#galaxy unpacked 2020
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H:手機蘋果(iph1至26)與三星(S1至S24)是屬一及二,前有HTC,後有SONY,另外華為,oppo,vivo及其他,經歷一個時代轉換。家中電話,大哥大,BB Call,手機,網路手機2G,照相手機,3G,4G,5G。精彩的歷程。20241005W6
BB Call是具有接收簡易文字訊息功能的個人無線電通訊工具,一般被稱為「呼叫器」。 根據電信數位博物館介紹,1980年代呼叫器在行動電話尚未普及時曾風靡一時,由於被呼叫時會發出「嗶嗶」聲,因此也被稱為「BB Call」。
S24 Ultra 上市日期
目前三星官方已經在台灣時間2024年 1 月 18 日凌晨,正式公開 S24 Ultra 的新機資訊,��預計將於 1 月 31 日於全台電信業者與通路正式上市。
Samsung S21 Ultra上市日期: 2021 年 1 月 29 日
Samsung S22 Ultra上市日期: 2022 年 3 月 4 日
Samsung S23 Ultra上市日期: 2023 年 2 月 24 日
Samsung S24 Ultra上市日期: 2024 年 1 月 31 日
Android旗艦Galaxy Z系列可摺疊式智能手機
2010年2月時,三星發展觸控及智慧型手機,推出的首代Galaxy手機 - Galaxy i7500,三星其後訂定在年底以前,超越在智慧型手機市場深耕已久的全球第四大廠宏達電。
同年4月,三星集團會長李健熙決定在韓國水原成立智慧型手機特別小組,專攻Android系統的智慧型手機。同年6月便發表了三星首支採用Super AMOLED的Android旗艦手機Galaxy S,在四個月便到達了500萬部的銷售量。此時三星便開始超越宏達電,根據調查機構ABI Research於7月底發佈的消息,第二季以Android為作業系統的智慧型手機,出貨量達到4700萬支,其中三星占了34%,宏達電(HTC)居次23%。
2011年6月,三星預定在全球120的國家中發售Galaxy S II,搭載了1.2Ghz雙核心,採用4.3英吋Super AMOLED Plus,提供帶有LED閃光燈的前置200萬畫素攝像頭和後置800萬畫素攝影鏡頭,具有1080p高畫質影片播放能力。提供高達21 Mbps的下載和5.76 Mbps的上傳。銷售後85天內便達到500萬隻出貨紀錄,英國生活消費科技雜誌T3雜誌評選三星Galaxy S II為年度手機,同時也是目前Android中,銷售量最高的手機。
2011年8月,三星推出了全新Galaxy Note系列手機,為全球出產的第一台大屏幕(5.3英吋)手機。當 Galaxy Note 推出時,許多人不看好這台手機,甚至連蘋果迷都諷刺三星說:「誰會拿著大磚塊講電話。」(三星Galaxy Note最早是2011年8月在德國柏林IFA展中推出,擁有5.3英吋HD Super AMOLED屏幕,並配備了手寫筆。2011年月10在德國首先銷售,其他的國家很快就跟進,開啟了消費者不同於以往的行動通訊使用經驗。至11月底,主要的市場包含東亞、馬來西亞、歐洲以及印度。
2012年1月至3月的第一季,已經賣出500萬台。2012年6月1日,三星宣稱已賣出700萬台。2012年8月15日,三星通訊部門全球行銷主管李永熙宣布,Galaxy Note在過去9個月的時間已銷售達1000萬台。
三星電子於2012年5月4日於英國倫敦發表稱為「The Next Galaxy」的Galaxy S III最新三星高階智慧型手機。[25]
2010年三星宣布正式加入微軟Windows Phone系統平台。2012年6月,三星成爲微軟Windows Phone 8系統的首波合作OEM廠商,並加大投入。
2012年8月29日,三星在德國柏林IFA展中推出全新三星 Galaxy Note 2,擁有5.55英吋HD Super AMOLED PLUS屏幕,並配備了S Pen手寫筆,於2012年10月在全球各個市場發售。上市後37天內即售出超過三百萬部,兩個月之後銷量超越五百萬部。
2013年3月,三星於美國紐約發表新一代手機三星Galaxy S4,創全球三項第一:全球第一款雙四核架構的應用處理器Exynos 5 Octa、第一款導入5英吋1080p AMOLED螢幕、第一隻導入 LPDDR3 的手機。儲存空間為16GB與32GB,最大可擴充至64GBmicroSD卡。相機方面採用前200萬畫素 、主1300萬畫素的攝影鏡頭,使用三星開發基於Android系統的操作介面及軟體。
2013年9月4日,三星於德國柏林IFA展上的三星產品發表會上發布了全新三星 Galaxy Note Ⅲ,這是全球首款採用3GB RAM的手機,也是首款採用 USB 3.0 技術的三星手機。繼承上一代機型(Galaxy Note II),Note 3 被設計成一隻更輕的手機、背殼是塑膠材質的以及擁有皮質的觸感。
2014年2月24日,三星在西班牙巴塞羅那舉行的全球移動通訊大會上發布了三星 Galaxy S5 高階智能手機。Galaxy S5韓國開賣銷售情況約為每日7,000支,比過去Galaxy S4的開賣每日銷售8,000支,以及三星Galaxy S4 LTE-A的開賣每日銷售上萬支稍低。
2014年9月3日,三星在德國柏林IFA展上的三星產品發表會上發布了讓大家期待已久的三星 Galaxy Note 4。擁有指紋感應器,搭載5.7英吋1440×2560(515ppi)解析度螢幕,高通驍龍805處理器(2.7GHz四核心處理器)(有地區是雙四核分別是 1.9ghz 跟 1.7ghz),3GB RAM,後置攝像頭為1600萬畫素具有光學防手震功能,前置鏡頭為370萬畫素並可使用心率感應器自拍,觸控筆也具有類似電腦滑鼠的多選功能,同時像Galaxy Alpha一樣,電池方面使用3220mAh, 具有30分鐘快充功能。Galaxy Note 4也會採用金屬邊框以提高質感。這次不僅推出黑,白兩色,更推出金色和粉色,同期最大競爭對手是 iPhone 6 以及 iPhone 6 Plus。在許多國家上市日,許多三星迷和民眾紛紛到首賣會排隊等候購買Galaxy Note 4(有些人從深夜開始排隊)。這部手機在安兔兔評測中榮獲全球 TOP 1 跑分手機。
同日,三星也在德國柏林IFA展上的三星產品發表會上發布了推出了全新的 Galaxy Note Edge,採用5.6英吋螢幕手機,為全球首部採用曲面螢幕技術的智慧型手機。三星得以獲得曲面螢幕專利。
2015年3月1日,三星再次在西班牙巴塞羅那舉行的全球移動通訊大會上發布了三星Galaxy S6和首款雙彎曲屏幕手機三星Galaxy S6 Edge,兩款搭載5.1英寸Quad HD(2048×1556)Super AMOLED屏幕(Quad HD簡稱2K屏幕,四倍HD的意思。),而原本的滑式指紋傳感器改成類似iPhone 6和6 Plus按壓式的感應器。螢幕和背面都採用最新的康寧大猩猩第四代玻璃Corning Gorilla Glass 4,處理器方面兩款均採用三星自家的Samsung Exynos 7420八核心處理器(分別為四核心 1.5 GHz & 四核心 2.1 GHz),容量分別有32GB版,64GB版和128 GB版,同時運用3 GB RAM。相機採用1600萬畫素,支援OIS光學防手震,可拍攝2160p 4K影片;前置鏡頭採用500萬畫素,可拍1080p Full HD影片。Galaxy S6分別有四種顏色可選:珍珠白(White Pearl),黑色(Black Sapphire),藍色(Blue Topaz),金色(Gold Platinum);而Galaxy S6 Edge有珍珠白(White Pearl),黑色(Black Sapphire),金色(Gold Platinum)和翡翠綠(Emerald Green)。另外還有最新的Android 5.0 Lolipop系統和最新的4G LTE Cat6的網絡。
2015年8月13日,三星在美國紐約市的 Samsung GALAXY Unpacked 2015 Episode 2 上發布了全新的 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 和 Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+。
2016年2月22日,三星再次在西班牙巴塞羅那舉行的全球移動通訊大會上發布了三星Galaxy S7和第三款雙曲面螢幕手機三星Galaxy S7 Edge。
2017年3月29日,三星在美國紐約以Unbox Your Phone(解放你的手機)為主題的Samsung GALAXY Unpacked 2017上發布了三星Galaxy S8以及三星Galaxy S8+。這兩款手機採用了18.5:9比列的5.8"/6.2"屏幕,同時以屏幕虛擬鍵取代實體Home鍵。
2018年2月26日,三星於MWC2018 巴塞隆那發佈三星Galaxy S9以及三星Galaxy S9+。S9系列是首款採用了 f/1.5 + f/2.4 雙光圈配置的Galaxy新機,並加入了可拍攝HD解析度的960fps超級慢動作錄影,其中還針對超級慢動作設計了稱為陷阱快門的自動偵測觸發界面,可以讓超級慢動作攝影的拍攝成功率大大提高。
2019年2月20日,三星於舊金山比爾格雷厄姆市政禮堂發佈三星Galaxy S10e、三星Galaxy S10以及三星Galaxy S10+。S10全系列均配備Snapdragon 855處理器,採用最新 Infinity-O 全屏設計。此外S10系列三機首次配備Dynamic AMOLED顯示技術,是首款支援HDR10+顯示及4K拍攝的手機,並支援杜比全景聲音效,以及率先在S10、S10+搭載超聲波屏下指紋辨識。
由於三星在中國大陸的市場占有率持續下滑等原因,三星在2019年宣布關閉位於惠州的手機生產線並將產能逐步移動至越南。 截至 2019 年,三星在越南河內地區僱傭了超過 200,000 名員工來生產智能手機,同時將部分製造外包給大陸ODM廠商,並在印度製造大部分手機。
2020年2月11日,三星發布三星Galaxy S20系列,Galaxy S20和S20+分別具有6.2英寸顯示屏和6.7英寸顯示屏。而S20 Ultra則具有6.9英寸顯示屏更是配備了1億像素的主鏡頭。除此之外三款機型均支持5G。
2020年8月5日,三星於Galaxy Unpacked 2020發佈兩款Note系列新手機,分別是擁有6.7英寸屏幕的三星Galaxy Note 20與擁有6.9英寸Dynamic AMOLED 屏幕的三星Galaxy Note 20 Ultra手機。[27]
2021年1月29日,三星發布了GalazyS21系列,分別是6.8寸的s21 Uitra,6.6寸的s21+和6.2寸的s21
2007年1月9日,第一代iPhone在三藩市馬士孔尼會展中心(英語:Moscone Center)舉辦的 Macworld 2007中發布,美國西海岸時間2007年6月29日18時正式在美國發售,全美的 Apple Store 外有數百名粉絲提早排隊進行搶購。[18]。由於剛推出的iPhone上市後引發搶購熱潮,部分媒體甚至稱其為「上帝手機」[19][20]。第一代iPhone於2007年11月在英國、法國及德國正式發售,而愛爾蘭及奧地利則是在2008年的春季發售[21][22]。
2009年6月8日,蘋果公司宣布推出iPhone 3GS,合約版iPhone預計在6月,7月或8月的下旬推出。2009年6月19日在美國、加拿大和歐洲主要國家推出。很多用戶對iPhone的成本提出異議[23]。iPhone 3GS的內部結構與第一代相似,但增加了一些模塊,例如 3G網絡 、 全球衛星定位系統 等。
2008年第四季度,iPhone的總銷量超越了 黑莓手機 ,成為世界第3大手機製造商,僅次於諾基亞及三星[24]。
2009年,蘋果公司與中國電信運營商中國聯通達成協議,中國聯通獲得iPhone在中國的銷售權[25],10月30日,聯通版iPhone 3G正式在北京世貿天階發售[26]。
2010年6月7日,喬布斯在WWDC中發布iPhone 4,該機一經推出,即收穫了用戶的一致好評。iPhone 4以其極高的設計水準,得到了許多年輕用戶的青睞[27]。
2011年1月11日,電信運營商 Verizon 公司宣布,他們與蘋果公司達成協議,Verizon將會開始售賣CDMA版本的iPhone 4,Verizon公司稱2月3日會開始預售,2月10日將正式發售[28][29]。
2011年3月2日,蘋果公司在iPad 2的發布會上宣布,全球iPhone的銷量突破一億台。
2011年9月27日,蘋果公司向外部發送邀請函,邀請各界人士出席他們將於2011年10月4日10時在加州庫比蒂諾蘋果總部舉行的發布會,2011年10月4日,蘋果公司新CEO提姆·庫克在發布會上發布新一代iPhone—iPhone 4S,2011年10月14日,蘋果公司正式在美國、英國、法國、德國、澳洲、加拿大及日本七個國家發售iPhone 4S手機;正式發售24小時後,蘋果公司共賣出1,000,000部iPhone 4S[30]。由於iPhone銷量驚人,蘋果公司成為2011年盈利最多的手機製造商,超越屹立於榜首長達十多年的諾基亞[31]。
2012年9月12日,蘋果公司發布iPhone 5,首次將改變屏幕比例的設計,放到了 iPhone 5 上,而iPhone的屏幕則由3.5英吋增至4吋。手機屏幕的比例由3:2逐漸接近16:9(71:40)。
2013年7月22日,蘋果公司的供應商表示他們正在測試大屏幕的iPhone和 iPad ,「蘋果公司已要求智能手機的屏幕,要大於4吋以上,還要求新的平板電腦屏幕設計不大於13英吋。[33]」
2013年9月10日,蘋果公司在美國加州庫比蒂諾的新聞發布會上,透露兩款新iPhone機型,這幾款機型是 iPhone 5c及iPhone 5s。iPhone5C手機外殼由五種顏色的塑料製成。
2014年9月10日,蘋果公司在美國加州庫部蒂諾市弗林特劇院(Flint Center)召開發佈會,CEO提姆·庫克(Tim Cook)開場即發布了兩款新產品:iPhone 6及iPhone 6 Plus。
美國西海岸時間2015年9月9日,蘋果公司在美國加舊舊金山比爾·格拉漢姆市政禮堂召開秋季發布會,發布最新的兩款iPhone產品:iPhone 6S及iPhone 6S Plus,尺寸幾乎與前代保持一致,分別為4.7英寸和5.5英寸[34]。但由於換上了taptic engine,兩款新機的重量和厚度略有調整。
2016年3月22日,蘋果公司發布 iPhone SE 。它採用了與iPhone 5s一樣的外觀設計,但不同的是,iPhone SE採用了與 iPhone 6s 相同的A9處理器,硬件實力與iPhone 6S相當[35]。
2016年9月7日,蘋果公司在美國加州比爾·格雷厄姆市政禮堂發布了 iPhone 7 和 iPhone 7 Plus 兩款新產品。
2017年9月12日,蘋果公司在美國加州聖何塞的喬布斯劇院發布了 iPhone 8、iPhone 8 Plus 和 iPhone X 共三款新機型。三款設備都搭載了 Apple A11 仿生處理器 而且 iPhone X 還首次採用全面屏設計。
2018年9月12日,蘋果公司推出了三款新設備,它們分別是:iPhone XR 、iPhone XS 和 iPhone XS Max 。這三款設備都配備了Apple A12 仿生處理器。與之前的 iPhone X 相比,iPhone XS沒有太多外觀上的變化。
2019年9月10日,蘋果公司推出了三款新設備:iPhone 11、iPhone 11 Pro、iPhone 11 Pro Max 首次搭載了三鏡頭系統。
2020年4月15日,蘋果公司推出了iPhone SE(第二代)。採用與iPhone 8相似的外觀設計,內置了與 iPhone 11 Pro 相同的 A13 仿生處理器。
2020年10月13日,蘋果公司推出了四款新設備:iPhone 12 Mini、iPhone 12、iPhone 12 Pro和iPhone 12 Pro Max,這是iPhone首次支持5G網絡。
2021年9月14日,蘋果公司推出了四款新裝置:iPhone 13 mini,iPhone 13、iPhone 13 Pro及iPhone 13 Pro Max,於Pro系列首度採用120Hz ProMotion更新率。
2022年3月9日,蘋果公司推出了iPhone SE(第三代)。採用與iPhone SE(第二代)高度相似的外觀設計,內置了與 iPhone 13 相同的 A15 仿生處理器。
2022年9月7日,蘋果公司推出了四款新設備:iPhone 14、iPhone 14 Plus、iPhone 14 Pro和iPhone 14 Pro Max。iPhone 14、iPhone 14 Plus沿用了iPhone 13系列的外形設計及 A15 仿生處理器,iPhone 14 Pro和iPhone 14 Pro Max則引入名為動態島的設計來替代原有的劉海設計,搭載最新款 A16 仿生處理器。
2023年9月13日,蘋果公司推出了四款新設備:iPhone 15、iPhone 15 Plus、iPhone 15 Pro 和 iPhone 15 Pro Max。全系列採用靈動島設計。iPhone 15、iPhone 15 Plus搭載 A16 仿生芯片,iPhone 15 Pro 和 iPhone 15 Pro Max 則搭載最新款 A17 Pro 芯片,更首次於此系列採用航空級鈦金屬外框設計。
2024年9月10日,蘋果公司推出了四款新設備:iPhone 16、iPhone 16 Plus、iPhone 16 Pro和iPhone 16 Pro Max。加入了新的相機控制功能按鈕﹑歷來最窄的邊框﹑4K 120 fps 杜比視界影片拍攝﹑Apple Intelligence 等功能。iPhone 16 和 iPhone 16 Plus 搭載 A18 芯片,iPhone 16 Pro 和 iPhone 16 Pro Max 則搭載最新款 A18 Pro 芯片。
參見:iOS和iPadOS設備列表 § iPhone
iPhone SE (第三代)(2022–現今)
iPhone 14(2022–現今)
iPhone 14 Plus(2022–現今)
iPhone 15(2023–現今)
iPhone 15 Plus(2023–現今)
iPhone 16(2024–現今)
iPhone 16 Plus(2024–現今)
iPhone 16 Pro(2024–現今)
iPhone 16 Pro Max(2024–現今)
iPhone 3G(2008–2010)
iPhone 3GS(2009–2012)
iPhone 4(2010–2013)
iPhone 4S(2011–2014)
iPhone 5(2012–2013)
iPhone 5C(2013–2015)
iPhone 5S(2013–2016)
iPhone 6(2014–2016)
iPhone 6 Plus(2014–2016)
iPhone 6S(2015–2018)
iPhone 6S Plus(2015–2018)
iPhone SE(2016–2018)
iPhone 7(2016–2019)
iPhone 7 Plus(2016–2019)
iPhone 8(2017–2020)
iPhone 8 Plus(2017–2020)
iPhone X(2017–2018)
iPhone XS(2018–2019)
iPhone XS Max(2018–2019)
iPhone XR(2018–2021)
iPhone 11(2019–2022)
iPhone 11 Pro(2019–2020)
iPhone 11 Pro Max(2019–2020)
iPhone SE (第二代)(2020–2022)
iPhone 12 mini(2020–2022)
iPhone 12(2020–2023)
iPhone 12 Pro(2020–2021)
iPhone 12 Pro Max(2020–2021)
iPhone 13 mini(2021–2023)
iPhone 13(2021–2024)
iPhone 13 Pro(2021–2022)
iPhone 13 Pro Max(2021–2022)
iPhone 14 Pro(2022–2023)
iPhone 14 Pro Max(2022–2023)
iPhone 15 Pro(2023–2024)
iPhone 15 Pro Max(2023–2024)
0 notes
How did all of you decide on the name Void Galaxy?
This is a two-fold question, because the two pieces came separately 🤷♂️. It’ll also be a bit long because both parts require some context & Galaxy has a story behind it 💜.
Galaxy came first. We began in an online D.I.D. community* when we started this journey, where most systems had System, Crew, or Collective as part of their name. Echo Collective, The Theatre Crew, Galaxy System, just as some examples (not ones we knew, just showing how the setups worked). We wanted something like that, but System and Collective didn’t stick very well.
Then we met our first queer partner (after 2 failed cishet setup relationships), who was/is a singlet (non-system, doesn’t have D.I.D.) but was very open to learning. After a few months of learning how we functioned and meeting some of us, he made the comment “every headmate is a star, so the collective must be a galaxy”. We’ve since grown out of that relationship and grown out of others too, but that line stuck very fondly (it was the first time someone acknowledged us as separate parts & valued all of us) so it became our replacement for Collective & the like. That was back in late 2020.
(* which turned out to be a tight-nit echo chamber of angry trauma survivors who lashed out at one another, but it helped us begin the necessary grieving process of realizing you were traumatized and can’t get back who you used to be)
Void came much later, around mid 2023. We had grown out of multiple attempts at names for everyone (tried using headmate names, didn’t feel right). And then we saw a post, I think on Tumblr, that described a void as “an ever-changing, expanding and shrinking mass that cannot be contained” and we related extremely deeply.
We are constantly changing, not just in our healing journey but in numbers too. Sometimes headmates go dormant (closest thing for a singlet would be a coma), or they fuse (their name & presence in our mind disappear, pieces of their job and identity fragments get scattered into the rest of us like glass shards). Sometimes we split new people, or several people return from dormancy.
And beyond that, a big part of our journey has been unpacking the toxic, fragile masculinity imposed on us by our father. A rigid board breaks, a thin sheet of glass shatters. The toughest material is capable of expanding, shrinking, and bending without breaking. Flowing, but with a general sense of direction.
Void is the closest we’ve come to acknowledging and embracing who we are collectively, and who we want to be and grow into.
So together (Void and Galaxy), they are two expanding, shrinking, ever-changing accumulations of matter and non-matter that are uncontainable and difficult to define, while also acknowledging that we are all important parts of something greater (planets around a sun (the same body), an asteroid belt, a void).
#~Nico#asks#ask#anon ask#ask me anything#send asks#send us asks#did system#dissociative identity disorder
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Samsung Galaxy S21 ve S21 Plus Tanıtıldı: İşte Özellikleri Samsung’un yeni amiral gemisi modeli ol...
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Robert Triggs / Android AuthorityWhereas the Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 collection should look like a contemporary new wearable, we’re seemingly already midway to the subsequent iteration. Positive, rumors a few Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 have been sparse up to now. Nonetheless, there’s little question in our minds that the present Put on OS juggernaut has a follow-up on the best way. We’ll preserve monitor of any particulars we hear beneath so you'll be able to keep abreast of what you would possibly anticipate to see on the subsequent Galaxy Watch. Plus, it’s by no means too early to start out dreaming up a want listing. Will there be Galaxy Watch 6 collection?Kaitlyn Cimino / Android AuthorityTo be blunt, there’s virtually no approach we gained’t see a brand new Samsung smartwatch in 2023. Samsung launched an enormous wave of smartwatch improvements when the Galaxy Watch 4 collection launched Put on OS 3. The Galaxy Watch 5 collection at present nonetheless rides that swell. Whereas loads of different Put on OS-based wearables are making strides, there’s little question Samsung will launch a brand new era this summer time to maintain up its personal momentum. The corporate can be hard-pressed to desert the race, particularly with units just like the Pixel Watch gunning for a brand new person base. Will there be a Galaxy Watch 6 Professional mannequin? This query is a bit trickier. There haven’t been many rumors about what we will anticipate from the Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 collection but. It’s very seemingly Samsung will keep on with its two-prong strategy and provide consumers selection. Nonetheless, will the corporate return to the Basic mannequin or pump out a second model of the Professional moniker? If our Galaxy Watch 5 Professional evaluation is any indication, the latter proved a really profitable pivot. We’ll preserve our ears out for rumors within the coming months. When is the Galaxy Watch 6 launch date?Andy Walker / Android AuthorityGalaxy Watch 5 (left) with Galaxy Watch 4 Galaxy Watch: August 2018 Galaxy Watch Energetic: March 2019 Galaxy Watch Energetic 2: September 2019 Galaxy Watch 3 collection: August 2020 Galaxy Watch 4 collection: August 2021 Galaxy Watch 5 collection: August 2023 Samsung has a well-established sample for product releases. The one exception above is the Galaxy Watch Energetic, which was introduced in February 2019 and landed in March of the identical 12 months. Each different Galaxy Watch has been introduced in August and launched a couple of weeks later. The Energetic 2 technically landed in September however was introduced the month earlier than like the remainder of the lineup.Based mostly on the corporate’s previous launch dates, we anticipate the brand new era to drop on the Samsung Unpacked occasion this summer time. Most definitely, the occasion will happen in early August permitting the units to hit cabinets earlier than the tip of the month. What Galaxy Watch 6 options can we anticipate to see? DesignAndy Walker / Android AuthorityThe newest era didn’t convey a outstanding design change to the Galaxy Watch line. In actual fact, our reviewer talked about feeling deja vu when unboxing the gadget for his Galaxy Watch 5 evaluation. That isn’t essentially a grievance, nonetheless, because the watches share a chic aesthetic, eye-catching AMOLED shows, and spectacular specs. With a profitable design on its arms, it’s seemingly that we will anticipate Samsung to ship a lot of the identical subsequent time round.As talked about, it’s unclear if the Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 lineup will embrace a Professional or a Basic, however we anticipate two fashions in a number of sizes. It’s additionally most unlikely Samsung will deviate from its basic round case or interchangeable quick-release bands. The Collection 5 upped the ante on some sturdiness specs which can seemingly carry over to the subsequent lineup, and we’re hopeful we’ll see the D buckle clasp return as nicely.There have been some rumors that
Samsung might convey microLED shows to the lineup, echoing comparable rumors about Apple’s subsequent Extremely mannequin. In line with SamMobile nonetheless, the tech gained’t be prepared in time for an August launch, so it’s seemingly this improve gained’t debut till the Galaxy Watch 7. MicroLED shows provide a brighter viewing expertise with higher colour copy and visibility. They might additionally assist preserve battery life. Well being and health monitoringKaitlyn Cimino / Android AuthorityNot a lot element is obtainable but about what monitoring options would possibly enhance within the subsequent era. On the sensor entrance, it’s protected to imagine we are going to nonetheless discover an accelerometer, barometer, gyroscope, geomagnetic sensor, and Samsung’s BioActive sensor (optical coronary heart fee (PPG), electrocardiogram (ECG), and bioelectrical impedance evaluation (BIA) sensor package deal). The lineup will even more than likely pack the identical temperature sensor, (although we hope to see it put to higher use).We discovered the health monitoring and built-in GPS on the present collection fairly dependable. The Professional mannequin introduced new navigation options onboard for outside fans, likening the gadget to an expertise you would possibly discover in Garmin’s steady. It’s seemingly that these instruments are right here to remain as nicely. It’s but to be decided if they'll make their approach to the bottom mannequin of the Collection 6 lineup.We’ll preserve updating this hub as extra data leaks concerning the subsequent era. By the point the Collection 5 hit cabinets final 12 months, we had a well-rounded image of what customers would discover within the field. We anticipate loads of data to spill concerning the latest addition as nicely. What is going to the Galaxy Watch 6 worth be?Kaitlyn Cimino / Android AuthorityPricing is a difficult subject to take a position on within the present local weather. Final 12 months, the Galaxy Watch 5 collection launched at $279 for a base mannequin gadget and $449 for the Professional mannequin, which is barely obtainable in a single measurement. Every choice additionally got here with an upcharge for his or her respective LTE variations. These 5 collection launch costs have been roughly $30 greater than these of the earlier era.On one hand, it’s exhausting to think about Samsung elevating the worth once more this 12 months. On the opposite, Samsung’s present costs stay aggressive in comparison with its rival out of Cupertino. Asking consumers to spend extra for a high quality wearable isn't out of the query. If Samsung introduces important sufficient enhancements, the brand new collection might warrant a costlier invoice. Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 collection: What we need to see Extra time on the wristKaitlyn Cimino / Android AuthorityBattery life is the crux of many wearables and the Galaxy Watch collection isn't any exception. Positive, we’ve seen incremental upgrades from collection to collection, however no firm must be aiming for a “most improved” award to repair this legacy Galaxy Watch drawback. Plus, on the Galaxy Watch 5 Samsung introduced higher specs to bigger fashions however left small case sizes wanting.Fitbit’s smartwatches tout practically weeklong battery life, as does Garmin’s Venu 2 Plus. What’s extra, Apple Watches now provide low energy mode, closing the hole and the small lead Samsung has over our prime choose for iOS customers. If different firms add extra comfort to their units by minimizing charging woes, Samsung must sustain. With that in thoughts, we wouldn’t complain about even sooner charging as nicely. The return of the Basic bezelJimmy Westenberg / Android AuthorityWhen Samsung dropped the Basic mannequin of the 4 collection in favor of an elevated Professional mannequin, we rejoiced. From the premium construct to the added navigation instruments, the Galaxy Watch 5 Professional introduced one thing new to the desk. It felt as if the
corporate may be switching gears in the direction of a extra fitness-focused wearable for outside adventuring.However the Professional mannequin additionally got here at a price. Saying goodbye to the Basic additionally meant a regrettable farewell to many customers’ favourite design characteristic: a rotating bezel. We’re hoping Samsung brings extra fascinating design adjustments to the subsequent lineup, mixes it up with extra colours, and most significantly, provides a mannequin that places the beloved bezel again on our wrists. Fewer limitationsKaitlyn Cimino / Android AuthorityFor anybody fascinated about a Galaxy Watch, the previous two years have been a good time to be a Samsung telephone person. Regardless of our finger-crossing, the Galaxy Watch 5 collection launched with the identical well being monitoring limitations because the 4 collection by way of compatibility. Solely choose customers can entry the electrocardiogram (ECG) and blood strain monitoring. Each of those instruments require the Samsung Galaxy-only Well being Monitor app. In different phrases, they’re solely usable when paired with a Samsung telephone.We'd like to see the subsequent era break down the barn door and let extra customers entry the complete characteristic set. Limiting key instruments to pick customers makes the collection a tough promote to anybody on the outs. That is very true when competitors within the wearables market continues to warmth up. Extra use instances for the built-in temperature sensorAndy Walker / Android AuthorityLastly, we’d wish to see Samsung leverage its temperature sensor for extra than simply sleep monitoring. Extra particularly, we’ve seen different firms put an identical sensor to good use for ladies’s well being monitoring and would like to see the Galaxy Watch 6 comply with swimsuit. Cycle monitoring is a fancy and, sadly, underdeveloped alternative on many wearables. If Samsung brings extra insights and instruments to the Samsung Well being app, it may make the lineup immensely extra helpful to those that menstruate. That’s every thing we need to see from the Samsung Galaxy Watch 6. Which options do you hope for many? Tell us by voting within the ballot beneath. What characteristic do you most hope to see on the Samsung Galaxy Watch 6?116 votesProlonged battery life48%A rotating bezel27%Fewer limitations for non-Samsung telephone customers15%Higher use of the temperature sensor6%Different (vote within the feedback!)4%Feedback #Samsung #Galaxy #Watch
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Thời gian Samsung Galaxy S23 Series ra mắt?
Trong năm 2023 này, một sự kiện nổi bật luôn được các Samfans đón chờ chính là sự ra mắt của siêu phẩm dòng Galaxy S23. Tuy nhiên, vẫn chưa có một thông tin chính thức nào công bố chính xác thời điểm lên kệ. Vậy thì cùng MISSKICK dự đoán xem Samsung s23 khi nào ra mắt nhé!
Nguồn (Source): https://misskick.vn/samsung-s23-khi-nao-ra-mat
Thời gian Samsung Galaxy S23 Series ra mắt?
Dựa theo những thông tin trước đây, vào ngày 11/02/2020, nhà Samsung đã cho ra mắt dòng Galaxy S20 Series và cho đến đầu tháng 2 của 2 năm sau, vào ngày 09/02/2022, S22 tiếp tục được trình làng với những cải tiến ưu việt.
Chỉ riêng duy nhất một năm 2021, Samsung chính thức đưa Galaxy S21 series đến với công chúng vào ngày 14/01/2021.
Samsung Galaxy S23 Series ra mắt vào đầu tháng 2/2023
Thêm vào đó, được biết tháng 2 hằng năm là thời gian diễn ra sự kiện Galaxy Unpacked do Samsung tổ chức. Tính cho đến thời điểm hiện tại, theo một số nguồn tin cho hay, vào năm 2023 sự kiện này sẽ được tổ chức một cách hoành tráng tại San Francisco nhằm đánh dấu sự trở lại sau một năm đại dịch đầy biến động.
Theo đó, có khả năng rất lớn rằng bộ ba siêu phẩm hàng đầu gồm Samsung Galaxy S23, S23+ và Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra sẽ được trình làng vào thời gian này.
Khi nào Samsung Galaxy S23 lên kệ toàn cầu và về Việt Nam?
Năm ngoái, S22 đã ra mắt vào ngày 09/02/2022 trên toàn cầu và đến ngày 16/02/2022 dòng sản phẩm này đã về đến Việt Nam và chính thức mở bán (chỉ sau hơn khoảng 1 tuần so với toàn cầu). Trong khi đó, S21 được giới thiệu, lên kệ trùng với thời điểm toàn cầu.
Samsung Galaxy S23 mới sẽ được lên kệ tại thị trường Việt Nam vào ngày 17/02/2023
Từ dữ kiện trên, có thể đưa ra dự đoán rằng Samsung Galaxy S23 mới sẽ được lên kệ tại thị trường Việt Nam vào ngày 17/02/2023 hoặc sau đó một tuần so với thế giới rơi vào ngày 24/02/2023.
Điểm nổi bật về Galaxy S23 series dựa trên tin đồn
Vậy là dựa trên những báo cáo cùng những nguồn tin đáng tin cậy, MISSKICK đã cùng bạn dự đoán được Samsung S23 khi nào ra mắt rồi. Cùng nhau chờ thêm nhiều thông tin mới được trang cập nhật về bộ ba siêu phẩm “nhà S” này nhé!
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Samsung Galaxy S23 series: Pre-booking offers in India
Samsung has recently unveiled its latest flagship smartphone lineup, the Galaxy S23 series at an event in San Francisco, US. The event named ‘Galaxy Unpacked’ was the company’s first major launch event of 2023. Galaxy Unpacked was also Samsung’s first in-person event since the Covid-19 pandemic broke out in 2020. The South Korea-based tech giant has already released the India pricing of the new…
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सैमसंग ने लॉन्च किया नया फोल्डेबल फोन, गैलेक्सी वॉच 3 और इयरबड्स; कंपनी ने अनाउंस की गैलेक्सी नोट 20 सीरीज की भारतीय कीमत Hindi NewsTech autoThe Galaxy Z Fold 2 Foldable Phone, Galaxy Watch 3 And Buds Live Earbuds Launched At Galaxy Unpacked 2020 Event; Samsung Announces The India Price Of Galaxy Note 20 Series…
#5G#Artificial Intelligence (AI)#Galaxy 5G Devices#Galaxy S20#Galaxy S20 Plus#Galaxy S20 Ultra#Galaxy Unpacked 2020
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Still Not Preordered A Samsung Galaxy Note20? All The Discounts Live On Amazon, Samsung Store & More
Still Not Preordered A Samsung Galaxy Note20? All The Discounts Live On Amazon, Samsung Store & More
The Samsung Galaxy Note20 and the Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultraphones are getting ever closer to the shipping date, and preorders are very much underway. If you haven’t already splashed the cash on the Galaxy Note20 or the Galaxy Note20 Ultra, you can still take advantage of a bunch of offers that include cashbacks, exchange offers and prebooking benefits that offer bundle discounts on other…
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#Amazon#amazon.in#best value for phone#cashback#discount#Discounts#exchange offer#exchange scheme#Flipkart#Galaxy#Galaxy Buds Live earbuds#Galaxy Buds+ earbuds#Galaxy Note 20#galaxy note 20 price#galaxy unpacked#galaxy unpacked 2020#Live#note 20 price#Note20#Paytm#PreOrdered#samsung#Samsung Galaxy Buds Live#samsung galaxy note 20#Samsung Galaxy Note 20 announcement#samsung galaxy note 20 camera#Samsung Galaxy Note 20 features#Samsung Galaxy Note 20 launch#samsung galaxy note 20 price#samsung galaxy note 20 ultra
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Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Series Launching Today: How to Watch Live Stream, Expected Price, Specifications
Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Series Launching Today: How to Watch Live Stream, Expected Price, Specifications
Samsung Galaxy Note 20 series launch is taking place today. The South Korean giant is expected to unveil the Galaxy Note 20 and Galaxy Note 20 Ultra, alongside the Galaxy Tab S7 series as well as Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G, Galaxy Buds Live, and Galaxy Watch 3. The virtual event, officially called Galaxy Unpacked 2020, will be live streamed through Samsung’s online channels. Meanwhile, much of…
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#galaxy unpacked 2020#samsung#samsung galaxy buds live#samsung galaxy note 20#samsung galaxy note 20 specifications#samsung galaxy note 20 ultra#samsung galaxy note 20 ultra launch today unpacked 2020 live stream time price specifications expected samsung galaxy note 20 price#samsung galaxy note 20 ultra price#samsung galaxy note 20 ultra specifications#samsung galaxy tab s7#samsung galaxy unpacked 2020#samsung galaxy watch 3#samsung galaxy z fold 2
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Samsung Galaxy Buds Live, Square Charging Case Leaked In Fresh Renders Samsung will be launching the latest iteration of its true wireless earphones, the Galaxy Buds Live, at the Galaxy Unpacked 2020 event on August 5.
#galaxy unpacked 2020#samsung#samsung galaxy buds live price#samsung galaxy buds live renders leak wingtips square charging case mystic black bronze samsung galaxy buds live#samsung galaxy buds live specifications
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सैमसंग ने गैलेक्सी अनपैक्ड 2020 इवेंट में 5 नए डिवाइसेस का खुलासा किया
सैमसंग ने गैलेक्सी अनपैक्ड 2020 इवेंट में 5 नए डिवाइसेस का खुलासा किया
सैमसंग गैलेक्सी नोट 20, ज़ेड फोल्ड 2 और अन्य डिवाइस को अपने गैलेक्सी अनपैक्ड इवेंट से कुछ ही दिन पहले लॉन्च करता है। पांच नए उपकरणों पर एक झलक देने के लिए एक टीज़र वीडियो जारी किया गया है, जिसे हम अगले सप्ताह की उम्मीद कर सकते हैं। गैलेक्सी नोट 20 सीरीज़ वास्तव में हार्डवेयर-फोकस्ड कीनोट पर शोस्टॉपर होगी। टीज़र वीडियो से पता चलता है कि दक्षिण कोरियाई दिग्गज अपने अगली पीढ़ी के फोल्डेबल फोन का…
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#galaxy unpacked 2020#samsung#samsung galaxy buds live#samsung galaxy tab s7#samsung galaxy tab s7 plus#samsung galaxy unpacked 2020#samsung galaxy unpacked 2020 teaser note 20 z fold 2 watch 3 buds live tab s7 plus samsung galaxy note 20#samsung galaxy watch 3#samsung galaxy z fold 2
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Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 2020: какие новинки будут представлены?
Пандемия коронавируса, которая повсеместно шагает по всему миру, внесла коррективы во все сферы социальной и экономической жизни. Не стал исключением и южнокорейский бренд Самсунг. Как правило, южнокорейцы всегда проводят ивенты Samsung Galaxy Unpacked в Нью-Йорке. Но на этот раз было принято решение провести Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 2020 виртуально. В приглашении на мероприятие было сказано, виртуальный показ экосистемы устройств Galaxy состоится 5 августа 2020 года. Формат мероприятия позволяет принять участие в нём каждому желающему. А, чтобы знать наверняка, смотреть мероприятие или нет, мы тебе коротко расскажем, чего ждать от Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 2020.
Новые смартфоны линейки Note 20 — Galaxy Note 20, Galaxy Note 20 Ultra
Конечно же, главные виновники торжества — новые смартфоны линейки Ноут 20 — Galaxy Note 20 и Galaxy Note 20 Ultra, которые придут на смену Galaxy Note10, Galaxy Note10+ и Galaxy Note Lite. Старший представитель семейства получит диагональ на 6,9 дюймов с разрешением QHD+ и частотой 120 Гц. Помимо прочего, версия «Ультра» получит LTPO OLED-матрицу, которая отличается завидной энергоэффективностью. Младший представитель получит более скромные параметры: диагональ 6,7 дюймов и частоту обновлений 60 Гц. Очень тонкие рамки, компактный вырез в верхней части дисплея под фронтальную камеру, немного выпуклый дисплей и небольшие закругления по краям. Именно так будет выглядеть «Ultra» версия фаблета.
Процессор Qualcomm Snapdragon 865+ или же фирменный чип Exynos 992 (в зависимости от рынка);
ОЗУ 12/16 ГБ;
Ультразвуковой сканер отпечатков пальцев Qualcomm 3D Sonic Max 2-го поколения;
Отличительная фишка линейки — стилус S Pen;
Аккумуляторы на 4300-5000 мАч.
Естественно, такие внушительные параметры стоят внушительных денег. Чтобы стать обладателем нового фаблета линейки Ноут 20 придётся выложить от 1 250 до 1 500 евро. Продажи смартфонов запланированы на конец августа, и мы надеемся, что на их появление в запланированные сроки ничто не сможет повлиять.
Новая версия складного смартфона — Galaxy Z Fold 2
Скорее всего новый складной смартфон будет называться не Galaxy Fold 2, а получит название Galaxy Z Fold 2. Использование буквы Z в названии модели связано с необычной конструкцией смартфона. А всё потому что буква Z как нельзя лучше передаёт идею изгиба гаджета.
«Раскладушка» Galaxy Z Fold 2 получит дисплей ��иагональю 7,59 дюймов с разрешением 2213 × 1689 пикселей и с частотой обновления кадров в 120 Гц. Диагональ внутреннего экрана составит 6,23 дюймов с разрешением 2267 × 819 пикселей и частотой в 60 Гц. Что касается других параметров, то они будут следующими:
Однокристальная платформа Snapdragon 865;
Тройная основная камера на 12 Мп+16 Мп+4 Мп;
Аккумуляторы на 2 275 мАч и 2 090 мАч;
Поддержка быстрой зарядки на 25 Вт;
Соединение 5G;
Поддержка стилуса S Pen.
Как и характеристики Galaxy Z Fold 2, ценник также обещает быть впечатляющим. Чтобы стать обладателем раскладушки с двумя дисплеями придётся распрощаться с кругленькой суммой в 2 199 евро.
5G-версия «раскладушки» Galaxy Z Flip 5G
Скорее всего, на августовской презентации нам покажут обновлённую версию Galaxy Z Flip, которая была представлена широкой публике 5 месяцев назад. К сожалению, на каком процессоре будет работать Galaxy Z Flip 5G пока неизвестно. Но все остальные характеристики будут аналогичными с Galaxy Z Flip. Дебютировать устройство будет с ценником в 1 330 евро.
И в заключении. Скорее всего, на Galaxy Unpacked 2020 анонсируют новое поколение планшетов Galaxy Tab S7 и S7+. Но пока никакой официальной информации на этот счёт не поступало.
Что касается наушников Galaxy Buds Live, последователи Samsung Galaxy Buds и смарт-часов Galaxy Watch 3, последователи «умных» часов Galaxy Watch Active 2, то их нам покажут до мероприятия Galaxy Unpacked, примерно в 20 числах июля.
Прямая трансляция Samsung Galaxy Unpacked 2020 будет доступна на официальном веб-сайте бренда Samsung, на Samsung Global Newsroom и YouTube канале в 18:00 по киевскому времени.
#Galaxy#Галакси#galaxy unpacked#Galaxy Unpacked 2020#Galaxy Unpacked Virtual Event#Note 20#Galaxy Note 20#Galaxy Note 20 Ultra#Ноут 20#galaxy z fold 2#складной смартфон#galaxy z flip 5g#Galaxy Z Flip#Samsung Galaxy Buds#Galaxy Buds Live#беспроводные наушники#Galaxy Watch Active 2#galaxy watch 3#умные часы#умные часы Galaxy Watch 3#Galaxy Tab S7#Galaxy Tab S7+
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Galaxy UNPACKED 2020: गैलेक्सी नोट 10 सीरीज से सस्ते होंगे नोट 20 सीरीज के फोन
Galaxy UNPACKED 2020: गैलेक्सी नोट 10 सीरीज से सस्ते होंगे नोट 20 सीरीज के फोन
टेक डेस्क, अमर उजाला, नई दिल्ली Updated Sat, 11 Jul 2020 03:05 PM IST
पढ़ें अमर उजाला ई-पेपर कहीं भी, कभी भी।
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सैमसंग ने गैलेक्सी अनपैक्ड इवेंट की तारिख का एलान कर दिया है जो कि पांच अगस्त को है। सैमसंग के हर साल वाले अनपैक्ड इवेंट में नोट सीरीज के फोन लॉन्च होते हैं। इस बार भी सैमसंग…
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#Gadgets Hindi News#Gadgets News in Hindi#galaxy note 20#galaxy note 20 ultra#galaxy unpacked#galaxy unpacked 2020#galaxy unpacked 2020 august#Samsung#samsung galaxy note 20 price#Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra#samsung galaxy unpacked#samsung galaxy unpacked 2020#samsung mobile#samsung smartphone#Technology News in Hindi
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This is how Samsung’s next AirPods rival may look like - Times of India
This is how Samsung’s next AirPods rival may look like – Times of India
Samsung’s upcoming AirPods rival has been known to get a design overhaul since some time now. Since April 2020, there have been reports that the South Korean tech giant’s next truly wireless earphones are codenamed “Beans” representing what they look like. Now, popular tipster Evan Blass has posted images of these headphones showing what they may look like. The image he has posted on Twit…
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Quarta-feira, 5 de agosto, a Samsung revelará smartphones em um evento virtual
Quarta-feira, 5 de agosto, a Samsung revelará smartphones em um evento virtual
Na quarta-feira, 5 de agosto, a Samsung provavelmente revelará os esperados smartphones Galaxy Note 20 e Note 20 Ultra em um evento virtual: o Galaxy Unpacked 2020. Novos modelos do Galaxy Buds e um smartwatch Galaxy Watch de próxima geração também devem ser formalmente lançados no evento.
À medida que a economia global vacila e os consumidores diminuem os gastos, os caros smartphones 5G provaram…
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Samsung invites you to the Galaxy Unpacked event on August 5th.
Samsung invites you to the Galaxy Unpacked event on August 5th.
Samsung is all set to launch the new Galaxy Note20 series at Samsung Galaxy Unpacked event this coming August 5th.
The invitation depicts an S Pen sending down fluidity as it drops a liquid copper on a surface with fluid precision. This could mean an improvements on the S Pen itself as well as smoother UI elements for the Galaxy Note20 series.
The copper color also tells us that the…
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