#garcy aesthetic
mathgirl24 · 1 year
I was tagged by @scratchybeardsweetmouth. Thank you! I somehow didn't have you followed. I know I've followed you before for Goran/Garcy stuff. Anyway, fixed that!
Rules: bold the ones that are true and tag 15 people to do it.
blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear make-up // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing (I just don't do it very often) // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend (sometimes) // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs
Tagging @kissedbydragonfire @districtunrest @norbertsmom @ununpredictableme @even-in-winter @magnificentcowboypeanutpaper @mollywog @titanicnerd-blog @female-fogbank @skinnystreakofsexy @ladycliostarr @blackaquokat @patientlibrarian @scary-kitty @pirate-owl
And of course, anyone who wants to play.
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thewindigos · 4 years
My mom is using the Pc so I decided to write another Garcy au
Number 8 (Babysitter)
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Lucy Preston decides during her PhD to follow her sister's advice and to accept babysitting work.
Garcia Flynn is the single father of a very hyperactive 7 year old girl, Iris Flynn.
Unfortunately, because of his job at the N.S.A. it is not always at home. That's why he hires Lucy Preston as a babysitter.
Iris immediately loves Lucy, just like her father, and for this she will play cupid with the two (obviously in league with Amy).
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pollyna · 6 years
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«I am your future. I'm your past. Never forget we were built to last. Step out the shadows and into my life.» —timeless: Lucy Preston/Garcia Flynn.
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kermit-the-hag · 6 years
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Here's where she meets Prince Charming But she won't discover that it's him 'til chapter three!
Lucy is an intelligent young woman who moves to a small village to escape her father’s involvement with a secret organisation. Upon arriving, she hears of the mysterious Prince Garcia, who retreated into hiding after his wife and his daughter were murdered. Despite the murder remaining unsolved, his aloof demeanour meant that the village had no problem blaming him for their deaths. With only his staff to keep him company, the loneliness and isolation begins to wear him down. After years of being alone, he seems to everyone else a cold and cruel man. When Lucy refuses to follow her father’s footsteps into the organisation, her mother makes a deal with the prince to keep her in his castle until she decides to join Rittenhouse. He agrees partly due to his loneliness and wants nothing more than a friend. Despite getting off on the wrong foot, where Lucy joins his household believing the rumours of his family’s death, they become friends and eventually realises that Garcia is really a kindred spirit. Eventually falling in love, she inspires Garcia to prove the villagers’ assumptions wrong, much to the anger of Wyatt Logan, a hunter who was hoping to win Lucy over and was the villager who began the rumour he killed his family. 
Timeless / Beauty and The Beast AU
Request a Mood Board
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Garcy Moodboard, #1
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After his wife and daughter are killed, English teacher, Garcia Flynn turns to a life of crime in order to find those responsible. Needing money and resources, he does the only logical thing, builds a gang from the ashes of his life. Will he succeed in finding those responsible or will his empire be his undoing?
After leaving the orchestra behind her, Lucy Preston becomes a reporter for the New York Harold. She becomes suspicious when some of her pieces on an up and coming gang seem to disappear. Investigating leads to corruption, murder, and a very charming English teacher.
After crossing paths, Garcia and Lucy begin corresponding via letters. After Feeling a spark between them, they begin a very heated affair. Is Garcia playing with fire or is it Lucy that will be burned in the end?
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waifines · 5 years
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Lyrics: Jenny of Oldstones. [x]
Did you finish watching the Timeless Finale with the feeling of both immense gratitude and immense bitterness at the writers for giving you a glimpse at the adventure Flynn and Lucy would have had on the Titanic, had there been a third season? 
deep waters by @reystars is a beautifully written story which has a dynamic plot and captures the characters brilliantly. It is also historically informative, making it a delight to read. Finally, it has the added twist of featuring not just Flynn and Wyatt, but also Noah, ensuring that Lucy is surrounded by all manner of madness and mayhem. 
The story is incomplete and may possibly remain so. But regardless of this, it is a joy to read and perfectly captures the spirit of Lucy, Flynn and of Timeless.
EDIT: The artwork version of this piece.
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witandwaldorf · 6 years
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"Love and hate are visceral. Your stomach twists at the thought of that person. The heart in your chest beats heavy and bright, nearly visible through your flesh and clothes. Your appetite and sleep are shredded. Every interaction spikes your blood with adrenaline, and you're in the brink of fight or flight. Your body is barely under your control. You're consumed, and it scares you. "
-Sally Thorne, The Hating Game
The Fact Checkers
The only undisputable fact Lucy Preston knows is this:
She hates Garcia Flynn.
For precisely one year, she's been subjected to Flynn's daily remonstrations about her low-grade quality as a fact checker and his penchant for calling her Lucia- a name close enough to her real name yet inaccurate enough to show her his apathy. Worse yet, they're confined to the depths of the basement with only each other for company. Every day, she stares across at the face of the man who truly scares her and is reminded that she should leave this place. But then, a promotion is announced and it seems like she'll finally have the chance to one-up her most bitter rival, leaving him behind to sulk in the basement office all alone to never be seen or heard from again.
A The Hating Game AU
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theadorelocksly · 4 years
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Flower/Tatto Shop AU
Lucy opened a tattoo shop after her step father Henry passed away from cancer. She’d always wanted to, but her mother always made her pursue history instead. Breaking away when she finally realized her mother was toxic, she decided to quit teaching and finally fulfill her dream (which Amy and Henry always encouraged her to do :’) Once she had all her certifications complete, she opened her new shop with the little bit of money Henry left her. Jiya helps run the place with scheduling and keeping the books (she’s also fucking hot with tattoos).
Flynn runs the garden shop next to Lucy and has a reputation of being a cranky recluse (he’s just lonely, sassy, and has zero social skills, i.e. he’s in character). His family passed away two years ago from (insert plausible death that isn’t Rittenhouse or a car crash) and he has since done his best to run the shop the way Lorena would have wanted. Rufus helps run the place (he’s too good for this world and he wears an apron:) and Karl is a supplier of Flynn’s. He also runs charity sails for (insert heart wrenching charity group:)
At some point, Lucy decides to meet the neighbors and goes next door. Rufus is working at the time so it all goes pretty well. She asks if she can come by sometime to study and draw the flowers to which he agrees. He tells her his schedule and so two days later, she comes with her pad and paper (and messy bun and ink stained hands (〃ω〃) while her shop is slow. When coming in she sees Flynn (in all his scruffy gardener glory) and they both just kinda stare at each other for a bit. After several moments of ogling each other (and then acting like they didn’t) Lucy introduces herself and says that Rufus had told her she could sit for a bit to draw the flowers. Flynn just responds with “Rufus has a cold today.” After waiting a bit for him to say something else, Lucy realizes that's apparently all he’s gonna say so “sorry to bother you, I hope Rufus gets to feeling better”. She’s almost out the door when Flynn FINALLY REBOOTS, calling out that if she’d like to stay she can, while pulling out a chair for her to sit. She does (awkwardly, we’re talking about Lucy here) and so she stays for the next hour drawing, while Flynn waters plants and minds the shop. They don’t talk. When she gets up to leave she gives him her thanks. Flynn again just stands there, barely muttering a simple goodbye.
A week-ish goes by and they haven’t seen each other since. Lucy worries he didn’t like her, while Flynn berates himself for not saying anything. He finally works up the courage to swing by with a small plant and to tell Lucy she’s welcome back if she likes. But he sticks his foot in his mouth saying “I know you need to practice drawing flowers more, so you can come to the shop if it helps:) :0 ” He stutters for a bit, trying (and miserably failing) to fix what he said while Lucy just smiles and tells him yes, she’ll be sure to swing by again.
This goes on for a while, Lucy spending more time “drawing” while Flynn “tends the shop”. Really they just start talking more and more (books, history, trauma, the usual for them XD ) They end up doing a charity sale together (does Carol try to foil it? Sounds like something she’d do ಠ_ಠ ) At some point Flynn meagerly asks how much it would cost to get an iris tattoo to which Lucy replies “a cutting of a plant that makes you think of me” (this is cheesy and I don’t care >:) . Other stuff happens; forehead kisses, Riya, ahem... FOREHEAD KISSES.
ya get the idea:)
Oh and Flynn has a cat that chills in the shop with him <- IMPORTANT
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thewindigos · 4 years
Send me a number from this list and I'll write a Garcy AU Omg omg omg. Hades/Persephone.... Lore Olympus used goran as a model for Flynn... No doubt.
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Lucy Preston, goddess of spring and fertility, was taught by both her mother, Carol Preston, goddess of crops, and by other Olympians to fear Garcia Flynn, god of the underworld.
Despite the fears and doubts Lucy does not like to judge without knowing the whole story. She therefore decides to go to the underworld to find out more.
The first encounter between the two is not the best, in fact, Flynn is annoyed by the presence of the young goddess, who seems to bring new life where everything has died.
Lucy does not give up and continues to return. Flynn, while not wanting to admit it, is increasingly fond of her.
Carol, however, comes to discover these travels of her daughter and asks Benjamin Cahill, god of sky and thunder and Lucy's father, to stop all this.
War breaks out and initially Lucy and Garcia are alone against everyone.
But when the truth comes out Connor Mason, god of engineering, Rufus Carlin, god of travel, Jiya Marri, goddess of wisdom, Denise Christopher, goddess of the hearth, and Wyatt Logan, god of war, will join Lucy and Flynn.
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kermit-the-hag · 6 years
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“You are too generous to trifle with me. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes are unchanged, but one word from you will silence me on this subject for ever.”
“I cannot be so easily reconciled to myself. The recollection of what I then said, of my conduct, my manners, my expressions during the whole of it, is now, and has been many months, inexpressibly painful to me. Your reproof, so well applied, I shall never forget: 'had you behaved in a more gentlemanlike manner.' Those were your words. You know not, you can scarcely conceive, how they have tortured me; though it was some time, I confess, before I was reasonable enough to allow their justice.”
Elizabeth's spirits soon rising to playfulness again, she wanted Mr. Darcy to account for his having ever fallen in love with her. “How could you begin?” said she. “I can comprehend your going on charmingly, when you had once made a beginning; but what could set you off in the first place?”
“I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.”
Timeless / Pride & Prejudice AU
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atlanticheights · 6 years
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Okay, this is exciting. I’m gonna attempt to do a sort of review/evaluation of the new episode (which will obviously contain spoilers) (btw if you couldn’t tell it’s mostly going to be about Garcy but I’ll try to do as much as I can from the entire episode)
**Okay, so first of all, Wyatt immediately got on my nerves. I normally love Wyatt, but who does he think he is, kicking his best friend out of their room to sleep on the FREAKING COUCH because he wants to have sexy time with his wife, which EVERYBODY CAN HEAR BTW. I normally love Jess too, but really guys??
**second of all, I loved the scene where they were all trying to figure out why rittenhouse went when it did and Connor’s drunk ass is like “well, it’s bloody dangerous” when Garcia accused him of never testing out the time machine for himself. Cut to Lucy the cutie who then exclaims “YEAH. I KNOW” (there’s no actually evaluation for this but it made me laugh sooo)
**THIS IS WHERE MY GARCY FANGIRLING STARTS. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. So I’m not sure if anyone noticed this, but when they first landed in the lifeboat and everyone was getting out, you can see Garcia helping Lucy out of the time machine. Rufus steps over and blocks most of the shot, (ugh), but you can clearly tell that he TAKES HER BY THE WAIST AND SWINGS HER AROUND TO THE GROUND. I don’t know about Lucy but I would’ve been swooning so hard. and then he proceeds to be the sass king he is with his “BOOM goes the dynamite” comment when Connor threw up.
**the first Garcy scene of the episode where they actually one-on-one talk is the scene from the sneak peak, and I regret nothing when I say that I can recite that entire scene word for word. Garcia opens up in this scene, makes himself vulnerable, which is not an easy thing to do considering everything he’s been through. But, he does. He needs to. He doesn’t open up to just anyone, though, but the girl who trusted him enough to risk everything to go back and give him the journal, her journal, with her own personal writings. He feels the need to make Lucy understand, in no uncertain terms, that he is there. He understands. She, understandably, snaps at him, but does that get him to back down? Hell no.
**cut to the scene where they’re being shot at and his first instinct is not to protect himself?? But to grab Lucy and shield her with his body and the wall. Snaps for you, Garcia. *snaps*
**THAT TRUCK SCENE OHMYGOD. So Garcia starts off by saying that he’s sorry and that she’s right. AGAIN, not an easy thing to do for him, and will probably only see him doing with her. He says that he doesn’t know the real her, only the Lucy in the journal, but would very much like to get to know her, as much as she’ll let him. Lucy is a little surprised, and a little suspicious. But he was sharing so much of his memories brought on by the song, that she would feel a sense of guilt if she didn’t say anything. The thing is, though, that once Lucy starts talking to him in that truck, she finds it a lot easier than she would of expected. And even though Garcia already knows all of this from the journal, he politely listens, glancing over at her every chance he gets, and this is when she finally realizes that he’s there, and always will be.
**nothing “mindbogoling” happened during the rest of their trip, so I’m just going to skip to when they get back. I absolutely loved when they all came out of the lifeboat laughing like the best of friends. It made me feel all warm inside. I hope Connor goes on more trips because he was such an adorable fanboy in this. But it would also be great if Wyatt and Rufus could warm up to Garcia instead of being so hostile all the damn time cause you know damn well that next week is gonna be testosterone city.
**Ohmygod the glance and smile Lucy and Garcia share as they are walking down the hall had me dead. And then she pointed looked at him, like, “talk later?” when Wyatt showed up. I did love that we got to see some serious action from him and a glimpse of the real rittenhouse instead of two girls and a guy eating fast food tacos. And, while they were on the trip Wyatt did mostly redeem himself with the whole not shooting Lucy’s mother thing. But, I digress.
**this is another Garcy scene from the last few minutes of the episode where there is no dialogue between them, but is so much more powerful than if they had spoken. Lucy, with her famous secret bottle of vodka, is having an inner battle with herself, trying to decide if she should really do what she wants to in that moment. There is a tiny shake of her head right before her knuckles reach the door, as if she can’t believe what she’s about to do, but is doing it anyway because she wants to. Then the way Garcia looks at her when he opens the door. BODY LANGUAGE PEOPLE. and that full stud smile he gives her when she finally looks up at him, then steps aside and sweeps his arm out to invite her in without any questions. If that doesn’t scream “trust” and “love” and “my ship is fucking sailing”, then I don’t know what does.
**the last scene gave me chills honestly. I went from being so high from the Garcy scene, to on the verge of tears in an instant. If my baby Rufus dies, I die. Plain and simple. Although, I’m fairly confident the writers wouldn’t do something like that, especially now that Jiya actually said it to him.
Anyway, so yeah, that my review/evaluation. Basically, Garcy made a shit ton of progress, Conner was being a fanboy, Rufus was being Rufus, and Wyatt as trying to one man ambush rittenhouse. I want to do more of these cause this was actually really fun.
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Timeless Aesthetics
Those Garcy ones though 😍😍😍
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extasiswings · 6 years
Okay, I have things that need to get done, but tomorrow. TOMORROW. I am going to talk about all my feelings about my expectations being blown out of the water so beautifully. If there are specific things you want to hear my thoughts on, feel free to shoot me an ask. But just...wow. Wow.  
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22 for Garcy?
This has been in the drafts for... years, probably, but here we are, I still love these two and I am emotionally messy enough to be writing them again. Usual ignore-the-ending / post-everything ‘verse, PG-ish, also on ao3.
“It’s not heavy.  I’m stronger than I look.”
Technically speaking, Lucy has never had a domestic arrangement.
Sure, the years spent with the team have to count forsomething, but that was both involuntary and didn’t involve a consistent romanticelement until close to the end. Could’ve happened sooner, and she got to spendsix months trying to convince everyone else in her life that it wasn’t,but… even then, it was different. Doesn’t really count as living with a partnerif what you’re actually doing is hiding in their spaces and occasionallyaccepting affection.
But it’s over now, and they won, and now she gets to see ifthere are any actual skeletons in her mother’s house (there’s already speculationand possibly a betting pool in the group chat about what weird things she’sgoing to find), and she is not doing that alone.
There is a certain irony in this, in dragging home a partnerwho is almost everything she was probably taught to avoid but wasn’t perceptiveenough to be aware of. Flynn is older than her by just enough to matter even withher comfortably in her mid-thirties, has been through brutal hell and does notsee a point in pretending otherwise, only charming when he wants something, andthen there’s the whole physical structure of him to deal with. The man isdefinitely someone else’s nightmare come to life, and sometimes Lucy thinksthat might be part of the appeal, the romantic cliché of trying to tame thedangerous a little.
Not that she’s done any taming so much as made sure she’shis favorite person, but y’know. Details.
Point is, she needs to clean out the house and sell anythingof value before trying to get rid of the house itself – the curse of being theclosest surviving family member, and no she does not know how everything stayeduntouched for a year and a half but there are questions Lucy does not ask inthis life – and having the assistance of someone more physically capable thanshe is might be an asset for moving hundred-odd-year-old furniture. At least,that was how she phrased it when suggesting the idea last week when plans werebeing laid and it became apparent he had none. At the time, their hesitantromantic involvement wasn’t even worth mentioning as a reason he should go withher.
It’s not… it’s not like anything else she’s ever done, sheknows that. There have been really good kisses but not more than that becausethin walls and caution and uncertainty if her IUD has expired, and a warmprotectiveness to it, and she’s not sure where they go from there. She wasn’tsleeping alone once they came back here and he followed her upstairs withoutquestions, but they haven’t turned in new directions and if they end up justbeing rather tactile roommates she could live with that. She’s not going topush through that tangle of unresolved issues.
But right now, as she paces the formal dining room shethinks her mother may have used twice in her lifetime and her partnerleans against the wall and watches her, she wants more. And isn’t that alwayswhere it goes to hell. If there’s one thing Lucy has learned from the nearly-three-yeardetour her life took, it is that she should not want things because the momentshe realizes she does is the moment it goes horribly wrong. She should not wantthis other person, even with his near-feral sense of loyalty, to break her patterns.She should not want to keep him. It will end badly, she is sure.
“Would it make you feel better to break any of that?” Flynnasks, breaking silence and gesturing towards the decorative china cabinet.
“Worth too much,” Lucy shrugs. “Wouldn’t help anything.”
The problem with this whole cleanout project is there is noeasy place to start. Taking on the more public parts of the house first makessense because she’s less likely to find anything odd down here but thatdoesn’t mean she won’t, and that just builds a sense of dread as she works herway up the spiral. Today is the first day they’re even trying; the previousthree days have been an attempt at reacclimating to a quieter life, completewith a near-traumatic trip to a supermarket. Perhaps this self-isolation isn’ta great idea for their respective personalities, but…
“What about that statue? What is that?”
Lucy glances at said statue, and honestly hell if she knows.It looks vaguely Greek but probably isn’t, and she is reminded that she doesget her lack of consistent aesthetic sensibilities from that side of thefamily, and… screw it, might as well find out what it is. She takes a few stepsover and tries to lift the thing, and-
“Don’t… let me do that.”
Oh she should’ve known this would activate her partner’sinstincts. Damn him.
“It’s not heavy,” she points out. “I’m stronger than I look,and… I think this may have actually been intended as a lawn ornament.” And nota good quality one either, to the extent Lucy feels capable of judging suchthings. Suspiciously lightweight and might break if she dropped it, which shehas no plan to do but-
“Do we want to keep it?”
She sets the object down and looks at it as if she evencares. “Not really?”
“Is there anything in this room you do like?”
“No?” She feels scared to say that out loud, like she’s temptingghosts to come out of the walls. “I don’t… I don’t know what we even need. But allof this can go.”
They’re both quiet for a few moments, standing there closebut not touching and uncertain. Being able to make so many choices in successionis honestly terrifying, Lucy is realizing, and she’s not sure she likesthe control. See, this is why she couldn’t do this project on her own, becausenothing would ever get done. Even with help she’s not sure they’ll getanywhere, but-
“There are boxes out in the front hallway, if you could getthose for me?”
And then she is alone, and she can’t remember the last timethat happened. Even if only for a minute, it feels wrong. She’s gottentoo used to living on top of other people, the chaos of it all, becoming somekind of family because that was the only way forward. Now she could go dayswithout seeing another human being, if she wanted. She gets to choose that too,and she’s not sure-
A hand on her shoulder brings her out of her spiral, tetheringher as always. She isn’t alone, not in any way that counts. The two damagedones clinging together like they did on the bad nights when she was in theworst of her unraveling and he was quiet and kind like she should’ve seenbefore she made her mistakes and-
“We don’t have to do this all at once,” he murmurs. “Or atany speed.”
“I have nothing else,” she counters. “And you’re…”
“Here with you,” he says before she can come up with somemore bitey phrase. “As long as you’ll let me be.”
She breaks.
See, the thing is, Lucy had always expected to do thisproject alone. When she’d been younger and oblivious to the amount of evilweirdness her bloodline was tangled up in, she’d assumed the timing would be alittle different, but she knew the score. She was the good responsible daughter,the one who would get the short straw when something happened. And as she’d gottenolder, and made consistently questionable romantic choices none of which lookedlike a future…
The reality of the situation as it has actually happened,the fact that she does have someone on her side, is too much to acceptright now.
She lets herself be held because words are not going tohappen right now, lets him pet her hair and be a comfort because she is notsure what else to do. How does one tell a partner, a potential-but-not-quitelover, that there was never any plan for this part? That she, prone toover-planning as an anxiety workaround, never thought she’d bring anyone hometo deal with this particular curse of eldest daughters? She’s not sure she can.She’s not sure she can avoid it either.
“I’ll deal with it,” he says after a while. “If that’seasier. Take everything to that antique dealer you were mentioning and-“
“I can’t ask that of you.”
“You’re not asking. I’m volunteering.”
Lucy takes a moment to envision how that would go down, Flynn’shistorically unpredictable people skills meeting the nightmarish world ofpretentious assholes who try to under-pay for antique furniture. It sounds likea disaster waiting to happen at best.
“I’ll let you maneuver everything into the truck,” shecounters. “But I’m doing the talking when we get there.”
“They’ll try to take advantage of you.”
“I’m not leaving you outside like a dog I’m just… notletting you threaten anyone you don’t have to.”
He hums low against her body, contemplating. “I can livewith that.”
“Good because I’m not giving you a choice here.”
He brushes his lips against her forehead, and for a momentshe can believe they’ll get through this intact. “Whatever you want.”
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wishfulromancing · 7 years
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