#garrett hawke mage
stealingpotatoes · 9 months
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ppl were asking why leandra called hawke his surname in that other post so here's an explanation <3
(commission info // kofi support!)
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galacticsabc · 3 months
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so, dragon age 2, huh.
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privatebooth · 4 months
One of the best things about fenhawke for me is that they talk, really talk, discussing some deeply personal matters and opening up to each other.
Well, Fen does most of it because Hawke is too customizable and his lines depend on the player, but it still counts!
I just know that once all is settled between them, they become a poster image of a perfect marriage, what it is supposed to be (for me at least). Trust, devotion, understanding, support...
They're driving me nuts.
Finally got to THAT part of the game, we had the Questioning beliefs, got ambushed, dealt with Hadriana, talked all the way through, and istg it was immensely painful for Hawke to see Fenris like this, and he desperately wanted to do something for him, while all he could do was let him vent, and assist him at slaughtering his attackers. Some mean things were said in that charged moment, while Hawke could only worry about his friend's fragile state of mind. Forget the growing romantic feelings, he wished to help.
Then Fenris catches him at his doorstep, and they TALK again! And Hawke tries so hard to let Fenris know that he is not alone.
Of all the things that had been said "I'm not certain I know what that (friend) is" is probably the line that hurt Hawke the most, but even that could be attributed to the stress of that day. Ugh, my poor man. Men. Both of them...
It took me years to work out that romance scene - it's not at all how I'd want to go about it. But Fenris came to Hawke and said that he wanted him, and Hawke felt he could at least give him what he wanted. And so they made love. I just hope that it really brought them some happiness, and Fenris truly enjoyed himself before the memories hit...
Gah, and now we are to go through years of pining and longing and sad looks, and more loneliness. What could be more romantic :')
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moosu · 1 year
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I didn't want to give him that chance
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danielsarmand · 10 days
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Dragon Age II (2011) dev. Bioware
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darthvell · 1 year
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lunehowls · 2 years
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puppy eyes for valentines day!!
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artanissnow · 7 months
Me in any game where sneaking around is necessary
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Me when I accidentally find where I am supposed to go in a game my group must be Like “we were completely lost, how did you find this place,lady?”
And without fail I am like…
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When the NPCS won’t shut up after you accidentally click on them
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And then the NPCs in my group must be like this while I am trying to decide what to say to not get all the disapprovals.
“What is she doing?”
Trying not to make the vampire unhappy….or start a mage war….again.
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To stab or not to stab…
And of course me when npcs I’m not interested in start flirting with my PC. No touchy people, now it’s awkward. I just want to have a NORMAL conversation.
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I just want to have a normal conversation
And they are like “yeah no, let’s get weird…”
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Thanks guys.
That one boss that pulls out the bs in the middle of a fight and you’re like WTF?!!🤬
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Where?! How?!
When you pull a lever and not check if there are traps associated with it.
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Your party member comes back like
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When you accidentally get disapproval and you were NOT prepared for it
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We all know this pain.
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theluckywizard · 2 months
Together Alone, Ch 4: Lost and Found
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Chapter Summary:
Bethany learns her brothers were lost in the Deep Roads and then receives an unexpected visitor.
Fic Summary:
A traumatized newly-promoted Knight Captain who only wants to keep the world safe from the terrors of the Fade. A soft-hearted, sharp-minded mage who spent years evading the law. Maybe they don’t share the same fears. But at least they're not alone in being afraid. Or how two people form an unlikely friendship in the worst possible place and change each other forever.
Excerpt below the cut 👇
The letter finds her when she’s cleaning tables after supper, her second week-long rotation on evening chores. The first had been a stint in laundry that she’d been well prepared for. She squeezes and slops the rag against the table, running it up and down in long wet stripes, catching mislaid bits of food in her hands as the templars look on. How strange it is to be watched while you clean up crumbs.
Orsino’s page whisks across the hall without question, a young woman barely older than Bethany. She’d seen her slipping through the Gallows. Bethany’s bunkmate explained she’s not a mage all, but the daughter of a friend of the viscount and she actually lives in Hightown. She presents the letter without comment, but her eyes dart and dodge around Bethany, which makes the mage nervous.
Unable to leave, she breaks the seal over her dripping rag and reads.
          Enchanter Hawke,
          I regret to inform you that your brothers Garrett and Carver Hawke have been reported dead by expedition leader Bartrand Tethras after a cave-in within the Deep Roads. Their remains have not been recovered. Your mother will be in contact with us regarding funeral services. You can petition to attend with a templar escort if you wish.
          You have my heartfelt sympathy,
          First Enchanter Orsino
Bethany crunches the letter in her fists, the ink feathering and running under the spatter of her tears. She’d been girding herself for this news for weeks now but it still blows through her like an landslide. A lifetime imprisoned inside this place is nothing compared to losing her brothers. And now both are true.
Read the rest here Start the fic here
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pidgeypidge · 1 year
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But it's too late to come on home, Can the city forgive, I hear its sad song
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Absolutely love this picrew so I had to make my wardens, hawke and Inquisitor! If you see this feel free to do it too!! (And maybe tag me, I'd love to see y'all's DA characters!!)
A bit about each of them:
Valda Aeducan x Leliana
Named after a former great queen of the aeducan house, Valda is a proud warrior with her mother's eyes and her father didn't even try to hide that she was his favorite, causing both brothers to resent her...(Also, all dwarves can grow beards! Most women in orzammar just chose not to... probably due to a human lover of a paragon at one point who accidentally made it a fad in her time lol...When she gets to the surface Valda starts to occasionally grow hers out)
Antoinette "Atton" Tabris x Morrigan
Atton is very butch and most non elves mistake her as a man, something she used to her advantage to survive the alliangae, she's a rogue with quick hands and a quicker wit. she has a lot of rage against nobles and she doesn't try to hide it (she and Valda exist in tandem and it takes *awhile* for them to get along)
Marian "Rain" Hawke x Isabela x Merrill
("Wow hawke, how come the Maker lets you have TWO GFS?!") To strangers she's a sarcastic ass who comes across as borderline lackadaisical, but her inner circle knows shes extremely driven and can be deadly serious when needed, had a twin brother who died at ogstagar to save carver so he in turn could save their family, it took her well over a year to even say his name again.
Pallegina Trevelyan x Sera (Trevelyan)
Youngest of seven, greatness was never really expected of Pallegina, who was always a bit quiet and socially awkward, she didn't take to politics as quick as her siblings, and was usually just ignored by her parents, but one of her older brothers trained her with the sword and shield and she proved to be a natural warrior, she was sent to the conclave as an expendable formality. Thanks to the support of her friends she's taken to being the inquisitor remarkably well... tho Josephine often has to work overtime to fix her many faux pas
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homiest88 · 7 months
Want to share my canon Dragon Age Romances.
DAO: Female Mahariel x Leliana
DA2: Male Mage Hawke x Merrill
DAI: Male Mage Lavellan x Cassandra
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artnijna · 2 years
FenHawke: Seeing you again.
Aka I'm replaying DA2 and also rereading the Blue Wrath comics and I just want them to be happy...T.T
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sandalssandal · 3 months
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Heavy is the crown forged by blood 🩸
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Terrible Fic Idea #91: Modern Girl in Thedas, but make it DA2
In honor of DA:V coming out next month I've been replaying DA:I. This is something of a trial because, having just finished a Hogwarts Legacy replay, it's easy to tell that this game is 10 years old - that, and I loved how focused and intimate DA2 feels. Yes, it has world-spanning implications, but it's really all about this guy trying to do his best by his friends and his family. I love it, and DA:I never inspired the same kind of feels.
All of which is a long way of saying: I got to thinking about that most famous of tropes, Modern Girl in Thedas, and I thought about how would I handle it?
Or: What if the MGiT were to appear in Kirkwall shortly before the Fifth Blight?
Just imagine it:
Rather than a true self-insert, I see this more as modern woman meets Thedas, with a middle-aged fan of the Dragon Age series waking up in the body of an unnamed background character in a Hightown estate sometime in early 9:30 following a severe illness. The keyword here is fan - the SI has played the games, read the fic, and glanced at the wiki, but couldn't write out a clear timeline or recall most codex entries.
The SI eventually learns that she's woken up in the body of Sofia Vidal, the 15-year-old daughter of the richest merchant in Kirkwall. Their family has a virtual monopoly on cloth trade on the northern cost of the Waking Sea and has distant ties to Orlesian Nobility as well as the Amells. Their Hightown estate abuts the future Hawke Estate, and if the term robber baron existed in Thedas it would probably apply to here them.
Now, going from the body of a middle-aged engineer from the modern world into the body of a teenager in a Medieval fantasy world is difficult... but luckily no one seems to notice, because it seems doubtful that anyone has ever noticed Sofia Vidal in her life, her family included. She was mousy and shy and easily startled and apparently an endless disappointment to the family for being more fond of books than hunting or fighting.
Because, as Sofia soon discovers, the Vidal family has aspirations. They can read the writing on the wall with regards to the current Viscount and are willing to go to any end to have their family be named the viscountcy.
To which end: Sofia is the youngest of seven children. Three died in the cradle or soon after. Her oldest brother - Gaspare, her senior by nearly twenty years - spends most of his time in Orlais with his titled wife, running the family business interests there. Their other two living siblings are mages, with Amalia sent to the Kirkwall Circle while her twin Agnese went to the Circle at Dairsmuid. It had been their father's hope that, should they not be able to secure the viscountcy themselves, one of his children could marry into the line... but Sofia is so unlikely to catch anyone's eye that her father despairs of her ever marrying at all.
All of which brings us back to the events of DA2.
Sofia may not know much, but she knows that the Blight is coming. She also knows that the conditions in Darktown are horrendous and only about to get worse as refugees flood the cities, so she buys a book on healing, collects some herbs, and sets up shop on the opposite side of Darktown from where Anders had his clinic. It's better than sitting around the estate all day and makes her feel like her transmigration has a purpose.
The events of canon proceed apace...
...which is something of a surprise, because for a long while it's quite easy for Sofia to forget that she's in a video game world at all. That is, until Anders appears at her door looking to swap healing recipes, trade potions, and - eventually - share a drink at the end of the day.
It's through Anders that she meets Garrett Hawke - a cheerfully sarcastic force mage of breathtaking power. He's the sort of powerful it would be easy to fear if he wasn't so affable and in control of his gifts. The idea that he could probably take over Kirkwall through sheer power of his magic and personality alone never seems to occur to him - which is good, because he could probably be DA's answer to Alexander the Great if he cared to try.
Sofia doesn't join the Kirkwall crew, however. She does her healing, gleefully watches their antics from the sidelines, and occasionally joins them for a drink at the Hanged Man.
Though she is the first to welcome the Hawkes to Hightown at the end of Act I, becoming quite close with Leandra. (For many years Leandra will harbor the hope that Sofia and her son will marry and give her many grandchildren to dote over, but neither are inclined that way. Especially after it's revealed they're third cousins.)
Sofia turns 19 in 9:34, the year Hawke becomes Champion.
It's also the year Sofia is introduced to Sebastian Vael, being dragged out of bed in the middle of the night to attend the prince, who is bleeding out in the foyer of Hawke's home following the events of Repentance. It's not the first time this has happened - Sofia's bedroom is infinitely closer than Ander's clinic - but it is perhaps the most embarrassing.
Embarrassing, because she prefers not to be introduced to royalty in her nightclothes. Sofia has standards - not many, mind, but she has them.
Luckily for her, Sebastian is far too out of it to recall what she was wearing. But he can't help but develop a crush on the kind healer who so diligently tended his wounds - one who also ministers to the poor and downtrodden, though she could easily choose to live a life of luxury.
What follows falls somewhere between the canon friend and rival romances. We get a Sebastian who wants to regain Starkhaven because Sofia deserves no less than a Prince but who has the calm and pro-mage sympathies of the friendship route.
But that of course takes time, because Sofia's not convinced at first that Sebastian's crush has nothing to do with seeing her in her nightclothes. (Nor, for that matter, does she particularly care for the idea of a chaste marriage or an aggressively anti-mage spouse. She'd not been a particular fan of Sebastian in the game, but hadn't hated him either.)
Canon proceeds apace. Hawke becomes Champion, Kirkwall is left without a viscount, and Sofia's father tries to marry her off to however looks most likely to succeed Dumar this week.
As the chaos mounts, the soft, slow romance between Sofia and Sebastian is a breath of fresh air. On Sebastian's part, it grows from a seed of fondness - and, yes, lust - to genuine affection as he gets to know Sofia. For her part, by the time Sofia realizes she cares for Sebastian she's already in deep. Its friendship turned to love, which is the best and strongest.
They wed in a small ceremony in 9:36, only telling Sofia's father after the fact. As Sebastian has to leave the Chantry to do so, they're forced to camp out at Hawke's estate for several weeks before finding a small place of their own. This is awkward - mostly because the Vidal estate right next door and Sofia's father is a pompous ass on the best of days.
As the calendar turns to 9:37, matters reach their tipping point. Anders blows up the Kirkwall Chantry and Hawke is forced to kill him in hopes of restoring order. This fails and events of the endgame play out with Hawke siding with the mages.
Hawke goes on the run, helping mages across the Free Marches get to safety.
Sebastian makes good on his promise of taking back Starkhaven for Sofia, making her a princess in truth. The city becomes a sanctuary district for many of the mages in northern Thedas, much as Redcliffe was for the mages in the south. This doesn't prevent the events of DA:I, but halves the numbers of conscripts available for Alexius to conscript later. They send forces to help Kirkwall rebuild... but the city is still lawless and in turmoil when the Conclave occurs in 9:40.
Per Sofia's urging, Sebastian helps the Inquisition in its early days... though she does make it clear that she thinks the Inquisition's only aim should be to close the Breach.
But for the most part Sebastian and Sofia end up living fairly happily in Starkhaven. They have a larger family than Sofia ever imagined herself wanting - 5 kids, but magical epidurals are a wonderful thing. It's not a utopia, but it's the best that can be expected given the politics of the time. Their eldest succeeds their father as Prince of Starkhaven while their next oldest, not to be outdone, eventually gets themselves named Viscount of Kirkwall - just as the Vidal family had always dreamed.
Bonuses include:
Sofia becoming deeply, deeply over-invested in the relationship between Hawke and Fenris. So much so that for a while Sebastian thinks she's interested in one or the other or both and resolves to let her pursue her happiness without any interference from him, only to have it knocked into his head by a third-party that Sofia doesn't want be with them, she wants them to be with each other. This should be played for maximum humor and confusion.
An exceptionally complicated relationship with the Chantry. Sebastian is very much a committed Andrastian, whereas Sofia was agnostic at best in the modern world. Are demons and magic and the Breech proof that the Maker exists? Should she follow the rituals of the religion for Sebastian's sake or be honest about her beliefs? Can she open her mind enough to give Andrastianism an honest try? &c.
Sofia coming to view Leandra as second mother. Though she tries her best to prevent the events of All That Remains, she's not a fighter. All she's able to do is injure Quentin and alert Hawke to the problem sooner; Leandra still dies, but it's before Quentin is able to reanimate his perfect bride.
An engineer being forced to come to terms with magic. It makes the transition to a world at Middle Ages level of scientific advancement easier than it otherwise would be (magically running water!) but still makes Sofia's basic knowledge of germ theory a great leap forward in her Darktown clinic; and
Sofia gaining a reputation for being a great storyteller by blatantly stealing stories from the modern world to entertain children at her clinic. Varric eventually "borrows" some of these ideas and ends up writing the DA version of Harry Potter set in a fictional Circle in the years leading up to the mage rebellion.
And that is surprisingly more than I had. To be frank, the Sebastian romance snuck up on me because it's not one I usually go for, but the muse wants what it wants. As always, feel free to adopt this bun - just link back if you do anything with it.
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kirkwalldrama · 2 years
i was in emotional denial thinking about hawke writing in dai but i can't leave out how unhawkey that hawke is. they did him/her dirty. who tf is that weird centrist.
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