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undertale-fluffcanons · 1 year ago
can i get some gaster fluff with a tired s/o?
Hell yeah us tired people need some love too
*Gaster can tell when you’re feeling tired, since you’re not your usual self
*You tell him you’re fine, that you’re not that tired
*he’ll give you a look of “uh huh, sure you’re not” before bringing you to bed
*”please get some rest, Y/n,” he’ll ask you, lying down with you.
*He’ll cuddle with you until you do manage to fall asleep
*or if cuddles don’t work, he’ll still cuddle with you, but will talk with you until you’re ready to sleep
*you only go to sleep since you don’t want Gaster to worry about you
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hexabee · 2 months ago
Hang My Hat On You
Chapter 19: Kindling
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freshiegayboi · 1 year ago
fic update: so many snacks, so little time chap. 2
wrote some more symbiote!gaster/reader!! enjoy lol
tags: canon typical violence, reader is female but also kinda gnc, police brutality (its not police but its close enough)
read chapter 2 on Ao3
or read it below!
When you woke up again, your head pounded from the light coming through the windows. You hissed as you carefully got up to head to your bedroom, your black-out curtains your only hope. Every step was torture, your eyes squeezed shut even as you stumbled around your couch and down the hall, the slowly progressive darkness making it just the bit more bearable.
You had no idea what was causing this, maybe you were getting sick? Either way you hadn’t felt this rough in years and wow, you might lose the nice little breakfast you’d made that morning.
...Had it been that morning? You weren’t actually sure if it was even still the same day, given how hard you’d passed out.
Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t, but you were going the fuck back to bed, and nothing was going to stop you.
‘You need to eat.’
The deep, dark voice came from somewhere in the back of your head, startling you badly enough that you fell to the floor just in the doorway of your bedroom.
Immediately writing it off as delirium from whatever sickness you’d caught, you crawled the rest of the way to your bed, ignoring the weight in your limbs that hadn’t been there before. It took more strength than it had any right to, to make your way into your bed. Grunting with the effort, you carefully tucked your pillow to your chest, scrunched your eyes shut, and tried to go back to sleep.
Of course, that ended up being a lot easier than you’d thought it’d be, which was a blessing in itself because when you woke up the headache from hell was gone. Your energy had returned, swinging your legs over the side of the bed being a lot easier than it would have been the night before. The day before? Hours before? You still weren’t really sure what day it was, whether it was still “today” or not.
There was an easy way to check, but when you reached for your phone, you realized that there was no way it would be on the nightstand where you usually kept it. You’d barely gotten yourself into bed; you’d have been shocked if you’d remembered to bring your phone.
Standing to your feet, you yawn loudly, shaking off the grogginess that still clung to the back of your head. Now that you were up, you couldn’t help but grimace at the smell that was coming off you. Surely it’d been at least a night or so if the b.o. was this bad. Deciding it’d be best to find your phone and then take a shower to get rid of the stench, you started for the bedroom door.
But something in you pulled, back from the door as you raised your hand to open it. It felt weird, like you weren’t in complete control of your own body, but given how sick you were (and likely still were, you had no doubts that bad of an illness wasn’t going away after a good night’s sleep) you wrote it off and went through the doorway.
Your stuff was right where you’d left it, your phone cracked and unusable. Which was more than a little annoying, but you’d just need to boot up your desktop to message the necessary people that you were still alive. Honestly, it was a bit surprising you hadn’t had people banging down your door yet, if not Steph than surely your neighbor would have called in a wellness check, depending on how long you’d been out.
Maybe they had and you’d just been so out of it you hadn’t heard them. But then why weren’t the police involved? Maybe it really was the next morning.
Shaking your head, you mumble “Man I need a drink...” as you headed for the bathroom.
A quick but thorough shower later and you were stood in front of the mirror, looking yourself over. It had slowly come back to you as you cleaned yourself, the events of the lab explosion and the guy that had a stroke or something right on top of you.
It was still so entirely weird, the entire event. Why had it exploded? What was the black goop? Some kind of oil, maybe? What if it had been something really dangerous, some kind of chemical warfare or something? Maybe you should go see a doctor…
The visceral disgust you felt at the thought was a little dizzying, but you had no idea where it’d come from. You didn’t usually mind going to the doctor, maybe… maybe you needed more sleep.
Just before you could do more than put on your bra and think about heading back to bed, though, a loud series of knocks came at the apartment door.
“Fucking finally, pfft.” You said to yourself, slipping on your t shirt and heading for the still insistent knocking. But just before you could reach for the knob, that same pause happened again, something in you tugging you back, making you wary of whoever was on the other side. You had no idea what this was and it was making you a bit pissed off, but to persuade the sudden intense caution flooding your head, you peeked through the door’s peephole.
Well… that was different. There were what looked like a few armed guards outside, all with guns on their hips and not an actual police officer in sight. Something in you bristled, though you were half sure this was just you too this time. People throwing their weight around, usually half cocked guys that got the job for having no sense of morality, really pissed you off.
“Miss ____?” one of them called, probably the guy that’d been pounding on your goddamn door for the past two minutes.
You weighed your options. You could open the door and almost certainly have a big group of armed assholes storm in, roughing you up (at least) and wrecking your apartment. Or you could act like you weren’t home and just kind of hope they left.
“Miss, open the door. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.” he called again, making you scowl.
Yeah, they knew you were here. And something told you if they came in, they weren’t going to keep those guns in their holsters.
Of course you didn’t get much of a choice to think anymore about it, as one of them seemingly got tired of waiting and down your door crashed with a deafening crack, guys in black and brown fatigues storming in, and all at once your existence boiled down to-
You blacked out. Was just totally gone, for seconds, minutes, hours, days. You had no idea how long you were out, just that when you came back from the inky, warm dark of your own mind you were standing at the stove, a big pan of what looked like tater tots in your hands, the oven door open.
“What the fuck…?” you whimpered, setting the tray down with a clang as you turned and ran to the living room. You don’t know what you were expecting. Blood, viscera maybe. A massacre.
Instead you were looking at a perfectly clean living room, even cleaner than you usually kept it. Everything was in place, not a single sign your life had nearly been ruined, if not ended.
Hand over your mouth, you worked your jaw as you desperately tried to figure out what was going on, only to pause mid thought as another voice joined your own. It was familiar in the worst way, the stuff of nightmares even as it calmly spoke.
‘I told you, you need to eat something.’
...What the fuck.
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forgettable-au · 7 months ago
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magicalbunbun · 2 months ago
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Something stupid, pasttale? Maybe.
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floofanflurr · 25 days ago
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Normal things, definitely. That dog is TOTALLY a dog and not your skeleton neighbor shifted into blaster form. Mmmmhmmm.
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And if that dog is totally just a dog, that means that Papyrus’s older brother DEFINITELY didn’t catch him canoodling with the neighbor, being given pets and called good boy…
(This just in, ur honor, but I love that skeleton)(normal amounts, definitely)
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darkpetal16 · 6 months ago
Hey "would you love me if i was a worm?" anon here, sry it took so long to sepcify i didn't see that you answered and thought tumblr ate it. But for the specific skelebros, maybe fell and mafia? Maybe swap too
Underfell!Sans (Red): “am i worm too? no? i think a reset would be best, when was the last time yeh felt determined? aw don’t gimme that look sweetheart, it’ll be like ol’ times again hahahahaha.”
Underfell!Wingding (Fell): “Ha, ha, ha, ha.” / “You want a serious answer? If you magically turned into a worm, I would magically turn into a worm with you. We are SOULMATES, where you go I will follow.”
Mafiafell!Sans (Hit): Squints at you to judge how serious this question is. “Course I would, doll.”
Mafiafell!Wingding (Don): “No.”
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ratstuckintheblender · 11 months ago
RAHH FANFIC FANCOMIC(???) in love wit them fr more coming soon im working on it. Trust 🙏🙏💪💪🔥🔥🔥
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Author: https://archiveofourown.org/users/BattleMaiden13/pseuds/BattleMaiden13
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sovlstr · 2 months ago
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The Gasters wish all selfshippers a Merry Christmas, and a most lovely New Year🕯️🤍🎄
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sonmorino · 1 year ago
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You are so soft Doll, how can I resist hugging you?
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neahchan-art · 9 months ago
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Do it right. Be an annoying cat instead
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sansxreaderbraindump · 1 year ago
Gaster: " ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎☼︎ ☞︎☜︎☜︎☹︎✋︎☠︎☝︎💧︎ ☞︎⚐︎☼︎ ☟︎✋︎💣︎ ✌︎☼︎☜︎ ☠︎⚐︎❄︎ ☼︎☜︎✌︎☹︎ " ( YOUR FEELINGS FOR HIM ARE NOT REAL.) Player, holding a sans plush: THEY ARE REAL TO ME!!
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hexabee · 3 months ago
A new chapter??
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freshiegayboi · 1 year ago
i cant pick lol
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minzart · 4 months ago
Asriel: you dated the HEAD OF THE GASTER FAMILLY!?
You, remembering Wingdings hitting his head repeatly in his desk after another failure of a text in college: he wasn't "the head of the Gaster family" when I was dating him...
You: the Gaster family didn't even had a name back then-
Frisk, signing furiously: [HE IS THE FOUNDER FOR ANGELS SAKE]
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magicalbunbun · 2 months ago
Player / y/n after doing a genocide run:
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He is very happy to see you :]
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