crew found out about them! But someone is going to in this, and it is asl mother! You know it!
The story of (ASL X mother black reader) is joining the story, but I'm thinking about giving her a name.
Her name will be Sofia.
And also Sofia siblings...
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snowywolf1005 · 9 months ago
@5tef1 : How about...Kuma say a love story about them to Bonney? To make her sleep or just randomly, Bonney ask him about them? "Dad, why lunala fell in love with nika?...Moon and the sun are they not together, how did they meet?" Something like that
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You got my eyes!
"Bonney is bedtime already!" Said Kuma, telling his daughter to go to bed. "I don't wanna! I have so much energy!" Bonney cried, sitting on her bed. Kuma sighs.
He grabs a book, walks towards her daughter, and sits down next to her. "Bonney, let me tell a story about the sun and moon warrior that really in love with each other." He said.
Bonney was curious about it. So she tucked herself in bed. Kuma cough and began telling a story.
Let me tell you off the two gods who fought for people for freedom and fell in love.
Once upon time, people were used to be slave.
Severs orders, to their oppressive master. There was no hope for them, but one day, a mythical warrior came and freed all slave people.
His name is nika. Nika was a Sun God, he bring everyone to joy with his smile and his drum.
Nika was made of rubber. He can stretch his whole body. And nika has a nickname joyboy, the slave called him. Cause how joy he brings.
When nika freed the slave.
One of the slave told Nike that he looked like someone. A woman who is a moon goddess. nika didn't know there was a moon goddess before.
So nika looked for the moon goddess, the slave told him where to find her. The moon goddess always dances at night when the moon shines bright.
A beautiful woman, name lunala. Lunala is a gorgeous woman. She is a moon goddess, her hair is filled with tiny stars, pruple and flowy hair.
Lunala can transform any kind of animal with their ability, and her favorite animal look like a bat. But it is much bigger.
Kuma shows Bonney a picture of lunala Bat form:
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It has a skeletal, legless bat. It has a short snout, dark pink eyes with white centers, and a deep blue area on its upper head that shows a constantly changing starscape.
Nika fell in love with lunala. He wouldn't stop thinking of her, nika decided to greet her.
As he walks to lunala, she is still dancing. Lunala noticed nika and stopped dancing, "who are you?" Lunala, ask.
"I'm nika! Sun of God and mythical warrior!" He said, lunala chulked, making nika blush. "I'm lunala, the moon goddess, a mythical shapeshift," she said.
"My people told me about you, and I was thinking if you would like to help them," said nika. Lunala thought about it and axcept nika effort.
Now, nika and lunala are unstoppable, set free all slave. Defeat all bad people.
Then, nika confuses lunala, his feelings, and lunala axcept.
And this is what lunala said to nika.
"Whether death or life, you're the one I longed by my side"
The end.
Kuma closes the book and looks at his daughter to see her getting sleepy. "Dad, why did lunala fall in love with nika?...Moon and the sun are they not together? How did they meet?" Bonney asks.
"Well, there a thing called an eclipse that the moon blocks the light of the Sun from reaching to us. So, nika and lunala will meet again"
"And for a reason why lunala fell in love with nika because he made her smile," said Kuma, "wow!" Said bonney and fell asleep.
ASK ME!!!!
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