#gay rambels
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elliestoybox · 1 year
Every time a writer tries to hide FOR ANY REASON that a character is in a gay relationship and makes the character refer to their partner with they/them when the character has no reason to try to hide who their partner is I get to add those pronouns to that character permanently
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crossover-enthusiast · 4 months
I really think the song The Exorcist by Calypso is a very Gadreel song. you dont have to listen to it but i just. the lyrics are so him.
its a song calling out Christianity for its flaws, which are very good points, but coming from Gadreel it 1000% just mocking it
look here throws this at you
Preacher preaching rubbish Rambling, condemning sodomy Vocal variation of an awfully botched lobotomy Scream about the gays And how you wish you could exterminate 'em Jesus would've hated the way you've portrayed him Love thy neighbor, right? Or is it only if they're Rich, able-bodied, cis, hetero and white? I'm starting to think this lord of yours is overrated If he made you in his image Must've been real inebriated
cw for implied pedophilia for the bridge, but its too good not to mention
Oh, divine and holy gentleman Who'd never be dishonest You're allowed to touch young boys? But women must stay modest? How long do you think You can keep up this facade? Soon everyone around you, boy Will know that you're a fraud Hypocritical, delusional And for that, I applaud You're closer to a jail cell than you'll ever be to God
LIKE?! "IF GOD MDE YOU IN HIS IMAGE HE MUST'VE BEEN REAL INEBRIATED" thats both a play on how many christians ruined the image of god, but alSO GADREEL IS CALLING MORTHY UGLY HAUEHUFGHFB
AUGH sorry. sick. rambels aughuaebghudgn </3
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theyhoolikeowls · 3 years
im rewatching carmilla and aaaaaa yes the nostalgiaaaaa
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kambingterhebat · 4 years
gonna cause problems on purpose and ship kaizo and ramenman. just because.
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acomingoutchronicle · 6 years
There is this girl in my class who is beautiful and smart and funny and we’ve been throwin some major vibes at each other. Since the first week of class we keep catching each other’s eye during the lecture and she smililes and blushes before we turn back to our notes.
She always sat a few seats away from me, never close enough for us to chat but after class she always lingered by my seat and talk while I packed up my laptop and give me the most adorable little drawings she had some in class. It is seriously the cutest thing ever it makes my heart melt and I’m always looking forward to our goofy chats.
This has been our routine all semester until last week when I come in to class, a little late as usual, to find her sitting right next to where always sit!
We have been sitting together all week and have been having the best time in class even the professors made a joke about how well we vibe together.
Ever time I catch her eye and she smiles or makes a goofy face at me it seriously makes my heart skip a beat. This girl is something special.
Now I just gotta work up the courage to ask her out...
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spiderrrling · 6 years
What am I? Gay and ready for Halloween!
What do I want? A girlfriend and Halloween plans
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princeyandanxiety · 6 years
I genuinely love Finand's entry for so many reasons
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incorrectthots · 3 years
headcanons for Dale x Harry
these fellas are gay and we all know it so here's some headcanons. I'ma separate them into sections.
•Soft boys. They cuddle a lot.
•They go on coffee dates and out to lunch regularly
•Everyone knows and supports it
•They don't fight bc they love each other too much. They are head over heels for each other
•Hurt/Comfort was their thing way before they were together. Coop isn't the best at it but he tries and gets better at it.
•Harry loves PDA but Coop thinks its unprofessional but gives in after awhile
•Coop is shorter so he has to get on his tip toes to kiss Harry. Coop kisses softly and he always tastes like coffee. Harry can't help but smile when Coop kisses him
•Coop moves in with Harry, they share everything. Coop has ''borrowed'' multiple of Harry's flanels
•Harry is always telling Coop how much he loves him and how much he adores him
•Coop found a stray cat and brought it home. The cat became their child.
•They do everything together. including showering. sometimes they'll sit in the bathtub for hours
•Harry loves running his hands in Coop's messy hair, before he downs it in hair gel
•On some days, Coop will get up and make breakfast and coffee. While he's making food, harry comes up behind him and snakes his arms around Coop's waist.
•They will spend hours in the park watching ducks. Coop will rambel on about something random and break his focus for something that catches his eye which Harry thinks is cute
•Goofy dancing. They aren't the most serious people but they can be
•They have cute nicknames. Harry calls Coop "sweetheart", "pretty boy"
•Harry gets really lovey dovey. If he's in a good mood he'll go up to Coop and smolder him in kisses
•They try to distact each other while working
•If Coop is running late Harry will always make sure when he sees coop he gets a cup of coffee and breakfast
•They really care about each other dearly
Hee Hee yes I included these bc i'm a child of sin
•Coop is a bottom and nothing can convince me otherwise
•their not hardcore but they can get a little rough
•Harry adores the little noises Coop makes. He loves getting a reaction out of Coop
•Coop is talented at everything he does, including giving head
•Harry has given Coop a hand full of hickeys. Coop doesn't mind, he just isn't a big fan of forgetting about them and a girl or two asking about them
•They're usually vanilla but they do experiment every once in a few times
If I missed any or think of some I'll add on. if you want any others you can always ask! I'll update every once in a while!
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It's the ✨annoying little shit✨ again
The Gremlin anon😺
With a ✨very gay update✨
I really don't know what my life has become... I don't if I'm real or if the universe is real or God or Bumbleby... I don't know...
So, when Miss oh honey came back, she sat next to me on the sofa and then locked eyes with me. I could tell she was still anxious about what happend, she was still shivering a little after all, but I wasn't expecting her to hold my hand and in the most shy voice I've ever heard her do, ask me "C-can I sit on your lap?"
So I nooded in aproval and sat there... On my lap... With her arms warped around my neck... And looking into my soul with those baby blue eyes... I just- I-
But the thing that was confusing me even more, was the fact that holding her, being in this situation with her... It felt so god damn right I can't even explain why or how... I only got to really know her 4 days ago... It's just- It's too surreal... It can't be real...
At some point during my inner rambeling she got closer and was holding my cheek, and she leans in and kisses my cheek and says "Thank you... For saving me at the grocery store"
I tried to anwser like a normal person but I literaly anwsered her sounding like a squirrel "No prob"
She started giggling at me and even tho I was embaressed this moment was too precious and soft for me to feel anything else but happiness and safety, I wanted this to last forever, but out of no where, she says "Can I kiss you? I mean... On the lips"
I- gay panic gremlin noises
I tried to open my mouth but AS USUAL THERE WAS NO SOUND!!! I COULDN'T ANWSER!!!! BUT I NEED TO!!!!
After some time, that felt like an eternity of silence because I was not being able to say anything, Miss oh honey makes a really sad expression and says "I'm sorry... It was weird wasn't it? I shouldn't have-... I'm sorry..."
Before she managed to get out of my lap I grabed her face and FUCKING KISSED HER
When we stoped kissing, Miss oh honey looked at me with an expression that I don't know if it was pure shock or delight or both. After we stare at each others eyes for what it felt like forever, she (with a shaky voice) says "I thought... I thought you were only interested on roommates name"
"And I still am to be honest..."
"Then why did you?..."
"Because it felt right, you feel right... Both of you do..."
"Are- Are you saying you have feelings for both of us!?"
"Pretty much... At first it was just roommates name but after what happend yesterday and today in the morning I just- Like I said... You felt right"
"Well... If it makes you feel any better it was the exact same for me"
After this with both started giggling like idiots and shortly after we stoped giggling, Miss oh honey told me about her previous abusive relationship (I won't tell anything about it since it's her story and it's very personal)
After she told me hers I told her mine and I don't know when it happened but we just fell even more into each other, and it felt intemate in levels that none of us had ever expirienced... It's felt so right it was... I donno...
But at some point, one of us would need to ask this, and she was the one doing it, so she asks "What are we now?"
"I donno... Partners?"
"Partners... I like that, but, what about roommates name? You still have feelings for them"
"Yeah... I really don't know what to do... I'm more lost than ever..."
"Well, can I confess something and you promise you won't freak out?"
"I have feelings for them since we were in middle school, but, as dense as I can be I belived I only saw them as a close friend... We have been friends since we were kids and along my life I never had someone as loyal and caring as them by my side... It was so obvious I liked roommates name... But it was needed for me to be in a abusive relationship to realize how much they meant to me... It's stupid but... The reason my relationship with my former partner didn't get worse was because, everytime he picked something he didn't like about roommates name I would tell them to shut up, and the more he did that, the more I realized that what he was doing was toxic behaviour..."
"Oh... Uau... I- That's- I donno what to say but you had feelings for them when you offered youself to be my wingwoman!!!"
"Yeah but... I saw how happy you two were and how sweetly they talked about you... That I- I want roommates name to be happy... But I ended up wanting for you to be happy too..."
"Well... I want you and them to be happy, and I think now we are each others wingwomans"
"You heard me! We are gonna get our crush and we will do this together!"
"snorts You dork"
Some time later we realized that... Our roommate didn't get out of their room for the whole day!!!
We ran to their room and we see them still sleeping and cuddleling MoonMoon
They slept the whole fucking afternoon while we were being gay in the living room XD
We woke them up and took them to the living room so we could eat the snacks me and Miss oh honey bought this morning
We all started rewatching rwby, and turns out Miss oh honey is also a rwby fan and that our roommate is the only one that never watched the show
And I cannot discribe how happy I am ;w;
I cannot warp my head around the fact that Miss oh honey is now my partner and that both of us are now trying to get our crush XD
But anyway, I wish everyone a great day/afternoon/evening/night :3
- happy Gremlin anon
That... is very unexpected, Gremlin anon. But good for you!
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softforklave · 3 years
☕ What's your take on the intersection of Dave's identity as a queer, Jewish man from a military family in Texas growing up under McCarthyism, and how it shapes his worldview? I think it has the potential to be one of the most interesting characterizations in tua
I agree anon! I think that is the reasons why I love him as much as I do. While the writers did not give him much characterisation, the few bits and pieces they gave us add to a fascinating picture. And I love the potential of who he could be with more screen time. It is a tricky question to answer, as I dont live in the US and dont know a lot about McCarthyism, and I am not Jewish, so this might not be the best reply, as properly going into it would require me to do some more reading. So I am sorry if this is a little cop out haha
This mix makes Dave view the world as a very dangerous and unforgiving place. And that in order to survive he would have to hide and be someone he isn’t, someone who would be the perfect all around American guy in line with the times ideals.
I dont know how it was to be Jewish after the second world war in Texas, but I can't imagine it was easy. We know that being queer was illegal, and Texas was not the most liberal place in the US. These two essential parts of himself are not viewed in a favourable way (I assume, but we dont know anything about Daves relationship with Judaism excpet that he put it onto his dog tags). While I assume he wouldn’t have a problem with being Jewish within his family, we know that they would not have reacted well, to say the least, to Dave being gay. We see as much with Brian in s2. There is no place for him to be fully himself, there will always be someone who would hate him, for one or the other, or both. That makes the world very dangerous place where he knows he will never be accepted and loved for who he is. Just thinking about Dave viewing himself as fundamentally unlovable and thinking there are no one that will love him breaks my heart😭
Because of the McCarthyism, his military family and the patriotic and strict views the shame of being soft and kind (which I believe him to be) and gay would be just double up. I don’t know how Daves home life is but I could see him being punished in certain ways for not living up to the ideal of his family. The pressure to be perfect and A ManTM would have been immense and hard to deal with them dave don’t fit into that at all. Going to war and fighting for his country is something he feels like he had to do in order to live up to his family’s views and maybe as a way to make people believe he isn’t who he really is.
Dave got the short straw, he is in a time and place that would not accept him, and with people who would have extremely negative reactions to finding out who he is. I think that it would put so much pressure on him, and make every place and every person seem like a threat. I also think he really would struggle with accepting himself because of it, and have a very negative view of himself. He wants to prove himself and maybe make up for that by following his family’s military line.
The world has given him the témplale as how to be perfect, and Dave knows he can never truly be that person, even if he tries his best. And I think he will always be afraid of the day he won’t manage to be that person anymore. The world is a dangerous place for people like him, and there is only one way to be perfect and hide and any deviation from that would end in disaster.
I am sorry this is very incoherent and rambeling bly, and probably not what you were hoping for. I don’t know enough about this to give a proper answer except: he would have a fucked up and sad world view and thinking about it makes me want to cry and hug him😭
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kawaiianimeredhead · 5 years
there’s been librarians reruns that mom and I have been kind of watching, and there’s a line (and maybe a second one I can’t remember) that absolutely implied that Jenkins was gay and/or dated this one dude and the fact that it never went into anything related to that is such a crime
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lamp-up-my-ass · 4 years
Jumping on that mermay sides train before its too late
So i was thinking about mermay and the sides and i wanted to come up with my own take!!
Patton is a big boy Florida manatee mer
Grew up in human captivity due to the rarity of his kind, had a pretty positive experience until the end
When he reached sexual maturity, the humans tried to get him to mate with on of the other manatee mers. However, hes gay as heck and reluctant. Hes pressured into it by one of the worse people, told that by refuseing his hurting everyone around him.
And so he mates with the other mers, who despite their sympathy towards him are unadle to help. He feels awful about himself but tries to act like hes okay. Though eventually its found his efforts are futile, because it turns out that hes infertile.
Hes relieved by this news, because that means he wont need to mate anymore. However it also means hes no longer seen as useful and is chipped put in the wild.
Tries to keep hope at first, passing time by cleaning the rubbish littered around the river he now lives in. He makes things, weaving little bracelts and tieing a net around his neck like his favorite human who did the same with their hoodie. Doing this makes him happy because he knows how bad these thing can be for the environment.
Hes pretty much alone besides a few fish, tend to stay away due to his size. The loneliness hurts, especially when more time passes and he loses hope on the humans returning. Until one day, something zooms past him when hes napping.
Curious, he swims after the thing that woke him. He swam to a new area of the river hes never seen, due to its lack of vegetation for him to eat. There in the middle of the wide river, propped on a rock and messily eating a fish, was another mer.
Despite the others sharp teeth and claws, he felt no fear as he slowly approached. When the other noticed him he startled, but quickly grew a toothy grin and waved.
The mers name was Remus, and hes an crocodile mer. Hes new to the river, but has been alone for a lot longer then Patton. Hes delighted to see another mer who wasnt swimming away in fear, rambeling excitedly as he circles the other. He then gasps and points at pattons "trash fashion". Patton gets excited by this and the two talk about what they have made, Remus showing off his beloved trash-bag sash.
Overtime there relationship grows, Remus visiting Pattons part of the river to share stories. Patton teaches Remus a few puns and Remus shares with him things hes crafted. They care immensely for one another, the smaller croc loveing to cuddle hug patton while telling him every little detail of his day.
Their relationship is strong despite their major differences,bonding over the abandonment they both have faced. Perhaps ones day something will happen where they meet other mers, but until then they are comfortable just having each other.
I already wanted to do something with Manatee Patton, but then i learnd mantatees and crocodiles are actually alright with eachother. That made me think of florida which made me think of Thomas and then the sides.
This is Intruality, but i couldnt decide if i eanted to make it romantic or a qpr but either way i think its cute. Anyways, if enough people enjoy then may expand on it and draw something for this idea.
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sammyblep · 3 years
ray emotions rayyyyyyy emotionsssssss. he didn’t want to stop hugging nate he wants to make sure nora is safe. he misses his best friend he has a crush!! all he wants is the people he cares about to be happy and safe and it’s just never possible. sometimes he stares into the darkness and it stares back and yes i AM taking that silly truth bug joke seriously. he stares at the darkness and knows it exists and knows he will never be it but it still fascinates and frightens him. he likes washing the dishes. he used cold fusion to save the life of a guy he barely knew and he got a tattoo to be friends with a girl he’d just met. he tried to save nora endlessly even when no one was in his corner. he has a special bro hug with nate. he didn’t want to let go.
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furofbluefox-blog · 8 years
We just watched a movie with open, explicid queer representation. 
It’s called: “Mannen som elsket Yngve” which means “The man who loved Yngve”  Through the movie we see a young man, Jarle fall in love with another young man, Yngve. He breaks up with his girlfriend which he loved very much. And Yngve and Jarle  confess their love and even kiss in the end. 
The first question our teacher asked when the movie ended was: So is Jarle gay or straight? Several people pointed out that he is most likely bisexual. Then we got to the part that hurt the most.                                                     “Or is Jarle just a teenager fascinated by the another teen? Well thats completely open for your interpretation...” 
Yes folks, we just watched a explicicly gay romance just to then have a teacher stand up and tell us it’s not important and not real. Queer erasure at it’s best.
But it is important! It matters! Who you are does matter. Never let anyone tell you your identity isn’t real or relevant, because it is.
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acomingoutchronicle · 6 years
Sapphic is such a gorgeous word. I feel like it is one of the few that truly decribes the beauty of two women in love.
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