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miss peregrine’s home for peculiar children
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nicoleblogproject · 7 months ago
Reflective Essay
I felt very excited to make this blog since I used one of my favorite stories; "Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children." Since I saw the film made by Tim Burton I fell in love with the dynamics of the story and I identified with it a lot, so I thought that reading the book was ideal to complete this blog project.
I eventually realized that there were some differences in the plot as I continued reading the book. For example, Emma is originally a fire girl, not a wind girl (the movies - book theory has been proven). Also, I really love that this book is graphic and has illustrative images, it helped me to understand the anatomy of some characters!
I had never made a blog before so it was a challenge and sometimes I didn't know how to organize my ideas, but it ended well and I feel very happy with what I have achieved despite it being my first time.
This book will always have a special place in my heart, and I am eager to read the next books in the series to deepen my understanding of this peculiar world.
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nicoleblogproject · 7 months ago
Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children V
Jacob and his peculiar friends face off against the Wights and their leader, Mr. Barron, a powerful and malevolent figure seeking to harm them for his own advantage.
The children comprehend they must transport to a more dangerous loop where Miss Peregrine is trapped as a bird to save her, since shee cannot keep their own loop safe in that condition.
Finally, Jacob and Mr. Barron end up facing a battle that reveals both of their powers and determination to accomplish their intentions. Eventually, the children help Jacob defeat Mr. Barron and free Miss Peregrine.
After this, everyone rebuild their lives. Seeking peace, especially Jacob who has been hunted by his grandfather’s life.
As I keep saying, I relate a lot with Jacob and the things he feels in the moment he faces something. I feel identified about seeking peace and stability while being afraid of the process one must go through.
I loved every part of the book and I am willing to keep discovering more about this universe since I found there are more books of Miss Peregrine’s and Jacob’s stories.
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nicoleblogproject · 9 months ago
Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children IV
As time goes by, Jacob continues to bond with the peculiar children, he learns about their abilities and what activities they do in their daily lives within the loop. I have a feeling he starts to like Emma Bloom, who was his grandfather's “girlfriend”, personally I find it somehow weird because Emma shares her stories about Abe to Jacob, but their story is genuine and does not feel forced at all. The children grow curiosity about the mysterious disappearance of Jacob's grandfather and the possibility of a connection with the Hollowgasts.
Jacob is more aware of the importance of Miss Peregrine to the children and why his grandfather adored her so much, she has a special something that makes one love her, she is protective of the children and is willing to sacrifice herself if it is necessary to save them from danger. I find her to be a really complex character and someone who I relate to in terms of protection.
Also, Jacob discovers that there are other loops and other peculiar children all across the world, each facing their own challenges and dangers, just as they do. I am still fascinated with this message of “loop of protection” and showing that there are other children facing their own battles every day is somehow comforting, they know they are not alone.
Meanwhile, everyone in the loop become aware that their sanctuary is not safe anymore when they encounter a group of Hollowgasts led by a creature called Wight. Dots are starting to connect when a confrontation takes place in their so called home and the only one that could see the Hollowgasts was Jacob, just like his grandfather Abe. He becomes a protector and even if he does not feel ready to take such a role, he does his best to defeat the creatures.
I feel more connected with the story now that I can understand what it is about and where this is going. Jacob is a boy that loved his grandfather so much that he went to an island he did not know about just to find the truth, ending up involved with peculiar children who could understand him much better than his social environment did, he found a family.
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nicoleblogproject · 9 months ago
Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children III
Jacob immerses himself further into the world of the peculiar children and learns about their extraordinary abilities. Miss Peregrine explains the crucial role of their time loop, which resets every day to protect them from the dangers of the outside world, particularly the ongoing World War II. He discovers that his grandfather was a Hollowgast hunter (which is the reason he often traveled and lived in secret) charged with protecting the peculiars from the monstrous creatures that attack them. This revelation is surprising, as it suggests that Jacob might have inherited his grandfather's rare ability to see Hollows, also this might be the reason of his death. He faces this new knowledge and the great responsibility it implies.
Jacob bonds with the peculiar children and starts to feel a sense of belonging, especially with Emma, who had a romantic history with his grandfather, Abe. He also fears the probability that he inherited his grandfather's ability, he is torn between his normal life and the extraordinary peculiar world, not knowing what to do. Soon he begins to accept that he might have to follow his grandfather's footsteps as he creates a bonding with the children, sharing stories and good laughs, he feels understood. Jacob takes the role of protector against the Hollows, as his grandfather did, even though he feels unprepared for such a daunting task.
Personally, I like where the story is going. I think this is a good way to talk about people that do not feel comfortable with where and who they are surrounded; the concept of a time loop to protect themselves is genius, reflecting how we tend to lock ourselves in a bubble of fantasy when injured to avoid further damage. I think that his struggle to go back to his normal life after he founds his peculiarity is something that a lot of people can relate because even if metaphorically, everyone wants to do what they like, share it with people that instead of judging, understands.
I find the story captivating, it has a very good development and I am willing to discover with Jacob what happens on that island, the dangers and the new adventures that lie ahead.
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nicoleblogproject · 10 months ago
Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children II
Jacob finally decided to visit Wales, to the Cairnholm Island, the boy explores the place with curiosity and the need to uncover the truth about his grandfather's past, why he told Jacob to go in there. He visits the abandoned orphanage where the so called “Fairy Tales” took place and finds it in ruins, with nature reclaiming the space. Despite feeling upset by not finding anyone, Jacob also feels a strange connection to the place. His exploration leads him to discover old photographs and remnants of the peculiar children his grandfather had talked about. However, when Jacob feels exhausted and is about to abandon the home, he encounters a strange and mysterious girl who seems to appear out of nowhere, automatically fueling his belief in the existence of the peculiar children.
Jacob's journey takes a more surreal turn. He encounters Emma Bloom and another child, Millard Nullings, they take Jacob through a cairn (a stone structure) that serves as a portal. Stepping through this portal, Jacob finds himself transported back to September 3, 1940. He does not notice that until he is introduced to the peculiar children and Miss Peregrine herself. Miss Peregrine explains the nature of time loops and how she uses them to keep the children safe from Germans and the harm they might cause to them and in his mind the dots are starting to connect. The peculiar children live the same day over and over again, avoiding the dangers of the outside world, particularly from the hollowgasts and wights. Jacob learns more about his grandfather's connection to this peculiar world and starts to understand his own place within it. He moves from skepticism and curiosity to direct involvement in the peculiar world, maybe he will discover something about himself too…
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nicoleblogproject · 10 months ago
Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children
Ramson Riggs tells the story of Jacob, a boy who loves his grandfather. The oldest always told him stories about his fantastic childhood as Fairy Tails. The story is told through a combination of narrative and homemade photographs from the author's personal archives, so images appear from time to time to enhance your reading experience.
Years later, Jacob receives a desperate call from his grandfather. He goes to help him but unfortunately finds him on his deathbed, his last words were to find Miss Peregrine in Wales. Jacob knew who she was, he was her childhood caregiver, and he described her in such detail that he felt like he had known her all his life. Moreover, he has a battle with himself, because as he grows he starts to believe that the stories were his grandfather's creations, so he doesn't know what to do.
However, his therapist recommends that he go to the place, that perhaps when he arrives and finds nothing he can leave behind the death of his grandfather and those stories that left intrigue in his heart. What will he find there…?
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