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lecialucille · 8 months ago
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callmevenus · 9 months ago
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favcelebrities · 1 year ago
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years ago
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Fiat El Sabry 850 
This 1976 Fiat El Sabry 850 is one of just 80 examples built by Sanremo based coachbuilder GAMC BALDI. Based on an 850 Sport Coupe, it features a fiberglass body with a fixed windscreen, luggage compartment, removable top, and seating for four. The 843cc overhead-valve inline four was recently rebuilt and fitted with a reproduction Abarth silencer, new radiator, and water pump. It sends power to a four-speed manual gearbox, which was also recently rebuilt. 
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dacuslucy · 9 months ago
wait Amelie how does one go about watching this most recent episode of dropout. I am confused and intrigued and slightly terrified. I would like to see firsthand exactly what the wenis dance is and also how everybody knows it in advance. how do I find this
HI MARIN!!!!!! so dropout is like a streaming service so idk where u can find the full ep if you dont have a subscription but i woukd HUGHLY RECCOMEND getting one its 5$ a month and it is so so worthi t to support an amazing independent comedy service. i think so. at least. andi f you cant do that you can probably find someone to share an acc with? my parents pay for mine and their email and card info is on it so i dont share mine w anyone 😭 but there are some ppl that share their accs!!!!!
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pikasus-artenews · 10 months ago
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Viani. Emozioni dell’umanità
Allievo di Nomellini e Fattori, conosce a Parigi l’espressionismo tedesco che influenza le sue opere dedicate ai diseredati
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transbee · 11 months ago
if making annoying posts and then immediately logging off was a job well brother. id stop having to look into disability benefits.
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infinitexmuses-archive · 1 year ago
The leader of the group had found himself running late, of all things. He had been so caught up in trying to make sure he got everything around the cafe done, that he completely forgot about heading off to take care of some things elsewhere -- Mainly going to see his doctor for more... Medication-
But he was quick to catch sight of the other, having been in the middle of grabbing his bag to take with him, feeling Morgana already inside and ready to go. "Good morning, Yusuke," He adjusted his bag as he spoke, making sure it was comfortable for the cat within, "I had just lost track of time, is all. I have an appointment with the doctor."
But he thought about it for a minute, gaze moving off to the side. "But once I'm done, I plan on coming back here. If you're around when I get back, would you like to go and find some inspiration?" It would be nice to see him working on another piece of artwork. He was always so enthralled with it, it was nice to see him committing to his passion.
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@infinitexmuses [ small starter call ]
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"Good morning Ren. You seem to be in a rush today." Yusuke looked up from his spot at the Leblanc table, sketchbook laid out in front of him with a cup of water to the side. Normally Ren was able to stay and chat for at least a moment, but he seemed particularly busy today.
"Is there anything that I can assist you with?"
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alesario · 7 months ago
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Blow Up, 1966
© GAMC Ferrara
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obfuscated-abstract · 4 months ago
Title: Gender dysphoria in adolescents with Ehlers–Danlos syndrome
Date: Dec 2022 Published in: SAGE Open Medicine Publicly available: Yes
Citation: Jones, J. T., Black, W. R., Moser, C. N., Rush, E. T., & Malloy Walton, L. (2022). Gender dysphoria in adolescents with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. SAGE open medicine, 10, 20503121221146074. https://doi.org/10.1177/20503121221146074
EDS: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
GAMC: gender affirming medical care
HSD: hypermobility spectrum disorder
TGD: transgender and gender diverse
Article Summary
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome represents a family of connective tissue disorders with overlapping features that commonly include joint hypermobility, tissue fragility, and skin hyperextensibility. it occurs in an estimated 1 in 2500 to 5000 babies worldwide anually.
There are currently 14 recognised subtypes, the most common of which is hypermobile EDS (hEDS) representing 80%-90% of all EDS cases with a suspected prevalence of up to 20 in 1000 babies. Molecular confirmation is used to diagnose all subtypes except hEDS although a genetic basis is suspected. The hEDS phenotype commonly includes neurological, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, and mental health symptoms.
Some patients are hypermobile but do not fulfull the 2017 hEDS criteria and are diagnosed with hypermobility spectrum disorder HSD
Multidisciplinary care is recommended for the treatment of EDS. One area of unrecognised need is the support of transgender and gender diverse identity and gender-affirming treatment.
Little is known about children and adolescents with EDS who have gender dysphoria and/or express trans identity. A recent study of adults undergoing gender-affirming surgery found that 2.6% had a diagnosis of EDS, 130 times higher than the general population. Gender affirming clinics have noted a disproportionate number of patients with EDS although this data is more limited and localised. A recent case report of adults with EDS noted a range of psychological symptoms associated with transvestism [sic].
Gender dysphoria is defined as an incongruence between one's affirmed gender and gender assigned at birth (Table 1 details the DSM-5 criteria) and has a prevalence of 0.7% to 1.3% in children and adolescents (higher when self-reported). Gender dysphoria is associated with significant psychological distress (including anxiety, depression , social withdrawal, and suicidal ideation). Poorer psycological function is associated with social intolerance of gender dysphoria and gender nonconformity. Gender affirming medical care (GAMC) is shown to improve mental health and well-being of TGD children and adolescents
Methods and materials
A retrospective chart review was performed betwween January 2020 and May 2022, including patients seen in a multidiscliplinary EDS clinic who had an EDS or HSD diagnosis as well as reported gender dysphoria or transgender identity.
Statistical analysis
Ethical approval and informed consent
28 patients were included in they analysis. Statistics on assigned gender at birth, hEDS/HSD diagnosis, age at diagnosis, and gender identity are provided
Symptom frequency and frequency of treatments are listed in Tables 2 and 3 respectively.
17% of the EDS population in the multidisciplinary clinic self-report as TGD, dramatically higher than the 1.3% national average. The cause of this association is unclear but the findings indicated a need for increased awareness of TGD comorbid presentations in paediatric EDS patients. As GAMC is important to improce mental health and well-being, providers should ask relevant screening questions to identify gender identity.
There have been many reports of impairments in psychosocial and emotional functioning in children and adolescents with TGD (including depression , suicidality, self-harm, and eating disorders) and similar reports in individuals with EDS suggesting that both groups have a significant mental health burden.
The majority (89%) in this study identified as transmasculine (assigned female at birth but do not identify as female presently). This is higher than previous reports' suggestion that 55%-61% of TGD adolescents identify as transmasculine. Prior to 2005, the sex ratio of individuals with TGD was around 1:1 but there has been a shift since 2006. The reason is unclear. Over 90% of adolescents seen in the multidisciplinary EDS clinic are assigned femail at birth, likely introducing a sex bias in this study.
Most of the individuals in this study reported previous subspecialty care and many other visits across several other specialties which can be common since healthcare utilisation is high for EDS patients. Subspecialty care includes GAMC provided through the endocrine gender specialty clinic.
This study suggests that multidisciplinary EDS should adopt GAMC practices when possible (e.g., chosen pronoun usage, use of multiple gender labels for demographic information) which may require the development of clinic screening measures. A listing of gender specialty paediatric clinics in the United States is referenced.
Study limitations include the limited number of individuals and possible underestimation of individuals identifying as TGD (retrospective review), potentially unreliable documentation of co-occurring psychiatric diagnoses, a potential sample bias of increased clinical severity and need. The percentage of TGD seen at this clinic could be underestimated. Sample size calculations were not completed, formal measures were not obtained, and no comparisons were made between patients with TGD and EDS to those with EDS only
The study cannot answer why children with EDS are at higher risk for gender dysphoria but they speculate that minority stress affecting TGD children can exacerbate EDS symptoms
hEDS was the only EDS subtype represented likely reflective of the prevalence of hEDS compared to other subtypes; however, these findings could be unique to hEDS
This study may be capturing an overall increase in rates of TGD among youth in the US rather than a higher incidence of TGD in EDS patients as compared to the wider population
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allstarsmash · 1 year ago
pikming on the gamce hube whEre upu can play it love it or hate it you will dinf iiiiiiittttttt…
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ubpgroup · 6 months ago
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personal-reporter · 1 year ago
Una mostra su Achille Funi a Ferrara
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Virgilio Socrate Achille Funi (Ferrara, 1890 - Appiano Gentile, 1972) visse da protagonista i principali movimenti che hanno caratterizzato la cultura italiana della prima metà del Novecento e, dopo essersi distinto nel Futurismo, divenne uno tra i grandi interpreti del Realismo magico, del moderno classicismo di Novecento e del muralismo degli anni Trenta, pur mantenendo sempre una spiccata autonomia. Innamorato dei miti classici, Funi assimilò dai maestri dell'Officina ferrarese uno sguardo legato alla tradizione figurativa antica come al linguaggio più attuale di Cézanne, Picasso, Derain, de Chirico. Ora Ferrara, fino al 25 febbraio 2024,  gli rende omaggio con una vasta rassegna antologica al Palazzo dei Diamanti, organizzata dalla Fondazione Ferrara Arte e dal Servizio Musei d'Arte del Comune di Ferrara. La mostra, a cura di Nicoletta Colombo, Serena Redaelli e Chiara Vorrasi, ripercorre la vita del pittore attraverso più di centotrenta opere, provenienti da prestigiose collezioni pubbliche e private, italiane e straniere, tra cui figurano i suoi capolavori, come dipinti a olio e a tempera, acquerelli e disegni a carboncino e a sanguigna, nonché cartoni preparatori per i grandi affreschi e mosaici, che offrono al pubblico l'occasione di scoprire lo straordinario talento di uno dei più grandi maestri del Novecento. L'esposizione prende avvio dalle prime prove del giovane Funi, per poi lasciare spazio ai capolavori futuristi, come Uomo che scende dal tram e Il motociclista del 1914, che suscitarono l'ammirazione dell'amico Umberto Boccioni poi, dopo le testimonianze della prima guerra mondiale, il percorso mette in luce il cruciale apporto dell'artista alla stagione del Ritorno all'ordine e alla restaurazione delle forme classiche. La fase del dopoguerra è rappresentata da opere nel segno di Cézanne, della pittura metafisica e di  Leonardo, come Genealogia (La mia famiglia) del Mart di Rovereto o Il bel cadavere (Le villeggianti) del Museo del Novecento di Milano, cui seguono i capolavori del Realismo magico, la cui atmosfera di stupore attinge alla cultura figurativa quattro-cinquecentesca e, oltre a Maternità e La terra, c’è anche L'acqua, presentata in questa occasione per la prima volta dopo oltre un secolo. Sono inoltre esposte alcuni lavori di Novecento, il movimento coordinato da Margherita Sarfatti, che raduna i più autorevoli esponenti di un moderno e maestoso classicismo, come il leonardesco Autoritratto da giovane del Museo d'arte della Svizzera Italiana di Lugano, la picassiana Saffo, la raffaellesca Lettura domenicale della GNAM di Roma o l'androgina Venere del Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts di Losanna. Negli anni Trenta e Quaranta Funi cercò i segreti dei maestri antichi rileggendo i generi della storia dell'arte in una chiave moderna, dal ritratto alla pittura storico-mitologica, testimoniata da Publio Orazio uccide la sorella della Nationalgalerie di Berlino, dalla natura morta al paesaggio di Il Foro romano delle GAMC di Ferrara. L'esposizione si conclude con la stagione della pittura murale dove, assieme a Sironi, Funi diede un nuovo slancio alla tradizione italiana dell'affresco e del mosaico, impegnandosi nelle campagne decorative con i miti della nazione sulle pareti di edifici monumentali. La rassegna offre l'occasione per riscoprire Il Mito di Ferrara, impresa decorativa che Funi ha realizzato per la Sala dell'Arengo del Palazzo Municipale della città estense, che rappresenta la summa dei grandi progetti murali che il pittore ferrarese ha affrescato negli anni Trenta e Quaranta a Milano, Trieste, Roma e Tripoli, di cui si può ammirare nell’esposizione una selezione di cartoni preparatori. Read the full article
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favcelebrities · 1 year ago
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thebigcjart · 2 months ago
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Here's Aradia!
Skaa have no last name on Scadrialternia, except for ferrings who can also be referred to as "Terrisborn"
She is part of the Skaa Misting Caste, the lowest caste of the Skaa class. This was established by the Condese (who in this AU has a function similar to the Lord Ruler) so that the Skaa would not so easily rise up against the Noble or High Classes (Allomancy is End-Positive while Feruchemy is End-Neutral, so having the End-Positive be on the bottom of the kicking order serves to prevent them from getting access to too many resources).
The chat client they use is called Palpuller. Her Pullhandle is actualizedAllomancer. This is in reference to her gaining access to both Internal Pulling Temporal (Gold) and Internal Pushing Temporal (Electrum) Allomancy, thus becoming 'actualized'.
Her typing quirk is speaking in all lowercase with no punctuation. Her lowercase "e"s are replaced with strike-through "c"s because they look closer to the symbol for Electrum in the Steel Alphabet (They use both the Alternian Alphabet and the Steel Alphabet on Scadrialternia). Likewise, her "i"s and "j"s are replaced with a strike-through "j" because it looks like the symbol for Gold. She uses the "c_c" emote often.
As stated in the original post, it is unknown whether she is a Gold or Electrum Misting initially. She is intentionally secretive about it. She has a near death experience relating somehow to Vriska's acquisition of a Destiny spike (it was certainly Vriska's fault; but definitly because of Destiny shennanigans), and Equius felt guilty about it, so he set Aradia up with a Cadmium spike with the other of whichever ability she had.
She uses Gold Allomancy a lot, actually! A lot of people think it's not very usefull due to the emotion stress of seeing your past self, but Aradia finds the experience fascinating! Instead of being interested in archeology so much as canon Aradia does, her focus is on Anthropology (On the few occasions her and Equius talk (mostly about healing and care of the spike) (and Equius trying to flirt with her goldshadow(s)) she requests Copper Feruchemy, but he refuses so that her spiritweb doesn't deteriorate any more than it already has). She likes the ability to assay her Goldshadows to see how differences in upbringing and reactions to societal pressures would have affected her. She also uses Electrum a lot, being a Skaa living on the street, to avoid being culled. The Push and Pull of time is familiar to her, and she tends to take her sweet time with things.
Some silly quotes:
AA: c_c AA: why would you ask that thats prjvatc AA: a ladys spjkc js her own busjncss
AA: cqujus wcvc ncvcr talkcd about jt but jm not sure how comfortablc j am wjth you um... tryjng to court my goldshadows CT: D--> On a scale of 1 to 100, how interested could have been in the idea had you been in different circumstances? AA: c_c AA: AA: a skaa should not bc talkjng to a noblc ljkc thjs AA: good day CT: D--> I knew it.
AA: tjme js ljke a gamc AA: just onc fun gamc in rcaljtys cupboard whjch js full of thcm AA: jts thc onc im thc bcst at! AA: whjle othcr pcoplc arc thc bcst at thc othcr gamcs AA: but whcn all thc gamcs arc back jn thc cupboard cvcryonc js about thc samc AA: j know bccausc j talk to thc mcs who djdnt snap AA: and wcrc all prctty cqual AA: jn tcrms of not bcjng a hugc bjtch ljke you AG: oh come off it!!!!!!!!
AA: thc bcst part of bcjng a goldshadow js that j only havc to put up wjth jt untjl you stop burnjng gold AA: thats thc spjrjt hahaha AA: thc worst part js cqujus tryjng to fljrt wjth mc whcncvcr hc thjnks yourc burnjng gold AA: so truc
Homestuck Beta Trolls X Mistborn AU
Spoilers for Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series. This is what powers I think the beta trolls would have if they were born on Scadrial
Aradia Megido - Gold or Electrum Misting
Allomancy: ‘Augur’ (Gold: see own Past), ‘Oracle’ (Electrum: see own Future)
Hemalurgy: Cadmium (Placement Unknown: Gold or Electrum Allomancy
It is unknown what her original misting ability was, but the spike from Equius gave her the other one
Tavros Nitram - Cadmium Ferring
Feruchemy: Gasper (Cadmium: Breath), “Bloodmaker” (Gold: Health)
Hemalurgy: Gold (Between Ribs: Gold Feruchemy)
Cadmium compounder; Vriska makes fun of him for having a ‘useless ability’, but doesn’t see the potential that storing breath has. Equius provides him with healing powers to fix his legs through hemalurgy.
Sollux Captor - Born powerless
Allomancy: “Coinshot” (Steel: Push metal) “Lurcher” (Iron: Pull metal)
Hemalurgy: Steel X2 (Left and Right Orbit: Iron and Steel Allomancy)
These spikes were not given by Equius, but instead were applied in a “freak acciident” involving a “jaiilbroken beehiive”.
Karkat Vantas - Copper/Duralumin Twinborn (mutant)
Allomancy: Smoker (Copper: Hide Allomancy)
Feruchemy: Connector (Duralumin: Connection)
I’m not exactly sure why being a natural twin-born is bad in Scadrialternian society, but it is and Karkat’s gotta hide it. Also the castes follow a natural Misting-Ferring-Powerless-Misting-Ferring-Powerless pattern, and Karkat’s caste breaks that so it was completely eradicated through eugenics so im pretty sure he’s the only one.
Nepeta Leijon - Steel Ferring
Feruchemy: Steelrunner (Steel: Physical Speed)
Nothing special, just run-of-the-steel-mill feruchemy.
Kanaya Maryam - Chromium Misting
Allomancy: Leecher (Chromium: wipe allomantic reserves of target)
Her caste is supposed to be powerless, like Equius', but much like how she's a rainbow drinker in canon, she is somehow a misting in this AU. Snapped after Eridan shot her half to death with his “poison wwand strike” (toxic chromium bullets). He did not know that these bullets were Allomantically viable, and neither knew that she would be able to burn chromium. She uses this to sap Gamzee of his massive Zinc reserves, causing him to be distracted long enough for her to kill Eridan.
Terezi Pyrope - Tin misting - Tin Savant
Allomancy: Scout (Tin: Increases senses)
Terezi and Gamzee are the only Savants on the team, which forms the basis of their bond and later kismesitude on whatever this au’s equivalent of the meteor is. She snapped during a feud with Vriska, which left her blind, but she has been flaring tin for so many sweeps that she can basically assemble visual data through her other senses.
Vriska Serket - Cadmium Ferring
Feruchemy: Spinner (Cadmium: Fortune)
Hemalurgy: Left Eye (Cadmium: Destiny)
Forced Equius to use Hemalurgy on her to heal her during a feud with Terezi, but she was tapping Fortune so hard that Equius managed to select the wrong spike and gave her Destiny instead of some healing ability, which is apparently good luck according to the spiritual realm? It’s destiny to be relevant forever I guess so she can’t really die until the plot demands it. She also has Kelsier’s weird metal vision allowing her to peep into the spiritual realm just a little bit. She ended up having her arm fully amputated due to her spirit not being able to accept another spike. Equius in this au isn’t exactly a roboticist, so she won’t get a replacement arm until wayy later down the line.
Equius Zahhak - born powerless
Allomancy: Thug (Pewter: Strength)
Hemalurgy: Between ribs (Steel: Allomantic pewter)
Equius is a Hemalurgist, who was born without allomancy or feruchemy (much like the rest of his caste). He gave himself pewter to make future hemalurgy easier for him (pushing spikes into/through people is physically intensive). He has also given powers to Aradia, Tavros, and Vriska so far.
Gamzee Makara - Zinc Rioter - Zinc Savant
Allomancy: Rioter (Zinc: Riot)
As a Zinc savant, he is so used to being able to fuck with people’s emotions on a whim that he has no idea how to handle empathy without it. He has a very carefree attitude because if someone is saying/doing something he doesn’t like, he can just Allomantic them away. This also means that everyone around him naturally swell with anger and frustration, which leads to the events of the meteor. Rioters and soothers can also gain control of hemalurgic constructs, so I imagine he could take over any hemalurgy users in the party at a whim.
Eridan Ampora - Electrum “Ferring” (Full Feruchemist)
Feruchemy: Pinnacle (Electrum: Determination)
Eridan, like others in his caste, is a full feruchemist, but unlike his other caste members, he only believes that he has one ability.
Feferi Peixes - Mistborn
Allomancy: Mistborn
Feferi, like all others in her caste, is a Mistborn. The Condese is too, actually.
EDIT: Various bits of phrasing and removed the mature label (I have no idea why I wasn't able to before)
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pikasus-artenews · 10 months ago
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Straordinaria documentazione fotografica di Nino Migliori del Carnevale di Viareggio 2023
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