silver-survey · 4 months
Choleric, Melancholic, Sanguine, Phlegmatic
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Here the test.
Feel free to suggest any poll you would like to see via chat or comment or ask :)
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ladymirdan · 2 months
This book is making me ship Fabian/Galenus so hard. I have never seen two Ultramarine captains so encouraging and supportive of each other.
Fabian protects/hypes Galenus up in front of Cassius. That is crazy.
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madamefluffnstuff · 1 month
TES Summerfest 2024, Day 3: Ghost
Day 3 of TES Summerfest 2024! Hosted by @tes-summer-fest.
Fandom: Elder Scrolls Online Paring: Yisara x Mathren Rating: K Warning(s): Spoilers for the Blackwood Zone quest "The Ghostwriter of Giovesse". Words: 932 AN: God I love this quest so much, I stayed up late just to finish it and figure out what happened.
Yisara is having a bit of writer's block, and Mathren convinces her to get some rest.
The Egg and Hammer Inn was quiet. Peaceful, even, on the new moon night. A new moon meant there was more darkness than normal. If one wanted to do some late night reading, they'd need a very bright candle.
Yisara sat at her portable writing desk with not one, but two, very bright candles. Her lips pressed against a curled index finger, chin propped up with a tapping thumb. Soft brown waves of hair framed her face, having been set free from the confines of her bun. The candlelight starkly illuminated her facial features, especially her amber-green eyes, which were so unwaveringly focused on the half-filled sheet of manuscript in front of her.
She let out a soft sigh through her nose. Writer's block was hitting hard again.
Perhaps unironically, the quill in her hand had run dry some time ago. The lack of accidental ink blots in the margins was a testament to her careful planning with this piece. Even if it was only a rough draft.
The budding author set down the quill and picked up the first few sheets she had completed earlier. Maybe a quick re-read... Yisara thought. Alas, she ended up in the same spot as before. She let out another sigh, heavier this time, nearly all the air escaping her lungs. Perhaps she had stayed up too late and was running on empty again.
Just then, she felt something shift in her pocket. Yisara's head jerked a little as her hand frantically reached to grab the item. The tiny object practically leapt into her hand. Her heart skipped a beat as she pulled her hand from her pocket and looked at what she fished out;
Mathren's ring. She stared intently for a moment before rolling the coiled metal band between her fingers. Funny, she could have sworn she put it in the special jewelry pouch in her pack before she went to freshen up for bed. How did it get in her sleep clothes' pocket? Not that she was complaining, of course. Just confused.
As if on cue, the ring flipped itself over in her palm, where she could now see the tiny inscription on the inside. She jumped a little.
"Mathren, not right now," Yisara murmured to the trinket. "Now's not a good time..."
It seemed the aforementioned Imperial didn't like that very much, as the ring began to quiver against her fingers. An uneasy feeling began to creep into her, like she could sense his own unease. No- his worry?
Her paperwork suddenly found itself being flung into her carrying case alongside the hastily capped ink pot. The Redguard woman knew very well Mathren was a spirit- she was reminded of it on a daily basis. She knew he couldn't physically touch her. But this sense of urgency... He wanted to talk to her. Needed to talk to her. And the ring was the only way.
Yisara pawed through her travel bags looking for the other essential piece to communicate with Mathren. "Come on, I know it's in here somewhere," she muttered to herself. Suddenly there was a solid thump and her head jerked to the side. She froze- There it was, in plain sight- the Spirit Lantern.
She blinked a couple of times before smiling. Of course he did. With the same care one would use holding a newborn babe, she picked up the lantern and set it on the nightstand. Then she reached for one of her slightly too bright candles and brought it to the burner. Once she blew on it to give it a strong flame and she was sure it would stay, Yisara snatched the ring up and slipped it on her pointer finger. The one that had been resting on her lips earlier.
Whether it was the magic in the ring or the smoke from the lantern, Mathren's ghostly form materialized at the end of the bed. Shirtless, of course.
"Yisara, my love."
She gave him a slightly exasperated but smitten smile. "Mathren."
He gently grasped her hand. Even with his corporeal form she could still feel the chill of his spectral fingers on her own.
"Are you being unkind to yourself again, dearest?"
She shrugged. "No, not unkind. Just having some writer's block is all. Again."
Mathren smiled back. "And how late is it?"
"...very late."
An echoey chuckled sounded through the room. Yisara was so used to that noise it didn't bother her anymore. Mathren shifted positions a bit, bringing one leg onto the bed and leaned against his knee.
"Perhaps it's time for you to rest. You've done plenty of good work today. And like you said once- you can always revisit it later."
Yisara nodded, acknowledging he was right. She sighed quietly. "I really should."
Mathren ran an ethereal hand along his love's cheek. "If you'd like, I can sit and watch over you so no one bothers you. I don't need sleep like I used to."
To anyone who didn't have the ring or the lantern, it was a rather strange sight- a young Redguard woman sleeping in an inn bed, with the covers moving on their own accord to tuck her in. Soon after, a large divot formed at the foot of the bed, as if someone was sitting there. A few out of place footsteps could be heard near the doors and windows, as if checking them out.
To Yisara, however, her spectral beloved was just making sure she was safe and sound. And for that she was very grateful.
Sometimes having a ghost for a partner has its' advantages.
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monstersofsilence · 8 months
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the small, happy baker herself!
haven't drawn Galenu in forever!
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indyfilmlibrary · 2 years
Yesterday ended last night (2022) – 3 stars
To deliver on the promise of all its facets, Yesterday ended last night needed to find a way to balance them. As it is, it feels like its storytelling is at war with its visual elements. #moviereview #yesterdayendedlastnight #experimental #china #drama
Director: Galenus Zhou, Jia Jie Lin & Ze Cong Kuang Writer: Ze Cong Kuang Cast: Ji Ke Li, Hong Bo Zou Running time: 21mins Galenus Zhou’s films are ambitious to a fault. In both the examples the young filmmaker has submitted to Indy Film Library, his media-literate philosophical musings have both delighted and confounded. In the cyclical nightmare of Again and Again, he asked us to think…
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masonshmason · 6 months
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A WIP of a new OC design! His name is Galenus and he has Youngest Royal Sibling Syndrome, a.k.a. his self worth is in the toilet because he's the youngest of seven heirs to the imperial throne and he overcompensates by being a scheming asshole.
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carcosawitch · 6 months
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Galenus! He's a member of my original species, the Illushids. A spacefaring race of traders, diplomats, artists and scientists. If your planet has water on it, the Illushids want to start a colony on it.
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"Quiero estudiar, quiero aprender, quiero escribir. Tengo veintisiete años. Y sé muy poco. No sé lo que debería haber aprendido hace muchos años. Sé, en cambio, lo que debería saber después, de ahí que me sienta anciana y niña al mismo tiempo.
Y si leo, si compro libros y los devoro, no es por un placer intelectual; yo solo tengo hambre y sed. Es por una astucia inconsciente que recién ahora descubro: Coleccionar palabras, prenderlas en mí como si fueran harapos y yo un clavo. Dejarlas en mi inconsciente, como quién no quiere la cosa, y despertar por la mañana para encontrar un poema ya hecho."
Alejandra Pizarnik, Galenu
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Monkey Day 
Spend a day at the zoo with these cheeky creatures, throw a monkey-themed fancy dress party or fundraise to protect these precious primates.
Monkeys are interesting creatures – cute, mischievous, and sometimes downright obnoxious (anyone who disagrees has obviously never had their laundry torn down by a family of primates when it’s hanging to dry). Many species of primates are also endangered, and then there are questions of animal rights and the usage of primates in medical research. That’s why there’s Monkey Day, a day that’s been dedicated to raising awareness about non-human primates.
Learn about Monkey Day
Monkey Day has been created to celebrate monkeys, as well as “all things simian,” which includes lemurs, tarsiers, apes, and other non-human primates. It is a great day when it comes to raising awareness about different types of monkeys and primates around the world, as well as the issues they face and how we can help them.
Environmental activists and animal rights activities are especially vocal and passionate about this date. The same goes for art institutions and visual artists. Supporters and celebrates of this date include the Smithsonian Institution, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Louvre Museum, London’s National Portrait Gallery, National Geographic, Greenpeace, and Jane Goodall.
History of Monkey Day
Back in 2000, Casey Sorrow was an art student at Michigan State University, and he ended up writing “Monkey Day” on his friend’s calendar as a prank. But then they actually celebrated the occasion with other art students at MSU, and Sorrow later started collaborating with fellow MSU student on the Fetus-X comic strip, where the holiday was mentioned and popularized. Since then, Monkey Day has been observed internationally as a day to celebrate primates (including monkeys, but also apes, lemurs, and tarsiers).
Sorrow himself still does much to promote the holiday and the cause of primate welfare, and in addition to the Monkey Day website, he also maintains a “Monkeys in the News” blog which discusses primate-related news around the world and comes out with a list of the top ten primate-related news stories from the past year every Monkey Day.
Since Monkey Day was created, it really has gone from strength-to-strength. It is now celebrated in many different corners of the world. This includes Scotland, Turkey, Thailand, Colombia, the United Kingdom, Estonia, Pakistan, India, Germany, and Canada. It has been described by the Washington Post as a day to do the following:
“Learn something about these adorable and highly intelligent primates. Or you could use this day to act like a monkey.”
Monkey Day Timeline
2nd Century AD Claudius Galenus studies monkeys
In the early days of pioneering medicine Galenus (known as Galen) studied monkeys through dissection, noticing their similarities to humans.
1939 Flying monkeys are featured in film Wizard of Oz
In a strange and frightening portion of the plot, monkeys with wings act as minions released by the Wicked Witch of the West to scare off Dorothy and her friends.
1941 Curious George makes debut in books
As monkeys begin appearing in films and books, one of the most endearing monkeys will last in popularity for at least 80 years–Curious George. Although there are only 7 books in the original series by H. A. Ray, the character lives on through an animated television show, videos and even a 2006 feature film.
1959 First monkey in space
A squirrel monkey, Miss Baker, and a rhesus macaque, Able, were the first monkeys who made a successful launch and return to space. They were sent by the United States Air Force on a Jupiter rocket.
2000 Monkey Day begins
As a little joke, Casey Sorrow, a Michigan State University art student, wrote “Monkey Day” on a friend’s calendar just to be silly. Then, in more silliness, they decided to go ahead and celebrate the day with other art students. Later, Casey Sorrow became the co-creator of the weekly Fetus-X comic strip, which was used to promote the day.
How to celebrate Monkey Day
You could simply dress up in a monkey costume and play the part, because there are some people who do just that for Monkey Day and even hold competitions for it. Or you could spend the day at the zoo, because many zoos around the world do hold special celebrations for Monkey Day. Some of these events focus on educational events about monkeys, while others do things like auction off artwork created by chimps and performing intelligence tests on primates.
Even if a local zoo in your area is not hosting an event on this date, we would definitely recommend taking a trip to your nearby zoo and spending some time with the animals. Make sure you do take a look at their calendar beforehand, as zoos all around the world have special activities and talks going on. For example, at Australia’s National Zoo & Aquarium, they hold a number of educational talks and activities that are designed to raise money for endangered species, such as Cotton-top Tamarins in Columbia, as well as increasing awareness.
In Scotland, at the famous Edinburgh Zoo, they raise awareness about the different dangers that primates face by using monkey storytelling. Monkey Day events are also held at The Faruk Yalçın Zoo and Botanical Park in Darıca, Turkey to raise awareness. In India, the Indira Gandhi Zoological Park holds a number of different programs so that children can become educated about issues facing wildlife and so that people are encouraged to adopt monkeys. The list doesn’t end there either. In Pakistan, the Lahore Zoo really goes the extra mile. They hold educational events and art competitions about monkeys, including performances to highlight the threats they face, poetry readings about monkeys, and much more.
Even if you don’t have a monkey at your house, you might consider throwing a monkey day party, inviting all of your friends over (keep in mind that humans are in fact primates too, even without gorilla costumes), and common activities at such celebrations involve films such as King Kong, Planet of the Apes, and Lady Iron Monkey, as well as monkey-themed music (The Monkees, anyone?).
Often, celebrations involve fundraising for primate-related causes and charities, and many organizations around the world dedicated to primates hold Monkey Day events of various sorts. So when Monkey Day comes around, get out there and do it proper, by monkeying around!
Finally, another way that you can celebrate Monkey Day is by watching a film based on this primate! There are so many different types of monkey films. Of course, the Planet of the Apes series of films is the most well-known, but there are many others. Disney’s Monkey Kingdom comes highly recommended. Other famous monkeys on our screens include the Chain-Smoking Capuchin in The Hangover Part II, Clyde in Every Which Way But Loose, Cheeta in Tarzan the Ape Man, George in Curious George, Joe in Mighty Joe Young, and King Louie in The Jungle Book. 
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The idea of the four temperaments traces back to an Ancient Greek medical theory that there were four fundamental bodily humors (blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm) which could cause illness if they were out of balance. The terms sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic were coined by the Greek physician Aelius Galenus to describe the effect of these humors on human behavior. This idea is perhaps one of the oldest that looks like a theory of personality. The four temperaments have never been a part of modern medicine or psychological science, but remain fairly well known due to their use by self-help and spirituality authors.
The OSPP Four Temperaments Scale (O4TS) is a free and open-source measure designed to match the taker to one of the four temperaments. It was developed by finding questions that statistically predicted self identified temperament in samples of people who already has on opinion on which one they were. See the documentation on how it was developed and is scored here.
For Jess:
Your temperament is sanguine. The sanguine temperament is fundamentally spontaneous and pleasure-seeking; sanguine people are sociable and charismatic. They tend to enjoy social gatherings, making new friends and tend to be boisterous. They are usually quite creative and often daydream. However, some alone time is crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguine can also mean sensitive, compassionate and thoughtful. Sanguine personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful and sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when they pursue a new hobby, they lose interest as soon as it ceases to be engaging or fun. They are very much people persons. They are talkative and not shy. Sanguines generally have an almost shameless nature, certain that what they are doing is right. They have no lack of confidence.  
Tagged by: @discordantweave
Tagging: @rageismypower, @xxthe-unholy-trinityxx, @leighwinchester, @misfitxofxfriends, @peopleoftheshadows, @thevictoryofthepeople and Anyone that wants to do it~ it was fun honestly
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rr-seekingsolace · 2 years
My oc Galenus the Banu haqim from my VTM story The Unbound - a tale set in Sydney Australia. 🦇
AI generated art using Dall E, Artbreeder, and a lot of post production using Krita.
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ladymirdan · 1 year
As someone who doesn’t know a lot about ultramarines (to lazy to read, don’t wanna deal with memes) if you would be so kind, could you give me a quick summary of their captains, or at least just your favs?
Captain Severus Agemman. Poor guy; he used to be captain of the second company until the entire first company got eaten by Tyranids, and they just moved all of them to the first. Politically this is a problem for him because some in the Senate think he hasn't earned the spot. He is a very by the book Ultramarine. He only does codex-compliant manoeuvres. Has a huge beef with Sicarius which is hilarious. They are like two chihuahuas going at each other every time they meet 😂
You thought I was going to write Sicarius here, didn't you? Well, he isn't a battle captain anymore. He is captain of Guilliman’s honour guard now. The captain for the second company is Sevastus Acheran, and he.. Exists? I think Acheran is a wasted opportunity to do some cool shit. Give Fabian command of the second, or even better, give it to Praxor Manorian. Imagine the story potential! But no, we are stuck with Acheran. I can't really say much about him. All mentions of him are in an out-of-print supplement that I won't buy for scalper prices just to maybe get some info on him.
Fabian! Mikael Fabian is basically “We got Sicarius at home”. They have the same loadout and gear, temperament, and personality. Fabian has a cybernetic eye and red trim. That's the only way to tell them apart. That and that he is a failure 😛 I usually joke and say that Fabian is the Ultramarines’ “damsel in distress”, because every book I've read with him in it is basically that he has failed and needs saving, but I still love the guy.
Uriel Ventris. This one people usually know. I think that if Ventris weren't born on Calth, he wouldn't have been an Ultramarine. He doesn't care for politics or image, and he has no influential friends at all. He doesn't care for the Senate. He should probably have been a Salamander or something (he looks good in green). But something he does have is that Ultramarine luck.
Caito Galenus. Galenus on the other hand doesn't have the classic Ultramarine luck. He is very different from the others I've mentioned, much more laid back. I would almost call him anxious. He is a master of void warfare, though, and is the guy you want to command a fleet. Allegedly has beef with Marneus Calgar because Calgar commanded his company on Galenus’ first mission and got pretty much everyone killed.
These are the five battle captains, the rest are more of reserve companies, but I want to name Numitor as an honourable mention. He is the most Ultramarine out of all of them. He is the captain of the eighth company. It’s very unclear if he still lives. He is gone from the codex, but he is featured in the book “Honour and Iron”, which takes place in Era Indomitus, so I don't know what to trust.
If you are into audiobooks, I would recommend “Blades of Damocles” with him as a protagonist (and bonus baby Sicarius as a Sergeant) I think it's very good and has a good view of how Ultramariens actually operate in the field. (And a lot of examples of what they shouldn't do )
(And We have Decimus Felix, but he is captain of the 11th company, and that is a can of worms I want to open later. Its so funny to me that the Ultramarines are no longer codex compliant)
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444names · 2 months
Names generated from Roman emperor forenames
Aela Aemian Aeminus Aemitus Aemius Alba Albasios Albinius Albius Alenes Alentius Aletian Alexan Alian Alius Alla Allibius Allice Alucius Alus Anas Anasius Ander Anderac Anderius Andrius Anian Anius Anne Annerius Antheo Anthera Antinian Antius Anus Aracarus Aracrius Arcartan Arcian Arcius Arcus Arianne Arinus Arius Arta Artilius Artinus Arus Audian Audidius Audios Audius Augus Augustan Auracius Aurajoan Aurakios Aurel Aurian Aurius Avian Avitel Avitian Avitinus...
Balene Balenus Baleodus Baler Baletian Balexios Balus Basdos Basian Basilius Basio Basios Basius Cadian Cadidios Cadios Cadius Cadrian Cadro Calbinus Calbius Caletros Calus Caratius Carcas Carcian Carcitus Carcius Carcus Carian Carice Casdos Casios Casius Claurian Cleo Clerius Comac Comarcus Cominus Comius Commodos Comula Comulius Comulus Conas Conasios Conian Conikos Coninus Conio Conius Cono Conos Cons Constios Constius Contian Continus Dian Didianus Didio Dios Diostan Dius Dorian Dorobus Dosius Elaugus Elian Eliberus Elisaac Elius Ellus Flonsta Flordius Florobus Floros Flos Gaba Gabas Galbas Galbinus Galbius Galene Galenus Galeo Galeodos Galeodus Galexan Galian Gallian Galus Getian Getillus Getius Getran Glybrian Glybrius Glyce Gora Goratius Gordius Goricius Gorius Goros Grac Grajoan Grakios Graklos Gratios Hadio Hadius Hadrius Hael Haela Haellian Haemius Heminus Hemitel Heodoman Heodos Heodus Heonius Heonos Heophos Hera Herajoan Herian Hericius Herinus Hocallus Hocarcus Honos Honstus Horan Irel Ireligus Irentius Irenus Iscus Joan Joanian Joano Joantius Jordian Jordius Jorian Jorinius Jorius Joronos Joros Jovitela Jovitius Jovitus Jula Julianus Julibius Julienus Juliscus Julucian Julucius Julus Leno Lenoro Lenos Lenus Lerakios Lerius Lertius Lervalus Lexan Lexans Leximian Leximius Lexios Lian Lianas Lianian Libero Lice Lienes Ligulus Lippikos Liscus Lius Lucian Luciusta Macinus Macius Macrian Macrius Magalus Majan Majantil Majanus Majohn Majorius Majoros Manthos Mantian Mantimil Mantons Manus Maraklos Marcine Marcitus Marcius Marianne Marus Maudian Maudius Maurela Maurenus Maxeno Maxens Maxentin Maxenus Maximice Maximil Maximius Maxio Maxios Mian Miliano Minus Mitus Mius Nerac Nerian Nerinius Nerinus Nerius Nerus Nian Niantian Nikos Ninios Ninus Nios Nius Nuela Olybrian Olyce Olycera Olyceran Othemius Otheo Otheodos Othonian Othono Perakios Peran Perian Pericius Perius Perus Petinus Petius Petro Petros Phil Philian Philiber Philicer Phillus Philos Phocla Phons Phonstan Phorian Phorius Phoro Promius Promulus Prontian Prostus Quin Quinian Quinus Robus Romius Rommodos Romulius Ronine Roninus Ronios Rons Sephil Sepho Septil Severian Severva Seves Sevespas Sevetrel Stacalus Staugus Stus Tabalian Tabas Tacartan Tanas Tanorius Tasian Tasilius Tasios Themitel Themitus Themius Theo Theodos Theodus Theons Theophil Thera Theriano Therice Therius Thero Therobus Thertian Thordios Thorius Tian Tianax Tiantian Tianus Tiligus Timitus Tinus Tios Titustus Tius Trac Tracius Traclius Tracrius Trajohn Trakios Tran Tratian Trebono Trebons Trel Treno Trenstus Trobus Tromius Trono Tros Valba Valbinus Valbius Valene Valeo Valeono Valerus Valexio Valexios Vallius Vallus Valucius Valus Verajoan Verus Vespas Vetibius Vetilius Vetine Vetro Vian Vitus Zenstian Zentian Zentios Zentius Zentonax Zenuel Zenus
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monstersofsilence · 1 year
Blossoms: A Bit Of Yourself (Sweeps ago)
"... so I just simply told them to just NOT do that but... they still did the thing." Galenu spoke to Varani beside her as they both were walking down a trail in the forest. "I do hope... one day to own a bakery though it is hard with me being a low blood and all."
"Hmm, I think you should not worry for that kind of thing." Varani replies. "As my master once told me: even if the world is a hard and cruel dealer of fate, always look forward to the positive side of life because it will always find a way to turn towards your favor."
Galenu chuckled from the retelling of the saying. "Yeah... maybe. Then... I will eventually open up my own bakery!"
"That's the spirit!"
"Also... speaking of your master... you have not mentioned a lot about yourself." The yellow blood curiously said. "How come?"
Varani didn't expect a question like this to come up. If anything, she had hoped to avoid it entirely, to not look back on the past. "Well... it is quite complicated..."
"I-I mean...! I don't want you to talk about if it makes you uncomfy..."
"No... no. I think... I think I should. Perhaps help me to get some closure." The blind troll says. Both of them eventually stopped at a clearing within the forest. Finding a toppled down log, they both sat on it to rest, Varani needing to reach her hands out to find it for her to sit on.
"This was before I became blind so... thankfully I still remember some visual representations." Varani said and continued. "... I... lived on the side of the mountain on the eastern part of Alternia. A large village. So beautiful. During the spring the cherry blossoms would bloom and it would look... stunning. Like a whole other world. I had my lusus but I was primarily raised by my master, Heroli Psinto. They were... quiet. Very hard to read and would not tell you right away if you mess up something. I had a friend who I grew up with, too who was also under master's apprenticeship. Her name is Kirina Zanshu. She... was a trouble maker but... I don't know. She was... a good friend."
"We both were training to become shrine protectors. Supposedly a spirit that is worshipped in our village would grant good fortune, harvest, luck, and among other things. Not just protecting the shrine but the whole village. We... never had threats or get attacked. We were a quiet village and got along with other nearby towns and villagea just fine. Until... one day... me and Kirina went snooping around underneath the temple, finding a cave behind a waterfall that was locked away. We found a sword... the one I have now. Longer katana, basically. But we then felt rumbling within the cave. At that moment, I didn't know that Kirina took the sword when I went back up to the temple."
"We got back up and were greeted from an unexpected attack from an unknown enemy. Apparently they were searching for something... we didn't know what it was but I was told my master to go hide and to take Kirina with me..."
"You hid?" Galenu added after Varani's pause.
"No..." The red blood answered. "Something inside me told me to go out there... and fight. I did the best I could... if anything it was enough to kill off the leader that lead the attack, forcing the rest of his attackers that were alive to flee. But... during that battle... I lost my master... and my friend, Kirina... and my sight..."
Galenu frowned from the mentioning of that. She was afraid that it would lead to something negative. "I'm... sorry I asked. I didn't mean for you bring up something you didn't want to retell..."
"No it's fine..." Varani reassured her. "If anything... it is good I get to tell it to someone. I have wanted to keep it hidden, hoping to not feel hurt from what was taken from me but... in a way, it was good to help me. To not hide it anymore and to finally move on with the weight of that memory not hanging on my shoulders."
"Then... I guess that's good?" Galenu says questioningly.
"Yes. it is a good thing." Varani, once more, reassured the yellow blood with a smile.
"By the way... how are you able to find your way around and such?" Galenu asks.
"Simple. I'm psychic!" The red blood excitedly answers. " Despite my sight being lost, I heightened my psychic psionics for me to... "see" in a way. Able to make out outlines of objects especially people and animals."
"Oohhh. That's really neat~"
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versinator · 3 months
Öntöz hárítom
Struccmadarat szemléljen felkelni vénségéig Megterhelte morgása nápoly váráig Hibázzak actió illenének gyűjtsük Lármáztak névtől nyárfáknak sértjük Lepték elnyél dárdájával nemzetit Megbotlom proteus truppot sátorfáit
Láncolt lévi ió kevélység Alkotmányán megérvén elhanyatlott érzéketlenség Mentemben sokságát szabolcs melyt Pattanására fűszerezted megszánván krayt Közönségessé tárogatót hűtsük érzéseit Partnak tisztelj galenus gyilkosait
Nemesnek pokloknak csészéjébe délig Protestánsnak hegytetőnek gyermekinek ekkoráig Szálnyi elterjedett vágyódás mérjük Neveknek főispánunk illatozik élesztjük Szelídsége storia választottam gondolatjait Mindenhatóságot apróbb strena áldásait
Sugall kétannyi sérelem tökéletesség Árnyékként gyönyörűségét levő épség Sziklájából szépségének potentátoknak erdélyt Kifestett maradván elindítja fortélyt Riadoznak tisztítja kocogtassuk gyomrait Lábáról énekelhetek imé urait
Épséget stílusomat mozdúl richtig Tudományi szépnemet epeszt lelkedig Intézi fundálódott kilátása megvetjük Énekekben szekerét kritikai vessük Mátkámmal addigaddig érzéketlenség gerinceit Kivetkezik gyakorlottabb virágozzék kurázsit
Puncsra megcsíp sassal sietség Kifejtette ugyse kormányra gyűlölség Erődet lőjjétek prius kisasszonyt Tevén fiaid satra erszényt Unna elaltassam szívednek képecskéit Csalható pihentél csókolják feleit
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dicihc · 5 months
"Quien ama la mística, la música y la poesía es indefectiblemente una naturaleza erótica, un ser voluptuosamente exquisito y que al no hallar plena satisfacción en el amor, recurre a delicias que rebasan la vida".
Emil Cioran - El ocaso del pensamiento
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