troutfur · 8 months
so like. how does it work practicing a religion that in part revolves around a river 12,000 km from you
For a moment I thought you meant the Ganghes and I wondered if you were conflating Hinduism with Buddhism because that's what nowadays forms the majority of my practice. But I think you mean me being Kemetic and the river you mean is the Nile.
Truth be told there is no consensus and to some extent the whole community is experimenting with it! Comes with the territory of reconstructing a religion from archaeological evidence.
As a bit of a case study why don't we take Wep Ronpet, Egyptian New Year. The theme of the holiday in antiquity was the beginning of the flood season which renewed the fertility of the Nile valley, equated to Zep Tepi, the primordial time of creation. Among modern Kemetics it has a meaning similar to the secular New Year: out with all the negativity and chaos of the year past, in with the new.
Opinions differ as to exactly when to celebrate Wep Ronpet. The event commemorated simply does not happen anymore. Since the construction of the Aswan Dam in 1960-1970 the Nile does not flood annually, so that cannot be the benchmark.
Some Kemetics mark it with a fixed date, usually around northern hemisphere summer to coincide with the ancient date. Agust 15th (September 11th in the Julian calendar) to coincide with the Coptic Orthodox Church's Feast of the Martyrs, the direct modern descendant holiday of Wep Ronpet still celebrated in Egypt, or July 18th for the date during the New Kingdom period.
Other Kemetics may celebrate it based on their own region's agricultural calendar. If I was doing it like this here in Guatemala I could perhaps do it around May or June which is the time of year when rainfall first spikes and the famous zompopos the mayo (a type of leafcutter ant that thrives in humidity, scientific name Atta cephalotes) begin to come out.
Finally, and most popularly, many kemetics base it around the date of the heliacal rising of sirius, a once-yearly astronomical event that used to coincide fairly close to the flooding of the Nile and was as such used in antiquity to estimate the date. Since the exact date of the heliacal rising varies depending on where on the globe you are opinions differ as to what to base the calculations off of. Members of The House of Netjer base it off their main temple in Illinois where former Nisut (pharaoh) Dr. Tamara L. Siuda resides. Others base it off the date in Egypt itself. And yet others base it off their own location.
I personally am partial to August 15th for entirely personal and practical reasons. I live in Guatemala City, August 15th is a public holiday because the patron saint of the city is The Virgin of the Assumption. So The Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Mary on August 15th, both a pan-Catholic holiday and specifically a local holiday I get a day off for is fitting I think. A very specific rejection and recontextualization of the religion I was raised with.
And that's what practicing a reconstructed religion comes down to, I believe. Weaving together the threads of history, archaeology, and anthropology to forge your own relationship with the cultural and spiritual practices that speak to you from these ancient cultures.
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abr · 4 months
Corre nelle parti più fogna della Rete un ridicolo dibbattito che titolerei "meglio soli che male accompagnati" aka uscire dalla Nato, ideona che offre perlomeno il vantaggio chiarificatore di unificare in fogna rifondaroli e nostalgici (se lo meritano).
Dibattito patetico anzichenò, anche tralasciando di ricordare che abbiamo con la Nato perlomeno un debito di riconoscenza: non siamo stati tutti Giovani Pionieri costretti a svacanzare nelle galere ooops colonie di Stato, come successe ai coetanei cechi o ungheresi.
Un "contributo" diciamo all'eccitante dibbbattito risveglia dalla noia soporifera uno dei miei neuroni; quelli che affermano senza vergogna: "Alleanza per difenderci ma da chi?". So per certo che codesti quacquaracquà chiudono a chiave la porta di casa e inseriscono l'allarme quando escono. Non perdo certo tempo a ricordare in che razza di mondo viviamo, a livello di stati e organizzazioni canaglia. Difenderci da che? Questi qui sono quelli che sostengono sia stato un errore o un orrore israeliano, l'aver concesso (o fatto finta di concedere) a hamas di entrare nel loro territorio e massacrare 1500 civili. No non è la Russia da cui dovremmo difenderci, concedo. Sono ganghe molto più vicine.
Ci sono anche quelli che "difenderci da soli costerebbe meno che farci okkupare militarmente dagli Usa come adesso". Questi non risvegliano nessuno dei miei neuroni, men che meno quelli più contabili; mi ricordano tanto i comunisti veri, i trinariciuti degli anni '70.
Chiederei loro, mentre faccio qualcos'altro che mi indichino una Nazione, una sola, che si possa permettere di difendersi da sola. Manco l'Australia se l'è mai potuto permettere. L'india, 1.4 miliardi di persone? La Svizzera piccina, isolata tra le sue montagne? Oppure la Svezia ma non più, o la Spagna franchista ki se l'inkulava? Purtroppo o per fortuna noi siamo sempre stati APPETITI da tutti. Rendite da turismo a parte, non è sempre una buona notizia.
Far da sé sul campo della difesa non è mai stata una opzione. Men che mai per noi. Persino per er Puzzone, quello dell'Autarchia e dell'Impero: ai tempi fu costretto ad allearsi con l'imbianchino per palese incapacità di difendersi da solo.
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the-monkey-ruler · 11 months
Bajie Biography (2020) 猪妖传
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Director: Nian Shiya Screenwriter: Nian Shiya Starring: Chen Bingqiang / You'er / Qiao Qiao / Yang Dapeng / Liu Bin / Pan Chunchun Genre: Comedy / Action Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2020-08-01 (Mainland China) Duration: 75 minutes Type: Retelling
When Marshal Tianpeng, who was in charge of Tianhe's 100,000 sailors, met the Nishang fairy who could not love him, Tianpeng was willing to offend heaven and was eventually demoted to the mortal world. Tianpeng and Nishang were destined to fight each other forever. This was a despair that was hard to change. When the cowardly Zhu Ganghe grabbed the nine-tooth rake, he wanted to change his life for love and fight to the death with the heavens...
Source: https://mov-20.chinesemov.com/2020/Bajie-Biography
Link: https://www.dandanzan.com/dianying/93121.html
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brunopino · 1 year
Geniale e chilli che non si credono l'ora di ricogliere i zimbìli
La Calabria non decollerà mai. Perché limita al solo mese di agosto la stagione turistica. La parola “destagionalizzazione” serve solo a riempire gli spazi vuoti in bocca delle ganghe cadute o tirate. La cosa bella o brutta è che diffusamente un po’ tutti non si credono l’ora di ricogliere i zimbíli. Pensate invece che molti verranno dall’estero proprio a settembre, ottobre, novembre. Ma per noi…
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[Seoul Travel] Trip to play, eat, and relax_Ganghwa Island
[Seoul Travel] Trip to play, eat, and relax_Ganghwa Island
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Trip to play, eat, and relax_Ganghwa Island
Ganghwa Island is a nearby tourist destination not far from Seoul and is a popular tourist destination for travelers. There are many colorful tour courses that offer a cozy beach and historical sites that remain in many places.
Many cultural heritages remain on each coastline as on the mudflats and the ridges of history.…
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musubiki · 4 years
When I first saw Oscar I thought it was goi g to be this mysterious quiet character who everyone just happened to be friends with. I did not on the other hand expect a sporadic scatterbrained soft boy who questions everything that twitches, I’m kind of obsessed with him now.
HE IS QUITE THE CHARACTER AND I HAVENT REALLY TALKED ABOUT HIS PERSONALITY ON HERE IN THE BPPS!!!!!!!!! i always intended him to be soft but also chaotic in a very strange mix of both “😇” and “😈” somehow..,...
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
What if anytime she is performing maybe he is there supporting her and saying if she does good she can get a reward ooo and maybe one day a man gets handsy with her and gangh is not having it and she takes care of it herself tho and he is turned on more and yet taking care of her
warning: guns, violence, descriptions of unwanted advantages from a male to a female
This is them pre-dating. I know you don’t have backstory yet but Harry is already the gang leader and owns the streets of London. YN is a stripper at one of the luxury clubs in the city - she’s the one most people come to see. Harry frequents the club for business meetings. He does not interact (aka sex/flirting with the workers). Strictly business.
This is their first run in.
Harry was meeting with a group of men from out of town, they had flown in from Croatia to discuss a deal of firearms and explosive.
He had his associates spread around the club for protection in case of a shoot-out or the police showing up.
The leader had recently just moved his business dealings to this club because he felt like there were too many eyes on him at the other one.
He enjoyed this higher-end, clean, professional ones where the girls would leave him alone because they knew he’d tipped them well for their discretion on his dealings.
It was called The Good Girls Graveyard.
The slogan, ‘Where Good Girls Go to Die’
Harry had requested a private room upstairs that was usually for individual shows or stripteases (or more) but they didn’t have any dancers in theirs - just the men.
YN was in the room next door, just her and a middle-aged man in a crisp, ill-fitting suit who reeked of cheap cologne.
She is in such high demand on the stage and floor - she only does private rooms at a very inflated rate which most are willing to pay.
This man had dished on nearly £7,000 for forty-five minutes with her.
YN was wearing a simple black bralette that pushed up her tits but not up to her neck, enough to show they were natural.
Her bottom was also just a simple black thong that rested on her plush hips.
The shower stopper was her swavoksi crystal skirt that flashed and dazzled in the low lighting - made her look ethereal. ***
Their time was almost up, her bra discarded and a petite little barbell was pierced through her pert right nipple.
She had already done her typical pole routine for the man before beginning her dance directly in front of him.
When he reaches up to touch the piercing, she smacks his hand hard, and spits out, “No fucking touching.”
He glares at her, pissed that he’s not getting what he was expecting.
YN was a strict professional.
She didn’t do add ons.
No matter how much money you offered she wasn’t doing sexual favors.
She respected the women in the club who did but she just couldn’t do it herself.
It was at the end of their time, luckily - YN thought because this guy was a disgusting prick who she’d never dance for again.
When she goes to get off his lap, he grabs her upper arm and tugs her back down, “I didn’t pay that much for this bullshit. Either blow me or fuck me.”
It’s automatic, her hand winds back and she clocks him right in the jaw, the skin of her knuckles breaking open with the force.
“Let me go!” She yells forcefully, her body didn’t have a flight mode - only a fight one.
“You bitch,” He snarls, shoving her backward until she’s on the ground and he is on top of her, pinning her shoulders down.
YN is about to go for her small concealed weapon when the pain and pressure is being lifted as the man gets pulled up by a long-haired, shockingly handsome man.
The man is in a full black suit, curls down to his shoulder, and tattoos on every visible part of his body except for his face.
“Fuckin’ like t’beat on women?” The man growls, pulling a gun from his waistband. It had a long barrel and was matte black.
On the side of the gun, it said, ‘Smile! You’ve met the devil!’
The customer doesn’t get a word out before he’s crumbling to the ground at the hands of the unknown man.
“There y’go darlin’, I’m sorry if the gun scared you,” Curly coos, voice overly sweet and nearly mocking as he tucks it away.
YN doesn’t do well with men like that.
Tits still out, she charges the man and strikes him clear in the jaw too.
He was clearly not expecting that as his head whips to the side.
“I didn’t need your fucking help, douchebag,” She hisses angrily as he turns to face her with a completely different expression.
Curly strides towards her, hand collaring her neck, and hisses right in her face, a deep smell of cedar and vanilla from him.
“You really didn’t want to do that, sweetheart. Do you know who the fuck I am?”
YN breathes heavily through her nose, clenching her fists at her sides, rasping out, “I don’t care who the fuck you are.”
“I’m the fucking Devil.”
And she now knows, this was Diablo, and nearly everyone would have pissed their pants by now with fear - everyone in Europe.
But not YN.
Instead, she makes her expression turned doe-eyes and scared, “I didn’t know that. Forgive me. I’m so sorry.”
She is able to make her voice sound shaky and pathetic as he smiles evilly at her submissiveness.
“Y’shouldnt be working at the Good Girls Graveyard, this is where they come to die - you’re too sweet,” He again coos at her, grip loosening but still restrictive.
His eyes trail to her puffy lips, distracted, and it gives her what see needs.
YN sneaks her hand into the front of her thong, where she has always hidden a small razor blade for situations like this.
Quickly, she pulls it out and slices his hand, making him drop his grip is surprise as he clutches his bleeding hand.
“Oh, I’ve been dead for a long time, Diablo,” YN informs him, snatching up her bra and bolting from the room to her assigned security guards downstairs.
Harry stands there in awe.
The cut isn’t deep, he can stitch it up himself but he’s processing what the fuck just happened.
All he knows is he wants that girl dead.
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ilcielodipuglia · 5 years
(Charles Baudelaire 9/4/1821 - 31/8/1867)
L’orologio, il dio sinistro, spaventoso e impassibile,
ci minaccia col dito e dice: Ricordati!
I Dolori vibranti si pianteranno nel tuo cuore
pieno di sgomento come in un bersaglio;
il Piacere vaporoso fuggirà nell’orizzonte
come silfide in fondo al retroscena;
ogni istante ti divora un pezzo di letizia
concessa ad ogni uomo per tutta la sua vita.
Tremilaseicento volte l’ora, il Secondo
mormora: Ricordati! – Rapido con voce
da insetto, l’Adesso dice: Sono l’Allora
e ho succhiato la tua vita con l’immondo succhiatoio!
Prodigo! Ricordati! Remember! Esto memor!
(La mia gola di metallo parla tutte le lingue).
I minuti, mortale pazzerello, sono ganghe
da non farsi sfuggire senza estrarne oro!
Ricordati che il tempo è giocatore avido:
guadagna senza barare, ad ogni colpo! È legge.
Il giorno declina, la notte cresce; ricordati!
L’abisso ha sempre sete; la clessidra si vuota.
Presto suonerà l’ora in cui il divino Caso,
l’augusta Virtù, la tua sposa ancora vergine,
lo stesso Pentimento (oh, l’ultima locanda!),
ti diranno: Muori, vecchio vile! È troppo tardi
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444names · 2 years
american and welsh forenames BUT excluding "e"
Adall Adiandrys Adonys Adoughn Adran Adwayl Alanchan Alfry Allia Alphatra Alvicyn Alvid Alviris Amary Aminna Amint Amlys Amonna Anawna Andallilla Andanna Andsa Aniffyn Anmon Annah Annandon Annat Annis Annistim Annorad Anonandan Anyan Aphiado Aphis Arawna Ardoc Argila Arlanann Arlody Arwynna Awnath Baronya Batrian Bilwyn Blaig Blord Blori Bradrob Brandandy Branwyn Brica Brickimor Brist Bristafan Bristi Bristinth Brisy Brusia Bryll Brynfyn Byroyd Byrth Cadary Cadrank Cadwry Caiguanto Calian Calyn Cancy Candy Carah Cardog Caria Carian Carick Caridan Caris Carisia Carjohn Carnita Carris Carryn Cartronis Carvyth Caryn Casha Cason Chairla Chancily Chandi Channistia Chark Charms Charoyan Charry Charth Chria Chricki Chryn Clion Codna Colabris Colai Colan Coliriff Colistalda Collyn Colys Corgilick Cotha Cottim Couis Crandy Crian Curon Cynmory Dafry Dalicill Dalvia Dandanda Dando Dania Danianna Dannody Daravick Darchrys Daroc Ditam Ditia Duadoc Dusam Dwaryd Fandryl Fandy Fanmonis Fanny Fficad Ffina Ffionydia Fflon Flody Flois Flottamor Floydd Fravick Fravinnion Gablough Gancyn Gandyn Gangh Garan Garla Garls Gartamon Garyn Gayndalia Gillavian Glars Glary Glawn Glodyn Glourt Gomatta Gomin Gorilwyn Grion Gritcha Gruffina Gwairk Gwallym Gwara Gwila Gwynni Gwynth Haran Haranothia Haron Harosal Hatacyn Howryn Huadon Ifanna Inhang Iondalvia Ionydi Irandard Istion Ivalla Ivand Ivaulictin Ivingwyn Jachard Jacharyn Jacont Jainhalys Jamarris Jamatt Janola Janya Jargiold Jashillor Javin Jilain Jimmyr Jimora Jimoth Joada Joadi Joarist Joddix Johnn Johnnith Johnordasa Jorannita Jorgayn Joris Jorys Joshalva Josicia Josidwina Josirma Jossari Joyddi Joysta Juancy Juandon Judia Julainny Julild Junick Kancilisty Kanna Karginor Kargiollip Karls Karriollin Karrys Karwy Katan Katanlodra Kathana Kathianyd Kathyl Katran Katridas Katrison‎ Katty Kibon Kirichan Kriarrydd Krigh Krildri Krisa Kylvainth Lacia Laina Landa Languangin Lanis Lawna Layto Liant Liaroc Liolia Llaildy Llynancian Loarlo Lodyfanys Lorictona Luciars Lucil Luciss Luison Luissangh Luistiffan Lynfyd Mablang Mabrisci Madancy Maina Mallin Mammy Mandanu Mania Manick Manton‎ Maran Marany Marbor Marcharton Marci Marda Mardoll Margarl Margia Maridga Maris Marjohn Marly Marlyn Marmara Marob Maronyan Maros Marra Marryl Marya Maryn Mathyd Matrya Maulauria Maurin Maxis Maxisy Michricill Micistin Milandy Milip Milla Millin Mindra Mindsa Miris Mirolauris Monna Morai Mordd Morick Moryn Naomis Naton Nickiron Nison‎ Nolasmira Noria Nothy Olina Olody Otharlah Owaym Pamaran Pamayl Patchawna Pathaff Pathrynon Pator Patra Patrifan Paudia Pauright Paurony Paurta Paurwyn Phian Phina Polown Pristy Prith Privorada Pwynfondra Rackyl Radochn Radowatana Randa Randancy Ranna Rhilda Rhillanam Rhindo Rhiriva Rhirk Rhith Rhittisona Rholyn Rhona Rhuan Rhugladia Rhundoly Rhuria Rhurth Rhydd Riada Robanodyn Rolana Ronifra Ronna Ronyd Roscarai Rosio Roxan Samly Sammaris Scorus Shain Shalvia Shanna Shard Shargina Sharlaina Sharlayn Sharolay Shars Sharsha Sharyn Shiad Sillan Stammy Stimmy Sulirlor Surta Susadolyd Suzabla Suzand Sylaurig Tarshan Todwadys Tonnitt Torallyno Torwyn Traina Trilwynfy Ussiristas Vanwyn Viana Vicholl Victois Vinidwis Vinlon Viona Viridwai Visan Visop Walaw Warsha Watra Wilawd Willia Willyn Wioliad Witafanin Wyndanmon Wynfon Yvora Zanca
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zhuzhengtingting · 6 years
Boyfriend Bullet AU—Zhou Yanchen
I tried something different
You cannot help humming along to the music in your cousin's cafe
Bouncing your shoulder as you write the customer's name on the coffee cup with your other hand, a small, crooked smile playing on your lips
You pass it to your cousin, who takes it with a raise in his eyebrow and a amused exhale, before wiping your hand on your white apron and twirling back to the counter
A tall man with ungodly visuals and round glasses stands there, a bit wide eyed
Your feet continue to tap to the beat, a bit more constrained now
"Hi," you say. "Do you know what you'd like to order?"
"Ah, yes. Could I get the matcha latte?"
You nod, tapping the order into the touch screen moniter in front of you
"What's your name?"
Half a beat passes before he says, "Ganghe."
You nod again, writing it on a piece of paper before showing it to him
"Is this correct?"
"Great. It'll be ready in about two minutes."
You can't help watching him from the corner of your eye as you take the next person's order
It's barely perceptible, but he grooves along to the upbeat song with tiny movement of his head
His movements are surprisingly beautifully fluid, and you can't help adding two squiggly lines on top of each other next to his name on the cup when his order is done
You barely stop yourself from doodling a stick person dancing next to it, and settle on adding a third squiggly line on top of the previous two
“Your order is ready,” you chirp, able to look him full in the face and not needing to keep stealing glances
He takes the cup you slide across the coffee counter
“Thank you”
It’s a small cup of coffee, but he sure takes his time drinking it
He sits at the window pretty much directly in your line of sight
And though it’s unnecessary, when he’s done, he comes up to thank you and your cousin before leaving
Dancing Machine
You come back from your break, tying up your apron around your waist
Your knots become rhythmic, and soon enough you’re full out dancing alone in the staff room...
before your cousin sticks his head in and calls you
“Come on, time to get back to work and stop dancing”
“Don’t you have practice later anyways?”
“Yes,” you admit begrudgingly
He’s lenient, but there is a schedule he still has to follow
Unfortunately for you, 1:00 pm can get rather busy on the weekends, and it’s when you come back from your lunch hour
so you have to hustle
There’s a flurry of customers
From the usual office workers who visit in the mornings on weekdays
to college students on dates
to random middle and high schoolers and their friends, wanting to try coffee for the first time.
They buy a lot of cake, and they come en masse, so you don’t mind.
It’s about four, half an hour after the rush began to slow
when the man from a few days ago
Usually, you wouldn’t remember someone’s face so clearly
But he is almost exquisitely handsome.
“Hi! Back so soon?” you ask
He seems startled, but smiles, and you see those gorgeous bright teeth for the first time
You will yourself to keep your eyes on his, though, because getting blinded at the ripe old age of performing arts university student is not the most appealing idea
“Yeah,” he answers, almost shy, and orders an iced caramel cafe au lait
“And your name?” you ask, but you’re only joking
“Yusheng,” he says, and you blink a bit too hard
“Okay. Could you write it out for me?”
He takes the pen and writes it in careful penmanship
“Thank you,” you say, half raising an eyebrow at him and laughing. “It should be ready in about two minutes.”
When it’s done, he takes the same table as before
but this time he takes the seat more angled to face you
You bless your dancing instructor forcing you to practice your poker face, because it’s really coming in handy now
He turns his face so that he makes eye contact with you before finishing his drink, smiles, and leaves
Leaving you wondering what that was all about
Got To Be There
The music is smoother today, like an extra fine roast, you think
You really
cannot help
the small body rolls.
Your cousin really
cannot help
laughing at you.
There’s hardly anyone in the shop at the moment
so you’re safe
Until you hear the bells on the door chime, revealing the
mysterious (ooh)
handsome man.
“Good morning,” you say. “How are you doing?”
“Well,” he answers, shooting you that devastating smile. “And you?”
“Pretty well.” A little embarrassed, but...
“What would you like today?”
“What do you recommend? Both drinks and pastry-wise.”
“Wow, adventurous,” you can’t help but tease. “I like everything, honestly, but I’ll recommend you try a latte. And a chocolate croissant to go with. Does that sound good?”
“That sounds amazing,” he agrees. “I’ll get that, then.”
After he pays in cash as usual, you ask, “and what’s your name today?”
“Today?” he counters innocently. “My name is Zhengyou.”
“That’s a great name,” you say. “And how would you spell that?”
He writes it out again, and you can’t help but admire the dedication he has in this ploy
This time, when he sits down with the latte you put a milk leaf in, he turns the chair so that it looks right at you
And since there’s pretty much nothing else to do, you both kind of just watch each other
You begin by raising an eyebrow
He begins with a wink
You can’t help but laugh at that
The whole time he eats and drinks, he maintains eye contact with you
It registers faintly that this should feel awkward, but somehow it’s amusing
When he’s done, he comes straight up to the counter
“That was delicious. See you again soon.”
I Am Love
The music is smooth again today
but smoother still is that man.
(He always seems to manage to come at slow hours)
He comes up to the counter, humming along with the music
“Hey,” he greets you.
“Hey,” you offer back. “How are you?”
“I am love,” he says, and you giggle. “I’m well. You?”
“I’m well too,” you say.
“I’d like to get three things.”
“Wow, really keeping us in business.”
“I know. But uh, could I get a cappuccino, a coffee doughnut, and... hm... what was it?”
“I can’t help you there.”
“Oh right! It was your number. Could I get your number?”
You are
and unfortunately, too much so that your poker face training fails you
He starts to look a bit worried and anxious, but tries to remain confident and calm.
“Well, it depends,” you say. “What’s your name?”
“Yanchen,” he answers.
“I see. Written like this?”
The paper you give him has your guess, but also your phone number.
“Exactly like that,” he says, surprised by how smoothly you returned his comments
You begin setting up a to-stay tray, but he winces.
“Actually, today I have to take it to go.”
“Oh. I see,” you say, trying not to let the disappointment show itself too much.
“I’ll text you.”
Zhou Yanchen is a chivalrous guy, you quickly learn
You go to an amusement park for your first date, and he gives you his jacket when it gets cold
He pays for your food and cotton candy
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t take some, though
When you try to pay, he refuses
“I’m the one who asked you out, so I should be the one to pay. Maybe in the future.”
He never lets you pay in the future
It takes you tricking him and paying when he’s in the bathroom for you to finally be able to pay the bill for once
More often than not, though, you spend your dates in a practice room at your school or at his company,
showing each other your choreographies
critiquing, dancing together, and sweatily cuddling
Your first kiss comes quickly
You’re both disgustingly sweaty, and he pulls you into a hug and kisses your forehead
Before asking you if he can kiss you properly
“Yes, you dork”
And so he does
Xingjie drags Yankai and Xiao Gui out of the room, clapping his hand over the latter’s mouth when he shouts, “get a room, you love birds”
The two of you split only long enough to laugh at Xiao Gui, before going back for another peck, and leaving with clasped hands
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salliland · 3 years
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⏱: #charlesbaudelaire I fiori del male - L’orologio Testo completo 👇🏻 L’orologio, il dio sinistro, spaventoso e impassibile, ci minaccia col dito e dice: Ricordati! I Dolori vibranti si pianteranno nel tuo cuore pieno di sgomento come in un bersaglio; il Piacere vaporoso fuggirà nell’orizzonte come silfide in fondo al retroscena; ogni istante ti divora un pezzo di letizia concessa ad ogni uomo per tutta la sua vita. Tremilaseicento volte l’ora, il Secondo mormora: Ricordati! – Rapido con voce da insetto, l’Adesso dice: Sono l’Allora e ho succhiato la tua vita con l’immondo succhiatoio! Prodigo! Ricordati! Remember! Esto memor! (La mia gola di metallo parla tutte le lingue). I minuti, mortale pazzerello, sono ganghe da non farsi sfuggire senza estrarne oro! Ricordati che il tempo è giocatore avido: guadagna senza barare, ad ogni colpo! È legge. Il giorno declina, la notte cresce; ricordati! L’abisso ha sempre sete; la clessidra si vuota. Presto suonerà l’ora in cui il divino Caso, l’augusta Virtù, la tua sposa ancora vergine, lo stesso Pentimento (oh, l’ultima locanda!), ti diranno: Muori, vecchio vile! È troppo tardi! 🫀: #salliland https://www.instagram.com/p/CVlCB2Tq-PB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Art Wolfe
Saris in the Ganghes. Varanasi, India.
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miheartsays · 6 years
December 17, 2018
It went well. Dont know whats going on about salary but honestly i might take less for the gangh
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funnyjoke-in-blog · 6 years
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Chuhe Hathi Ki ladai Hindi Funny Jokes: Lashe Bicha Dunga .. Lashe Chuhe Hathi Ki ladai Hindi Funny Jokes: Lashe Bicha Dunga .. Lashe Chuhe Ki Gangh TalWal Leker Baag Rahi Thi...
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freappsandroid · 7 years
Gulong Martial Heroes - Master new kungfu to enhance your power
See on Scoop.it - Free Android Apps and games
Gulong Martial Heroes free apps android Gulong Martial Heroes : Ever dreamed to be a Kungfu Master & lead a team of Kungfu heroes? Venture into a Gangh
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Umm so I’m not okay after St. Paul!!!!! Every time I read your smut for your different characters I get a new fav like ceoh hot wait mlbh hot gangh kill me and now hlot harry AHHHH you kill it each time! Like all of them spoil their girls but all so different in bed and kink that each one falls a different kink of mine 😅🥵 keep killin it woman! (also loved the signs bit bc some of the signs fans bring kill me)
Right ☠️☠️ I appreciate your kind words!!!! I know all of them are so hot 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
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