#ganghwa island travel
pootlovatofficial · 1 year
South Korea Tourism
To arrange a good and memorable trip to South Korea, it is advised to read travel guides about this beautiful country, and then contact a local travel professional who may help you organize this tour in the most effective way for reasonable money.
South Korea has a lot of natural places to be observed and historical landmarks to enjoy. The country plays an important role in the protection of the heritage of world culture and natural attractions. Apart from that, it is considered a hospitable place for foreigners and a perspective tourism destination.
In the south-east of the country, one will find Bulguksa monastery and the Seokguram cave temple adjacent to it. Another noteworthy place is Temple Jongmyo, located in Seoul, where memorial tablets of the monarchs of the Joseon Dynasty are stored.
Seorak Mountain is a part of the Diamond Mountains, which is considered one of the most beautiful places in the world. Hallasan mountain is the extinct volcano. Both picturesque places are loved by numerous international visitors. The city of Gyeongju is known for its Tumuli Park, Onyn Five Tombs, Chhomsonde Observatory, the tomb of General Kim Yu Sin, and Mount Namsan with the ruins of pagodas and monasteries. Gyeongju National Museum and the resort on Lake Pomun offer wonderful recreational opportunities.
Ganghwa Island in Korea is known for its historical monuments and beautiful nature. Among the main attractions of the island one should name an altar built by Tangun, the legendary founder of the nation, the fortress walls, the ancient furnace for the production of celadon built in the 13th century, and Chondynsa monastery. The beaches of the eastern coast of Korea are known for weak currents and are considered the best in Korea.
Korea will surely capture your imagination with plenty of Buddhist monasteries and temples, palaces, exquisite statues, which have ancient and rich history. Seoul is perhaps the main place for tourists, with its National Museum, the Institute of Korean classical music named Sejong Cultural Center, Hoam Center for the Arts, Namsan Tower, and Korea House. In the capital of Korea one can visit Gyeongbokgung Palace, known as The Palace of Radiant Happiness, and one of the five palaces in Seoul. The main palace was built by the founder of Joseon dynasty, King Lee Sung-Te, when the state capital was transferred to Seoul. On the palace grounds, there is the National Folk Museum with a rich exposition, which introduces you to the history, culture and traditions of Korea.
No less interesting is Changdeokgung Palace in Seoul, which consists of the king's residence and Secret Garden. Built in 1405, it is the only palace that has preserved the architectural style of the Joseon Dynasty. Secret Garden is a place for entertainment of the ruling dynasty: the nature has harmoniously created its 300-year-old trees, the pond and the pavilion.
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[Seoul Travel] Trip to play, eat, and relax_Ganghwa Island
[Seoul Travel] Trip to play, eat, and relax_Ganghwa Island
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Trip to play, eat, and relax_Ganghwa Island
Ganghwa Island is a nearby tourist destination not far from Seoul and is a popular tourist destination for travelers. There are many colorful tour courses that offer a cozy beach and historical sites that remain in many places.
Many cultural heritages remain on each coastline as on the mudflats and the ridges of history.…
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bantan · 6 years
180407 S Cawaii May Issue
ALL ABOUT BTS: Know more about the members!
Q. We heard all the members are living together! What do you think is good about living together?
V: How it’s not lonely. While a certain degree of privacy is necessary, it’s better when it’s not boring.
JH: We’ve already lived together for eight years, so they’ve basically become my family. I’ve probably spent more time with them than my actual family. (laughs) I think it’s a good thing that we’re able to be together.
JM: It’s not lonely and more importantly, when we live together with the other members we can talk to each other lots and understand each other better. When you share everything with the others, it’s a lot easier to express yourself and do lots of things. I believe living together was a huge factor of how we were able to advance this far.
Q. Do the members ever fight?
V: Yes! It’s like a sibling fight, so there are no reasons for them in particular.
Q. We heard some of you keep pets, what are you keeping?
JH: There used to be a member who kept a dog at or dorm, but we were away often and felt sorry for it so he stopped keeping it at the dorm. Now it’s just JIN’s sugar gliders.
JM: Sugar gliders are similar to squirrels, but they’re not the same. (laughs) Come to think of it, I’m the only one who doesn’t have a pet!
Q. For the record… do the members ever play together privately?
V: All the time. We talk about silly things and waste time together. (laughs) We go out to eat too. The things we want to eat change every day so we try all kinds of restaurants. ♪
JH: We’ve been living together for so long, everyone has their own plans for our days off. But sometimes we travel together. Once, we all went to Ganghwa Island to watch the ocean and have a barbeque. But lately, we’ve just been relaxing and resting. Because we tend to think about work even on our days off. That’s why we’re trying to rest without thinking about work on our days off. (laughs)
JM: J-HOPE and I often go to the movies or shopping together. The members go out to eat together a lot and if something bad happens or someone goes through something painful we’ll all gather together. Recently, I came to Japan with JUNGKOOK! On Halloween. We were dressed up so no one recognised us at all. ♪It’s tough going to busy places while worrying about being recognised, but I fulfilled my wish to participate in a busy parade, so it was a good experience. (laughs)
Q. Any funny episodes with the members lately?
V: All the members ate together on my birthday. I can’t remember why we laughed or what we talked about, but everyone was eating and laughing and making an uproar. ♪
JM: It’s always fun when everyone gathers together. We ate together on V’s birthday and after award shows.
JH: We’ve been together so long, I can’t think of anything funny in particular! (laughs) But I also have the most fun getting excited at our get-together parties.
About JIN
Q. Tell us which of JIN’s cooking is delicious. ♡
V: Anything JIN makes is delicious. ♡ I don’t think cooking is a simple task so I think it’s wonderful that he’s interested in cooking. I’ve started to gain a little interest in cooking because of JIN.
JM: He makes lots of things. When we were trainees, we used to eat a lot of chicken tenders so he would make us fried rice with chicken tenders. When SUGA was taking his university admissions test, we all made breakfast for him and sent him off together.
JH: The most delicious thing I’ve eaten is the tteokguk [rice cake soup] we eat for New Years in Korea. Tteokguk has different seasoning depending on the region you’re in, but JIN’s tteokguk was really good! He just hasn’t had any time cook lately, so if he does cook for us it’s usually ramen. JIN is the best at cooking among the members. He’s good at using his hands.
About RM
Q. We’ve heard that RM is a Destruction King, is that true? Has he broken anything recently?
V: I don’t know! (laughs)
JM: We haven’t seen him lately.
JH: Whether by chance or necessity, this Destruction King nickname seems to really suit him. (laughs) RM himself doesn’t want to break things, things just strangely break and spill a lot around him. He can be a little careless. For example, a few days ago he tried to grab his bag from the table and bumped a cup of coffee with his bag instead, spilling it everywhere. (laughs) Things like that happen a lot. Do you know what we call those types of people in Korea? ‘RM’.
Q. Is JUNGKOOK still a cute maknae?
JH: There’s still some maknae-like cuteness left in him, but lately he’s really become an adult in the way he thinks and talks. He’s turned into a fine adult. I especially feel this way when he gives award acceptance speeches and interview responses.
JM: But he’s still our cute little brother forever.
V: No, he’s scary. (serious) He’s actually very strict, despite how he seems. He gets mad when we make mistakes with the choreography. (laughs)
About SUGA
Q. SUGA is well known for sleeping a lot, what is he like in reality?
V: He sleeps. (laughs) He really does sleep a ridiculous amount. How long does he sleep in a day? I don’t know. I have work too, so I can’t always watch over him.
JM: I don’t think that’s true. (laughs)
JH: No, he’s always sleeping. But all the members sleep when there’s a chance to. But I’m the type who thinks it’s a waste to spend time sleeping, so I get up and move around sometimes. I think it’s enough to sleep as much as is required to do our activities, so I sleep at least six hours.
Expose your true selves ♡
V’s true self
JH: He really has a lot of charms. He has a lot of natural talents that you can really feel when he stands on stage. V started learning dance after coming to Seoul, but now he’s really good at dancing. There’s plenty I want to learn from him and I’m looking forward to him in the future too. He was recently selected as ‘The Most Handsome Man in the World’, which was well deserved. Since he really is handsome. (laughs) But he’s not always handsome, he relaxes when he’s at the dorm.
JM: When we first met he was so playful and full of mischief, I thought he was a troublemaker! Even now I think he has a unique way of thinking, but that’s also cute. After living together for so long, I now like the parts of him that made me think “What’s with that?” at first. (laughs) He has a really good personality and is like everyone’s ‘friend’ in the group. Also, while there are some days where he is the most handsome man in the world, there are other days where I think “Is this person really handsome?” (laughs)
JIMIN’s true self
V: To be honest, my first impression of JIMIN was “He’s a little lame”. (laughs) He didn’t seem to have any interest in fashion. But he learned Korean contemporary dance, so he was really good at dancing. Even now, when I see him dancing, I think JIMIN’s dancing is beautiful. I love JIMIN’s dancing. He’s probably the little brother in the group that everyone wants as an older brother. He thinks he’s cool but he’s actually really cute.
JH: As the maknaes, JIMIN and V bring to the group a certain brightness and cuteness. JIMIN has a lot of talent in performances, and while he’s younger, there are times when he’s really like an older brother. He loves mischief but he’s a mature person who thinks a lot. All the members often talk together before an activity or after an award show, and the words JIMIN says then are really deep. He’s younger than me, but I respect him a lot.
J-HOPE’s true self
V: J-HOPE is especially skilled at dancing within BTS, and the first time I met him I thought “This person seems like he’d be good at dancing”. (laughs) He’s in charge of the ‘hope’ of the group, but I think J-HOPE’s biggest charm is his eyes. Because he has really lovely eyes. His eyes sparkle and make the people around him feel lighter. Just being near J-HOPE makes you feel calm and even puts you in a good mood.
JIMIN: He makes a really good first impression, like the kind older brother in the neighbourhood. Like with V, he supported me until I got used to everything. He’s the moodmaker of the group. He’s also the one who listens to the other members when they’re tired. He always leads us in the dance and pulls us up. The parts of J-HOPE and V that I thought were nice before have gotten more and more important to me.
180407 S Cawaii May Issue [Continued]
Japanese-English translation @szkvr [sorry I missed this part earlier]
Question for V
Q. What does V smell like?
I think I smell like body lotion. If I had to describe it, it’d be a smell that would ARMY hearts flutter if they smelled it? (cracks up laughing) Sorry. (laughs)
Q. Do you like growing your hair longer? Or do you prefer cutting it often?
I like growing it longer. The fans don’t like it when my fringe covers my eyes, but I’m still thinking about what to do. (laughs)
Q. Who decides your hair colour?
We decide it by discussing it with the company.
Q. Do you collect anything?
Q. What fashion item do you have the most of?
I used to have a lot of shirts and neckties before, but now I don’t have as many neckties so there are more shirts.
Q. What do you sleep in?
Q. Are you more like your mother or father?
Q. If you had to liken yourself to an animal?
Probably a tiger. Ah, or maybe a red panda. They look strong, but they’re actually not strong at all. (laughs)
Q. Do you believe in aliens?
I don’t. They’re too scary to believe in! If I don’t believe in them, I can go through my day without worrying about them. (laughs)
Q. What’s your favourite BTS dance?
Mic Drop. Because J-HOPE is super cool. I love the overall flow and sound of the whole song.
Q. What’s the hardest BTS dance?
Mic Drop. It’s the coolest and the hardest. The choreography is difficult so I said it was the hardest, but it’s fun to dance.
Q. Are there any up and coming fashions that interest you?
I’ve always been really interested in fashion. Everything I wear is something that I want to wear, but once I get older and reach my 30s and 40s I’d like to dress in killer suits. And I want to grow a beard.
Q. What did you do during your free time recently?
Recently, I went to Busan for a vacation. It was my first time in Busan for a trip and it was very relaxing.
Q. Favourite Weather?
Q. Favourite Season?
Q. Dogs or cats?
Dogs. I have a Pomeranian.
Q. What kind of dog is it?
He’s a Pomeranian and his name is Tan. His full name is Yeontan. He’s really smart! And he’s really greedy. He finishes his food then tries to eat mine. (laughs) He’s a little naughty.
Q. Tell us your top 3 favourite foods!
Jajangmyeon, hamburgers, meat buns!
Q. Where do you wash first in the bath?
I was my hair first, then my chest.
Q. What do you do first when you wake up?
I drink water.
Q. Do you eat breakfast? Or do you skip it?
I don’t eat it often.
Q. Do you cook? Anything you’re good at cooking?
I want to cook. If I were to cook, I want to make meat buns. (laughs)
Q. What drink do you like?
I love Coca-Cola!
Q. Sweet or spicy food?
Q. Early bird or night owl?
Neither. (laughs)
Q. Do you have your driver’s license?
I got it last year.
Q. Do you sleep well?
I sleep so bad, sometimes it takes me 3-4 hours to fall asleep. The first two are spent on my phone, and the last hour is spent with my eyes closed waiting to fall asleep.
Q. How much sleep do you get on average?
Even though there’s lots of time to sleep, I haven’t been able to fall asleep lately. It’s one of my worries.
Q. Do you have a good sleeping posture?
According to the members, I talk in my sleep. (laughs) And I can’t sleep without hugging something, so I use a body pillow. I should sleep hugging my dog? I’d crush him! (laughs)
Q. Any talking habits?
I say もう a lot. [idk what this would be in Korean but in Japanese it has a lot of meanings: now; soon; shortly; before long; presently; already; yet; further; more; jeez; come on]
Q. What do you do before concerts?
Go to the toilet!
Q. What do you do to get rid of nerves?
Drink water.
Q. If you could use magic, what magic would you want to use?
Magic to become happy. If I could use magic I’d be really excited. (laughs)
Q. What praise makes you happy?
Something like “You’re working really hard”.
Q. Any superstitions you believe in?
Rather than a superstition, I try to meet my family whenever I have time. It’s really encouraging!
Q. What do you want to eat right now?
Meat buns! I’ve loved meat buns since preschool. I always whined at my grandma about how I wanted to eat meat buns! (laughs)
Q. Do you use perfume?
I do not.
Question for JIMIN
Q. What did you receive recently that made you happy?
Letters from the members. They gave them to me for my birthday.
Q. Your favourite BTS dance?
I love them all but ‘Best of Me’. It’s a song we collaborated with The Chainsmokers for and I love the choreography and the lyrics are great too! We prepared it for our fan meeting so it’s very memorable.
Q. Dogs or cats?
Ah… I can’t decide this. They’re both too cute!
Q. Where do you wash first in the bath?
From my head.
Q. Sweet or spicy food?
Spicy food. I like sweet foods too, but I like spicy foods more.
Q. Early bird or night owl?
It’s not like I’m doing anything in particular, but I seem to be in better condition at night. And work usually tends to happen at night.
Q. First thing you do when you wake up?
Eyedrops. Because I can’t really wake up easily. My eyesight is bad and I have to wear contacts for a long time so I need eyedrops.
Q. Do you eat breakfast? Or do you skip it?
Depends on the day. When I’m sleepy I skip it, when I’m not I eat it. (laughs)
Q. Do you cook? What are you good at cooking?
Just ramen!
Q. Do you sleep well?
No. I usually fall asleep early morning.
Q. Do you have a good sleeping posture?
I think it’s normal. But I have a habit of scratching my neck when I’m asleep and even wake up bleeding sometimes. (laughs)
Q. Any talking habits?
You should ask the other members about this. I wouldn’t know.
Q. Praise that makes you happy?
They all make me happy. To be honest, any praise will make me happy. (laughs)
Q. What do you want to eat right now?
Hmm… (thinking) Nothing in particular… (laughs)
Q. Any superstitions?
Can I include some negative ones? When I start to think “I’m not used to this” or “I can’t do this” I won’t be able to do it, even when I could have done it normally.
Q. Do you use perfume?
I don’t.
Q. How often do you cut your hair?
Whenever it grows. (laughs) It’s short right now, but I like it long too. The length changes depending on the style I want. I change my hairstyle to match the image of every new album we put out.
Q. Do you collect anything?
Q. Which fashion item do you have the most of?
There are three things. Blue denim jackets, hoodies, and slightly oversized long T-shirts.
Q. What do you sleep in?
Can I say this…? Just my underwear. No wait, I wear something on top too. Actually, I wear pajamas! (laughs)
Q. Are you like your mother or father?
I’m like my father in appearance and mother in personality, I think.
Q. If you had to liken yourself to an animal?
A calico cat!
Q. Do you believe in aliens?
I believe they exist. I’ve always loved mysterious surrounding the Earth and space, so I often thought about that kinda stuff. It’s not like something good will happen to me because they exist, but doesn’t the thought of them existing make you happy? (laughs)
Q. Who influenced your dance?
There are so many people. All the Korean senior artists I watched while growing up, Chriss Brown, Usher… countless people!
Q. What’s the hardest BTS dance?
There’s a lot, but if I had to pick three then ‘Best of Me’, ‘Mic Drop’, and ‘Blood, Sweat & Tears’. The choreography is difficult and requires a lot of stamina.
Q. Where do you get inspiration for your dance from?
From the artists I watched as I grew up.
Q. Do you give your own input in the dance?
If I had to participate in the choreographing, I’d watch until the dance was completed to a certain amount before doing so. Then I’d look at it and point out what areas needs to be improved or which parts might be a little difficult to dance. I’d participate by giving my own opinions.
Q. Tell us about the time you collaborated with your good friend, SHINee’s Taemin, at the end of year music festival.
We got close these last few years, and in 2016 we had the opportunity to collaborate for an end of year music festival. It was really fun dancing together! I was really excited about as I practiced, wanting to make it a good memory. But our schedules were difficult to match up and we were only able to practice together two hours before the show, which was unfortunate. If we had more time, it might have been more fun.
Question for J-HOPE
Q. Where do you get your dance inspiration from?
Dancing is the act of expression music through your body, so I get the most inspiration from when I’m listening to music. Or rather, in my case, I start to think “How would I express this song through a dance?” and receive inspiration to create a dance that way.
Q. What present were you happy to receive?
The breakfast my mother made for me. There was a big present next to it, but I normally live in the dorm so I can’t always eat her food.
Q. What do you sleep in?
I always sleep in pajamas.
Q. Are you like your mother or father?
My face is like my father and my personality is like my mother.
Q. If you had to liken yourself to an animal?
Sometimes I’m like a chipmunk and sometimes I’m like a horse. (laughs) When I’m cute I’m like a chipmunk but when I’m trying to be cool I think I look like a horse. (laughs)
Q. Do you believe aliens exist?
They do not!
Q. Who influenced your dance?
I used to dance street dance when I was young, so I have a lot of emotional attachment to dance. I also know a lot of dancers. I was part of this dance team called Neuron in my hometown in Gwanju, and I learned how to dance there. When I came to Seoul I learned from a lot of dancers at a dance school called LEVEL 6, but the one that influenced me the most was LOCKING ONG. I was also influenced by Park Eun [not sure of name].
Q. What’s the hardest BTS dance?
The more time passes the more I feel like ‘Blood, Sweat & Tears’ is the hardest. It requires skill and care all the way to your fingertips, and it’s a song that requires acting, so it's very difficult. There are so many important components to it. The maknae line, JIMIN and V and JUNGKOOK, are particularly good at this song, and it’s thanks to them that we can have a good performance. And me as well, of course. (laughs)
Q. Do you sleep well?
I sleep very well. I can fall asleep in about 40 seconds.
Q. Do you have a good sleeping posture?
I don’t know if it’s good or bad, but I have a habit of scratching my body.
Q. Any talking habits?
I often say “Uuuuuh” when I’m thinking. (laughs)
Q. What do you do before concerts?
Go to the toilet!
Q. What do you do to get rid of nerves?
Stretch my body.
Q. If you could use a magic, what magic you use?
Teleportation! I want to go to all kinds of countries.
Q. What praise makes you happy?
I want to be told, “You’re still so cool after all this time”.
Q. Any superstitions?
Q. What do you want to eat right now?
It’s not a food, but water!
Q. Do you use perfume?
I do. I used to like the smell of soap, but lately, I like using wood perfume.
Q. Do you like having long hair? Or do you cut your hair often?
I want to cut my hair once a week.
Q. Who decides your hair colour?
We decide by discussing it with the company.
Q. Do you collect anything?
Sneakers and figurines. I have a lot of cute figurines.
Q. What fashion item do you have the most of?
Q. What did you do in your free time recently?
Stayed at home and rested.
Q. Favourite weather?
Snowy days.
Q. Favourite season?
Q. Dog person or cat person?
I’m a dog person.
Q. Where do you wash first in the bath?
I wash from my head.
Q. What do you do first when waking up?
Go to the toilet. (laughs)
Q. Do you eat breakfast? Or do you skip it?
I’m trying to eat it more these days. For better health!
Q. Tell us your top 3 favourite foods!
Korean meal sets, fried chicken with spring onion, tiramisu.
Q. Do you cook? What are you good at cooking?
I don’t cook.
Q. What do you like to drink?
Just water.
Q. Sweet or spicy food?
Q. Early bird or night owl?
Night owl.
Q. Do you have a driver’s license?
Yes. I got it around two years ago.
Q. What kind of album is FACE YOURSELF, releasing in April?
JM: It has the Japanese versions of our Korean songs from LOVE YOURSELF: HER as well as two new original Japanese songs, so please listen to them all.
JH: The original songs are the biggest point. We had fun recording them and the songs are also wonderful so we’d love for everyone to hear them. The songs we’ve released in Korea until now have been re-recorded in Japanese, which gives them a new charm.
V: We’d love for everyone to feel the atmosphere of the new album.
Q. How is it different to your other albums until now?
V: It has our first winter song!
JM: It’s an extension of our Korean album LOVE YOURSELF: HER. I think it became a very unique album.
JH: In that way, it’s a completely different work to our others until now. The album has the theme of directly facing reality and taking Spring Day as an example, spring is the season of new meetings, the time of your life when you’ll stand at a crossroad. Like that, each song holds a different meaning and comes together as an album. I don’t really know what I’m saying anymore (laughs), but at any rate, it’s definitely a really good album!
Q. Tell us your favourite song on the album!
V: Crystal Snow for me. It’s a really great song! The melody and lyrics are wonderful and it’s definitely a song to listen to in winter. Ah, but it’s almost spring so maybe Spring Day!
JM: Crystal Snow for me too. It’s BTS’ first winter song and the song itself is super nice. I think this song would suit the tastes of people in Japan. When I listen to Japanese songs, there are many acoustic songs with a similar feeling to this so it may suit the Japanese landscape and culture. I hope you’ll listen to it at any time! But it’s best to listen to it when you’re alone.
JH: I like Spring Day, it’s perfect for the season we’re in right now. I get the feeling that no matter how much time passes, this song will be repeated a lot. We sang this song with the feeling of wanting someone to stay through the cold winter until the warm spring comes. Ah, that’s my part, by the way. (laughs) Like it says in the lyrics, no matter who you love it’s a song that echoes in the heart.
Q. Were the Japanese lyrics difficult?
V: The Japanese lyrics weren’t difficult. But I had trouble with the recording itself. Since the key was so high. (bitter smile)
JM: The pronunciation and song was a little difficult for me but while I was recording I felt how good the songs were all over again.
JH: In my case—for example with Spring Day especially—the songs required a lot of emotions while singing, so I’m glad I was able to immerse myself into that world even in Japanese without a problem.
Q. Please give a message to the fans who are eagerly waiting for your album!
V: We’d like to proudly tell our ARMY that our 3rd album is coming out. ARMY have probably been waiting for our album. We’re so full of gratitude at how they’ve always been waiting for us and there are two new original songs this time so please love them a lot!
Q. Your popularity around the world has exploded, but what do you think?
JM: We never imagined we’d be so loved. We really want to express our gratitude to the fans who love us, to our ARMY. We’re so grateful we’re not sure how to express these feelings properly, but we’ll work hard to try return as much love as we received back to you.
JH: My honest feelings are something like “Is it possible to be loved by this many people?” (laughs) Especially recently, when I stand in front of everyone I go from “!” to “?”. I give it my all so that I don’t disappoint everyone. I have these thoughts the most when I stand on stage. Going around the world on tour, standing on all sorts of stages, meet all kinds of audiences has really made us feel loved by people from all over the world.
V: Firstly, I’m so happy and so grateful that I’ve received more love than I deserve. That’s how much I can feel everyone’s support, thank you very much.
What the staff saw! V’s true self
The way his adorable expressions constantly changed was like a puppy. ♡ He passionately spoke about his love for meat buns during the interview. Apparently, he likes the regular flavour.
What the staff saw! J-HOPE’s true self
He had a charming smile and made the atmosphere much brighter by just standing there. A complete reversal to his serious impression when talking about dance.
What the staff saw! JIMIN’s true self
His gentle smile left an impression. His face after being asked if he was a dog person or cat person was extremely cute. ♡
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manticxre · 2 years
instructions: describe ten random headcanons about your muse of choice that will rarely ever have the chance to naturally come up in threads. Go wild, go random, go meta! repost, do not reblog!
Doing this for Dankyung because she’s fun!
Spoilered for eye horror lol 
Dankyung is a bona fide horse girl, and has a seeing eye horse named Gunma she rides from place to place when she needs to travel for longer distances. Some people have seeing-eye dogs and Dankyung has a shadowy horse with glowing blue eyes that glares at people. 
What’s under Dankyung’s blindfold: her eyes are empty sockets that have pinpricks of blue flames where her eyeballs should be, and the flames only appear when she’s using Gunma’s eyes to see. It’s gross, gnarly and she only lets her spouses see them because it also occasionally bleeds ichor from her previous injury. 
Despite her fire magic, Dankyung actually likes water, and is a very adept swimmer. Her parents and siblings all practised water-based cultivation, and she still has her fortitude in breathing and playing around in the water, making Ganghwa Island a great place for her to live. 
The eyelike brand on the back of her neck that goes down her back allows the fell dragon who’d displaced her from her original world to scry on her even when she’s not in her home world. She usually covers it up to avoid questions about it. 
Dankyung’s hair color (dark azure blue) is naturally occurring and often mistaken as dyed like an anime character. She never rectified it even though she could dye it black to avoid questions, not that she’s looked in the mirror for the past 20 or so years to be able to confirm. 
Dankyung’s florist shop was funded by diver women, who took care of her when she first washed up at Ganghwa Island. Her flowers are provided by her new group of mums, many of which are retired diver women curious to see what she could do with her hands. 
The lily Dankyung wears in her ear cannot be removed by conventional means. She stuck it to her right ear by magic and only she can remove it, because the scent reminds her of family and calms her despite her otherwise terrible temperament. 
Dankyung is very skilled with a sword, and frankly more of a cavalry fighter than an actual mage. She doesn’t carry her sword with her these days, but she will beat you with it if she feels threatened enough by manifesting it from shadowy gloom. 
Dankyung’s nickname “Lite” came from being one of the shortest people in her family. Even in her current relationship with her spouses, she’s still the shortest at 150cm. She can be picked up by Jangil like a rugby ball, a fact she fusses about constantly. 
Calling Dankyung her original name of “Morgan” drives her into a relentless rage and is essentially a PTSD trigger for her. Only her spouses know her original name and continue calling her Dankyung, as well as correct people who refer to her as Morgan around them.
Tagged by @bledwaves, thank you~ 
Tagging whoever wants to do this! 
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bluephiliac · 7 years
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강화도 새우젓 축제 Gyeonggi-do, Korea October 2017 . . . #bw #bnw #bwlife #bnw_life #bw_lover #bnw_one #bwphotography #blackandwhite #monochrome #bnw_captures #insta_pick_bw #bnwoftheday #blackwhite #blackandwhiteoftheday #travel #traveling #instatravel #trip #everybodystreet #steet #steetphoto #streetphotographers #streetphotography #street_photography #everybodystreet #streetphoto_bw #bnw_demand #Seoul #Korea #흑백사진 (at Ganghwa Island)
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ksupremacyph-blog · 5 years
TWICE members finish filming for KBS’ “Battle Trip”
TWICE members finish filming for KBS’ “Battle Trip”
Wattup ONCEs!
Photo Credit: We Heart It
It has been reported that K-Pop girl group TWICE has just finished filming “Battle Trip”, a KBS reality show wherein two groups of celebrities compete in traveling within specified cities or states based on specific topics.
Photo Credit: Rakuten VIKI
TWICE members Tzuyu and Dahyun wre reportedly spotted by netizens during the shooting in Ganghwa Island.
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wearemodernseoul · 6 years
Ganghwa-Do Ginseng Makkoli (강화 인삼 막걸리)
Ganghwa-Do Ginseng Makkoli (강화 인삼 막걸리)
A while back we spent a relaxing morning up in Ganghwa-Do, an Island just north of Incheon and West of Seoul. The Island has a nice rural setting and a popular place for people looking to get away from the city without having to travel far. One added benefit is that the Island produces a range of different Makkolis (Korean Rice Wine). We picked up a couple of bottles of this Ginseng Makkoli (인삼…
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macmatt78 · 7 years
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Sunset on Goryo Mountain with spring azaleas during the Goryosan azalea festival 🌺😉🌄👌#spring #landscapes #natural #mountains #leicam #travels #nationalgeographic #photooftheday #sunsets (at Ganghwa Island, Incheon)
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eent-go · 3 years
Healing trip away from busy daily life
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Song Eun-i came to 'I have to stop at least once'.
In the KBS2 program 'You have to stop at least once' broadcast on the 24th, the special healing journey of Lee Seon-hee, Lee Geum-hee, and Song Eun-i, who left for Ganghwa Island after a busy life, was revealed.
On this day, Song Eun-i mentioned her relationship with Lee Geum-hee, saying, "She even came as a guest to Sangju during a book program in the past." Song Eun-i said, "So I thought that I would pay off this debt because you came far away, but I wanted to come because you said you were traveling today." Lee Seon-hee said, "It's nothing special, but thank you for coming here."
Lee Seon-hee, who was eating Ssanghwatang at her coffee shop, hummed 'Would you like a cup of coffee', and Song Eun-i said, "I can't remember 'I want a cup of coffee.' My sister is much better than me." Seeing this, Lee Geum-hee said, "I'm thinking in my head. I need to do something for entertainment," and Song Eun-i said, "Your sister's dream is to win the Rookie of the Year award this year, isn't it?" K did it
When she asked for advice, Song Eun-i said, "I like her unnie's unique hard work." Lee Seon-hee said, "You can't just sing on stage. You have to have a sense of humor. My teammates don't let me make comments. If I raise the mood with a song, I lower the mood with a comment."
Seon-hee Lee, Geum-hee Lee, and Eun-i Song, who visited Daeryong Market in Gyo-dong, recalled their memories by drawing memories. A tape of Lee Seon-hee's 7th album was found inside the store where she went to pick up the product, and she signed it there and recalled her past. After that, she entered the dalgona store, concentrated and showed each individual making dalgona, and then saw Lee Seon-hee's fortune using the fortune-telling vending machine of memories. Lee Seon-hee provoked laughter by saying, "My worries these days are that my eyes are getting too small. There are so many things I want to see, and I keep drooling."
Song Eun-yi said, "The virtue that I have accumulated invisibly is like calling people," she said, "I can't see (her eyes), but I have accumulated a lot of virtue. So there is no problem," she trembled.
Regarding her daughter, Song Eun-yi said, "I like to work. I do it because I hang out with my younger brothers. So I think I'm responsible for it until the end." In response, Lee Seon-hee asked, "If you have a lot of children, you probably don't have time for yourself, so doesn't she miss it?" she asked.
Hearing this, Song Eun-i said, "I didn't know about me because I was a dull person, but the burnout came early last year." She continued, "When I have doubts while working, it's a style that pushes me if I have fun and confidence, but I don't have the energy. I started camping because I thought I had to take my time, and I think I've recovered a bit."
Lee Seon-hee showed empathy, saying, "I think I came here in my early 40s, too. So I also thought about traveling. I try to keep in touch, try to meet, and talk more."
On the other hand, KBS2 program 'You have to stop at least once' is a documentary program that takes you on the beautiful roads of Korea.
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bluephiliac · 7 years
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강화도 새우젓 축제 Gyeonggi-do, Korea October 2017 . . . #bw #bnw #bwlife #bnw_life #bw_lover #bnw_one #bwphotography #blackandwhite #monochrome #bnw_captures #insta_pick_bw #bnwoftheday #blackwhite #blackandwhiteoftheday #travel #traveling #instatravel #trip #everybodystreet #steet #steetphoto #streetphotographers #streetphotography #street_photography #everybodystreet #streetphoto_bw #bnw_demand #Seoul #Korea #흑백사진 (at Ganghwa Island)
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bluephiliac · 7 years
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Gyeonggi-do, Korea October 2017 . . . #bw #bnw #bwlife #bnw_life #bw_lover #bnw_one #bwphotography #blackandwhite #monochrome #bnw_captures #insta_pick_bw #bnwoftheday #blackwhite #blackandwhiteoftheday #travel #traveling #instatravel #trip #everybodystreet #steet #steetphoto #streetphotographers #streetphotography #street_photography #everybodystreet #streetphoto_bw #bnw_demand #Seoul #Korea #흑백사진 (at Ganghwa Island)
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