#gamer review
munchymunchkin · 1 year
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phoenixmaiden-gaming · 10 months
The Room Game Review
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I have to say I was very surprised on how much I liked this game. I knew when I put it in my wish list that I wanted a thinking puzzle game and that was exactly what I got. It had been sitting in my game list for a while and I always wanted to play but never got around to it until now. It was worth the wait. It took me only two days to complete since I only play a few hours at a time. And it made me really think on how to solve a puzzle, moving things this way and that. I just wish it was longer and there really wasn’t a plot, there was one if you squinted though. I wasn’t that put off about it though, I was mostly into the puzzle box and getting inside. I know that there are sequels to this game, but I won’t be getting it anytime soon since I want to get through my game list first. But it was totally worth however much I spent on this game.
Stars: ★★★★ 1/2
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transquad · 1 year
Still thinking about how bad The Devil in Me was. Like, Man of Medan was extremely mediocre. Little Hope was good until the moronic twist ending ruined it. House of Ashes was actually genuinely good. But The Devil in Me just sucked so much ass it's unreal.
All Supermassive games are cliche, but The Devil in Me's villain is an entirely new level of cliche, in a boring and frustrating instead of fun and endearing way. It literally feels like an edgy 14 year old wrote this guy. He sucks on so many levels. Nothing about him is scary.
You can see where the writers wanted to go with the themes, but the execution falls so flat. It's so out of touch with reality. They chose to do a normal human villain, but then portrayed him as almost superhuman in an extremely unconvincing way. They really thought making him only walk and never run would make him seem cool and confident and in control, but it just makes every chase sequence laughably unthreatening.
I kept waiting for the cast to overpower him and unmask him and show the audience his disgusting toothless mouth and, I don't know, maybe have the narrative acknowledge that in real life serial killers aren't supergenius criminal masterminds who are so very committed to their elaborate art projects or whatever. I mean, maybe they see themselves that way. But in reality they are, almost universally, just angry pathetic incels who get off on violence. The Devil In Me is too busy jerking its villain off for its entire agonizing runtime to care about giving him actual human motivations, though.
The devs really watched American Horror Story: Hotel and thought it was a fucking masterpiece...
I think Supermassive needs to stick to superhuman baddies. Honestly, the vampires in House of Ashes weren't even scary compared to the wendigos or werewolves of their bigger productions, or to Little Hope's imaginary creatures for that matter, but the story more than made up for it, and they were still far more interesting than it all being a hallucination or just some poorly written guy.
When the hell is Directive 8020 coming out. It's gonna be aliens, right? Maybe that one will be good...
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setaflow · 1 month
People in the comments of the Assassin's Creed: Shadows trailer becoming armchair historians trying to explain why Yasuke shouldn't be a protagonist actually are hilarious. Like besties this is a franchise where people can control eagles with their minds and a good 5% of the population are descended from evil psychic aliens. I THINK we can expand on a story of Japan's only-recorded African koshō without it jumping the shark.
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todayontumblr · 7 months
Saturday, December 9.
The Game Awards.
'Twas the week of The Game Awards 2023, and a lot was going on. 
Baldur's Gate 3 won big with six wins, The Great Gonzo himself was there in a dashing black suit, Hideo Kojima materialized (of course), lots was announced, Alan Wake 2 picked up some prizes, yet more was announced, and the ~actual~ ModdedController360 (sometimes known as Timothée Chalamet) dropped by the close the ceremony. 
You came for the awards, you stayed for the trailers. We hope you liked what you saw. In the meantime, let's put this little weekend aside to look back on the week that was: #the game awards, to be precise. 
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minas-linkverse · 6 months
In the ask then
Majora's mask!
So the thing with Majora's Mask is that I think its an incredibly unique piece of media that was spawned from facinating circumstances and nothing will ever replicate it. It's a massive rabbit hole of a game that even after all these years continues to facinate and bewilder its fans.
That being said. I tried playing it after a few lets plays and had a godawful time ajdkdkfkg. I'm a modern gal, I grew up with games that had a lot more quality of life features... Like giving me an objective. Majora's Mask's gameplay is an anxiety inducing struggle against time and it works AMAZING for the atmosphere and story... Insert Pathologic reference here. But unfortunately I like my games fun to play.
What I'm saying is that I adore Majora's Mask as a piece of history, as art, as a total mess and a truly special piece of gaming... But I do not wanna play it. I'm scared scoob.
10/10 what the hell am I looking at
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what do you MEAN the audio plugin doesn't work
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shinozaki888 · 2 months
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kintheartist · 5 months
To the person who sent me an anon, you're not the first person to let me know about people making money off of my artwork recently. I'm going to try and work it out privately for now because I want to give the benefit of the doubt. Thank you for bringing it to my attention <3
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sharpace · 1 month
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Chapter Four - The Last Ember
They tried to keep the fire of the partnership going but too many circumstances and too many decisions pushed them to extinguish the final ember.
This is it! This is the divorce!
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Untitled Goose Game Review
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I really loved this game. It was just so simple and I didn’t have to put much effort into it. I just had to play as a Goose and just wreck havoc on each area until I get the bell. That was it. No back story needed, no action or fighting, just pure Goose chaos. It had simple tasks that didn’t take too long and it took me just 3 days to complete, I spread it out over playing a few hours at a time. It was not long at all. The character’s reactions were hilarious to my taking things and making a mess. The honking too! Loved it, and I was constantly hitting the honk button just because. There was also a good amount of stuff to do post-game. The art style was also very simple no real details to the people, but I enjoyed it nevertheless. It you want to play a simple, mindless game that will make you smile, this is the game to play.
Stars: ★★★★★
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venigni · 7 months
Still waiting for a super famous streamer to play Lies of P and for it to blow up 🥲
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illustriousseu · 10 months
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^ PlayStation mug
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pixelplantgamer · 2 years
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My November set up! 🍂🙌🏼
I decided to take out all the pumpkins and go with a more neutral pallet and I love it! I’m obsessed with the cute little leaf garland and all the pinecones -I love using natural materials on my set up! 🎮🌲
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talesfromthebacklog · 2 months
Are you looking to click with a new game and want something genuinely different?
I am always hunting for new titles to reinvigorate that click I feel with video games. Not all video games will click but when they do they can be something truly special. I wanted to go over some of my favorite games I’ve played in recent years that are available on current gen consoles. I’m not covering anyone upcoming, these are titles you can pick up today. Cheaply at that. Several of which are on sale on Steam right now as of writing this.
So. Enough chit chat. Lets’s start with an easy one:
Paradise Killer:
PC Switch PS4/PS5 Xbox
I just finished this one and am in the middle of writing my review on it. Painfully stylish with a killer vaporwave soundtrack this game oozes aesthetic. Kaizen Game Works understood the hauntology assignment and took it to the MAX. You are an investigator trying to solve an immortal god-like council’s murder in a dystopian society. You’ve returned to this gorgeous open world parasite paradise from your exile of 3 million days (about 8219 years)! If you’ve played Outer Wilds this is among that same vein. (And I will caution you, while not hard, the game relies on you wanting to just explore. It will provide hints but it won’t hold your hand.)
This is an Ace Attorney-esqe collectathon mixed with open world and exploration. There is no combat. Both the writing and the world are spectacular. Don’t deny yourself something this wonderful, because it is.
This has quickly risen among my gaming ranks as a favorite and it hits to being as close of a favorite as my number 2 suggestion…
Outer Wilds:
PC Switch PS4/PS5 Xbox
This is perhaps one of my favorite games of all time. I wanted to talk about this second because Outer Wilds has received more of the notoriety it deserves in recent times and I wanted PK to get the main spotlight. Don’t get it twisted though If it wasn’t for UpIsNotJump’s video (<— Spoilers) I would have never realized what I was missing. And I still think a lot of people don’t understand what they’re missing too. It is an absolute masterpiece. And seeing it getting released physically again is a god send. I want people to play this game. (And it’s DLC Echoes of The Eye)
No combat. You are a scientist exploring your local solar system in your spaceship in an open “universe” instead of an open world. The sun explodes every 22 minutes which sends your memories back in time. Again, I will caution you that the game relies on you wanting to explore. It will not direct you.
PC Switch Xbox
Too much exploring. Let’s reel it back with Eastward. A Zelda-like where you control an older man and a little girl with psychic powers in a post apocalyptic world. If you’re looking for those fun pixel games that pack that quirky feel this is it. A bit existential, a great sense of humor, and fantastic writing are all part of the Eastward package. (You startin’ to see a theme here? Ha ha)
All while boasting a seriously killer pixel soundtrack. The original Iron Carbine trailer for the Nintendo Direct had an immediate impact on me as a gamer. I knew this was a game I would fall in love with. Sometimes you just know when something is special. This game is beautifully pixelated and packed with lovingly crafted content. Puzzles are the right amount of challenging and there is so much fun side stuff to do. Including a Dragon Quest-esqe game inside the game! It also received DLC via Eastward Octopia! Which I also love.
Moon: A Remix RPG
PC Switch PS4/PS5
I do play games with combat. I swear. Several of these games just don’t have it! (Ha!) This will perhaps be the hardest game to sell to you on this list. I have a soft spot for quirky games like this, but know that this was a PS1 Japanese exclusive game in the 90s. And it sure acts like it. Slow to start, weak tutorial, and doesn’t provide a ton of direction. This game was ported into English for the first time in 2020 and I love it. It is a trial and error experience though.
This cult classic is one of the games that inspired Undertale and when you play it becomes wildly apparent. I dare say it reminds me more of Undertale than its other main inspiration Earthbound. You are a little boy that’s been fallen into his video game and you have to save the souls of monsters the hero has killed using love. (Sound familiar?)
Light hearted and weird this game also has a great sense of humor as it pokes at classic RPG tropes. And that slow intro comes into play providing a unique perspective as you journey through the game befriending people. It won’t be for everyone, I would research this one before sinking the… $18.99 on the purchase. But I think it is worth experiencing if you love Undertale.
I think I’ve yakked enough. If folks like the post I’ll follow up with a part two with a little more genre variety! I wanted to the first post to include my top favorites. So. I hope there’s something in there that invigorates you the way these games did for me.
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orphancookie69 · 2 months
Nintendo Switch: DDLV-A Rift In Time...Part 2!
This DLC is one of the first times as a gamer, that there was maybe too much to do from extra content. Even with finishing part 1, and waiting for part 2, I find I either have time for the valley or the isle and not both. But part 2 is here!
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The Spark Of Imagination: We do get to know a couple of things from the Teaser. The hourglass tool has more updates coming, the narrative continues, and Oswald The Lucky Rabbit joins you! I can't wait to place his house in my valley in my business district!
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So, for any players with both a free and paid update-here is a separate post for the paid update. Your mission starts with Merlin. I won't say too much for spoilers, but I found the mission that continues the story to be a good use of characters. Good puzzles too. And I am so excited for Oswald! He feels like one of the more thought out characters.
Next update comes in the Summer for The Rift In Time. It typically comes after a star path or two, who has played this already? Did anyone buy the update now that there is two parts to it to play?
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