#gale darrell
melien · 4 months
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the gang💚💙💜
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 months
Gale Reviews: Men In Black (The Original Trilogy)
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(Thanks @knightsweeties for this sick pic)
For this Review I will be talking about Men In Black (1997)
Men in Black 2 (2002) and Men In Black 3 (2012)
Yes I know there is a 4th one but it is NOT part of the trilogy Men In Black international doesnt count as its more akin to a reboot/spinoff
Now normally I only review one movie at a time, but for this review I will be exploring things a touch differently. with the following:
Characters (and how they develop)
Moral lesson
How does it build on the previous stories
Now if you havent watched the MIB trilogy. Spoilers below
For the sake of Convenience. I will be taking the IMDB summaries from each and the putting my thoughts. (I will trim the fat on these synopses. to save on time)
Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) is a member of the Men in Black (MIB), a secret agency without ties to any government, whose goal is to maintain Earth as a "neutral zone" for extraterrestrial aliens, whom they disguise as humans around New York City. The agency maintains its secrecy by using a Neuralyzer to wipe the memories of those that encounter either them or the aliens, and also the memories of former agents when they retire.
K's former partner D has just retired after an incident at a border line between the U.S and Mexico where an alien disguised as a human almost killed a INS Officer but K finds New York City detective James Darrell Edwards III (Will Smith) as a potential replacement, due to his ability to follow a disguised alien. After putting Edwards through several tests, K offers him the chance to join the MIB. Edwards' identity is erased, and he becomes Agent J, K's partner. K orients J about the MIB; during this, they learn that numerous alien refugees are fleeing the Earth. MIB is contacted by an Arquillian fleet in Earth orbit; the fleet warns that a "Bug," a member of a giant cockroach-like species that are at war with several alien races, has come to Earth searching for an object known as the Galaxy. It's infinite power could turn the tide of war in favor of the Bugs. To prevent this, they are willing to destroy the Earth unless the MIB can secure the Galaxy before their deadline, only hours away.
Agent K and Agent J find the Bug is disguised using the skin of farmer Edgar (Vincent D'Onofrio) after killing the human. It already killed two Arquillians it believed had the Galaxy. The two bodies, along with a cat that refuses to leave its owner, are taken to the city morgue. There, Dr. Laurel Weaver (Linda Fiorentino) discovers one of the tiny Arquillians is barely alive inside its human looking robot; struggling with English, it whispers to her that "The Galaxy is on Orion's belt" before it expires. K and J arrive to help remove the alien bodies and wipe Laurel's mind, but not before learning about this message.
As the Arquillian deadline looms, the MIB tries to figure out how Edgar will leave. J then recalls from his initial briefing that the observation towers at Flushing Meadows are disguised spacecraft. Agents K and J race there, finding Edgar climbing one of the structures. Their arrival distracts the Bug but it enters the craft and starts the engines. The agents fire on the ship, forcing it to crash. As the two face off against Edgar, it rips through its disguise, swallows their guns and knocks them across the field. K tells J to keep the Bug from getting to the second ship by creating a distraction. K goads the Bug to eat him, which it does by swallowing him whole. J keeps the Bug distracted by stepping on cockroaches around a nearby dumpster.
Before J can be eaten by the enraged Bug he tells the bug to get out of his face before something bad happens. K having found his gun in the Bug's stomach, then blasts his way out, ripping the alien in half. K is slime covered but safe and J picks up the the Galaxy from among the contents of the Bug's stomach. The news is then relayed to the Arquillian fleet, saving the Earth. While J and K are recovering from their battle, the top-half of the bug suddenly rears up behind them, but Laurel shoots the bug with J's gun which was ejected from the Bug's stomach.
As MIB cleans up the situation, and K apparently prepares to Neuralyze Laurel, he admits that he was not training J as a partner but as his replacement, as he is ready to retire from the agency. J reluctantly acknowledges this and Neuralyzes him. In the epilogue, Laurel is Agent J's new partner Agent L, while K (now Kevin Brown) has returned to civilian life and the girl he left behind, and J and L began to investigate more aliens disguised as humans as they drive away the headquarters.
The plot throws a lot at the viewer in the beginning, but it never feels overwhelming it immerses the viewer in the world of MIB, and it has K training J to replace him. It is actually a touch heartwarming of a story but outside of that... the actual plot outside of Agent J's origin is pretty middling. Also Laurel is not that interesting of a female lead in this, the chemistry is lacking compared to J and K. Overall I give this plot a 7/10. A solid start for the series, and can be watched with little to no knowledge of the source material
Now for the sequel MIB 2
5 years after the events of Men in Black, Agent J (Will Smith) is now the top operative for the MIB, J is largely without a partner, after Agent L (from the first film) decided to return to her former life and subsequent partners have not lived up to J's professional standards. While investigating a seemingly routine crime at a SoHo pizzeria, J uncovers a diabolical plot by Serleena, a shape-shifting Kylothian queen who disguises herself as a lingerie model (Lara Flynn Boyle), but resembles a plant-like hydra in her own form. The Neuralyzed Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) has assumed civilian life as Kevin Brown, postmaster of a small town in Massachusetts, and to stop her, J must convince Kevin to rejoin MIB, because he is the only operative still alive who knows how to find what Serleena wants, the "Light of Zartha".
While J tries to Deneuralyze Kevin, Serleena breaks into MIB resulting in a lock down; J and Kevin escape after being flushed from the building. J then takes Kevin to Jack Jeebs (Tony Shalhoub), who built an unofficial Deneuralyzer. Although K eventually regains some of his memory, he still has no recollection of the "Light of Zartha" (he Neuralyzed himself) but left himself a series of clues in case he needed to remember. The clues eventually lead to a video-store where they watch a tape that jars K's memory: 25 years ago, the Zarthan Queen Laurana arrived on Earth to try to hide the Light of Zartha, but the MIB refused to help due to their neutrality. Serleena arrived to steal the Light, but K activated the Zarthan ship and sent it away. Serleena, believing the Light is on board the ship, chased the ship, but not before fatally shooting Laurana. K then reveals that the ship was a decoy, and that the Light is still hidden on Earth.
Meanwhile, Serleena frees all of the MIB's high-security prisoners and uses them as henchmen. Believing that the Light is in the bracelet worn by Laura Vasquez (Rosario Dawson), a waitress at the pizzeria, Serleena kidnaps Laura and prepares to send her back to her home-world. K and J assault MIB headquarters, defeat Serleena's henchmen, and rescue Laura. However, K warns them that if the Light is not taken off Earth and returned to Zartha, it will explode and destroy the planet. As they make their way to the departure point, Serleena gives chase but is eaten by Jeff, a giant alien worm living in the New York subway system. When they reach the departure point, K reveals that Laura is Laurana's daughter and the actual Light of Zartha (it's also suggested that he is her father as well). To save Earth and Zartha, Laura reluctantly leaves Earth, much to J's dismay, as he had developed feelings for her.
Serleena returns to try to capture Laura again, but K and J manage to destroy her for good. To cover up the chaos caused by Serleena's rampage, K activates a giant Neuralyzer hidden in the Statue of Liberty's torch. Now that Laura is gone, K and Agent Zed (Rip Torn the head of MIB) try to console J for his loss, but he answers that he needs no consolation and had accepted her departure without much sorrow. To provide a measure of comfort, K puts the aliens found in a Grand Central Terminal locker, as one of the clues, in J's locker. After J suggests, showing them that their world is bigger than a locker, K shows him and Frank through a door, that they, are in fact an alien species themselves, kept in a locker in an alien station, suggesting to his rookie worldview.
This film Builds on what was established in the past, but also has it explained on why K returns but Laurel (L) is no longer part of the MIB. I think this does act as a phenomenal sequel. The plot has higher stakes, the chase around the city that was similar in the last one is more refined. It is basically the plot of the first one but executed better with Rosario dawson's character having much more chemistry with J. And in a way it has a twist of Having Agent J mentoring K in this case, allowing for a roll reversal, keeping the dynamic fresh and then shifting back when needed. The film works well on its own, but with an actually more interesting villain, Serleena, it adds more than the previous one did in plot.
Then Finally Men in black 3 (This one is complicated so I didnt cut out the details)
Boris the Animal, last surviving member of the predatory Boglodyte race, escapes from the inescapable LunarMax prison on Earth's moon intent on going back in time to kill Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones), who on July 16 1969, caused the loss of one of Boris' arms and arrested him. On Earth, K learns of the escape after investigating a spaceship crash in the New York City streets and a Chinese restaurant teeming with alien life. While K won't reveal any details to Agent J (Will Smith), he confesses his regret at not having killed Boris in 1969. Meanwhile Boris has reached Earth & attacks the son, Jeffery Price, of the fellow inmate for a device that will allow him to travel back in time & kill K before he took away his arm.
Boris arrives at that restaurant (as it has his favorite dish) & attacks J & K. Both escape, but not before Boris tells K that he is already dead. K is very afraid. Late that night when the two agents are in their respective apartments, K calls J seemingly to tell all but remains silent and J hangs up on him. K then makes preparation for an ambush and sets to wait when all traces of him and his apartment disappear. The next morning J goes to talk with K and discovers the world is different. At MIB headquarters, J learns that all other MIB personnel remember K as having been killed in action in the year 1969.
Agent O (Emma Thompson), the new Chief after Zed's passing, deduces from J's insistence of his reality and knowledge of details about Agent K that a fracture has occurred in the space-time continuum. She deduces Boris time-jumped to 1969 - knowledge of time-travel having been restricted to prevent such an occurrence - and killed K, resulting in a different future reality and an imminent Boglodyte invasion of Earth, now vulnerable due to the absence of the protective ArcNet which, in J's version of reality, K had installed in 1969. Through electronics-shop owner Jeffrey Price, J acquires the same time-jump mechanism as Boris, but his query about how he can remember K when nobody else can merely results in Jeffrey informing him that he must have 'been there'. J's plan is to arrive on July 15th & kill the younger Boris, so that the elder Boris who went back to kill K, wont even exist. As the doomed Earth is being invaded, J jumps off the Chrysler Building to reach time-travel velocity and arrives in 1969 the day before Boris is supposed to kill K.
With some inevitable challenges upon his arrival - including his lack of resources and his skin color - J goes to Coney Island to intercept Boris while he is there to commit a historically recorded murder. Turns out the younger Boris was at Coney Island to find Griffin, the creator of the Arcnet which is a device that can save Earth from a Boglodyian invasion. But a 29-year-old Agent K (Josh Brolin) interrupts and arrests J. After fruitless questioning at MIB headquarters because J had been advised not to interact with the young Agent, K has J placed inside a large Neuralyzer. At the last second, after J confesses the truth of his mission, K aborts the procedure. As a wary team, they follow clues of Boris' trail to a bowling alley then to Andy Warhol's Factory, where they meet the prescient alien Griffin, who occupies 5-dimensions and possesses the ArcNet. Griffin tells them the Boglodytes destroyed his planet, and that he does not wish the Earth to suffer the same fate. Griffin then warns the two agents of Boris' impending arrival with the intent to kill him and leaves just before Boris arrives. Agent K narrowly escapes his own demise at the hands of Boris. The elder Boris arrives, meeting up with his younger self and both agree to get the ArcNet and kill K so that the invasion will be imminent.
The Agents later locate Griffin at Shea Stadium, where he gives them the ArcNet and instructs K it has to be placed onto the Apollo 11 lunar rocket launch occurring in less than six hours in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Boris arrives and snatches Griffin and the Agents pursue to rescue him from a certain fate. Upon arriving at Cape Canaveral, the agents and Griffin are arrested by military police. A colonel, however, allows them to continue their mission after Griffin uses his precognitive power to show the colonel how important the agents are.
At the launch pad, J and K confront both the 1969 and 2012 incarnations of Boris and the battle ensues on the rocket scaffolding as the ignition blastoff counts down. The elder Boris impales J with his spikes before they both fall off the pad; however, J uses the time-jump to travel back to the beginning of the fight and avoid the spikes before pushing the elder Boris off the scaffolding, falling to the pad below. Meanwhile, as K battles the younger Boris, he disconnects a hose causing it to spray liquid hydrogen on Boris' left arm, freezing it and causing it to shatter. K then plants the ArcNet on the top of the rocket in the last seconds before blastoff. The elder Boris is incinerated to death in the blastoff and the protective shield deploys as the rocket leaves Earth's atmosphere.
The Colonel congratulates K returning from the launch pad. As J watches from the distance, the younger Boris surprises them and kills the Colonel. The younger Boris tries to goad K into arresting him, but the junior agent instead shoots the young Boris this time, killing him. A young boy named James exits a military vehicle looking for his father, who happens to be the Colonel. He pulls out a pocket watch revealed earlier to have been passed down to Agent J by his father, and J realizes that the young boy is actually his younger self (Explaining Jeffrey's revelation that he was there; he was present when Boris altered history by killing K). Unwilling to reveal his father's death, K Neuralyzes James, telling him his father is a hero. It was then J realized why K wouldn't tell him about why he regretted arresting Boris in the first place.
With the time-line restored, J returns to the present day, where he meets his partner at a diner. There, he shows K his father's pocket watch and thanks him. As they leave the diner, Griffin, a few seats away, tells the viewers all is well with the world, except for an imminent asteroid impact on Earth if this is the time-line where K forgot to leave a tip. But when K returns to leave his tip, the asteroid collides with an orbiting satellite instead of the Earth, thus it is safe for now.
Now on principal I am IFFY on all time travel plots. But the way MIB handles this is actually quite methodical. It explains how time travel mechanics work, how the changes work. And it even PROPERLY explains 5th dimensional understanding as we theorize. Plus young Agent K had an amazing performance and had wonderful chemistry with J. And the scene when its revealed that K knew J even before he knew him and that seeing this kid lose his dad is why he became his serious self was something that moved me.
Overall the plot was complicated but never felt dull. It kept you invested the whole way through, and Boris the Animal is by far the best villain in the trilogy.
Characters (and how they develop)
For this I am only going to focus on Agent J and Agent K.
Agent J: He started off as a cop that worked hard to protect people to be a hero like his dad, and he has a knack for the MIB world, having instincts that made K respect him. Though K will be hard on him because he wants to protect J, in a way that is almost fatherly, which we understand why after the 3rd movie. I will say that I felt J shined at his best in the second movie, as he had a good romantic subplot going and you got to see his dynamic with K go back and forth at its best.
Agent K: My favorite character, and the one that has the most things that happen to him, going from a jadded guy thinking he wants out so he trains his replacement, to a guy that couldnt adjust back because he was too deep into the world, to an almost father figure to his partner. Each movie has K in some sort of unique situation that helps reveal more of his character, and yet he is still a mystery. I think the best characterization is seen in 3, as we see what made him the man he is now.
The back up characters and aliens all have great personalities and the way they banter with J and K works so well for the world.
I feel the banter and Characters were at their best in 2 and 3.
But a quick ranking of the characters
MIB2 9/10
MIB3 9.5/10
I normally dont dwell too much on Special effects as unless they are awful, they dont impact my enjoyment of the film.
I think each film is well done considering the time period, though if I had to be real, the first MIB is kind of the most impressive of the 3 because it was done in the late 90's. Its almost shocking how great the effects and use of CGI was for the time. Though it was more practical effects.
The other two movies are fine, but I think the first one is more technologically impressive. Especially with the aliens and slime.
MIB: 9/10
MIB 2 8/10
MIB 3 8/10
The action scenes in each film are solid, from brawls in small spaces to high stakes monster fights.
The first one probably has the best ending to a big monster fight with K blowing the monster up from the inside.
The second one had the Highest stakes of a fight.
I have to say the 3rd one probably had the coolest set piece with it being on the rocket launch. But each movie had its own iconic final battle scene.
Its hard to say which one was truly objectively the best. So with this.
Soilid 8/10 for all 3
Moral lesson
Each MIB had a theme/ lesson to take away.
The First one was the Passing of the Torch. K was learning that there comes a time when everyone needs to be ready to let the next guy take over.
The second one was about trust. J learned the importance of trust and how that trust cant grow without putting the effort in.
The Last one was about acceptance, J learned how life changes and twists and we must be willing to accept what the world gives us at our own pace, and that things take time.
Overall I think the first one and third handle their themes the best, as the second one basically acted as a retcon to the first one.
MIB: 7/10
MIB 2 6/10
MIB 3 8/10
How does it build on the previous stories?
The one thing I really love about the MIB trilogy is that it always builds on itself, it references previous films, it keeps reoccuring jokes, and it always keeps developing its characters. Its nothing ground breaking, but in a world of constantly bad sequels, MIB should be the standard on how sequels SHOULD be handled.
I enjoyed revisiting these old films and it makes me wish modern hollywood would go back to this era of movie making. It doesnt need to be a 2+ hour epic. Movies can be fun, can be emotional, can be caring, and can bring forth a good nostalgia that cares for its source material
The MIB trilogy is a solid 8 out of 10 and I recommend it for those that like sci fi and want a funny and sometimes emotional movie experience.
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Many of us know the story of Dimebag Darrell Abbott's death on December 8, 2004. But, did you know that he and his band Damageplan had a previous incident with Nathan Gale? On April 8, 2004 Gale interrupted Damageplan's performance at Bogart's nightclub in Cincinnati, Ohio. He jumped on the stage causing damage to lighting and other stage equipment. Damageplan decided not to press charges because they did not want to return to Cincinnati for the court proceedings. To know that there wasn't just one incident involving Nathan Gale is beyond upsetting. There were so many signs there. This incident could have been prevented from ever happening in the first place!! There are also online metal magazine articles saying how Pantera's official videographer Daryl “Bobby Tongs” Arnberger revealed that Dimebag Darrell wanted to “go back to Pantera” in the weeks before his death!!
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hbowar-bracket · 8 months
Albert Blithe 
Alex Penkala 
Alton More 
Anthony 'Manimal' Jacks  
Antonio 'Poke' Espera  
Antonio Garcia 
Army Chaplain Teska  
Baba Karamanlis  
Bernard DeMarco   
Bill 'Hoosier' Smith  
Bill Leyden  
Billy Taylor  
Brad 'Iceman' Colbert  
Burton Christenson 
Capt. Andrew Haldane  
Carwood Lipton 
Charles (Chuck) Grant 
Charles Bean Cruikshank   
Charles K. Bailey  
Col. Robert Sink 
Cpt. Bryan Patterson  
Cpt. Craig 'Encino Man' Schwetje  
Cpt. Dave 'Captain America' McGraw  
Curtis Biddick  
Darrell (Shifty) Powers 
David Solomon  
David Webster 
Denver (Bull) Randleman 
Donald Hoobler 
Dr. Sledge  
Edward (Babe) Heffron 
Elmo 'Gunny' Haney  
Eric Kocher  
Eugene Jackson 
Eugene Roe 
Eugene Sledge   
Evan 'Q-Tip' Stafford  
Evan 'Scribe' Wright  
Everett Blakely   
Father John Maloney 
Floyd (Tab) Talbert 
Frank Murphy   
Frank Perconte 
Frederick (Moose) Heyliger 
Gabe Garza  
Gale 'Buck' Cleven  
George Luz 
Glenn Graham   
Gunnery Sgt. Mike 'Gunny' Wynn  
Gunnery Sgt. Ray 'Casey Kasem' Griego  
Harry Crosby  
Harry Welsh 
Herbert Sobel 
Howard 'Hambone' Hamilton   
Jack Kidd  
James (Mo) Alley
James Chaffin  
James Douglass  
James Gibson   
James Miller 
Jason Lilley  
Jean Achten  
Jeffrey 'Dirty Earl' Carisalez  
John 'Bucky' Egan  
John Basilone  
John Christeson  
John D. Brady   
John Fredrick  
John Janovec 
John Julian 
John Martin 
Joseph 'Bubbles' Payne   
Joseph Liebgott 
Joseph Toye 
Josh Ray Person  
Katherine 'Tatty' Spaatz   
Ken Lemmons  
Lance Cpl. Harold James Trombley  
Larry Shawn 'Pappy' Patrick  
Leandro 'Shady B' Baptista  
Lena Basilone  
Lew 'Chuckler' Juergens  
Lewis Nixon 
Lt. Edward 'Hillbilly' Jones  
Lt. Henry Jones 
Lt. Nathaniel Fick  
Lt. Thomas Peacock 
Lynn (Buck) Compton 
Maj. 'Red' Bowman  
Maj. John Sixta  
Mama Karamanlis  
Manuel Rodriguez  
Mary Frank Sledge  
Merriell 'Snafu' Shelton  
Navy Hm2 Robert Timothy 'Doc' Bryan  
Neil 'Chick' Harding   
Norman Dike 
Old Man on Bicycle 
Patrick O'Keefe 
R.V. Burgin   
Ralph (Doc) Spina 
Renee Lemaire 
Richard Winters 
Robert 'Rosie' Rosenthal   
Robert 'Stormy' Becker   
Robert (Popeye) Wynn 
Robert Leckie  
Rodolfo 'Rudy' Reyes  
Ronald Speirs 
Roy Claytor  
Roy Cobb 
Sgt. Mallard  
Sidney Phillips  
Stella Karamanlis
Teren 'T' Holsey  
Vera Keller  
Walt Hasser  
Walter (Smokey) Gordon
Warren (Skip) Muck 
Wayne (Skinny) Sisk 
Wilbur 'Runner' Conley  
William Guarnere 
William Hinton  
William J. DeBlasio  
William Quinn  
Winifred 'Pappy' Lewis  
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Dimebag Darrell, the legendary guitarist of the heavy metal band Pantera, was tragically killed on December 8, 2004, during a performance by his new band, Damageplan, at the Alrosa Villa nightclub in Columbus, Ohio. The assailant, Nathan Gale, a former Marine with a history of mental health issues, was reportedly obsessed with Pantera. Gale's motivations appeared to stem from a combination of factors, including his anger and frustration toward the band, particularly Darrell, after their breakup. Diagnosed with schizophrenia, Gale exhibited erratic behavior, which likely contributed to his violent actions and distorted perceptions of reality. Some accounts suggest he believed that Darrell and the band had wronged him personally or that there were larger conspiracies at play involving the music industry. During the concert, Gale stormed the stage and opened fire, killing Dimebag Darrell and three others before being shot and killed by police. This incident shocked the music community and highlighted the potential dangers of celebrity culture, particularly regarding fans with unhealthy obsessions and mental health issues.
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The Murder of 'Dimebag' Darrell Abbott, Damageplan Guitarist aka The Columbus Nightclub Shooting
On December 8, 2004, Damageplan was headlining a concert at the Alrosa Villa nightclub in Columbus, Ohio. The venue had a capacity of 600 and had sold 250 tickets for the evening's show. Club manager Rick Cautela and other concertgoers noticed Nathan Gale loitering in the parking lot during the opening acts, Volume Dealer and 12 Gauge, and asked why he was outside, to which he responded, "I don't want to see no shitty local bands [...] I'm gonna wait for Damageplan." By the time that Damageplan took the stage at 10:15 p.m. EST, the crowd had grown to about 400. Gale entered the venue by scaling a 6-foot (1.8 m) wooden fence on the north side of the venue and entering through a patio door.
At 10:20 p.m., partway into the opening song of Damageplan's set, Gale, dressed in a Columbus Blue Jackets hockey jersey and a hooded sweatshirt, jumped onto the stage and drew his Beretta 92FS 9mm semi-automatic pistol. He moved directly towards Abbott and shot him four times at point-blank range: one time each in the right cheek, the left ear, the back of the head, and the right hand. Joe Dameron, the bassist for Volume Dealer, said that Gale shouted something, but did not know what. Some attendees did not realize that a shooting had taken place, with security guard Ryan Melchiore stating, "People were pumping their fists, thinking it was a hoax."
After shooting Abbott, Gale began firing on other attendees, beginning with tour manager Chris Paluska, who was shot once in the chest before Damageplan security chief Jeffrey "Mayhem" Thompson tackled Gale from behind. Thompson was fatally shot in the chest, back, and upper thigh in the ensuing struggle. Nathan Bray, a Damageplan fan, leapt onto the stage and was fatally shot in the chest while attempting to resuscitate Abbott and Thompson. Erin "Stoney" Halk, an Alrosa Villa employee and former Marine who had either assisted Thompson or had charged Gale while he was reloading, was mortally wounded by six shots: four in the chest, one in the hand, and one in the leg.
Travis Burnett, a member of Volume Dealer's road crew, attempted to disarm Gale and was grazed by a bullet on his left forearm. Burnett fled the scene when subsequent gunshots were aimed at his head. Drum technician John "Kat" Brooks attempted to subdue Gale. He was shot twice in the leg and was taken as a hostage. Responding within three minutes to a 9-1-1 dispatch call, Columbus police officer James Niggemeyer entered the club through a backstage door and shot Gale once in the head with a 12-gauge Remington Model 870 shotgun, killing him. At the time of his death, Gale had a half-full magazine in his Beretta and another 30 rounds of ammunition on his person.
Fans removed Abbott from the stage and attempted cardiopulmonary resuscitation until paramedics arrived at the scene, where Abbott was pronounced dead. He was 38 years old. Thompson, 40, and Halk, 29, were also pronounced dead at the scene, while Bray, 23, was transported to the Riverside Methodist Hospital and was declared dead at 11:10 p.m. Paluska and Brooks were also transported to Riverside, where they ultimately survived and recovered from their injuries. Burnett received treatment at the scene and declined transport to the hospital.
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december 8, 2004 Dimebag Darrell is shot dead on stage while performing with his band Damageplan at Alrosa Villa in Columbus, Ohio. The murderer, Nathan Gale, kills three others before being shot dead by a police officer.More
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metaladdicts · 16 days
RITA HANEY Reveals How She Learned About DIMEBAG's Death
In a recent interview with comedian and podcaster Zane Lamprey, Rita Haney, longtime girlfriend of “Dimebag” Darrell Abbott, reflected on the tragic murder of the PANTERA guitarist during a performance at the Alrosa Villa in north Columbus, Ohio. The incident occurred in December 2004, just moments after Dimebag‘s band DAMAGEPLAN had taken the stage. Nathan Gale, 25, fired 15 rounds from a 9 mm…
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Events 12.8 (after 1960)
1962 – Workers at four New York City newspapers (this later increases to nine) go on strike for 114 days. 1963 – Pan Am Flight 214, a Boeing 707, is struck by lightning and crashes near Elkton, Maryland, killing all 81 people on board. 1966 – The Greek ship SS Heraklion sinks in a storm in the Aegean Sea, killing over 200. 1969 – Olympic Airways Flight 954 strikes a mountain outside of Keratea, Greece, killing 90 people in the worst crash of a Douglas DC-6 in history. 1971 – Indo-Pakistani War: The Indian Navy launches an attack on West Pakistan's port city of Karachi. 1972 – United Airlines Flight 553, a Boeing 737, crashes after aborting its landing attempt at Chicago Midway International Airport, killing 45. This is the first-ever loss of a Boeing 737. 1974 – A plebiscite results in the abolition of monarchy in Greece. 1980 – John Lennon is murdered by Mark David Chapman in front of The Dakota in New York City. 1985 – The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, the regional intergovernmental organization and geopolitical union in South Asia, is established. 1987 – Cold War: The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty is signed by U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in the White House. 1987 – An Israeli army tank transporter kills four Palestinian refugees and injures seven others during a traffic accident at the Erez Crossing on the Israel–Gaza Strip border, which has been cited as one of the events which sparked the First Intifada. 1988 – A United States Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II crashes into an apartment complex in Remscheid, Germany, killing five people and injuring 50 others. 1990 – The Galileo spacecraft flies past Earth for the first time. 1991 – The leaders of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine sign an agreement dissolving the Soviet Union and establishing the Commonwealth of Independent States. 1992 – The Galileo spacecraft flies past Earth for the second time. 1998 – Eighty-one people are killed by armed groups in Algeria. 2001 – A raid conducted by the Internal Security Department (ISD) of Singapore foils a Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) plot to bomb foreign embassies in Singapore. 2004 – The Cusco Declaration is signed in Cusco, Peru, establishing the South American Community of Nations. 2004 – Columbus nightclub shooting: Nathan Gale opens fire at the Alrosa Villa nightclub in Columbus, Ohio, killing former Pantera guitarist Dimebag Darrell and three others before being shot dead by a police officer. 2009 – Bombings in Baghdad, Iraq, kill 127 people and injure 448 others. 2010 – With the second launch of the Falcon 9 and the first launch of the Dragon, SpaceX becomes the first private company to successfully launch, orbit and recover a spacecraft. 2010 – The Japanese solar-sail spacecraft IKAROS passes the planet Venus at a distance of about 80,800 km. 2013 – Riots break out in Singapore after a fatal accident in Little India. 2013 – Metallica performs a show in Antarctica, making them the first band to perform on all seven continents. 2019 – First confirmed case of COVID-19 in China.
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atletasudando · 1 year
El adiós a otra leyenda del atletismo mundial: Ralph Boston
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Ralph Boston, uno de los más grandes saltarines de largo en la historia atlética, acaba de morir este 30 de abril a los 83 años en Peachtree City, un suburbio de Atlanta, en Georgia. Sufrió un derrame cerebral, según informó su hijo Todd. Boston, el hombre que acabó en esa especialidad con el legendario récord que Jesse Owens había fijado en 1935, tuvo un previlegio: subió al podio en tres oportunidades consecutivas en los Juegos Olímpicos (oro en Roma 1960, plata en Tokio 1964, bronce en México 1968). Y su nombre sólo quedó eclipsado porque en aquellos Juegos de México, uno de sus discípulos -a quien el mismo Boston venía entrenando- fijó en su segundo intento la que, aún hoy, se considera la marca atlética más espectacular de todos los tiempos (Bob Beamon con sus 8.90 metros).                 Boston  batió por ocho centímetros el récord de Owens (8.13), el 12 de agosto de 1960 en Walnut, California . Owens, el Antílope de Ebano y uno de los mayores héroes en la historia del atletismo mundial desde su hazaña de las cuatro doradas en Berlin 1936, expresó: "Estoy feliz de ver que se rompió el récord, y estoy agradecido de que se haya mantenido durante tanto tiempo”. Tres semanas más tarde, Boston se adueñó del oro olímpico en la capital italiana. Aunque su condición de campeón de la NCAA en Berkeley con 7.76 lo convertía en un contendiente al máximo cetro olímpico, en Roma se trataba de su primera competición internacional. La saldó con el triunfo en 8.12 m., aventajando por un centímetro a su compatriota Bo Robertson. “Esa noche, mi vida cambió para siempre” recordó. Boston había emergido como una figura emergente desde la Tennessee State University, que en aquella época se conocía como Universidad Estatal, Agrícola e Industrial. Luego de los Juegos de Roma, libró intensos duelos con el soviético Igor Ter-Ovanesyan (posteriormente directivo de su federación atlética). Boston volvió a batir el récord con 8.24 en mayo de 1961 en Modesto y  8.28 en julio (durante el match USA-URSS en Moscú). A su vez, Ter-Ovanesyan viajó a Boston en 1962 y lo llevó hasta 8.31, pero Boston lo igualó en Kingston (1964) y lo batió con 8.34 en los Trials olímpicos del 64. Esa vez también había registrado un salto de 8.49 en Los Angeles, pero con viento a favor de 2.6ms, no homologado, que fue el mejor de su vida. Los Juegos en Tokio ofrecieron una apasionante lucha entre el británico Lynn Davies, Boston y Ter-Ovanesian. Los 8.07 de Davies en la cuarta ronda lo encumbraron en la punta, que ya no iba a ceder. El soviético saltó 7.99 que relegaba a Boston al bronce, pero este, en su último salto, llegó al 8.03 que le dio la medalla de plata. Davis, oriundo de Gales, tuvo que agradecer bastante al clima de esa jornada (lluvia, viento y frío) al que podía adaptarse mejor. El sexto récord mundial de Boston fue de 8.35 en 1965, nuevamente en Modesto el 29 de mayo, igualado por el soviético dos años más tarde. Hasta que llegó Beamon y arrasó con todo. Beamon ya venía avisando de su progreso al ganar los Trials con 8.39 ventosos, donde Boston marcó 8.26, también con viento a favor. En los Juegos, Boston poco pudo hacer frente al prodigio Beamon -al que animó en todo momento- y sus 8.16 le alcanzaron para el bronce, precedido por el alemán Klaus Beer por tres centímetros.  Los 8.90 de Beamon perduraron como récord mundial hasta 1991, cuando en el más extraordinario duelo de la historia Mike Powell llegó a 8.95 y batió a Lewis. Pero aún hoy los 8.90 resultan inaccesibles para la elite del salto en largo, "Fue fácil terminar mi carrera. Gané un oro, una plata y un bronce en ese orden. No hay nada para el cuarto lugar, así que solo dije, 'bien, eso es suficiente", recordó Boston que luego fue comentarista en televisión para la CBS y la ESPN. También había visitado Sudamérica: fue para los Juegos Panamericanos de Sao Paulo, en 1963, donde se adueñó de otra medalla de oro con 8.11, delante de su compatriota Darrell Hon con 8.02 (allí fue tercero el venezolano Juan Muñoz con 7.46), que iba a mantener cuatro años más tarde en Winnipeg, Canadá. Esta vez su triunfo fue con 8.29 y segundo quedó Beamon con 8.07, mientras que el brasileño Nelson Prudencio –luego subcampeón olímpico de triple- fue 10° con 6.91. Dentro del atletismo Boston también había incursionado en pruebas como 110 metros con vallas (donde corrió en 13.7), salto en alto y salto triple. La seguidilla olímpica de Boston recién sería superada por otro gigante estadounidense, Carl Lewis, quien se llevó el oro en cuatro ediciones consecutivas entre 1984 y 1996. “Estoy devastado por la muerte de Ralph. De niño lo idolatraba y fue una gran influencia en mi vida. Echaré de menos su voz y su apoyo. Cambió el deporte como atleta, defensor y mentor. Saltadores, conoced su nombre. Descansa con los grandes", expresó Lewis esta semana.   Ralph Harold Boston nació el 9 de mayo de 1939 en Laurel, Mississippi, a unas 85 millas al sureste de Jackson, hijo de Peter y Eulalia Boston. Su madre era ama de casa, su padre un bombero de ferrocarril que se dedicó a la agricultura después de perder el ojo derecho en un accidente de caza. Ralph, el menor de 10 hijos, ayudaba a su padre en el campo antes de ir a la escuela. En Oak Park High School en Laurel, se convirtió en un atleta estrella, estableciendo marcas nacionales de colegio secundario en pruebas de vallas. Como estudiante de bioquímica en la Tennesse State University compitió en velocidad, vallas, largo y triple. “Me convertí en saltador de largo  por casualidad. Quería jugar fútbol americano pero a mi madre no le gustaba. Y su opinión prevalecía”, le contó alguna vez a la tv local. Boston se casó con Geneva Jackson Spencer en 1962. La pareja tuvo dos hijos, Todd y Stephen, antes de que el matrimonio terminara en divorcio en 1971. Además de sus hijos, le sobreviven dos hermanas, Eugenia Angel y Bettye Beverly; un hermano, Carlos; tres nietos; y nueve bisnietos. Al retornar de Roma con el oro olímpico solo podía entrar en restaurantes, micros y servicios para su raza. “Era un ciudadano del mundo, pero no un ciudadano de Mississippi” recordó. Entonces, tomó las herramientas de su padre y construyó una pista de atletismo y saltómetros. Poco después, en 1972, los ladrones entraron en su casa de Knoxville y además de llevarse sus aparatos -tv, tocadiscos- también se quedaron con sus medallas. Entre 1968 y 1975 trabajó como coordinador de gestión para las minorías y vicedecano en la Universidad de Tennesse. Fue entrenador de atletismo en la Tennesse State, cuya directora actual -y ex campeona olímpica- Chandra Cheesborough expresó: “Ralph era humilde, simplemente un hombre especial”.   Read the full article
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melien · 7 months
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extra gale
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osvaldoairesbade · 2 years
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8 de Dezembro: a data mais macabra do rock! No dia 8 de dezembro há muito que se lamentar pelo que a música – e, dependendo do caso, o mundo – deixou de ter com o falecimento trágico de três nomes que, como diz Nikki Sixx, 'deixaram uma baita cicatriz na cara do rock'. No dia 8 de Dezembro de 1980, um psicótico estadunidense de nome Mark Chapman assassinava o inglês JOHN LENNON com 5 tiros (4 nas costas) ao lado de sua esposa, Yoko Ono, na frente de sua residência, o edifício Dakota, em Nova Iorque. Chapman era um fã dos BEATLES que vinha ficando desapontado com certas atitudes de Lennon e chegou a pedir um autógrafo para o músico hora antes do homicídio. Ele ainda permanece preso na Wende Correctional Facility. Em 1984, o baterista inglês RAZZLE, da banda finlandesa HANOI ROCKS – que influenciou toda a cena glam de Los Angeles e continua sendo referência em sonoridade e visual para o gênero hard rock até hoje – foi morto num acidente de carro em Hollywood. Nicholas Dingley (seu nome de batismo) havia saído de uma festa com várias outras pessoas, dentre elas alguns membros do MÖTLEY CRÜE, com o embriagado vocalista do grupo, VINCE NEIL, para comprar mais bebida. Os dois estavam dentro do Ford De Tomaso Pantera de Neil quando este se chocou contra um Fusca num cruzamento. Dingley chegou a ser levado para o hospital, mas foi declarado morto assim que chegou. O terceiro disco do Mötley Crüe, "Theatre Of Pain", é dedicado a ele. Vince cumpriu menos de um mês de cadeia por sua culpa no acidente. Em 2004, o guitarrista texano DARRELL LANCE ABBOTT, conhecido popularmente como "DIMEBAG DARRELL" estava se apresentando com o DAMAGEPLAN – seu primeiro projeto após a dissolução do PANTERA – em Columbus, Ohio, quando um corno de nome Nathan Gale subiu ao palco e disparou três vezes contra a cabeça de Abbott com uma pistola Beretta 9mm. O terceiro tirou matou Dime instantaneamente. Dois outros membros da equipe técnica também foram atingidos. Um cerco policial se efetuou rapidamente e um bravo oficial, James Niggemeyer, executou Gale com um único tiro de escopeta calibre 12. O meliante era psicótico e acusava o Pantera de ter roubado composições suas. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl6ybAyuWNU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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blurrypxls · 3 years
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Happy Birthday @melien!
Wow, I can’t believe you’re 24 now! It feels like just yesterday that you were 19 when we first began properly talking, and that we’ve known each other since you were only 16! Time flies, it really does.
I appreciate our friendship so very much and really treasure all our shared memories and the conversations we have, as well as our shared universes. Here’s to another year around the sun and to what I’m sure will be your best year yet! I’m proud of everything that you’ve achieved and how you’ve grown to be your best self. Today is your day!
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sparklijam · 3 years
Gale bust into the room
Gale: I have a sister!! 0w0
Darrell behind him cye did as well
Darrell : gale you can't being doing that you'll scare the new born
Tank: *gently shushes Gale* Shhh, inside voice son *guides him between him and Tide where they had their baby cozy and warm* Here she is~
Melody: *purrs in her sleep, her chubby smol hand grasps around Tide’s finger*
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tiny-tany-thaanos · 3 years
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A little bird has told me these two have anniversary today! So happy anniversary to the best space boys!
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theghostwhotumbles · 4 years
Every December 8, we remember the 1980 assassination of John Lennon, an event that far overshadows another rock musician murder on that date — in 2004.
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