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mrrempton · 1 year ago
From Concept to Card: How to Design an Epic TCG Set
Have you ever wanted to design your own TCG set or expansion, but didn't know where to start? In this video I break down the steps used by Wizards of the Coast to design their TCG sets, from initial concept to finished set.
Transcript: What’s up, designers, and welcome back to Rempton Games. It’s been a while, but I’m finally back, and I’m really excited about today’s topic! Whether you are designing your own trading card game, or just a fan who wants to know more about how these games are made, today’s video is for you. Today, I’ll be going through the steps of how to design a TCG set – from initial concept to…
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rubyloops · 1 year ago
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congrats rempton university alumni william easton with your masters in business management
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444names · 2 years ago
precious stone and american forenames
Adumbuste Adury Akerk Akeryl Alberlard Alcite Aleval Alita Alite Almate Almbenity Almburgh Almond Altla Amelland Amesti Amonand Ananch Anaria Anarville Anassite Anatlaker Ancon Andine Angle Anite Anoodbria Anorosand Antsville Arralle Aston Athesta Athoch Augel Auker Aurquor Austa Balkgra Batio Beapeka Bearite Beause Berson Biamon Bilerise Bilis Bille Bockson Boralcity Borouge Bortwood Boste Bouge Bredo Breenolin Brent Brest Brian Briel Brilwate Briock Broce Brock Broit Brolicam Broustval Brove Buffalce Buque Burro Calend Calexan Calle Caltolle Caridge Carids Carille Casite Cassiamal Celiet Celite Celle Cenviler Chalcia Chalow Chamacite Chamen Chamford Chiand Chiseaus Chistmite Chite Choens Chria Chriale Chryl Chryste Chunsboce Cland Clandra Coliele Colilase Coliter Colul Consvery Corach Corago Corde Corowne Corthylle Cortz Coruce Coruces Cosalich Courourgh Coutinga Couver Crinelk Dachite Dacramony Dalench Dalle Dalleston Dalmon Dantateo Daverque Dettle Dolend Doluby Downs Downsidle Dumber Duming Eboutings Edoweline Eleycite Elinalle Elkgreen Emesta Euguse Evaltle Evega Evegas Evego Eventgo Everylle Fallite Fluby Fluord Folli Foreent Forfora Forntgo Forphise Forth Forthch Forthount Fortong Fortwasse Fortwood Fralley Freensa Frent Frica Fulan Fulde Galce Galcedo Galita Garite Garli Garne Ginnews Grago Graine Grand Gredo Gremadia Grentity Grony Halce Hamphia Hangton Hemoroker Hempal Hempeccia Heston Hille Hityl Hoclakro Homantam Horanke Horonia Hulan Hunzite Hunzitte Inewood Insver Irano Iredon Irvise Jacite Jadal Jadalle Jadencin Jadepio Jewine Jewporda Joriam Jorthite Kellene Killine Kimille Kimon Knora Knoracham Knorlargo Knorthe Koralcite Korne Korthock Korvise Kyanta Ladeld Lafalite Lakeport Landury Lapeo Lapora Larledo Lasse Lauguste Lazulaha Lazulank Lazuld Lejoll Linnatero Liste Litenne Lomem Lowns Machatio Malent Malmonyx Marlo Marre Marro Mcage Mcalown Mentarro Merisvill Mesta Meste Mesto Meston Michate Midson Millywood Minsvise Mintgo Mival Monkewood Murgh Murha Murham Murman Murres Napeo Narderia Nelders Newich Newood Newyon Norfre Nortlesta Noxvine Oakeccite Oakells Oaklas Obsimecon Obsita Obsitery Okenapis Oklancit Olles Olomette Olontone Olumity Omite Omorpem Onton Opaledo Opalexand Opaudenta Opazuland Opazulum Orago Oralo Orfrite Orocedind Orron Ortwalbus Ortwase Palcite Paliteo Paltlans Pander Parlsbus Parris Pazuls Peach Pearginet Pecosach Pekano Pensvelis Periana Phena Phenda Phills Phingto Phinsvill Phirgh Phite Phylle Phyral Phyria Pidge Pingtock Piscolans Pland Plaville Poluoite Pomesta Pominny Pompalite Poridge Porle Porne Porthesto Porthyra Prident Pridlanta Pueblot Pusey Puste Pustite Pyrago Pyrans Randise Ranfrette Reend Rempton Riamonve Riampe Rianke Rilansit Rings Rinte Rorne Rorton Rouscortz Ruthon Rutio Rutit Sacharlan Sadeim Saderque Sairvise Salenath Salmdayen Sanate Sander Sandertz Sandis Sandranta Santarnt Santasvis Sante Santer Santon Seacite Serquitt Sille Simbean Sprock Stacis Staculle Stasch Stone Sundurfor Sunnewood Sunsine Sunta Surhate Surphyl Surpria Surysont Syentaton Syettero Syranco Tacha Tanchite Teridiege Toparids Toparlite Topaurgo Toulitem Tourborle Tourris Touthel Triand Tridow Tulan Turfield Turginio Turhascis Turret Turyst Valey Valite Vichand Viderk Ville Villevery Viscon Wargomonk Watock Welant Welinne Wesan Wesnolk Westa Westaanst Westanati Weste Weston Wicampa Wichryl Wileacine Wineycite Wiseeston Woodbron Yonoranna Zoise
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mndstz · 8 years ago
38 ideja: Od plastične flaše napravi…
* 25.04.2017. | 19:42 video00 Upotrebljavamo ih, a zatim bacamo. Pre nego što ih bacite u kantu, evo šta sve možete da napravite od plastičnih... * 25.04.2017. | 17:00 22 Bez obzira na to da li si početnik, ili imaš zavidnu karijeru, pravila oblačenja za posao su uvek ista, osim ako ne... * 25.04.2017. | 13:39 02 Žitelji Smedereva i okoline uskoro dobijaju nov tržni centar u kojem će svoje prodavnice imati mnogi popularni... * 25.04.2017. | 12:28 photo31 U prodaji farmerke od plastike, na sajtu kažu: "Sigurno ćete biti primećeni". * 24.04.2017. | 20:50 photo10 Teško je imitirati njene balske haljine, ali kombinacija u kojoj se pojavila na maratonu, nam je dostižna. * 24.04.2017. | 19:26 videophoto61 Zaljubljenici u "jaguare" kažu da su to automobili koji su seksi, sami po sebi. Međutim, nekima to nije dovoljno... * 24.04.2017. | 18:50 00 Da li se i vama desilo da odgledate reklamu za kremu za lice sa nekakvom skraćenicom za koju pojma nemate šta znači?... * 24.04.2017. | 17:50 1038 Postoji nekoliko naučno dokazanih signala koji ukazuju na to da ste jako, jako inteligentni. Ili bar inteligentniji... * 24.04.2017. | 15:15 00 Pogledajte ko ovoj devojci pravi društvo dok radi jogu. Nećete verovati... * 24.04.2017. | 13:49 01 Evo nekoliko ideja za elegantne punđe koje se lako prave! * 24.04.2017. | 12:49 00 Ako vam nokti često požute, evo koji su mogući razlozi za to i kako da rešite problem. * 24.04.2017. | 08:30 22 Glumica Nina Dobrev uradila je nešto što je nas "smrtnike" potpuno normalno, ali za šta mnoge poznate ličnosti... * 24.04.2017. | 06:00 photo32 Poslednjih godina je sve popularnije kod nas, a evo odakle potiče i šta znači. * 23.04.2017. | 18:29 35 Džon Rempton, marketing guru koji je proglašen trećim najuticajnijim onlajn guruom na svetu, kaže da je... * 23.04.2017. | 13:40 photo40 Lepa manekenka danas slavi rođendan! * 23.04.2017. | 10:50 video85 Koristimo ih samo nekoliko minuta, a trajno oštećujemo prirodu... * 23.04.2017. | 08:30 video1224 Danas je Svetski dan knjige. Za jedne je knjiga "najbolji prijatelj", za druge sjajan način za opuštanje... Ima i... * 22.04.2017. | 19:30 10 Kada poželite da kosu pokupite u elegantan rep, uradite to ovako. * 22.04.2017. | 17:29 video20 Kada kupujete električne proizvode, proverite da li imaju oznaku "A" jer je to srpski znak bezbednosti! * 22.04.2017. | 15:29 photo1111 Selma Hajek izgleda sjajno u 50. godini, ali u jednoj stvari uporno greši… Let's block ads! (Why?)
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mrrempton · 2 years ago
How To Make Video Games More Accessible (And Why It Matters)
Video games should be for everyone, but millions of players struggle to play due to a lack of accessibility. In this video I go over why accessibility features are so important, and how you can make your own games more accessible!
What’s up designers, and welcome back to Rempton Games. I love video games, and if you’re watching this video you probably do too. Video games are such a rich, powerful medium of entertainment, and can accomplish amazing things that are impossible in any other medium. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to explore the far reaches of Hyrule, steal hearts as a Phantom Thief, or even…
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mrrempton · 3 years ago
Why Pokemon Red and Green Almost Failed
Pokemon is the biggest media franchise on the entire planet, but this was far from guaranteed. The development of Pokemon Red and Green was full of challenges, and any one of them could have spelled failure for the entire project.
Did you know at one point Pokemon Red and Green were only going to include 30 different Pokemon? Or that one of the designers of Pikachu liked him so much that he intentionally made him hard to find, because he didn’t want anybody else to catch one? Or that in the middle of development all of the programmers quit at the same time, and all of the data was almost lost because nobody else in the…
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mrrempton · 3 years ago
How To Solve the Queen's Problem - TCG Design Academy
Welcome to a new series, where I will be looking at the design challenges behind Trading Card Games, and how to solve them. Today's episode looks at one of the most fundamental issues that can affect any TCG - the Queen's Problem.
Transcript: What’s up designers, and welcome back to Rempton Games. Today is the first in a new series on this channel – TCG Design academy. Trading card games are a genre that is near and dear to my heart, but they are also one of the most difficult types of tabletop games to design, right next to legacy games and tabletop RPGs. In this series I will be examining the design of these games,…
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mrrempton · 4 years ago
Does Pokemon Take Place in a Multiverse? Pokemon's Hidden Lore!
Does Pokemon Take Place in a Multiverse? Pokemon’s Hidden Lore!
Transcript: You are about to enter a world not just of sight and sound but of Mon’s. A world where the boundaries of reality are not as solid as they may appear. A place where fantastic creatures from beyond our current dimension roam, and where time itself is fractured. Our destination? The Pokemon Zone. What’s Up designers, and Welcome back to Rempton Games. I’ll just cut to the chase –…
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mrrempton · 4 years ago
How Minecraft Generates Massive Virtual Worlds from Scratch
How Minecraft Generates Massive Virtual Worlds from Scratch
Transcript: Have you ever wondered how Minecraft worlds were generated? Probably, since you clicked on this video. Well to find out I mined through the Minecraft source code to dig up some answers, and crafted this video to share them with you. Before we begin, if you haven’t seen my previous terrain generation video, it might be a good idea to watch that one before continuing with this one. In…
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mrrempton · 4 years ago
How the Creator of Mario Designs Games - Shigeru Miyamoto - Game Designer Spotlight
How the Creator of Mario Designs Games – Shigeru Miyamoto – Game Designer Spotlight
Transcript: What’s up designers, and welcome back to Rempton Games. In today’s episode of Game Designer Spotlight, we will  be looking at the legendary designer behind some of Nintendo’s biggest franchises – Shigeru Miyamoto. We will look at his history, the design philosophy he used to design games like Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong, Pikmin, and many more.  Before we talk…
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mrrempton · 4 years ago
How to Program 3D Terrain for Video Games
How to Program 3D Terrain for Video Games
Transcript: Minecraft, Spelunky, Civilization – What do all of these games have in common? They are all games that have a seemingly limitless amount of content, and you can play for hundreds of hours without it getting repetitive. Why? Because all of these games make use of procedural generation – using computer algorithms to produce content that is different every time, rather than designing…
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mrrempton · 2 years ago
The Ultimate RISK Strategy Guide - Top Tips to Win More at Risk
If you want to learn how to dominate your friends and family at RISK, you've come to the right place. I've collected the best tips and strategies to take your game to the next level!
Howdy Soldiers, Welcome Back to Rempton Games. My name is General E. Hostile, and today I’m going to teach you how to send your troops into foreign nations, spread your influence across the surface of the globe and eventually dominate the entire world. I am of course talking about the board game RISK. Before we begin, I want to make one thing clear – RISK is a game about World Domination, and in…
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mrrempton · 2 years ago
Evolution of Pokemon Design - Scarlet and Violet (Generation 9)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet just released last month, and included the largest new batch of Pokemon in quite a while! Let's take a look at how these most recent games evolved the design, themes, and mechanics of Pokemon!
Transcript What’s up designers, and welcome back to Rempton Games. In today’s episode of Evolution of Pokemon design we take a look at the brand new Generation 9, better known as Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. As always, we will be looking at the common design trends and motifs of the Pokemon in this generation, how the themes and mechanics of this generation influence these designs, and how Gen 9…
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mrrempton · 2 years ago
Why TCGs are Impossible to Balance
Why TCGs are Impossible to Balance
What’s up, designers, and welcome back to Rempton Games. If you’ve played trading card games for a while, you’ve probably seen an overpowered new card burst onto the scene and totally wreck the entire meta, to the point where it seems like everybody is using it. On the other hand, you’ve probably opened entire packs of cards and felt like every single one of them was worthless trash that nobody…
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mrrempton · 2 years ago
How Masahiro Sakurai Makes Games (Game Designer Spotlight)
In this entry in the "Game Designer Spotlight" series, we take a look at the history and design philosophy of Masahiro Sakurai - creator of the Kirby and Super Smash Bros. franchises.
What’s up designers, and welcome back to Rempton Games. In today’s game designer spotlight we will be looking at the career and design philosophy of one of my favorite designers – Masahiro Sakurai. Best known as the creator of the Kirby and Super Smash Bros series, Sakurai has a very unique perspective on game design that has served him well over his 3 decades of game development. Without further…
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mrrempton · 2 years ago
One D&D: My Theories and Predictions for the Next Evolution of D&D
Playtesting has begun for the next evolution of D&D. In this video I go over my thoughts and opinions on this playtest document, as well as my predictions for what else might change in the future of D&D.
It’s official – Wizards of the Coast has begun releasing playtest material for the next evolution of Dungeons and Dragons, which they are calling “One D&D”. This material gives us the first glimpses at their design philosophy and approach towards D&D, and by reading between the lines I think we can actually learn a lot more about what the next version of D&D might look like. Today I want to give…
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