#gala dreemurr
ask-ashlyn-and-co · 3 months
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Very well. Enjoy your visit, please read the following information and note that anything is subject to change. This includes characters, information, ‘rules’, and so on.
The following askblog will contain noncanonical information and interactions that are based around preexisting canonical events and storylines. If a response depends on a particular time period within the universe that these characters reside in, it will be specified.
Events and interactions will be categorized (tagged) as canon, noncanon, or hypothetical.
Although there are preexisting canonical events and storylines, this askblog does not currently have an overarching plot. However, temporary events or subplots may still occur.
Upon a proper introduction, characters will be officially able to respond to a direct ask. Until their introduction, you can attempt to ‘summon’ them or send an ask in advance if you know the character. :)
Characters do not have set ages, but all characters shown will be over the age of 18 unless otherwise stated.
Magic anons are allowed, just don’t go *too* crazy.
Feel free to ask anything! Although I will remain open to all asks and subjects, I still reserve the right to deny an ask.
If an ask contains a subject that warrants a content/trigger warning, please add it within the ask. Responses will be tagged appropriately with said warnings. If you deem a warning necessary, please mention it.
Assume an ask will be answered unless specifically told otherwise.
Askable characters include but are not limited to the following list (additional characters will be added accordingly):
Ashlyn Adwin, genderfluid. An Echohuman, but is currently unaware of that fact. (Status: Askable!)
Bernard Steinn, uses he/him. A Werewolf, often times referred to as a himbo. (Status: Currently unavailable.)
Galada “Gala” Dreemurr, uses she/her. A Lumen who resides with the Outertale Dreemurr family. (Status: Askable!)
Halley Huntsman, uses she/they. Once a skilled hunter, now a skilled human proxy of Slenderman. (Status: Currently unavailable.)
Issac “Izzy” Ingrid, uses they/he or they/she. A measly human with an ill-fitted fate. (Status: Currently unavailable.)
Kathryn “Kathy” Malkin, uses she/it. A sweet cat-human hybrid who wishes to forget a dangerous past. (Status: Currently unavailable.)
Kristal Steinn, uses she/her. A shiny gem-human hybrid preoccupied with advertising and chasing beauty. (Status: Currently unavailable.)
Delilah “Lio” Ingrid, uses he/she. A golden child striving to claim golden performance awards. (Status: Currently unavailable.)
Melody Unison, uses she/they. A carrier of both the Alexandria's Genesis mutation and the ability to hear one’s internal melody. (Status: Currently unavailable.)
Mystery Mysterium, pangender. A Nephalem, born from an angel and a demon, who shares a vessel with other celestial beings. (Status: Askable!)
Pixel Pel, uses they/it. A human-passing android that has forgotten their own past, now wasting skills to cheat at video games. (Status: Currently unavailable.)
Soot “the Narrator” [redacted], uses it/its. Cursed with the ability to manipulate anything with mere words, as a result of stealing from the Twin Deities of Creation. (Status: Askable!)
Toranagantelumront “Torana” Smith, changes pronouns with each regeneration. A Timelord who formerly worked as a First Class Archivist, now venturing through universes with a Type 54 TARDIS that is stuck looking like a Pac-Man arcade machine. (Status: Currently unavailable.)
Victor Gonzalez, uses he/him. Once a tomboy who obsessed over athletic wins, now simply a boy who obsesses over athletic wins. (Status: Currently unavailable.)
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buttercupart · 1 year
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the youngest Dreemurr, Frisk - child of the human world, ambassador to the monster world, and warrior of peace
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yelek-galleries · 1 year
★彡[ᴛʀᴀᴊᴇᴅɪᴀꜱ ʏ ꜱᴜᴄᴇꜱᴏꜱ ᴅᴇʟ 21 ᴅᴇ ꜱᴇᴘᴛɪᴇᴍʙʀᴇ ᴇɴ ᴀᴅᴇʟᴀɴᴛᴇ ᴀÑᴏ xxxx]彡★
La caída del antiguo orden de la magia
La muerte de la luz y la esperanza (las madres de Daren y Cristel y los traumas de estos dos)
Explosión en el distrito hotland (la historia de Betty)
Estrategia y dolor ( aparición de Ian y su historia con cristel)
Los nuevos herederos del Reyno (la historia de la familia Dreemurr)
La muerte de Etimot el líder del convento del alma integridad (la historia de Etimot y Teo)
El nuevo orden de magia (la integración de los elegidos y futuros líderes al nuevo consejos de magia, y la historia de Cio)
El desarollo de la magia y tecnología (la historia de Daphne y su relación con los hermanos Skeleton)
La nueva guardía real (Historia de Einar y los hermanos Skeleton)
Desendencia deseada ? (La posible historia de Hestia y Daren)
Integración del consejo de armas híbridas y defensas mágicas (la historia de shara y Naru )
La gala real (conmemoración y fiesta en honor a la luz y la esperanza)
El resurgimiento de la paciencia y la magia (parte de la historia de Cio y Daren)
Estrategia,orden, liderazgo, sabiduría y tecnología (la historia de Hestia,Reggie,Evin, Betty y Daren)
A si, éstos serán y podrán ser capítulos en la historia los que tienen un título en específico son capítulos que si estarán y los otros son para que se den una idea de lo que serán,así que ya tiene más o menos de los he puede pasar en esos capítulos, obviamente están desordenados con forme salgan los capítulos ustedes tendrán que averiguar que pasó primero o si todo sucedió al mismo tiempo 🤗 eso sí,solo les puedo decir que la aparición de Shara estará en el primer capítulo
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the-river-person · 3 years
I’m going to have to make a list of these eventually. But know that the world in “The Alleyway” is now considered "open for use"  or “Community Shared” without the need to request permission from the creator (me) though I’d like to be tagged and credited still. Name of Au: WarrenTale Creator: the-river-person Date of Appearance: Aug 1st, 2021 Universe: WarrenTale is a Universe where Monsters and Humans live freely together within the four major cities of the Claustra Alliance. The Alliance is ruled over by an Emperor who mostly allows the city officials or rulers to each do as they see fit. Citizens are not allowed to leave the confines of the cities, which are large enough to be mostly comfortable for a lot of people, except by special rail cars which carry people to the other cities. The reason for this confinement is the Corruption. A supposed poison or infection that covers the land and deadens it, rendering it blackened or grey, and everything on it that is infected. The official reports state that the Corruption originated during the Human and Monster War and that in order to survive, Humans and Monsters formed an emergency peace treaty and created the cities with magic and technology, thus diverging WarrenTale from the main course of events of Undertale. Each city is supposed to corespond to one of the original Game’s main areas. Vandfald, the only named city thus far, is based on the Waterfall Area and features a city of colossal towers that carry layers of open-air streets and numerous districts. This cluster of towers stands in a deep gorge whose depths cannot be seen from above. Water is pumped in from below and put to use all over the city to generate power, the canals then dump it back down into the gorge via massive waterfalls. The city’s drinking and bathing water is pumped in specially to prevent any Corruption. There is still technology in this world, but its either primitive stuff or very very advanced. Little of the stuff we’d recognize remains unless its scavenged from outside the Cities and repaired to be sold by illegal merchants. The Warren is a set of twisted labyrinthine streets that are home to vagrants and vagabonds, shady dealers, persecuted minorities, criminals of various kinds, and pretty much most outcasts from the Cities. They are built to resemble the streets and styles of all four of the Cities, but are actually quite far away from all of them. Technology and Magic as old as the War was scavenged, rebuilt, and used to make numerous Gateways and Posterns that lead into the Four Cities in various locations. In the event of an incursion, these gateways can be shut down to cut off access. Denizens of the Warren see themselves as apart from the Cities and the Emperor’s rule, though not everyone sees themselves as a rebellion. Characters: Frisk: A Gender Neutral child of about twelve years of age who lives with the Dreemurr Family after having been adopted through the system at a young age (a deeply traumatic experience). Though the Dreemurrs are not cruel people and would never try to hurt anyone, they are not the most ideal parents and can sometimes be both neglectful and controlling. Madame Toriel: A charming woman, but somewhat overzealous about what she terms “climbing the social ladder”. This entails hosting large dinners and galas with all sorts of important people, especially Minister Sans. The Minister is of particular importance to her because he is Minister of Finance and Commerce for the City of Vandfald, and the Dreemurr family owns a budding trading company. She may be sweet on Sans, but its difficult to tell whether that’s real or merely a product of her ambitions. Though she sees herself as benevolent and kindly, she likes to have things her way and can aggressively micromanage everyone around her until she’s satisfied. Azzy: The child of Madame Toriel and Master Asgore. Suffers from neglect and is often ill and anxious. Whenever he’s well enough he likes to spend time out in the extensive gardens around the family house and sometimes to visit the city gardens. His favorite flower is a kind of golden blossom whose name he hasn’t found out yet, though he’s memorized the names of every other flower in the city. Master Asgore: A monster consumed by his desire for wealth, left a shell of himself. He is always working, always trying to make better trades, make new profitable deals. Driven by the need to provide a “better” life for his family, he is neglectful and absent. Though others might think him friendly and charming, he is solely focused on rising up in the world. Always rising, but never really stopping, never finding that enough is enough, and slowly losing the very things he’s certain that he’s caring for. Doggo: Surprisingly he’s an old University Professor, fired for teaching his students about dissenting views against the Alliance, the Cities, and the Emperor, about pre war history and philosophy, and about a number of things the city officials decided were “deliberately harmful to the prospects of students by taking up their time with unnecessary and outdated or irrelevant studies.” (In other words, they didn’t want to say he was a threat to the state so he got the boot). He still keeps in contact with several of his students, one of whom is Minister Sans of Vandfald City. Doggo now lives in the Warrens, and has printed several books with his knowledge (all banned by the Emperor after copies were found and confiscated by city law enforcement) under various pseudonyms. Minister Sans: For all appearances he is a respectable and upstanding Citizen. He oversees trade and business for Vandfald as well as setting the government’s budgets. However he is also well aware of the Warrens and is actively engaged in a growing resistance to the control of the Emperor. He is not publicly known to have a brother, but he cares very deeply for Papyrus and ensures that he always has more than enough to live on despite the fact they rarely see one another anymore. Papyrus: The Doorkeeper. Papyrus is rarely seen in person, spending almost all of his time in his home, hidden deep in the lower levels of Vandfald City’s towers. He has control of the mechanisms that maintain the entrances to the Warrens. Individual gates and doors can be shut by someone nearby in the Warrens. But this lonely skeleton holds the key to shut or open any or all of them whenever he wishes. How he ended up in charge of this is unknown, but he’s made it his life’s work to keep the Warrens free and the refugees living there safe. He spends so much time alone, watching the gateways, that it consumes him, driving him half mad. Sitting in the dark and staring at screens from ancient computers as old as the War of Humans and Monsters. Sans visits rarely, and ensures he has money and food and anything else he wants. Aron and Catty: Two married monsters who live in the Warrens. Traders and merchants, they sell illegally scavenged and repaired technology from the badlands beyond the city. Aron is a very handsome aquatic monster with muscular features and comes off as a used car salesman. He is deeply devoted to his Cat Monster wife and would do anything for her. She is only slightly resentful towards their situation, having come from a moderately wealthy family, but loves him just as fiercely. Despite this, they quarrel constantly, and she whacks him with whatever is on hand (really he doesn’t mind this and they both know it. It’s more for the show of getting their frustrations out.) Chilldrake: Child of the Drake family, a family who runs a restaurant in Vandfald City. His friends include Azzy, Frisk, a mouse (whose father works in the restaurant), and a monster named Suzy. Can I use this AU in my story/comic/video/art?: Yes. I only ask that I be tagged and credited! So I can come see what cool stuff you did! Can I write a story/comic or make a video for this AU that tells its story?: Sure. I don’t have a story for it. I might come back and do a one shot or two. But all stories for it are equally canon. Is Mistral Sans an official part of this AU?: He is not. Mistral visited, and ended up giving advice to Frisk and Azzy. But he won’t interfere with events here, and has told them not to mention him to anyone. He might offer them one or two pieces of advice if they really need it, but its likely he’ll be long gone before the story draws to its close. He’s just here to see what this Universe is like. Will you answer questions about this AU’s characters, places, and history?: Sure. I’d love to. Just send an ask and if I have an answer, I’ll let you know. Or if I never thought about that, I can probably figure it out in order to answer.
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marilynsweet · 5 years
OOOH!!! For the "I can't dance line." A royal gala held by the Dreemurr family. Asriel dressed to the nines in his regalia spots a beautiful wallflower (Frostbite). He cuts through the many who want to dance with him straight to her. "Care to dance?" He asks. "I can't dance." She responds shyly. He gently takes her hand "Just follow my lead." At first she's a bit clumsy but she quickly gets the hang of it. They spend the rest of the night after their dance away from the party talking n stuff.
Bfbfbfb YASSSS
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effkaytales · 7 years
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EFFKAYTALE -- Hopes and Dreams
Bard Hydra as The Human
Hammere Catte as ASRIEL DREEMURR
and introducing
Gala Liebe as ?????
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