#game of all time
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knife-eared-jan · 7 months ago
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Wait what?!
It is 2024 and this is the very first time I have heard this information about WHY she has all that banter about magic.
Are you saying all those tinfoil theories about her having a second arc about magic in DA4 and even that she is somehow a tranquil Andruil for a DECADE now are all because of them not cleaning up properly after changing her subclass flavour and not any hints or themes or something intended at all???
I guess that's also what that dialogue about her just knowing how to do archery without any training are about...
This is insane!
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grandwitchbird · 4 months ago
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The most important thing that has ever happened in a game.
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ocean-motioned · 2 years ago
love is stored in a giant usb sword
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kc5rings · 1 year ago
Yakuza Like A Dragon is a good videogame because it understands the raw killing power of an Office Lady
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kkatastrophic · 1 year ago
Rating Every Danganronpa Trial (That I've Played.)
Please keep in mind I've only played THH and SDR2 and I am kind of biased lol. Also, this is a long rant so buckle your seatbelts... or something.
Last Place:
THH Trial 3: I hated this chapter. The search was too long, Robo-Justice plot was annoying af, I hate that Hifumi believed Celeste about Ishimaru, Kiyondo was a useless plotline (I still love his character tho) and Kiyotaka could've had kick-ass character development like Fuyuhiko got in SDR2. Instead he just... died. I hated that Celeste lost her cool, the trial was annoying, and I hated it. 1/10.
"Kyoko's a ghost!!!"
THH Trial 5: I hated this dumb plot. Shortest trial in all of Danganronpa, and yet it felt like it went the longest. Don't care about the victim, debated whether Kyoko was a ghost for... a good 15 minutes? People are dumb, the investigation kind of annoys me. The only good thing was Owada's "Crazy Diamond" pick-axe in the shed. I wouldn't re-play it at all. Boring. 2/10.
"None of us know what happened to the world, but maybe she knows..."
SDR2 Trial 6: This trial was decent, but probably not as re-playable as it could be. I liked Hajime in this trial, but I feel like we needed a bit more to go off of, playing it I didn't understand that everybody was alive. Junko fanservice was bad. Felt really dragged on, but important points were not included enough (E.G: Kamakura) I don't get Junkos' motive this time but the remnant thing was pretty cool. I would replay it, definitely not my favourite. 5/10.
"We're all remnants..."
THH Trial 6: This was also an alright trial. A bit too much Junko fanservice but I liked Genocider Syo in this trial, she was funny. I liked Junko's plan but she was quite a bland mastermind. I would've rathered Togami or Kyoko but that wouldn't make sense for the plot. Hiro did nothing in the trial again... I kind of enjoyed this one, but last trials are known to be bad so this could've been a bit higher if Enoshima could've had a better motive than "Despair, despair, I'm bored, kill my sister." Re-playable by a slim amount. 5.3/10
"I did it all... for my beloved!"
SDR2 Trial 3: Chapter three trials are known to be worse than Chp.6 because the culprit doesn't need to kill two people, but they do, they get caught, and they spam F in the chat and scream about "stupid, not fair, because, apologise" etc. I find this trial isn't as bad as everybody says, the search was confusing, Hiyoko dying was funny, and I laughed. Mikan couldn't possibly set up her locked-room murder in time and then meet Hajime in the Music Venue car park. This chapter had so many loopholes (E.G: How did Hiyoko even die?) but I liked it more than the other ones. Weak execution, but great Despair Disease motive. Might reluctantly re-play for nostalgia. 5.5/10.
"You.... all killed her! You pushed Sakura into a corner! She died because of you!"
THH Trial 4: I'm going to get hate for this one... but... I'm not a big fan of this trial. I am biased, yes, but everybody is, and this is my respectable opinion. The investigation was decent, and so was the discovery. I find that Aoi trying to kill everybody was smart but dumb at the same time, if that makes sense. I kind of got bored after THH after a certain trial (no spoilers for the rest of this list) I loved the Alter-Ego twist, and Sakura's note was great. Junko messing with the suicide note was not cool though. I would replay it but it still isn't my favourite. 6.3/10
"Hey! You can't say that without any evidence! This is bullshit! You're stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid!"
"Heh, I guess I just have pretty good intuition!"
THH Trial 1: Okay, I LOVE THIS TRIAL- I really love this trial. When somebody says "Danganronpa" THIS is the trial I think of. It isn't the best, and it's a very short chapter compared to SDR2 Chapter 5, but oh my gosh. I love it. I liked Sayaka a lot, and I also loved "Fake Junko" before I knew she was Mukuro. I thought that Leon was really cool too. I liked the introductory trials a lot, and this one is amazing! The series starts with a bang, and you realise "Oh shit this isn't as colourful and fun as I thought." The only reason this trial isn't higher is because it was obvious and easy. When I first played THH, I admit I didn't even notice 11037 on the wall and was stuck on the investigation for like... an hour... *disappointed sigh from me* but upon re-play it's easier than I remember. I know it's for Japanese speaking users who wouldn't know Leon/11037 in English. Highly re-playable, good twists, good introductory trial. 7/10
"Good bye my four dark devas of destruction..."
SDR2 Trial 4: I'm also probably going to get backlash for this opinion, but I still LOVE this chapter. I love the island, I love the motive, I love the strawberry and grape houses, and the elevator. I love the Hajime octagon meme! But, the trial was just DIFFICULT. I actually had a laptop infront of me the whole time with the answers up- I loved Mechamaru and the Sakura statue. I love Gundham and his hampsters. A great execution, a great trial room. Silly Fuyuhiko was the only reason Gundham got caught. I like that we got to switch between Nagito and Hajime's POVs and the Russian-Roulette scene. My only issue is that I'm dumb. That's it. 8/10, very re-playable.
"P-please Peko! Don't go! I NEED YOU! Don't leave me!"
SDR2 Trial 2: Okay, we are up to the final 4 in trials, and this one takes 4th place! I love it so much! I have ALMOST nothing bad to say about this trial at all! The relationship between Fuyuhiko and Peko was shown to beautifully during this trial. The execution was amazing, the music was absolutely a banger (as always) and oh my gosh. This trial made me so sad and emotional. Very smartly set out murder plan. Enough on the trial until a little bit later, my thoughts on the island are great. It's probably my favourite island in the game. The only thing bringing this chapter down a rank is the fanservice... THE DINER SCENE. If you've played you know what I mean... anyway, the only other thing bringing this chapter down is the motive. Twilight Murder Syndrome was a game I didn't care about. I didn't care about Sato or Natsumi. I didn't care about Girls A through E or Guy F. It got too confusing and annoying and I had to write down who each character was because they kept reffering to Mikan as Girl A. It got annoying, but I enjoyed this chapter and would replay it more than once. 8.5/10
In third place we have...
SDR2 Trial 1: Uh... even I'm surprised that a guy calling us "Avril Lavinge" got third place, but here we are. I don't care much for Teruteru or Imposter/Fake Byakuya, and the execution was a little bit silly. I loved this chapter, we got introduced to the characters and their aspects much better than in THH in the man hall, it helped us explore the island and learn the new locations/controls as well as hitting us with nostalgia. I have nothing bad to say about this chapter at all. I liked that Byakuya strangely tried to take charge (which was unlike what he did in THH) and I think that his dying resulted in Hajime realising he had to get his shit together and step up. Loved the references to the first game. Great humane motive, great chapter, great fun, not too hard not too easy. I loved this trial and chapter alot. 9/10.
In second place we have...
"Yep! You got it right!. I'm just going to confess, I'm the traitor."
I loved this trial. Nothing bad to say. The chapter was amazing, the new island was great, the bomb thing. Awesome! The traitor being revealed? Awesome! I cried! NAGITO DYING SO BRUTALLY? AWESOME!!! I have nothing bad to say, and I loved this trial SO SO SO much! Hajime and the others in denial about Chiaki being the traitor was such a strong plot. I wish that the last trial of SDR2 was as good as this one, but it isn't :(. Let's start with Nagito COOKING. He absolutely ate, fire, luck, the whole plan was amazing! I don't know how he or the DR2 team came up with that, but whoever did NEEDS a raise bro! I think about this trial so much, I'm so dam passionate about it. The most brutal body discovery? Check! The saddest execution? Check! The best execution music? Check! The craziest body search and evidence search? CHECK! I loved this trial so so so so so so so much, and it deserves to be number one. Fully replayable, amazing, elite! I have no issues with it. 9.5/10
And... first place... omfg-
I love this trial so much. I can't even describe. When somebody says Danganronpa, THIS is the line I think of.
"I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise. From one man to another..."
Peak Danganronpa (In my opinion). I agree, THH is the weakest of all the Danganronpa games in characters and visually. But if every trial cooked like this one, goddamit I WISH-
THH Trial 2.
Let's start: The motive, amazing. I loved it. Imagine your most embarrassing secret. "Nobody would kill over that" you'd be surprised. I loved the bromance between Ishimaru and Owada, and the sauna scene was just hilarious. The chapter body discovery was amazing, Byakuya framing Toko for no reason JUST to get her secret out was amazing (asshole move, but amazing) Celeste not mentioning the track-jacket colour... the emotion in their voices. The body search was fun! The new floor was fun! The free time events I chose were fun! I love Mondo, I love Kiyotaka, I love Chihiro. Another humane motive. I got chills hearing Kiyotaka's voice acting. CHILLS. Even though the execution story is terrible, and a bit goofy, just imagine being liquified... your body turns to mush, your internal organs fail you... your body eats itself and crushes itself, bones and all. GODDAMIT IT'S AMAZING. I also loved Syo in this trial. Who gave Byakuya the right to be such an ass though? I love it so much, I have nothing bad to say about it. I will replay it OVER AND OVER AND OVER I LOVE IT SO MUCH! 10/10
Anyway, sorry for this long-ass shit-post. Hope you enjoyed reading my opinions. I'm bored so I'm going to rank executions next, with shorter paragraphs. This includes the executions in V3, for those of you who love Strand of Agony and Der Flohwalzer!
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dainesanddaffodils · 11 months ago
Shadowbringers [bass boosted]
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propertyofkylar · 8 months ago
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i love him so bad like. 16 year old me was so real when she knew he’s the man of all time
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rad-roche · 5 months ago
Your post on Curly's medication intrigued me enough to check out Mouthwashing and all I can say is THANK YOU. I am now obsessed with this game. I cannot get enough of it <3
aw i'm glad!! i really enjoyed it, i'm glad you like it too. i've been rotating it in my mind since release
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citrussillies · 10 months ago
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hyprbeam · 8 months ago
finished shovel knight today! im glad that i can finally see what people have been telling me since like. 2016 lol. MORE IMPORTANTLY THOUGH!! I LEARNED YOU CAN PLAY ALL GIRL SHOVEL KNIGHT?? SHOVEL KNIGHT YURI MODE??? LIKE?? they just give you the option to change the body and pronouns of Every Major Character In The Game??? petition to make this a standard feature in every game ever. SHOVEL KNIGHT YURI MODE!!!!
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jkateel · 3 months ago
i hope we as a society post-veilguard appreciate that anders blew up the fucking chantry
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ohallows · 21 days ago
I don't honestly have many opinions on krisnix but i do think it's hysterical that the first case of aa4 really is played like the world's most toxic breakup
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icapturedthecastle · 10 months ago
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PSA that Death Stranding is currently on sale for $20 on Steam (and the PlayStation store!) and if you have ever been curious or if you’re just a fan of strange and beautiful things, I truly cannot recommend this game enough
It is an absolute work of art, I think about it every day, and I’ve never played anything quite like it. When people talk about a piece of media rewriting something in their brains, this game is that media for me.
You should play it, I think, is what I’m trying to say.
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newvegascowboy · 1 year ago
Honestly when i first started playing rdr2 and yall were like "its so good" i was like i cant be THAT good, can it? And honestly tbh. I was a fucking fool. It isn't that good. Its better.
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tariah23 · 1 year ago
I gotta get back to cleaning before my sister gets here but I need a ps2 so bad
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explainslowly · 3 months ago
People are like all wow new witcher and Ciri is the protagonist,
meanwhile I'm like woof woof woof woof woof woof woof
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