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planabee · 5 years ago
I thought Melony was just a play on “Melody” referring to her Lapras, but no.
Apparently it’s “Melon” with a y. 
I’m really dumb
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tabula-rasa3465 · 5 years ago
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This feels like a pretty accurate summary of the Sword and Shield situation.
Original art created by Versirs. It's very cute, I just thought it worked for this point.
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galvantula-boi · 5 years ago
Lmao hot take rn
Ok #gamefreaklied is very VERY true
Ok 1. They lied about spending time working on new models, which they just ported from the 3ds and Lets go pikachu eevee
2. They cut more than half of the dex for better animations and battle mechanics. This is extremely false because most of the animations are the exact same except for the new Pokémon moves on said new Pokémon, they even have wooloo’s evolution do a KICK for HEADBUTT but jump up like Scorbunny for DOUBLE KICK
3. They said this was for older fans, but I heavily disagree. They forced XP share onto us, had so much handholding, the gyms looked very very easy, and you can be very overleved with xp share on when going into the gyms
There’s so much about this game that just isn’t good. It doesn’t look polished whatsoever, it looks like it should be on the fucking 3ds. The render distance is abysmal, and oh did I forget to mention THEY LEFT MOUSE CURSORS IN THE GAME. I am NOT joking, they left mouse cursors in the beginning into, end credits, and in the Nintendo direct trailer. This is beyond unprofessional. And it is NOT a Easter egg, if it was why was the mouse behind the video? If it was why did the mouse go off screen quickly like it wasn’t supposed to be there? If it was why did it suddenly pop into existence?
Fuck these games, and Masuda. Not saying he is a bad person, but he is making the Pokémon games look unprofessional and bad, he became head executive during X & Y and from what I heard, it’s not a good game. I honestly do not want Pokémon going in this direction, I have been with the games since either HeartGold or Black and White. I would be sad if pokemon failed as a company, but everything and every brand has to fall sooner or later
I hope the next game looks years better, which if any graphics change for the better, it will
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pokemon-go-wallpapers · 5 years ago
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Pokemon sword and shield pokemon seem interesting however there are too many downsides to the new games in my opinion
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hallowyeet · 5 years ago
Y’all sword and shield has been out a week and if you’re enjoying it, nice! If you’re not, I hope you find a game that better satisfies your needs. I returned Shield and got Digimon Cyber Sleuth instead maybe you can try that game. But regardless of your opinion on the game I think it’s important to just have fun because that’s the point. At the end of the day this is all about having fun playing games.
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haharelateablegametime · 5 years ago
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I'm good thanks
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thelegendofj · 5 years ago
This whole pokemon sw/sh debacle has mostly just made me realise how good that Digimon game on Switch looks instead.
Now I really want it, and it’s making me want to properly go back into that series after what’s been like 20 years or so. Fuck pokemon right now when an alternative looks this much better.
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aruce9 · 5 years ago
In light of the Pokémon sword and shield controversy
As the game is being release I would like to take the time and share my opinion about this controversy and in general how much of a controversial game swsh are
This whole situation echos fallout 76 to an eerie degree. Like how sword and shield were handled by the b team at gamefreak similarly to how Bethesda has their smaller b team work on fallout 76. This controversy also brings up an issue I feel have been plaguing gamefreak since the very beginning, bad programming. Fallout 76 is far more pronounced in this regard but it is still undeniable that each game exposed a history that in hindsight was pretty obvious. I could go on and on.
I will stand very firm in my descision to not get either game until I can see some genuine improvement in the games. Gamefreak chose to make sword and shield as controversial as it is and I disagree with how Nintendo as the publisher stands idely by as gamefreak manages to push out a half baked bare bones Pokémon game. My reason also stems from how lazy gamefreak is to not include all of the Pokémon but yet reuse the models and animations despite what they claimed in interviews
I implore people not just to stand behind their opinions but to do research and come to their own judgements.
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arcadetheatre · 5 years ago
The truth comes out~
When will the deceit end?~
When will the fear of inferiority cease to breed dishonesty?~
Transparency and Respect are your Sword and Shield~
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anxieteaplushbee · 5 years ago
Whether you do or don't agree with the #GameFreakLied statement, this video still was a very good watch not to mention the comment section further built on possible solutions to help Game Freak avoid this mistake in the future (like pushing games back a year and only releasing games every other year or even just taking a break a few years to make the best game they can).
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zrbillings · 5 years ago
Pokemon Sword & Shield - Review
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So it’s been a long time since I’ve reviewed anything (years in fact) and since video reviews take such an exorbitant amount of time and COPPA has made Youtube this very scary place right now; I figured why not do what I know and write a review.
So with that out of the way, let's talk about Pokemon Sword & Shield. These games appear to be super devicieve you’re either in #gamefreaklied #bringbackthenationaldex camp or you’re a ‘defender’. I find that I have a bit of a unique perspective on the game so I wanted to share my thoughts. I’ve just completed Pokemon Sword, and just so you out there in internet land know my qualifications because to Pokemon fans that seems they only real way to justify having a different opinion.
I was born in ‘91
Pokemon Blue was my literal first GB game.
If point 2 wasn’t enough I collected everything Pokemon and grew up watching the show, often playing the games while I did.
I’ve completed the National Dex
I’ve completed the Kanto Dex like 3x over.
And I’ve played various other spin-off games i.e. Colosseum, Stadium, Gale of Darkness, Trozie? Trozae?
And if you couldn’t put it together I’ve played through nearly every mainline game the only exceptions being. Alpha Sapphire, Diamond, Fire Red, Let’s Go Pikachu, Sun, Ultra Moon. Basically at some point if I owned one version that’s all I needed.
Okay! So with all that out of the way, let’s talk about these games. Plain and simple if you just want to know if it is actually bad, no it’s not, it’s good, one could argue great, I wouldn’t, but you could. If you like Pokemon, get over the National Dex and “It ShOuLD LoOk BEtTeR” and play it, it’s fun it’s Pokemon with some new gimmicks. 3 out of 5 I guess if you want to be critical. Okay so for the rest of you, the ones who are more critical and want to know what SUCKS, and what ROCKS. Keep in mind going forward I’m not addressing the whole stupid delemma of cut Pokemon or graphics, at least not in depth, you want to talk that crap just @ me I’ve got the time. So graphically it is undoubtedly the best looking in the series you literally cannot argue that, should it look better? Well, I don’t know, I think to expect it to makes you look stupid no matter what reasoning you want to bring to the table. Pokemon has literally NEVER shown interest in pushing graphics, they’ve almost never made massive leaps forward, the amount of times they have can be counted on one had, so to have expected more that’s on you, not them. I find them to be gorgeous, yeah there’s things here and there that could be better, but if you go looking for a problem in anything you’ll find it, you could find ugly stuff in Skyrim too, or even Final Fantasy 15. Characters are definitely more expressive than they’ve ever been, the towns are stunning and I feel unlike some of the more recent games definitely come off as more memorable even if you can’t name them, you can instantly picture them. Animations, while I totally agree should be better, shouldn’t have been expected to be more than they are, again this is Gamefreak they literally improve at a snail’s pace justified or not. That being said, while Pokemon aren’t particularly animated in battle, the game overall is the most animated in the series, and here’s why. Again characters are far more expressive, and are constantly moving even in battles when a Pokemon attacks the trainer makes an action, you have overworld Pokemon, you have each and every Pokemon able to do a handful of different animations in Pokemon Camp. You have the world itself that is filled with movement i.e. NPCs, scenery here and there, a good example being the town Ballonlea the Fairy-Type gym location in case the name doesn’t sound familiar. So yes while the animations aren’t particularly impressive, I would say they’re still the best in the series AS A WHOLE (can’t believe I need to specify that). The big draw of this game is the open are called The Wild, this is sort of what people who hate these games wanted an entire game to be like, but better. And I think while they could be bigger, they feel the right size in correlation to the size of the rest of the map, there’s plenty to explore and it is genuinely fun to roam around in especially online. That being said, the game definitely (at least for me) chugs a bit while online, but I wouldn’t say it ruined the experience at all for me. It was so cool to see other players setting up camps and running around, I will say however that while these things are cool, they could have been developed further. You can’t interact with these players if you engage with one they just give you a stock response and then hand you some sort of cooking item, which okay getting cooking items this way fantastic! But why not let trainers customize their greetings? A little especially while in camps? There’s just more they could have done here, I can understand not wanting to create a system where interacting with someone dead stops them in place in order to trade or whatever, that could get really annoying. But I find, there’s not enough here that really push this feeling of a shared space, like why not have brought back Secret Bases again? And had your friend’s bases show up that way if you did want to hang out and chat (through the terrible Nintendo App, or whatever superior option) you could! Like can you imagine? Instead of just having to camp outside and hang out with friends having like your own space to hang out, battle, trade. You could have made this space like an area where if you interact with a trainer a menu for those sort of things could be triggered. The Wilds overall are fun and they’re cool to explore for new Pokemon, I just feel they could have been experimented a little more with. I won’t prattle on any further, but just saying I’d love to see Gamefreak take this and push it harder next game. As an ending note I do fine the placement of The Wilds fine, at first it looks odd, but once you start playing given it’s function it makes sense, I think if the whole game were The Wilds like some people desperately want, you’d run into a lot more problems, with things like trainer placement, and how to limit progression, not saying it can’t be done, just that we’re a ways off from anything like that happening yet. I will say this though (sorry last thing I swear) I DO NOT like how the progression system of The Wilds works, the moment you enter it you can explore 90% of it, which fine, EXCEPT! The problem becomes that while you can explore nearly every nook and cranny of it you can only catch Pokemon in designated areas because if a Pokemon is over a certain level and you don’t have enough badges you just straight up can’t catch it. Which okay I can understand, but then I SHOULDN’T EVEN BE ALLOWED THERE! For example (and why I’m bringing this up) there is an area where you must cross a bridge to get into the next section of the lands, cool I think this is great it visually queues us, “hey this is a different section so logically the Pokemon will be stronger here.” The problem! Is while we in theory can piece this together literally nothing stops us from crossing, the reason this bothers me is because on the literal otherside of the bridge is I SHIT YOU NOT a MF Snorlax! Just chillin, doesn’t wander just stands there, while okay this is a great reference to other games. WHY WOULD YOU NOT! Just put him sleeping on the bridge like in every other game in this scenario, it bars the pass and players don’t waste their time exploring an area before they can get the most out of it. Plus! This game rewards you special Acorn Balls at each Gym, if you don’t know what these are they were in Gold and Silver they’re special Pokeballs that in this game are one of a kind that have awesome effects, the one I want to reference specifically here is the Heavy Ball which works better the heavier a Pokemon is i.e. “this ball was invented for catching Snorlax.” So it baffles me how Gamefreak didn’t do something like the last Gym before you’re able to wake up Snorlax and pass the bridge allows you to get a Heavy Ball thusly not only letting you finally progress into this new area, but also gives you an item as a sort of reward. Wow, sorry moving on. I find where this game really misses the mark is the story and the characters, outside Hop (who is insufferable early on) are really bland and sort of lackluster. I feel like this is a bigger thing to be upset about than animations and Pokemon count. Hop is one of the only rivals to truly go through a character arch which is amazing! He goes from this arrogant, insufferable, condescending, ass, to someone who just wants to be the best, but doesn’t act like he already is, he knows where he’s at and strives to be more. This huge development really, really shows how poor the rest of the cast is, the professor this time is boring, not even a professor really at least not like were used to. The champion is fine, but lacks any real charisma like the game wants you to believe he has. The other rival Bede is...under utilized? Like he comes around and it’s like, “finally! Gary Oak 2.0!” and he just sort of disappears about half way through the game and then pops up at the end. I’m not going to go through the whole cast, but everyone is more or less this same sort of doesn’t bring much to the table. As dumb as Team Yell are I actually like that they’re not the evil baddies of the game, they’re not even Team Skull level, they’re just kind of a bit of inconsiderate fanboys, they work well as a level progression block? System? Their use for impeding your progress until you’ve done the right thing works well is what I’m saying. The big thing with this game is it really lacks an evil team, it’s like The Aether Foundation all over again, except infinitely worse, while The Aether Foundation sort of slowly unravels at some point, the ‘evil team’ or in this case just two baddies, kind of feels like it comes completely out of left field and only happens because Gamefreak wanted a cool way to introduce the legendaries. It just felt super random and unsatisfying and that the motivations really didn’t make sense and happens right in the middle of the Pokemon League so it kills all momentum, and any tension the league did have. Which is another thing the league is shit, it’s bad, the idea is really good, it’s inspired by the show it feels like a proper tournament, but since you can heal and swap out Pokemon between each match there is 0 tension, and since the story just decides to interrupt it, it just doesn’t feel satisfying. Beating the champion doesn’t feel like an accomplishment because you’ve already beaten the big baddie just before him, and all the other trainers before him in two different sessions, it doesn’t feel like you went through this gauntlet of really tough trainers to reach him and prove yourself, it feels like no matter what you were always going to beat him, the game did literally everything it could to make sure you beat him! I felt fucking bad beating him, because it was so easy, I literally gave him a handicap, I used 0 healing items and beat him with two Pokemon to spare and that was also because I gave him another handicap where I didn’t switch out once I threw out a Pokemon! Gyms are back, but they kind of feel like they belong in Sun and Moon because you have to do ‘missions’ before each one before you face the leader which is fine, but I personally could have done without them, for the most part they're just glorified obstacle courses. I guess they feel like the same old stuff, but I think it’s the nature in which they’re handled that actually bother me and less of having to do them myself. I think in a way given how this Pokemon League is set up it would have made more sense to just completely do away with them, maybe put something else there in its place. The gym leaders are all really colorful and actually really well designed, they all have their own very defined personalities which is cool, It would have been cool to have actually seen more of them somehow. The last thing I’ll talk about as this review is already overly long is Dynamaxing. It’s fine, I will say that if it were up to me I would have changed how it’s handled, I think the raid battles are great, they’re really fun they make grinding for levels a fucking joke and I love it, it helps you find really cool Pokemon and strong Pokemon for your team it makes Online feel like there are actually other trainers out there in the world taking on this gym challenge besides just you, it’s cool, but I feel outside of the raids there really pointless. Each Gym Leader uses it always with their last Pokemon, and it never feels like it matters so long as you Dynamax yours at the same time and have type advantage it’ll feel like KO-ing any other old Pokemon except it’s big af.If it were me I would have changed it to Mega Evolutions, because they actually feel like they matter and then they could have introduced new megas and I’ll do you one even better! What about when after you beat the Gym leader they gave you the same kind of mega stone that they used! Maybe in place of TMs, or in conjunction with them rather than them giving you Gym uniforms you’re never going to wear. That’s more short and sweet two cents on the Dynamax system, it’s great for raids pointless for everything else. Kind of like the clothing in this game, and that’s all I’ll say about the clothing that and I think the uniform thing was dumb and should have only been used for the Pokemon League rather than every single Gym battle. And that’s it! That’s my very thorough review of Pokemon Sword & Shield. Like I said at the beginning, these games are fun no doubt, but they definitely aren’t even in the top 5. I think there’s a lot of wasted potential or cooler directions they could have taken these. There are definitely cool things like the different gyms for the two versions, The Wilds are fun to hang out in and run around, the new Pokemon are actually really cool, I love that they added more regional variants and not just for Kanto Pokemon, the towns are very visually memorable. But outside that, I’m kind of hard-pressed to think of much else, I can’t speak on the post-game either, but it doesn’t seem like there’s any if at all. This game simultaneously feels like the largest Pokemon game to date as well as one of the smallest.
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thatssounrelatable · 5 years ago
when gamefreak doesn’t patch out all the things wrong with pokemon sword and shield so you have to suck my dick because i told you so
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swapauanon · 5 years ago
... Called it.
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Here’s a basic breakdown / timeline of Pokémon sword and shield’s upcoming expansion pass.
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galvantula-boi · 5 years ago
Lmao game freak bruh
They are basically adding a dlc for all of the missing Pokemon, saying it’s “expanding the story” if you need to add a story expansion for a game that’s low quality and definitely rushed, and the “expansion” has key parts of the game *cough cough* the rest of the fucking Pokemon *cough cough* then you proooobably should’ve just waited and put that in the actual game instead of making it a “dlc”
At least they didn’t make it a whole new game Jesus Christ
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mrrempton · 5 years ago
Dear Game Freak: I'm Not Mad, Just Confused
Dear Game Freak: I’m Not Mad, Just Confused
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What’s up everybody? I know in my last video I said that I would be talking about the lore of the Mario series, but Pokemon Sword and Shield have come out recently so I have a lot of Pokemon on my mind. Now, if you have been paying any attention to the Pokemon community over the past several months, chances are that you are already…
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magicalkoalaphantom · 5 years ago
Well, you can only store so much data, so thinking cutting pokemon is nessacary isn’t that logical a leap, but it’s not the case in this scenario.
So many reacted to the pokedex cut like "I'm amazed it wasn't sooner" or "well we all knew they'd have to eventually"...... No? Totally no? Ensuring they can keep using all of them in every game genuinely is not complicated. It would only require much work whenever the games basic engine has to change for a different enough console. Also they intend to make different ones available in future games which means anything they do need to "update" about them is already planned to happen on the switch yet they're still saying they may never make one game with all of them ever again, that's what people are sad about, the "this is our new business model for the forseeable future" part which is not something ant resource limitation conceivably forces them to do. Fans are still slotting old pokemon into swish themselves! Anyone can learn how! It just risks getting you banned for tampering with the game you bought if you try to go online.
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