ashesonpaper · 6 months
Lowkey thinking about reading GatsbyxNick fanfics on Ao3 (cuz I may be a degenerate, but I have standards) to fulfill my little gay heart
Ok I feel I may need to specify: No I do not want your smut, I am a s3x-repulsed ace person, please for the love of god don’t send me mature content. Thank you for reading my PSA
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broc-e-coli · 6 months
sames vibes post but is gatsbyxnick & mikeyxtakemichi
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tisthewoman · 7 years
question for anyone who feels up to answering by why the fucque is there not more gatsby/nick fanfic?? fanart?? fanwork? is it cause it’s a classic novel? because i’m over here with the fifty total things that exist for this ship/fandom when I KNOW it deserves better. fitzgerald didn’t write this perfectly executed homoerotic subtext for nothing
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gaylonelydyke · 4 years
i wrote the line “youre too good for me and yet, i cant let you leave me” in a gatsbyxnick fanfiction. perhaps the romantic jumped out?
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cas-wings · 8 years
Old Money - Nick/Gatsby
Hey guys! I’ve made my first Natsby fan video. If you’d like to, I would really appreciate if you checked it out!
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He threw dust into your eyes just like he did in Daisy's....And if you think I didn't have my share of suffering-look here, when I went to give up that flat and saw that damn box of dog biscuits sitting there on the sideboard I sat down and cried like a baby. By God it was awful-"
Tom Buchanan (On how Nick and Daisy were 'tricked' by Gatsby in the same way and how his loss of Myrtle, his lover, is the same as Nick's loss of Gatsby.) 
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compass-rose12 · 11 years
My teacher had us read The Great Gatsby for school. At the end of the book, she asked what the real true love story behind the book was. Everyone said the love between Daisy and Gatsby.
She laughed at us before opening a PowerPoint that explained in depth every homoerotic subtext in the book while claiming the true love was the one Nick held for Gatsby.
(Yes, this is the same teacher who wrote on my essay that she enjoyed FanFiction)
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ussenterpancakes · 11 years
I'm just waiting for the flood of new shippers of Nick and Gatsby to come once the movie's out, thinking of all the subtext.
And for all the people who've studied the book to just go:
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because one of the first things you learn about The Great Gatsby was that Nick loved Gatsby. It's almost not even subtext.
And let's not forget this ambiguous, strongly homoerotic scene at the end of chapter two (though admittedly not Gatsby/Nick.):
Then Mr. McKee turned and continued on out the door. Taking my hat from the chandelier I followed. "Come to lunch some day," he suggested, as we groaned down in the elevator. "Where?" "Anywhere." "Keep your hands off the lever," snapped the elevator boy. "I beg your pardon," said Mr. McKee with dignity, "I didn't know I was touching it." "All right," I agreed, "I'll be glad to." . . . I was standing beside his bed and he was sitting up between the sheets, clad in his underwear, with a great portfolio in his hands. "Beauty and the Beast . . . Loneliness . . . Old Grocery Horse . . .Brook'n Bridge . . . ." Then I was lying half asleep in the cold lower level of the Pennsylvania Station, staring at the morning "Tribune" and waiting for the four o'clock train.
  I'm not even making up the ellipses.
edit: btw, elevator lever=phallic
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yanderessin · 11 years
K so
I remember back in highschool I had this horrible gatsbyxnick ship spree after reading the book. My silly little high school self drew them on the back of my old note book, quoting parts in the book lol. May quote some book things in a bit ahaha
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bardofnyeh · 11 years
Finished reading The Great Gatsby a couple hours ago....time to read slash fanfiction.
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dykecatra · 12 years
does Nick Carroway/Gatsby have a ship name yet??
it really, really should
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shrimp-gender · 12 years
“But his heart was in a constant turbulent riot.” (Fitzgerald 105)
            The classic novel, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, which occurs during the roaring twenties, a time when society’s views and mindsets were rapidly changing, provides the reader the opportunity to watch a love story unfold. However to view this love story one must not just glimpse the scene, but rather study it. On the surface it appears that Gatsby loves Daisy, but the truth is that he is in love with Daisy’s cousin Nick and Nick returns his affections.
            On the night they first meet Gatsby tells nick about his Hydroplane then asks “Want to go with me old sport” (Fitzgerald 52), an invitation extended to no one else. When he has Nick arrange for daisy to be and his house and then for Gatsby to come over Nick tells us that Gatsby followed him into the kitchen and whispers “Oh, God.” miserably. When nick asks him what’s wrong he proclaims. “This is a terrible terrible mistake, a terrible terrible mistake.” (Fitzgerald 92) he doesn’t say the mistake is drawing Daisy away from her husband, it seems he means bring her here was the mistake. Gatsby had not seen Daisy in a very long time. He had romanticized the past and when he finally got a chance to revisit it he realized it was not what he expected and that he feels much stronger for Nick, a revelation that leads to his existential crisis in the kitchen.
            Nick sees Gatsby as an extraordinary thing that should not exist but does: “He was a son of God” (Fitzgerald 104). “‘Anything could happen now that we’ve slid over this bridge.’ I thought. ‘Anything at all….’ Even Gatsby could happen without any particular wonder.” (Fitzgerald 73) That is hardly the way on would describe someone who’d just a friend. Gatsby is not the only man Nick is attracted to. He describes Mr. McKee as a “feminine man.” (Fitzgerald 34) and on the same day he met Mr. McKee Nick states “…I was standing beside his bed and he was sitting up between the sheets, clad in only his underwear.” Nick however was never in love with Mr. McKee; he only loved Gatsby, the man who could make him forget the world as he did the first night the met: “The nature of Mr. Tostoff’s composition eluded me because just as it began my eyes fell on Gatsby...” (Fitzgerald 54) on this night Nick also describes Gatsby by saying “His tanned skin was drawn attractively tight on his face.”(Fitzgerald 54).
            Perhaps the most telling moment is when nick is looking at Gatsby and note that his lips “parted like a dumb man’s” (Fitzgerald 118) in other words: Nick is standing the staring at Gatsby with his lips ready to be kissed. He doesn’t even realize it but he wants Gatsby to kiss him, to make the first move. That’s why he stood staring. Another telling moment is when Gatsby is dead Nick stays at his house, while Daisy is nowhere to be found. “I found myself on Gatsby’s side, and alone.” (Fitzgerald 172).
            Gatsby, the magical being who lived next door, caught Nick’s attention from the start and Nick, the honest trustworthy man, perhaps the last one, in Gatsby’s view at least, captured Gatsby’s. The true tragedy is that they both stood staring wishing with every fiber they had that the other would be brave enough to take the first step, and neither of them were. I do however believe that although they neither made that first move, the sheer fact they had each other at the level they did improved both their lives greatly.
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My new hobby is screen capping quotes about Gatsby and Daisy in such a way that it looks like natsby.
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Gatsby's house is huge! There is a bedroom that Nick could have used somewhere, but he chose to seep on the stairs, because he couldn't leave Gatsby's side even then.
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As Nick struggles to cover himself up, Gatsby smirks happily.
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