#garry wills
churchblogmatics-blog · 4 months
Books for spiritual formation
Books that have left an indelible mark on my understanding of God or the Christian faith in some way. My spiritual development is unfinished, so this list is unfinished - I'm always open to suggestions
Soren Kierkegaard
The Sickness Unto Death - Explained how sin works psychologically, illustrates how it can be its own punishment
Works of Love - What it means to love, what it costs, what it gives us
Fear and Trembling - What faith means, its miraculous nature
Karl Barth
Evangelical Theology - What theology actually means, how the gospel is good news
The Epistle to the Romans - Shows the need for continual reformation of thought within the church, introduced (to me) the idea of God's freedom in communication to man
Church Dogmatics II.2 - Election is good news! It is God willing to choose humanity despite sin - universal reconciliation can and should be hoped for
The Journal of John Woolman
What undying commitment to justice means, what it looks like
Martin Luther King Jr
Letter from a Birmingham Jail - Made me understand how Romans 13:1 can be integrated into radical politics
A Gift of Love - Brought to life 1 John 4:20
A Prayer for Owen Meany, John Irving
A narrative illustration of unwavering faith
The Imitation of Christ, Thomas Kempis
What we're saved to, salvation has a telos
Flannery O'Connor
Wise Blood - Life without Christ, the perils of sola scriptura
A Good Man is Hard to Find - Shows grace as an intrusive lived experience
Marilynne Robinson
Gilead novels (Gilead, Home, Lila) - Rich illustration of Imago Dei
When I Was a Child I Read Books - Bolstered my understanding of the 8th commandment (reading with charitable intent, in interactions with others in life and on the page)
What Are We Doing Here? - Illustrates what the glory of God means in daily experience
Garry Wills
What Paul Meant - Paul and Jesus were of a unified mind, stop reading Paul as a bible thumper, start reading him as a man who loved dearly and wrote with urgency on live issues
Religio Medici, Thomas Browne
Ecumenism is a beautiful thing and should be strived for in all Christian communities
The Seven Storey Mountain, Thomas Merton
The gospel brings peace of mind and soul, searching for peace is a valid epistemology
Eichmann in Jerusalem, Hannah Arendt
Wickedness is not inevitable, it arises from moral and intellectual sluggardliness
The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Learn to love the church, it is the arms of Christ; great exegesis of the Sermon on the Mount; great companion to the book of James
White Evangelical Racism, Anthea Butler
Evangelicalism did not emerge from theological first principles, it is a diseased expression of the faith informed by racism at the root
Jesus and John Wayne, Kristin Kobes du Mez
Evangelicalism did not emerge from theological first principles, it is a diseased expression of the faith informed by misogyny at the root
C.S. Lewis
The Great Divorce - Eternity begins now, sin is its own punishment and grace is its own reward
Till We Have Faces - God has compassion and patience for those who wrestle with him, to summon the boldness to contend with God can be a blessed thing
The Courage to Be, Paul Tillich
The dynamics of Christian faith explained in the abstract
As I Lay Dying, William Faulkner
The thinness of intellectual assent, the richness of faith
The Denial of Death, Ernest Becker
Explanation of the existential need faith meets in the language of continental philosophy
Confessions, St. Augustine
The most theologically and philosophically rich testimony besides that of St. Paul
An Unpublished Essay on the Trinity, Jonathan Edwards
What is the trinity, why is it important
John Milton
Areopagitica - Enforced virtue means nothing
Paradise Lost - Human beings are worth saving even if they aren't deserving of God's favor
Civilization and its Discontents, Sigmund Freud
Illustrates the necessity of grace by exploring a world through the assumption of its absence (excellent foil to A Gift of Love)
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alanshemper · 10 months
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9kmovies-biz · 2 years
ChatGPT's AI Is a Great Tool–You’re Just Using It Wrong
Illustration: maxuser (Shutterstock) It doesn’t take much to get ChatGPT to make a factual mistake. My son is doing a report on U.S. presidents, so I figured I’d help him out by looking up a few biographies. I tried asking for a list of books about Abraham Lincoln and it did a pretty good job: Screen capture by Jonathan May., CC BY-ND Number 4 isn’t right. Garry Wills famously wrote “Lincoln at…
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ruinpowder · 1 year
ib is such an evil game it’s like “here are two characters who care deeply about the protagonist and are willing to do anything to escape with her. one of them has to die a horrific death. you cannot save them both. choose wisely :)”
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doodlenoodleboi · 2 months
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Gonna be writing for my less talked about anime and manga babes maybe even cartoons and other media think of this of a master list of sorts. I will have characters from well known media in here but l it will just be about those characters because we don't get much exclusive material about our boys and possibly girls, they them's as well won't be excluded.
Characters/Shows/ Games/ Media etc... like:
- Choji Akimichi - Naruto
- Shino Aburame - Naruto
- Jack the Ripper - Black Clover
- Characters in General - Hajime no Ippo
- Decim - Death Parade
- Garry - Ib
- Micah Yujin - ERROR143
- Cove - Our Life
- Sal - Sally face
Don't be shy to make a request I do prefer that you don’t it anonymous so that I can tag you maybe even become friends!
I’m not saying that I will exclusively make content for that purpose, but I will make a lot of my content based off of that since I cannot find that type of content!
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I’m almost willing to write for every fandom and every character. If I’ve not watched the show or consumed the media, I’ll try my best to do research on it! Or even watch the show or consume media. Who knows I just might find my new hyper fixation!
English isn’t my first languages guys so there might be a lot of typos.
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marsprincess889 · 1 year
THE PRINCESS DIARIES - coming into your power.
Astrological analysis with nakshatras
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The princess diaries, 1 and 2, are forever on the list of my favorite movies. Girls all over the world feel for Mia and I'm no exception, I almost always cry during certain scenes and I'm amazed again and again by how relatable and real she is, by how those movies speak to young girls.
I've decided to break down the main themes in the two movies by analyzing nakshatras of the people involved.
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A quick recap of what the story is about: Mia is a 15 year old teenager living in San Francisco with her mother. She's clumsy, awkward and has no self esteem. One day, her estranged grandmother comes to visit her from Europe to tell her that she's the only legitimate heir to rule a small country- Genovia.
Director of the movies, Garry Marshall has Ketu in Magha. Magha is about ancestors, bloodlines and it's also associated with royalty (Magha begins the signs of Leo). Ketu in a chart represents a person's primal creative energy. This explains why he was drawn to a story about royalty. One interesting fact to note is that Gary Marshall made two very iconic movies (Pretty Woman and Runaway Bride) starring Julia Roberts who has been a kind of muse to him and who has Magha moon. This is also a pattern with directors and actors, one example I can think of is Kirsten Dunst (Ashlesha moon, Purva Ashadha Ketu) being a muse to Sofia Coppola (Purva Ashadha moon, Ashlesha Ketu).
Anyways, let's get back to The Princess Diaries and analyze the heart of the two movies- the relationship between Mia and her grandmother, queen Clarisse.
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Anne Hathaway - Hasta moon, Vishakha sun, Jyeshta rising
Julie Andrews - Vishakha moon, Hasta sun, Uttara Phalguni rising
Part 1
Hasta- strong females
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The second movie's main theme is about female empowerment and independence. When the parliament refuses to let Mia rule without a husband, she has 30 days to arrange a marriage and she's willing to do it, just because she wants to rule so much that's she's ready to make such a sacrifice. At the last second she breaks down at her wedding, unable to be betray herself and finds courage inside her to make the parliament change their minds. She succeds and becomes queen without a husband.
Hasta is all about female empowerment but unlike Bharani, it's in a non-sexual, celibate way. Hasta, as a woman, completely rejects almost all male influence and is capable of being self-reliant, only opening up to rare men who she deems worthy. Hasta is the female that does not need a man and in that way, is a safe and empowering place for women.
There's a scene in the second movie where Mia stops the parade to defend a small girl from boys who were bullying her. She tells her how to be a princess and empowers her, letting her and the other kids join the parade. During the monologue at the end, when Mia is talking to the parliament at her wedding, we see women accross the country intently listening to her on the television, shushing the men . 😆
Part 2
Vishakha - joining opposites
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Like Hasta, both Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews have Vishakha in their luminaries. Vishakha nakshatra is about joining opposites. It begins in the sign of Libra (partnerships, agreements, relationships, compromise) with its last quarter being in Scorpio (death, transformation, occult). Vishakha is ruled by the gods Indra and Agni- the lightning and fire gods. It's about energized ebthuasiasm, cultivating something over time, about using the pent up energy or anger. It's another name is Radha ("the gift", hence the next nakshatra being Anuradha- "after the gift".)
"The gift" is not just good, it can also be unwelcome, like in Mia's case, when she was angered by the revelation that she's a princess. Queen Clarisse and Mia are very different from each other, but neither had a choice but to compromise and agree to a bargain. They learn to appreciate their differences and embrace their similarities, thus, joining opposite forces.
They do have misunderstandings, but that's part of all relationships and eventually they bond deeply as they realize they have the same goal. Vishakha is also connected to anger and the little outbursts they both have definitely show that. One great example is when Mia ruins Lana's (her bully's) outfit and calls her a jerk in front of everyone after always just silently ignoring her remarks.
Joining opposites in this movie is not just about Mia and the Queen, it's also about the two cultures, also about the first movie being a high school drama as well as a fairytale for young girls.
Part 3
Jyeshta - from underdog to the ruler
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"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear."
-Mia's father to her in a letter
To me, Jyeshta is connected to the underdog who succeeds despite all odds. Jyeshta 's power is to "rise, conquer and gain courage in battle". It's the stage of intense competition. Its deity is Indra- lightning god and the king of the gods, like Vishakha. We see other kids bully Mia in the first film but she slowly places herself above it, making her point (by taking her little revenge on Lana) and then not engaging with them anymore, as she realizes her own self- worth.
A major point in the movie is when she decides not to run away despite being scared to speak to the public, showing her true courage.
Besides Indra- the king of the gods, another deity associated with Jyeshta is Dhumavati- the hag goddess who is eternally hungry. Because of this, I think Jyeshta is associated with grandmothers and our relationship to them. I personally have exalted Ketu in Jyeshta and I was practically raised by my father's late mother (unlike my sibling, mind you. I'm the eldest) and I still have a close relationship with my mother's mother. Mia, played by Jyeshta ascendant Anne Hathaway, also has a very special relationship with her grandmother.
So, in the end, the bullied underdog became a princess and eventually- a queen.
Some bonuses:
Uttara Phalguni is associated with gaining wealth and privileges from partnerships. Uttara Phalguni ascendant Julie Andrews playing queen Clarisse, who became a royal by marriage, confirms that.
Heather Mattarazo (Lily) and Anne Hathaway were born only a few days apart, hence their charts being similar and them playing best friends.
So, this is it. If you found this interesting, please, interact with me, like, comment, reblog. Take care 🤍
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 10 months
Gary and John head cannons x an overly chill high ranking demon lord.
Garry doesn't know how he summoned the reader, but is instantly feeling "on a scale from one to ten, my friend, you're fucked!"
The reader is of a drastically higher rank in hell, and the only reason why they were summoned was cause "why not?"
Gary cannot bring himself to boss around the reader cause he thinks he'll get killed, or worse, turned into the reader's personal play thing, but na. Reader was bored, and likes giving demons of lesser power severe anxiety.
When reader meets John, they're barely effected by the cross, and only slightly annoyed by the pain of the exorcism. Beyond telling him to scram, reader doesn't even attack. They're just glad to be out of hell, chilling.
Gary Miller
He was getting frustrated with John vanquishing so many demons
So he pulls out all the stops, sacrificing a thrall or two (or ten) to bring about a stronger demon to further weaken his faith.
However, Gary accidentally summons one who's a bit TOO powerful for the cult to contain: you, a demon overlord leagues above his rank.
"Astaroth, what a surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Suddenly he feels like he made a huge mistake considering your reputation in Hell.
Your power easily surpassed his own, and he fears what you'd do if he explained why he called upon you..or found out that he never intended to do that at all.
The worst case scenario? You killed him and decide to rule the EOSD as your own cult.
An even worse scenario? He became your "pet" and you force him to watch you take over his mission.
Either one is horrible, so he tries making up an excuse to justify the ritual.
"Your Wickedness, there is a man..a holy man who stands in the way of our great plan. His faith is in shambles, but he is persistent and-"
"So you thought wasting my time was the best course of action?" You huff, tapping your foot. "Huh, and I was starting to like you, too...but now you just sound pitiful and desperate. You couldn't kill this one man yourself?"
He kneels, hands raised to you in a show of complete submission, completely terrified. "No, we can easily handle him, I...I just thought you would like to partake in the Profane Sabbath after we DO kill him and-"
"Woah, slow down there, Azzy...no need to look so petrified." You laugh gently, which confuses him. "Not many have been able to replicate my summoning ritual as well as you did...so well done. I needed the vacation from Hell, anyways. Now rise."
He gets up, wondering why you did a total 180.....until he remembers you just got power-trips from time to time.
You always liked to playfully threaten lesser demons out of pure boredom, but never actually acted on those threats.
So to realize you fooled him, too, left Gary extremely humbled.
Still, he's willing to whatever you say and he won't give you orders.
And he sure as hell will make sure no cult member tries bossing you around (even though you won't kill any of them).
John Ward
You showed up one night while he's wandering the forest, reminiscing over his failures to save Amy and what he could have done differently that night....
And you put the fear of fucking satan into this poor man just by standing near a tree, not even doing anything.
Even so, he freaks out upon recognizing you as a demonic overlord, holding up his cross with two shaking hands.
He didn't know why the lord was testing him so much..he had absolutely 0 strength to combat a demon of your status. But still, he tries exorcising you.
"Father, you should know that it only feels like a small itch to me."
"Yes, we'll be here all day if you keep doing that-"
"Then I will stand here all day if I must!" He shouts despite the tremble in his voice, refusing to put down that silly stick as if it's gonna suddenly become golden again.
But it's still copper, barely inflicting any pain on you.
'And Astaroth says this is the man who's disrupting his mission?'
"I will not surrender. My faith is not weak!"
"You're right, it's not. But my tough skin cannot be easily penetrated by exorcisms. If anything, you're only annoying me more. So it would be wise to stop doing that."
Surprisingly, John listens after careful consideration, exhausted and almost in tears. He thought you were going to kill him or punish him for trying something as stupid as challenging an overlord.
Maybe you were sent to him as punishment for-
"All I ask of you, John Ward, is that you leave me be. I was just admiring the Earth's forests." You pat a tree trunk. "I suppose God did a few things right. Hate to see these beauties wither away into nothingness.."
Although he's shellshocked that you, a demon, would spare his life, he's quick to scurry back to his sedan.
He hasn't seen you since, and he thanks whoever intervened from above that he got away from you.
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grox-empire · 4 months
Hey Mutuals (and random people who happen to see this) do any of you guys have experience rigging models for VRchat and would any of you be fine with attempting to rig a Spore model. I can supply tutorials if needed
I've been wanting to play as my Sona in VRchat for a while now but I don't have any experience rigging or using blender so I'm wondering if anyone would be able to help me out??
Much appreciated! I'd literally be willing to pay someone for this if possible ESPECIALLY if they also have experience w/ source modding since I'd like to play as my sona in Garry's mod as well.
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Have a dancing Alistair gif as compensation (Also the model I want rigged. Btw)
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theanticool · 3 months
Ian Garry vs MVP really has potential to be one of the worst fights ever. Just two stringy boys staring at one another from 8 feet away with the occasional leg kick thrown in for the illusion of action. God, I wish it was 5 rounds.
It’s such a frustrating ass fight because the two guys have basically fought perfectly tailored opponents to maximize their gifts up to this point but both have still turned in some real stinkers. Garry, as he’s been exiled from top camps and faced better competition, has become less potent offensively, trying to fight “safe” instead of imposing his will. And MVP is only willing to engage a handful of times a fight for fear of extended grappling and being stuck in the pocket. MVP just had the misfortune of fighting Douglas Lima in the last fight he was ever offensively potent in.
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mortalityplays · 10 months
I think if you tune into a broadcast by the kind of comedy troupe who are willing to perform the entirety of Breaking Bad in first person, as a 5-6 hour live theatre event, in Garry's Mod, and you are upset that they would do that, the problem lies with you and can't be cured.
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deadpresidents · 9 months
LYNDON B. JOHNSON •Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream by Doris Kearns Goodwin (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Lone Star Rising: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1908-1960 by Robert Dallek (BOOK | KINDLE) •Flawed Giant: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1961-1973 by Robert Dallek (BOOK | KINDLE) •The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Volume I: The Path to Power by Robert A. Caro (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Volume II: Means of Ascent by Robert A. Caro (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Volume III: Master of the Senate by Robert A. Caro (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Volume IV: The Passage of Power by Robert A. Caro (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
RICHARD NIXON •Being Nixon: A Man Divided by Evan Thomas (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon by Richard Nixon (BOOK | KINDLE) •President Nixon: Alone in the White House by Richard Reeves (BOOK | KINDLE) •The Haldeman Diaries: Inside the Nixon White House by H.R. Haldeman (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Nixon, Volume 1: The Education of a Politician, 1913-1962 by Stephen E. Ambrose (BOOK | KINDLE) •Nixon, Volume 2: The Triumph of a Politician, 1962-1972 by Stephen E. Ambrose (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Nixon, Volume 3: Ruin and Recovery, 1973-1990 by Stephen E. Ambrose (BOOK | KINDLE) •Nixon Agonistes: The Crisis of the Self-Made Man by Garry Wills (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •All the President's Men by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •The Final Days by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
GERALD FORD •An Ordinary Man: The Surprising Life and Historic Presidency of Gerald R. Ford by Richard Norton Smith (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Write It When I'm Gone: Remarkable Off-the-Record Conversations With Gerald R. Ford by Thomas M. DeFrank (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •When the Center Held: Gerald Ford and the Rescue of the American Presidency by Donald Rumsfeld (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •31 Days: Gerald Ford, the Nixon Pardon, and a Government in Crisis by Barry Werth (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •Gerald R. Ford: An Honorable Life by James Cannon (BOOK | KINDLE)
JIMMY CARTER •His Very Best: Jimmy Carter, A Life by Jonathan Alter (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •White House Diary by Jimmy Carter (BOOK | AUDIO) •President Carter: The White House Years by Stuart E. Eizenstat (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) •The Unfinished Presidency: Jimmy Carter's Journey Beyond the White House by Douglas Brinkley (BOOK | AUDIO)
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churchblogmatics-blog · 4 months
Books for political formation
Books that have left an indelible mark on my understanding of politics some way. My political development is unfinished, so this list is unfinished - I'm always open to suggestions
Capital Vol. 1, Karl Marx - unmasks the inherently exploitative social relations embedded within capitalism, critiques capitalism as ineffective/self-destructive (not just immoral)
Capital and Ideology, Thomas Piketty - there is no such thing as a "natural" social order, examines how inequality regimes have emerged and been justified across the world throughout the past 1000 years of history
Nixon Agonistes, Garry Wills - captures a cross-section of American politics over a short period, probing insights into the psychology driving political affinities, documents the evolution of the word "liberal" in American political discourse
What Are We Doing Here?, Marilynne Robinson - provides a constructive, anti-Hobbesian view of society
Poverty, by America, Matthew Desmond - shows the extent to which poverty in America is a policy choice, harm reduction is possible without revolution
The Code of Capital, Katharina Pistor - a cursory overview of the legal strategies to insulate capital from any competing legal claims
Eichmann in Jerusalem, Hannah Arendt - laziness and insistence on self-exoneration is often the psychological engine behind human wickedness and injustice over and above malice
Illness as Metaphor / AIDS and Its Metaphors, Susan Sontag - shows how deeply ingrained prejudicial views of disability is within our collective language and psyche
Blood Meridian, or, the Evening Redness in the West, Cormac McCarthy - violence has never been excised from politics, the invisibility of violence to the bourgeois is an illusion
Lysistrata, Aristophanes - unmasks the nature of gender politics despite its operation behind closed doors, imagines a project of mass organizing along gender lines
Civilization and Its Discontents, Sigmund Freud - civility is unfortunately a tenuous prospect
Heroes of the Fourth Turning, Will Arbery - excoriates conservative psychological pathologies
Martin Luther King Jr
A Gift of Love - justice is love in public
Letter From a Birmingham Jail - there are contexts where civil disobedience is mandatory for the Christian, solidarity with the marginalized is always mandatory
The Waste Land, T.S. Eliot - progress is not inevitable
William Faulkner
Absalom, Absalom! - racism is an inexorable part of American capitalism, imperialism cannot be stopped until we are able to free ourselves of our disingenuous national myths
The Sound and the Fury - nostalgia makes you an idiot, unable to understand your present or to predict your future
Herman Melville
Billy Budd, Sailor - history is unavoidably malleable
Moby-Dick - a true-believer demagogue is worse than a cynically disingenuous one, democracy can be an ineffective antidote to a tyrant
Franz Kafka
The Trial - the very procedures instilled to protect (or at least mitigate) injustice can also exacerbate it
The Metamorphosis - modernity interferes with our ability to see and relate to others as human, liberalism's self-advocating and individualistic ethic destroys us from the inside out because it forecloses our ability to recognize this
John Milton
Areopagitica - freedom of speech is as much about the individual's freedom to render judgment on speech as it is about the speakers ability to speak, the problem with censorship is the top-down nature of it, not in the governed people's discernment of quality or value
Paradise Lost - similar to Birmingham Jail, the character of Abdiel represents righteous opposition to Earthly principalities
The Autobiography of Malcolm X - the psychological, spiritual, emotional toll that being black in America takes on a person, black empowerment is a necessary step towards black liberation
Ursula LeGuin
The Lathe of Heaven - structural reform can only be undertaken democratically, no change is without trade-offs so changes must be broadly accepted and supported by the populace who will inevitably bear the unforeseen burden that results
The Ones Who Walk Away From the Omelas - shows the extent to which our brains are broken by imperialistic thinking, exploitation is a necessary feature of the worlds we are capable of imagining
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mikhailwrites · 9 months
Waiting for Connection 8 / Ghost x Soap NerdAU
Ghost is retired and plays milsim videogame. Soap is still in the force and sometimes plays that same videogame...
This is a bit of a mid-chapter, there will be a full chapter today as well - Soap and Ghost finally meeting face to face - but this was just... way too fun to write not to share.
Previous chapter | AO3
“Sooo,” Gary drags the chair closer, causing it to screech on the floor, earning several annoyed grunts from the other soldiers in the rec room. Soap looks up from his sketchbook, eyebrow questioningly raised. “Gonna confess, or do I have to work for it?”
“What are you on about, Roach?” Soap puts the sketchbook down before reaching for the mug on the table. He takes a sip, grimacing at the taste of the coffee.
“Ghost,” Roach clarifies.
Soap sighs; he should’ve seen this coming. “What about him?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Gary stares at him in disbelief, “how about you being totally smitten with him? Or the fact that he seems to be equally smitten with you?”
“What the hell? What are you talking about?” Soap straightens, brows knitted together and posture clearly defensive.
“Mate…,” Gary shakes his head. “Alright. Let’s not address your obvious crush on a man you’ve never even seen.”
“Gonna see him on Saturday,” Soap says and belatedly realises he just gave Roach a bloody bazooka.
Gary stares at him for a second, wide-eyed, before his face blooms into a shit-eating grin. “Are you, now?”
Soap runs a hand through his mohawk. Well, in for a penny and all that, he thinks. “Aye. It’s along the way to Glasgow. We’re just going to grab a pint or two, and I’ll be on my way.” He doesn’t mention that he usually takes a plane to Glasgow. He is actually going out of his way to see Ghost. But Roach definitely doesn’t need to know that.
“John…,” Gary leans to John, suddenly much more serious, “when was the last time you had friends outside the military?”
“He’s ex-military,” Soap objects.
“Answer the question, Sergeant,” Roach presses on.
Soap squirms a little, gaze dropping on the table. “Before I enlisted.”
“I’m not trying to talk you out of it, mate, just… be careful, alright?”
“I’m SAS, Roach,” Soap says a little defensively. He doesn’t need Roach to babysit him.
“I’m not talking about your physical safety. Anyway… we should also talk about that callsign of his.”
“It’s just a nickname for the game,” Soap shrugs.
“Jesus wept… remind me never to let you have my six again! You would probably shoot me in the back yourself, what with how daft you are! Look, I’ve spent one evening playing a stupid game with him to see that he owns that callsign. So either he’s a pretentious prick who took a callsign of only one of the fucking legends of SAS, or…,” Roach trails off, gesturing for Soap to draw his own conclusions.
“Yer not serious… he’s not…,” Soap shakes his head, “he can’t be…,” then he looks up at Garry with something akin to panic in his eyes. “Can he?”
Lieutenant Kyle “Gaz” Garrick was enjoying his book in the rec room in peace. Until he heard a single word uttered that dragged his attention from the words on the paper to words spoken not far from him. That word being, of course, Ghost.
Gaz doesn’t want to eavesdrop on his men, but it’s hard to let go once the callsign registers. And so he listens, and the more he hears, the harder it is to keep quiet and low-key. When Ghost asked to meet, Kyle knew something was up, especially since he was willing to come to London.
At first, Gaz thought it was just Ghost being paranoid and overly cautious about someone he had spent more than ten minutes with, which was pretty normal for Ghost. But the glint in his eyes when Gaz confirmed Soap is SAS? The momentary panic when Gaz implied Ghost likes Soap? Knowing what he knows now, Gaz can barely keep his face straight. Oh, this is going to be so much fun.
When John pauses to think whether Ghost can really be The Ghost, Kyle gets up and leaves the room. Gaz is really proud of himself because he manages to get all the way outside the building before he breaks into laughter. A bunch of recruits and some lower officers look at him with some bewilderment before scurrying away.
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dxntloseurhead · 2 years
why mary deserves to win her rounds of the @problemgirlbracket : an explanation from a longtime ib fan
who is mary?
character from the rpg horror game ‘ib’
introduced as the tritagonist of the game
just like ib, she’s a young girl trapped in the cursed gallery
or is she?
jk lol, she’s actually one of the paintings
and also technically the main antagonist
pictures below
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(art by kouri)
okay, but why is mary a problem girl?
straight up lies to your face the first time she meets you
pretends she’s a human girl trapped in the gallery to gain the trust of ib and garry, but the rose representing her life is as fake as she is
actually wants to escape to the real world; knows she’ll have to take the place of either ib or garry to do so, willingly leaving one of them behind in the gallery (following screenshot is a hint towards this fact)
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has a close bond with the other living artworks, almost all of which have attempted to kill the other characters at some point; specifically regards the lady in red as her “big sis” in ‘a painting’s demise’
when things become dire for her and garry discovers her secret, she’s willing to kill the others to be able to escape into the real world
wields a palette knife as a weapon and tries to use it to hurt/kill ib and garry
DOES straight up kill garry in at least four endings by plucking all the petals off of his rose; is implied to have killed both ib and garry in ‘welcome to the world of guertena’ given their slumped over positions in the ending
the only endings where she survives (her painting isn’t burnt to a crisp) are considered bad endings: these are ‘together, forever’ (where she escapes into the real world with ib), two variations of ‘ib all alone’, and ‘welcome to the world of guertena’
while she is a painting, she is still depicted as a little girl doing all of these things. her exact age isn’t known, but she’s thought to be around the same age as ib, who is 9
is somewhat of a little sister character; younger siblings commonly cause so many problems (source: i am one)
causes problems on purpose, but also she just wants a friend, but she goes about it in a not so typical way
was vehemently hated in the early days of the fandom due to her actions, sometimes to the point where people would be happy that they get to kill her (examples below)
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VOTE FOR MARY !!!! 💛 she’s my fave silly little problem girl who deserves to win
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casp1an-sea · 5 months
Aaron Drace
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(I could not find the picrew link)
Other characters to know for his story: Jin (Wife), Ven (Daughter)
Birth Year: 54 BBY
Age at Beginning: 31
Species: Human, Narshada
Gender: Male, He/him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 6’2”
Occupation: Mercenary/bounty hunter
Personality: Aaron is quite sarcastic and blunt. He’s also a bit of a flirt. He has a very cynical outlook on the world. He’s willing to do whatever for money but he does not kill unless he finds it justified (such as killing a murderer would be fine) He also doesn’t deal with children or slaves and he tries to avoid working with hutts.
Appearance: Aaron has pale skin and scruffy short bright red hair. He has brown eyes and an eyepatch over his left eye which he is blind in.
Weapon: 1 blaster pistol, a sniper riffle, a vibroblade, and a couple thermal detonators
Backstory: Aaron grew up in the slums of Narshada. His mother was a danser, his father was her boss. She hid him from her boss for several years, He was 10 when he got found out and his mother was killed by her boss over it. Seeing Aaron was a capable young man his mom’s boss took him on as an indentured servant but Aaron left at the age of 13 and started working as a mercenary and started making connections with several bounty hunters, mercenaries, smugglers, and pirates, like Hondo Onaka and aurra sing. He was hired by the people of Cordoniq to stop the taking of the citizens' children by mercenaries hired by the government, this is where he met Jin and Zac. A little while afterwards he started dating Jin in secret. His home base at this point was on Corelia and they would meet there in secret. He was also is enemies with Garris Shrike who almost killed him but Jin and Zac saved him. After Jin left the order they got married. They tend to stay out of eachothers work lives because of differing values (yk like Jin being a pacifist). They had a daughter but Aaron’s job brought in some unwanted attention. Him and his wife were killed by inquisitors and their daughter was taken by Vader. 
@xen-blank, @thehollowwriter, @l7k-a, @ferris-the-wheel, @keii-starz
@krenenbaker @elenauaurs @the-banana-0verlord @edith-is-a-cat @dove-da-birb
@theosb0rnway @fizzydreamz @ravenwing0110
@diabollicallyangelic @xentari94 @tomatette
@dragonflies-draw-flame @sunshinechildskywalker
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whistlingstarlight · 1 year
Okay first part in what I guess could be considered a character analysis series? As I've said before, the characters in The Thing are all incredibly written and all have very distinct dynamics with each other and I want to talk about them.
I'm going to start off talking about Garry, as whilst he's not the main character I think he's one of the most interesting characters in the film.
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M.T. Garry is the station manager of Outpost 31, leading the team of American scientists during their research in Antarctica.
We first meet Garry when the Norwegians invade the camp, aiming to kill the "dog" they've been pursuing. Garry quickly proves himself both a quick thinker and a good shot, shooting the Norwegian directly in the eye. Despite the death being necessary as far as the American team knows, Garry is shown to be remorseful for his actions, indicated by the silent look he gives Palmer after the latter jokes about Garry finally being able to use his gun.
Garry's next key scene is after the Bennings-Thing has been killed. He's absolutely devastated by Bennings' death, mentioning they'd been friends for ten years, and whilst it's clear he doesn't quite understand what's going on, he goes along with Mac's plan to burn the remaining specimens without hesitation. This scene gives us an insight into Garry's more emotional side, as well as showing he's willing to let others take charge when he doesn't know what to do.
Another example of this is when Blair attacks Windows and destroys the radio room. Garry is shown with his gun in hand, clearly ready to use it if necessary, but he again allows MacReady to take charge and detain Blair with minimal violence.
Garry, along with Dr. Copper, becomes a prime suspect when the blood reserves are sabotaged. Whilst he's quick to defend himself and seems to try and deflect blame onto Copper, everything he says is truthful and any attempts to shift blame are simultaneously unintentional and justified, as whilst it's never confirmed who did sabotage the blood, it's clear it wasn't him.
He's the first to notice Windows panicking, again showing he's quick to respond to sudden situations. Whilst he does threaten to shoot Windows after he arms himself, he makes it clear he doesn't want to kill him, allowing Mac a chance to talk Windows down before he shoots. This is Garry's most pivotal scene, as after several occasions of following his orders, this is when he officially gives up leadership of the base to MacReady. He knows he's suspicious, even though he's later proven to be human, and knows they won't get anywhere with a leader nobody trusts.
Later, when MacReady is suspected to be a Thing, Garry -along with the rest of the team- turn on him. However, this isn't a frustrating moment even from an audience perspective. We as the audience haven't seen MacReady for some time at this point, and whilst unlikely it's not out of the realm of possibility he has been assimilated. After Mac kills Clark in self-defense, Garry willingly -albeit reluctantly, vocalising his doubts- goes along with the blood test. After both the test is proven to work and Mac is proven human, Garry's loyalty to MacReady returns.
When the majority of the team have been killed and Blair all but proves himself a Thing, Garry is one of the last men standing. He follows MacReady's final plan, to destroy the base and any leftover aliens with it, even though he knows he won't be making it out alive.
Garry dies in the generator room whilst setting up detonators, when the Blair-Thing ambushes him from behind, gruesomely assimilating him mouth-first to prevent him calling out to Mac or Nauls. Whilst this contradicts his earlier scenes which show him to have decent reflexes and a strong awareness of his surroundings, by this point the survivors are all exhausted and slowly freezing to death, which would explain his slower response.
The last we see of Garry is his faceless corpse being unceremoniously dragged away by the Blair-Thing, attached to its arm.
Throughout the film, Garry shows himself to be a capable and level-headed leader, enough to know when he's not the right man for the job. He's never shown abusing his authority (whilst harsh towards Windows at times, Windows seems unpopular with most of the crew thanks to his abrasive personality), and seems to respect his crew enough not to force them to follow a leader they no longer have faith in. He's an excellent change of pace from asshole authority figures in media who take advantage of their position (see his counterpart in the 2011 prequel, Dr. Halvorson). He's not always a nice man, but he is a good man.
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