#gale neptune
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Didn’t get a chance to upload these till now(I originally did on my DA two weeks ago), but I finally sketched out the future kiddo concepts I made last year! It was always something I meant to do but it was never at the top of my project priorities. But, here is part one of sketching out those concepts, and I hope you enjoy! :3
(Their bios can be found below!)
* Silas Erdmann Son and youngest child of Gaia and Ren, younger brother to Aster by about 2 years. Prince of Erdennia. While he is adopted, his parents having found him as a lone elf baby when visiting more of Erdennia's smaller villages, he is very much loved by his brother and the rest of his family. He is much like his Papa when he was younger, being more standoffish and withdrawn, but he does has his rare moments of warming up to others when he is comfortable. Like his parents and older brother, he too has taken to witchcraft, though unlike their more nature-based magic, he practices gray magic more. He often feels ‘overshadowed’ by Aster who tends to get the most attention and he feels like he acts condescending towards him about that, however that is untrue as Aster loves his grumpy brother and does his best to include him whenever he can. * Aster Erdmann Son and oldest child of Gaia and Ren. Crowned Prince of Erdennia. A compassionate and precocious young lad, he has taken to advocacy work from a young age to stand up and fight for what he believes in. Much like his parents he has also taken to practicing witchcraft, practicing nature magic much like his Mama but was mainly inspired from his origin as a ‘clay baby’ to pursue it. With them being a little closer in age and both relating to being clay babies, he is close friends with Crowned Princess Mira of Feor, who often keeps him on his toes with the adventures they get into when together.
* Phoebe Von Brandt
Second daughter to Hestia and Tyson, younger sister to Seraphina by two-ish years. Princess of Feor. She takes more after her mama in temperament, being more calm and serious than her older sister. While she is quite strong like the rest of her family, she prefers more academic pursuits, commonly being found reading in the castle library. While she usually complains, she often gets roped into her older sister and older cousin Mira's antics, often acting as the 'voice of reason' to help keep them out of trouble. * Miku Neptune Daughter and youngest child of Amaya and Iris, younger sister to Gale by 5 years. Princess of Arian. Miku is a ‘clay baby’, meaning she is a biological child of her parents through the practice of a ritual created by the witches. Miku is a total sweetheart to all those around her, seemingly more confident than her brother but she does tend to bottle up her nerves more than express them. She is interested in her Mama Iris’ work as an ambassador, and hopes for herself that one day she can be able to travel out into the world. * Gale Neptune Son and oldest child of Amaya and Iris. Prince of Arian. Gale came into his parents’ lives one day when they were visiting one of the local orphanages, and after falling in love with the baby they decided to adopt him and bring him home with them. Gale is mostly a happy and carefree child, though is often intimidated by the older nobles of the royal court, worrying about if he could ever measure up to their expectations. Besides his Mama Maya, one person he can relate to this with is his cousin Clara, who is often under a lot of expectations as well as the crowned heir. * Clara Neptune Daughter and only child of Talia. Crowned princess of Arian. Despite the trauma her mother went through when she was younger that left her pretty withdrawn, the two have a good relationship as Talia considers her girl like the “light” of her life. Clara herself is very well-mannered and proper, a little quiet but she does her best to speak up. She loves doing anything she can to make her family and friends smile, even if with small gestures.
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ltwilliammowett · 2 months
Glossary of Nautical Terms - as used in the late 18th and early 19th centuries
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Aft: at or towards the stern or after part of a ship, the opposite of bow.
Aloft: overhead, or above.
Athwart: across.
Bank: a rising ground in the sea, differing from a shoal, because not rocky but composed of sand, mud or gravel.
Becalmed: to halt through lack of wind.
Bow: the foremost end or part of a ship, the opposite of stern.
Bowsprit: a large mast or piece of timber which stands out from the bow of a ship.
Burthen: the older term used to express a ship's tonnage or carrying capacity. It was based on the number of tuns of wine that a ship could carry in her holds, the total number giving her burthen.
Chase, to: to pursue a vessel in wartime with the aim of capturing, acquiring information from her, or destroying.
Colours: the name by which the national flag flown by a ship at sea is known, used to determine nationality.
Dead reckoning: a system of navigation where the position of a ship is calculated without the use of any astronomical observation whatever.
Fair wind: a wind favourable to the direction a ship is sailing.
Fathom: a measure of six feet, used to divide the lead (or sounding) lines in measuring the depth of water; and to calculate in the length of cables, rigging, etc.
Fore: the forward part.
Hail, to: to call to another ship.
Helm: the instrument by which the ship is steered, and includes both the wheel and the tiller, as one general term.
Jib: a triangular sail set by sailing ships on the boom which runs out from the bowsprit.
Jury-mast: a temporary makeshift mast erected to replace a mast that has been disabled or carried away.
Jury-rudder: a makeshift arrangement to give a ship the ability to to steer when she has lost her rudder.
Keel: the lowest and principal timber of a wooden ship - the single strongest member of the ship's frame.
Knot: the nautical measure of speed, one knot being a speed of one nautical mile (6,080 feet) per hour. As a measure of speed the term is always knots, and never knots an hour.
Landfall: the discovery of the land.
Land-locked: sheltered all round by the land, so that there is no view of the sea.
Lead: an instrument for discovering the depth of water, attached to a lead-line, which is marked at certain distances to measure the fathoms.
Lee: the side of a ship, promontory, or other object away from the wind; that side sheltered from the wind. It is the opposite side to windward.
Lee shore: a coastline on to which the wind blows directly - consequently it can be dangerous as the wind tends to force the sailing ship down on it.
Leeward: with the wind; towards the point to which the wind blows.
Letter of Marque: a commission issued in Britain by the Lord High Admiral or Commissioners of the Admiralty authorizing the commander of a privately owned ship to cruise in search of enemy merchant vessels. The letter of marque described the ship, her owners and officers, the amount of surety which had been deposited and stressed the necessity of having all prize vessels or goods seized condemned and valued at a Vice Admiralty Court for the payment of 'prize money'.
Lie-to: to prevent a vessel from making progress through the water - achieved by reducing sail in a gale. The objective is to keep the vessel in such a position, with the wind on the bow, as to ensure that heavy seas do not break aboard.
The Line (or 'Crossing the Line') Sailing across the Equator. Nautical tradition where seamen celebrate the crossing of the equator by dressing up and acting out a visit by King Neptune. Those who have not previously crossed the line are summoned to the court of Neptune for trial, followed by a ritual ducking (in a bathing tub of seawater) and sometimes lathered and roughly shaved.
Mainsail: the principal sail of a sailing vessel.
Mizzen (or mizen): the name for the third, aftermost, mast of a square-rigged sailing ship or of a three-masted schooner.
Muster: to assemble the crew of a ship on deck and call through the list of names to establish who is present and accounted for.
Muster-book: the book kept on board a vessel in which was entered the names of all men serving in the ship, with the dates of their entry and final discharge from the crew. It was the basis on which victuals were issued and payment made for services performed on board.
Pintle: a vertical metal pin attached to the leading edge of the rudder; it is fitted into the metal ring or 'gudgeon' bolted to the sternpost of a vessel. This provides the means for hinging the rudder on the sternpost and allows a rudder to be swung or turned as desired (by use of the tiller); where necessary (ie. when the rudder needs to be removed or repaired) the pintles can be unshipped quickly and the rudder detached.
Port: the left-hand side of a vessel as seen from the stern; also a harbour or haven.
Privateer: a privately owned vessel armed with guns which operated in time of war against the trading vessels of an enemy nation. Each privateer was given a a 'letter of marque' which was regarded as a commission to seize any enemy shipping as a 'prize'. The name 'privateer' has come to refer to both the ship and the men who sailed in her.
Prize: name used to describe an enemy vessel captured at sea by a ship of war or a privateer; also used to describe a contraband cargo taken from a merchant ship. A 'prize court' would then determine the validity of capture of ships and goods and authorize their disposal. 'Prize' in British naval history always acted as considerable incentive to recruitment with many men tempted to join the navy in anticipation of quick riches.
Prize Court: Captured ships were to be brought before prize courts where it was decided whether the vessel was legal prize; if so, the whole value was divided among the owners and the crew of the ship.
Prize Money: the net proceeds of the sale of enemy shipping and property captured at sea - these proceeds were distributed to the captors on a sliding scale from highest rank to lowest seaman.
Road or Roadstead: a stretch of sheltered water near land where ships may ride at anchor in all but very heavy weather; often rendered as 'roads', and does not refer to the streets of a particular port city but rather its anchorage, as in 'St Helens Roads', the designated anchorage for shipping located between St. Helens (Isle of Wight) and Portsmouth, or 'Funchal Roads' at the island of Madeira. (see Elizabeth Macquarie's 1809 Journal).
Quarter: (1)the direction from which the wind was blowing, particularly if it looked like remaining there for some time; (2)the two after parts of the ship - strictly speaking a ship's port or starbord quarter was a bearing 45° from the stern.
Ship: from the Old English scip, the generic name for sea-going vessels (as opposed to boats). Originally ships were personified as masculine but by the sixteenth century almost universally expressed as as feminine.
Shoal: a bank or reef, an area of shallow water dangerous to navigation. Sounding: the of operation of determioning the depth of the sea, and the quality of the ground, by means of a lead and line, sunk from the ship to the bottom, where some of the sediment or sand adheres to the tallow in the hollow base of the lead.
Sound: (1) to try the depth of the water; (2) a deep bay.
Sounding: ascertaining the depth of the sea by means of a lead and line, sunk from a ship to the bottom.
Soundings: those parts of the ocean not far from the shore where the depth is about 80 to 100 fathoms.
Spar: a general term for any wooden support used in the rigging of a ship - includes all masts, yards, booms, gaffs etc.
Squall: a sudden gust of wind of considerable strength.
Starboard: the right-hand side of a vessel as seen from the stern.
Stern: after-part of a ship or boat.
Tack: the nautical manouevre of bringing a sailing vessel on to another bearing by bringing the wind round the bow; during this manouevre the vessel is said to be 'coming about'.
Tide of Flood: the flow of the tidal stream as it rises from the ending of the period of slack water at low tide to the start of the period of slack water at high tide; its period is approximately six hours.
Trade Winds: steady regular winds that blow in a belt approximately 30 N. and 30 S of the equator. In the North Atlantic the trades blow consistently all year round, from the north-east; in the South Atlantic they blow from the south-east, converging just north of the equator. The meeting of the trade winds just north of the equator created the infamous 'doldrums', where sailing ships could be becalmed for days or weeks waiting for a wind to carry them back into the trades.They were known as trade winds because of their regularity, thereby assisting sailing vessels in reaching their markets to carry out trade.
Under way: the description of a ship as soon as she begins to move under canvas power after her anchor has been raised from the bottom; also written as 'under weigh.'
Voyage: a journey by sea. It usually includes the outward and homeward trips, which are called passages.
Watch: (1) one of the seven divisions of the nautical day; (2) one of two divisions of the seamen forming the ship's company.
Wear: the nautical manouevre of bringing a sailing vessel on to another tack by bringing the wind around the stern.
Weather: in a nautical sense (rather than a meteorological) this is the phrase used by seamen to describe anything that lies to windward. Consequently, a coastline that lies to windward of a ship is a weather shore; the side of a ship that faces the wind when it is under way is said to be the weather side a ship, etc.
Weigh: to haul up.
Weigh anchor: the raising of the anchor so that the ship is no longer secured to the sea or river bottom.
Windward: the weather side, or that direction from which the wind blows. It is the opposite side to leeward.
Yard: (1) a large wooden spar crossing the masts of a sailing ship horizontally or diagonally, from which a sail is set. (2) a shortened form of the word 'dockyard, in which vessels are built or repaired.
Sources: JEANS, Peter D. Ship to Shore: a dictionary of everyday words and phrases derived from the sea. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, 1993.
The Oxford Companion to Ships & the Sea. (ed.) Peter Kemp. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1976.
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anonfanficreader · 11 months
BG3 Companions’ Halloween costumes: fanart prompts
- Halsin: Winnie the Pooh holding “hunny” pot
- Astarion: Frank-N-Furter
- Wyll: Batman, Superman or Spider-Man
- Shadowheart: Sailor Neptune
- Gale: Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Karlach: Hot Dog or Banana
- Lae’zel: Kill Bill
- Jaheira & Minsc: Team Rocket’s Jessie & James
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talonabraxas · 7 months
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The Fumigation from Myrrh
Hear, Neptune [Poseidon], ruler of the sea profound, whose liquid grasp begirts the solid ground;
Who, at the bottom of the stormy main, dark and deep-bosom'd, hold'st thy wat'ry reign;
Thy awful hand the brazen trident bears, and ocean's utmost bound, thy will reveres:
Thee I invoke, whose steeds the foam divide, from whose dark locks the briny waters glide;
Whose voice loud founding thro' the roaring deep, drives all its billows, in a raging heap;
When fiercely riding thro' the boiling sea, thy hoarse command the trembling waves obey.
Earth shaking, dark-hair'd God, the liquid plains (the third division) Fate to thee ordains,
'Tis thine, cærulian dæmon, to survey well pleas'd the monsters of the ocean play,
Confirm earth's basis, and with prosp'rous gales waft ships along, and swell the spacious sails;
Add gentle Peace, and fair-hair'd Health beside, and pour abundance in a blameless tide.
Exaltation of Neptune Talon Abraxas
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linnetagain · 1 month
alright i just popped these into a calculator and wow that’s a lot of water signs, no wonder they were completely oblivious to being in love with one another. there’s a link to both their charts where i input their data; i don’t really know much about nodes, mutable aspects, sextiles and oppositions, but im sure someone else does
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they share a neptune in capricorn… (i also have neptune in capricorn) astrology people what does that mean
Yeah I fully don't know what any of this means except it's REALLY COOL and I'm gonna have fun finding out!! Thank you!!
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sweetbubblies · 11 months
📣 I would love to hear any voice claims you have for any OC’s you feel like talking about -🌀
Ok! So I’m gonna do as many as I can, the emojis are links the vc clips on TikTok. Nice to see you again, 🌀 btw
The Gas Giants
• Sun - Howl Pendragon (Howl’s Moving Castle)☀️
• Moon - Sawyer (Monster Camp) 🌙
• Earth - Chihiro Fujisaki (Danganronpa) 🌎
• Mars - Marshall-Lee (Adventure Time) ☄️
• Jupiter - Legoshi (Beastars) 💪
• Saturn - Haruhi Fujioka (OHSHC) 🪐
• Uranus - Narancia (JJBA) ❄️
• Neptune - Snufkin (Moomin Valley) 🌊
South Gale Farm
• Bo - Dazai (BSD) 🐄
• Petunia - Luisa (Encanto) 🐖
• Thunder - Kaeya (Genshin Impact) 🎠
• Rex - Zack Fair (FF7) 🐕
• Honey - Bright Mac (MLP) 🍯
• Perseus Pasmore - Double Trouble (Shera) 🍧
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the-indie-owl · 1 year
SpongeBob SquarePants Shipping Chart (FEEL FREE TO USE)
MAJOR UPDATE (10/14/2023): Added More Characters from the Musical
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For the record, I've decided to create my own official blank shipping chart of one of my Fandoms for the very first time (since there isn't much SB Shipping Charts all over online so I created my own).
I've created Two Versions in case for Half of the Fandom's POV on the Two King Neptune characters (rather if you believe they are the same Character or Not).
Here are the Two Links for Full Versions in case to use for the Better Quality.
In case if you are confused of what each of the Ship Terms for what each of the Color represents...
❤️ = OTP (A Ship that You Love so Much and it is your own Main Favorite One out of all of the Other Ships) 🧡 = Platonic (A Ship that you prefer to be more than just Personal Friends rather than a Couple) 💖 = Crack (A Kind of Ship that is meant to be either Bizarre or Funny as in a Joke) 🩷= Love (A Ship that you also Adore but not that much of a Main Favorite) 💛= Like (A Ship that you do Enjoy but rather in a More "Causal" way to say the least) 💚= Neutral (A Ship that you have Mixed Feelings or Indifferent with) 🩵= Ok (A Ship that you're completely Fine with, but don't have any strong feelings towards it) 💜= Meh (A Ship that you just don't completely care nor pay any attention to) 💙= Dislike (A Ship that you just don't agree with or just not a personal fan of, if you don't have any too much Hate of it) 💙= Hate (A Ship that you just CAN'T STAND no matter how much that you despise) 🖤= Crash and Burn (A NOTOP that you Hate so much and is your own Main DEPISE One out of all the Other Ships)
Bonus Option: 💗= Ship with OC (A Character that you personally prefer to ship with Any of Your Own Persona/Mutuals' OC) 💚= Ship in Crossover (An X-Over Ship that you prefer to ship with Any Canon Character in the Franchise with a Different Character from Another Media) 🟤= Stay Single (A Character that you don't have enough ships and would just leave the Character to be Single without being shipped with anyone)
Characters in the Chart:
(Main Show)
SpongeBob SquarePants
Patrick Star
Gary The Snail
Sheldon J. Plankton
Squidward Tentacles
Sandy Cheeks
Mr. Krabs
Pearl Krabs
Mrs. Puff
Mermaid Man
Barnacle Boy
Larry The Lobster
The Flying Dutchman
Man Ray
Dirty Bubble
King Neptune
Queen Amphitrite
Prince Triton
Barry Blobfish
Slappy Laszlo
Squidina Star
Chip Plankton
Squilliam Fancyson
Patchy The Pirate
Kenny The Cat
Perch Perkins
Bubble Bass
Old Man Jenkins
Kevin C. Cucumber
Flats The Flounder
Lady Upturn
Stanley SquarePants
Sam Star
Flapjack SquarePants
Bubble Buddy
Rube Goldfish
Gale Doppler
Charlton Hawkfish
Boat Salesman Shark
Hieronymus Glove
Karen 2.0.
Nurse Bazooka
Lord Poltergeist
Don Grouper
Sticky Fins Whiting
Dorsal Dan
Nancy Suzy Fish
Nazz Mimi
Tina Fran
Henry Bart
Vera Fishbowl
Medley Fishbowl
Jennifer Millie
Frank The Goldfish
Jimmy Gus
Don The Whale
Harold (Red Fish)
Harold "Bill" Reginald
Abigail Marge
Patty Rechid
Norma Rechid
Martha Smith
Billy Lime
Frank (Lifeguard Guy)
Old Man Walker
Miss Shell
Norma Edna
Frankie Billy
Purple Doctorfish
-1st Movie, "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie"
Princess Mindy
- 2nd Movie, "Sponge Out of Water"
Burger Beard
-3rd Movie, "Sponge On The Run"
King Poseidon
Queen Salacia (For those who don't know, in Roman Legends, Salacia was the Goddess of the Sea as well as the Actual Wife of Neptune (her Counterpart was Amphitrite, a Greek Goddess who was Poseidon's Wife). However, considering that the Franchise has secretly done an Alternate "Wife Swap" idea between the Consorts of the Greek/Roman Sea Gods, Salacia did appear in a Cameo of the Third Movie, regarding if it could be truly her or not. There was also a Semi-Design of Her through Concept Arts behind the Third Movie that I did found through ArtStation by 3D Developer (Michael Defeo). For those who are curious to know about the concept design behind King Poseidon's Wife in SB, here's the link that you can click on.)
Tiffany Haddock
-Kamp Koral
Narlene Narwhal
Nobby Narwhal
Preda Tory
Jimmy Blobfish
-The Patrick Star Show
Mrs. Mayor
Merlina Mermaid
Entity Punkfish
Fred Blutang
The Eletric Skates
(Other Media)
- Games 
Prawn ("Battle for Bikini Bottom")
Madame Kassandra ("The Cosmic Shake")
- Books
Princess Neptuna ("SpongeBob and the Princess")
Feel free to use if you like to use any version you want, either if you'd want to credit me or link my own charts in the descriptions/texts.
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rhythmroute · 1 year
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second batch of artfights!
adeleine for foxpill , chaos and gale for @ceoofmetagala , divinia for @snowthedemonfox , and neptune for @galakianexplosion
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help-an-alter · 2 months
we have a fragment alter who has no idea what or who they are , we’re trying to find out what their names and pronouns are , since those are going to be important for addressing them and figuring out the rest .
they feel little empathy , they feel very connected to the color blue and the ocean , idk even know what melancholy means but it’s seems to fit their personality , they seem to be able to learn quickly but they will get scared and confused if something new happens that they haven’t experienced before . they are very like draincore coded ?? idk how to explain it .
— 🏥
i hope this helps! let me know if i missed anything, your second ask was deleted without being saved by accident so i tried to remember everything!
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names: ocean, oceana, oceania, marina, alice, celeste, iris, blue, sky(e), jay, ciel, gale, midnight, azure, azurine, coast, cordelia, marys, sea, neptune, reef, selkie, wave, coral, brooke, cove, calypso, caspian, mara, pearl, mist(y), ariel, naia, banks, leslie, mari, lucid, rune, pandora, raven
pronouns: drain/drains/drainself, blu/blue/blueself, a/aqua/aquaself, fin/fins/finself, shark/sharks/sharkself, cae/caer/caerself, cre/creek/creekself, ane/ome/anemomeself, kelp/kelps/kelpself, jelly/fish/jellyfishself, abyss/abyss/abysself, atla/atlan/atlantiself, blub/blubs/blubself, ik/ko/koiself, or/ca/orcaself, sea/sear/seaself, foam/foams/foamself, cry/cries/cryself, drop/droplet/dropletself, ink/inks/inkself, blo/blot/blotself, quill/quills/quillself, ae/aer/ae(r)self, fey/feyr/feyrself, mur/murs/murmurself
comfort: documentaries (particularly of the ocean, space or maybe even true crime if that’s more their speed), swimming, getting a comfort item (blanket, stuffed animal, doll, etc), photography/videography, long showers or baths, tea or some other warm drink
genders: frozerish, melauche, downpouric, lunaenic, oceangrungic, astrobyssian, biocealovecoric, marinauroric, thalassagender, subterroric, oceanessgender, apakenic
- mod ❄️
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ladyravengard · 1 year
I now need art of Wyll in a Sailor Scout outfit.
or better yet all of the party in sailor moon-esque outfits
Astarion as Sailor Venus (naturally)
Karlach as Sailor Jupiter
Lae'zel as Sailor Mars
Gale as Sailor Mercury
Wyll as Sailor Uranus
Tav/Durge as Sailor Neptune
Shadowheart as either Sailor Saturn or Sailor Moon (for her two looks)
Halsin, Minthara, Jaheira, and Minsc as the Sailor Starlights and Tuxedo Mask
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claudeng80 · 2 years
North Sea Storm
Originally intended for “bathtub bonding” for Madness 2022 - Temeraire AU
The Aerial Corps (AO3 series)
The slate roof jitters in the wind off the North Sea, and the sound echoes through the empty warehouse space. Closer to hand, drips of water hit the brick floor with muted thuds, some through cracks in the neglected roof, but far more from the edges of Obi’s cloak. “We should have waited,” Shirayuki says. She’s been saying it to herself the entire time he was gone, but it sounds thin and whiny now that she says it out loud.
“Is she hurt?” Obi looks to the darkest corner of the warehouse, where Persia is fast asleep on a pile of discarded bags. Broken crates cast toothy shadows against the walls, flickering in the light of Shirayuki’s candle.
“Just exhausted.” They blew in on the first front of the storm, just ahead of the worst of the rain and lightning. It made for a surreptitious arrival in The Hague, as every window facing the sea was already shuttered, but Persia was no Royal Copper to beat the wind into submission. She had sailed before it like a tailless kite in a gale, flipping and dropping. Shirayuki had paid her tribute to King Neptune at least once- when she closes her eyes she can still taste acid and feel the whirling. “She should be fine when she wakes up, if we can find enough for her to eat.”
“As long as she wakes up before dawn, I think she can manage that on her own. And at least we won’t starve!” He holds up a bakery bag, sprinkled with rain.
“There’s a hearth in the office here, if you think it’s safe to have a fire.”
Another wave of rain batters the windows with a report like gunfire. “I think it’s a chance worth taking, if it means warming up.” He leans in close. “Your lips are turning blue.”
“W-warm sounds nice. But if we’re thinking big, my hair’s more salt than anything else right now. It would be nice to wash it out.”
“There’s certainly no shortage of water.”
The office is cozy. There’s a kettle hanging on a hook by the fireplace, a pile of dry firewood, and a bed covered in a thick wool blanket. Either she’s misunderstood the purpose of warehouse offices or this one has been used for more than just the storage and shipping of goods. She sets aside thanks for their local contacts, too wet and salty to be any more curious. Best of all, there’s a basin big enough to work as a tub.
“Eat first,” Obi insists. Dinner consists of cold meat stuffed in the middle of a crusty roll of bread- the bread has more grit than she’s accustomed to but a full stomach does make everything seem a bit less dire. Persia’s snores from out in the warehouse continue steady and unabated.
The first kettle of water splashes into the basin, barely making a film of water on the bottom. “This is going to take a while,” Obi says.
“It always does,” Shirayuki agrees, and adds an equal amount of rainwater before setting the next batch to heat. Obi pulls out one one of his knives, drying it off carefully and inspecting the edges before setting it aside and moving on to the next.
Obi’s done with his knives by the time the tub is full enough to use. “You can go first,” he says. “You need the warmth more than I do.”
There are blankets put away in a cabinet; warmth is not the primary issue now, but Shirayuki is in no mood to argue as she peels her stockings.off her skin with an audible crinkle. The garters leave lines in their absence. Her hair is crispy under her fingers as she extracts the day’s ribbons and pins, and the salt holds its shape even with them gone. Her fingers are clumsy on the closures of her stays, and a different warmth jets through her as Obi nudges her fingers aside to undo them himself. He’s well familiar with them now, but he finishes in a businesslike manner and then looks away as she sets aside her shift. The muslin is translucent and blotchy from rain and sea salt; hopefully it will dry overnight, or tomorrow will be uncomfortable indeed.
The water smells a bit metallic, the tin of the tub flexing slightly under her weight but retaining the heat of the water and blessedly the stickiness of her skin is washed away. An awkward dunk, and her hair cascades into a tail of red over her shoulder as she rinses it out. She glances at Obi, just to catch his head turning away. The tip of his ear might be a bit pink, and she doesn’t think it’s from the cold. “You should join me,” she says.
“Surely I won’t fit,” he says so fast, it’s clear he’s thought about it.
“Not without touching.” It will be tight, but that’s part of the appeal. Tomorrow they prosecute a war, engage in espionage and offer support to enemies of Napoleon’s puppet kingdom of the Netherlands. There will be no time for softness then. Surely they can take tonight for themselves.
Perhaps Obi thinks the same, because he doesn’t argue further. He undresses away from her, as always- no matter how many times she proves that his scars are nothing to her, he still turns them away- and she has leisure to enjoy the sun-darkened skin at his wrists and the back of his neck.
But by the time he steels himself enough to face her, she’s already pulled herself over into one corner of the tub. The water rises a bit as he steps in, then a lot as he sits. “This isn’t going to work so well for washing,” he says as she shifts to let him encircle her with his legs. She’s not quite on his lap, but it’s a close thing.
“Not at all,” she agrees, plastering the wet cloth to his chest with a laugh. It sticks for a second, then peels free and drops back into the water. She fishes it out and picks up his hand, scrubbing at his wrist, then gently between his fingers.
“How are your fingers so cold? You’re literally in the warm water!” He tugs at her, playfully, and she pinches his little finger through the cloth. “I can wash myself, you know.”
She hums. “Of course you can. But so can I.” She lifts his hand to her mouth, pressing a kiss to the knuckles before she sniffs loudly. “See, no more ocean smell.”
Obi’s mouth shuts with a click, and she runs the cloth over his wrist, up to his elbow. There’s a small scar there, just across the meat of his forearm, and she traces it gently with the cloth. He looks concerned at her attention, so she just says, “All clean.”
To reach around his shoulder, she slides closer, wrapping her legs around his hips just the way his encircle her. His breath is quiet just above her, and his hands drop to her hips as she leans across to wash the back of his neck. She can’t resist dropping a kiss on his chest, and he huffs something that’s almost a laugh, but distracted. “You’re not leaving me anything to do,” he murmurs in her ear.
“And here I’d heard you were resourceful,” she answers, tracing the line of his throat with her cloth. There’s a line there of salt spray and sand, just where it caught in the collar of his un-distinguished undercover coat. She misses his aviator’s green but understands that spies can’t go about wearing the uniform of their kingdom’s forces.
Water cascades down her spine, sending her forward into Obi’s lap with a gasp. “Who says I’m not?” His hands, until now warmed in the water, rub little circles on her back between scoops of water. So close, her thighs rest on his, and it would be so easy to slide that last few inches forward and press her body to his entirely-
The tub resonates with a dull thud as her knee hits the wall, ripples shivering across the surface of the water. Caught, she fixes her eyes on the other side of Obi’s throat, sweeping the last of the ring away with the cloth. He’s distracting.
She darts a peek at his face, only to find his eyes on her as well. His lips curve in the content smile that he rarely shows anyone but her and possibly Persia; the others know his smirks and his gleeful grins, but Obi is not a man known for content softness. It is everyone else’s loss that they cannot be the object of that look. Not that she has any idea what she’s done this time to warrant it, save banging her knee. “What?”
“Oh, I was just wondering how much longer the water would stay warm. I think the answer is not long enough.” The smile takes on a wicked angle; that one is hers alone.
“Long enough for-” She doesn’t finish the question; when her mind catches up with her mouth she knows exactly what he means and it is absolutely not an option. She may be primarily a physician to dragons, not to humans, but stories get around. The researchers at Pen Y Fan, with its hot springs, had far too many tales of unpleasant consequences. “No.”
“Well, then.” Obi stands, tipping Shirayuki nearly into the bath entirely. It’s a good thing she wasn’t trying to get dry, between a near-dunking and the water cascading off his body. He bends, scooping her out of the tub as though she were no heavier than a coil of rope, and carries her out to where a towel is waiting by the fire. “Let’s get you dry, and then we can see about keeping you warm.”
He snatches the towel from just past the top of her reaching fingers, turning the tables to scrub her dry, catching every nook from her wrists to the backs of her ears, her knees to her armpits, she is surrounded with towel and with his embrace. She’s wondering where those blankets are and how long it will take them to get them laid out, when Obi stills. His finger rests on her lips as be bristles, as on edge as an alley cat. “Someone’s coming,” he whispers in her ear. “Get dressed.”
There’s a knock on the warehouse office door that they’d locked behind themselves; that hadn’t been in the directions, but it seemed like a reasonable precaution. It’s looking justified all of a sudden.
“Do you think it’s the smoke?” Obi shakes his head, still listening. “Or was it a trap?”
Shirayuki’s shift is easy enough to throw over her head, if still smelling like ocean and fear. She wiggles into her stays, still loosened, and pulls up her skirt. The knot will be a bear to undo, but it’s on. Everything else gets stuffed in her bag as she scoops up her shoes.
That, oddly, makes him smile, the same grin he wore fighting the storm with Persia. It’s the look that says he’s about to leap, and by habit she clutches at his arm. “I’m going to wake Persia,” he adds, still bare naked and dripping. Shirayuki throws the towel over him just as he leaves the room.
The knocking turns to pounding, and between shouts at the door she hears wood splinter. She doesn’t know the words - her French is passable, if slow and probably lacking in the phrases that police would yell through doors at foreign spies - but she can only guess that the unfamiliar shouts are in Dutch. She’ll have to get Obi to explain later, assuming there is a later.
There’s a terrible crash - splintering wood and crashing glass, followed by the prolonged rattle of broken bricks and wood hitting the ground. Whether it’s Persia making her exit through one of the windows or their pursuers breaking down the door, Shirayuki won’t know, because Obi hurtles back into the room, snatching his clothes from the floor and tucking them under an arm. Shirayuki pushes the tub against the office door, hoping it will slow them down.
Outside the rain crackles against the wall like pebbles, and the window kicks open into Obi’s hand when he undoes the latch. Out in the warehouse the voices are getting louder, audible even over the wind. “What do we do now?”
“We run.”
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My art ideas have been kind of depleted/all-over the place lately, so something simple I usually do during these times is ink + color old sketches! Since I've been having some thoughts about my TLR next-gen concepts lately, I thought I would 'finish' their sketches! Like the originals I did these in different batches, starting with the kids from here~
I hope you enjoy! :3 Below are all their bios again(for the third time lol), from left-right and top-bottom!
* Silas Erdmann Son and middle child of Gaia and Ren, younger brother to Aster by 2 years. Prince of Erdennia. While he is adopted, his parents having found him as a lone elf baby when visiting more of Erdennia's smaller villages, he is very much loved by his brother and the rest of his family. He is much like his Papa when he was younger, being more standoffish and withdrawn, but he does has his rare moments of warming up to others when he is comfortable. Like his parents and older brother, he too has taken to witchcraft, though unlike their more nature-based magic, he practices gray magic more. He often feels ‘overshadowed’ by Aster who tends to get the most attention and he feels like he acts condescending towards him about that, however that is untrue as Aster loves his grumpy brother and does his best to include him whenever he can. * Aster Erdmann Son and oldest child of Gaia and Ren. Crowned Prince of Erdennia. A compassionate and precocious young lad, he has taken to advocacy work from a young age to stand up and fight for what he believes in. Much like his parents he has also taken to practicing witchcraft, practicing nature magic much like his Mama but was mainly inspired from his origin as a ‘clay baby’ to pursue it. With them being a little closer in age and both relating to being clay babies, he is close friends with Crowned Princess Mira of Feor, who often keeps him on his toes with the adventures they get into when together. 
* Phoebe Von Brandt Second daughter to Hestia and Tyson, younger sister to Seraphina by 2-ish years. Princess of Feor. She takes more after her mama in temperament, being more calm and serious than her older sister. While she is quite strong like the rest of her family, she prefers more academic pursuits, commonly being found reading in the castle library. While she usually complains, she often gets roped into her older sister's and older cousin Mira's antics, often acting as the 'voice of reason' to help keep them out of trouble. * Miku Neptune Daughter and youngest child of Amaya and Iris, younger sister to Gale by 5 years. Princess of Arian. Miku is a ‘clay baby’, meaning she is a biological child of her parents through the practice of a ritual created by the witches. Miku is a total sweetheart to all those around her, seemingly more confident than her brother but she does tend to bottle up her nerves more than express them. She is interested in her Mama Iris’ work as an ambassador, and hopes for herself that one day she can be able to travel out into the world. * Gale Neptune Son and oldest child of Amaya and Iris. Prince of Arian. Gale came into his parents’ lives one day when they were visiting one of the local orphanages, and after falling in love with the baby fairy they decided to adopt him and bring him home with them. Gale is mostly a happy and carefree child, though is often intimidated by the older nobles of the royal court, worrying about if he could ever measure up to their expectations. Besides his Mama Maya, one person he can relate to this with is his cousin Clara, who is often under a lot of expectations as well as she is the crowned heir. * Clara Neptune Daughter and only child of Talia. Crowned princess of Arian. Despite the trauma her mother went through when she was younger that left her pretty withdrawn, the two have a good relationship as Talia considers her girl like the “light” of her life. Clara herself is very well-mannered and proper, a little quiet but she does her best to speak up. She loves doing anything she can to make her family and friends smile, even if with small gestures. While her parents aren't together, she still has contact and visits with her father, and enjoys learning more about being half-air nymph with him as he is an air nymph himself.
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cjbolan · 10 months
Have you watched The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes yet? or have already read the book?
personally, Coryo and Lucy kinda remind me a bit of Neptune and Aurora from the Emily Windsnap books
No but I might! I did watch the first Hunger Games movie, and read a bit about what The Ballad of Songbirds&Snakes is about.
Yeah based on what I’ve read , Coryo and Lucy do remind me a bit of Neptune and Aurora. And Robert Baratheon and Lyanna Stark.
Guess that makes Emily Windsnap like Katniss.
(The Emily-Aaron-Sam love triangle did remind me of the Katniss-Peeta-Gale love triangle)
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maytheoddshq · 2 years
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Marina Bellheart (she/her). Sponsor. Thirty-Three. Aubrey Plaza.
Marina Bellheart believes, first and foremost, in the power of social mobility. In the Capitol, as everywhere, there are haves and have nots. That is, there are the servers and the served. Marina’s parents were the servers, working restaurant jobs, and while there was never any concern about putting food on the table, it was embarrassing having parents who did service jobs while others at school had parents who were, simply, socialites, business owners, and the like.
Marina was very smart. The family lived in a comfortable apartment outside of the city center, solidly middle class by the Capitol’s standards. Before Marina was born, her father had had money, power, lots of it, but he’d made some stupid deals, lost all of it. This has been the great shame of Marina’s life, and she has clawed her way back to the power she feels was her birthright, never given to her.
In school, she made the right friends. Not the people she liked the most – that kind of thing didn’t matter to her – it was about power, who she knew and who she could learn information from. After high school, she attended university, and while her parents had a nest egg of money, it wasn’t enough to cover the costs, tuition that hardly mattered for the rich and powerful of the city but which was a larger sum for her. She made the most of it, though, turning it into an opportunity, nannying for a powerful family. She found that she loved working with kids, and earned her degree in psychology with some idea of perhaps becoming a child psychiatrist.
But after graduation, her focus turned to marrying into money. She had no other choice. Neptune Bellheart was a good choice, as he had connections to the family she nannied for. Getting him to fall for her was easy, to marry her even easier, but after the papers were all signed, she found that his affections were like the wind: sometimes a pleasant breeze and other times, a gale-force hurricane.
The problems truly began when she failed to become pregnant. They tried for a year, a year during which he was very patient and she was very hopeful and good, doing little but being a good wife, making friends with the right people, pretending to enjoy pleasant conversation at dinner parties where more and more of their social group would announce their pregnancies. By the end of the first year, his anger was clear. By the end of the second, a specialist offered up expensive treatments. By the end of the third, she told them that it was simply not going to be possible for them. Marina offered solutions: a surrogate, a divorce. But Neptune would not have either; he’d rather not have a child than to have one baked in someone else’s oven, a cold turn of phrase, and he’d certainly prefer childlessness over the scandal of a divorce. His career was on the rise, owner of a series of power plants in Five, and he told her to forget it. That it didn’t matter; that he didn’t want a child anyway; that she should busy herself with being his wife.
And so she did. She toyed for a bit with divorcing him, not wanting to withstand his moods, but she had stupidly signed a prenup in the period when love felt like it was real, and she would lose everything. She toyed with starting her therapy practice, as well, but the thought of working with children no longer interested her. More than Neptune’s desire for an heir to the company and family name was her own desire for a child, someone to love and give sweet little things to and care for. Someone to dote upon.
She fell into sponsoring mostly out of boredom and the desire to spend Neptune’s money. She was part of a circle of wives and she wanted to break out of the mold in some way. She’d always regarded the Games with some distant interest, aware of their place in her own lifestyle, the fact that without them, she would not have what she had, would not live within this luxurious city at all. The entirety of society would collapse, and after she’d spent so much time climbing the scaffolding of that society, she did not want to see it fall. No – it was exciting to be part of it.
She started sponsoring during the Quell, never one to pass up a good opportunity for dramatics. She enjoys it quite a lot, as it requires her to be clever. She has put her money into the right tribute several times now, and she feels lucky for it, proud of their success and her place in it. When the Games aren’t on, she grows bored again, and recently has found herself wondering how she might find her way into a Gamemaking position, something to keep her occupied year-round building the Arenas.
As for her personality, she is smart and cynical, considers herself a realist, and remains distant enough from the people around her that she won’t form true connections that – like her husband – could grow to hurt her. She enjoys Capitol society even as she feels much of it is beneath her, and has had several affairs, which if Neptune were to find out would ruin her completely. She likes the thrill of it, though, is excited by a bit of danger that she can control, that she gets pleasure out of.
Strengths: confident, smart, charming
Weaknesses: cynical, sarcastic, pessimistic
PENNED BY: Virginia
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oceantrust01 · 3 months
50+ Ocean Names for Scuba Babies | Aquatic Baby Names
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Do you have a bun in the oven or a new arrival to the family? If you, like us, are an ocean lover, you might like to name your new addition after another one of your great loves: the sea.  If so, we’re here to help! Here’s a list of all the ocean-inspired names you can think about for your future scuba diver!  Ocean Names Based on Myth and Folklore - Poseidon - An oldie but a goodie, Poseidon is the Greek God of the sea. One of the Twelve Olympians in ancient Greek mythology, he presided over the sea, storms, earthquakes, and horses (whaaat?) - Neptune - Poseidon’s Roman counterpart, Neptune was originally the God of freshwater but the Romans identified him with Poseidon, so he took on the same characteristics. Both Neptune and Poseidon are depicted as a bearded man holding a trident. - Triton - The Greek messenger God of the sea, Triton was the son of Poseidon and the sea nymph Amphitrite. With the torso of a man and the tail of a fish, he ruled the waters with some of his brothers.  - Rhodos - The wife of the sun God Helios and sister of Triton, Rhodos was the personification of the Greek island Rhodes.  - Caspian - Inspired by the Caspian Sea. - Varuna - Hindu god of the oceans. - Moana - Not quite myth or folklore, but Moana the movie created such a stir that we would be inconsiderate not to include this child of the ocean.  - Mazu - Chinese sea goddess. You can also use Maz for the boys!  - Enki - Sumerian god of water and wisdom. - Dylan - Son of  Gwydion and Arianrhod and Welsh god of the sea.  - Calypso - Nymph who lived on an island in Greek mythology. - Ariel - Spirit of the air and sea in Shakespeare's "The Tempest." Also the name of the beloved Little Mermaid!  - Sirena - Inspired by the sirens of Greek mythology. - Cordelia - Meaning "daughter of the sea" in Celtic. - Viviane - Another name for the Lady of the Lake. Ocean Names That Sound and Feel Like the Sea You know how some names and words evoke memories and feelings that make you reminisce about the great blue ocean? Here are some of them!  - Gale - A unisex name, gale refers to hurricane force winds, and certainly not someone you want to cross!  - Eddy - A circular current of water, an eddy can be deceptively calm on the surface while an underwater tornado brews beneath its depths.  - Haven - When all hell breaks loose, head to a safe haven for shelter, comfort, and warmth.  - Misty - Misty mornings are the best when at sea. Just be sure your visibility improves before you pick up speed!  - Pearl - The gems of the underwater world, pearls are few and far between.  - Rain - With the ocean comes rain. Lots of it!  - Sandy - What’s a beach without gorgeous, white sand?  - Tsunami - We’re not sure whether you want to name your child after a destructive force, but perhaps “Sue” will be more apt. Only YOU would know the hidden meaning!  - Reef - Coral reefs are a crucial part of our ecosystem, whether underwater or above.  - Jetty - Not only are jetties vital for marine activities, but they are also incredibly fun to jump off of!  - Brook - Not quite the ocean, but a calm, peaceful brook deserves a spot on our favorite name list. - Drift - Whether it is a quiet, gentle current that you peacefully drift on, or an exciting drift dive that advanced divers do, drift definitely reminds most of the ocean. Unless you’re a race car driver. - Cove - Magical and mysterious, hidden coves are one of the funnest things to find on your ocean expeditions!  - Crystal - Whether turquoise blue or emerald green, crystal clear waters all over the world get ocean lovers excited!  - Coral - The ocean is infinitely more boring without coral reefs. Where would you swim with turtles and reef fish?!  Ocean Life Baby Names - Sailor - Whether or not your kiddo becomes a waterbaby, you can hope!  - Marina - If you’re a boater, chances are that you spend more time when you’re awake at the marina than at home. - Isla - A tranquil name meaning “island”, island is also a little-known river in Scotland.  - Oceana - A spin off of the word “ocean”, Oceana would likely suit a girl more.  - Shelley - We sell seashells by the sea shore! Tongue twisters aside, seashells are an integral part of the ocean. Just don’t take too many of them home. Each seashell can be someone’s home and is an important part of the ecosystem.  - Mira - Sanskrit for ocean, Mira also has various different meanings in other languages, like “peace” in Slavic.  - Meredith - Thought to mean "guardian of the sea" or “protector of the sea” in Welsh. - Coraline - Loosely spun off from “coral”, Coraline is a popular female name.  - Kai - Kai is a Japanese name that means “ocean” or “shell”. In Estonian, it also means “pier” or “quay”.  - Fisher - A name usually given to males, Fisher is a nice little tribute to our underwater friends, the FISH!  - Finn - Another popular male name, fins are what help our fishy friends get by.  - Beck - Old Norse for “stream”, Beck can also be turned into “Becca”. - Drake - The name Drake comes from the Anglo-Saxon word “Draca”, which means sea serpent or dragon.  - Wade - Before you start swimmin’, you gotta start wading!  - Murphy - Irish for “sea warrior”, Murphy is the most common surname in Ireland and the 105th most common surname in the UK.  - Skip or Skipper - A nickname for “captain”, your little Skip or Skipper might just become one!  - Marlin - Intimidatingly large, super fast, and extremely powerful, the marlin is a predatory fish that’s one of the most recognizable in the world due to its rounded spear extending from its snout.  - Nemo - The world’s most beloved clownfish, don’t let his size fool you. Clownfish are one of the most fearless, aggressive fish in the world and are known for defending their families and homes against animals (and people!) hundreds of times their size.  - Dory - Nemo’s devoted companion, Dory also deserves a mention on this list.  - Morgan - A gender-neutral name of Welsh origin, Morgan means “white sea dweller”.  Final Thoughts - What is a Good Ocean Name  There you have it! Plenty of names to give to your little one that will reflect on your deep love for the ocean. When the time’s right, perhaps scuba diving lessons are on the cards and with these names, your kid might just be the instructor’s favorite! Read the full article
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odukora-lore · 5 months
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Genesis Era
The Goddesses
✧ Revontulet
❀ Borealis
Before the Fall
🕯️ Lightcatcher
💎 Elouise
Rulers of Cloud Cliffs
🌧️ Lufiere Hyetal Seraph
⚡ Raiko "Kaori" Fragor
Royal Assistants
The Guardian Guild
🪐 Airiwn Fylios
🏔️ Kimoru Serenity
☕ Dusleth Nocturne
🍰 Rurene Pekoe
💐 Meraki Amaranth
🍄 Kahdeina Luster
Former Keepers of the Empyrean
-Azimuth/Aerolite (Marzipan)
-Cliff (Zingiber)
- - - - - - -
Medieval Era
[Swan Feather]
🌨️ Heron Solstice
🗡️ Dulcet Plumehart / 🍊 Tangelo "Tangerine" Yuzu
-Lychee Kasturi
-Gyoza Enoki
-Jay Warren
-Cayenne Cassia
-Falene Sonnet
-Anise Azolla
-Pomelo Yuzu
The Last Monarchs
🌕 Gandoline Lunaris
🦋 Mariposa Solstice
Ancestors of Elwood
- - - - - - -
War Era
- - - - - - -
Modern Era
[The Eternal: Fallout]
🌻 Helio Gaharu
🌷 Jingle Tinsel
🪶 Truffle Elnath
🌙 Sereina Skyscape
🍀 Clover Rowan
🌿 Lyrin Tinsel
🌲 Juniper Penzai
☄️ Pepper Flint
🌼 Mallow Cassia
🌟 Orion “Rigel” Skyscape
🪵 Oak Elwood
🍃 Birch Elwood
🔮 Etamyal / 🕯️ Atcher Lucerne
💫 Asteria Polaris/ 🪷 Eureka Elnath
👑 Eridani/Cygnus Polaris
🧊 Conifer Penzai
🍁 Maple Elwood
🍂 Red Elwood
🌳 Cedar Elwood
🍯 Chamomile Cassia
-Harper Tinsel
Team Pets
🍬 Toffee
🥖 Churro
[Paradigm of Empyrean]
☁️ Cinnamon Swirl
🪴 Bramble Carver
🌖 Nyxium Lunaris
🗻 Aaron Reneirre
🔖 Reese Dominique
🌀 Zephyr Whirlwind
🌸 Whisper Himiko/Lullaby Larkspur
🌋 Topaz “Shade” Reneirre
🌒 Mythical Lunaris
🌾 Peachi Fernweh
📜 Aspen Elwood
🌹 Ashling Crimson/Hawthorn Oblivion
🌱 Aichi Fylios Serenity
🌺 Amber Reneirre
🪨 Slate Brickedge
🪽 Feather Brooke
🍒 Cherry Parfait
Team Pets
🖍️ Crayon
[Where Time Meets Destiny]
🫐 Sparklyn Neptune Dreams
🍪 Koru Choco Pudding
🍈 Honeydew Droplet Springs
☀️ Horizon Dusk Skies
🧁 Macaroon Chiffon Cake
❄️ Winter Southwest Snow
🍮 Caramel Flairne Ryunashi
🌰 Gingersnap Ralfie Breeze
-Marigold Dawn Skies
-Daisy Dawn Skies
-Simnel Chiffon
-Estrella "Star"
- - -
[Cupid's Serenade]
🎀 Angie "Cupid"
🎵 Azalea "Siren"
- - -
[Cabbage Peak]
- - -
[Weather Headquarters]
- - - - - -
Future Era
[The Sun is a Star]
🫧 Marble Meredith
✨ Skylar Altair
-Soleil Altair
🚀 Cirrus
⚙️ Periwinkle "Vinca"
[Tales of Iridescence]
🫐 Sparklyn Neptune
☘️ Arctic "Bonbon" Marlowe
🐾 Gale Luscinia
🍨 Vanilla Sundae
🌑 Shadow Lune
- Wisp “Auster” Chronos
- - - - - - -
[ Misc ]
Liru's Explorers of the East
-Drake Verano
-Matthew Agaros
-Nemui Kou
-Heather Aki
-Gray Brickedge
-Solar Bituin
-Thunder Raiden
-Faye Miyako
-Elaine Trinidad
-Echo Chronos
-Lukas Eunil
-Celine Meowth
The Youngsters
-Tirami Tinsel
-Jayde Penzai
-Parsley Flint
-Dahlia Gaharu
-Autumn Skyscape Elwood
-Hope Miraclella
-Fauna Lavendery
-Meadow Juniper
-Dreamy Cottontail
-Penelope Blossom
-Amber Crystalline
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