#gay light yagami
trans-wojak · 2 years
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Light Yagami drinking at a gay bar
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thedetectivesystem · 2 years
Moon River (And Me)
A good family friend comes over for dinner and a sleepover at the Yagami household. Light struggles a little bit to keep his composure, finding that he isn't as perfect as he believes himself to be. Nate simply wants to have a good time.
It was an hour before dinner time in the Yagami household; plates were neatly placed on the table with silverware next to it. The sunset lightened the darkened living room before Sayu flipped the light switch and sat on the couch to turn on her favorite drama. The television began to play the show she had been binge watching earlier.
Behind her, a vocal sigh could be heard. “Sayu, turn that off, we have a guest coming over,” Light scolded as he gently knocked her head with his book, in return his sister whipped her head around and pouted.
“But, Light!” Sayu whined, “it’s the newest episode!”
Light grabbed the remote and shut the television off. “That doesn’t matter, it’s rude.”
The younger sibling groaned, however her original attitude changed when she processed what her brother had said. “Wait, a guest?” She tilted her head curiously, “no wonder mom put down an extra plate. I thought dad was going to be home tonight.” She looked down in disappointment. She’s never been fond of being left in the dark, and when she’s underdressed for a guest.
Light smiled understandingly. “Hey, it’s fine, besides you like our guest.”
“I do?” Sayu questioned, before realizing just seconds later of whom her brother was speaking of. “Oh, I do!” She beamed, “when is he going to be here?” She quickly stood up. “I have to get ready!” The smaller teen ran up the stairs, her question left unanswered.
Light sighed and shook his head in slight annoyance, though he allowed an amused chuckle to slip out.
“Light, dear, can you come help me with this?” Sachiko called from the kitchen.
“Of course, mom.” Light walked into the dining room and was met with a plate being shoved into his hands.
“Will you set the vegetables on the table?” Sachiko turned back to the stove to keep watch on the food. “Oh, do I need to dim the lights, I know that they can overwhelm Nate?”
“It should be fine as it is,” Light directed himself to the prepared vegetables. He placed them onto the plate in a neat pattern before it was placed on the table.
“Thank you, dear.” Sachiko gave her son a warm smile, “if there’s anything I can do you can tell me.”
“There’s no need to overthink it, mom, Nate will enjoy dinner here as he always does.” Light almost shook his head at how worried his mother was. Nate came over almost every day, she should be used to his needs by now. Though, now definitely wasn’t the time for him to become a moody teenager.
The doorbell rang, and before Light could answer, Sayu ran down the stairs with a loud, “I’ll get it!”
“As usual.” Light sighed.
The door opened to reveal the smaller boy, whom Sayu welcomed with a loud greeting and allowed him inside.
“Good evening,” Nate greeted back with a soft smile as Sayu led him towards the kitchen.
“Light, he’s here!” Sayu announced.
Light patted his friend's hair, “Nate, it’s good to see you.” His heart fastened upon seeing the young teen.
The boy's cheeks burned at the affections. “Likewise.”
The atmosphere felt awkward between the two, however Sayu was quick to break the strings of their infatuation in the kitchen.
“Hey, mom, when’s dinner?” She asked whilst she sat down by the table.
“It’s ready now.” She sighed and shook her head with a smile, “and it’s very good to see you again, Nate, welcome.” Sachiko set down the food.
“Thank you for allowing me to stay over.” Nate was always quick to over-thank others or apologize too much. It was one of the many things Light first noticed when he met the boy.
“Oh, nonsense, you’re a guest, you don’t have to thank me.” Sachiko quickly responded as she pulled out a seat for their guest.
“I find that I am more than a guest.” Chuckled, Nate.
“You’ve all known me for years.” He sat down in his designated seat. Light always had to sit down next to him, it was a rule that Nate made up himself. Sure, it may be a little silly, but the older teen didn’t mind at all.
Sayu looked over to her mother. “Yeah, mom, he’s a family friend!” She then stuffed her mouth with white rice, something that is seen as a lack of table manners, which Sachiko scolded her for.
“Sayu, don’t do that.”
Light eyed his sister playfully. “Yeah, Sayu, how are you going to get a boyfriend when you have manners like that?” He went back to his food, as if he were showing her to eat properly.
“What?!” Sayu groaned, “I don’t have time for one!”
Next to her, their white-haired guest chuckled knowingly. “Yes, it may be a little early.” Nate bit and slurped the egg in his ozoni to mimic Light’s playful teasing in table manners.
“See, Nate agrees with me!” The girl smiled in triumph. “Besides, I told Yuri that I'd hang out with her more than with some ugly boy in our school.” Sachiko again scolded her for insulting her classmates, despite her daughter being correct in her statement.
Dinner went by in a blur; things always did when Light was around Nate. It was unfortunate with how fast their time went by when together. Though, Light figured that is how everyone felt around the one’s they genuinely enjoy being around. Before he knew it, they were in his room in attempts to find something to do.
“Light.” Nate tugged on Light’s sleeve, “can we play the Nintendo 64?”
“Of course, but don’t forget we have to shower tonight.”
“As long as you let me wear your shirt, fine.”
Nate was always good at getting his way, he knew exactly what to do to make Light say yes, no matter what loophole Light tries. Of course, Nate would notice that Light liked to see him in his clothing, like a marking on one’s prey, filling its scent with your own. That’s exactly how Light saw it, and that’s exactly why he adored it more than he should. It was a feeling some would obsess over, and if Light was, he didn’t mind.
“Fine.” Light faked a sigh that anyone would find genuine.
Nate giggled at Light’s attempt to fake his annoyance. He sat down by the console and patted the floor for Light to sit next to him.
“You really are too smart for me.” Light teased as he sat in the spot Near requested.
“Some may find that to be a bad thing,” Nate scooted closer to the teen, “I feel bad for the souls who find themselves too knowing of this world. It’s a hex when you are too intelligent.”
“A hex, hm?” Light faced the bright TV screen as he found himself in thought. Nate wasn’t wrong. After all, Light has made discoveries he felt would be best to dissociate away from and not process, until he found out the unrighteous truth.
“Yes, it is those who are gullible that use words of a fantasy to escape and explain everything for them.”
Fantasy. Nate is speaking of religion. Light wondered if he could pull this question off without any slight suspicion. Nate would make a fine detective after all, perhaps more so than L.
“That reminds me.” Light started, “what do you think about, Kira?”
Nate turned his eyes away from the screen, “Kira?” He doesn’t appear to be taken aback by the question, but more of an inquisitiveness.
“Yeah, people are fundamentally calling him a God, even new religions have spiked from the case.”
Nate stayed quiet, Light would have viewed this as a ponder for an answer, but instead, Nate pouted.
“I’d rather play games with you instead.”
Light blinked in response, but quickly processed what Nate had told him. He laughed for a short second and shook his head. “Yeah, this conversation is getting too deep, isn’t it?”
“Not necessarily, I’m happy to speak to you on anything, but I’d rather focus on our time together at the moment.”
“I understand.” Light smiled. Nate wanted affection; Nate wanted to be the topic at hand. Light was more than willingly to give it, with his infatuation that too wanted mutual touch. He brought his hand up to pet Nate’s hair, watching those pasty chubby cheeks light up in pink. “Let’s play the game.”
The game itself was Mario Kart, it felt rather useless to keep playing as they kept tying with each other. No matter how much they read one another’s moves, it ended the same.
Nate pouted at his lack of victory. “It appears that we are on equal levels within this game.”
“Or are we?” Light’s lips twitched up, finding himself a little more ahead of his friend. Nate softly glared at the screen, unable to find any attempts to get ahead in the game. Once Light hit that finish line, the boy opened his mouth to protest, however was cut off. “Well, Nate, looks like I won.”
“No. Rematch.” Nate huffed, as if he were in a childish tantrum.
“I think we’ve played long enough.” Light turned off the television and console. “It’s getting late, we should shower.”
“You just don’t want to lose.”
“It sounds more like you’re a sore loser.” Light teased. He held his hand to the smaller teen to help him get up.
Despite Nate’s stubbornness of losing, he took his friend’s hand.
“I call for a rematch, tomorrow.”
“If that’s what you want.”
After Nate’s shower, he returned to the bedroom. “Thank you for lending me your clothes.”
Light looked over to Nate, his chest enamored with the sight in front of him. Nate in his white dress shirt, and dolphin shorts that were a bit too big on him, considering Light’s muscle mass, it’s probably a few sizes too large for the boy. “It’s no problem. But it’s getting late now. You can have my bed if you want.”
“Wouldn’t that be rude of me?” Nate smiled playfully.
Light chuckled at the younger teens’ antics. “Would you rather share instead?”
Nate fell quiet, his answer clear in his head.
The older teen raised an eyebrow, a smug look appeared on his face. “Nate, do you want to?”
“You are insufferable sometimes.” Nate glared in his rush of overwhelming flutters in his body, the worst part for him was that he felt his face grow hot.
“Only sometimes?” Light quietly laughed and stood up. “It’s fine by me, we’re both men, it doesn’t matter.”
“Perhaps.” Nate joked before he crawled into the bed and under the covers.
The best part about knowing Nate so well is that Light knew what made him tick. In the best way, of course. He’d never purposely anger his family friend.
Light got into the bed, his mind wondered if Nate wanted more of his physical affection, and he wanted to test the waters the most he could. His only worry was overstepping Nate’s boundaries, as they had yet to set them together.
“Hey, Near.” Light whispered; his use of the old nickname caught Nate’s attention. The younger teen turned around to face Light, however the both of them realized that was a mistake. Their faces were close enough they could feel each other’s breaths, which to Nate sent multiple overwhelming feelings, his hands closed into fists and began to shake. His way of self-stimulation when flustered, Light figured.
“Do you… Want to…” Light hadn’t a clue on what was wrong with him, he mentally yelled at himself for his out of character behavior. He was supposed to be perfect about this, to swoon Nate.
Nate looked down to avoid eye contact, he knew that to those who are neurotypical it was rude not to look in the eyes while speaking. But Light never minded, he was understanding, he never insulted or scolded Nate for his ‘different,’ behaviors.
Light audibly groaned in embarrassment, “sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
Nate looked at him in confusion, “there is nothing wrong with you.” It was almost as if he were scolding Light for insulting himself. “I too find words to be difficult, do not apologize for a normal behavior.”
“I- Yeah.” Light shook his head, almost in disbelief. Not even his parents would speak to him in that way. But that is also what made Nate River so special.
What Nate did that caught Light off guard was scooting closer, until their heads slightly touched. “Light,” He whispered, “did you wish to be intimate?”
It was now Light’s turn to become bright red. He kept his mouth shut knowing he would only stumble on his words.
Nate got even closer, soon laying his head on his friend’s chest. “Is this, okay?” His expression was hidden in Light’s shirt. It was an embarrassing one, he had found himself like this quite a bit around Light Yagami, but he didn’t mind these soft yet formidable feelings.
Light took a deep breath and counted to four before releasing. He repeated the process to calm himself. Once his heart slowed, he looked down to the sleepy beauty that laid against his chest and wrapped his arms around him.
“Are you okay?” Nate seemed genuinely concerned, Light’s breathing patterns were ones that people used to calm their anxiety.
“I’m fine.” Light smiled, “if anything, I feel euphoric.”
“Is that why you were box breathing?” Nate snuggled in closer with a big yawn.
“Correct.” Light rubbed the white-haired teens back in small circles.
After a few more moments of silence, and Light in a half-awake half-dream-like state, Nate spoke.
“Light, I feel very safe.” He smiled sweetly. “Thank you.”
The night ended with Light humming back in response, before falling into his dreams of white and bells.
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alex-rambles · 2 years
do you think you could write headcanons for misa and an openly gay or ace light? how would that change how l sees them?
🌈Misa has nothing against LGBTQ+ people
🌈In fact, she's a serious ally!
🌈Unless it's Light
🌈Light can't be gay
🌈She still sees him as the same man, but now she has to work extra hard to at least make him bi, ignorant to the fact that that's not how it works
🌈I can see her pretending to be a man, going all out if nothing else works
🌈This pisses Light off internally, but he'll pretend to have turned bi or straight in order to keep Misa as an asset
🌈L does not care
🌈He keeps the same opinion of Light
🌈Light's being gay is just a new personality trait
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Happy pride
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ravenlynclemens · 6 months
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det not
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seventeen year old creature-boy Light Yagami, who is Totally Interested In Women And Definitely Not A Serial Killer, looks at porn magazines (porn magazines is generous; he's looking at scantily clad women, really) in the privacy of his own room and is so supremely weird about it that L, the man that has been Intently Observing Him Through Hidden Cameras, sees him doing it and goes, "oh. something is wrong." meanwhile, Light is internally monologuing himself into a frenzy. "ha!! take THAT. what're you gonna do now, L!? I look SO normal!!" but he doesn't. he never has. he never will. he's just used to everybody around him being too distracted by his artfully styled bangs and extensive collection of soft knitwear to notice his incredibly off-putting demeanor. he is So used to it, in fact, that he doesn't quite grasp that someone might find the image of him lounging around on his stomach and kicking his feet in the air while he stares at breasts to be. a little different. maybe even. disingenuous. oh no. shock and horror, shock and horror.
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frootloopsl · 2 months
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lawlight if it was cinema
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nezz-cringe-crib · 2 months
society is dumb draw anatomically incorrect yaoi.
if mia and light turner can make out during kira time then lawlight can too.
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honey-nut-scooter · 6 months
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One in the same as the me who is playing his game
Go listen to the Death Note Musical, I’m not kidding. The songs are amazing and they itch the musical theater AND anime side of my brain.
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putrid-hel · 3 months
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Hello hello back with another lawlight are fighting post
Click for quality
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kittysauce · 11 months
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dotted-clouds · 4 months
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I was reading Death Note and finished within 5 months! Obsessed with them..
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mybloodyfemboy · 4 months
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vacantcrow · 4 months
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redrawwww, original by Misa & Hiroka Mizuya:P
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lightlightsuplight · 4 months
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light yagami in a turtleneck GIFs for your light yagami in a turtleneck needs
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spiderstape · 6 months
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Gay people Cuddling
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