#gahhh i do need to properly end it
fungus-amongus00 · 4 months
I know I'm like, suuuper late to this but-
You're never gonna finish Home is Where the Anomalies Are, are you?
It ended at 11/? chapters in 2020, which is hard to think of honestly, I feel so weird when I think about how it's such a good fic but there's no proper ending TvT
Gahh I'd do anything to see more of that fic-
There's not many Rickford authors, and it feels like the few who did write it all have incomplete works
Anyways, I know GF is kinda dead and RaM is pretty okay, but me and a specific friend are obsessing over Rickford and we really like your fic, soo
I just felt like mentioning it lol
(Yeesh, sorry this message is so long- I'm a yapper)
I actually got another ao3 comment on that fic that made me circle back to it, and I have to think about how I want to end it, but it is one I want to go back to and give a proper ending to ^^ So you may be in luck.
I'm so happy so many people loved that fic, thank you for your kind words and be on the look out for possible updates *^^*
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jullinh4x · 1 year
The Bad Ending
This story shows what would have happened if the trio had not chosen to fight Sgt.Night...(based on the story "Rest In Peace)
Player, Miss Brittany Night, and Bess chose to fight Cursed Mega Man as they thought that if they defeated him first, Cursed Mega Man would revert to normal.
-Hahahaha...nice choice but how about reducing the number of people who will fight against me?
-What are you talking about, idiot?
Cursed Mega Man shot Miss Brittany Night in the chest who didn't have time to react... Bess and Player were shocked but not as much as Sgt.Night
-Come on idiots! let's have a 2v1 fight!
-Get behind me! let's finish him off!
Cursed Mega Man went to the terrace, Bess and Player followed him but meanwhile: Brittany agonized over the pain in her chest
-Brittany! hold on! I know it hurts but you have to be strong!
-Breaker...I don't wanna die...!
-Brittany, you need to be strong, warm up!
Meanwhile, Bess, Player and Cursed Mega Man were fighting on the terrace.
-Hahahahah, that's not even the worst part...!
-Be careful, Bess!
Cursed Mega Man activated his claws and began summoning black spikes from the ground with a chance to impale them both.
-You fool, do you think this idiotic advice will convince me?
-Well, I think you BETTER SHUT UP!
-So come to shut up!
The three continued to fight, meanwhile, Miss Brittany Night was still fighting with the death.
-Breaker...I know about all your atrocities, I will never forgive you for that...
-I know...you don't have to tell me, I'm a complete idiot
-Yeah...but listen to me...
-I don't think I can resist this...I'm sorry, Breaker...but know that I loved you from the day we met
-Brittany... I'm so sorry... I was a terrible husband...
Miss Brittany Night succumbed to her injuries and unfortunately died... meanwhile, Player and Bess failed to defeat Cursed Mega Man...
-You are two useless people who don't even know how to fight properly...!
-Shut up!
-Since you are two idiots, now you will die like idiots
Cursed Mega Man grabbed Bess and Player by his claws and said:
-Last words?
-Bye,bye fools...
Cursed Mega Man threw the two off the terrace onto the hard ground and to make matters worse, Cursed Mega Man summoned his spikes into the ground...
Rull was watching everything... but she didn't know if she should fight against Cursed Mega Man... since she was her brother...
Rull broke down in tears... meanwhile on the terrace, Cursed Mega Man was celebrating his victory until 3RR0R appeared
-Congratulations, boy
-Thanks, 3RR0R
-Shhh...no thanks, thank me for it
3RR0R activated his powers which had a terrible effect on Cursed Mega Man...parts of his body began to disappear slowly...
-Don't worry, you and other beings related to you will disappear
-NO! NO! NO! YOU B-*fades away*
-You what? hahahaha!
Cursed Mega Man and other people who had relations with him, disappeared... now there is no more hope...
Bess + Rull by @leleamo
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starryeyeddowner · 3 years
Merciful Intervention
I was inspired by @idrawtoomuch-gw2's prompt after I finished EoD, so I wrote some emotional EoD fanfiction!
Taimi calls Caithe with concerns about the Commander, and Caithe intervenes in her own distinctive way. (2k words, female charr Commander, END OF DRAGONS SPOILERS YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)
“Hey Caithe, do you have a moment?”
Caithe’s communicator crackled to life, Taimi’s voice coming through clear despite the long distance the signal needed to travel from New Kaineng City all the way to The Eye of the North.
“Of course, Taimi. It’s good to speak with you,” she glanced down at the tiny readout, “It looks like this isn’t the usual channel; did you want another interview regarding dragon magic?”
“Oh you would? It would be super incredible to get your perspective on how things have changed now that the–” She stopped herself, “Maybe soon. Definitely soon! Actually I, uh, wanted to know if you’ve seen the Commander recently.”
“Ah yes, every few days she stops by here. She’s been helping oversee the trainees and install these new devices to gather readings on magic here.” She laughed gently, “Honestly, it’s about the only time I can get Trainee Saba out of my hair.” She craned her head to peer outside Aurene’s chamber, “I don’t believe she’s here right now.”
Taimi’s voice came through quietly, as if she was talking to herself, “Oh no, not there too…”
“If you like, I can let her know you’re searching for her next time she’s here. Although I can’t imagine she’d ignore her communicator if you needed to speak with her.”
“What? Oh! Sorry, that wasn’t about her not being there. Actually, it was more about her being there.”
Caithe paused. “I’m not sure I understand what you mean, Taimi.”
“It… Well…” Taimi stammered, before launching herself into her next sentence, “The Commander’s been REALLY busy here in New Kaineng City working with Joon and me on researching alternatives to dragon magic for the jade batteries, and she’s been trying to smooth things over diplomatically between Cantha and Tyria too.”
“Ah, so that’s where she’s been traveling to and from.”
Taimi pressed on, worry evident in her voice, “Yeah, well, a week ago she made a weird offhand comment about having to work hard to not mix up Canthan and Charr diplomatic techniques.”
“Politics in Cantha does seem very different than in the legions.”
“That’s… not what bothered me. I had a hypothesis, but it wasn’t until I reached out to Rytlock that I was able to confirm it. Caithe, she’s been working with Crecia and Rytlock in the Black Citadel on dealing with the fallout of the Dominion!”
Taimi paused, as if for dramatic effect. The line was quiet for several seconds before Caithe responded.
“Taimi, the Commander is a charr. It makes sense she would be interested in the future of the charr legions.”
Taimi let out an exasperated cry of frustration, “Gahhh, I KNOW that! That’s not what I mean! I talked with Kasmeer too and she told me how the Commander’s been ‘the busiest little bee’ helping out with Canthan-Tyrian diplomacy AND working with Logan to figure out what to do with the Pact.”
Caithe let out a noise of understanding, “I’m beginning to see the problem here.”
“And Kas talked with Marjory and guess what? Apparently the Commander’s been helping her, Gorrik, and Detective Rama with their new detective agency. I don’t even know WHAT she could possibly help with there. I did some calculations on what her travel schedule must be like and even my most generous estimates of her sleep schedule is appalling! To think she could even consider that acceptable after our conversation in Arborstone about me taking time to rest properly and–” Taimi’s voice caught in her throat.
Caithe gave her a few seconds before responding, “Taimi?”
“Caithe, I’m really worried about her. The last– the last few times we’ve worked together I could see her hands shaking when she was working on our prototypes. She’s thankfully smart enough that she lets the technicians do the heavy lifting when it comes to operating the machinery, but I’m worried that she’s going to hurt herself,” Taimi paused, before saying quietly, “or… that she’s already hurting herself.”
Taimi’s words wavered as she continued, “Alchemy, I thought of anyone I would be the one she’d listen to about this sort of thing, but every time I try to bring it up she brushes it off and gets really distant. And the more insistent I get the less serious she seems to take me! She’s even lied to my face about how much she’s been working! I wanted to tell her that I figured out what she’s been up to but I just know that it’s not going to get through to her and–” Taimi swallowed, collecting herself, “I’m sorry, Caithe, I didn’t mean for this call to end up like this. You can– I need to–”
“It’s alright Taimi,” Caithe interrupted. “I understand.” She looked out across the chamber, her eyes lingering on the flowers growing along the edge of the scrying pool. “Thank you for telling me about this. I think I have a solution.”
Taimi sniffed, “You– you do?”
“I believe so. Let me make a call first, then I’ll talk with the Commander.” Caithe smiled warmly, hoping it came through in her voice, “We’ll chat later about that interview. When you have the time.”
“When I have the time,” Taimi repeated. “I– thanks, Caithe.”
The sun shone bright over Southsun as a skiff cut through the water along the south coast. Caithe directed the rudder, but her eyes were focused on the Commander staring out at the beach passing by. The charr was fully dressed in her usual battle gear. Caithe hadn’t seen any shaking in the Commander’s confident movements, but she had noticed the dark spots underneath her eyes and tense angle of her ears. What had struck Caithe upon making those observations wasn’t that she looked different, but rather how much like her usual self she appeared, standing there in the front of the boat. Caithe wondered if the signs had always been there, or if the changes had been too subtle to notice in their seemingly never-ending battles against the Elder Dragons.
The Commander cut through the silence, turning her head to look back at Caithe, “So… a secret mission, huh? Would have thought we’d have had more time to rest before something new came up.”
“Indeed,” was all Caithe responded with.
“Care to give me the details?” the Commander prodded lightly, clearly in good spirits to be out in the field.
“I’ll fill you in once we arrive.”
“Of course,” The Commander turned back to stare at the beach, “Southsun, eh? Didn’t expect to be back here of all places. Did you hear that Logan apparently bought a beach house here?”
“Did he now?”
“According to him,” she chuckled. “Hard to imagine a guy like Logan taking a vacation. Hard to imagine any of us taking one.” She breathed in deeply, taking in the smell of saltwater and seaweed. “I’m glad you asked me to come along for this mission. It’s a good excuse to get off my rear and stop sitting around doing nothing.” She gave a relaxed sigh, stretching her arm and testing the heft of her mace. “Everyone else would always talk about what they’d do once things calmed down. In the moment it was nice to imagine, but– well, you understand me, right?”
“I do, Commander,” she replied. “We’re here.”
The Commander gave a short nod before turning to study the coast while Caithe pulled in as close as she could to the shore. A small cabin stood on stilts halfway between the water and the cliffs further inland, stairs leading from where the sand met earth up to a door.
The Commander disembarked the boat as Caithe dropped anchor. She started up the beach without Caithe, scanning first the cliff tops and then the house for any signs of trouble.
“Shouldn’t be many karka this side of Southsun,” she remarked as Caithe caught up, “Not that I’m complaining. Are you expecting a fight?”
Caithe thought for a second before replying, “If there is, it’s nothing the two of us can’t handle.”
The Commander bared her fangs as she grinned, “Excellent. Have any intel on this shack? Someone or something that we’re looking for?”
“I’ve got some idea. Why don’t we take a look inside?”
“You don’t even need to ask,” the Commander replied, taking the stairs two at a time as she climbed up to the cabin. Her grip tightened on her mace as she swung open the door and strode inside, moving quickly and quietly despite her size. Caithe stopped at the entrance as the Commander finished her sweep of the cabin, before beginning to examine the items inside.
“Hmm, lots of supplies in here,” the Commander thought out loud. “It looks like someone’s stocked up for the long haul. No signs of recent habitation though.” Caithe watched as she knelt down to examine some crates. “That’s strange… These boxes are the same ones the Pact uses for transporting supplies. And these here–” she stepped over to some more crates, “These are from Kryta. Look, there's the Krytan Seal there.” Caithe saw the Commander’s brow furrow as she furiously put the dots together.
“Caithe,” she said finally, turning back to the door, “Remember how I said Logan bought a beach house? I think this is his beach house.” They looked at each other, Caithe watching the Commander’s mind working overtime as the Commander stared at Caithe’s calm expression.
“Caithe, speak to me,” the Commander said finally, “What’s going on here? Is there trouble?”
“That depends on you,” Caithe said simply, before vanishing.
The Commander froze for a second before bolting to the door, eyes darting wildly around looking for danger. Her gaze locked on the skiff where she saw a small blue figure pulling up the anchor. She heard her communicator crackle, then Caithe’s voice.
“I do understand you, Commander,” Caithe told her, and the Commander saw the distant skiff power up and begin to move. “I understand you enough to know that if it was your choice you would put all of Tyria before yourself every single time. And maybe we needed that spirit then. But not now. So I’m making that decision for you. I’ll be back in three weeks to pick you up. Logan assures me there’s plenty of food and water to last until then, and Gorrik has kindly donated some reading material. Except for his and Taimi’s research on dragon magic. Wouldn’t want you finding a way to worm in some work now would we?”
The Commander shook her head in bemusement, laughing, “And what’s stopping me from just walking back to the Consortium outpost and catching a portal back to Lion’s Arch? Certainly not you?”
“No,” Caithe admitted, “But if you did that, I might have to ask Aurene to bring you back here herself. And maybe put up some crystal walls around the area for good measure. I’m sure she would happily agree to that.”
The Commander made a low whistle, “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Do I seem like the kind of sylvari to make idle threats, Commander? I’ll be back soon. Enjoy your vacation.”
The Commander watched the skiff as it sailed back the way it came, disappearing behind a rocky outcropping. She stood there for a while before shaking her head again and turning back into the cabin.
Setting her mace down against the wall, she picked up a fishing rod, turning it in her claws as she examined it idly. She imagined Caithe tattling on her to Aurene, and Aurene, the little dragon that she and Caithe had raised, carrying her in her claws all the way back here. Or perhaps she would just give an exasperated sigh and dump her back on this beach with a portal, along with a few words of admonishment.
The Commander smiled at the thought and, still holding the fishing rod, began to search among the supplies for bait and tackle.
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coldlittlecuties · 3 years
ugh, I totally get what you mean about it being cold where you are 🥶 i always think of poor pre-war Steve getting chilled to his bones in the winter and curling up next to the wood stove after a long cold day in a futile attempt to get warm. or crawling into bed under blankets at an unreasonable hour, desperate to stop shivering. (spoiler alert: it doesn’t work and he ends up coming down with something)
GAHHH!! I'm so, so, so sorry this took so long! College coursework sucks sometimes.
I too think about how Steve dealt with winter before the serum! That's one of those fluffy scenarios I play in my mind before going to sleep. It usually involves cuddles with his best guy. I had a little drabble about that in my drive, so I fed it your ask and created this:
Please enjoy this fluffy little pre-war Stucky Fic
Steve cursed under his breath. He had tried to redraw this same line three times now, but every time, he was interrupted by a shiver running up his spine. His hands were already trembling without his gloves on–they made it difficult to grip the pencil–and his full body tremors made it so there was no way he could draw properly.
So, Steve decided to do some charcoal work instead. He had a piece that he needed to work on, and charcoal was a little more forgiving than graphite. Steve put away his sketching materials into his bag, then began trying to set up his charcoal. He blew into his hands and rubbed them to chase away the creeping numbness. He felt so weak and pathetic, shivering in the corner of the art studio in his heavy coat while everyone else was unbothered.
Steve ignored that feeling and focused on his charcoal work. The studio had its monthly showcase in a couple of weeks, and Steve needed to complete as many pieces as he could so he could sell them and make enough money to take Bucky on a date. Of course, it wouldn't look like a date to anyone else. He figured they could go back to Coney Island, just the two of them. And this time, Steve would keep extra train money in his pocket instead of letting Bucky spend it on a dame.
His daydream was cut short by a fit of sneezing. He managed to catch them in his left hand so he didn't mess up his piece. "*Hih'GSHSH! HihiTSHSHmmmphh! Ih'teh-heh'KSHCH!*"
The owner of the studio, Ms. Brown came over to where he was working. She was a tall, opinionated middle-aged woman with black hair that had just a touch of grey. Steve often felt intimidated by her, but she was actually really nice.
"Steven, I think you should just go home, today. It's obvious you aren't feeling well and pushing yourself is just going to make things worse," Ms. Brown said.
"I-I-I'mm *fffff*fin-ne, m-m-m-ma'am-m," Steve chattered.
Ms. Brown rolled her eyes. "Steven," she tried again. "You're cold. You're sick. Go home. Don't make me call James."
Steve fumbled to put away his materials as quickly as he could. She smiled, then went to check on her other students. She paused to say to him, "Steven, if you come in tomorrow not feeling better, I will personally drag you back home by your ears. Get some rest, dear."
"Y-Y-Yes, m-m-m-m-ma-a'ammm," Steve assured.
Ms. Brown had a patented brand of tough love that came from surviving the first World War, getting the Spanish flu, living through the Great Depression, and fighting to open her own art studio for young, aspiring artists in Brooklyn. She was tough, but her students knew how much she cared for them.
Steve double checked he had everything packed and put away before heading out. The second he stepped outside, he was bombarded by freezing wind. Steve's teeth started chattering even worse, now. He stuffed his hands under his arms and walked to the streetcar stop a few blocks away.
Brooklyn was just starting to change from fall to winter. There was some snow sticking to the ground here and there, even more in areas that had frequent shade. A few buildings even had the beginning drips of icicles. The day was overcast and cloudy, so the morning frost was able to stick around. Without the sun, the below freezing temperatures felt even colder. All of this was painfully obvious to Steve as he stood in the unsheltered streetcar stop.
Steve hugged himself and rubbed his arms. Gust after gust after gust of frigid wind buffeted him, like it was trying to knock him over or freeze him solid: Steve wasn't sure which. He kept shuffling his feet and stomping them from time to time in a futile attempt to fight off frostbite. His toes might've already froze off for all he knew. Steve kept telling himself the streetcar would be there soon, then it would take him back to his and Bucky's warm apartment.
The blonde brought his hands up to his mouth to rub and blow into them again. His gloves weren't warm enough. None of his clothes layered on seemed to be warm enough. At this point, Steve could set himself on fire and still be cold. His nose, his ears, and his cheeks were red from the cold. His nose kept running, but Steve kept sniffling to stop it. It didn't work, and he ended up muffling sneezes into his hand. "*huh'TCHSH! uh'kSHSH! Huh-TSCHSHmmphh! uh'TSHSHXX! uhh'tSCHmphh!*"
He brought the collar of his coat up over his mouth and nose to thaw his face a bit. That made him feel a little warmer until a breeze sucked away said warmth, leaving him shivering and shaking and miserable and freezing!
Steve's hands were losing feeling again, so he stuck them in his coat pockets, keeping his face buried under the collar. The wind took advantage of his exposed chest, making Steve shiver so violently he nearly doubled over. His teeth chattered loudly and painfully. He reluctantly took his hands out of his pockets to hug himself again.
He could just see the streetcar in the distance. He double checked he had the right amount of change in his left pocket. Steve's hands were trembling so bad he didn't think he could count out the change without spilling it everywhere. He silently thanked his past self for always keeping transport money in his left pocket.
Finally, the streetcar arrived. Since it was so late in the morning, there were only a few people on board. A couple of other people were at the stop with Steve, so he let them board first. It gave him enough time to get the change out of his pocket. He managed to get it into the collection tin. Steve shoved his hands in his pockets and stiffened his shoulders to fight back shivers. He waited until he was behind the other passengers and sitting down before giving up the fight.
The inside of the streetcar was much warmer than outside, but the chill was so deep in his bones Steve didn't think he would thaw completely until April or May at least. It was November. Steve groaned at the thought. A woman a few seats ahead of him turned around to look at him. Steve did everything he could not to look as pathetic as he felt. It didn't help though, as he was still shaking uncontrollably.
She stood up and started to approach him. Steve braced himself for the usual lecture of "it's not that cold" and "buck up, sissy pants" and, his personal favorite, "man up." What the Hell did "man up" even mean?! Act like a man? He is a man!… sort of. He was only 19, which is technically still a kid. It has "teen" right in the name after all.
Steve was pulled out of his thoughts when the woman sat on the bench next to his. She reached into her purse and pulled out a blue knit scarf. It was the same pattern as the green one she had on. "Here, you look like you need this," she offered, handing him the scarf.
"Th-Th-Th-Thank y-you, mmma-a'am, b-b-b-b-but I-I'm a-a-alr-right. I-I-It's c-c-c-c-cold ou-out th-th-there. Y-You sh-sh-should k-k-k-keep-p i-it," Steve insisted.
"I know it's cold out there. You're shakin' so hard I'm surprised the Earth hasn't started trembling," she replied. Steve smiled at that. The woman was still holding the scarf out for him. "My arm is getting tired."
That convinced Steve to take the scarf. He wrapped it around himself a couple of times. It was wide enough to cover his shoulders and his nose. He pulled it down a little. "Th-Th-Thank y-y-y-you."
"You're welcome, young man. And do me a favor would'ja? Get a hat before your beautiful hair freezes off!" She and Steve both laughed at that. The woman got off at the next stop a few moments later. Steve waved to her as the streetcar took off again, and she waved back.
The scarf was so warm! It chased away the worst of his shivers after a few minutes. Steve was about to drift off when he realized his stop was next. Thankfully, he didn't need to pull the signal because a few people were standing at the stop. Steve gathered his bag and stepped off from the streetcar.
A light snowfall had started during the ride. It was just barely enough to stick to the pavement. Steve couldn't help worrying about Bucky working at the docks in this weather. He prayed his boyfriend was working in one of the warehouses today. He couldn't imagine how frozen Bucky might be by now, even as Steve himself was half frozen.
Steve was shivering so violently that he struggled to get his key out from his pocket. He fumbled it and dropped it a couple of times before he finally unlocked the door. He closed the door with his foot and locked it again. It was easier for his trembling fingers to grip the lock than the key, but his hand still slipped once. Steve took off his outermost layer of clothes that had been lightly dusted by the snowfall. He set them on a chair in front of the wood stove to dry out so he could wear them again.
The apartment was so cold that Steve could see his breath. He blew into his hands a couple of times to ease the trembling. He opened the stove and put in a log, sticks, and some shredded paper. Steve had to take his hands out of his gloves so he could use the matches. He fought back a shiver to strike the match. But as soon as the match touched the side of the box, Steve shivered so hard he broke the match in half.
He cursed again, then sneezed into his arm. Steve picked up the broken match, let himself shiver again, then tried to strike the match once more. This time, he lit the match. His fingers were so close to the flame Steve felt them getting burned. He quickly tossed it into the stove so it landed on the shredded paper. Steve stuck his burned fingers in his mouth to stop the burning. It worked until his teeth started rattling again. He pulled his gloves back on and watched the fire grow.
Steve huddled as close as he could to the stove. It took every ounce of willpower he had to keep from crawling into the fire. He hugged his knees to his chest to help warm up. No matter what he did, he just couldn’t stop shivering! Steve longed for Bucky to come home and cuddle him. Bucky’s cuddles always warmed him up.
"Brrr!" Bucky shivered, setting the bag of food on their kitchen counter. "Oh, it's freezing out there! Hope the studio was warm today."
Bucky glanced around their small apartment looking for Steve. The stove was out and the lights were off, but Bucky knew Steve was here somewhere. He couldn't see him, so he checked their room. Sure enough, Steve was curled up in their bed with the covers up past his nose and one of Bucky's hats over his head. Bucky smiled. "Guess the art studio was a little chilly, huh?"
His smile turned to a frown when Steve didn't respond. "Stevie? You awake?" Bucky kneeled down beside his boyfriend to check on him. That was when he noticed how much Steve was shaking. Bucky placed the back of his hand on Steve’s forehead, then immediately yanked it back. He was ice cold! “Stevie?! Hey, babydoll, wake up for me, yeah?”
Steve forced his eyes open, then curled into himself with a violent tremor. Bucky could hear his teeth chatter. Bucky kissed his forehead and rubbed his sides. “Hey, baby. How're you feelin'?” he sighed.
“C-C-C-C-Co-Co-Cold-d-d, *buh-buh-buh*Bun-n-n,” Steve moaned.
Bucky felt his heart ache. “I know, honey. Wait here, I’ll light the stove.” He started to walk back to the living room, but Steve reached his hand out to grab the edge of his sleeve. Bucky turned around to see two wide, blue eyes pleading for him to stay. Bucky kneeled by his side and kissed him again. Steve was starting to pull himself into Bucky’s chest, but Bucky stopped him. “Just give me a second, baby. I’ll be right back. I promise.”
Steve finally let go with a whine. Bucky tucked the blankets back around him, then hurried back out to the main room. He opened the grate to the stove and saw some embers still glowing. Bucky poked at them with the poker to coax the fire back to life. He had to toss in a few more sticks and paper, then added a couple of logs once the fire was strong enough. He set the containers of stew onto the cast iron surface of the stove to keep warm while he checked on Steve.
Bucky went back to his and Steve’s room. It was too far away to feel the warmth of the stove. It was no wonder Steve couldn’t get warm. Bucky crouched in front of him again. He scooped Steve into his arms, blankets and all, then carried him out to the main room. Steve nuzzled his face into Bucky’s shoulder.
“I know, babydoll. I know. I got’cha. You’re okay,” Bucky soothed when he heard Steve whimper.
“...c-c-c-cold-d-d,” Steve moaned. Bucky sat in front of the stove with Steve in his lap.
“Shh… shh… shh… it’s okay. I’ve got’cha,” Bucky murmured as he tucked the blankets tighter around Steve so there was no way the cold could get to him. Bucky squeezed his boyfriend tightly, dotting kisses over the exposed parts of his face around his eyes. Steve cried out as he was wracked by a violent full body shudder.
“My poor babydoll. You must’ve been so chilled in the studio today,” Bucky sighed.
“C-C-C-C-Could-dn’t ssss-s-sto-op-p-p… sh-sh-sh-shak-k-king. *huh-tuh-tuh-tuh-tuh-tuh-tuh*... M-M-M-Missss B-B-BBB-B-Brown ssss…s-s-s-sent m-m-m-me *huh-huh*hom-m-me,” Steve chattered out. "*heh'TSCHSHuugh! ehh-t'SHSHeew! eh'heh-heh'KSHSHuugh!*"
“Aww, bless you, honey. How long have you been home?” Bucky asked, massaging Steve’s limbs through the blankets.
“... l-l-l-l-lev-v-ven,” Steve mumbled.
“Eleven?” Bucky asked. Steve nodded. Bucky looked at the clock. It was nearly eight o’ clock! That means Steve had been freezing to death for over nine hours! Probably longer if Ms. Brown sent him home! Bucky was pulled out of his thoughts when Steve began coughing. Bucky kissed his head again. “Poor guy.”
The young couple sat in front of the stove for over half an hour, talking about nothing in particular. Bucky kept massaging Steve’s limbs as his shivering finally eased. Steve was nearly asleep when Bucky moved him to the couch in front of the stove. Bucky brought over the containers of stew and the bread that got slightly toasted sitting on top of the stove.
“Figured stew would be good today. It was freezing at the docks!” Bucky commented.
Steve took a sip of the broth and shivered before he responded. “I was worried about you when it started to snow.”
“Wasn’t too bad for us. We were moving around a lot and took a bunch of coffee breaks. If that was coffee, that is. Tasted like crap, even to a bunch of guys freezing their bits off,” Bucky said.
“With all the money they save with your crap paychecks, you think they could at least get you decent coffee! At least Folgers,” Steve agreed. He could see Bucky starting to shiver beside him, so he brought the blankets over his lap too.
Steve and Bucky spent the rest of the night on the couch, bundled in blankets, cuddled together, and enjoying each other’s company. Eventually, they both laid back with Steve on top of Bucky, nestled between his boyfriend and the couch. Steve was so tired from shivering all day that he fell asleep in seconds.
Bucky was awake a little longer, rubbing Steve’s back and running his fingers through his fluffy blond hair. He could feel his head was a little warm and, judging by how red his cheeks were, Steve was going to have a Hell of a fever. Bucky had a day off tomorrow, so he could spend the day snuggled up with his boyfriend. He kissed Steve’s head, then he too drifted off.
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amwritingmeta · 5 years
15x08: The Family Thing
I don’t think I have a least favourite scene of the midseason finale, because it was so gorgeously structured, so instead let’s focus on all the good and the exchange between Sam and Dean is definitely top five goodness. Hot. Damn.
Not only because of what it means for the codependency, laying the bones bare, as it were, or what it says about Sam and Dean’s individual arcs, but there’s the Dean and Cas of it all to contend with as well. 
Oh, yeah. I mean, there’s really no way around Sam and Eileen being used as an effective mirror for Dean and Cas. Either Sam and Eileen are underlining what’s missing between Dean and Cas (like when Eileen was a literal ghost and she couldn’t touch Sam) (visual narrative subtext much?) (in an episode where Cas was literally ghosting Sam and it was purely because of Dean’s actions) (actions that all began in Dean stating “You’re dead to me”) (yah), or Sam and Eileen act as a highlighter for what a balanced relationship should look like, as in this episode, for very obvious reasons. You know, because right now Dean and Cas need fixing. *the mind delights*
So, my loves. Spades out. Dig-a-dig-dig.
We start with Dean -->
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--> and I love how he’s clearly had this on his mind for some time and he’s like “Is this the right moment?” and he just goes for it, knowing that it’s a little awkward for him to bring it up, knowing that Sam will most likely deflect, but needing to have it said, because he wants Sam to know that it’s okay, and more importantly, that he’ll be okay. 
He’ll be okay without Sam there. Protect Sammy isn’t the begin all, end all anymore. Sam being happy, truly happy, in himself, is taking precedence and, through that, Dean being happy, truly happy, in himself comes chugging along like a glorious reward for Dean growing out of old patterns and embracing new ones. *so fucking pretty*
This has been coming since 13x20 and their final exchange in that episode, where Dean not only stated that he’s never really cared about himself or felt he matters, but where he refused to apologise for worrying about Sam or for protecting him, and all that speech did was end in Sam saying he didn’t take very kindly to be treated as a kid, demanded not to be kept in the dark (because oh does Sam know what it means to be overprotected by his loved ones), and insisted that they do what they do together and if they die, they’ll do that together too. 
And that, finally, made it all sink in, properly, and Dean realised that all his protecting Sam had made Sam as protective of him. Sam had grown up in Dean’s image, following Dean’s lead, and adopting Dean’s self-destructive tendencies without pause because of it. 
So Dean realised then that something needed to change, but how and what? Especially when Sam has had trouble letting Dean go, because Dean has noticed and we’ve all been made as aware of it.
Like with the whole Mal’Akh box situation and Sam confronting Dean, pushing him to fight, while Dean told Sam that Sam (and Cas) would have to let him go, if there was no saving him. This was the codependency at a breaking point, just as it is now, but way back around the midseason finale of S14, Dean had no way to gently push Sam into gaining the same perspective Dean’s had for a while now, because Dean gained that perspective through realising what holding onto old patterns meant for Sam. *external influence*
Dean became painfully aware of how Protect Sammy has become the toxic ingredient that could, most likely, end up in getting Sammy killed.
And Dean saw no healthy way of highlighting this to his brother without breaking his heart, yeah? Mostly because Dean felt Sam needing him, and the old pattern was difficult to let go of when Sam clearly was still relying on that pattern in order to know his place in the world.
But now. Oh, man, now. Now here comes a healthy highlighter. *Eileen you beautiful soul you!!*
Now for Sam’s reaction to Dean’s simple recognition of “Eileen did good” -->
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--> which is immediate self-consciousness and looking like he’s wondering where this is going exactly, a touch of defensiveness there right away, because this whole situation worries him and he knows what he wants, but he also knows what he thinks he shouldn’t have, and here comes Dean, most likely about to confirm that he shouldn’t have it. (hence Sam’s “Oh SHIT” face when the bunker door opened last ep and Sam thought it was Dean) (because he does not expect Dean to be okay with it) 
And then we get this gold -->
Dean: She doing okay? Sam: I guess. Dean: You guess?
So simple and yet so damn complex. 
Firstly, Dean prods oh so gently. The “She doing okay?” really being a question of how close Sam and Eileen have actually gotten: how intimate is their relationship at this point, how much does Sam care for her and how much is she letting him care, is she confiding in him, is she leaning on him, is she letting him in, is Sam taking up space, does he want to?
And Sam deflects. 
Because his reply of “I guess” is him not feeling comfortable talking about it, still unsure of where this is going exactly, and Dean calls him out on it, slightly amused by it, because he’s not stupid and he has eyes and he knows that, obviously, these two share a *cough* bond. Dean knows, yeah? But he also knows that Sam doesn’t know that Dean’s okay with it, which, again, is why this exchange is taking place. So Dean calls Sam out, deepening the prodding for an actual answer, and Sam gets properly defensive -->
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Sam: If she needs something from me, she’ll tell me. We have an agreement.
Dean’s reaction to this statement is amazing, because Sam’s choice of words immediately focuses him. 
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He’s a laser, yeah? He knows his brother inside and out and I would say Dean reads between the lines without even having to pause, because this is getting at the heart of what he wanted this chat to get at: how Sam and Eileen are relating themselves to each other. 
An agreement means communication, and communication about someone needing something from the other and being encouraged to ask for it, and feeling comfortable enough to promise to ask for it, means that they’re seeing eye-to-eye. That there’s caring there, for sure. And mutual caring at that. Which is why his delivery of his response is so laced with undertones, because Dean wants Sam to understand that Dean sees through this half-assed covering up of how meaningful this all actually is to Sam.
Dean: An agreement?
And Sam’s reaction face is epic-->
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--> because he looks like he’s thinking oh here we go and you’re one to talk Dean like you’re gonna question me and my choices when it comes to Eileen when you and Cas aren’t even talking BUT this whole train of thought gets halted in its tracks by Dean’s next statement, yeah? Aw yes.
Because Dean looks like this -->
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--> and says “That’s adorable” and Sam’s defensiveness is gone in a blink and we get the most gorgeous, wonderfully self-conscious smile of agreement that I ever did see because it is bloody adorable of them to have an “agreement” and Sam soaks it up that Dean sees all of the attached implications and is saying as much, relaxing at the fact that Dean is teasing him rather than lecturing him.
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Gahhh. It’s so gorgeous!! Look at that smiiiiile!
And Dean’s enjoying seeing that expression on Sam’s face like -->
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So happy for him.
*I cry you cry we all cry*
And then Dean goes serious, admitting that he was in too bad a place to talk about it, and yeah sure Chuck and Lilith and how do we fight God is all a dialogue-stated part of that, but also, obviously, there’s also Cas Cas Cas, I mean, Dean says that he didn’t want to talk to Sam about any possible romance between his brother and Eileen because he didn’t want to jinx it. 
Like he was in such a bad place it made him actually believe he’d jinx things if he acknowledged them as viable, yeah? 
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Look at his... face. :/
(I remember a certain someone who once told dean that he didn’t see himself as good luck) (and this then gave dean the chance to tell him that he’d rather have him - cursed or not) (like get over this low self-worth bullshit already and realise that you are loved for who you are Dean Winchester) (because you love people for who they are so why shouldn’t they do the same for you??) (GAH!)
Anyway, now Dean’s out of that bad place of believing he’d jinx things, he’s in a better place, so now it seems finally he believes that him acknowledging a budding romance doesn’t mean him immediately bringing bad luck and wrecking that good thing. 
Actually, this better place might actually mean that Dean can see how not acknowledging it would be worse for everyone, because he’s picked up on the egg-shell-walking done by his brother around the subject. Dean’s inability to speak frankly has made Sam afraid to even think about possibly pursuing something with Eileen, yeah?
Alright, fair enough, that’s conjecture aka headcanoning, but still. And shall we say it together? 
What Beautiful Possible Exposition For Dean’s Reasons For Distancing Himself From Cas. 
Dean keeping himself away from Cas, on the deepest levels, has everything to do with fear and worry and Dean still believing that the very touch of him corrupts. Yeah? He’s moving away from that now. Hopefully 09 will be the episode where he properly crosses that threshold from constantly thinking himself unworthy, to truly feeling he deserves to have good things happen to him without the ever-present conviction he’ll lose it all.
And then Dean goes in for the very final push, the very thing I believe he’s felt needs to be said for a while now: he ties Eileen right back to trying “the family thing”, because what Dean wants is a chance to clarify that he can see how what Sam has got going with Eileen is different.
And when Sam’s first reaction to trying The Family Thing is a “Yeah, me too. That’s not for us.” it’s kinda clear that Dean needs to clarify not only that he can see the difference, but that there truly is one, because Sam is really the one who needs to hear it, and acknowledge it, and believe it. 
Sam making this statement is to let us know, and let Dean know, that yes, Sam is still holding onto the codependency. 
What’s glorious to me, from a Dean perspective, is that he agrees with Sam’s assessment of their experience of the family thing not being for them with his response: “Not really.”
It’s glorious because the family thing was so wrong for him and it’s good to have him acknowledge this properly, letting us know he’s let that thought of “When I imagine myself happy, it’s with you and the kid” go (and of course I believe he did let it go a good while ago now but to have it in dialogue!) and then we get one of several heavy-duty callbacks this episode, when Dean reminds Sam about what Sam tentatively brought up years ago, asking Dean if he never wanted to find someone, maybe not to get married and settle down, but find someone who gets the life -->
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Dean: But I’m just saying, if it was to work... Eileen. You know, she gets it, she gets us, she gets the life. ...She’s hot.
It’s delightfully ironic to me that Dean is the one who swoops in with the wide-eyed observations of how Sam should open himself up to the idea of a relationship progressing with Eileen, but on the other hand it’s completely understandable to me, because Dean isn’t in denial about his feelings for Cas. 
Dean is extremely clear on his feelings for Cas, and that’s exactly why he’s staying away from him. 
It’s not that Dean doesn’t know love or can’t recognise it when it’s right in front of his face. It’s that, right now, he’s shutting it out. 
Because Good Things Don’t Last. 
And the terror at losing Cas again, and being responsible, is overshadowing everything else, or so I’d like to think. 
Losing Mary hammered this deeply rooted belief home once more: Dean can’t have good things. So all that gently building contentment Dean felt after 14x06 at having Cas around on a more permanent basis genuinely would set the alarm bells ringing, because clearly something would have to happen to shake things up, to cause more grief, to take it all away. 
Losing Mary made Dean believe, more than ever, that it’s only a matter of time before he loses Cas. Again. And he can’t go through that. Again. 
So rather inevitably, Dean’s fear of losing Cas has pushed Dean to push Cas away and it’s actually forced him to carry on without him, no matter how much it’s hurt him, Dean masking the pain with anger and defensiveness, and in a beautifully roundabout way managing to teach him the lesson of how he doesn’t actually need Cas in his life in order to be okay, but allowing him the insight of how he wants Cas in his life, because Cas brings the type of meaning to events that no one else and nothing else really does. *headcanon but still*
What’s clear to me in this exchange with Sam is that Dean has come so far in his progression that everything he’s saying to Sam he might as well be saying to himself. Truly. 
And, again, we get the Sam and Eileen as Dean and Cas mirrors because, of course, the undercurrent of this scene is tied directly to this mirroring and Dean and Cas’ inability, especially in this ep, to even look each other in the eye properly. God, there was a lot of that. *splendidness* By having Sam and Eileen stand in as the Healthy Relationship Representatives, we get an idea of exactly how far away from this Dean and Cas are currently in the narrative and, more than anything else, it plants the idea in our heads of where we should want them to end up. 
Moreover, this exchange outlines how Dean knows what makes for a healthy, balanced, equal relationship and, to me, exposes how much he wants that for himself, though he needs to cross that threshold and finally accept the truth that he deserves it, encouraging Sammy to go for that person who gets it, gets the life, the same way that Sam was trying to gently make Dean admit to wanting someone like that in S11. 
Anyway, back to the scene and Sam is still deflecting, still not quite there, no matter how self-consciously smile-y talking about Eileen might make him. Sam is afraid of letting go of the codependency, Sam still clings to old patterns, telling himself it’s because Dean needs him, that this is what’s best for “them”, when Dean, now, is gently pushing for Sam to think in terms of what’s best for himself first, and them as a team second.
Sam rubs his forehead and is about to make a protest to this idea -->
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--> when Dean stops him, because there’s nothing more to discuss, is there? Dean knows. Sam knows he knows. 
Dean: All I’m saying is that you could do worse. And she could certainly do better. So much better.
Again, this feels like something Dean could just as well be saying to himself, right? And he keeps it light, but it’s still so telling. Not that he devalues Sam, because of course he’s joking about that, but if looking at that undercurrent, it’s like Dean’s lack of self-worth is unconsciously pushing him to put words to that feeling, pushing him to gain that perspective, so that he can knock it down once and for all and know that he matters, that he’s allowed to matter, that he allows himself to matter. 
And the first step -->
 Dean: I’m happy for you, Sammy.
--> is encouraging his brother to feel that way about himself. 
Because letting go of the codependent behavioural pattern between them is key, for both of them, to live long and happy lives. 
I find it lovely that Dean interrupts Sam’s second attempt at deflection, seeing through Sam’s own possible worries and concerns - brought on by fears that are so similar to Dean’s and are rooted in mistrust of himself and lack of self-worth rooted in that mistrust - to the heart of it, which is that Sam has been falling in love with Eileen pretty much since the day they met, and Dean’s not going to be the one to stand in the way of that, and he’s certainly not going to let Sam’s fears and worries, allowing for the codependency to continue, to stand in the way of it.
Dean’s final line of being happy for his brother (the use of Sammy instead of Sam is like a dagger to the heart it’s so gorgeous) turns Dean’s gentle prodding into a cattle rod, brokering no argument and rather meaning to serve as a push for Sam to make a move already. What’s he waiting for? Clearly Eileen feels the same way. Clearly.
It’s all subtle and breathtaking and so, so pretty. It makes me curious to see what we’ll get in 09, what will bring about that prayer (I honestly would love for them to end up in an argument that’s loud and full of sudden truths that they’ve kept bottled up for ten years) (without a love confession) (we could get a hundred callbacks that could lead into clarifications) (and that apology) (which the prayer is bound to be) and what the rest of this final stretch will give us. 
As always, there’s so much to find in the subtext that it creates the most amazing part of this amazing narrative. Goddamnit. I do so love this show.
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atopearth · 6 years
Chocolate Temptation Part 3 - Mitsuki Aoi Route
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Omggg I dislike Mitsuki’s music gahh, it’s annoying lol. Anyway, it’s kinda cute how he gets embarrassed at people watching him work so closely when he’s decorating chocolate. I guess he’s similar with Jin in that he doesn’t seem very nice hahaha, except they don’t seem like it for different reasons. For Jin, he’s just disinterested in anything aside from chocolate, whereas Mitsuki’s very shy so he doesn’t like it when people focus on him. I’m not sure how old Mitsuki is supposed to be but he’s a man huh?! He looks rather childish so I kinda forget lmao. He just kinda reminded me when he told the heroine that she’ll be cooking for four grown men since it’s her turn to cook dinner tonight and Mitsuki went grocery shopping with her.
Why are crazy fangirls always so.. crazy? Sigh. Look at what they did! Pushed the heroine on to the road, making Mitsuki have to save her from the car but then twist his ankle or whatever and break his bone instead! Are you happy now that you injured the guy you like?! Sigh, these fangirls in all these games and stories really need to get their act together on what their priorities are. I’m surprised Mitsuki is so popular with all the girls everywhere lol. I guess it’s because he’s cute. And him being shy just makes people love him even more lol. I think Mitsuki is so adorable to have this “chocolate zone” where he goes into a trance and talks about what kind of chocolates he wants to make after an idea comes to him, it’s nice listening to his ideas since they sound interesting and he’s so serious about it, so you can really see how cool he is too!
Mitsuki’s starting to warm up to the heroine, he even rushed out to help her when she forgot the prices of some chocolates even though he absolutely hates facing customers! Mitsuki’s chocolates lack the strength in not caring about what other people think about his products huh? Tbh, I think I have a similar problem. Although I try my best to stop other people’s thoughts and opinions to sway or hinder what I choose to do, it ends up affecting me either way. I think I also lack the experience to be confident in myself at work, I guess I gotta try and improve myself along with Mitsuki haha! Just as Mitsuki is not really making the kind of chocolates he really wants to make, I’m also in the same position where the fear of what others will think stops me from doing things the way I want and should. Life is difficult😅😅
Lmao at Mitsuki saying the heroine does so much work for her mook but doesn’t do much at the shop🤣 He made up for being rude by telling her he knows that because he’s always looking at her when he’s making chocolate, so cute☺️ After he bonded with her talking about his reasons for designing whatever chocolates, Mitsuki has been so bold by talking to her first and even saying such adorable things like he’s happy to see her first thing in the morning! Kyaa, so cuteee~ I think, just like the heroine, even though Mitsuki is younger, your heart can’t help but flutter when he’s so innocent and sweet like he is now.
Ohh so Mitsuki is 19, wonder if the heroine is like 24 or something then. I guess yeah, that would be a big hurdle to overcome, he’s like young and just starting to blossom and find his ground in society and as a chocolatier so she doesn’t want to like “prey” on him haha. But he’s so cuteeeee, he immediately said yes when she asked him if he was free tonight before she even said what she wanted him for lolll. Then he says he’s happy as long as he can spend time with her? C'mon Mitsuki, don’t play with her heart like this hahaha. Aww she dressed up and he called her pretty and cute, then played with her hair saying it was fluffy🤣🤣 He’s so innocent, I’m dying🤣
Aww the dinner went so well until the heroine sneakily paid the bill without telling him~ Bills always kill the mood lmao. I can understand how both Mitsuki and the heroine feels though, Mitsuki earns money and is capable so having someone else pay for him makes it seem like she’s treating him like a kid, and he wanted to go along as well, so she shouldn’t have to pay for his half. Whereas, for her, it’s true that the company will cover for it anyway, and she did spontaneously get him to come out and didn’t even tell him what place it was and took him there so she probably felt rude if she didn’t pay for his share. But yeah, it’s a problem that isn’t really about the bill but more about how they view their age difference in the end, so they’ll have to solve it either way, the bill just happened to trigger it haha.
So cute how Mitsuki wanted to pay her back by shouting her for like another date and got her to meet up with him at the park so that Jun wouldn’t be able to tease them hahahah. Hearing a guy say that seeing you motivates him to push himself and work harder and that it brightens up his day is like omg, so sweet, how does Mitsuki even say these things out loud so easily?! It’s kinda cute how all the brothers can tell that Mitsuki really likes the heroine and are very protective of him haha, it’s so nice to see them care about him so much. And it’s funny how the heroine can’t tell at all lmaoo. Mitsuki and Ibuki competing on TV?! Guess Mitsuki’s gonna try his best to beat him now since he thinks that the heroine might get stolen away by Ibuki so he wouldn’t want to lose, he’s already losing in terms of age so I’m sure he doesn’t want to lose in other aspects he can control haha.
Omg, they’re making a piece montee for the competition and the time limit is 10 hours! How do people even concentrate for that long… Dang, Mitsuki is so straightforward, it’s hard to believe he used to be so shy that he couldn’t even talk to the heroine. He’s practically declared that he likes her by saying he doesn’t want her to be stolen by Ibuki haha. Young people these days🤣 But I guess it does help for the heroine to talk to her friend at work about Mitsuki, since she really helped her understand how she really felt and how even though the heroine is worried about the age gap, the friend can tell that she really likes him and that’s much more important than the age gap. I mean, Mitsuki is pretty level headed and even though he may be inexperienced, he can be mature as well so they’ll be fine together! I always find it so amazing how someone just being there beside you can put you so at ease, it’s pretty cool.
Mitsuki is so bold to actually kiss the heroine! He’s younger but he’s really forward! Legit just kept going once she was like, it’s okay, she doesn’t not like it😆 Mitsuki is so stubborn about only asking her to be his girlfriend after he wins the competition even though he wants to keep kissing her lmao. It was obvious that Mitsuki was making a piece montee of the flower bouquet the heroine gave him in the beginning when he was in the hospital that inspired him and made him know her better, but seeing the heroine realise the depth of his feelings and his thoughts behind the piece was really sweet. The happy ending was good but omg the super happy ending seems so nice and fun since Mitsuki and the heroine are home alone together for the whole week~~ honestly though, if Jin and Ibuki always do these last minute going to weddings etc for work, I still think they should hire someone to help out, like seriously, what would they have done if the heroine wasn’t there?? It would have been just Mitsuki working and how could he handle making chocolate and the customer service?? Anywho, now they can bond alone without anyone interrupting them I guess lol.
Lol, they’ve kissed so many times already and yet they’re still so embarrassed over an accidental kiss lolll. Mitsuki smelling of vanilla and cocoa sounds so good, I bet it smells so delicious and comforting 🤣 Hmmmm I feel like the heroine was much stronger before they started dating. Now, all she does is pretty much cry and be a big baby so that it can show how mature Mitsuki is… Really, two mature people can be together you know… One of them doesn’t need to be inferior or be like a baby for the relationship to work… Sigh. But now that they’re finally together, lol I thought they were together ages ago and knew their feelings but maybe I was getting the happy and super happy ending mixed up lol. Anyway!!! The chocolate making lessons are such a great idea! The chocolates of happiness can only be made by people who care about each other and stuff so teaching people the skills to do it together would create that happiness. I totally would join if there was one here! The ending nicely rounded everything up with them thinking of different ways people could make these chocolates of happiness together😊
Season 2
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Back to the competition story as usual, let’s see how it goes~~ I guess since both Mitsuki and Tokita are Dino’s apprentices, they’re going to be rivals in chocolate and love too? Loll. Since they both seem to care a lot about the heroine. I guess a nice difference in this story is that Mitsuki is teamed up with another girl for the competition haha. Otherwise, the heroine and Mitsuki are frustrating me to no end with their lack of communication, coming to pointless conclusions and acting like children gahhh. They were so much more level headed in the first story like seriously…
Anyway, the heroine and Mitsuki continue to be irritating with them doing what they think is best without properly communicating because they’re scared of facing the other and other crap like that, which is very annoying. I also hateee that in every route, all the guys have to love the heroine and create some sort of rivalry. Like, you can kinda see why Tokita is interested in her, but seriously guys, she’s Mitsuki’s girlfriend, hands off, okay?!?! Like, c'mon. It’s just unnecessary love drama trying to push the relationship forward when really, the problem isn’t whether they love each other, it’s that they’re not talking to each other properly. Also, honestly don’t know why the heroine took so long to reject Tokita when she was obviously not interested. Not wanting to hurt him is such a shitty reason since unless she’s really considering him (which she wasn’t!), then she’s going to hurt him either way, might as well make it clear to him asap so that Mitsuki won’t feel so insecure, like dude, you can’t blame Mitsuki for thinking she’ll get stolen when she can’t even reject a guy when she’s already in a relationship. Know your priorities, woman! I also don’t understand what is with these games etc where guys don’t give up on trying to get the attention of someone else’s girlfriend, like seriously? Is that romantic? Do people like this shit? It’s not even like the boyfriend is trash and a jerk or whatever, they’re good people trying to progress their relationship and like they’re all friends too like wtf? Go somewhere else, ugh, I hate these stupid love triangles and fruitless unrequited loves that are ridiculous.
Anyway, the usual Eleanor stuff and chocolate competition happens but wow, didn’t expect Mitsuki to practically propose to her already lol, so young and committed! Didn’t realise that they had a mother, it might have been mentioned somewhere but yeah wow, she really hasn’t been watching over her children and their shop lol. I liked Mitsuki’s perspective for the tournament though, because really, it didn’t show anything about the the chocolate making and then they won, so it was nice to see that Mitsuki understood what his qualities were and remembered why he likes to make chocolate, which is to make people smile, and that’s why he won. I liked that. Anyway, Mitsuki giving her the matching rings was actually the ending! I didn’t even realise lolol! Didn’t get to see Dino’s reactions etc to the competition so I didn’t expect that, now it feels kinda incomplete lol.
Overall, as usual, the first season is great but the second just doesn’t deliver. I feel like for all the first seasons, although they had their similarities, it was mostly different, whereas the second season was literally the same thing for all three brothers, just a change in perspective depending on the brother and some changes in the love rivals and relationships, but otherwise, there wasn’t much of a difference, and the guys were stuck with the same problem e.g. Mitsuki not feeling mature enough for the heroine and trying to block the other guys from courting her. Things randomly resolve because it’s ending but nothing substantial really happens, so yeah, really can’t recommend the second part, maybe except Jin’s one, I didn’t mind that. Otherwise, it was pretty frustrating, why’s it such a common thing in these stories for the guy’s friends to go after the guy’s girlfriend aka the heroine?! Like seriously, ugh.
Anyway, I really enjoyed this game. I probably like it just as much as Princess Closet if we’re just talking about the first seasons since I feel like the relationships, the romance and the stories developed very nicely and at a good pace, the guys were all sweet and romantic in their individual ways, definitely recommend it~
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drv3imagines · 7 years
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🔥It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to…🎂
Rantaro Amami * How…how…howhowhowhowhowhowhow * Amami.exe has stopped working. * And he’s back to having a mental freak out. * How could he forget?!?!?!?? * He was sure that- * As soon as he check’s his phone he realizes his schedule for yesterday and your birthday definitely clashed. * He can’t quite speak for everyone else, but you’re HIS s/o, he HAD to remember your stuff! * To make up for his mistake he takes you out that night. He asks you to get super spruced up and he will meet with you later to take you to the most expensive restaurant he can afford. * Of course money is not everything, and he has to bring his late birthday gift to try and fix everything. * (Spoiler, it was a bracelet to match his, one he carefully embroidered with your name and ‘I love you’ in the inside.)
Korekiyo Shinguuji * He. Feels. So. Bad. * Birthdays are really important, as cultures all over the world celebrate them to commend the celebrated’s success in evading death. * He would not go unpunished for this matter, but right now he intended to mend your broken heart. * He knew that materialism wasn’t going to get him out of this one, but why would he settle for a dozen roses when he could settle for a dozen of you instead– * That wasn’t humanly possible, but he could instead flatter you by creating an entire day dedicated to you–even though technically you already have one and he missed his shot. * He cries silently to himself as he prepares the festival in your honor. * With his connections he is able to gather nearly 100 people, all ready to worship you like the deity you are. * In the center of the festival is a shrine with little trinkets he thought would best represent the wonderful person you are. * …if you find this endearing, and not creepy af…well your day certainly has been made~
Kaito Momota * *insert a string of curses* * *pause* * *insert more curses* * Way to go Momota, you forgot your love’s birthday. How are you gonna get outta this one? * Offer to sleep on the couch for starters… * Maybe a movie night? No too lame. * Stargazing on the beach? Nope that’s, like, every Tuesday… * Sheesh what’s a guy gotta do to- wait– * While you were moping (in your pity party music video) Kaito rushes up to you and immediately rushes you off to his car. * “Where are we going Kaito?” * “It’s a surprise~” * “I hope it isn’t too far, I hadn’t even had lunch yet.” * “Oh well in that case we had better get going…” * During the long drive, Kaito kept you occupied with a game of Ispy, that is until he asked you to blindfold yourself before reaching your destination. * “Okay, now watch your step…careful…and a short step down…and we’re here…” * You remove your blindfold…and honestly…you’re speechless. * Let’s just say Kaito’s connection with the astronauts pays off substantially. He was able to borrow the ‘Moon Room’ which was designed to the tee to act as a replica of the real thing. Even better was the picnic spread laid out before you. * Two birds, one stone~
Kokichi Ouma * He forgot it on purpose because celebrating your birthday on your birthday is wayyy too lame! * That’s why his super duper surprise party is awaiting for you this evening, but shhhh you’re not supposed to know ;). * Even though you were skeptical, you decided to play along and get ready. * As soon as you’ve gone off to prepare for your ‘special day’…. * OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! * WTF OUMA?!? THE GREAT POWERFUL KING CAN’T FORGET HIS BELOVED’S BIRTHDAY! THAT IS AN ULTIMATE EPIC FAIL! * Now he’s completely stressing himself out trying to get the best last minute party of the century planned for you because of his big talk. * He figures the best way to get people there in such a hurry was to lie~ And who better could pull off such a scheme other than the Great King~ * … * The turn out was more amazing than you expected. Maybe Ouma really was telling the truth about that weird trend… * However…one of your friends’ comments struck you odd… * “I’m really sorry to hear that your goldfish died… I lost a close pet once too, so I know this situation is a little tough for you. But you’re not alone.” * What the actual- * “Happy birthday, babe! Pay no mind to them, because I’ve got you the best cake money can lie- I mean buy! Eat up~”
Shuuichi Saihara * He…forgot… * But…but he couldn’t have…it must’ve been a mistake! * Are you sure your birthday was yesterday?? * Oh no…nonononononononono… * He’ll make it up to you. * He– Okay, breath. Nothing is going to be solved by making you more upset than you already were. * He just had to trust in his sincerity to resolve the issue. Saihara knew this mistake wasn’t something you could just overlook by saying sorry, so he did all so you could feel loved. * On the side he used his detective skills to pinpoint and question your friend’s absence (he could at least account for himself because of his investigations, but that was still no excuse). * By the end of the day he has worn himself out, which is not what you wanted to happen at all. * So to resolve both of your ordeals you settle for calling in some take out food and fawning over a recently released detective novel series.
Kiibo * Well he has a pretty valid excuse as to why he didn’t show up to the party, he was malfunctioning due to a nasty little prank Ouma pulled on him. * He still feels guilty for missing your party though, especially since no one else showed up. * While part of him wanted to reach out to the Internet for help, the other half told him he needed to decide for himself what to do. * It only seemed logical to reorganize the get together and invite the same people over. It is scientifically just after all, an experiment cannot be decided after only one trial. * It must be tested over and over again before it can be decided. * So that’s what he does. * He continues to throw you a birthday party hoping that eventually one of these trials will yield a different result… * After day five, you decide that it is time to give up. That and he was running low on cash and throwing all these parties was the reason behind it. * Even though no one else came to celebrate with you, Kiibo faithfully stuck with you until the end. * His gesture definitely hadn’t gone unrewarded and you properly gifted him with three uneaten cakes and a couple of unopened presents. At least you got free parties from this experience.
Gonta Gokuhara * He could do one of two things: cry or be a man and own up to his mistakes. * And a real gent owns up to his wrongs! * He apologized profusely and promises to take you on a really nice romantic evening to show how sorry he is…but right now… * He insists that he helps you out even more by figuring out why your friends did not attend. * So you two go around town (breaking down doors and taking names…lol jk) rounding up the invitees who were no shows. * The first didn’t go so well, since some of your friends have never met Gonta…his appearance can be very frightening… * The results of your mission: one friend had a valid excuse… a handful were going to throw you a make up party and the others were ✂️ from the squad. * Gonta fulfilled his promise and made your evening worthwhile for his terrible mistake. And you were certainly not disappointed :3.
Ryoma Hoshi * S E L F - L O A T H I N G I N T E N S I F I E S. * How tf did he forget? * He didn’t have a game or practice or anything to do yesterday???? He literally had no excuse???????????? * Gahhh! * He’s dying on the inside, but practically reduces his human classification to a step stool for being such a lame boyfriend. * But it’s even more lame to whine about and not take action. * He practically gave everyone who didn’t come the bird and primarily made the day all about you. * His pride and joy, a gift from life even…apologizing for all the bs he had to put up with in the past (albeit could have been avoided if–) * His pampering doesn’t stop with just being your personal butler, he does extra favors for you as well…like baking… * P L E A S E D O N ’ T B U R N ! ! !
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tumblunni · 7 years
aaaa and i actually did lose some weight since i quit drinking cola I didn’t even notice it but suddenly i fit better in the Fancy Trousers I Like thats good cos i didn’t wanna return them cos they are SO FANCY i can finally experience the fance~ ok lets consider this my birthday present to myself these trousers i bought half a year ago gahhh i didnt even buy myself anything or make a cake or do ANYTHING this birthday really snuck up on me...
so anyway yeah i’m gonna break my caffeine fast for just one day, i’m sure it’ll work okay if i just save it for special occasions. i used to drink like one or two litres a day back in high school! it was the only way i could stay awake and have enough energy to function back when i was in abusive dad hell. And it just kept escalating cos the more caffeine you drink the more of a tolerance you build up, the more you need to stay awake, and the worse the headaches are before you get your morning cuppa. And of course caffinated energy drinks and sodas are the way more unhealthy version compared to tea, but i just couldnt stand bitter tastes so that was my only option. And thus I somehow ended up addicted to a perfectly ordinary non-drug foodstuff, just cos I couldnt regulate my sleep cycle properly and like.. drinking sugary stuff was the only mild luxury i could experience in life. So yeah thats why I’m super fat, lol XD And why I feel a bit accomplished for cutting it entirely out of my life for almost a year now (and replacing it with an addiction to soy milk?? its really good?? i’m not even a vegetarian??) but whatever i’m gonna shove my face fulla caffeine on my birthday cos its my birthday and cos i really dislike cake THIS SODA IS MY CAKE ...actualy what would happen if you used soda instead of water in a cake??
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dominodebt · 8 years
Hmmmm, not sure if this'd count but, basically, Reyes's reaction when he is told of Ana's 'death' and how he processes the whole thing.
Gahhh this one didn’t come out the way I wanted but I got tired of fighting with it. It’s about Angela than Reyes because that’s just how it came out, sorry!
Wow will I ever figure out how to end things properly probably not!
“Let mego!”
          Angela’s voice echoes in the smallmeeting room as she rages at the pair of them. She throws her whole weight—ahundred and twenty-five pounds of five-seven nothing—against the arms of the guard holding her back, shouting atangled mess of at least three languages.
           Reyesslides his gaze over to Morrison, who stares the young field medic down.
           “No,”he murmurs. And that is the end of that.
           Theguard—Overwatch logo matching the one on Angela’s coat—tries to haul her back,out of the room, but with another yell that Reyes never imagined could becontained within the skinny little genius, she throws herself against himagain, this time breaking his hold.
           Hermomentum carries her forward until she falls to her knees on the ground, chestheaving as she looks up to stare up at him—eyes wild, hair a mess, a thin sheenof sweat on her face, teeth bared like a wildcat.
           Reyesnever understood how Morrison could keep his composure staring at a face likethat. Angela’s expression—the fierce detestationin her eyes—had always rattled him.
           “Please,” Angela rasps out, and fuck, his bones rattle at hearing an angel beg like that. “If you do not let me—ifyou keep me here—what is the point ofme—?”
           “CaptainAmari has been killed in action.” Morrison’s voice is as dead as Reyes feels.“There is nothing for you to save, Doctor.”
           Angela’seyes flash like something unholy, and with a thunderous expression she clawsher way back to her feet. “What do you mean—?”
          The guard hastens to catch her aroundthe waist as she lunges for Morrison, who doesn’t bat an eye at Angela’saggression. Reyes wonders if he’d behave the same way, if he was the object of Angela’s ire.
          “You know what I can do,Jack,” she bites out, looking for all the world like some kind ofprisoner—mussed hair, half-crazed eyes, fearsome snarl, hands held back by aguard.
          Morrison lifts a single eyebrow. Moreemotion than Reyes thinks he himself is capable right now.
          “I know what you think you can do,” he counters in a cold, detached voice. “But youhaven’t proven anything concrete. And I won’t allow you to use one of our mostdecorated soldiers—”
          “Say her name, you coward!” Angela rages at him, OldTestament temper flaring. “Say her name—”
           “—asan experimentation,” Morrison finishes, smoothly speaking over her. He nods tothe guard then, and Angela gasps as she’s pulled back, before she starts tostruggle again.
           “Ican do it!” she screams, fighting madly to free herself. “I can do it, please you can’t just leave her there I need to see her—Gabriel!”
        Reyes starts at the sound of his name, like he’dforgotten it until it’d rung out in Angela’s church bell cadence.
           Theguard stops hauling Angela out of the room, looking questioningly at Reyes.Morrison too has slid his gaze over, silently staring at the other man.
           Reyeshas eyes only for Angela, who holds his stare with the intensity of a storm.
           “Please,”she whispers, her voice shard of glass ground to dust—so small and weak andeasily scattered by a gust of wind. “Please,Gabe, let me go.”
           “Think she’ll ever do it?” Reyes hadasked conversationally one day, like this is the kind of thing normal peoplewith normal coworkers talk about.
           Anahad just hummed, more focused on buttering her English muffin.
           “Ever?” she’d verified, arching aneyebrow. “Of course, Gabe. If you give agirl like Angela enough time, she can do anything she pleases. Give her halfthat and she’ll still probably pull it off.”
           “So you think she’ll raise then deadsomeday,” Reyes had said, takinga sip of his coffee. “You think peoplewill…stop dying.”
           Ana had snorted, rolling her eyes at his incompetence.
           “People will always die, Gabriel,” she’dreminded him. “It’s what people do.”
        “Whatabout you?” he’d pressed. “Even the great Ana Amari? Will she diesomeday too?”
           He couldn’t say where such a question had come from, or what hadpossessed him to say it in the first place—but the words were out now and therewas no taking them back.
           Anahad glance up from her breakfast, giving him a cool look.
           “Think hard about that question yourself,Gabriel,” she’d told him. “We are notso different. I think you know the answer.”
           Angela’s chest heaves as she stares at him, eyes wide and pleadingand still smoldering with the ashes of her anger.
           Reyesclears his throat, lets out a sigh.
           “Lether go, Ange,” he says softly. “She’s gone.”
Send me an Overwatch prompt!
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