#gale this peeta that like no. stfu
the catalyst for literally everything that happens in thg trilogy is katniss’s love for her sister, and the way it has divulged into gale vs peeta is enough to make a girl go feral
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oifaaa · 2 years
well the great thing is there’s a Peeta renaissance rn, he’s getting his dues. All I’ve seen is gale slander
Gales had it too easy for too long and I'm not even talking about the whole he killed prim thing no I'm talking about that scene in the book where katniss is like "hey let's run away together" and gales like "dope thats a great idea" until katniss is like "great let me go tell peeta" and gale is instantly like "oh nm I'd rather die lmao"
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zalrb · 1 year
I’m just personally so sick of hearing the tired ass “peeta represents peace” and “gale represents violence” therefore the ending = good 🙄 the way gale was demonized for being rightfully angry about his tyrannical government, because apparently being a 'good' revolutionary means being reluctant. But actually dedicating your life trying to dismantle the oppressive structures that they live by? Oop noo that's too radical…too extremist. and you're suddenly just as bad as the oppressors! LIKE STFU! thas some moderate liberal bs. Have you ever talked about this before?
And it doesn’t help that Peeta was on the richer side of district 12 and was the pure golden blonde boy who hated violence uwu. I liked many things about THG but that will forever be a huge issue I had with it and it ultimately reminds me that the writer was white.
Have you ever talked about this before?
To be honest, I don't talk about THG much because it's widely held as this paragon of anti-oppression fiction, which I do not believe is the case and people are SUPER passionate about these books and I read them once years ago and never returned to them so unless expressly asked about them in relation to the triangle specifically where I talk about how I prefer the nuance of the triangle and of Katniss as a character in the books over the movies and how the movies did a disservice to that aspect of the books, I don't say anything.
and you're suddenly just as bad as the oppressors! LIKE STFU!
But this is exactly the problem with the books. Like I can't say they didn't hold my attention at the time and when the movies came out because I found them so bad, I was very much in a 'the books are better' mindset but then later, especially when I would see people gush about the brilliant messaging of the books and of how brilliant Suzanne Collins is and my reaction to that would be this automatic no they're not and no she's not, I thought about the reason why that was my reaction and why I'm not fandom or even really consider myself a fan of the books. And it's because Collins makes the revolutionaries the problem and ultimately paints a broad stroke of 'all war is bad' and equates the methods the oppressed use to fight against their oppressors with the violence the oppressor enacts against the oppressed -- which is a message that is prevalent in fiction, like ATLA does the same thing, it's even in things like the second season of The Wilds -- and more than that being lazy, it's the type of false equivalence used to keep oppressive governments/systems/people in power and remain oppressive. In terms of its politics, it's not a revolutionary series at all.
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nightmaree-eyess · 1 year
Gale and Katniss<<Peeta and Katniss<< Katniss and Madge <3
Like Madge literally gives her the pin, Katniss took her hunting (she’s only taken Gale), Madge taught her piano but Katniss prefers to listen to her play, they eat at each others houses, I think in the first book I think Madge even gave katniss a kiss on the cheek as she gave her the pin, she even said goodbye to katniss as the train station and Gale didn’t even do that.
“This is all platonic stuff friends do all the time!” STFU AND LET ME BE DELUSIONAL!!!
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screampied · 15 days
well, hello there. (read as lady dimitrescu’s voice)
ok, vegas, you interacted with my account…again. love, i think you’re ought to find out who i am before we can even smell october 1st. so cute that you think i’m sweet, because whenever i re-read what i wrote for you im like “oh, that’s not…that’s weird”. i also think you are very sweet! i’m intimidated with people, so indeed i took the opportunity of being high and loose and approachable to send you that first ask.
i think being a whore for ghostface is as easy as saying it’s name. the masks stays on!! do i mean sex or the killing? both? yes. hm, moving along, what’s you favorite ghostface? mine would be stu and jill.
oh, oHH. ok but toji removing the mask, slowly, and the first thing you see is his scarred lips with that smirk. like stfu, i’ll show him a scream. and geto. that man is my lawfully husband, and picturing him with that knife is doing stuff to me. blood on his face, like in hidden inventory, passing his thumb to try and clean it…mshdhdjdjdk fainted
sam as ghostface would’ve been predictable, but it would still be cool. i think they could take a different approach with her. while everyone is scared shitless because a knew killer has show up, she would be excited because-well, she can kill now. again and again, with the excuse of saving her friends and sister. maybe might even kill someone by “mistake” who knows. i think it would be nice, i like the idea of the good character going a lil crazy crazy.
the thing about sidney is that they won’t have the courage to kill her. literal mother of the final girls. but… dale? yeah, i’m bracing myself and praying for her poor little soul.
yes!! they were right in what they did and the ones that loses are the directors. the movie won’t do good at all without them, so must likely they will comeback, as we say in my country, “the sorry dog comes back” as in the directors are the sorry dog, with tail in between their legs.
between cars and bikes im more inclined to cars, but bikers and drivers? ugh, i’m sold to the bikers. sukuna is the type of guy to go to street races just for the fun of nearly dying (in a modern world, of course). i picture a red vintage car with black flames draw in it. oh he would so sexy, he is sexy. others i can see in street race is toji (of course, he bets all the time) and suguru. idk this trinity can have me anytime any day anywhere.
i used to be a divergent person, but hunger games has grow in my heart. finnick and peeta forever the best boys, suzanne collins cooked with them. and then she fucking burned it with finnick’s. still not over it, how come gale is alive???
jokes aside, i actually fuck with her writing so much, because it’s true, there is no actual victory in a war, we lose too much to be able to live through it. too much nightmares and death.
i’m reading a fanfic set in the hunger games universe, nearly as many words as in the bible, and it’s so fucking good. the author wrote the aftermath of the games perfectly, the rebellion, missions, the games itself. it’s everything.
yapping is done, question of the day is favorite movie and favorite music? see ya!!
nut anon
nutty pook i rly enjoy our long chats i just wanna let u know that 🫡. also the lady dimitrescu voice ????? stawp. do you play resident evil oh now that game is my shit.
LOLLLL DID I. i swear it’s not intentional man. maybe it’s fate 🧿🧿 you think im sweet omg ty AAAAH.
sex with ghostface where the mask stays on is actually cry FUCKKK IM GONNA WRITE THAT. october is gonna bring out the slut in my writing istg. ooooh my fav ghostface ?? probably jill and roman. i love amber too, but billy ofc.
GHOSTFACE TOJIIII DONT DO THIS TO ME. he’s so do that, don’t mind me im writing this down 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️. real they can’t kill the baddest bitch, the whole franchise is nothing without mother.
sukuna as a street racer ID CREEWWAM. i literally saw a sukuna car at the race i went to. i had many interesting thoughts ……. kuna def bets ur so right, toji too with his broke ass.
KEKFLGLHL I LOVE THG ITS SO GOOD. do you like the movies or books better? i like the books but the movies slap
fav movie uhhhhh legally blond, fav music psychedelic pop and indie !!!!
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thejilyship · 2 years
Hi! My favorite THG thing is how it’s three books of unspeakable violence that all culminates in the realization that gentleness and compassion is more important than might or power. That Suzanne Collins repeatedly shows Peeta’s kindness and eloquence as the highest, purest version of humanity after Prim and Rue who only achieve their “perfect person” status due to their young age and how that represents innocence. Like. What?! That’s insane and amazing.
Holy moly yesss
The scene in the first book where Katniss is reflecting on why she's so upset that Peeta's name was called is something I re-read all the time. When she talks about how he didn't just give her the bread at his own expense, but then she saw him at school the next day and when she looked away from him, she saw a dandelion, the first of spring, and how she can't disconnect the two in her head. She was ready to give up, she was ten years old, her dad was dead, her mom was checked out, she had prim starving to death at home, but Peeta gave her the bread and she went to school full for the fist time in months and at the same time, spring arrived and she knew she could take care of herself. Because of Peeta. He didn't give her the knowledge she needed to forage, that was her dad, but in her head, he is hope, and hope is Peeta and it's just so fucking beautiful
He's so gentle and compassionate and sweet, and he wants to do right by everyone and he wants to do good, and Katniss wants that in her life. She wants to do good, and she wants to be around people who want to do good.
I also like how Peeta is this guy, and he still has so much power. Gale, who is Peeta's antithesis on top of being his romantic rival, makes bombs and comes up with all these plans to win battles, but he doesn't have the presence or the power that Peeta does, and Peeta held a morphling as they died and told them to look at the sunset. stfu that's so beautiful and moving and lovely
Suzanne knew what she was doing
Send me your favorite things about the hunger games!!
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Exactly! Gale and Katniss getting away from the Capitol that haunts them is so good and should have been the way the series ended. Just being free in their woods, it would have been a much more beautiful ending. Something like the very first chapter, without the looming of the Games! Also absolutely think Peeta shouldn't get better- as far as I am concerned the worse the ending for him, the better. I actually really am liking him not recovering from his hijacking. You are MUCH more chill than I am- I'd tell anyone they shouldn't like Peeta, and shouldn't like everlark. The more the racist crap wrapped up in his character gets flushed and him as far away from Katniss, the better the story would be right?
Yeah! The series starts with two marginalized kids in the woods, the shadow of the Games hanging over them, about to have their lives changed forever, and it should have ended with two young adults in the woods, the promise of a new life in front of them, both are changed, both are a broken, but at the very least, they can look at each other and know that they changed things, despite what they have lost. I mean, yeah. The hijacking should have been the end. Peeta had a bunch of shit and resentment going on deep down towards Katniss that the hijackings uncovered, and that based on Katniss' fluctuating feelings over him should have stopped/ended their relationship. Apart from Peeta straight up dying at some point. A lot of people accuse me of straight up blindly hating Peeta and being this draconic anti-Peeta bitch, and do I dislike a lot about his character, I absolutely do not lie his and Katniss's romantic relationship, I hate how overhyped he is and how the fandom adores him/how they are ride or die everlark, and I wish people would stfu about him. I firmly think that people can like what they like, but I want them to put effort to recognize why I don't like it. Like, I say the rascim/prejudice I see in the Peeta's character makes me not like him...and then they come and ask how I can't possibly not like him? Maybe me, a poc who sees themselves in Gale and Katniss and in the story is a bit uncomfortable with the insinuation that white boy Peeta equals peace and a poc character can only find peace with the white character? Lmao. Peeta is part of the story canon, so it's too late there, but I will make my own universes and theories where he's out of the picture. I have said before that Gale could have taken Peeta's role, and I can see the story plausibly occurring much the same without Peeta having any major role, so there you go.
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dearreader · 3 years
i’m rewatching the hunger games and anytime gales on screen i want to punch him. like he’s so set in his ways on how katniss should act and gets upset when she doesn’t.
first off, she has horrible ptsd over the games (talking about catching fire) and in order for her to SURVIVE in the games she had to put on a show of love. and you get mad at her every time she kisses it has to act like that to save herself and her family. and they never even talked about their relationship, she always viewed him as a friend and never a romantic interest as she had to keep herself and family alive. and then when her situation worsens he gets pissed at her for no real fucking reason. like she says stuff like “i have to be engaged to peeta to survive it’s what snow wants” and he’s MAD AT HER.
and then there’s the fucking mockingjay movies where they’re literally fighting a war and he’s saying stuff like “i know it’s selfish of me, but if peeta doesn’t get better i won’t have a chance” and then gets mad at katniss when her kiss doesn’t feel real because “it’s like kissing someone drunk, it doesn’t count”. he’s literally guilting her and how she’s just trying to fucking survive the games and a FUCKING WAR because he loves the old her but the old her was gone the moment prims name was fucking called.
and i hate that i feel like i’m boiling these films down to just romance because they aren’t and i hate that i thought that as a kid but in contrast peeta from the beginning knew he never had a chance and was just in love with her. he knew going into the games it was all just an act and even after when she used him to help cope and survive he knew it, yet he accepted it. and through that katniss fell in love with him, not because he forced her or guilted her into feeling bad he was never given a chance, he just followed her to her ruined garden and helped her try and regrow what was left knowing it might’ve been futile but still wanted to help. and it’s not just because they both survived the games (while that is part of the reason they could heal through each other) it’s also because he genuinely just loved and cared about her and wanted her to be happy. like he burned bread intentionally when he was a kid because he saw katniss was starving and wanted to help her LIKE FUCK (i also do not have the time to bitch about him asking katniss if he still has a chance after prims death BRO STFU AND OFFER CONDOLENCES EVEN MY SHITTY ABUSER OFFERED THAT WHEN I WAS GRIEVING OVER MY FUCKING FATHER)
uh anyway fuck 13 year old me for thinking gale was nice in any capacity (i still don’t think he’s responsible for prims death as the bombs would’ve been made and dropped without him) but he is a nice guy tm who never got a chance with a girl he was in love with and when the girl he loved didn’t come back he was upset and took it out on her. i don’t even want to say love because it was just infatuation probably like fuck!
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imovedtoyellowrvvm · 8 years
ranting shit
if you really hate slash gay ships from THG and your a HG fan. Don't fucking mention to a book lover HOW MUCH YOU HATE SLASH SHIPS! We get it you think Gale is perfect or Peeta is perfect for Katniss. oKAY I GET IT. Like we're not saying oh everlark is fake AF. So stop please and don't put HATE on the peenick tag or any gay ships. Like stfu
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Your not wrong. But they like Haymitch Prim And Rue too. I'm also convinced some people only ever read Everlark parts. Seems like it's forgotten about other Characters... Hate on Gale because they are so Blind in Everlark they can't handle Katniss with anyone else. I have noticed it died down a bit for you but seems like The Everlark Trolls are back at it. When will they wake up and see that you clearly don't give a fuck about Everlark you ship Everthorne. And move on. You know that they are trying to drive you off here. I am glad to see you expose what assholes some people can be.
I don't see you doing anything wrong. At all. You are allowed to say what ya want tag what ya want... and I don't blame you for giving shit right back to the asks clearly trying to get to you. It's well deserved.
I wonder how some function in the world as you liking Gale offends some so much.
Anyways Keep doing you and Don't let one of these bitches run you off here.
Yeah, they love to have Haymitch and Prim third-wheeling for everlark, and Rue is dead, so she's not much of a threat. I think they read the books once and deleted everything from their minds but the "uWu star-crossed lovers!!"
They love to say they "like" Gale, but they hold him to double standards, refuse to consider him as a romantic option for Katniss, and villainize every perceived negative trait of his. Unfortunately, that's how it is with this fandom. It's quiet for a while, and then they start bothering me again when they get bored or something. I'll keep saying it until they finally stfu, I DON'T like everlark. I don't give a shit about Peeta's hypothetical feelings, and I'm not going to alter or reconsider my opinions because they can't stomach someone having a differing opinion. They clearly want me to stop sharing my opinions or change them, or yeah, drive me off. Which is not happening. I AM allowed to say what I want and share my thoughts. They don't own this fandom, if they don't like my posts/thoughts, they can ignore them and keep their shit out of my inbox. I'm sick of being nice. I'm not going to do what they do, but if they come with some passive-aggressive bullshit, I'll point it out. Someone was trying to tell me I was faking asks, that's how low these ppl are. They send me death threats and then say I'M faking it. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. But yeah, I wonder how they function. I dislike everlark, I dislike a LOT of things I see, but I keep my mouth shut and at most I'll post about it. I don't obsess over it, I don't harass people over it. So I certainly will be sticking around and doing me.
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