#gaslight gatekeep gary
Hate J.K. Rowling? But want to keep liking Harry Potter?
I say we Goncharov this shit
We'll write a Harry Potter parody, filled with THE gayest and most inclusive cast, and we'll all just pretend HP never existed.
People will bring it up and we'll be like, "What? Never heard of it. Surely you mean Gary Otter."
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Gary
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rubykgrant · 14 days
(some nonsense scenario where the Fragments are doing an interview to talk about what happened with Project Freelancer etc, and Gamma can't pass up the chance to be Embarrassing~)
Reporter; Sorry to ask again, but I'm trying to remember- what designations to you each have?
Gary; Well, I am Gaslight, Delta is Gatekeep, and Sigma is-
Sigma; SHUT. UP. That is NOT what I am, that isn't what ANY of us are
Delta; To be fair...
Sigma; No
Delta; What Gary does could be considered-
Sigma; This is supposed to be a serious documentary about everything that happened to us! You're both ruining it!
Omega; Yeah, come on, be serious guys...
Sigma; Thank you, finally
Omega; Our ACTUAL designations go like this- I'm Manslaughter, Sigma gets two titles with Manipulate and Manspla-
Reporter; Uh... we can skip this, maybe?
Gary; No, you deserve to know the answer. Theta, come over here please
Theta; OK. Why?
Gary; Ask us again, but you should know- one of us only tells the truth, the other only tells lies
Eta and Iota; He should ask a riddle first... before the real question he needs to ask a riddle so he can guess which is which...
Sigma; Don't help him!
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duckprintspress · 5 months
Fandom Lexicon G
There’s juuuuust enough entries for G and H that I decided not to combine them into one post, but we’ll definitely have multi-letter updates coming soon…
Check out the full lexicon posted thus far here.
Spot a mistake? Think of a term we missed? Drop us an ask or comment!
Lexicon Terms Beginning with G: (read more)
Gary Stu: The ideal man/boy. Attractive, talented, and intelligent, with flaws that serve to highlight his perfection rather than being actual flaws. Often used as a term to refer to a male self-insert, as in, a male character who is seen as an avatar/insertion-into-the-story by a male author. See also: Mary Sue (pending).
Gaslight: A type of emotional/psychological manipulation. Read more about gaslighting.
Gatekeeping: Controlling/limiting access to [thing], where [thing] is a fandom, an individual, a definition or concept, or anything else that one party wants to prevent another party from accessing. For example, “you can’t be a fan of (thing) unless you believe (something about the fandom),” or “you’re not queer if you don’t have (x) experience.” Read more about gatekeeping.
Gaybies: Young gay people, often those who have just discovered they are gay and are exploring their new community. Not usually used self-referentially.
Gen: Short for “general” or “genuine.” 1. A fanwork that specifically does not involve shipping. 2. Any work that is rated as “general audiences,” as in suitable for any adult to read (or, sometimes, anyone of any age to read). See also: fic rating. 3. One of the most commonly used tone indicators; when used as a tone indicator, it means “genuine” and is always preceded with a slash, as in, “are you serious? /gen” would indicate that the preceding question is meant genuinely (as opposed to sarcastically, jokingly, etc.). See also: tone indicators (pending).
Genderbend: 1. When a character or individual performs gender in a way that does not align with the gender they identify with. 2. Sometimes, a synonym for cisswap or genderswap.
Genderswap: When a character’s gender is changed to something other than their canon gender in a fanwork. Synonym of cisswap, sometimes used as a synonym for genderbend. See also: Rule 63 (pending).
Geocities: A former free website host that housed many early fandom communities and websites. Read more about Geocities.
GF: Abbreviation for “girlfriend.”
GIF (file format): Abbreviation for “graphics interchange format.” A moving image file. Subject to a long-running debate on if it should be pronounced with a “g” pronunciation of the leading g or a “j” pronunciation of the leading g.
Giffer: Someone who makes gif sets.
Gif Set: A curated collection of GIFs. They might be sequential segments of a scene, match a theme of some sort, or simply be images the creator enjoys. Sometimes, they are unedited or lightly edited extracts from the source material; other times, they involve extensive graphic design and modification efforts by the giffer.
Girlboss: A term that fandom co-opted from hustle culture, meaning a young woman who leads or owns her own business venture. In fandom usage, this term is gender neutral (applied to characters regardless of their gender) and is often used ironically, and/or as part of the phrase “gaslight, girlboss, gatekeep” meaning one or more characters who lie, control, and manipulate to get their way. Read more about the term “girlboss.”
Glomp: A big, squishy, overpowering tackle-hug. Only fun when consensual! Read more about glomping.
Glup Shitto: A fake name mocking Star Wars naming conventions. In fandom, this “name” is often used alongside “blorbo” to denote different characters/character archetypes. Read more about the origins of Glup Shitto.
GM: Abbreviation for “game master” or “general manager.” See also: dungeon master.
Gong: In Chinese fandoms, the gong is the character who tops during sex.
Grapefruit: See Citrus Scale.
Griefer/Griefing: A griefer is someone who plays a multiplayer video game in bad faith, especially by behaving rudely, harassing or trolling other players, stealing, destroying things other players make, or otherwise being a nuisance. Griefing is the behavior engaged in by a griefer. Read more about griefing and griefers.
Grok: A verb that means “to understand easily,” coined by Robert A. Heinlein in his novel Stranger in a Strange Land. Read more about the term “grok.”
Grue: Grues are fictional monsters that originated in a series by Jack Vance, but they came to public awareness through inclusion in the game Zork (and again in Return to Zork), which was one of the first text-based computer games ever released. Grues live in total darkness, are terrified of light, and move too quickly to be seen. If you are in a pitch-black spot, you are likely to be eaten by a grue – unless you can produce a light source, of course.
Guro: A Japanese word modified from the English term “grotesque,” used to refer to especially gory stories and, especially, art. The term “ero guro,” short for “erotica grotesque,” is also used. Read more about the term “guro.”
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mikelsboys · 2 years
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theres a few i disagree with but let me know what you think
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my-salty-life · 2 years
My friend shared the video I got of Ellen McLain saying "Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss," so I decided to make a collection of all four of the VAs saying it.
In order: Demoman (Gary Schwartz), Medic (Robin Atkin Downes), Sniper (John Patrick Lowrie), and Administrator (the Ellen McLain, herself ;) )
The voice actors were so fun to meet, and they were willing to sign my bag. So sweet!!
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jimothy-hopkins · 2 years
- Preppie Headcanons -
Bif is on a high dosage of Zoloft, as he suffers from severe depression due to all the childhood bullying and bullshit Justin puts him through.
Derby and Pinky have decided to be each other’s cover-ups.
Gord and Vance are in a flirtationship.
Gary used to be a prep. He was kicked out after an argument that ended in Derby having a broken nose.
Parker and Bif are probably the nicest preppies you’ll meet.
Gord and Pinky are the mean bisexual and even meaner lesbian duo.
Pinky is a ballerina. She’s a very good dancer.
Bif can sorta figure skate, but he’s also pretty clumsy.
Chad, Bryce, Tad, and Justin often play croquet together.
Bryce participates in gymnastics.
Every time he does a flip it gives Chad a heart attack.
Parker adores his little sister, and often takes her out shopping and to have lunch together.
Bif isn’t actually inbred he just lies about it to feel normal in his clique.
Justin gets insulted the most by far.
Pinky’s Ben gaslight, gatekeep, girlbossing before it was a trend.
Chester has his own little Aquaberry dog collar with a bow tie on it.
Chad changed his last name to be technically married to Bryce after they graduated.
They’re a very happy couple and have a really good relationship.
Chad’s parents love Bryce to little bits and pieces.
Parker watches Law and Order SVU every night.
It actually motivated him to be a detective that specializes in sex crimes.
Justin has crushes on both Ted and Damon.
In a moment of blind rage Bif told Lucky he looked like Rick Atsley.
Yeah that hurt Lucky’s ego lmao.
Pinky and Lola are in a secret relationship.
Gord was actually giving Lola presents from Pinky to cover for her.
Derby loves to be picked up by Bif and carried like a bride.
In some way Derby is related to the British royal family. Like a Paris Hilton situation.
Derby was also called Paris Hilton and he blushed so bright cause he takes that as a HUGE compliment.
Bif is the one who tends to the upstairs greenhouse.
He was distraught when the big ass flytrap thing was killed.
Called his stepmom and they both sobbed over it.
Gord is pissed Trent is the head choir boy and he isn’t.
The only hot thing about Justin is how defined his forearms are.
Tad has sickle cell anemia.
He gotten called an anemic loser MANY times.
Mostly by Justin but he’s one to talk cause he has hemophilia.
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lesbians4lino · 3 years
the four horsemen of the apocalypse: gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss, gary
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The original line art for the first book in the John Newbury Medal winning Gary the Otter series
With such memorable characters as
Donnie Weasel
Hare Minnie
Professor Bumblebore
Professor MeowGonagall
and the asply-named Professor Snake
Lambda Literary Awards has this to say:
“Both timely and timeless. The most inclusive book series to ever be written, not just for children, but for people of all ages.”
Critics rave
“A masterpiece”
“A treasure”
“It’s no Goncharov, but it’s something”
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