#galactic civil war era ocs
kyber-heart · 2 years
Coltons of the Dark Times
More lore about Gage that no one asked for
His parents are Gaen Colton and Deena Colton. They had three children; Ishale [eldest, girl] Gage, Zak [youngest, boy]. They are (as of 0BBY) 25, 21, & 19, respectively.
Their family was never really wealthy, and both Gaen and Deena worked to provide for them.
Ishale is the overachiever of the family and her parents were always very proud of her. Zak, being the baby of the family was always doted on and given as much as they could give. Gage fell somewhere in the middle and while his parents loved all their children equally and fiercely, he was caught in the middle. Which in some ways suited him as it allowed him to fly under the radar a bit.
at 18, Isha applied to join CorSec which, at the time was heavily integrated with The Galactic Empire. Her parents voiced their concerns for her safety but Isha insisted. After completing her training, she joined the force as an officer. Meanwhile, Zak was the first of their family to apply to university, he studied engineering.
Isha siding with the Empire strained her relationship with her family, particularly with Gage who had seen how much Corellia and it's brother worlds had been struggling under it's rule, making life difficult for people like their parents. He considered it a betrayal of their family to support the Empire but Isha had countered that she had been using the money she earned to help support their parents who were struggling to pay for Zak's tuition.
The tension between Ishale and Gage would break when CorSec conducted a sting operation against Black Sun and Isha almost arrested Gage. She let him go only out of respect for her parents but made Gage swear to leave Corellia or she would turn him in. This event kick started his journey around the galaxy, which began in 1 BBY.
After this, Ishale quickly became a lieutenant. She was later offered a chance to join the Imperial Military as part of the military police. She accepted and would go on to be headhunted to join the ISB by the year 1 ABY.
Zak would go to graduate from university and was hired by Kuat Drive Yards. Gage had wanted to return to Corellia for his brother's graduation, but the threat of running into Ishale kept him away. A choice that Gage would regret making, and which hurt Zak slightly.
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thelearnedsoldiertoo · 7 months
Lily LaChance
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Sergeant LaChance, depicted here by the fabulous @cadhla182, has a very winding road of a backstory. Originally a relative nobody found by the Jedi to be Force-Sensitive at a typically young age, she was raised in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, being taken as a Padawan around age twelve and winding up on the front lines of the Clone Wars as a Commander at just fourteen, because, the Jedi were a little fucked up y'all.
She survived the Purge and became a bit of a self-interested drifter and con artist, using her powers for personal enrichment instead of anything deeper, surviving the Empire for years and eventually joining a privateering crew; said crew wound up tangentially working with the Rebellion, which saw her take part in a raid on an Imperial Convoy at the same time as the insectoid Velume were ambushing it to absorb more drones; she was hit in the stomach by a venomous spike that was turning her into one of them before several medics and Force Healers from the rebellion managed to save her. But they couldn't prevent the transformation, only delay it; instead of five hours her prognosis was five years, and while at first she wanted to jump ship, head to someplace nice and live like a queen, she realised that at the end of those five years none of it would have mattered to anyone.
But fighting with the Rebellion and helping to topple the Empire? That would.
So she joined them as a Special Forces Sergeant, seeing action on multiple fronts; when the war's over, her plan is to rest and enjoy the peace for as long as she can, and then when it becomes clear that the transformation can't be delayed any longer, she's going to take her ship into the Unknown Regions, find the Velume, and take as many of the buggy bastards with her as she can.
Thank you so so so so much, Cadhla! She came out brilliantly, as always!!!
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rebeltombraider · 1 year
That moment when you decided to start up an MCU fic because of PlotBunnies that just won't leave you alone... only to end up planning a large fanfic spanning from a lil bit before Iron Man 1, all the way to (so far) WandaVision eras, with a crap ton of changes. ... and all you wanted to do was to free the PlotBunnies so you could update your Supergirl and Resident Evil Village fics, but instead, the MCU bunnies rapidly increase until next thing you know, not only do u have an absolute titan of a fic planned and already being worked on, but now you have 2 other MCU fics as well. GDI brain.
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manofbeskar · 10 months
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oc spotlight 5 — constantine
constantine is a force-sensitive human mercenary from cantonica. though strong enough to pursue formal jedi training, he rejected their ways and preferred that of the mandalorians, running away when he realised the jedi were coming to pick him up. he would later reject an offer to join from a padawan named teren lovas.
in his adulthood, he joined the karjj pirates for a few years with his then-husband mezarar and their adoptive daughter solo sozinho. after leaving them, he joined a mercenary crew called skeleton key but unofficially departed before the end of the galactic civil war.
in the imperial era, he met a spy named veraa valoraa and partnered up with her. they eventually ended up on tatooine where they befriended cobb vanth and lived in mos pelgo for almost three decades.
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catohphm · 6 months
I've been settling on the idea of my Star Wars Jedi OC, Osian Artturi, being born on the planet of Dressel. The only problem, though, is that the locals lived on their own without much conflict until the Empire era. However, much of the evidence of the attack on the town he was born in was destroyed because the criminals raised it to the ground and massacred all the inhabitants except for Ossie. I would imagine the Dresselians also would've handled the incident in a way that they wouldn't have been likely to further attract outside attention after little Ossie left with his Jedi rescuers.
Perhaps an agreement was made between the Dresselians and Jedi/Republic that supplied compensation and aid for settlements near the sacked village in return for details of the attack being kept confidential. I imagine that the classified report would've made its way out during the Galactic Civil War. The exposure of the brutal attack on one of their villages could've been the spark that encouraged the Dresselians to join the Rebel Alliance. The people were determined to ensure that their way of life would be protected from any further incursions by the Empire, criminal groups, and other bands of scum.
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orange-twilek-guy · 1 year
Posting about my (main) silly little Star Wars ocs because I have like four posts to my name 😂 but now I will have FIVE !!!
My Main Oc is a former Jedi called Salo!
Salo is a Togruta in his mid 20’s(during the clone war era) and early 40’s(rebels era)
He left the Jedi order just before first year of the clone wars but offered to still serve as a medic during it. He left due to believing he held too many attachments to properly serve as a Jedi. After order 66 was called he survived due to many not knowing about his history with the order and he left to become a bounty hunter
Salo quite often day-dreams and due to this tends to forget if he did actually do something or if he imagined he did. As such many people think he is forgetful. While never not friendly Salo doesn’t make an effort to extend his friend group. After order 66 he withdraws more than he already had and feels quite anxious speaking with people he didn’t know prior. This has not stopped him from somehow acquiring many adopted children that follow him around like ducklings
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One of my other oc’s is the Quarzite Senator known as Silvanis Breic!
He is the star-warised version of an old warrior cat oc and I admit this shamelessly
He is a member of the Kage species and is quite young for a senator, only being in his mid to late teens. Their parents were prisoners of war during a civil war lasting generations between the Kage and the Belugans on the planet, captured while on a trip outside their village alongside their (at the time) young son. The tyrannical Lord of the Belugans saw advantage in raising Silvanis as a senator, to try and show the rest of the galactic senate(and by extension, the Jedi) that since a Kage was speaking on behalf of the planet no outside involvement was necessary. The last senator, an aging Belugan, quit when he realised galactic war had broken out as the stress of it and the civil war back home was something they didn’t want to deal with. Due to them quitting unexpectedly soon Silvanis had to step up to the role younger and less prepared than planned.
Silvanis is very poor at socialising with people outside of senate meetings and debates. He wasn’t socialised very well as a child and he finds it difficult to read other people’s emotions. While he is very perceptive Silvanis rarely chooses to act on what he sees unless it affects him or his job. They struggle with trusting other people and is known to hold grudges for quite a long period of time.
Database(CT-7828) is one of my clone ocs!
He is a starfighter pilot and he loves his job, in fact it is quite difficult to get him to stop talking about his ship. He earned his name from seemingly having the answer to every question one of his vode might have about airships. He even has a tattoo of his Starfighter on his cheek!
Despite his talkativeness when dealing with starfighters, Database is difficult to talk too about anything else. He is quite shy while approaching people who aren’t a clone and most conversations with him result in an awkward silence while he loads up what to say.
Thanks for reading if you got this far lol !!!
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jan-jan-binks · 6 months
I know that we got sooooo so much Star Wars content that's sandwiched in the time frame between Revenge Of The Sith and A New Hope. LOTS OF IT. So much of it that Order 66 lost its impact to some degree and the time period feels bloated and overused and tired but guys I must admit...
I'm part of the problem. I'm a sucker for that shit, I eat it up any time any day. The Galactic Civil Wars IS the most iconic Star Wars era. IT'S THE FIRST STAR WARS ERA ANYONE GOT TO EXPERIENCE. IT'S THE BAD BITCH THAT STARTED THIS WHOLE PARTY. I get it but dear god just make ONE last star war that takes place in it, and then send it to sleep, you know absence makes the heart go fonder, Disney. There's a reason we don't eat birthday cake everyday, because if everyday is your birthday then no day is. I know they will never stop because MONEY but please no more post ROS pre ANH content unless it's like, really fucking worth it like Andor, please I wanna write my fucking fanfiction in peace so I can use my blorbos however I want PLEASE DISNEY my ocs are starving
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lanami-legacy · 1 year
People of Marazi OC Masterlist
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Eglantine Obriv
Birthplaces: Marazi
Species: Human (Marazi)
Prequel Trilogy
The Clone Wars
Original Trilogy
Love Interests: N/A
Darth Viveza
The Marazi
The Enarsa Sept
Face-claims: Tati Gabrielle
Eglantine was the older sister of Cordelia Obriv and a childhood friend of Darth Viveza. She was known to be attentive and highly skilled in the ways of the Force. Eglantine was killed by her master when Heiss feared that she was becoming too strong.
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Cordelia Obriv
Birthplaces: Marazi
Species: Human (Marazi)
Prequel Trilogy
The Clone Wars
Original Trilogy
Love Interests: Loxas
Children of Beniko
The Marazi
The Enarsa Sept
Obriv Family
Face-claims: Kiki Layne
Cordelia was the younger sister of Eglantine Obriv and overseer of the Obriv Sept until Antonella Karaay‘s takeover during the Clone Wars. Cordelia served as one of Marazi’s representatives for over 15 years. Leading to her becoming friends and eventually marrying Loxas (as part of an arranged marriage).
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Jaks Karaay Snr
Birthplace: Joba
Species: Human/Shistavanen
Prequel Trilogy
The Clone Wars
Love Interest: N/A
The Marazi
The Nkua Etana Sept
The Enarsa Sept
Face-claim: Kurt Russell
Karaay was the father of Jaks Jr, and Darth Viveza's second in command during the Clone Wars.
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Macakruka "Mak" Cozv
Birthplace: Marazi
Species: Mirialan
Prequel Trilogy
The Clone Wars
Love Interests: N/A
The Marazi
The Enarsa Sept
The Nkua Etana Sept
The Juhani Family
The Karray Family
Rebel Intelligence
Face-claim: Danny Pudi
Macakruka was a pilot within the Nkua Etana Sept. He was known for his laid back and goofy attitude. He was the second and best friend of Ruta Juhani.
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Ruta Juhani
Birthplace: Melida/Daan
Species: Human
Prequel Trilogy
The Clone Wars
Love Interests: Glitch (TBD)
The Marazi
The Enarsa Sept
The Nkua Etana Sept
The Juhani Family
The Karray Family
Rebel Intelligence
Face-claims: Keke Palmer
Ruta was one of the first members of the Nkua Etana Sept along with her cousin Uka, and her in-law, Naree. She’s well known for her love of history and whenever given the chance she’ll tell stories of Marazi’s past in the most dramatic way possible.
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Uka Juhani
Birthplace: Melida/Daan
Species: Human
Prequel Trilogy
The Clone Wars
Love Interests: Naree Juhani
The Marazi
The Enarsa Sept
The Nkua Etana Sept
The Juhani Family
The Karray Family
Rebel Intelligence
Face-claims: Anna Diop
Uka worked as a bounty hunter during the Republic Era. As a child, Uka built cybernetic replacement for her shoulder. Around the time she and Ruta fled their home planet of Melida/Daan to escape the ongoing Civil War. Later in life she married a Marazi named Naree and adopted a child named Astrid with her.
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Naree Juhani
Birthplace: Vorpa’ya
Species: Human
Prequel Trilogy
The Clone Wars
Love Interests: Uka Juhani
The Marazi
The Enarsa Sept
The Nkua Etana Sept
The Juhani Family
The Karray Family
Rebel Intelligence
Face-claims: Li Bingbing
Naree mainly worked as a doctor and repair woman. She was in charge of the repairs of artificial limbs and life cyborg life support systems within the Nkua Etana Sept. She’s one of Astrid Juhani’s adoptive mothers.
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Antonella Karaay
Birthplace: Marazi
Species: Human (Marazi)
Prequel Trilogy
The Clone Wars
Original Trilogy
Love Interests: N/A
The Marazi (formerly)
The Enarsa Sept (formerly)
Galactic Empire
Face-claims: Kristen Wiig
Antonella was a politician, bureaucrat, and military officer whose career spanned the Fall of the Republic and the Age of the Empire. She originally lived on Marazi and worked as a doctor and supervisor to many of the settlements throughout the planet. She was the cousin of Jaks Karray Snr, and the aunt of Jaks Jr.
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Nell Dameron
Birthplace: Naboo
Species: Human
Sequel Trilogy
Love Interests: N/A
Dameron Family
First Order (formerly)
Face-claims: Akira Akbar
Nell Dameron, formerly designated LL- 4439, was a human female initiate stormtrooper who served the First Order until her desertion and subsequent defection to the New Jedi/Sith Alliance. Shortly after her defection, she was adopted by Alliance members Poe and Finn Dameron.
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chemtrail-mix · 3 years
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My Madame OCs! (also anyone under 18 please don’t engage with this post bc theyre from an 18+ only fic that deals with sw like come on, y’all know the drill, respect creators’ boundaries) also cw for reproductive injustice, war, mentions of abuse
Here are my three lovely ladies! They’ve been working as madames at the Trove since the Clone Wars, but were promoted from courtesans to Madames just before the Galactic Civil War. They were still active as of the New Republic/Mandalorian era. They primarily work on training incoming girls who sign up to work at the Trove, but also act as liaisons on behalf of the courtesans to the higher-ups. I’m still working to develop them more but here’s a brief overview:
Andara Kisha
-bubbly, sweet, gift of gab
-born on Mirial, she became a refugee during the Clone Wars. She eventually came to work at the Trove, after being shuffled around several different planets.
-loves nothing more than a piping cup of tea and a good book just before bed
-M̶a̶y̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶h̶a̶d̶ ̶a̶ ̶l̶o̶v̶e̶ ̶a̶f̶f̶a̶i̶r̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶e̶r̶t̶a̶i̶n̶ ̶l̶a̶r̶g̶e̶,̶ ̶m̶u̶s̶c̶l̶y̶,̶ ̶e̶m̶o̶t̶i̶o̶n̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶i̶n̶t̶e̶l̶l̶i̶g̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶c̶l̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶m̶a̶n̶d̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶e̶n̶d̶e̶d̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶r̶a̶g̶e̶d̶y̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶e̶a̶c̶h̶ ̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶a̶g̶a̶i̶n̶ ̶b̶u̶t̶ ̶w̶e̶’̶l̶l̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶ ̶h̶o̶w̶ ̶t̶b̶b̶ ̶e̶n̶d̶s̶ ̶b̶e̶f̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶I̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶a̶t̶t̶e̶m̶p̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶f̶i̶c̶
-training specialty: etiquette and conversation
Thalna Mis
-Quiet, mysterious, alluring
-born on Shili to a warrior clan of Togruta. Thalna never cared for such things, preferring to appreciate nature and dreaming of traveling to other planets. This earned her much mockery from the other members of her clan. She became an outcast until one day, she ran away, eventually making her way to the Trove
-The courtesans and madames are not permitted to have children. While Thalna wanted children, she knew such a dream was not possible. Employees of the Trove are not allowed to have pets either—generally. Thalna lobbied hard for her right to have a Voorpak, threatening to run out to the desert and never return. Castor Vesta, the owner of the Trove (being sent profited motivated as he was), relented. She has a precious little Voorpak named Dusty, who she treats as the child she never had.
-Thalna Mis was the favorite of Vesta’s for a long time. She was a favorite of the clients as well. This can largely be attributed to the fact that she is a little force-sensitive, making her especially attuned to her clients’ wants and needs. Still, she was grateful when she was no longer the favorite.
-training specialty: the sexual arts
Elmira Nerva
-energetic, intense, enthusiastic
-born on Ryloth. Her uncle was one of the most esteemed composers in the galaxy, and was the headmaster of the most prestigious fine arts academy on Ryloth. Elmira was quite the polymath: she was a stunning dancer, a mesmerizing singer, could play several instruments, and painted the most life-like works of art. She even wrote several plays, songs, and poems before she came of age. This came at a terrible price: her uncle was an especially cruel man who worked her to the bone. One night, after one of her dance performances, Vesta, who was in the audience, asked her if she’d be interested in working at the Trove. Elmira jumped at the opportunity.
-Elmira painted all of the murals that decorate the bedrooms of the Trove
-training speciality: the performing arts (mostly singing and dancing)
I love talking about these ladies so feel free to hit me up lololol
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duhragonball · 3 years
OC-tober #4: Majesty
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King Rehval III, monarch of the Planet Saiya in the 3rd Century Before Age.
I did a lot of development of the character over the years, but the core concept was there from the beginning.   If there was a Super Saiyan who lived 1,000 years before Goku and Vegeta’s era, then this must have been a major issue facing the leader of the Saiyan people.    Would he see the new Super Saiyan as a threat or an asset to exploit?   Either way, he would have to deal with her from a position of weakness, and how would he handle that? 
What I ended up with was a Saiyan who doesn’t act much like a Saiyan.  Rehval deals in statecraft, establishing diplomatic relations with his interstellar neighbors, forging political alliances with would-be rivals, and using brute force as a last resort.    I envisioned him as a sort of Saiyan Peter the Great.   As Peter forced his Russian subjects to shave their beards to align with European cultures, Rehval cut of his people’s tails to better assimilate them with the galactic community.  Rehval wants to overcome the Saiyan tendency for infighting and civil war.   His critics believe that he’s willing to destroy the Saiyans cultural identity to achieve his goals. 
In short, he and Luffa are ideological opposites.    At the same time, there’s a certain affinity between them, as they each represent Saiyans of vision and principle.   If they could have worked together, found some sort of common ground, then maybe Frieza wouldn’t have driven their species to the brink of extinction.
I was a bit unsure about drawing this guy.  I described him in prose, but I’m usually pretty vague about certain details.  I think I looked back once to see if he had facial hair or not, but I couldn’t find an answer.    I went with clean-shaven, as a nod to Peter the Great.   Lex Luthor from the Bruce Timm Superman series was an inspiration.   I wasn’t sure what to do about his hair until I saw Goku’s slicked-back look in Dragon Ball Super Episode #69.   Recently, I was looking at screencaps of Lucifer from “Sleeping Princess in Devil’s Castle”, and thought he looked a lot like what I wanted.    I think I managed to capture a pretty decent mix of those three looks.  
Oh, and he has the Vegeta family widow’s peak, because of course he does.
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This is Ali Ondasa’jega, my Balosar Jedi rocking her new look courtesy of the ever-talented and utterly phenomenal @cadhla182 !
She’s been through one hell of a narrative arc, going from one of the earliest Jedi to voice concerns with the Clone Wars as a Padawan, and even trying to defect to the CIS when it wasn’t clear how dark they were as a form of protest, to the death of her adoptive father and imprisonment by the Republic, to her corruption by the Inquisition when she was made easy pickings during Order 66, having already been wracked with grief and anger, to finally meeting the love of her life, a Clawdite ex-Jedi as well who managed to bring her (mostly) back to the light by simply acting as a positive influence and effective counterbalance to the darker impulses she was grappling with. Back to the Light, though not exactly the picture-perfect image of a serene Jedi by any stretch, Ali is the Jedi Knight you call on when diplomacy has failed and you really need someone willing and able to ruin some jerk’s day.
But before they can rebuild the Order, they kinda need to tear down the Empire! Rebellion, ho~!
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kyber-heart · 4 years
I’d love to make OCs in other eras of Star Wars. ‘Purge’ era, Galactic Civil War era and Post-’Jedi’ EU eras specifically. 
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Star Wars OC!
-== General Information ==-
Name: Alyx Charybdis
Nickname: Alyx
Gender: Female
Species: Echani
Sexual Preference: Pansexual
Age: 18-31(depends on roleplay)
Height: 4’11
Weight: 108 lbs.
Personality: Quiet, introverted, protective, a bit mean, kind.
Planet of Birth: Nar Shaddaa
-== Appearance ==-
Hair: White/light blonde
Eye color: Dark Blue
Body Shape: Skinny but well built
Skin Tone: Light
-== Other ==-
Era (Old Republic, Clone Wars, Galactic Civil War, New Republic): 
Allegiance (Empire, Sith Empire, Republic etc.):
Force Sensitive: No
Weapons: Amban phase-pulse blaster, DT-29 blaster pistol, RT-97C, electro staff Ship: YT-2400 Light Freighter
 -== Backstory ==-
As a child, Alyx had a rough life on Nar Shaddaa. Her mother was a prostitute(name unknown) and her father(name also unknown) obviously didn’t know he had a child, so she found her way on the streets until she was taken in by the local gang and trained by them. At the age of 16 she went out and started bounty hunting. She now goes all around the galaxy trying to find any job she can whether it be smuggling, killing, working undercover, or anything. She made a vow never to return to Nar Shaddaa. Then, she ran into some trouble with the empire and hid from them. She is currently in hiding after she was sent on a bounty to kill a very important imperial officer. She is a ruthless woman who will kill anyone or smuggle anything for the right price. She is not easily seduced, but can seduce very well. She mostly inhabits bars looking for jobs. She is also very good at leaving no trace of her kills. She also is very artistic when it comes to spray paint and graffiti. She tends to avoid most people, not wishing to partner up with anyone.(pics will be in another post)
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virtuousfuta · 4 years
Sees an anon only reference the clone wars era and galactic civil war era for a Jedi OC
The Old Republic era where the MMO literally allows you to make Jedi OCs that constantly run into Sith: Am I a joke to you?
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redtallin · 6 years
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I -could- draw something fresh and different. Or I could draw more of this dork. So I shall. I wanted to draw a galactic civil war era outfit for Kharo anyway, can’t go evading the empire in super extra jedi robes...
As always send me asks about any of my OCs if you want to! I try to answer all of them!
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sightofsea · 7 years
this is rly dumb and there is the HUGE chance im going to regret this but ok
basically when i was 15 i wrote an approx. 200k OC doctor who fanfiction featuring a kind of half self insert/half attempt to subvert mary sue comapnion stereotypes named jenna quigley. and ive been thinking about it more lately like the general storyline bc like. idk. n i figured i should write it out.
i should mention this is all 11th doctor era bc i was a huge fan at that time, and it takes place between that time he leaves amy n rory to when he does his farewell tour bc i wanted to try n add some canonical irony that ill get to later
so basically its all narrated from jenna pov as kind of stories she’s telling to the tardis database via recording. why, we don’t know yet. she;s. ok so in the plot she was from our universe n was an AVID fan of the show which like tacky i know but whatever. she starts out 15 and in basically my house and neighborhood (this fic started from a constant daydream i would have of going on adventures w the doctor bc i was a nerdy 15 yo so like. sue me) and there have been a disturbing amount of disappearances in the surrounding area that local police are stuck on. so everyones kinda afraid to go out into their own homes and at one point, jenna is doing something out in her backyard and actually witnesses one of the abductions, but is surprised to see the kidnapper looks like the silence, aka the television show shes been watching. she thinks shes going bonkers. her family leave her alone for the day to go to a thing for one of her siblings and she’s just kind of ruminating on this event when--lo and behold, an officer arrives at her door.
and jenna, she’s very skeptical about this guy. like, given recent events she doesnt trust her own eyes. and the guy is...off. like his badge n credentials, if she concentrates, looks like something else for a flash of a second, and for some reason the figure of him is kind of hazy whenever jenna tries to look directly at him. he is shown to have a quirky, friendly demeanor n jenna figures well, i gotta tell someone about what ive seen, so she invites him in. they have a brief chat n its obvious to the reader that this guy is someone VERY familiar (mostly due to my bad writing at the time) and jenna begins to explain what she saw and how its like this one show she watches, and this guy suddenly becomes very very interested in this before realizing he’s got it all pieced together and asks for jenna’s help in navigating the area to find what is, ultimately, a silence space ship.
jenna agrees and over time realizes this guy is most definitely connected to something in the whoniverse and originally believes he might be a time agent bc that seems more likely given their number as they travel to the ship. its also revealed that the officer has brought jenna along bc the key thing about what she saw is that she actually remembers the silence and can see past perception filters due to the qualities of alternate universe, slightly alternate brain chemistry and so on. its not exactly perfect--she can’t get through perception filters rly, especially good ones--but its enough to know something is wrong n remember certain things others from the dw universe might not be able to like the actual silence aliens themselves.
anyway they make their way to the ship, which has come through a massive tear in reality that the officer came through. in the fic lore i guess tears are seen as usually benign things meant to leak ideas of universes into other universes as a kind of waste disposal system, and as a side effect create inspiration in those who are close to them. this tear, though, became too big, kind of like a leaky pipe, and actual material was able to get through by keeping a frequency from both ends of the tear as a kind of safety rope. and to maintain their energy as a stranded ship the silence have been using humans as batteries. i put a lot of thought into this, i know.
SO once theyre in the ship the “”officer”” (we know who he is by now lets just face it) and jenna are captured n separated. jenna is held hostage and it is revealed she is a part of a second half of the “silence will fall when the question is asked” prophecy which goes “the unexpected shall follow the guided task” (i loved rhymes) which is further revealed to the be the following: change the timeline and destroy the doctor. and jenna, being jenna, is like “listen u guys i dont even know the guy so uh failed step one i guess”. she’s saved by the “”officer”” in the nick of time through work of faulty electrical work (like? i know its for style but the silence have all those lights on the floor n it is VERY dangerous) so the whole ship is blacked out n she hears the differently pitched speech patterns (”why do u sound all different” “they took my equipment nevermind lets go”) and after doing some work to reverse the frequency and basically make the ship implode back into its original universe they run back to jenna’s home in the dark, seeing as she was out for quite a bit. her family is conveniently not home yet n decided to hang out with some friends. and when she gets back n is finally in the light SURPRISE!!! turns out the officer was the doctor all along in disguise from the silence using a perception filter. 15 year old me was a literary genius.
n u might think hannah this is rly long is it done now and of course it isnt!! that was just the intro!! after the initial shock jenna kind of parses what era the doctor is from, which is pre-silencio but after finding out about it n in that 200 yr stretch that was never rly shown. and jenna’s like, a whole season ahead of him basically and knows all this stuff and is trying to engage with this guy she’s a huge fan of without like accidentally spilling the beans on his future. she sits him down to explain the whole tv show thing n lets him watch an episode while she goes to her room to pack like clothes n her laptop because its not every day the doctor just flies in and she’s 15 so shes like hellz yeah im gonna be a COMPANION not even THINKING of the consequences in terms of the multiverse, the prophecy and her family (she does leave a note but its self centered n kinda lame tbh just like be back whenever). afterwards she walks the doctor back to the tardis and is like so where we gonna go n the doctor looks at her like jenna you are a literal child im not taking you anywhere and jenna though some MASTERY of writing that was basically hey look over there! and doing it anyway sneaks into the tardis when the doctor isnt looking n becomes his stowaway.
for the next few weeks she just kind of chills in the tardis with this fear that the doctor will immediately bring her back home so might as well have fun and kinda sneaks around him and keeps couch hopping from room to room. the tardis does not like her one bit due to the whole different universe funky energies thing (and this was pre-clara and i really wanted to see a companion the tardis didnt like so) and has multiple conversations with it via the interface hologram which meant i could write cameos for classic companions and write the tardis as a character bc i was a nerd.
SO after weeks of casually avoiding the doctor eventually she gets caught by him and hes not happy about it so shes like well ok then send me home n then she gets the real kicker which is the tears all mended up. after the material was put back in place it went back to being benign n too small for anything to travel between. so jenna basically stuck in this foreign universe with a very slim chance of returning back to her old life and her family and friends and she mistakes the doctors anger at the situation for anger at her so shes like basically im all alone here oh god n has a crisis n has a dramatic run off into the bowels of the tardis hallways
eventually the doctor finds her and they bond over being kind of the last of their kind in a way and he takes a kind of fatherly role and is like well youre already here and im miserable on my own so why dont we two birds one stone it n just go on adventures for the time being and takes a kind of fatherly platonic role with jenna bc i was sick of seeing companions hook up with the doctor and was confused as to why they wanted to hook up with him (spoiler alert: huge lesbian)
so they set off on their adventures. the first one was about the doctor and jenna accidentally boarding a ship of genetically engineered soldiers called evos being shipped off to a galactic war and finding out some of them had rebelled and had been camping out in the ships underbelly. they had no mouths but were able to communicate via sign language n empath touch powers of transferable memories. the captain was a bitch who didnt see the evos as living things n eventually in a stand off either offered them a chance for the other, still podded evos to live and for them all to live a horrible life or have the podded evos be ejected into space in return for them to have a chance to fight for their freedom. the choice ended up coming down to jenna, somehow, i think, and she chose freedom and cost the lives of like 200 evos but were able to get the ones they were able to save (about, like, 100 i think) to safety and create their own civilization away from harm on a distant planet and their success and triumph to live their own lives i guess canceled out the fact that jenna played a part in the deaths of 200 beings. it was. i dont even know 
the next “episode” after a brief interlude of less impactful adventures and discussing mortality was a sherlock crossover episode that im too embarrassed to go into detail about but did reveal jenna’s newly formed abandonment issues due to her stranded in a strange universe situation and the fact she had a self harm problem that, surprise, mirrored mine. her n the doctor went on some more adventures over the next few months that were mentioned in passing. it should be noted that this first “act” i guess takes place over a solid year
the next episode featured river song bc i was gay for her without knowing it and i had just learned about easter island in history class and i decided to expand on one of the adventures said in passing during the series to kind of root my fic in canon bc i was a smarmy bitch. it involved being perceived as gods and the silence and using the flesh as a means of luring villagers to be used as human batteries and also putting a percetion filter on the ship so what was actually a crater was perceived to be a mountain. through this episode we saw the doctor again facing his own mortality, river sitting jenna down after a series of events pieced together her abandonment issues n harm problem n being like you cant rely on the doctor for this alone trust me i know its fun but when it starts ending it wont be. jenna gets kidnapped again by the silence n is reproduced as flesh to try and steer the doctor n river away from saving the day but overcomes that impulse and eventually pulls herself out of it and helps save things.
this episode also imports an important plot device of misplacement, which i shouldve put in earlier if im honest. the basic idea of it, within the fic lore, was that the universe, multiverse, whatever had to compensate for temporal displacement all the time when choices were made, but when big things that would alter history happened--like a giant supposed mountain blowing up 200 years after it had already blew up--it had a fail safe to transport the object causing the harm to the exact place but in a different time where the event would have less of a temporal impact. theres also an important note here where the doctor doesnt recall jenna being with him on their first adventure together. both are setting up the larger plot.
after the deal with the kidnapping and the flesh and all their adventures the doctor becomes kind of protective of jenna because i mean the dude also has abandonment issues like lets be real. so he kind of tones down the danger in fear of jenna dying or getting hurt. i mean, its been a year and theyve kind of become these friends who snark at each other like a family would and its nice that jenna has this person she can trust because she watched the show and like, knows him and knows his tells and calls him out on his bullshit before he can even get started and feels a kind of responsibility for due to the prophecy she was given and the doctor has someone to talk to and someone he also doesnt have to hide from really because she already knows almost everything. theyve been equally protective of each other--jenna keeping the doctor in the dark about the prophecy about her and keeping mum on the fact that she knows he isnt going to die, and the doctor worrying about jenna’s safety and trying not to screw her up like he has past companions to kind of try to atone for his past mistakes and make it up to this girl whose life he kind of unintentionally ruined. ok honestly idk why im getting in depth but i spent. years on this fic you dont understand
so. after a while jenna just kind of calls the doctor out like come on lets at least go somewhere fun and end up spending christmas eve in new york in the forties and befriend this newly single mother and jenna fakes a REALLY BAD accent to get across that her n the doctor are related n poor to gain sympathy. they do all the things she wants like times square and macy’s, where surprise! she sees amy n rory n their son and just kind of like. guides them away from the doctor like guys. this aint ur guy. and it would fuck EVERYTHING up also hi i know your guys’s entire life story, cute kid, etc. they give jenna some advice dealing w the doctor and she tells them that she’ll try her best to make sure he doesnt like, go self hating n all that bullshit n they part ways. her n the doctor meet up again and throughout this whole first part jenna’s been noticing people following her? with like, these weird orange-y eyes. and she thinks like fuck ok this’ll ruin the adventure, maybe theyll leave but they end up starting to go after her and reveal themselves to be a species called the visicheck
after escaping and dumpster diving because the visicheck hunt based on scent, jenna and the doctor start heading towards the single mother’s place for refuge (she had seen their situation n offered a place to spend christmas eve) and on the cab ride over the doctor explains that the visicheck r these ancestors of the family of blood, and basically are lifeless specks that latch onto living things and possess them until they burn them out and move onto the next one. they consume what is the basic energy a thing needs to exist and be alive, and for different species there’s different levels. lets say a dw universe human is ur basic ten on the scale. because of different circumstances in different universes, jenna is basically a 120 on the scale. like, these things could possess her body and use it for centuries to wreck havoc with the kind of energy she holds. and jenna, thinking about the prophecy of changing the timeline and also not wanting to basically be the living dead is like yeah ok fuck this is bad. 
they find some brief refuge in the single mothers apartment for a time and enjoy a lovely christmas eve dinner but eventually the visicheck catch up to them. the doctor escorts the single mother n her kid into a cab to get as far away as possible while jenna is just supposed to keep holed up in the apartment, but things arent so easy and they end up breaking in. she’s able to hit them over the head with a pan n kind of stave them off for a bit and heads for the roof, but is eventually backed into a circle. knowing the visichek can’t possess something that is dead and not wanting to potentially endanger the universe just to keep her life jenna jumps off the building in a dramatic fashion that i wrote to play with the carol of the bells because i thought it was cool, and you know what? it was. it really was.
and so jenna dies
at least for a bit
she wakes up in the tardis, rly confused because like, she died. like she knows she did. and the doctors not speaking n acting all broody and she finally gets the story out of him that after she died (posted as an anonymous person in the newspaper, i should note, and put in an unnamed grave to keep the whole “written in stone” thing in line) he kind of. went off on his own for a bit before rly hating himself for letting jenna die right in front of him and went back to catch and save her before she landed, therefore altering the events as it happened. and jenna is...not happy about this. like, one bit. because, in a twist of fate, because she is both living and dead the universe must compensate by going to misplacement, but jenna can’t fully complete the misplacement “”process”” i guess until she is in the exact location she is misplaced from, only different time and all, and in this case she’s in the tardis which almost always has its shields up, so she can’t even complete that bit. so, as explained, the universe will start the process over whenever the tardis decides to fly off again, and send jenna to a different time within the tardis’s general vicinity.
basically, she’s gonna be stuck hopping around the doctor’s timeline. like, all of it, until she finally meets up with the right doctor who knows her n has been past this point. which could take years for her. and, mind you, the task she was “assigned” in the prophecy was to change the timeline, and as a result destroy the doctor. so this is basically jenna’s worst nightmare, and she finally spills the beans about the prophecy in a fit of anger before trying to say goodbye and being whisked off
and this is where the angst stuff happens
basically, for the next year or so (when i rewrite in my head its two years, makes more sense) jenna is thrown around one end of the universe to the other, trying to stay out of the way of the doctor’s events while also trying to, you know, survive and eat and drink and sleep. she’s basically a homeless vagabond for most of it, and her abandonment issues and self harming kind of escalate. she begins leading a really lonely life, and grows this kind of love/hate relationship with the doctor where she really hopes to see him again but also grows bitter against him for putting him in this situation. she visits companions before their time with the doctor, like donna, by accident and stumbles through meeting them and trying to just keep going. in her loneliness she starts talking to a version of the doctor in her head, which starts taking more and more of a form to her before its a fully grown kind of hallucination she’s created out of loneliness (which was kind of based off of me being a lonely kid and having pretend conversations with characters to simulate human connection which is. sad. i know. really sad. its a lot). 
for a time jenna is stuck with the doctor and martha during the months leading up to human nature/the family of blood, and inadvertently meets martha and gets a job at the school as a fellow maid through helping martha drag the doctor to the place. she figures its the only stability she’ll have for a while and since she was never shown in the show it isnt rly affecting the most important bits of the timeline, and resolves to stay as far away from john smith as she can and just live out her life until the events of the episodes start happening and she’ll vamoose. she adopts an accent to blend in and when she has free time finds the stashed away tardis, which initially does not recognize jenna as a companion until finding archived recordings from the future bc duh its a time machine, which brings the whole pov thing full circle, and interacts with the interface to get answers about her growing questions about the silence and her situation and learns about a device called the cage, which has been alluded to in previous “episodes” only by name, as a great machine created by the silence that is meant to basically make it so that anything inside of it would be erased for existence, past present and future, using energy form the cracks in the universe. this was still at a point in the actual series where we knew nothing so i just kind of went buckwild.
jenna ends up having to interact with the tenth doctor as john smith once, and kind of aims all of her bitterness towards her future self at him and realizes that isnt fair, apologizes, and has a cathartic moment of finally moving past a grudge with the wrong version of the doctor. eventually the events of the episodes start happening and she vamooses before getting sent off to god knows where again, yippee
eventually through the next year jenna kind of begins to rly lose hope. like, it’s been a year already, she doesn’t know if she can keep living like this. so she makes a deal with herself to wait out until the end of this second year of time travelling vagabonding before she decides to off herself to save herself and the universe the trouble. 
she keeps going through the motions and actually stumbles upon a future, post-silencio doctor, with rory and amy in tow, and in a fit of like oh my god relief she kind of runs up to him and is like i found you, finally, holy shit n the doctor looks at her like im sorry but i dont...know you? like i genuinely dont know who you are. you might have ur timelines all switched up. and jenna knows this isnt true and freaks out and kind of just is like, theres like fifteen days until the deadline, all hope is lost, gonna just completely self destruct n cuts her hair and stops eating, but on the day of the actual deadline she keeps stalling as she zaps from place to place before finally deciding to end how it should end by jumping off a building n she has this heartfelt convo with this imaginary figure thats kept her company all this time
so she makes the journey up this apartment building in this basically abandoned future...chicago, i think? yeah. and you know, is about to do when whaddaya know, a familiar voice is calling out for her. she thinks its just the hallucination but eventually realizes that its actually the doctor, one that knows her, and they have this really heartfelt hug before she punches him square in the face
after the fact is a lot of secret keeping on jenna’s side. she doesnt want to be a burden and just kind of wants things to eventually get back to normal after a period of just resting finally and lies about her time being thrown around the doctors timeline, telling him it was only a few months instead of two years, and hiding the evidence of her self harm and other forms of self destruction to try and get things back to the way they were. the doctor can see through jenna’s bullshit though and over a month of just kind of chilling in the tardis and getting better she eventually tells him and after being pulled into an adventure with alien bees and a prison break and characters very much based off of the captor brothers from homestuck they kind of find their original rhythm
the next adventure was the one where i stopped writing mostly bc the plot absolutely sucked. it was a beach adventure episode, involving aliens and aliens who were mermaids and being stranded on a remote island. also, at the time i was going through a sexuality crisis and decided jenna was gonna go through it too and made her realize she was gay for one of the alien mermaids and totally made out with her. you can see how the plot was failing a bit, and the only thing i dont regret is the whole mermaid makeout thing really. 
the rest of the series from that point on was supposed to go something like this: jenna has to go back to her old high school, except in the dw universe, and finds out she actually doesn’t exist in this universe??? which is weird. the doctor plays teacher and they live in the prop attic of the school investigating a counselor that literally feeds off of emotions until the students are a husk and die. there was going to be a filler where the doctor and jenna start the doctors farewell tour (it is revealed when they finally find each other at the end of the timeline jumping debacle that the doctor has like two years left until silencio happens, with like a hundred years passing between new york n finding jenna) and the doctors mortality is discussed and jenna begins to wonder what happens to her since she isnt at the event or anything going forward, and begins to worry about the prophecy again.
the finale of jenna’s adventures was supposed to go like this: they end up tackling the silence again, only with the help of the cage, after jenna notices the doctor beginning to forget more and more things about her. they get captured and the silence plan to place the doctor in the cage and eradicate him from existence so that the question to be asked never existed to begin with. i hadnt figured out how yet, but basically jenna would finally click everything together and realize it was her destiny to do this, and even had a better chance since it eradicated her from this universe, and she still had a life in another one and could maybe start over and appreciate her family and friends a bit more, and would pull a switcheroo so that she would be put in the cage and slowly eradicated from existence. from that point the silence ship would kind of go haywire from the power being used by the cage and jenna would drag the incapicitated doctor back to the tardis and saying she has to go record something real quick, and then we dont hear from her again.
last scene would be of the doctor, years and years into the future, during one of his alone periods, sifting through the tardis database and happening upon the archived recording files and listening to them, not remembering exactly but living through these events with a person that was there but also never there to begin with, and the last recording being an actual face recording of jenna saying you know, she doesnt regret a minute of it, go out there and have a nice life and dont feel bad for her before saying goodbye and zapping out of existence.
last “scene” i guess would be a fifteen year old jenna, rather than the 18-19 year old we’ve come to know, waking up the day it all started and realizing she accidentally napped through the whole day when her parents wake her up. it seems apparent she doesn’t remember a thing, but her parents say something offhand that wouldve been a prolific line and she has a sense of deja vu and hints towards her someday maybe remembering but also having a chance to live a life without the trauma of her life lead in the other universe
so uh yeah. idk why i decided to write all of this. actually i do i have an essay i have to write but. idk this fic was a huge part of my life for like. a good amount of time and despite its tackiness im actually very proud of it and just wanted to share its story without having anyone ever have the link to it and read it because despite my careful planning i did narrate like a superwholock for most of it and it was REALLY annoyin. but this fic and the character of jenna actually helped me work through a lot of my own bullshit and im still kind of in love with it. and in the years to come actually m*ffat fucking used these plot points like the tardis hating the companion n the doctor forgetting about a companion like years after i wrote this shit but i think i wrapped up the cracks in the universe n silence thing pretty fucking well so uh. petition for fifteen year old me to rewrite the last half of season 6 i guess. anyway its 2 in the morning and i just wrote honest to god a full 5,000 words about my doctor who oc fanfiction so uh. yeah. fuck.
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