archaeologs · 3 months
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Illustration of Murus Gallicus by Jean-Claude Golvin. A type of rampart used in Europe.
Learn more https://www.archaeologs.com/w/murus-gallicus/
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isopods-daily · 3 months
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Porcellio gallicus
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Short-toed Snake-Eagle (Circaetus gallicus)
Split, Croatia - 6/30/2024
Apologies for blurry quality; focusing on the bird was unbearable with my little point and shoot digital camera. Just getting this picture was a miracle, though the eagle did me the excellent favor of hovering in place for half an hour so I had multiple chances!
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tempocativo · 4 months
Águia-cobreira (Circaetus gallicus) Aquele olhinho amarelo Local: Puerto de Somiedo, Espanha © Tempo Cativo Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tempocativo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tempocativo/ Blog: https://tempocativo.wordpress.com/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@tempocativo
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thebotanicalarcade · 6 months
n394_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Icones florae Germanicae et Helveticae, simul Pedemontanae, Tirolensis, Istriacae, Dalmaticae, Austriacae, Hungaricae, Transylvanicae, Moravicae, Borussicae, Holsaticae, Belgicae, Hollandicae, ergo Mediae Europae. Lipsiae,F. Hofmeister [etc.]1834-1912. [v. 1, 1850] biodiversitylibrary.org/page/6035936
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herpsandbirds · 4 months
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Bee Beetle (Trichius gallicus zonatus), family Scarabaeidae, France
photograph by Gabriel Buissart
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razehider · 5 months
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an enterprising Polistes gallicus building a home. it rained the following day and i don't think the nest was in a great place to survive it but i still have to admire the hustle. the girlbosshood of it all
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blogbirdfeather · 4 months
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Short-toed Eagle - Águia-cobreira (Circaetus gallicus)
Vila Franca de Xira/Portugal (23/05/2024)
[Nikon D500; AF-S Nikkor 500mm F5,6E PF ED VR; 1/2500s; 400 ISO]
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clavainov · 5 months
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today while being gay and investigating abandoned places we found an owly sulphur (libelloides coccajus), a beautiful type of owlfly!
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here's some more very special bugs!
burnet moth (zygaena), french flower chafer (trichius gallicus), map (araschnia levana), and from my favourite family sphingidae, a bee-mimicing moth, Narrow-bordered Bee Hawkmoth (Hemaris tityus)
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xartus · 10 months
I'm pretty solid on the idea that "Cernunnos"/Karnonos is the Dis Pater that Caesar described. The iconography makes a lot of sense, especially the lesser known iconography (pretty much everything is based on the Gundestrup Cauldron at this point, with minor Pillar of the Boatmen sprinkled in)
I very much reject the idea that he's some kind of bi-directional mediator; I've never felt him that way and imo, the iconography points overwhelmingly to a chthonic deity. This is based on my own research where I decided to investigate for myself rather than take everyone's word for it. It is a good and solid opinion, but not one that I personally agree with.
Anyways, I'm calling him Dis Pater Gallicus or, "Dis Pater from Gaul". He is a deity of chthonic richness, both mineral and agricultural, as well as chthonic fertility (as in the soil), wealth, and with some connection to the Gaulish cult of the dead.
I want to emphasize that the Celtic Otherworld is not a dreary place but more of a landscape, and the "dead" are ancestors inhabiting this place, so any connection to "the dead" isn't in a gloomy sense as it would be in a Greco-Roman context. Liminal places were seen as passages TO the Otherworld but not as being characteristic of the ENTIRE Otherworld.
The Gauls believed in the immortality of the soul. So much so that people would use the opportunity of a funeral to burn/bury letters so that they would reach their deceased loved ones, and debts continued into the afterlife with the idea that it would continue to be paid once both parties made their way there. There's an anecdote of a man throwing coins into a hole to pay off someone he owed a debt to in the Otherworld.
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♥ J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que mes illustrations entomologiques seront présentées au public lors de l'exposition "Les insectes pollinisateurs font le buzz - Influenceurs de nature" (j'aime beaucoup ce titre ^^) ! 
► À découvrir du 8 avril au 31 décembre au Jardin de l'Arquebuse (Planétarium) à Dijon. Je vous en reparlerai très bientôt. :)
Insectes visibles sur l'illustration : • Chrysopa pallens • Xylocopa violacea • Antophora plumipes • Camponotus vagus • Polistes gallicus
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bartsbeestjes · 6 months
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Penseelkever Trichius fasciatus/gallicus
Penseelkevers zijn opvallend mooi getekende bladsprietkevers die men in de lente op schermbloemen bij bossen kunt vinden. De penseelkever doet zich voor als harige bij en heeft met deze beharing ook een rol in de bestuiving.
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rausule · 1 year
Isaac Jogues (1607-1646) in Gallia notus factus est, cum elapsus e servitute apud Mohawks in Canada, manibus male a tormentis laceratis, rediit. Quamvis passus, ad missiones rediit, ubi tandem martyrium consummavit. Jogues Orleans in Gallia natus est die 10 mensis Ianuarii anno 1607 et Iesuitas Rothomago ingressus cum XVII annos natus esset. Duobus mensibus, postquam primam Missam celebravit die 10 februarii 1636, iter ad missionem Iesuita in Nova Gallia venit. Magnam laetitiam matrem suam scripsit cum in Quebec appulisset et Americanos indigenas in litore exspectans vidit. Post mensem tantum et dimidium, prima sua legatione ad Hurones profectus est, pergens ad DCCCC milia passuum per aquam ad Ihonatiriam. Factio XIX dies confecta est paxillum et naves scapharum circa impedimenta portans. In navigatione, Hurones Jogues nomen "Onde_ssonk" ("inquisitionis legatum" dederunt).
Jogues hero suo occurrit, pater Ioannes de Brébeuf in Ihonatiria, et linguam Huron discere coepit. Prima quaestio orta est cum variola pestilentia in compositione orta est et homines missionarios reprehenderunt quod morbum afferebant. Cum pestilentia transacta est, relicta est compositio, et Jogues primum Teanaustayé ac deinde ad Sainte-Marie se contulit, inceptum valente ubi praedicatores homines docuerunt terram colere et armenta, sues et volucrem nutrire. Coetus Chippewas, qui ad Sainte-Mariam venerat, prosperos eventus admiratus est et Iesuitas invitavit ut inter eos missionem constitueret. Eos Jogues mense Septembri 1641 visitavit, eosque de Deo audiendi studiosos invenit, sed paucitas Jesuitarum effecit ut novis tribubus tunc temporis cresceret.
Hieme et vere 1642, Jogues neophytos apud Sainte-Marie ad baptismum in Sabbato sancto praeparavit; unus ex 120 adultis conversis Ahtsistari erat, tribus maximi belli dux. Licet missionarius Gallicus contente sentiret christianam ineuntem radicem agere, voluit totam Huron gentem convertere et se obtulit in oratione ut sacrificium quod eveniret.
Isaac Jogues (1607-1646) het in Frankryk bekend geword toe hy uit slawerny onder die Mohawks in Kanada ontsnap het en teruggekeer het met sy hande erg deur kanonne geskeur. Ten spyte van lyding het hy teruggekeer na die sendings, waar hy uiteindelik sy martelaarskap voltooi het. Jogues Orleans is op 10 Januarie 1607 in Frankryk gebore en het die Jesuïete Orde van Rothomago betree toe hy 17 jaar oud was. Twee maande nadat hy sy eerste Mis op 10 Februarie 1636 gevier het, het hy na die Jesuïete-sending in Nieu-Gallië gereis. Hy het geskryf van sy ma se groot vreugde toe hy in Quebec geland het en die inheemse Amerikaners op die strand sien wag het. Na slegs 'n maand en 'n half het hy op sy eerste sending na die Hurons vertrek en 700 myl per water na Ihonatiria voortgesit. Die partytjie het 19 dae deurgebring met die pen en die bote wat die bagasie rondgedra het. Tydens die vaart het die Hurons die Jogues die naam "Onde_ssonk" ("nalatenskap van die soektog") gegee.
Jogues het sy held, Vader John de Brébeuf in Ihonatiria ontmoet en die Huron-taal begin leer. Die eerste probleem het ontstaan ​​toe 'n pokke-epidemie in die nedersetting uitgebreek het en mense die sendelinge die skuld gegee het dat hulle die siekte gebring het. Toe die pes verby was, is die nedersetting laat vaar, en die Jogues het eers na Teanaustayé en toe na Sainte-Marie getrek, 'n kragtige onderneming waar die predikers die mense geleer het om die grond te bewerk en om beeste, varke en voëls te voer. 'n Groep Chippewas wat na Sainte-Maria gekom het, was verras deur die suksesvolle resultate en het die Jesuïete genooi om 'n sending onder hulle te vestig. Jogues het hulle in September 1641 besoek en gevind dat hulle gretig was om van God te hoor, maar die klein aantal Jesuïete het in daardie tyd nuwe stamme laat groei.
In die winter en lente van 1642 het Jogues die neofiete by Sainte-Marie voorberei vir doop op Heilige Saterdag; Een van die 120 volwasse bekeerlinge was Ahtsistar, die stam se grootste oorlogsleier. Alhoewel die Franse sendeling tevrede gevoel het om in die Christendom wortel te skiet, wou hy die hele Huron-nasie bekeer en het homself in gebed aangebied as 'n offer wat sou gebeur.
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maisondesbieres · 1 year
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Nouveautés 3 Août
Du bonheur en bouteille et canette :
Beauregard Brasserie Distillerie
- Creamsicle Orange Sanguine
Petite bière sûre fruitée et douce avec ajout de jus d'orange, d'orange sanguine et de vanille de Madagascar.
- Cream Ale Azote
Blonde americaine aux flocons de maïs, aux profil lisse et croustillant. Conditionnée a l'azote pour une mousse crémeuse.
- Hazy Pale Ale
Pale Ale américaine aux arômes de houblons, d’agrumes et de fruits tropicaux. DDH, Tahoma, Citra, Rakau
- Porter Baltique
Lager baltique noire riche en bouche, aux notes maltées et torréfiées.
Auberge Sutton Brouerie
- Bourelle collaboration Brasserie Dunham et Microbrasserie Pit Caribou
Dark Mild
- Assemblage à Francky #1
Assemblage de bières affinées provenant de notre foudre de Blaufränkisch et de barriques.
Brasserie Dieu du Ciel
- Zimbrolime
Blanche aux baies de genévrier et lime
Brasserie artisanale Gallicus
- Cerasus
Saison affinée en fût de rhum avec des cerises sures
La Barberie
- Collabo Microbrasserie le Castor
Assemblage de saison brettée (12 mois en barrique de vin blanc), fermentation mixte aux griottes 24 mois en barrique de vin rouge, le tout ré-assemblé avec la Saison Rayée du Castor.
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madarashirek · 1 year
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Beach of the Cathedrals, Spain (No. 1)
The Cantabrian Sea is the coastal sea of the Atlantic Ocean that bathes most of the northern coast of Spain and the southwestern end of the Atlantic coast of France; is the southern part of the Bay of Biscay. Traditionally it has been considered to extend from Cape Ortegal (43°46′N 7°52′W), in the province of A Coruña, to the mouth of the river Adur, near the city of Bayonne, on the coast of the department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, in the French Basque Country.​ It bathes 800 kilometers of coastline shared by the provinces of La Coruña and Lugo (Galicia), Asturias, Cantabria, Vizcaya and Guipúzcoa (Basque Country), and the French department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques.
The Cantabrian Sea was baptized by the Romans in the first century BC as Cantabricus Oceanus in reference to one of the peoples that populated its coasts: the Cantabrians. In other older classical quotations it appears under the name Britannicus Oceanus and Gallicus Oceanus.​
Source: Wikipedia
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