#gaja cyclone
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நாகப்பட்டினம் | கஜா புயல் நிவாரண உதவி போலி பட்டியல் தயார் செய்து ரூ.2.75 கோடி மோசடி: அரசு ஊழியர்கள் 2 பேர் மீது வழக்கு | Gaja Cyclone Relief Aid
நாகப்பட்டினம்: நாகை மாவட்டம் வேதாரண்யம் வட்டம் நாலுவேதபதி கிராம நிர்வாக அலுவலராக பணியாற்றிய சத்தியவான், கோவில்பத்து உதவி வேளாண் அலுவலர் ரவிச்சந்திரன் ஆகியோர், 2018 நவ.16-ல் வீசிய கஜா புயலால் பாதிக்கப்பட்ட தென்னை மரங்களுக்கு நிவாரணம் வழங்கியதாக போலி பட்டியல் தயார் செய்து, பண மோசடி செய்துள்ளதாக லஞ்ச ஒழிப்பு போலீஸாருக்கு நாலுவேதபதியைச் சேர்ந்த அட்சயகுமார் என்பவர் புகார் அனுப்பி இருந்தார்.…
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Mr. Manu Neethi Manickam, President Manu Neethi Foundation Donated solar lights to the people who has affected by Gaja Cyclone and Discussed about their difficulties and problems. From this discussion he came to know, the people mostly affected by lack of electricity for more than 15 days. www.manuneethi.tv www.facebook.com/ManuNeethiFoundation
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तमिलनाडु तट से टकराया गाजा तूफान हाई अलर्ट जारी, भारी बारिश की आशंका
चेन्नई : चक्रवाती तूफान गाजा शुक्रवार को तमिलनाडु तट से टकराया। इससे नागपट्टिनम जिला इससे ज्यादा प्रभावित हुआ है। मौसम विज्ञान विभाग (आईएमडी) के मुताबिक, तूफान से कई पेड़ जड़ से उखड़ गए। आईएमडी के मुताबिक, तूफान ‘गाजा’ शुक्रवार रात 12.30 बजे से 2.30 बजे तक नागापट्टिनम और वेदारायणम के बीच टकराया। इस दौरान हवा की रफ्तार 120 किलोमीटर प्रतिघंटा थी।
तेज हवाओं से नागापट्टिनम रेलवे स्टेशन की रूफ शीट क्षतिग्रस्त हो गई। तमिलनाडु के राजस्व और आपदा प्रबंधन मंत्री आर.बी. उदयकुमार ने संवाददाताओं को बताया कि हवा की रफ्तार कम होने के बाद ही हुए नुकसान का ��कलन हो सकेगा। राज्य सरकार ने तूफान की चपेट में आ सकने वाले जिलों में अपने तंत्र को पूरी तरह से अलर्ट कर रखा है। सरकार ने बताया कि कुल 63,203 लोगों को सुरक्षित स्थानों पर पहुंचाया गया है और नागपट्टिनम और कुड्डालोर सहित छह जिलों में 331 राहत केन्द्र खोले गये हैं।
इससे पहले भारतीय मौसम विभाग ने रात सात बजकर 50 मिनट पर एक बुलेटिन में कहा था कि तूफान का बाहरी असर पहले ही तट पर पहुंच गया है और तमिलनाडु के तटीय इलाकों में बारिश शुरू हो गई है। नागपटि्टनम, तिरूवरूर, कुड्डालोर और रामनाथपुरम सहित सात जिलों में शैक्षाणिक संस्थानों में छुट्टी घोषित कर दी गयी है और सरकार ने निजी कंपनियों और प्रतिष्ठानों से अपने कर्मचारियों को जल्द वापस भेजने को कहा ताकि वे शाम चार बजे से पहले घर पहुंच सकें।
वहीं नागापटनम में तेज बारिश के चलते कई पेड़ उखड़ गए है। इसके अलावा कई घर क्षतिग्रस्त हुए हैं। फिलहाल मौसम विभाग ने तमिलनाडु में हाई अलर्ट जारी कर रखा है। निचले इलाकों में रह रहे 63,000 से अधिक लोगों को सुरक्षित स्थानों पर ले जाया गया है। कड्डालोर, नागापट्टिनम, रामानाथपुरम, तंजावुर, पुडुकोट्टई और तिरुवरुर में 289 राहत केंद्र बनाए गए हैं। आईएमडी के मुताबिक, दक्षिण तमिलनाडु और दक्षिण केरल में भारी बारिश हो सकती है।
अन्य खबरों के लिए हमें फेसबुक पर ज्वॉइन करें। आप हमें ट्विटर पर भी फॉलो कर सकते हैं।
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तमिलनाडु तट से टकराया गाजा तूफान हाई अलर्ट जारी, भारी बारिश की आशंका तमिलनाडु तट से टकराया गाजा तूफान हाई अलर्ट जारी, भारी बारिश की आशंका चेन्नई : चक्रवाती तूफान गाजा शुक्रवार को तमिलनाडु तट से टकराया। इससे नागपट्टिनम जिला इससे ज्यादा प्रभावित हुआ है। मौसम विज्ञान विभाग (आईएमडी) के मुताबिक, तूफान से कई पेड़ जड़ से उखड़ गए। आईएमडी के मुताबिक, तूफान 'गाजा' शुक्रवार रात 12.30 बजे से 2.30 बजे तक नागापट्टिनम और वेदारायणम के बीच टकराया। इस दौरान हवा की रफ्तार 120 किलोमीटर प्रतिघंटा थी। तेज हवाओं से नागापट्टिनम रेलवे स्टेशन की रूफ शीट क्षतिग्रस्त हो गई। तमिलनाडु के राजस्व और आपदा प्रबंधन मंत्री आर.बी. उदयकुमार ने संवाददाताओं को बताया कि हवा की रफ्तार कम होने के बाद ही हुए नुकसान का आकलन हो सकेगा। राज्य सरकार ने तूफान की चपेट में आ सकने वाले जिलों में अपने तंत्र को पूरी तरह से अलर्ट कर रखा है। सरकार ने बताया कि कुल 63,203 लोगों को सुरक्षित स्थानों पर पहुंचाया गया है और नागपट्टिनम और कुड्डालोर सहित छह जिलों में 331 राहत केन्द्र खोले गये हैं। इससे पहले भारतीय मौसम विभाग ने रात सात बजकर 50 मिनट पर एक बुलेटिन में कहा था कि तूफान का बाहरी असर पहले ही तट पर पहुंच गया है और तमिलनाडु के तटीय इलाकों में बारिश शुरू हो गई है। नागपटि्टनम, तिरूवरूर, कुड्डालोर और रामनाथपुरम सहित सात जिलों में शैक्षाणिक संस्थानों में छुट्टी घोषित कर दी गयी है और सरकार ने निजी कंपनियों और प्रतिष्ठानों से अपने कर्मचारियों को जल्द वापस भेजने को कहा ताकि वे शाम चार बजे से पहले घर पहुंच सकें। वहीं नागापटनम में तेज बारिश के चलते कई पेड़ उखड़ गए है। इसके अलावा कई घर क्षतिग्रस्त हुए हैं। फिलहाल मौसम विभाग ने तमिलनाडु में हाई अलर्ट जारी कर रखा है। निचले इलाकों में रह रहे 63,000 से अधिक लोगों को सुरक्षित स्थानों पर ले जाया गया है। कड्डालोर, नागापट्टिनम, रामानाथपुरम, तंजावुर, पुडुकोट्टई और तिरुवरुर में 289 राहत केंद्र बनाए गए हैं। आईएमडी के मुताबिक, दक्षिण तमिलनाडु और दक्षिण केरल में भारी बारिश हो सकती है। अन्य खबरों के लिए हमें फेसबुक पर ज्वॉइन करें। आप हमें ट्विटर पर भी फॉलो कर सकते हैं।
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Stress, overtime, disease, contribute to 2.8 million workers’ deaths per year:UN
Stress, overtime, disease, contribute to 2.8 million workers’ deaths per year:UN
Stress, excessively-long working hours and disease, contribute to the deaths of nearly 2.8 million workers every year, while an additional 374 million people get injured or fall ill because of their jobs, the UN labour agency, ILO, said on Thursday.
In a new report underlining ILO’s message that no paid work should threaten your wellbeing, your safety or your life, the agency identifies…
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We Cordially Invite You for the Launch of DELTA RESTORATION PROJECT
Greetings from Sumangali Jewellery, July 14th Records Achievers and Universal Achievers Book of Records!
We invite all the Environmental Concerned Individuals, Patriotic Citizen’s and Passionate Social Activist to be a part of DELTA RESTORATION PROJECT a First of its kind Revolutionary World Record Initiatives to support GAJA Cyclone affected Victims of the Delta Districts.
We firstly appreciate the preparedness of our Tamil Nadu Government in Handling Cyclone Gaja and the way in which the Tamil Nadu Disaster Management Authority prepared and adopted a multi – pronged approach towards disaster management and acted at Cyclone ace to remedy the effects of the Cyclone.
We also appreciate all the volunteers, Social Activists and the Donors from all across Tamil Nadu who supported our Government in the GAJA Cyclone Rescue and the Rehabilitation service to the Victims and Restoration and Reconstruction activities in the Gaja affected Delta Districts.
Further to support the GAJA Cyclone affected Victims and Restoring the Delta Districts, as a Responsible organizations Sumangali Jewellery, july 14th Records Achievers and Universal Achievers Book of Records is organizing a Revolutionary Project titled “DELTA RESTORATION PROJECT”- A Series of World Record Initiative to assist the REVIVAL OF LIVELIHOOD, REHABILITATION AND RECONSTRUCTION SERVICES AND TO RESTORE THE GREENARY of the GAJA affected Delta Location.
The Objective of DELTA RESTORATION PROJECT is to revive the Livelihood and Restore the Greenery that has been destroyed by the GAJA in the Delta Districts and also to create a clean, Green, Healthy, Wealthy and a plastic free Tamil Nadu through a series of Unique and Revolutionary World Record Campaigns across the State.
All are aware that Cyclone GAJA, which slammed with a speed of 120 km in to Tamil Nadu on 16th November,2018 has claimed 45 Lives, 1.7 lakh trees have been uprooted, 735 of cattle died, 1.17 lakh houses damaged and 88,102 hectare agricultural land has been affected. 6 districts are in darkness and most of the roads are damaged. People all over have suffered heavy losses, and are now struggling to recover and rebuild. This project aims to assist the REVIVAL OF LIVELIHOOD, REHABILITATION AND RECONSTRUCTION SERVICES AND TO RESTORE THE GREENARY that has been destroyed by the GAJA.
DELTA RESTORATION PROJECT aims to support Revival of Livelihood to at least 1 lakh victims to get the milk, rice, vegetables, groceries, warm clothes, bed sheets, safe drinking water, tarpaulins…. Etc.
This projects aims to restore the Greenery in the Delta Districts by clearing all the uprooted trees and planting at least 5 lakh Coconut trees and aims to reconstruct at least 25,000 damaged houses in the GAJA affected Delta Districts.
A Massive World Record Awareness and Cleanliness Campaign to millions of Mother’s / Women’s, students and households on how the Schools/Colleges/Streets/Houses can become a Clean, Green, Safe and a Model Eco Campus and a Massive Campaign of Collecting Most Waste Materials and house old supplies like old/new Dresses, Toys, Food packs, Note Books, Newspapers, Electronic items and other unused waste materials from Schools/Colleges/Houses and donating the usable supplies to the needful victims of the Delta Districts and other waste materials will be recycled or sold and the fund raised will be utilized to support the revival of livelihood of the GAJA victims.
A Massive World Record of Biggest Walkathon Gathering to motivate the Volunteers and the Social Activist and kick start the 100 days DELTA REHABILITATION AND RECONSTRUCTION CAMPAIGN to Delta Districts from Chennai on 26th January, 2019.
A Massive World Record of Biggest GAJA victims Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Coconut Tree Plantation Drive for 100 Days involving thousands of Volunteers and Social Activists from 26th January,2019 to 15th May,2019 to revive the Livelihood of the victims and to restore the Greenery of the GAJA affected Delta Districts.
A Massive World Record Drive of Planting 5 lakh Coconut Trees to restore the Greenery of the GAJA affected Delta Districts is planned on 22nd April(2 Lakh Trees) and 5th June,2019(3 Lakh Trees).
A Massive World Record Drive of Gathering1 lakh people to form a Biggest Human Tamil Nadu Map Logo formation on 14th April,2019 to showcase the UNITY AND STRENGTH OF TAMIL NADU CITIZEN’S and pay Tribute to the GAJA Victims Families who lost their Lives and give supportive hands for the speedy recovery of the Gaja affected Delta Districts.
A Massive World Record initiative of MOST PEOPLE BUYING INDIAN PRODUCTS IN A YEAR IN MULTIPLE LOCATIONS. This is a Noble initiative to brings a Great Economical Revolution to change the destiny of Tamil Nadu and support to Transform India in to a Developed Nation. To make this vision a great success and to motivate the people to buy Indian products we are organizing a World Record Contest titled BUY INDIAN PREMIER LEAGUE (BIPL) for the BIPL CARD HOLDERS across the state. This is a Unique Discounted family card to buy Indian products from the specified Shops/Show Rooms and Indian Brand Companies.
The top 100 Customers who buy the maximum Indian Products during this (1st JANUARY, 2019 TO 31st DECEMBER, 2019) will receive a Red Carpet honor and Attractive prizes like Car, Bike, Lap To, Smart phone, Gold Coin and Home appliances Products from the Chief Guest during the Grand Award Ceremony on 1st January, 2020 from 5.00 pm to 9.00pm in Chennai.
A Massive World Record Drive of creating awareness on the ill effects of Plastics and distributing Most Cloth/Jute Bags to Most people to support the Mission of creating Zero Plastic Tamil Nadu thereby contributing in reversing the effects of Global Warming.
With great reverence and most humbleness, We invite all the Environments Concerned Individuals, Patriotic Citizen’s, Passionate Social Activist, all the Corporate and Government Employees, Business Entrepreneurs, Potential Sponsors, Academicians and Students to be a part of Delta Restoration Project a series of World Record Initiatives to support GAJA cyclone affected Victims of the Delta Districts and help us by providing the needful support to make this vision a reality.
We share this vision with you and invite you be a part of the First of its kind Revolutionary World Record Initiatives aiming to assist the Revival of Livelihood and restore the Greenery of the GAJA affected Delta Districts.
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Let’s take a tour into the history of cyclones in India. A cyclone like we know is a large scale air mass which rotates around a strong centre of low atmospheric pressure. It is characterised by inward spiraling winds that rotate about a zone of low pressure and like other countries in the world, India has also experienced some.
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The Data Science courses provided by ExcelR can cause you to be industry-ready. Our courses permit you the flexibleness to settle on a course betting on your current ability level, your career aspirations, and therefore the time that you just area unit willing to devote. He has full-stack computer code development expertise and has been within the IT trade for 15+ years, ten years of that area unit in, Bank of America Merrill kill as Sr. you may get to be told from the ‘industry experts and old school members.
Students area unit offered associate situations across various functions within the bank, and basis their performance, they're extended pre-placement offers to affix the bank post the completion of their course. Axis Ahead Management Trainees area unit provided difficult and impactful opportunities that accelerate their readiness for leadership roles. theologian Rain Relief Services had thirty workers, and 250 energetic student volunteers, and a medical team consisting of eight doctors giving medical treatment to almost 1750 flood victims housed in theologian premises. Through LRRS, a rain relief camp was initiated for Post Graduate students to supply their service to rain-affected areas particularly the Gaja cyclone-hit areas in Nov 2018. theologian includes a staunch commitment to molding the scholars through tutorial mentoring.
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13. In order to help schools create and develop such a learning environment, Martin Charitable Trust donated Rs. 1 Lakh to schools of Tamil Nadu. Mrs. Leema Rose Martin, the Managing Trustee of Martin Charitable Trust, donated Rs. 1 Lakh to Loyola Higher Secondary School, Dindigul, and Rs. 1 Lakh to Patriciyar Middle School, Madurai, for building their basic infrastructure facilities.
Mr. Santiago Martin, often known as the 'Lottery King Martin' and the 'Godfather of Lottery,' is the Chairman and Founder of the Martin Group of Companies and Martin Charitable Trust. Mr. Santiago Martin shares great beliefs and values towards charity and other noble causes. He is an enterprising philanthropist who has extended generosity to numerous people and organizations on various occasions.
1. Martin Charitable Trust donated Rs. 5, 60,000 DD to Christ The King Nursery & Primary School to help establish restroom and stage facilities for their students. The donation happened in the presence of the panchayat president and school officials.
2. In the presence of school officials, Martin Group CEO and trustee Dr. Leema Rose Martin donated a sum of Rs. 1, 20,000 to the Headmasters of St. Antony Mary School for the construction of toilets for safe sanitation and hygiene practices. 156
3. Mr. Y. Xavior, Panchayat President, Thirukanurpatti, received a donation of Rs. 1,10,000 DD from the Martin Charitable Trust for the construction of public toilets for the residents of Thirukanurpatti village.
4. On 19th October 2020, Dr. Leema Rose Martin, Trustee of Martin Coimbatore, contributed money to various schools in Pudukkottai village for the construction of toilets. Some of these schools were Christ The King Nursery and Primary School, Jeevan Jyoti Higher Secondary School, etc.
5. Martin Charitable Trust also donated money to various villages in the Thanjavur district for constructing public toilet services.
6. Martin Foundation donated Rs 5 Crores as a part of relief work in regions affected by the Gaja cyclone to the former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Edappadi K. Palaniswami.
7. In order for village people to have access to clean water throughout the year, Martin Groups CEO and trustee Dr.Leema Rose Martin donated Rs. 8,40,000 DD to Mr. Raja, Panchayat President, and Mr. Savarimuthu Paul Raj, Vice President for the construction of 6 water tanks at Kottarpatti, Thanjavur District.
8. On December 29, 2020, the Martin Foundation, in association with the Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam International Foundation, House of Kalam, Rameshwaram, and Space Zone India, Chennai, conducted an awareness program for the students of the government schools about satellite technology. Around 500 government school students all around India were chosen and sponsored by the Martin Foundation for designing the Femto Satellite.
9. Dr. Leema Rose Martin, the CEO and Trustee of Martin Groups sponsored & distributed 500 packs of Homoeopathic Immunity Booster - Arsenic Album 30 C medicine, worth Rs. 15000 to the general public at the PowerHouse, Coimbatore.
10. Dr. Leema Rose Martin, the CEO and Trustee of Martin Groups along with Coimbatore Government Hospital and ESI Hospital donated three 10 liter oxygen concentrators worth Rs. 5.5 Lakhs and four 7 liter oxygen concentrators to Coimbatore Government Hospital.
11. Martin Charitable Trust donated Covid-19 relief materials worth Rs. 3 Crores to the Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund (CMPRF). The relief materials included 100 units of Oxygen Concentrators, life-saving medicines worth Rs. 1.25 Crores, 400 units of 50-liter Oxygen Cylinders, 125000 N-95 Masks, 10000 Hand Sanitizers, 1000 Oximeters, and 5000 Toothbrush and Paste Kit each.
12. Martin Charitable Trust provided assistance to individuals fighting hunger. A nutritious meal was prepared every day for more than 5000 individuals. It included foods rich in protein, such as eggs, chicken, and vegetables. The meal was prepared with utmost care and packed properly in a hygienic way. Through this initiative, the Martin group was able to serve more than 50,000 people in just two weeks.
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கஜா புயலுக்கு மத்திய அரசு ஒரு பைசா கூட இதுவரை தரவில்லை - அமைச்சர் ஆர்.பி.உதயகுமார்!
கஜா புயலுக்கு மத்திய அரசு ஒரு பைசா கூட இதுவரை தரவில்லை – அமைச்சர் ஆர்.பி.உதயகுமார்!
மதுரை திருமங்கலம் ச���்டமன்ற தொகுதிக்கு உட்பட்ட 4 அரசு மற்றும் அரசு உதவிபெறும் பள்ளிகளில் 2,314 மாணவ மாணவிகளுக்கு ரூ.1 கோடி மதிப்பிலான இலவச மிதிவண்டிகளை தமிழக வருவாய் மற்றும் பேரிடர் மேலாண்மைத் துறை அமைச்சர் ஆர் பி உதயகுமார் வழங்கினார்.
இதையடுத்து செய்தியாளர்களிடம் பேசிய அவர், தமிழக உரிமையை ஒருபோதும் தமிழக முதலமைச்சர் விட்டுக் கொடுக்க மாட்டார். மேகதாது விவகாரத்தைப் பொறுத்தவரையில், அவர்கள்…
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Top 5 Data Science Courses To Study In India
Passionate about gadgets and technology, he has created several projects using Arduino. Well versed with networking and various programming languages, Suvendu is developing new hacking tools using Python. He has worked as an Assistant Professor at Sikkim Manipal University & Guest Faculty at National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research. He has presented several research papers in international conferences.
1,00,000+ ALUMNI & GROWING Alumni are a part of our family and they have made a mark in their respective fields.200+ TEACHERS Our faculty members consist of world class professionals who are dedicated towards students success. Our skilled project managers use multiple quality control methods and mechanisms to meet and exceed quality standards for training Data Science Course. Upgrade emergency response, defense initiatives, and law enforcement with cutting-edge AI, powered by the most advanced AI-powered platform delivering secure, reliable training data services.
However, we do have a placement team that will conduct a number of mock interviews and will assist you in updating your resume to prepare you for job interviews. Intellipaat offers one of the top Data Scientist courses in Kolkata that will help you to become a Data Science expert. The courses like R Certification, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Python for Data Science, Python, Business Analytics and others are hands-on practical-based training program. The explanation of concepts and topics were simple and comprehensive. Moreover, the training material was relevant, up to date, and easily understandable. All trainers and support team were very helpful and easily reachable.
At Aliah University, we always ensure excellence in learning and teaching through setting of high standard of performance, targeted support and development, and a dedicated academic and administrative staffing profile. Loyola Rain Relief Services had 30 staff, and 250 energetic student volunteers, and a medical team consisting of 8 doctors offering medical treatment to nearly 1750 flood victims housed in Loyola premises. Through LRRS, a rain relief camp was initiated for Post Graduate students to offer their service to rain-affected areas especially the Gaja cyclone-hit areas in November 2018. The college had ventured into an exceptional service by establishingLoyola FM 107.4, a community radio frequency over a radius of 15 km. Through Loyola Community Radio, the college addresses various issues related to the neighbourhood airing a variety of special programs for Transgender, gipsies, widows, visually challenged, street vendors, slum dwellers, auto drivers, etc. Loyola pays a great deal of attention towards personal and mental wellbeing of the students through counselling which is predominantly carried out by AURA, the Centre for Counselling at the college.
Data science captures the current data to reflect the most effective trends in transportation. Needless to say, safety, quality service, and low operational costs are the target of data science. The ratio of output to input should be high at all times irrespective of the conditions. Hence, data science has its special space in understanding the needs of the manufacturing sector.
In machine learning, the environment is typically represented as a Markov decision process . Many reinforcement learning algorithms use dynamic programming techniques. Reinforcement learning algorithms do not assume knowledge of an exact mathematical model of the MDP, and are used when exact models are infeasible. Reinforcement learning algorithms are used in autonomous vehicles or in learning to play a game against a human opponent. This training led by a live instructor who possesses hands-on experience in training offers you the best training experience through innovative education. Utilize this excellent opportunity to kick start your career as a data scientist by learning Data Science Training Course in Kolkata through the best training practices.
I can help you to understand your assignments of probability and statistics, machine learning with python and R, quality control and reliability with a great accuracy. I am Mtech in CSE with 10 years of industry experience with extensive knowledge in Computer science and software. Data Science MicroMasters This MicroMasters by UC San Diego provides deep learning in data science, is recognized by most employers, and can count towards a Master’s degree.
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085913 64838
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Chennai braces for Cyclone Nivar: All you need to know
NEW DELHI: Chennai braces itself for Cyclone Nivar expected to landfall on Wednesday, as per the meteorological department. As per Regional Meteorological Centre forecast, wind speeds could be in the range of 100-110km an hour. Tamil Nadu authorities assured preparations are in place with lessons learnt from two devastating cyclones that hit the state in last five years. Here is all you need to know:
Scattered heavy to very heavy rainfall has been forecasted between November 24-25. Extremely heavy rain is likely over Nagapattinam, Thanjavur, Tiruvarur, Ariyalur. Scattered heavy to very heavy ran is likely over Chennai, Tiruvallur, Chengalpet.
Unlike 2016, this time, the government departments have made proactive arrangements with lessons learnt from Cyclone Vardah and the even more devastating Cyclone ‘Gaja’ which ravaged the interior districts in 2018.
Trained Tamil Nadu Disaster Response Force (TNDRF) police personnel, state’s home guard personnel and 60 armed reserve police personnel have been deployed to handle rescue gadgets and rescue operations in all districts.
As many as 245 relief centres are said to be ready for occupation by Tuesday, said deputy commissioner, works (in-charge), Meghanatha Reddy.
The Public Works Department (PWD) has stocked up on sand bags and casuarina poles in all districts.
Authorities have monitoring stations in each reservoir, major tanks and lakes across the state.
A senior official with the distribution wing of Tangedco said power supply will be cut off in case of heavy rain and will be restored only after assessment.
source https://bbcbreakingnews.com/2020/11/24/chennai-braces-for-cyclone-nivar-all-you-need-to-know/
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Okhi Cyclone didn't result in a high wave engulfing Bandra Worli Sealink !
As the days pass by, it seems people now a says are willing to believe in Fake News without applying common sense, or whatever they are left with. A Video is viral on WhatsApp and since yesterday many have uploaded it on YouTube also. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=603hmU5H9bY Before you learn about solid proof why this is not Bandra Worli Seal Link, let's check out the thought process I went through. Bandra Worli Sealink has huge pillars and wire holding it which is not to be seen here This video shows two people, a pedestrian and another on two wheeler which is not allowed on BWSL. if it was true we might have received a panic sms till now from Gov bodies See above, a pedestrian on bridge. This actually was posted Three months ago on YouTube claiming to be From Lakshdweep Update - 18.11.18 This viseo is viral again under name of Cyclone Gaja in South India claiming to be Rameswaram Pamban Bridge https://twitter.com/NaMuGC/status/1063395803010617344 Click here for Twitter List Click Here for Facebook List Read the full article
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Mottai Madi Sandippu
Few relationships stay longer!
I still remember meeting Karti for the first time in Kuppai Thiruvilla last December 23, 2018 at Natesan Park, T Nagar.
Among many women he was the only man to weave a cloth pad for the girl students affected by Gaja cyclone. He taught us patiently and I was overwhelmed to see a man there!
Then I didn’t know I am going to travel with this soul but exactly after a…
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Rain news today tamil nadu,coimbatore rain news,today chennai rain news in tamil,polimer news live today,today rain news,gaja cyclone news,today rain news tamil,chennai rain news,news about rain,chennai rain news today,today rain news in tamil,chennai rain today,tamil nadu rain news,chennai rain news live,rain latest news,rain news in chennai today,120 ஆண்டுகளில் முதல்முறையாக ஒரே நேரத்தில் இரண்டு புயல்கள்,TamilNadu Rain News Today,jace jovial,jacejovial,jace, by Jace Jovial
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கமல்ஹாசன் இன்னும் களத்தூர் கண்ணாம்மா குழந்தை தான்: ஜெயக்குமார் தாக்கு!
கமல்ஹாசன் இன்னும் களத்தூர் கண்ணாம்மா குழந்தை தான்: ஜெயக்குமார் தாக்கு!
கஜா புயல் பாதித்த இடங்களில், மீட்பு பணிகளை மேற்கொள்ள தமிழக அரசு பணியாளர்கள் முடுக்கி விட்டுள்ளது. மேலும் புயல் பாதிப்பு மீட்பு பணிகளுக்கு ரூ. 1000 கோடி வழங்கி தமிழக அரசு உத்தரவிட்டுள்ளது.
டெல்லி சென்ற முதலமைச்சர் எடப்பாடி பழனிசாமி, பிரதமர் மோடியை சந்தித்து புயல் பாதிப்பு நிவாரண நிதியாக ரூ.15,000 கோடி கோரினார். அதை தொடர்ந்து தமிழகம் வந்த மத்திய குழுவினர், புயல் பாதித்த் இடங்களில் ஆய்வு செய்து…
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