#garbage theory
eat-the-lemons · 10 months
Here's a movie that everybody should watch at least once in their lifetime: Garbage Theory/Űrpiknik. (Tldr at the end)
This movie is an absolute masterpiece, telling the story of a music enthusiast alien and a quote unquote 'troubled' college girl spending a night together in Budapest, searching for the singer Zalatnay Sarolta, meeting a wide cast of people, ranging from a nosy delivery driver to an alien with superpowers, and saving the earth from ultimate destruction.
There is just so much happening in this movie, and it's only a bit over an hour long; there's family drama, befriending dogs, a gay nightclub... everything.
It is also very aesthetically pleasing, the coloured lighting really adds to the atmosphere, and the costume designs are absolutely amazing.
There are some hungarian pop culture references (eg. clips from the movie Cat City are sometimes played, and Zalatnay Sarolta is a famous hungarian singer) but I'm convinced this movie is for literally everyone. There's character developement, sci-fi superpower stuff, humour, angst...
There are definitely some triggering topics involved (such as eating disorders and suicide) and the film also features blood and mildly graphic imagery, so if you're sensitive to any of that, you might want to give this a miss.
But if you're not, the movie's on netflix and hbo with english subtitles, and I can guarantee it will absolutely draw you in.
It's definitely something of an underground thing, a lot of people disregarded it even before the release, saying it was most likely just gonna be the general superhero storyline, however, for me, it was definitely a pleasant surprise.
Tldr: this movie might be slightly disturbing for some viewers, and some jokes might work a little better with hungarian people, but it is truly phenomenal and very, very underrated.
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szollibisz · 1 year
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they're everything to me👍
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wyldfell · 16 days
i'm so tired of the "haha hotd lesbian alicent > canon" argument. clown shit. it was possible for her to be both a bi icon and also not an inconsistent nothing character. whether or not she wanted to kiss rhaenyra when they were girls, she could've still been written with a spine and actual motivations and a sex life that didn't get treated as a punchline. do you know how hard rhaenicent toxic exes could have hit if the writing didn't insist on making her the fandom's punching bag? if sara hess didn't say with her own mouth that she needed to be "humbled"?? fuck that.
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aellivi · 10 months
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Still figuring out how I want to draw this guy.
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pickled-armchair · 4 months
This might sound weird, but I think the fact that we haven’t heard Colin in a while is for the better.
The reason we haven’t heard him is because he’s going out of his way to avoid whatever is going on with the .jmj error, meaning if we DO hear him it will most likely be because he can no longer avoid it. If he were dead we would’ve already known.
TLDR; Colin isn’t dead he’s just smart.
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Sans is an Enderman.
Hello everyone, and let me introduce you to my extremely poorly crafted theory—Sans, is an Enderman.
The points brought up in this will be:
Sans and teleportion. (And dodging.)
Sans and his HP.
Sans and his glowing eye.
Sans and circles not existing.
Sans and the player.
Sans and some more bullshit.
Spoilers for Undertale and Minecraft ahead! With all that said, let's get going onwards!
Sans and teleportion. (And dodging.)
This all started to spite an extremely big headcanon. That Sans can teleport. THAT'S RIGHT it's never once shown in the game he can teleport! All we know, are his 'short cuts'.
Now, I'm sure you're wondering! But how would that make him an Enderman? Because enderman can teleport, right?...
Right? NO! If you'll look here,
They run, very quickly! As shown by youtuber Blur.
But it looks like they're teleporting, similar to Sans and his short cuts. So, even if you say both Sans and Enderman teleport—That's also fuel for this theory!
Now, let's take a look at Sans, dodging you!
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(I know its cropped weirdly, it's the only gif i could find)
As we see, he's fast enough to simply slide away from you—Enderman do something similar with arrows!
Shown in this video by foxcraft-gg! Actually, it looks like they REPEL arrows! As if they have some sorta telekinesis... some sorta Blue Magic. And while yes, the video says 'force field' we don't actually see one... just like we never see Sans teleport...
And just like you CAN hit an Enderman with an arrow by playing dirty, you can hit Sans too, by playing dirty. (In the last part of the fight, you strike twice.)
Sans and his HP.
Now, this will be a short segment into the theory. But simple, Sans is a skeleton, and therefore weaker than a living Enderman. And given how there's "undead" mobs in Minecraft, Sans could very well be an undead Endermam. Which is why Enderman have more HP than Sans! There's more evidence of this below!
(And we'll get to why Papyrus has more HP too.)
Sans and his glowing eye.
Sans may have been injured in the past, and he can't heal himself because he's an undead monster who doesn't know damage potions actually heal him. Which is why his HP is lower than Papyrus's. It's also why Papyrus never actually eats his spaghetti, the food's healing properties hurt him, because he's undead too!
(Health potions damage undead mobs while damage ones give them health, if you didn't knkw.)
Anyways—Sans has a glowing eye. Endermen seem to have eyes that generally glow. Sans, when he died, must've lost that eye glow like Papyrus. See, his eyelight turned from purple to white. But he still can glow his eye to his flashy blue/yellow. YELLOW is the opposite of purple, like black is the opposite of white (his bones.) And living and the opposite of dead. He turned opposite when he died. As for the blue, just like how I've established Endermen have Blue Magic, that's what the blue part is, him using his Blue Magic but visually!
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Clearly, the lighter pink is just the GLOW, not the eyelight. For all we know, Endermen are skeleton based anyways, and those are it's eyesockets!
Sans and circles not existing.
HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A CIRCLE IN MINECRAFT? NOOOOO. In undertale? NOO BECAUSE IT'S PIXELS! If Undertale was 3D, it'd be blocky, like Minecraft! And in Minecraft there's things like items that are PIXELS, like Undertale!
Also, Endermen can pick up blocks—You know who else picks up things? SANS! He's picked up ketchup bottles for example!
Sans and being a short skeleton.
Simple, he was a defective Enderman. A bit shorter than most, which is why Papyrus is TALL like one, and Sans isn't.
Also, his skull shape. Simple, Enderman have different skull shapes due to their extending jaws.
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See it?? And like most Endermen, PAPYRUS IS TALL!
Papyrus also has teeth, so do Endermen!
Sans and the player.
Both in Undertale, and Minecraft. There's a 'player'. Someone controlling a human, a vessel. In Undertale, it's Frisk. And in Minecraft, it's your skin...
Both of them have XP, or, EXP. There's no enchantment tables in Undertale, so obviously you do nothing with your XP.
Mobs in Minecraft poof when they die, having a sort of... dusty, partical effect.
And you can come back after death in both. You just have keep inventory on in Undertale, it's why you don't lose items when you die.
Sans and some more bullshit.
Endermen clearly have more attacks then they let on, But Sans doesn't hold back when fighting you, eh? The skeleton brothers showed up out of no where, because they used their 'short cuts' to come into the Underground.
Don't you see? Sans was NEVER Ness! HE WAS AN ENDERMAN! He doesn't attack you when you look at him, because his normal sprite doesn't have eyelights out (Like Papyrus.) Only his battle sprite wants to kill you. Papyrus never has his eyelights out, he's never wanted to kill you. But Endermen in general HAVE THEIR EYELIGHTS OUT and it's there when you look at them, and they want to kill the Player.
And if you've made it this far, clearly I have a point. Now, why don't you do your daily clicks, and reblog, my genius, would you?
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korokonas · 1 year
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They’ve been on strike ever since
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clownsuu · 1 year
Bro, MatPat just made a video about Welcome Home.
He's Found Us
nOOOOOOOOO I don’t want another “”“mascot horror turned children’s media””” I will fuggin C R Y if I see elsagate videos of WALLYYYYYYYYYYY S C R E A M S S. S S S S
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So I don't really have a concrete theory or anything, but...
Dany dreams she is fighting the "usurper's rebel host" (aka Robert Baratheon's army) but these icy enemies are obviously Others; see how they melt away the way Ser Puddles did when Sam killed him.
That night she dreamt that she was Rhaegar, riding to the Trident. But she was mounted on a dragon, not a horse. When she saw the Usurper’s rebel host across the river they were armored all in ice, but she bathed them in dragonfire and they melted away like dew and turned the Trident into a torrent. Some small part of her knew that she was dreaming, but another part exulted. This is how it was meant to be. The other was a nightmare, and I have only now awakened. She woke suddenly in the darkness of her cabin, still flush with triumph. Balerion seemed to wake with her, and she heard the faint creak of wood, water lapping against the hull, a footfall on the deck above her head. And something else.
In a later Jon chapter, in the very same book, an "enemy" bursts into the fray to scatter the wildlings. This enemy is a Baratheon king - Stannis. This Baratheon king claims to be the legendary Azor Ahai, but he's not (Dany is, "the dragons prove it").
Trumpets were blowing all around, loud and brazen. The wildlings have no trumpets, only warhorns. They knew that as well as he did; the sound sent free folk running in confusion, some toward the fighting, others away. A mammoth was stomping through a flock of sheep that three men were trying to herd off west. The drums were beating as the wildlings ran to form squares and lines, but they were too late, too disorganized, too slow. The enemy was emerging from the forest, from the east, the northeast, the north; three great columns of heavy horse, all dark glinting steel and bright wool surcoats. Not the men of Eastwatch, those had been no more than a line of scouts. An army. The king? Jon was as confused as the wildlings. Could Robb have returned? Had the boy on the Iron Throne finally bestirred himself?
I find it interesting that Jon initially thinks it's his brother, a military commander with a near spotless record, coming to rescue him. Then thinks that it should be the king on the iron throne; he's expecting a boy, but it's wasn't a boy who came.
I think that we're going to see a repeat of this in ADOS, with Dany as the real Azor Ahai and king coming to rescue Jon. Upon hearing that the Others have come and receiving Watch's call for aid, Dany will immediately choose to go North. Think of Stannis saying:
"Yes, I should have come sooner. If not for my Hand, I might not have come at all. Lord Seaworth is a man of humble birth, but he reminded me of my duty, when all I could think of was my rights. I had the cart before the horse, Davos said. I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne.” Stannis pointed north. “There is where I’ll find the foe that I was born to fight.”
Also notice how Dany's Trident dream alludes to a fated battle involving icy monsters.
This is all just conjecture right now but, Jon's chapter has Stannis breaking the wildling siege on Castle Black. In Jon's (obviously prophetic) ADWD dream, he's besieged by a wildling host who turn out to be Others/wights - this dream is literally a play by play of the battle at Castle Black; like to a tee, it's crazy. Jon is fighting alone in that dream, just as he was alone among the wildlings before Stannis came.
So my thinking is Jon gets besieged and he is fighting alone, in need of a helper.....
They are all gone. They have abandoned me. Burning shafts hissed upward, trailing tongues of fire. Scarecrow brothers tumbled down, black cloaks ablaze. “Snow,” an eagle cried, as foemen scuttled up the ice like spiders. Jon was armored in black ice, but his blade burned red in his fist. As the dead men reached the top of the Wall he sent them down to die again.
...then enter Daenerys, who is above all a savior.
“But,” Prince Aegon said, “without Daenerys and her dragons, how could we hope to win?” “You do not need to win,” Tyrion told him. “All you need to do is raise your banners, rally your supporters, and hold, until Daenerys arrives to join her strength to yours.” “You said she might not have me.” “Perhaps I overstated. She may take pity on you when you come begging for her hand.” The dwarf shrugged. “Do you want to wager your throne upon a woman’s whim? Go to Westeros, though … ah, then you are a rebel, not a beggar. Bold, reckless, a true scion of House Targaryen, walking in the footsteps of Aegon the Conqueror. A dragon. “I told you, I know our little queen. Let her hear that her brother Rhaegar’s murdered son is still alive, that this brave boy has raised the dragon standard of her forebears in Westeros once more, that he is fighting a desperate war to avenge his father and reclaim the Iron Throne for House Targaryen, hard-pressed on every side … and she will fly to your side as fast as wind and water can carry her. You are the last of her line, and this Mother of Dragons, this Breaker of Chains, is above all a rescuer.
Tyrion VI, ADWD
Dany dreams her fight is for the iron throne, but she is obviously fighting the Others. Tyrion thinks Dany is coming to rescue Rhaegar's son in his bid for the Iron Throne, but she will rescue him as he fights to save the world (and not doom it with more war). Notice how Jon atop the Wall dons house Targaryen's colors. Notice how he too is symbolized with Azor Ahai imagery, waving a beacon to light Dany's way. It's Aegon the Conqueror reversed. Dany's not here not for the throne. She's here to fulfill a prophecy, which Aegon never did.
Dany will save Jon while he's besieged by the Others :)
(small rant below)
This initially started as a post talking about Dany the war commander and kinda morphed into something else....
But it's funny to me that when people talk about the war for the dawn, it's always Jon and/or Bran who are made to be the natural war commanders or battle planners. And that's not a bad thing...but neither one of them has experience planning for and staging pitched battles. Bran has zero military experience to begin with and didn't receive the same education that Robb did. People assume that he'll be the commander because his skinchanging can be used for reconnaissance and thus battle command, but the one who canonically uses their skinchanging to spy on enemy troops and use the intel is Jon.
Jon, on the other hand, has battle experience but he was defending against a siege and not leading a fight in an open field. And that's not to say that he would be a bad tactician. He did an incredible job in ASOS defending the wall and ADWD also shows us that he can come up with intelligent plans on the fly. Anyway, aren't we told that people get stuck in their castles starving and with nowhere to go? Jon has experience leading sieges so he's the most suited for that. But he's not the most suited for breaking sieges and leading open battles because he doesn't have experience doing so.
DANY is the one who actually has experience as a more well rounded military commander. It's literally in her name: Daenerys, the sacker of cities. She has a spotless record as a military/war leader in Essos. That's Robb Stark level of prodigious ability, yet she does not get nearly enough respect in fandom. Robb will often get touted as one of the top commanders, even making top three/five for a lot of people, but doesn't Dany have similar stats and way more disadvantages? Shouldn't she be up there too? So out of anyone, shouldn't she be the war commander?
I was just annoyed that she has this insane record overturning enemy lines and breaking sieges and no ever talks about how that invaluable skill can be used against the Others. It's always "someone else will command her to go here and do this and do that". When talking about what looks like a war of attrition, why is no one mentioning the human battering ram being the key to success?? Feelsbadman :(
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suckishima · 7 months
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"Big Hit Thank You PV (Nekoma Edition)"
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tiny-planet-13 · 12 hours
I know some people just don't swear but like,,, thoughts and ideas that Jeremy deliberately changed his language to be so pg like saying heck and things like that idk just if you're surrounded by people who very happily say 'what the hell' all the time it's probably a greater effort to say heck instead (along with everything else he substitutes) so I wonder if that's something he had to do through therapy to readjust the way he approaches things and his attitude (part of my Jeremy theory is that he could've been quite the angry lad back in the day which either resulted in an estranged/dead(?) sibling, the fall out at the autumn banquet thing, or the now apparent hate of exy from his sister. he spoke about being on more typically attituded (that's not a word but roll with me) teams prior to the Trojans and it seemed regretful the way he talked about it so I am wondering if he used to let that anger get the better of him... so on so forth and now through therapy he's learnt to censor himself this way by not even letting himself swear)
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szk-ruma · 1 month
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So far my greatest work.
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lil-gingerbread-queen · 2 months
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Later, Bruce finds him climbing the cave to join the bats.
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cyberpunkboytoy · 7 months
Hey y'all, I might be taking out my ass here, but the timing of this new data-selling AI business is either an extremely unfortunate coincidence or a calculated attempt to draw attention away from Tumblr's transphobia problem.
Like, if they were hoping to use bad press to distract from The Thing They Have Lawsuits Over, a pretty safe move would be to shift focus onto something that by Tumblr's own admission has very few existing laws. Just a thought.
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shadow-kid-cole · 3 months
hello friends i wanted to ask for help from those with a better memory for lore/details from the games than i have. a friend of mine is doing a presentation party soon, and i want to do mine on da2 - why my favorite game kind of sucks and how i’d fix it lmao i’ve got a lot of ideas and have been replaying it to find extra details, but my memory isn’t great and i know there’s a lot of great meta posts about it on here, so i wanted to give y’all a chance to chime in! what are some things you think i should include? what are your favorite or least favorite aspects of the game? what parts are really cool and what parts do you hate? specific examples of scenes/quests/dialogue would help - also, if you know of any posts or anything else that have this type of info, send them my way! i love da2 and i’m very excited to talk about the game that it is and also the game that it could have been, so i want to be sure i have enough for it to make sense!
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*yelling into a megaphone* QFITPAC GAY TRANSGENDER SEX ‼️‼️‼️‼️
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