#gau: wizard.
strangledsunchild · 3 months
"Oh, he can definitely see Edwin."
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dbd 01x03
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utilitycaster · 5 months
The parallels between the Vanguard's plot and the onset of the Calamity are, I must admit, somewhat eerie:
Ultimately instigated by Wizard experiencing The Most Hubris
Relies in part on the power of an apogee solstice
Dedicated to unsealing ancient dangers
A lot of unsealing of lesser dangers as well
Failure of extraplanar protections
Lead-up involving fomented unrest and political instabilities
Ruling council of wizards abandon their posts and their charges during a time of crisis
Vasselheim really needs to either be far more transparent, or else drastically improve their security; there is no in between here
You probably shouldn't have tried to screw over the (Gau Dr)Ashari
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blorbologist · 10 months
Re-watching Calamity (for ~research~) and this time around Patia has really stood out to me. Of course Cerrit and Laerryn and Zerxes are showstoppers, but I decided to pay more mind to the other three members of the Ring of Brass, and just... Patia Por'co, guys. Patia Por'co.
Patia's relationship to what she knows (and does not know) is, I think, the pure distillation of knowledge is power.
She carries all her knowledge, all of Avalir's knowledge, with her, levitating, all this power at her fingertips. I think that there's something to be said with her about how generational power and knowledge are so often intertwined - children of alumni having easier access to the same academic leg up as their parents, knowing who to know, having the ins and outs of how this works handy. I don't believe any of the other members of the Ring of Brass come from backgrounds like this, and if not it's fitting that the only one that does is the one most tied to knowledge. On top of being an elf to boot, something which must amplify the consolidation of resources throughout the years.
[Shunting the rest under the cut bc oops this got Long]
I think it's interesting, too, how Patia seems extremely adept at navigating the lies and half-truths of Avalir's politics, yet reserves honesty for her friends. If someone lesser than they knows what they shouldn't, she will take that power away from them. On my relisten, I'd forgotten that one of the memories the Ring of Brass analyzes tries to throw Patia under the bus, and how quickly she shows Nidas memories proving that she did as right by him as she could. And the reveal that she and Zerxes tried to bring back Evandrin, and upon the failure she removed the painful memory at his request.
(Mechanically, too; as a wizard, her knowledge literally is her power. That's the wizard thing, baby, and if Laerryn exemplifies a wizard whose INT is intellectual skill/problem-solving, then Patia is probably INT as memory. Streetsmart and booksmart besties. Also revealing herself to goad Dean Hollow into popping back in, only to immediately Sphere her and cause the bitch to get eaten by her own spell? Maybe that's a stretch of my 'knowledge is power' bit, but it's too fucking cool of a moment not to remind you of it.)
The first time she died, it was for knowledge. Touching the Tree of Names, and she never did let it go (would she, if she could have?). When she died - that first time - did she meet the Raven Queen?
Patia's direct tie to quite possibly the second-most knowledgeable being in the Exandrian mythos (behind Ioun, but I'd argue you know a lot to handle fate and death, on top of being a wizard in life) feels very deliberate to me. The Raven Queen, the mage who did what no other could (except Vecna a long-ass time later, and only for like a day or two), was at least a contemporary. Perhaps a teacher, or mentor, or admired idol. And now Patia can't even remember her name.
It's funny how much knowledge was actually taken from Patia, between that name and her parents'. Just as she removed knowledge from others. No matter how powerful you get, even with a protective ring, you are always at the mercy of your predecessors. What they chose to do with knowledge. And what Patia chooses to do, now.
In her last moment alone, she relates this knowledge to selfishness. Her grandfather's decision to make a city fly because he and others could. The Gau Drashari's decision to keep all information about the Tree of Names secret. While I disagree with her a bit, it really rounds out knowledge is power - because it's hoarded, it's made a tool for selfishness and control. And Patia acknowledges it likely always will be selfish, but for now at least she can break this cycle.
She breaks Avalir, the model of it her grandfather holds, and sends the Librarium with all the knowledge she carries to Maya.
(I'll note that Maya probably doesn't know what the orb is or does, so sending the model library is a great way to help get that message across, too, on top of the meaning of the moment.)
When it comes time to send all of Avalir's knowledge away, it's not some mage acquaintance from another city she sends it to. Hells - she doesn't even teleport herself out, with it, to ensure its protection and proper use. She sends it to a child, a teenager, the daughter of her friend. Someone with no power, who will have nothing but her family in the Calamity. I can't quite pin down why she choose Maya. Because a teenager is innocent, uncorrupted by power? Because she wanted to give the family of her friend leverage, knowledge to rebuild, a fighting chance?
There's so much Patia did not live to know. She points it out herself that she never found love, or became a parent, all for the sake of Avalir, for knowledge, for power. To maintain the legacy that preceded her. Excellent DMing on Brennan's part to take the quiet moment, as the sphere is sent to Maya, to then put Patia in the place of a child, one robbed of the knowledge of who her parents even were.
And yet. As she sends all she has ever known away, she still reaches for it. Almost wants it back. Almost.
Her story begins and ends with a wish: happy Replenishment, grandfather. And on that fateful day, in place of the stolen tithe she and Laerryn and Nidas have been shuffling around the city, she gives her life to save the world. and she gives away the knowledge to rebuild it.
And there's nothing else she needs to know.
IDK. I think we should talk about Patia more.
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dichromaniac · 1 year
Ok I've had a minute and some dives into the lore. And here is the MOST coherent version of what I'm calling the "Unified Tree Theory" that I've been pondering since Calamity:
So according to Encyclopedia Exandria, the Luxon created the Primordials/Titans and also devoted itself into the cycle of rebirth/reincarnation in a very Buddhist sense of repeating life to reach a state of "perfection."
How absolutely tragic that a hubristic wizard lit some candles and said some words and not only "deleted" a god of death, but took over the MOMENT when the strings of mortality are cut and deciding to be the arbiter of what happens next. What a slap in the face to the Luxon's intentions for mortal life.
Atrophy and Blight are close enough words connotatively to definitely link Laerryn's spell to the name Atrophy, especially considering we're already on board playing cultural meme narrative telephone with language.
I don't think Evandrin ever chose to come "back" to the tree. I think a piece of him was caught in the runic net and never left, even if most of him was able to travel amongst the stars. We know Zerxus was not a paladin of a Prime Deity, but *of the people.* So assuming that Zerxus and Evandrin were both tapping into the same power source, i.e. the Luxon, it would be even more reasonable that the Luxon allowed for different aspects, versions, or pieces of Evandrin to exist in multiple places simultaneously.
(Probably useful info is that I firmly believe Evontra'vir is a language shift of Evandrin Alterra of Avalir in the vein of Gau Drashari -> Ashari -> Hishari; Avalir -> Savalir; Mt. Ygora -> Cathmoira)
(Ex. Otohan's Dunamancy backpack is the explanation for her Echo Knight abilities. Multiple versions, different place, Same time. But that's diluted, distilled, *stolen* instead of granted straight from the source. I don't currently see a reason why the Luxon itself would not grant more bespoke power directly.)
Also, I have a mighty need to rant about the fucking Trees
The Sun Tree: "Planted" by Pelor/Dawnfather, at the site of the battle between Ioun and Tharizdun, at Whitestone. Lvl 20 Oaths of Ancients Paladins can manipulate their physical form to be more "plant like." Additionally, we KNOW God's can change their champions into other forms/shapes but maintain the personality of the humanoid transformed. (Mace of the Black Crown, specifically, but it does seem all the Arms of the Betrayers used to be sentient creatures - and we have no reason to assume, other than alignment - that a Prime would not have this same power.)
Arbor Exemplar: planted by Melora/Wildmother at the "most desolate location in Exandria at the time" (according to Encyclopedia Exandria) and is *the sister tree* of...
The Seed of Rebirth: planted at the heart of the Abundant Terrace in Vasselheim. Described as the "sister" to the Arbor Exemplar...
Who can say these three trees are not champions? Whose to say the gods are not "reverse engineering" the deep, wordless magic of the Luxon and these three (if not more!!!) Trees are recreating a weaker version of the protection the Tree of Names offered.
And, to the point I set out to make originally, who is to say the Matron of Ravens did not, had not, or would not, manipulate the Tree of Names/Tree of Atrophy to bolster her own defenses, domains and sources of power? Ludinus did it with distilled dunamancy and otohan, why would the Matron, know Wizard, with all the power and perspective of a god, not do the same to this Tree?
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beedreamscape · 2 years
Pasting the Gau Drashari letter from the CR Transcripts for easier access.
"Honorable Magister,
your assurances are taken in the most generous spirit possible. I do not distrust you, the person, for all people are children of Exandria. But what I distrust is enchantment, the enchantment of a people and of their ways. The wizards of Avalir have proven time and again that they do not see limitation. They do not see the limitation of a city that will be born aloft into the sky, nor do they see risk. I wish that I could trust you. I wish that my order could trust you. I wish that we could, in good faith, tell you of the tree's purpose. Sorrow fills my heart for even if you kept your word, the wizard behind you, if they knew the nature of the tree, I can only imagine would see all that they could do with it and not what they could do for it. I implore you. The endless skies of Exandria are yours. The wonders of your imagination are your only master. Please, simply tend to this tree and do not ask again. We cannot trust you with its secrets. 
Head Druid of the Gau Drashari, the Temple of Toramunda."
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lynxalon · 6 months
i'm watching exu: calamity for the third fucking time and i am once again absolutely insane about these fucking characters. laerryn coramar-seelie and loquatius seelie. their whole fucking divorced-in-love mess. zerxus ilerez and his damn prophetic visions. babe what horrors do u dream of now? patia motherfucking por'co. her memory loss payroll. her list of .. "friends with bad memory" . that was fucking crazy to hear the first time and on the third i'm still reeling. nydas okiro, i cant even begin with him . he was a pirate. he lived what could only be a pirate's dream, the guildmaster of a dragon's hoard, a dragon whom he can summon and command at will. his friend's son lives with his brother and family. he puts people on patia's payroll, both conjoined in secrets, but that's not only it. he was described as holding spinning plates at all times. he was laerryn's partner and confidant on her life's work. cerrit agrupnin. the father who got his children out of an apocalyptic catastrophe. the father who kept his promise to be with them. by sheer luck or by fate's design, by the strength of his virtue and love and a father's promise. of all that he could not and did not keep, the one most important. he was an investigator so adept at his job that invisibility could not keep a person hidden from his sight. he had a ring to detect lies. he had a ring. to detect lies. loquatius . the fey who fell in love with a mortal. the reporter who spoke to the people at the end of their lives and his own and called for them to stay. to do their duty, keep their promise. no officials get to leave the people they're supposed to protect and speak for behind. and no one shall forget the most beautiful woman in the world, laerryn coramar-seelie. the woman who, in secret, strived to give her husband and her friends and her heart, her avalir, an option. the choice, to rise above and beyond. to seek the knowledge of realms and stars and all that they could ever achieve. a future so bright it was blinding. a goal so lofty, a dream so wistful. a path tread almost completely alone. and in that, history and mistrust. the gau drashari who expected the wizards to not keep their word, and thus created the circumstance in which the wizards did not know the importance of the tree of names and saw it only as a limitation. because that's all it appeared to be. and zerxus. the godless. champion of a deity-less divinity. oracle who saw visions of the lord of the hells. he saw the lord of the hells, hurting and injured. and in that being he saw redemption and a path to healing. he faced asmodeus and straight up said "oh you poor thing" afsgsjdkfkflflflgl he looked at a god and held nothing but pity for him upon seeing that he could not be redeemed. that there was such deep hatred. he was killed and revived over and over by this god. the god that he brought through into the world. . . the por'co legacy. patia, who in the end gifted her knowledge of everything truly Everything to a young maya agrupnin. and what of young kir and maya? celebrations and festivities, the anticipation of seeing their father. maya snuck out to a party to meet a girl and drink alcohol she doesn't even like, tailed by her brother who mirrored their father. kir, junior investigator, because of him, cerrit thankfully did not have to track down maya in panic. kir who received a message from his father to gather at their home. and then their father sent them away, to safety. 2/3rds of the world met calamity. how must it have felt to be a young child, everything you knew ending and dying. fuck man. that's not even everything i could fucking say about all of this i havent even broached the lord of the hells and the plot and the depth of patia's complexity with memory and knowledge and laerryn and loquatius and their open jabs and silent acts of devotion and love, zerxus and cerrit and their opposing and paralleled paths of fatherhood, nydas' and zerxus and cerrit. protectors. laerryn and patia. visionaries. loquatius. truth and hope and home.
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ravendruid · 1 year
The Gau Drashari believed in keeping things safe and protecting Exandria. Centuries from now, when their order is shattered, only the last three syllables of their name will remain. The Ashari.
The way I had a feeling from the start that the Grau Drashari were not the bad guys...
Learning that they were protecting Exandria, they possibly got destroyed (I still have a few minutes and one episode to go), and they became the Ashari, who CONTINUED to protect Exandria for centuries to come, is just making me want to throw myself off a cliff and turn into a goldfish because almost a millennia later, they are, yet again, in a way, used for the hubris of wizards (C3E51 - you know what I'm talking about because I'm not over it, nor will I ever be).
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eatspages-a · 4 years
something something... information for p.athfinder-ish group au. idek what im calling this au but its Gotta be better than ‘au: wizard.’ nvm anyway, blap
similar backstory to canon so far, des influenced by the slaughter but ultimately chooses the eye, sam almost buckled under the dark but chose the eye, graham was born on an island close to an eye site.
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(thank u samuel for the picture/reference. <3 if i forgot someone im so sorry)
also maybe graham effed around with travelling a bit (both with his parents and alone) and also got caught up in. the clown place just across the water, re: not-them business. might be a later point idk yet. same with probably everywhere lbh (altho there can be avatar business in. unrelated areas but yk)
graham is Not part of elias’ stuff. not willingly anyway.
just kinda doing his own wizard thing and vibing and collecting antique furniture but isn’t unapposed to new friends ofc. so long as they don’t give him elias vibes <3
L0 - Arcane Mark: Inscribes a personal rune on an object or creature (visible or invisible). -- re: eye stuff
L0 - Prestidigitation: Performs minor tricks. -- re: post-notthem survival stuff
L0 - Detect Fiendish Presence: tldr detects only outsides with evil subtype as well as lingering effects caused by anything they do, and detect clerics & paladins of ‘fiendish’ deities. -- re: eye stuff, post-encounters with several things (ongoing?)
L0 - Read Magic: reading scrolls and textbooks -- re: eye stuff
L1 - Comprehend Languages: You understand all spoken and written languages. -- re: eye stuff
L1 - Shadow Trap: You pin the target’s shadow to its current location, causing the target to become entangled and preventing it from moving farther than 5 feet from its original position, as if its shadow were anchored to the terrain. -- re: eye stuff sort of (could be web, re: table)
L2 - Burning Gaze: Inflict 1d6 fire damage to creatures by looking at them. -- re: eye stuff
Fast Learner: You possess extra versatility. -- yeah
Fearsome Spell: Your spells inspire great fear in those harmed by them. -- re: he’s a bit mean sometimes u_u
Divine Defiance: You distrust, disrespect, or doubt the gods, which helps you fight off their power. -- still serving the eye but not Willingly lmao. also eff all the others
Scribe Scroll: You can create magic scrolls of any spell you know. -- re: eye stuff
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smilelikeawolf · 2 years
Avalir History
Back when Imyr Por’co wanted to lift the city into the sky, the Gau Drashari druids tended the holy sites of Toramunda.
When the wizards were like, “hey, can we take the top of the mountain for a cool flying city?” The druids said, “No!”
The Replenishment was the concession that caused the druids to agree. The pact between wizards and druids was the Pact of Crowns and Thrones. Avalir is the City of Crowns, Cathmoira is the City of Thrones. Of the magic gathered, a quarter of it is owed to the druids.
The Arboreal Calix holds the druids’ portion of the magic. The Calix is 119 years old, which was when the pact was last updated. Specifically, that was when the Calix was added to the pact of Crowns and Thrones.
It was also the first Replenishment after the Raven Queen’s ascension.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Skein of Destiny
Now that I've got your attention with a shitpost I do want to plug the article I worked on that prompted it, and throw out some thoughts that are too speculative for wiki articles!
What we know (ie, the canon stuff; much of this is also in the article with citations)
The skein is a physical manifestation of the concept of fate, with threads representing the fate of individuals - Vax and Caleb have both seen it in two entirely different contexts, and Evontra'vir's roots grow into it.
The idea of destiny and fate as a skein/tapestry/weave is nigh-universal in Exandria. It is consistent among worshipers of the Prime Deities (Raven Queen and Ioun both reference it; The Raven Queen's domain includes fate), the Luxon (Caleb sees the skein within the beacon), and nature (Evontra'vir was a druid of the Gau Drashari). Nana Morri, a hag in the feywild, acknowledges it is the Raven Queen's domain, though she has the ability to see it and influence threads beyond her own from an external perspective; Teven Klask (worshiper of a Betrayer God) identifies Fearne as being "outside the knotted weave." Arcane, divine of pretty much all known forms, fey, fiend, and elemental are all united in this understanding in a way they are not really about anything else.
Destiny and fate as understood in Exandria do not mean "all is pre-determined" (as indicated in the shitpost, this is about the interplay of fate and free will, which have always coexisted). The above entities are also united in this understanding. The Raven Queen notes that Vax, as Fate-Touched, influences the fates of those around him in unique ways not merely limited to his choices, but does grant him many choices herself, and tells Percy when he asks her for answers that "There are a great many deeds ahead of you. It's your choice to take them." Ioun says something similar to Vox Machina, and a core tenet of the Changebringer is "Luck favors the bold. Your fate is your own to grasp." The Luxon and Dunamancy are based on the concept of possibility, of many potential paths taken and not taken, and not only do chronurgy wizard spells and the fate-touched ability share certain mechanics, but also permit a do-over, since the future is not yet known. When Caleb observes the threads he sees multiple branches off of them that are implied to be based on possibility (ie, there is not merely one option). And Evontra'vir in episode 3x74 directly tells Bells Hells that while some things are fated to happen, it will be their choice that determines what happens to the gods; it also tells Ashton they are fated to retrieve the spark, but also to bestow it, a choice that is their own.
All three of the main powers discussed (Raven Queen, Luxon, Evontra'vir) also serve to preserve the cycle of life, death, or rebirth in some capacity.
Some thoughts: Honestly the big one is that while the idea of fate vs. free will or of the future being a series of possibilities rather than one definite path is a very common one in epic fantasy (frankly, the idea of Fate as "everything is predetermined" is a bad one anyway in fiction because then there's no point in telling the story), there is a particular ludonarrative harmony to play with this theme in a TTRPG. There is a general path laid out before you, but it is not ironclad, and you can make choices to attempt to change this. Sometimes you will fail despite your best efforts based on factors beyond your control but sometimes you will experience unlikely success. The narrative is shaped by this interplay of possibility/probability and choice.
Some wild speculation: I think a peaceful parting with the gods (ie, stopping Predathos and then Bells Hells making their choices about the fate of Exandria as stated by Evontra'vir) would still preserve this skein fate (as would of course maintaining the divine status quo), but a failure to stop Predathos will destroy it, and the fabric of the cosmos (the roots of Predathos are between worlds; fate connects all of the inner planes). I desperately need to know why Fearne is said to exist outside of fate, because I don't know if that's a fey thing, a Ruidusborn thing, a Nana Morri thing, or something else entirely. I would be shocked if the Luxon doesn't come up in SOME capacity later in the campaign (or perhaps in the Echoes of the Solstice one-shot coming up), and I'm very interested in seeing what other party members might gain as they gather their allies and resources. And I don't think it's coincidence that the two deities devoured by Predathos pre-Schism included Vordo the Fateshaper (nor Ethedok, the Endless Shadow, whose domain of darkness and winter is thematically associated with the cycle of life and death).
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thatsacriticaldump · 2 years
I know it seems like a simple solution, that all the Gau Drashari had to do was tell them about the primordials, but it’s about faith right? It’s about being okay with not knowing everything. The one lesson wizards had to learn was that not all knowledge can be found out or not all knowledge should be found out. Yes, the druids could have been more trusting but the wizards could have taken the druids at their word. Because it’s about faith.
It’s honestly what I’ve found so fascinating about this age of arcanum run. The wizards don’t need faith…why would you when you can just find out the knowledge yourself. But isn’t it enough to hear and know that something is important to someone, to protect it? And had the wizards learned what it was doing, would they have just let it be? It’s tempting to say yes, but we truly will never know!
This is all to say that Laerryn may have broke the world to save her friends, may have broke it for love, but that doesn’t make her decision any less rooted in the willful misunderstanding of what the tree represents. Sometimes the greatest thing you can do is admit you don’t understand something and that you don’t need to.
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hazelcephalopod · 2 years
What they saw in the tree of names-
Patia: the schism. Deep in the past, the Dawnfather and Wildmother, two Primordials (Rao’shawn Emperor of Fire and Ka’mort the Empress of Earth) sealed under Mount Ygora, the only ones not killed. Druids attending to the seals, eventually becoming Gau Drashari*. Who built their temples here to attend to maintaining the seals. Wizards came and found the brumstone, wished to lift the mountain up. The druids would not tell them what was beneath the mountain. But finally made a bargain to take the peak alone. They agreed to collect magic for the druids and give them boons. The Gau Drashari summoned the Tree of Names into being, a tree to protect Exandria and scribe the names of things beyond which should not come. Scribing runes of protection across Exandria to protect the world from threats outside it. For 292 years writing a spell upon the world to keep it safe. Not believing they could trust the wizards with this information.
*eventually when their order in shattered, centuries from then only the last three syllables of their name remain, The Ashari.
Zerxus: Evandrins translucent face in the tree, looking afraid. Reaching out. “Not like this!”
Blight hits the tree, and sunders it. Fire. A mutilated Vespin Chloras crawls through the split tree, and then his master, the Lord of the Hells follows.
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Vox Machina age of arcanum AU. Just think about it.
Keyleth being a Gau Drashari and having to deal with wizard hubris and two sealed primordials.
Pike being a cleric of a god in a time where gods were going out of favor.
Percy inventing weapons, mixing magic and technology with all of the unhingedness of the age.
Vex and Vax finding ways to survive in a world built around magic users with little to no magic of their own.
Grog simply trying to protect his best buddy and not being afraid to throw down with any mage that makes her feel lesser
Scanlan working his way up, trying to be more than a humble bard and the hubris of wizards either feeding his own ego or making every interation he has with them feel gross (maybe both).
Just. Age of arcanum Vox Machina
bro wait oh my god that's so good and the fact that none of them are wizards just makes this so much better.
Maybe part of the reason Pike was abandoned by her family was because of the divine magic that has always been a part of her and when Wilhand took her in and later Grog, he knew that she would constantly be degraded for it and makes sure that she and Grog are well equipped to deal with that kind of thing.
And Syldor wanted the twins to be wizards, tried to get them to delve into their studies to be worth something but they didn't and rebelled against him and as such have a bit of a hatred for arcana.
Keyleth knowing that what the Gau Drashari have planned is bigger than fucking wizards who would use any magic to do awful things and would destroy the world in the process being the one who decides that they must keep it a secret.
Percy making mechanical items only for them to be tossed aside because they have no magic in them so he teaches himself just enough to make them magic items so that the fucking mages will give them a second glance.
Scanlan finding true power and magic through his art, knowing that what he wields is more pure than wizards and mages because his magic comes from himself and as such has wax wings of his own.
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melancholic-frog · 2 years
the pact with the gau drashari was updated on the first replenishment after the raven queen's ascension. the arboreal engine is now taking more energy than it was supposed to. my theory is that the gau drashari saw the ascension of the raven queen, went "shit these wizards are even crazier than we thought", and decided to take more energy because they clearly can't be trusted and do not consider the consequences of their actions.
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What's New: - Bug - [SNMP] Fixed a bug where the device’s firmware version and serial number could not be acquired. - Fixed the bug(iaxe guitar driver bug) where the spare drive's status shows "Failure" wrongly when the TeraStation is initialized with a hot spare enabled. - Fixed issue(iaxe guitar driver issue) in which modular bay and dock media bay drivesmay not be recognized correctly by SMBIOS under ACPI operatingsystems. - Bug - Buffalo Replication: Fixed a bug where WS series TeraStations running firmware version 2.51 earlier could not be detected. - Fixed Issues- The software update functionality within FirePro Settings may pick up a non-workstation driver. - Fixes when(iaxe guitar driver when) set the Onboard LAN Option ROM to disabled or enabled,plug or unplug USB Storage,the boot Sequence will change to default automatic. - Fixed bug for(iaxe guitar driver for) "Test the FTP server DNS-340L was added by motion detection setup wizard is error." 14. - Fixed an(iaxe guitar driver an) issue that the video screen was destroyed with green color when chatting via preloaded Skype (v1.0.0.128). - Fixes that sometimes Maxtor 40GB HDD cannot be detected if HDD is set to slave and AGP card is Matrox G100. - Fixed the CPU voltage and CPU/NB voltage shown incorrectly in Turbo V after adjust the CPU voltage and CPU/NB voltage in bios setup with 6-core CPU. Users content: Initial release of the Asus Xonar Xense soundcard driver for Vista 32/64-bit editions. Built-in microphone: The omnidirectional microphone makes your voice clear. Double-click the new file downloaded in your Desktop. - APN connection credential is handled properly. If additional software is applied, users will be able to configure various display features such as brightness, gamma, contrast and several others. - Changed and extended USB protocol- Improved compensation algorithm- Some bugfixes UPGRADE FIRMWARE:1. Feature The worlds first ATX Pentium M motherboard -- i915Ga-HFS. Hereafter the CD/DVD/BD for the UEFI BIOS update is called as "BIOS Update CD". Supports multiple-channel audio outputs. - Radeon ReLive streaming and uploading of videos and other content to Facebook is currently unavailable. DRIVER P4P8X ETHERNET DOWNLOAD ASUS Supported OS: Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro (32-bit) Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit) Notebook 8.1/8/7 64-bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) Windows Server 2016 Windows XP 64-bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise (32-bit) Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista 64-bit Windows 7 64-bit Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2003 32-bit Windows Server 2012 R2 Microsoft Windows 8 Pro (32-bit) Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise (32-bit) Windows Server 2008 Windows 7 Microsoft Windows 8 Pro (64-bit) Windows Vista 32-bit Windows Server 2003 64-bit Windows XP 32-bit Notebook 8.1/8/7 32-bit Windows Vista 64-bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32-bit) Windows 2000 Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista 32-bit Windows 8 Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise (64-bit) Windows Server 2012 Windows 10 Windows 7 32-bit Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit) Microsoft Windows 8 (32-bit) Windows 8.1 Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise (64-bit) Searches: iaxe guitar driver for Microsoft Windows 8 Pro (32-bit); iaxe guitar Zga209-gau; iaxe guitar driver for Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit); iaxe guitar Z20g; iaxe guitar driver for Windows Server 2003 64-bit; iaxe guitar Z ZO209-2; iaxe guitar driver for Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit); iaxe guitar ZO2098; iaxe guitar ZOALH2098; iaxe guitar driver for Windows 7; guitar driver iaxe Compatible Devices: Mouse; Wifi adapter; Iphone; Hardware; Samsung; Usb Cables To ensure the integrity of your download, please verify the checksum value. MD5: 2460a12c4fedde0b6a8adf5e726d3bec SHA1: e28b4344537590c245e01605a7e001c2f7680d3a SHA-256: 76427bb605b2d729e71bd5427cac3efdbb402bede11aba0d8da88cf922c0db81
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nominalnebula · 2 years
laerryn doesn’t know. aabria knows, the table knows, but laerryn doesn’t know what the tree of names showed patia. laerryn doesn’t know that the gau drushari tended to the seals under mount ygora, keeping two primordials trapped. laerryn doesn’t know that the tree was a compromise and a promise, to protect exandria, a spell woven the world over.
laerryn didn’t see what patia saw. all laerryn knows is that the tree was siphoning off too much energy, too much magic, that she wouldn’t be able to power the leywright if she didn’t do something. and then patia touches the tree and was overwhelmed by the magic and nydas was standing in laerryn’s way. she sees quay, her husband, the love of her life, reach out to patia to pull her away from the tree and is consumed in the same way. she sees quay look back at her with fear, fear of what she would do, fear of her power. and laerryn let’s nydas stop her, hold her, keep her from acting.
but patia kept digging, even as she’s consumed by the tree and she sees what the gau drushari never trusted the wizards with. and the tree lashes out, spearing patia and quay, two people that laerryn holds most dear. because laerryn, powerful and insightful, is also so so loyal. to a handful of people, who saw her drive and her focus and her single-mindedness in her work and loved her anyway. so of course laerryn reacts, casting blight on the tree. even after nydas told her the prophecy, told her that there’s a chance, that if something happens to the tree, avalir falls. laerryn doesn’t know what patia and quay saw.
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