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whitesuited · 2 years ago
she's a ten but she won't let me use the shield lab after 3am >:/
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"because that would mean the both of us getting up and out of bed, and being a little spoon feels like a much better use of my three am time."
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brutlist · 2 years ago
❛  someone’s coming for you and you’re not gonna like it.  ❜
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" 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐛���� 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 , 𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐞 . " he winces at the citrus spray spitting out from under the dull of his thumbnail as it wriggles and burrows , however patiently into the orange skin , it didn't seem to matter . what person wasn't . whenever was it a jovial time to be targeted , when it wasn't on the docket . " you want to threaten me , don't tell me . "
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jahdalli · 4 years ago
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What could go wrong if we tried to replicate the super soldier serum with gamma radiation ?
pic before the tragedy
God loves you <3
follow me on instagram uwu
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echoendless · 7 years ago
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Big bad #bettyross is back! #redshehulk #echoendless #redshehulkcosplay #shehulk #bodypaint #mua #sfx #marvel #voluma #makeupartist #marvelcomics #defenders #gammabomb #botox #beauty #fitness #cosplay
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divinechaosband · 6 years ago
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Shredding is coming back to Reading! #reading #gammabomb #dcboys #divinechaosband #divinechaos #thrashmetalband #heavymetalband #thrashmetal #heavymetal #readingtown #facebar #gigs #UKmetal #metalgigs #dcboy #dccrew #metalasfuck #lineup https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx0cqBrpRaj/?igshid=1937z74g2voy3
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balderdanielsan · 8 years ago
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Vagos metal fest 2017 foi algo de espetacular, ficará para sempre na memória. Para o ano há mais e será o festival inteiro. Veremos \m/ #vagosmetalfest #11deagosto #vagos #metalfest #metal #metalhead #festival #awsomeday #wintersun #archenemy #gammabomb #rapsodhy #therion (em Vagosmetalfest)
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ivansoriaart · 6 years ago
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Laaate! Inktober day 8. The Hulk! “Heroes Pole Dancing”. @personalsoares @rodrigobuenofisio . . . . #inktober #inktober2018 #poledance #marvel #marvelcomics #hulk #gammabomb #brucebanner #drawdaily #sketch_daily #comicartist #comicart #pentelpenbrush #pentel #penbrush #ink https://www.instagram.com/p/BpHc-aalGqo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14z4jlhzbgj83
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samuelmontearrieta · 7 years ago
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Gamma Bomb OBF #gammabomb #oterobrutalfest #obf #oviedo #uvieu #asturias #asturies #nofilter #noreña #otero #nofilter (at Oviedo, Asturias)
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stalbjornen · 7 years ago
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#stålbjörnen #rickjones #kitcloudkicker #gammabomb #gummibear
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whitesuited · 2 years ago
she's a ten but she bribes me with cuddles and i cant believe its working >:/
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"listen, it's not my fault that actual cuddles are infinitely better than theoretical psychics. facts are facts."
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lordnanakuli · 8 years ago
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#3inchesofblood #revocation #thrashmetal #vektor #boundbyblood #exciter #slayer #blindguardian #havok #skeletonwitch #icedearth #municplewaste #nuclearassault #annihilator #helloween #tankard #destruction #sodom #kreator #gammabomb #kingdiamond #angelwitch #toxicholocaust #testament #exodus #exmortus #hirax #artillery #grimreaper
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balderdanielsan · 8 years ago
Como estou com pouca net, fica aqui só um cheirinho do que se passou ontem \m/ #vagos #vagosmetalfest #vagosmetalfest2017 #gammabomb #metal #metalhead #metalfest #\m/ #mussolinimosh #mosh #ringoffire #wallofdeath #fromthepinacletothepit
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mhamer · 9 years ago
This is the only way I'll drink from now on #warpedwing #gammabomb #pullthepin (at 16-Bit Bar + Arcade)
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whitesuited · 3 years ago
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it  takes  her  a  moment  to  realize  she's  woken  up  on  her  own  for  once,  and  not  by  the  insistent  buzzing  of  a  phone  that  never  seems  to  have  good  news  waiting  for  her  on  the  other  end  when  she  inevitably  has  to  pick  it  up. she  even  goes  as  far  as  to  wonder  if  she's  still  dreaming  somehow  ---------  assuming  that  when  she  rolls  over  from  one  side  to  the  other  (  with  a  brief  pause  to  take  in  the  bright  white  of  the  ceiling  overhead,  and  just  how  much  light  there  is  in  the  room  )  and  sees  him  lying  there  still  asleep  beside  her  it  will  be  the  cue  for  her  phone  to  go  off  and  wake  the  both  of  them  up.
but  there's  no  sound  from  her  alarm  clock  on  the  far  bedside  table;  her  phone  remains  silent  and  now  completely  out  of  arm's  reach  as  she  burrows  herself  under  the  blankets  again. he  stirs  only  a  little  after  she  finishes  her  switch;  his  brows  pinching  together  before  they  go  slack  again  and  a  rare  peaceful  expression  retakes  its  place.
she  toys  with  the  idea  of  trying  to  fall  back  asleep  herself;  multiple  attempts  are  made  once  she  closes  her  eyes  to  fall  back  into  the  dream  she'd  been  having  earlier,  but  none  of  them  seem  to  want  to  stick  around  for  more  than  a  minute  or  so. not  wanting  to  disturb  him  further  by  rolling  herself  out  of  bed  and  finding  her  way  to  the  kitchen  she  settles  on  a  third  option  --------  hooking  her  arm  underneath  her  pillow  and  being  content  to  simply  watch  him  continue  to  sleep  while  appreciating  how  unburdened  he  looks  in  the  morning  light  when  there  isn't  some  kind  of  crisis  being  tossed  at  them.
at  least  she'd  thought  he  was  asleep  when  she  shifted  herself  a  little  closer;  but  soon  enough  there's  an  eye  peeking  back  at  her  from  under  some  pretty  impressive  bedhead.
“  are  you  watching  me  sleep?  ”        /        @gammabomb​.
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               "nuh  uh,"  she  steals  one  more  little  glance  before  she  tries  to  hide  her  face  in  her  own  pillow  once  she's  been  caught,  but  she's  too  close  to  the  wrong  end  of  her  pillowcase  for  it  to  be  a  viable  hiding  spot  while  she  stalls  -----  knowing  that  he's  got  her  caught  practically  red  -  handed  "i  haven't  been  awake  long  enough  to  come  up  with  an  excuse  either."  not  that  she  truly  expects  him  to  demand  one  --------  his  expression  feels  much  more  curious  than  it  does  cross. she  smiles  despite  the  pillow  blocking  more  of  it  than  perhaps  she'd  like,  but  that  would  require  more  moving  to  fix. "probably  should  just  go  back  to  sleep."
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