malocclusive · 5 months
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You love to see it
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wilcze-kudly · 8 months
Went to walk my dog and noticed that someone threw a bottle of liqueur into my fucking garden. It wasn't even empty? Rude.
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beauleifu · 1 year
Did i just hear someone say annon cult?
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duckduckngoose · 2 years
I just realized I've literally been writing. All. Day. What the fuck?
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irl-l-l-o-y-d · 1 year
I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?
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libraryenthusiast · 1 year
the prologue chapter of Powerless lived rent free in my mind for YEARS before I reread the book. Mr. Matthew Cody I forgive your continuity errors and typos because you had younger me HOOKED.
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definitelynotabird · 2 years
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Help I got to a part that is slightly hard and lost all motivation to continue…
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capulated-canthea · 2 years
My own mother has given me two little cakes things and said 'one for you and one for your valentine' I'm gonna to kill someone
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 6 months
Im begging pls doo another part for longing 😭🙏🏻 i just love that series.
𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜 — 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 5:
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𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨: 2k
𝙖/𝙣: omggg this was roughhh 😵‍💫
𝒍𝒆𝒆: jisung
𝙡𝙚𝙧: machine
𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @jeonginsdiary @leeknowstan33 @v--143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday @inkytornpagess @lajanaa @a-wild-seungberry @channieissocute125 @soap143 @seungsluvv @skznccmlee
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞? 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐛s🖤
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“Really!? Hyung, thank you so much!” Jisung squealed as he unwrapped his presents, a warm sweater in his hands. 
Chan grinned sheepishly. “Anything for you, Hannie.”
Minho nervously fidgeted with his fingers. He was quite certain Jisung would love his gift the most, but there was still a chance the boy would be weirded out and would probably never talk to him again. 
Lino insisted on giving his gift last, knowing that Jisung would probably get distracted if he showed his gift before anyone else’s. 
When it came to his turn, everyone’s heard turned expectatingly, and Jisung gave him a heartwarmingly sweet smile. 
Minho took a deep breath before standing up, leading Hannie to a new room constructed connecting to his room.
“Wait. I thought they were upgrading the kitchen in there or something.” Jisung commented, and Minho shook his head. 
“No…I paid for the construction to fit…this.” He gestured to a huge machine placed in the center of the room. 
“What’s this?” Jisung asked, walking around it while squinting or try and determine its purpose. 
“None of the staff or anybody knows about this, by the way. I took adequate precautions to assure that doesn’t happen. But it’s a…tickle machine.”
Hannie immediately shot his head up. “What?!” 
“Well, it’s a soundproofed room for a reason.” Minho grinned. 
“Wait wait. A tickle machine? What—how—” Hannie was confused, to say the least. Minho shut the door and locked it, but he wasn’t nervous. 
“Sit here.” Lino guided his legs onto foot rests and hoisted him onto the table like structure of the machine. “Lay down.” 
Nervous giggles built up in Jisung’s throat as he laid back into the mattress of the table, and he squeezed his eyes shut as Minho guided his arms to straps above his head. 
Once his arms and legs were strapped down completely, Minho switched it on. 
A voice immediately began to speak. “Scanning.” It scanned over the quokka’s body and asked a few questions. 
“Age? Height? Weight?” 
Minho answered all the questions and set up a safeword for Hannie, which the machine had him repeat 10 times to assure he knew the word. 
“Okay. What do you want it to do first?” Minho asked, and Hannie’s face flushed at the question. 
“Waist?” Jisung asked. It was a classic warmup for him. So perfectly torturous but somewhat tolerable at the same time. 
“Okay!” Minho imputed a few settings on the hand sized display.
One of the screens ahove Jisung’s body turned on, a large one minute timer set up. 
When it started to count down, hands were mechanically raised from the sides of the table, tapping twice against the area of Hannie’s waist before it began to vibrate in place. 
The fingers teasingly wiggled towards his sides, and Jisung’s body twitched in anticipation, his eyes squeezing shut. 
The second they reached the sides of his waist, Jisung began to cackle, the feeling of the vibrating rubber tickling oh so much into his skin. 
“OHOHO GOHOHOD IHIT TIHICKLES MOHORE THAN I THOUGHT IHIT WOULD!!” Jisung began to shriek as the fingers lifted the edge of his shirt up, slipping underneath and tickling him mercilessly. 
“Try using the safe word.” Minho wanted to test the machine. 
He was pretty skeptical about trusting a machine with his lee tied up, so he wanted to make sure it would stop. 
“PEAHA—PEACHES!!” Jisung yelled, and the fingers quickly slipped out of his shirt and off of him. 
Minho breathed a sigh of relief. “Either way, the kill button’s there.” He pointed at the red button near Jisung’s hip. 
Jisung grinned as Minho unstrapped him from the machine, and he sat up and hugged the older warmly. “Best gift ever.” He mumbled, and Minho hugged him back with a smile; He knew what Hannie would like after all. 
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Jisung groaned into his pillow, he really missed Minho and was honestly craving the older’s touch. 
Sure, he had gotten wrecked by Chan and Seungmin earlier, but nobody knew him as well as Minho did. 
Then Jisung had an idea. What about that machine? 
His lee mood killing him, Hannie headed into the room, shutting the door and locking it. 
He walked over to the display, and then saw something. 
Minho had saved a plan. Jisung quickly looked through it; It looked like a work in progress, but he didn’t seem to find anything wrong. 
He set the timer for five consecutive minutes, and then climbed onto the machine and slipped his hands through the straps. 
Once they had tightened and the machine tested him on his safeword, Jisung watched as not one, not two, but three pairs of hands emerged from the sides of the table. 
His eyes widened as suddenly, two hands slipped under his shirt, while one pair rested over his armpits, and the last one aimed for his sides. 
‘Wait. This wasn’t a part of the plan.’ Jisung thought, but he let it happen anyway. He trusted Minho and knew he would never hurt him on purpose. 
Suddenly, all the hands changed direction and began running up and down his sides, leaning Hannie howling with laughter and twisting on the table as the vibrating fingers tickled his bare sides senseless. 
The rest of the hands travelled back to their respective spots and began to dig in.
One hand suddenly spread oil over the boy’s sides, leaving him whimpering as the other hand spread it around his skin before tickling him again. 
“AGHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Jisung twisted on the table, finding himself immobile and unable to escape as the hands tickled his sides, armpits, and belly until he squealed in ticklish agony. 
They gave the same oil treatment to his underarms before scribbling over them with longish nails that certainly weren’t there before. 
Either way, they certainly pulled the loudest of laughter from the trapped boy beneath it. “NOOOHOHOHOHOHO!!” 
Hannie couldn’t remember if the oil was in Minho’s plan. He didn’t count on it. The older hated the feeling of the slippery oil and would never use it willingly unless Hannie had asked for it. He was sweet like that. 
The oil was beginning to melt slightly, only slicking up Hannie’s body more as more hands emerged and joined in at his thighs.  
That was what got him. “AHAHA!! NOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE!! IHI CAHANT TAHAKE IHIT THEHERE!!” He pleaded, but the machine was ruthless in its torture, cold and unforgiving. 
Jisung regretted wearing shorts the second they were pushed up a little and his thighs had oil spread on them. ‘This machine really enjoys killing me, doesn’t it?’ 
Before he could get another thought out, more vibrating fingers prodded the area, and Jisung fell apart into more laughter. 
“IHI NEEHEHEED A BREAK!! PEHEHEA—PEHEHEACHES!! PLEHEASE STOHOHOHOP!!” He screamed as the four pairs of hands ruthlessly tickled their respective spots until his brain turned to mush. 
But he wasn’t even able to get his safeword out correctly, laughter always interrupting him. 
Hannie began to thrash and scream as more hands emerged, spreading the dreaded oil on his now bare feet before using a rubber spiky glove to scrape up and down his trapped soles. 
“AAAAGHAHAHAHA!! NONONO FUHUHUHUHUCK STOHOHOHOP!! STOHOHOP PLEHEASE!! PEHEHEACHESSS OHOHO MYHY GAHAHAD!!” Hannie was pretty sure he sounded insane, screaming his head off as it became too much, quickly overwhelming him. 
Jisung tried to free his hands, actually managing to free them from the straps binding them and shooting his hand to the kill button near his hip. 
Two hands left his armpits to grab harshly at his wrists and yank them above Hannie’s head again.
Jisung realized with horror that he couldn’t escape no matter what.
The timer was counting down. 3…2…1…
His eyes widened as he realized…wait. It was a trap. The machine had trapped him.
He thrashed with a harsh scream when the fingers returned to his underarms again, and he glanced upwards to notice another pair of hands. 
Hannie cried out, tears of joy and frustration rolling down his face, but he couldn’t help the wide smile of joy that didn’t allow him to cry. 
“PLEHEHEHEASE LEHET ME GOHOHOHOHOOOO!!” Jisung sobbed desperately as the tickles in every direction made his head spin.
Funny how ironic that was, considering Minho would usually cheer him up this way. 
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“Hannie! I’m home!” Minho cheered, happiness overwhelming him at the prospect of being able to see his baby after such a long time. 
He walked to his room, but wasn’t able to find him, the only thing greeting him was an eerie silence. 
Nervous, Minho travelled around the house and even checked the other dorms, to find that Hannie was nowhere to be found. 
Until he noticed the room he had installed for him. Minho rolled his eyes as he thought of Jisung having such an unbearable lee mood that he had to go to the machine to relieve it. 
He tried to open the door, just to find it locked. That’s fine, he had a key. 
The second he opened the door, sounds of strained giggles wafted through the air, along with…sobbing? Minho slammed the door open and almost had the biggest whiplash of his life. 
The timer displayed numbers going into the negatives, -2:34:07. 
Multiple pairs of hands were holding Hannie’s whole body down, and Minho watched in horror as the younger twitched away from the hands that wouldn’t stop tickling him no matter how much Min could hear his broken pleas. 
He has basically became desensitized to the intense tickling, but he still cried and even squealed when a hand hit a sensitive spot.
Minho ran to the kill switch, yelping when another hand tried to grab his, and another tickled at his side suddenly, startling the hell of the older. 
“Wahait!! Whahat—AHAHAH!!” Minho suddenly screamed as a singular vibrating finger slipped into his v-line area on accident.
The hands tried their hardest to grab Minho and stop him from reaching the kill button. 
But he managed to hit it, shutting the whole thing down. The hands released Jisung and Minho’s wrists, and Hannie sobbed tears of relief as the timer display turned off. 
“H—Help me…” Jisung whimpered, twitching in place and curling up on himself.
Lino scooped the boy up in his arms, taking note of the slippery substance the boy was covered in, presumably oil? 
Hannie twitched in his arms, exhausted and still sobbing, and all Minho could think about was how stupid he was that he left Jisung alone with the thing without helping him, and  he didn’t anticipate the machine going rogue. 
‘I mean, it’s AI. What was I thinking?’
He set up a warm bath for Hannie as he laid on Minho’s bed, tired and exhausted. 
Minho picked him up, startling a loud scream from his throat, almost making the older drop him. “Shit, I’m sorry. Hannie, it’s me. It’s Minho hyung, yeah?”
Jisung finally gained the courage to open his eyes, and he visibly softened at the sight of him. 
“Hyung, weren’t you supposed to come tomorrow?” Jisung’s voice was exhausted from he constant screaming he had been doing.
“You’re lucky I decided to come early. My poor baby, three hours?” Minho asked. 
“I—I only put it for five minutes, I swear. I set it on one of the random plans you made, because I didn’t really know how to use the thing and I trusted you to be safe and—” Jisung began to cry again. “Hyung, I was so scared…w-when it didn’t let go…”
Minho cooed and wrapped his arms around the boy, rubbing his back gently and promising him he wouldn’t do anything like that again. 
“I-It wasn’t like you at all.” Jisung sobbed. “You know w-what’s good for me.” 
Minho sniffled a little, dropping his head so Jisung wouldn’t see. “Fuck, I’m so sorry, Jisungie. It was all hyung’s fault, yeah? You didn’t do anything.” He suddenly began to feel really guilty. 
The two hugged warmly, Jisung still trembling lightly, and Minho treated him to a warm bath and soup, along with a trip to Hannie’s favorite bakery for his favorite cheesecake. 
All Hannie could say was that he definitely preferred his ler to the heartless machine. 
Hey, what happened to that machine?
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“Hey…what’s this?” Hyunjin approached the machine, clicking a green button. 
His eyes widened when the screens turned on and hands grabbed at his sides.
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jk i know you guys love me so much BUT I EXPECT TO SEE REACTIONSSSS
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kisakis-boyfriend · 5 months
Since a title has been bestowed upon me, I feel it necessary to earn it properly.
Idk if you're familiar with the damsell in destress tie so: essentially it's a bondage tie that involves the arms and wrists being bound behind the back and the legs being tied either together like a mermaid's tail (albeit starting mid-thigh or knee rather than ahove the hip bone like in the actual mermaid tie) or have the legs tied individually ankle to thigh, second option is my personal preference because it keeps the legs spread rather than closed.
Colour match the ropes, black and gold, nylon probably because it's shiny and soft and hnnnnggggggg he'd be so fucking PRETTY on display and helpless like that. With his hair open because I say so. What can he do? Nothing. Completely at someome else's mercy, for them to look or touch as much as they please.
That shit should be ILLEGAL he should be BANNED for all our sanity (but specifically mine.)
-Ran rabies anon
Gods I am SWEATING- The amount of restraint that I would need to not ruin Ran immediately 😵‍💫
He's such a pretty boy anyways, but this? This is how you make him even prettier 💜
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
In the slow boiled au, there actually was a plan between MK and Wukong when they went to confront DBK. Wukong hadn't just ahoved MK off the deep end. MK was meant to distract the Demon Bull Family while Wukong slipped in and either stole his staff back or sabotaged the mechs they were using in some way. Unfortunately, it doesn't work quite like that since in base Slow Boiled au Wukong is too exhausted from the flight over to move, gets caught by Pigsy, and promptly dragged away, and in the alternative, he gets caught by DBK.
Specifically, DBK caught sight of him as he was sneaking around, recognized him, and focused all his attention on catching the little rat that was his former brother before getting a lucky grab and snagging his scruff, forcing the king out of of hiding and into the open. Then, promptly freezes because that is a baby bump. Wukong has a baby bump! His little brother is pregnant!!
The rest of the plan kinda derails from there.
This is a good build up to how the Pilot fight turns out in the au!
Wukong explains to MK that the Staff can still answer to him, and thus if either he or MK gets close enough to DBK, the Staff will answer their summons. MK is a little unsure of this plan and agrees to "distract" DBK so that his memtor can sneak around for the Staff (note: MK promptly ignores this and goes with his original plan of jumping into he generator so his new memtor doesn't accidentally get smushed by giant bull hooves).
Wukong totally believes that he can still lift the Staff + use his cloud with abandon, but the Stone Egg says no. Even when earth-bound Wukong thinks that he could at least get close enough to summon his Staff back to him.
Then MK jumps in, scaring everyone (mentor included), and gives Wukong a mini-heart attack when he sees MK roll out as a big Stone Egg for a few seconds before revealing that he retrieved the Staff from DBK's generator. The chaos is what causes the debris that gets Wukong noticed/saved by Pigsy and by-proxy noticed by big bro DBK.
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noona96n · 1 year
Don't you think it's funny cause actual canon gay characters in BL manga will say "I love you" but only the shounen bromance can spew out some of the most romantic shit akin to a 19th century poet writing a letter expressing his surpressed love for his lover 😭.....
i h8 to be that person but not everything has to be romantic. love itself isn't even always romantic. platonic love, hello? familial love, hi!
but i gotta say it bcs it's the truth and bcs im spreading the AroAce agenda lol
it's easy for us to connect any deep and meaningful feelings with romantic love bcs that type of love is the most visible and most ahoved-down-our-throat in our society.
that being said, fiction is open to multiple interpretations that are all equally valid. and im guilty of interpreting things in the romantic lights as well so go ham with ur rose-tinted romance glasses!
as for the ask itself, well, ppl have to get creative with expressing their love somehow, right? so, when they can't say ily explicitly, they go to great lengths to convey it just how one would make grand gestures and make big speeches to make sure their partners understand the magnitude if their love.
(best examples are chinese danmei/wuxia bl lol)
im unfamiliar with 19th century poets but, perhaps, brotherhood (& sisterhood) & camaraderie are sth we associated with the expression of hidden? angsty? depressed? unfulfilled? loves during that time that's why it reminds us of that era? or mb we associate the implicitly interpreted romance with the time. or mb just bcs their relationships remind us of the relationships of that era in general.
and I just realized i turned a fun ask into a too serious one... whoops
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medicallymercury · 7 months
Haunted (24/02/24)
I feel ill and tired but I watched the episode when I woke up, so.
I know I normally post this after the episode airs but I'm not worried about spoiling anything because all my discussion of the actual episode is below a cut. Just don't read below the cut if you haven't watched yet. Also, I'm only talking about what I can be bothered to write up (so I’m extremely focused on a few characters) because I'm really very tired and my brain is melty.
Is that really it for Paige? It felt like a pretty un-final final episode. Whether that's actually goodbye or not, PAIGE DESERVED BETTER, she's been treated like a side character in another person's life (yes, I know that person is my fave but I get to give him preferential treatment, the writers probably shouldn't) since the start of AHOV but she at least should've been the absolute focus of this episode, not the love triangle. Maybe Barriers set my standards for final episodes too high with how well they handled Sah’s exit.
The patient plot they had going on with Paige and Jodie didn’t feel like it made sense for the two of them as much as it might’ve made sense for Sah and Teddy during the original iteration of the love triangle. Like, since when are Paige and Jodie comparable to ’rush into a burning building’ friends?
I’m sure there could’ve been a way to make Teddy and Jodie interesting, I still wouldn’t have like shipped them or anything but I might’ve accepted them in the same way I accepted Teddy/Paige happening immediately after I thought we were finally getting our Sah/Teddy storyline in With a Bullet, but they have not done it and I want them to break up immediately.
The crowd's reaction to the explosion sounds like an obvious and very silly added-in sound effect and that isn't a complaint because I found it funny. Also the explosion-y scenes we saw today only represent half the explosion-y scenes in the trailer.
Jan and Teddy can have one scene together and I will love every second of it. Di Botcher and Milo Clarke play them so well, they've got the dynamic on point and I just love them so much. I completely believe, as Jan is dragging Teddy away from running into a burning building, that she has been been putting up with him for 24 years. As silly as that can be, I also think it really adds to their storylines (when they get them...), being able to believe that Jan has known Teddy his whole life fuels the I-need-to-lie-down feeing I get any time I think about Teddy and Jan when Teddy was younger.
I’m interested in Tariq. It must be hard to introduce a new main character who already has a relationship with another main character because you have to really hit the ground running, it's probably why the Holbyverse is so full of estranged families. But they did it well with Jan and Teddy and I hope they do it with Rash and Tariq too.
I think I like Siobhan but in the sense that when I was giving my non-Casualty friends the weekly Casualty update, the overwhelming response to "there's a new clinical nurse manager and she's older" was "GIRLFRIEND FOR JAN??????" which I doubt will happen but it's a brilliant suggestion.
She’s what the ED needs, though. Everything is exploding all the time and she has shown up to try and stop that a bit and I love her for it.
With the Harry and Mel stuff: Stevie will be obviously fucking right and they’ll (Charlie and FAITH) all be like “omg Stevie is overreacting fr” IS SHE???? hhhhhhhh… SIOBHAN KNOWS SHE’S RIGHT THOUGH (I’m happier with how this stuff has been this week, actually, just because the show isn’t also treating her like she’s unreasonable anymore)
I’m sure other stuff, important plot stuff, happened but I've not got much brain power left for words so I'm leaving it here.
OH, WAIT, YEAH. “Must have a hell of a bromance going on to go back in there." Theodore, my love, you got shot for your best friend, though that wasn't really a 'bromance' situation, was it? Aughshsh... I miss them and the get-a-room-losers way they used to stare at each other so much.
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terraliensvent · 2 months
They say CS brings out the worst in people. Obviously. Cause you made yet ANOTHER ripoff species from one YOU FAILED. You cant tell me that this species was not ripped off from terras. Its so very obvious.
Also- For someone who is done with Closed species. Why make a semi-closed species??? So you can keep all the pretty shiny traits locked behind a paywall that rraches 500+???? Cause calling it now... It'll just be a repeat of every other specoes yall ruined by being greedy.
Ginna wait for the argument too of "well its semi-open so!" Idgaf. This is insane of you to do after everything that was pulled by them and their partner.
Take accountability. Stop deflecting. Stop trying to ahove everything under the bus.
And for the dxck riders... Yall are THE MOST BLIND. But thats okay. Cause eventually they WILL pull the same shit on you. That will be how you guys learn to finally open ypur eyes and stop sucking their dxcks for free art, specoes stuff, and more. When the tables turn on yall, i hope you give THE BIGGEST apologies to everyone here who tried to point out how horrible these two have been and still are.
Good luck.
post related
i dont see many similarities to terras minus the facelessness which isnt really that original to begin with
but yeah, hilarious to see them jump ship to a new semi-closed species after fucking up so badly again and again
the deflection is off the charts too, they deleted comments calling them out and telling them to give the WHOLE STORY, not just "sorry guys i made mistakes"
and the dick riders are infuriating i agree, so easily manipulated by people you know will never give a fuck about them
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larz-barz · 2 months
I just don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad look at this stuff isn't it neat wouldn't ya think my collections complete wouldn't ya think I'm the girl the girl who has everything look at this grove treasure untold how many wonders can one cavern hold looking around here you'd think sure she's got everything I've got gadgets and gizmos and gizmos a plenty I've whozits and whatzits galore you want thingamabobs I got 20 but who cares no big deal i want moooooore i wanna be where tbe peoplr are i wanna see wanna see em dancing walkin around on those whats that word again streeeeeets up qhere they walk up where they run up whete thry stay all day in the sun wanderin free wich i could hr parg of that woooorld what would i give of i cohld live out of these watcers what wohld i pay to psend a day wa on the saaaand betcha on land that understand that thet dont repremend their daughter bright your women sick of swimmung ready to staaaand and ready to know what the people know ask em my questiond and get some andwrts whats a frie and why does it whats the word burn whdns it my turn wouldnt i love love go ecplore that shoerw up ahove out of thr sea eish i could be part of your
hehe thx ace XD
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skretri · 11 months
Omg vilbur....ahoves him in a jar, ALSO HI SKRETRI
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