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emagios · 2 months ago
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'We must stay focused brothers'
The Promise deleted scene except I'm making it funny because I've had enough of Gelphie angst smh
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WAITTTTT hold tf up, when I heard somewhere that Ariana Grande showed up for the first day of the Wicked production in a pink Balenciaga hoodie that said "GAY" on it, I thought it was a JOKE omgggg 😂
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thestarlightforge · 2 months ago
Y’know, the Ariana/Cynthia/Ethan/Lena messy romance speculation seems mostly like people gleaning parasocial entertainment from folks we know almost nothing about. Their business to sort through, or not.
BUT, I will say—classically dramatic musical theatre kids though Cynthia & Ariana clearly are (/affectionate)—it’s uncommon to be as Gelphie-obsessed as Ariana is, for as long as she’s been, without being at least a little bit queer.
None of them grew up in the kindest world for queer people, and though her music and style became iconic amongst gay men, she was particularly under the (comp-het) public microscope throughout her adolescence.
So, I wish people wouldn’t be so intense about “shipping” real-life people we don’t know. But if Glinda and Wicked can help her find some queer liberation she’s been searching for, I’ll be happy for her 😌
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meow-meow1322 · 1 month ago
I absolutely think that Galinda and Agatha would bond over being in love with a green witch. But Galinda didnt specify that Elphie’s skin is green. And Agatha never asked so that conversation would be really interesting.
G: it’s so hard because my friends find her to be like a freak of nature!
A: SAME! My friends, if I had any, just don’t understand that the green is attractive.
G: finally someone who gets it!
And when they finally meet they everyone’s just looking at each other with confusion.
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franthelesbian · 2 months ago
Lmao what would the Oz version of the “Am I Gay” quiz be? Imagine Glinda, running in a panic to the local, I don’t know, pamphlet store. Then she’s gotta hush hush find the right paper with the quiz but is too embarrassed to buy it, so she secretly pockets it instead. Then we hide it under our mattress until the dead of night and take the quiz. And the questions are like:
“When someone asks you who you’re crushing on - who do you think of?” Elpha…no Fiyero. Yes definitley Fiyero and only Fiyero. Though guess I’ll mark this one yes since I did think of Elphie first…
“Do you have intense physical reactions when you see your crush?” Well, my pulse does rush and my face does flush when I see Elphie…
“Have you ever kissed someone of the same gender?” Yes - but everyone has right? We were just “practicing”���right?
So then you sum it all up, and it says yep you’re a great big lesbian 🌈 have a nice day
So you now you HAVE to wake up your situationship roommate to share the news. And of course Elphaba notices all this because Glinda is not sly, not at all. You saw Glinda run into the gay pamphlet store earlier and she was just reading all the quiz questions out loud in a dramatic stage whisper, so you just smile to yourself and wait to see what happens. But now she wakes you up, so you share that you’re queer too, and then you kiss.
And that’s it and yep that’s what happened in Wicked: Part I. I will not be taking comments at this time.
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halcyon-hyacinth · 1 month ago
“You are not setting me up with a girl.”
“I’m not setting you up.” Fiyero pats her back comfortingly. The motion has the opposite effect, sending a chill down her spine instead. “I’m simply going to make an introduction.”
Or: When Elphaba Thropp moves to Emerald City, she needs a place to stay and a roommate to afford it. Enter, Galinda Upland.
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mjbythebay · 3 months ago
Anyway this movie I think was the epitome of WLW break up
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ballroomblitzzzz · 1 month ago
Nah Dorothy babe you got it all wrong, these people be somewhere under the rainbow if you know what i mean
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decadenttylerkristen · 26 days ago
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peridotamethyst · 1 month ago
Someone stop me before I keep spending my Apple $$$ on the rainbow badges 🙄🙄
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vindieselsfacebook-blog · 2 months ago
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Our gelphie truther queen is at it again!!!!
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halcyon-hyacinth · 1 month ago
cynthiana come thru...
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There's a wicked production somewhere where Elphaba kisses Glinda on the cheek sometime in act 2... And because I can't find it anymore I sketched it 🥹
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confused-reading-ink-rat · 1 month ago
galinda wrapped up the whole school to choreo to her singing about loathing elphaba but she wasnt even listening and galinda got pissed because their rivalry should be priority above everyone else.
look at her, thropp, she's experiencing 'rival's attention' deficiency.
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confused-reading-ink-rat · 29 days ago
(Snippet from the previous part:)
Galinda froze, feeling the skin just below her ear start to tingle. She hurriedly sat herself in front of her mirror, eagerly staring at her reflection, waiting for the colors to mark her body. 
As the door opened and her roommate invited herself inside, Galinda stared in disbelief. 
A simple green poppy with heart-shaped petals. 
Then, Galinda spoke in a soft tone she didn't know she could say with the name she had laced with malice so many times slipped out of her lips. 
Elphaba stood there, blinking in confusion. Galinda looked away from the mirror on her vanity, turning to her with soft eyes, looking at her almost longingly, like she was something to be missed. Of course, it wasn’t, at least that’s what she told herself.
“Elphaba.” The blonde repeated, whispering softly as if she was talking to a frightened child. She was, in a way, young Elphaba would have rejoiced at the tone her name was being called. However, the current Elphaba remained frozen and confused. 
The first time could have been an accident, a slip-up, Galinda Upland wouldn’t be caught dead calling her name like that. In truth it probably was a mistake, taking Galinda’s shock when she heard herself. But here she was, doing it again, and consciously? Why, she feared her roommate might have actually lost it. What she would have thought if she ever truly believed the girl had it in the first place.
“Galinda.” She echoed, keeping her tone as dry as possible. She felt a tingle just below her ear, something that called for her attention. She brushed it off as she walked to her part of the room. She kept her attention on her tasks, swiftly fixing her drawers with her books and limited school supplies. Even occasionally walking across the room to organize her very few possessions. She hardly changed anything, but she had to move.
Galinda stared at her the whole time, her eyes tracking every movement, glazing over little details. There was something in her gaze that Elphaba couldn’t quite read, and she prides herself in being able to read people easily. It was a very usefull skill when everyone only looked at you in disdain, but she soon learned ther were nuances to that disdain. That was the only reason she knew of any other emotion, Dulcibear tried to teach her, but she was a bear and only knew so much of human expressions. Where was that skill when she most needed it? She’s had people stare before, different muddled gazes of disdain, fear, confusion, amusement, and if she's lucky, intrigue. Intrigue but not in a way one would show a person they want to mingle with, but intrigue the same one holds for study, for an exceptionally rare insect they were fascinated by.
Elphaba Thropp had people stare at her, her whole life was filled with strange looks and barely-hidden disgust.
But she had never been stared at like this, she doesn't recognize this.
This was something different, something new.
And she hated it.
She hated she couldn't understand it. She'd always been that way with things she didn't understand.
Eventually, Elphaba had enough, no, more than enough.
She turned her gaze to Galinda, silently hoping a glare would communicate enough and she’d stop staring at her in that way. But instead she did something Elphaba never and couldn't have expected, because of course she did. She always did.
“We’re soulmates.” the blonde whispered gently, then gave her a small but sincere smile. She spoke softly as if she’d just shared her heart’s deepest secret, their deepest secret. One that was just between the two of them. If that's what's this is, Elphaba intended to keep it that way.
“Excuse me?” Elphaba asked harshly, she feared her tone was a lot more accusatory than necessary, it was. She saw it in the way Galinda’s expression fell. The way her soft smile was wiped from her face almost immediately.
Disappointment, Elphaba thought.
Disappointment, Galinda’s mind echoed. But not in Elphaba, but herself, Oz knows how many horrendible things she's done to the poor girl. The words slipped out before she can register what she’s saying, but that seemed to be the theme of the night, wasn’t it?
“I’m sorry.”
Gentle, apologetic, and most of all, sincere.
Elphaba stared at her as if she had gone and did three cartwheels, professed herself enemy of the state, then had tea with a tiger. Galinda isn’t sure what conjured the imagery that passed through her head just now, mad would have sufficed. Maybe she was mad. She chose to blame it on the exhilaration of finding her soulmate. And the bewilderment of who it was.
“We’re soulmates.” Elphaba muttered, not loud, but loud enough for Galinda to hear what she was saying. 
Galinda nodded in reply, but she wanted to do more. So she spoke, “Yes, we are.” she affirmed.
“This,” The green girl stepped forward, each step calculated and measured, as if entering a predator’s territory. “Changes nothing.”
The Gillikinese girl stares at her and nods. Elphaba stares back, trying to decipher the unreadable expression in her eyes and failing. 
“I’m sorry,” She whispered again helplessly.
“Sorry? Of course you’re sorry.” The sad, angry, and bitter part of Elphaba reared its ugly head, she hardly lost control nowadays, and she hasn’t since arriving at Shiz. Years of bullying and being neglected can do that to you. She hardly lost control, but that didn’t mean she didn’t.
“You’re only sorry because I’m your soulmate.” she hissed, clenching her fists. “If I wasn’t, you would keep throwing insults left and right! You'll keep calling me names, artichoke, green bean- you’d keep interrupting me like I had nothing important to say, ostracizing me like I didn't belong. Alright, maybe I didn't!" Maybe she was projecting far too much, but the moment she lost control, it was impossible to get it back. "And I can deal with that, I always have! Insults, social isolation, I had that and more. But you didn't have to go so far as to start destroying my things!” she uttered the last sentence with more conviction than intended.
She hardly had any possessions to begin with, much less at Shiz, and certainly very few compared to Galinda’s mountain of souvenirs from home. So the very little she had, she cherished. From the small notes in pieces of paper and parchment she took in class to the books borrowed from the library and down to her black dyed school uniform and prestigious magick volumes and spells. 
And to have them trashed? Destroyed? For what? Because others couldn’t believe she was on top of the class? Because she was the only one in Madame's Morrible’s Sorcery class? Because she was green? That was too much, even for her.
“Doing what?” Galinda asked, her own fists clenching. She stood up abruptly, her eyes boring into Elphaba’s. Had she been unaware? Elphaba blinked, her composure faltering before she remembered what she was talking about.
"What?" Oh great, Elphaba thought to herself. Now that she no longer had rage to pull from, she had shrank back to her old self. She had run out of resolve and didn't quite know how to respond.
“Do you not- today, someone dumped their coffee on my notes. It’s not all gone, nothing a drying spell wouldn’t fix-” She doesn’t know why she’s downplaying it, especially when it's something that hurt hernso badly. Yet something told her that the anger in Galinda’s eyes is dangerous, and she had to distract her from it as soon as possible.
“Also, you did bully me and loathe me for my whole stay up since the start of the school year.” she reminded the blonde.
A moment of uncomfortable silence passed.
“I’m sorry.” Galinda repeated, her anger melting back into apology.
“You sound like a broken record.” More poison than necessary.
Galinda stiffened.
Then, as Elphaba began to walk back to her bed when the girl added, “I’ll take care of them.” 
She almost felt bad for the victim of Galinda’s wrath, but you know what? They deserve it. 
She does not see the mark behind her ear, the pink reflection of Galinda's own mark.
She doesn't have to.
She knows Galinda is her soulmate.
It's just a question if Elphaba would let herself be Galinda's.
(Part 2?)
To the people who commented they wanted more;
I unfortunateky can't seem to tag kekescalope
Shout out to the anon who asked me about this earlier today!
Part 1 : Here
Part 3: Here
Masterlist for all parts ; Here
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liongrl321 · 3 months ago
so I have a couple of questions
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capinejghafa · 2 months ago
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#gay disaster: glinda "the 'ga' is silent" upland
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