#gaz is best boy
psychotic4ghost · 1 year
I didn't know this was a thing until I saw a post for it but, people exclude Gaz from like, the fandom???? That's an actual thing that's happening? In my personnal AU Gaz is like besties with Mykie and he protects her so much like how on earth can you exclude Gaz?!?!?! He's best boy :( i love him :( if it's a race thing I'm gonna be so mad >:( he's beautiful
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frogchiro · 8 months
ok ok ok ok ok
So collie hybrid!Gaz…herding instincts…
say he hasn’t had much work for that day. He’s bored. Really bored. Insanely, out of his mind, bored.
So kitty hybrid!reader offers to cheer him up. He can herd her! And it works well, the first few times. Until Gaz just up and out starts deciding that he can herd her whenever he wants to. And he tends to herd her into his bed. Much to the annoyance of Simon and Johnny, and even more so to John.
And kitty is NOT risking Gaz nipping at her tail again so she just goes along with his herding, even if it ends up with him spooning against her, pushing his cock into her pussy while he tells her it’s all for his ‘mental stimulation’.
Gaz notices how easy it is to heard you! How easy you allow him to guide you to where he wants you to go, all it takes is a little nip to your long tail and you're meowing and running where he wants you to <3
It originally started as a game, your want to help out your dear border collie boy because he was bored and getting antsy and fidgety so you offered for him to herd you! But it quickly turned into Kyle noticing how prone and easy for herding you are, not wanting him to nip at you so you just go wherever he wants :((
So, he started to herd you into secluded places and ultimately back to your nest in the hayloft where when he catches you, all that pent up adrenaline results in Kyle mounting you and thrusting his hard, leaky cock in you as you mewl and yowl for him to slow down! You're still sore from yesterday and just this morning Johnny and Si mated with you too! :(( But Kyle is just too pent up and happy to care, his loud moans an groans echoing all over the barn and outside too where Soap and Ghost bare their teeth and growl at the noises and even the big bull, John, is getting annoyed because you should be stuffed with his cock, not that whelp's >:(
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wishfuldivine · 5 months
Gaz being cuddled by his 141 boyfriends for comfort?
The sergeant felt like his heart was breaking. Never in a million years did he think he'd be in this situation before. Where a small mistake nearly cost the entire mission.
He had gone dark on comms upon infiltrating a facility to gain some important intel. Something the captain had clearly told him not to, but being the stubborn person he is, didn't listen. His desperation to get this done and get out safely played a huge reason.
His mind was too preoccupied to notice an enemy closing in on him. If it wasn't for Ghost, who had been on overwatch, he'd be dead. He resumed with the objective, and everything went smoothly after that.
Usually, he'd be one to let it go, but the fact that he disobeyed and got a mild scolding from his captain made him feel extremely shitty. So much so that he walked around with shoulders sagged and began ignoring everyone for the remainder of the week.
That is, until Soap had enough of seeing his precious boy like that and set out a plan. He asked Gaz to meet him in the rec room so they could talk about something concerning him - Gaz has always been a landing ear and shoulder no matter what. And today wasn't any different.
Gaz went and met up with Soap. Ever the sweetheart on putting others before himself. Not knowing that Ghost and Price would be there too.
"What is this?" He had questioned, looking around at his three boyfriends with a confused yet distressed expression.
"I'm sorry, love. But we just wanted to talk to you." The deep and gruff voice of Ghost.
"We know you've been avoidin' us. Couldn't take it." Price added afterward.
"Please talk to us." Soap pleaded next.
Gaz stared at them for a couple of moments in silence before speaking. He told them how he felt. How disappointed he was at himself. That he should've done better. Maybe he's not worthy to be on the team.
That did it. They didn't let him talk any longer. They instead rushed him towards the bed and cuddled him tightly. Soft kisses and words of reassurance were given. No matter what happens, Gaz will always be on the team. He'll always be their precious boy.
It made Gaz cry. And even then, they wiped his tears away and continued to love him.
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cerise-on-top · 2 months
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Here are some sketches that I commissioned the wonderful @felrija to make for me! Her art is absolutely gorgeous and I love these so so much! As a resident turtle lover, this is the absolute best!! Thank you so much for accepting my silly ideas!!! As soon as I thought of it, I just knew I needed Turtle Force 141 in my life and I am so happy she brought my ideas to life like this! I am so happy right now!!!
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meralasan · 1 year
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Gaz is finally getting the attention he deserves 😌🫶
and this time I didn't even have to crop it for tumblr! that's a success, right? ... right...?
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buttdumplin · 2 months
Of course you want to show off the food of your hometown to the boys, but this really should have been a solo date with Kyle. Still, you manage to sneak some time together.
cw: Gaz x reader, fat latine reader, gn!reader, implied poly 141, established relationship, mexican slang word count: 1845
You throw the car into park and glance up at your rearview mirror. The three white boys smushed into the backseat push at each other to try to take a look through the window, grunts and mumbles escaping them. Kyle chuckles from the passenger seat, watching the commotion unfold.
“Are we sure this was a good idea?” you turn to Kyle, “We could have brought it back to the house for them.”
“No saben igual después de tanto tiempo, y tu bien lo sabes, tesoro,” Kyle responds, an impish smile on his face.
With a groan, you close your eyes and throw your head against the headrest. It’s the first time yall are back in your hometown for more than a week, and with all the extra time to yourselves, the plan was to eat as much good food as possible. One of your tías told you about this place, where they serve al pastor straight from the trompo, each slice almost caramelized to a delicious crunch. They’ve got the pineapple sitting on top, too. She said it was the best quality she’s seen in town to date. Even her husband won’t stop talking about it. And now here you all are, parked against the curb with the air on full blast.
Every time you’ve gone to a mom and pop shop like this, it’s been you and Kyle stepping in first. You go in with kindness and chatter, and the older ladies always helplessly swoon over Kyle. Laughter bubbles and you both eat happily, and sometimes the ladies sneak extras onto your plates. It’s a sacred time full of loud smooches, the staff going “UUUUU’ all around you, a deep blush on Kyle’s face as you wipe at the corner of his mouth with a napkin, his radiant smile set to make your heart burst. It’s perfect. It’s home.
Once you’ve scoped out a place with your own private date, then you bring your white boys over. At that point, you’ve already tried the place, showered Kyle in kisses, and built rapport with the staff. So by the time they step in, the sun drawing eyes to their paleness, the staff won’t try to upcharge you. It’s a genius pull, honestly, one you’ve done yourself with tremendous success. The white folks always have more than enough money to spare, and since they usually don’t know the prices, well that’s on them. But as you sit here in the car, listening to them point out all the little details of the shop to each other, you can’t help but wish you’d left them at home.
Kyle notices the disappointment on your face as you pick at your fingers. Try as you might to keep your face neutral, your expressions are always so easy for him to read. This is the first time your private outings have been interrupted, all because the shop is just a bit too far from the house for the tacos to travel well and your cousin had to fucking say so. He reaches for your hand, bringing it to his mouth for a kiss, waiting for you to make eye contact with him. There’s a distinct sadness in his eyes, a bittersweetness that’s never appeared on these outings before.
“Next time?” a little bit of hope cracks through his voice.
“Next time,” you swear, noticeably glum.
A thought freezes you before you can undo your belt. You reach for Kyle’s hand again, silly grin on your face, and turn around towards the other boys.
“How do you ask for the price of something?’ you ask them.
Kyle holds back his laughter at the question, squeezing your fingers with excitement. There’s joy on his face again and that’s all it takes for you to know you made the right call.
¿Cuánto cuesta?��� they all say as one.
“No,” you say, your splitting with a grin, and Kyle can’t hold in his laugh. “Sorry boys, you’re staying here. Kyle and I will be right back.”
They don’t have the chance to protest or question before you’re bolting out of the car, coming around to open Kyle’s door and pull him from his seat. He lets out another loud laugh, the crinkles around his eyes sending warmth blooming in your chest. You’re both still giggling, if a little out of breath from sprinting inside, when one of the staff steps up to greet you, an older woman who's clearly enjoying the life you’re bringing into the place.
“Hola, mis niños. ¿Es su primera vez aquí? No me acuerdo haberlos visto antes, y a esas caritas las recordaría.”
“Primera vez. Un primo nos dijo de este lugar. Y nomas al verlo, se ve rebueno,” Kyle says, bringing you in closer as you wrap your arm around his waist.
“Una cita con el novio,” you tell her. It’s hard to keep a smile off your face with your sudden success, and it seems to catch in the staff member as well.
As she goes off to put in your order, Kyle helps you pack up some salsa, holding the small containers for you to scoop the goods into. You’re trying to figure out just how many containers you can fit into your hands, Kyle reminding you that you’ll need more guacamole than any salsa, when she returns with a big bag full of much smaller plastic bags of guacamole for you. Before you can even thank her, she’s handing each of you a plate with two smaller tacos, winking at you.
“Si quieren, pueden esperar ahí,” she points towards the door with her eyebrows, where there’s a couple of swings.
Walking over, you eye them a little nervously, worried about the structural integrity. The last thing you need is for it to give out on you, regardless of how nice it might be to reminisce in the seat.
“They’re welded,” Kyle whispers in your ear, “They’re solid.”
Sweet tears brim your lashes as you pull him down to cover his cheek in quick kisses. You can feel his shoulders shake with quiet mirth as he stays in place, accepting as much love as you’re willing to give him. If it were up to him, he’d never move from the spot, not even if his back starts aching or if hunger pangs strike. He’d stay pressed to you until something or someone forced him away. So for now he takes what he can.
“We should eat these before they get cold,” the false concern in your voice clear as you gently rock in the swing.
“Definitely. Wasting them would be disrespectful,” his voice low, pulling at the chain of your swing to bring you close together.
The first bite has you turning to look at each other with wide eyes, a pleasant shock bouncing between you. Words can’t do it justice. Your tía’s husband hyped these tacos up so much that you were a little worried about being disappointed. Turns out he didn’t talk about them enough. All either of you can do is let out groans as you chow down silently, Kyle’s strong arm keeping your swings connected.
“Hijo de su pinche putisima madre,” you say, gulping for breath around the sheer ecstasy of the food.
“Que chingandos fue eso?” he says, soft eyes searching yours as if you have the answer. They say food is sex, but the closest he’s ever come to feeling like this has been with you. What the fuck did they put in this. He leans back to face the woman behind the counter, “Seño, nos puede dar otras dos órdenes más porfa?”
“Ya te las puse, precioso,” she says, stepping towards him with a bulging bag in her hand, “Sabía que iban a necesitar más. El amor hace que te dé más hambre.” Before either of you can get up, she’s shoving another two little tacos into your hands, pressing a finger to her smiling lips.
You take slower bites this time, smiling at each other with cheeks bulging full of food. Now that you know what you’re in for, you’re going to savor every piece. Swings still connected, you nudge Kyle’s foot with the toe of your shoe, pressing your knee more firmly against his. He looks so at peace, his shoulders slightly scrunched as he carefully brings the food to his mouth, his nose crinkled up with delight at each bite he takes. You have the brief thought that maybe you should take a picture of this moment, but you can’t bear to tear your eyes from him. And when he turns, those big brown eyes locked on you, you’re sure you’ll never blink again.
“¿Que piensas, mi vida?” he caught your stare.
“Que te adoro,” you speak the words into his skin, kissing the arm holding your swings together.
“En aceite?”
Kyle quickly scans the room, just enough to make sure no one is looking your way, before bending and planting a tender kiss on your lips. His lips taste faintly of salt and fat, just as yours surely do, and you wish you could deepen the kiss, wanting more of the delectable combination. But he pulls away before you can, hunger for you burning in his eyes.
His voice is rough when he speaks again, tongue peeking out in search of the lingering taste of you, “We should get back to them.”
“When we get home?” your voice so breathless you barely recognize it as your own.
Kyle nods and stands, holding the bag of food in front of him, trying to discreetly adjust his pants. You’re both giggling again as he reaches for you, gently helping you up from the swing. Smiles are still stuck in place when you reach the car, slipping into your seats without saying another word.
You pause for a moment, waiting for some kind of commentary from the backseat. Now that you’re back in the car, you can look over and see that the swings are in clear sight of the car. A glance up at the rearview mirror shows you three grinning faces, each one more knowing than the next. They could dog you, tease you, joke about the scene they surely saw. But they don’t. Instead, Simon’s tummy breaks the silence, a loud rumble echoing through the car.
The entire car bursts into peals of laughter, the racket interrupted only long enough to deal out plates and servings. Kyle was right about the guacamole, as the boys pour entire little baggies of it on their tacos. Can’t blame them, honestly. That shit is creamy. And then a corus of moans breaks out in the backseat, first bites hitting hard enough to make the most stoic of them break into delight. You look over at Klye, find him already looking at you, and you both nod enthusiastically, biting into your food.
“We’re coming back,” he says, and then lower, “Just us next time.”
“Fuck yeah we are, that was set in stone the moment the woman greeted us. Gotta show off my boyfriend again,” you wink at him.
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icaxrus-moved · 2 years
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Exfil thoughts with Soap and Ghost
Soap: Do blind people see their dreams?
Ghost: Do deaf people hear their thoughts?
Price: Do you two ever shut the fuck up?
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ghostroachtruther · 1 year
ghostroach idiots to lovers fluff comedy slowburn 700k words except ghost and roach drag soap and gaz into it kicking and screaming
soap has to hear EVERYDAY about how impressive roach's skills are, how calming he is to be around, how trustworthy he is as a soldier — which doesnt seem like much, but coming from ghost? thats basically him getting on his knees and kissing the ground roach walks on
meanwhile gaz gets notes passed to him hourly about how the lieutenant complimented the way roach shoots earlier that day, how him and ghost shared a really meaningful little glance during their latest mission, how he noticed that ghost's posture relaxes ever-so-slightly whenever he walks in the room. gaz always has ATLEAST 3 new sticky notes on his table whenever he walks away from it for a prolonged period of time
soap and gaz complain to each other about it CONSTANTLY, they're both so sick and tired of the painfully obvious pining the two have for each other, to the point where they've asked price to step in because it was genuinely starting to bother them (price didnt step in, saying he had "better things to worry about" when in reality he just wants to see how long it would take for roach and ghost to get together on their own)
they keep trying to push them to go on a date but it never works out because ghost will say "i dont see gary that way, johnny" (yes, he does.) meanwhile roach will say "i'm probably just fooling myself, simon could never view me romantically" (yes, he can.)
at this point gaz and soap have completely given up and just listen to their assigned in-love idiot talk about the other in-love idiot with a scowl on their face
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enarien · 6 months
Soap: A good soldier is cool...
Gaz: .. calm...
Ghost: ... and ready for anything.
Price: bitch im stressed and pissed and im never ready! that’s why i don’t bottom!
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verm1c1de · 2 years
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anyways, i spent all night classpecting them. i am the most right about efurrything efur
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tacticalvalor · 10 months
«────── « HEADCANON » ──────»
TAGGED BY: @vendettavalor
TAGGING: @ppravitas , @mayxthexforce (rajeev), @thephoenixnomore , @unrclypirxte (beth) , @sadistpet ,and you!! if you read this, feel free to steal this and tag me in it <3
Intelligent and trusted, there is rarely a soul who doesn’t hear and value your voice. You act as a guiding light in an array of situations. Calm and wise, you offer the deepest and sincerest insights regarding the world’s problems.
You’re youthful and vivacious. Your followers often have an aura of freedom and positivity surrounding them. You give them the fire to illuminate the dark and free themselves. Even the thought of you is a great source of inspiration and courage.
You’re known for your self-discipline and rigidity. Although you may be perceived as cold and intimidating by those who don’t directly worship you, you’re actually quite fair and polite. Your followers pray to you for a safe winter and peaceful death.
You’re youthful and vivacious. Your followers often have an aura of freedom and positivity surrounding them. You give them the fire to illuminate the dark and free themselves. Even the thought of you is a great source of inspiration and courage.
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wishfuldivine · 2 months
Gaz being a little shit yet surrounded with love by his 141 boyfriends?
Price basically lets him pass on all the teasing even if he takes it too far. Whether he's the target or a higher up. "Sergeant likes being a smartass." is his reply. Looking serious while inwardly, chuckling. The soft spot in his heart ran by deep love.
Soap rolls his eyes but continues on with the banter. His fellow sergeant is such a damn cocky bastard and makes him lose his mind to a point of wrestling on the floor. But they are giggly afterward, with the Scotsman kissing his cute button nose repeatedly.
Ghost sits on the stairs of the entrance at their private quarters. Gaz is on the step below his and in between the lieutenant's legs. They share a cup of tea, literally. The sergeant didn't give a shit. He drank from the lieutenant's own cup. Ghost lets him. He is a weak man. Gaz has him wrapped around his finger. And yet, Ghost loved it.
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
Song: Thot K
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toshidou · 2 years
If your were on your period gaz would be the most supportive girly pop ever 😍‼️😝
he has a period tracking app on his phone synched to your cycle just so he can appear at your door with your favourite comfort food, two hot water bottles, and more pads/tampons just in case you've ran out <33 he also would absolutely fuck you on your period if you wanted to, because that man is very obviously not scared by a little blood. that, and he's a real man.
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newmusickarl · 2 years
New Year, New Music – Welcome to 2023!
I’m not going to lie, 2022 may have been one of my favourite years for music since I started my blog back in 2013. Every week last year, there seemed to be great album after great album dropping, with lots of my favourite artists of recent years releasing career best efforts, or at the very least solid additions to their expanding discography. More than anything else though, there were some great new artists to discover.
Whether it was artists like Gang of Youths or Kevin Morby who may have been around for years but I was only newly introduced to in 2022, or breakout acts like Bob Vylan, The Haunted Youth and Opus Kink, it was a year that showed the future of music is shining bright. In the end though, it was two veteran artists at the top of their game that were jointly awarded my Album of the Year title, with rap stars Kendrick Lamar and Little Simz sitting atop the throne by the end of December (have a flick through my blog archives if you want to read more!).
So with 2022 being such a strong year and a lot of my favourite artists dropping albums, I had in my mind that 2023 might be a bit of a quieter year by comparison. However, if January is anything to go by, it seems this next 12 months could easily match up to 2022 if this current pace continues. 2023 may not even be a month old yet, but it has already delivered a mountain of great new music to feast upon – here’s the songs and albums I’ve enjoyed the most across the first few weeks of the year.
Album & EP Recommendations
Prize by Rozi Plain
There is no album I have enjoyed more in January then this gorgeous fifth album from Winchester-based, alt-folk musician, Rozi Plain. Having not been familiar with Rozi’s previous work, the album landed on my “to-listen” pile through seeing numerous positive reviews for this latest opus. It would remain there for a few weeks, before Twitter pal Joe (@jackabouting) gave me the nudge to finally dive in – and I’m so glad I did.
The first stretch of the record will pull you in right away, with the magical instrumental flourishes of Alabaster Deplume collaboration, Agreeing For Two, majestically gliding across your headphones. Before long, the whirring organs of Help and sparkling acoustic splendour of Prove Your Good then wash through to put you completely under this record’s spell. That said, it is the second half where my favourite moments occur, with the synth-driven pulse of tracks like Painted the Room and Standing Up beautifully complimenting Rozi’s soft whispery vocals. If I was to pick just one standout though it would be Sore, with it’s hymnal-like vocal harmonies and utterly entrancing orchestral sways – without a doubt, one of the best songs I heard all January.
This is a simply stunning album from start to finish, one that will grab hold of you tightly and fill your ears with beautifully woven, intricately crafted arrangements.
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Gigi’s Recovery by The Murder Capital
The Dublin music scene has been set alight by post-punk in recent years, with Fontaines D.C. of course leading the charge. However following closely behind is The Murder Capital, who have successfully built on their roaring debut with their more mature and accessible sophomore outing, Gigi’s Recovery.
Whilst the similarities and comparisons to Fontaines are inevitable, Gigi’s Recovery feels like The Murder Capital breaking away and starting to forge their own voice. After short ominous opener Existence, the album kicks off properly with the spiralling vortex of Crying, which actually has more in common with Primary Colours-era The Horrors than their Irish compatriots. The whirlwind indie rock of Return My Head and the menacing jangle of The Stars Will Leave Their Stage impress early on, before the album hits a peak bang in the middle.
The Lie Becomes The Self is undoubtedly my favourite here, a moody, vulnerable piece which sees James McGovern’s passionate vocals take centre stage, surrounded by stripped-back, atmospheric guitars. At one point towards the end there is a nod back to Crying with the same riff flickering in the background. It really highlights the band’s maturing songwriting capabilities, with A Thousand Lives then continuing the album’s strong purple patch with its hard-hitting snares, spacey vocals, glistening guitars and invigorating outro. The near six-minute title track then sees the band continue to boast their rhythmic chops, before acoustic closer Exist brings the album wonderfully full circle.
As someone who really struggled with The Murder Capital’s debut I’ve taken to Gigi’s Recovery straight away, with arguably more parallels to the likes of Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds and Radiohead here than their contemporaries from the post-punk scene. An album I’ve already returned to several times over, this one is a big step up in class for the Irish band and another of my favourite records of the last couple of weeks.
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Derealised by Jadu Heart
Back in 2019 (which was another exceptionally strong year for music) dream pop duo Jadu Heart made a lifelong fan out of me with their incredible debut Melt Away, a record that would go on to finish 11th in my final Album of the Year list. However as is always the case with having such a strong, captivating debut, matching that record’s magic was always going to be a tough ask and although I still enjoyed parts of follow-up Hyper Romance, I never quite took to it the same way.
Now back with their third album Derealised, this one has already kept me returning more than their previous effort. With Cocoon and Blame setting things alight early doors, the swirling, distorted guitars on tracks like Freedom, I Shimmer and Derealisation bring welcome shades to the hazy sounds of 90s alt-rock.
So whilst it has still not captured me quite like their debut, it’s great to see Jadu Heart continue to evolve. Although this record feels like it could do with tightening down slightly, maybe being a couple of tracks shorter, there’s also plenty of enjoyable moments here to keep you coming back. It’s also made me want to revisit their second album to see if I hear anything I missed three years ago - always a positive sign.
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Cautionary Tales of Youth by Låpsley
As a big fan of the ambient electronica of Låpsley’s second album Through Water, I was keen to hear if her third record would have the same impact. I’m pleased to say it does, as Cautionary Tales of Youth sees the English singer-songwriter share feelings of romance and domestic unease, along with describing her lockdown adventures across the album’s blissful twelve tracks. If you are looking for a chilled-out record to stick on in the background or get lost in on your headphones then this is the one for you, with tracks like the Msaki featuring Close to Heaven, Pandora’s Box and Lifeline all standing out.
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Cacti by Billy Nomates
“Now with the previous record for reference, the growth on Cacti is immediately ear-catching. Thanks to Maries’ middle-class upbringing and her experiences of trying to fit into an office setting while yearning for a more creative outlet, she is poised to explode onto the scene with a rooted base that’s often lacking in an industry built upon backroom handshakes of connected parents who have come before.
Not only have Maries lyrics matured, but so has the music. Cacti still revolves around the slinky bass and drum machines of her debut, but now the keyboard synths and guitar textures are given more room to breathe. Maries once again recorded most of the album at home, but teaming up with co-producer James Trevascus, who has worked with fellow badass women like PJ Harvey, pays off with a more expansive, warmer scope this time around.”
Read Kiley Larsen’s full review here
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Turn The Car Around by Gaz Coombes
“Turn The Car Around finds Coombes on a new level though, leaving behind the rollicking snot-nosed days of being “Caught By the Fuzz” in favor of effervescent fully-fledged observations by someone who has lived a few lifetimes since the height of Brit Pop fever. 
Whether it’s the title track or the Bowie-esque grooving “This Love,” much of the record deals with a marriage’s transition from early excitement to navigating everyday domesticity, and Coombes is determined to sing his way out of the stagnation - it’s easy to find yourself rooting for him with this lovely record. Turn The Car Around and the record’s January release fits the mood perfectly, as it’s the kind of thoughtful singer-songwriter record that demands full attention while pushing through the itchy sweater months. Oh, and don’t forget your good headphones, thanks to co-producer Ian Davenport’s warm and inviting mix.”
Read Kiley Larsen’s full review here
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Lobes by We Are Scientists
“We Are Scientists' eighth studio album Lobes has been presented as a sister album to 2021’s Huffy and is best described as a late-night synth-heavy record designed for post-midnight city driving. Speaking to Psychedelic Baby Magazine, Keith Murray recognises their new direction, describing it as being “more electronic, dancier, ambitious in their production and arrangements, but still easy as hell to down like a spectacular, fruity cocktail on a light-up dance floor.” It’s hard to disagree, Lobes has so many earworms in its arsenal. The late-night aspired sound sees We Are Scientists explore unfamiliar funky territory. They may be removed from their garage rock origins, but the record just sounds so refreshing, the band able to escape the one-dimensional criticisms which often followed them in the past.
We Are Scientists new late-night vision finds the perfect balance in its retro disco feel and futuristic synth-pop style. Despite the change in approach, the charisma and punchiness still remain. All in all, it slaps...pretty hard for the most part. The underappreciated heroes of the indie sleaze era are here to bring a little mood and light to your evening.”
Read Matt McLister’s full review here
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Also worth checking out: Every Loser by Iggy Pop, Atomic Mango Drive (DJ Mix) by Hot Chip, Higher Lonely Power by Fireworks, Geodesic by Weak Moves, Frightful Places EP by Frightful Places
Tracks of the Week
Emily I’m Sorry by boygenius
Rumours began swirling when their name appeared on this year’s Coachella line up, but it has now been confirmed that the trio of Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers and Lucy Dacus will deliver their much-anticipated debut album this March. Five years on from their much-loved EP and several star-making solo albums later, everyone’s favourite indie rock supergroup finally returned with three brand new tracks to serve as the first sampling of The Record.
There is the raw, grunge thrusts of $20 and the emotional soar of True Blue, but it’s Emily I’m Sorry that is my personal pick of the bunch so far. Led by Phoebe and backed by a light sprinkling of strings, when the trio’s harmonies come together for the chorus swells the goosebumps on your arms and neck are sure to stand on end.
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Tropic Morning News by The National
Another huge return, indie darlings The National also announced their ninth studio album will land this April, intriguingly titled The First Two Pages of Frankenstein. Even more intriguing, we already know it will feature collaborations with heavyweight stars like Sufjan Stevens, Phoebe Bridgers and Taylor Swift.
Tropic Morning News is the first taste of the record and while it very much sticks to the usual National playbook, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Co-written with Matt Berninger’s wife Carin, it’s a depression fuelled belter that comes alive midway through thanks to a vintage Dessner guitar solo.
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UK Grim by Sleaford Mods
The UK’s most productive band announced their twelfth studio album will be arriving this March, with aggressive, electro-driven opener and title track the first taste. With Jason Williamson taking no prisoners as he unleashes his sardonic fury on the current state of Tory Britain, it’s best experienced with the accompanying Cold War Steve animated music video.
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Love From The Other Side by Fall Out Boy
Finally this week, pop punk royalty Fall Out Boy also announced their first new album in five years this month. Titled So Much (For) Stardust, it also arrives this March and we have already had two teaser singles to give our first taste of their new material. My pick of the two is Love From The Other Side, which will serve as the album’s opening track and raises the curtain with a flurry of classical strings and piano. It doesn’t take long for the full-throttle guitar riffs to crash in, forging a dramatic and ultra-catchy returning anthem for the veteran outfit.
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Also out, also great: Fold by Bonobo & Jacques Greene, (pls) set me on fire by Enter Shikari, Modernise by The Slow Readers Club, Get Out of My House by Miya Folick
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