#gaeilge memes
couscousgoose · 6 days
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Capall Roan
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bloctg4 · 1 year
please share the setanta gossip video you put on IG here, i know the tumblr nerds will appreciate it and i want to share it with them 💚
d'athraigh setanta a ainm? slé!
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pansnovydinnia · 2 months
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acrossthewavesoftime · 3 months
My textbook knows how I like Ireland:
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msewn · 5 months
i had to write an e-mail to a friend for irish, so i decided to write to markiplier. i got full grades.
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dan-the-adiposer · 1 year
Homophobic Ancestors | Sinsir Homafóbacha
In English | As Béarla:
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In Irish | As Gaeilge:
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probably-ace-ok · 1 year
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An Corónú.
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not-that-debonair · 2 years
Seachtain na Gaeilge shona daoibh! Chun é a cheiliúradh, cuireann mé gach rud as Gaeilge chomh maith le Béarla.
Happy Irish Language Week! To celebrate, all my original posts are gonna be in Irish as well as English.
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orangeflowerpetals · 2 years
why is Duolingo so easy until I make a minor mistake like god forbid 'he eats THE bread' instead of he eats bread or the answer is word I have never seen before in my goddamn life
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The "Americanization of the global internet" post and slow deterioration of local native culture gave me an idea: many users don't even know there is native language communities on this website, so if you know of a regional group/"subculture" on Tumblr, reblog/comment with the tags they use so people can find them and connect with other folks from their countries or speakers of a language they'd like to learn
I will try to update this post with every new addition to hopefully make a comprehensive list of Tumblr regional communities
Edit July 29th: the post has reached a point where Tumblr won't let me add any more links, so from now on all tags are plain text to make it fair
The list so far:
• Czech
#česky, #hezky česky - general Czech language posts, frequently featuring user-written poetry, art, sometimes politics and current events, warning: often contains vent posts
#čumblr - Czech but frequently used by Slovaks as well, primarily memes and fandom things, shipping, art, cultural things, frequently overlaps with #česky
#obrození, #obrozujeme - memes and fandoms as well but with more emphasis of maintaining and developing Czech culture, is a mostly humorous parody/self-proclaimed continuation of the Czech National Revival of the 1800s, overlaps with #čumblr and #česky
• Slovak
#slovensky - general Slovak language posts
#slumblr, #sumblr, NEW - #ťumbľr - Slovak, general posts, memes, fandom and culture things, sometimes overlaps with #čumblr
• Polish
#polska, #polish - Polish, general posts, art, politics and current events
#polblr, #polishposting, #polskie rzeczy - Polish, more humorous general posts and memes, often overlap with the above
• Ukrainian
#ukraine - general Ukrainian posts, often in English
#укртумбочка - mostly used by artists
• General Slavic
#slav, #slavic, #slavposting, #slavic stuff - mixed Slavic, usually cultural things, memes, art and photography, sometimes politics, sometimes visited by other East Europeans
• Irish
#gaeilge - Irish, general posting but especially cultural things and memes, often features posts for language learning
• Welsh
#cymraeg, #tymblr - general Welsh posting, memes
• Romanian
#romanian - general Romanian tag
#romanisme, #vlandom - Romanian, mostly memes and humor
• Hungarian
#magyar, #hungarian, #tumbli - Hungarian language, mostly quotes
• Finnish
#suomitumblr, #suomitumppu, #suomipaskaa, #suomeksi, other variations beginning with suomi - general (shit)posting
any and all swear words such as #perkele, #vittu, #saatana, #helvetti and #paska - shitposts, overlap with above
• Dutch
#dutch, #the netherlands, #netherlands, #holland, #nederland, #nederlands - general Dutch posts
#nedermemes, #dutchcore - memes, shitposting
• German
#deutsch, #german stuff - general German posting
#BundesTag - memes and humor
blogs like @official-deutschebahn, @official-german-medienlandschaft and other official-deutsche- blogs, "because THE joke of German tumblr is to act like an overly bureucratic public institution"
• Swedish
#sweblr, #swedenposting, #svea rike - memes, shitposts, fandom stuff, sometimes political
#svenskt, #sverige - general Swedish stuff
#all makt åt tengil vår befriare, #sa du sten - used mostly by @svenskjavel
#borås - posts and memes about the city, "kinda like Swedish Ohio"
#lesbisk, #bög, #bisexuell, #pansexuell, #hbtq+, #hbtq, #homosexuell, #asexuell - Swedish queer tags
• French
#upthebaguette, #french side of tumblr, #whatthefrance - general French posting but especially memes, comics, art
#bagaitte - French queer posting
• Greek
#greek tumblr, #ελληνικα, #ελλαδα, #γρεεκ, #ελληνικο ταμπλρ - general stuff
#greek memes - memes
#coses de la terra - general stuff
#беларускі тамблер - general stuff, fandoms
#артшляхта - art
#itablr - general stuff, not very populated yet
#welcome to italy, #italian things, #italian stuff, #italy tag, #roba italiana
#sanremo - for the Sanremo Music Festival, also #domenica in but only after the end of the festival
Italians also frequently gather under #leonardo rai, #medici, #i medici, #montalbano and #il giovane montalbano
#eestiblr, #eesti - general stuff
@unofficial-estonia - blog
@useless-denmarkfacts - blog
#español - general Spanish (* I noticed some Mexicans using these too so there may be overlap with American Spanish-speaking countries as well)
#citas, #frases - quotes
#humor grafico - memes
Scottish Gaelic
#gaidhlig, #gaelposting - general, art, language
#المغرب, #Maroc -general, often photos
• South Asian
#desiblr, #desi, #desi tag - general South Asia posting, memes, humor, sometimes also used by Arab people
• Indian
#dabara tumblr, #தம்பிளர் - suggested tags for South India
#русский тамблер, #русский tumblr - general stuff, memes
Sri Lankan
#අරගලයට ජය, suggested tags LKA or #Lankablr if anyone's interested
@useless-indonesiafacts - blog
# עברית# ,ישראבלר - general stuff (sorry if these are broken, tumblr keeps fucking with right-to-left scripts)
#عربي - general
#كتب, #كتاب, #كتابات - books and writing
#auscore, #straya - general stuff, culture, memes and shitposts
#auspol - politics
Aotearoa (New Zealand)
#māori, #te reo māori - Māori tags
#brazil, #brasil, #Come to brazil, #br posting, #meu brasil brasileiro, #tumblr br - general and memes
Turtle Island (North American) Indigenous
#ndn, #ndn tumblr - usually about culture, memes etc
"If you're looking for something specific to your tribe, try the non-English spelling of your tribe's name (Tsalagi for Cherokee, for example)"
Not location-specific
#jumblr, #frumblr - general stuff, history, discussions, posts mostly in English
#romani, #rroma, #rrumblr - romani sides of tumblr, general stuff, history, discussions, mostly in English
Please share around wherever you're from, US American local cultures are welcome as well, especially indigenous (though that should go without saying)
Reminder that this is a post made to allow people to find others of the same culture/language, be respectful and do not use these tags to target groups and spread hate
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bloctg4 · 1 year
"irish is a dead language" L + ratio + is fearr Gaeilge bhriste ná Béarla cliste + Béarla is a dead language + tá Gaeilge cúláilte + C.E.A.R.T.A. + BLOCTG4 + ratio eile +
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revoevokukil · 1 month
Is the reason why it’s commonly repeated in the Witcher fandom that the Witcher is based on Slavic mythology and not European Mythology in general ( a lot particularly from the British isles) is that when it came out in the 90s it was marketed that way due to the cultural Zeitgeist at the time in Poland
Or is it just something that became a thing after the games came out and it was just people in the English speaking world saying “oh it’s from Poland it must be based on their mythology” and Polish fans are fully aware that it has just as much of not more references to the Arthurian legend than it does to Slavic culture
Hey, anon!
I just reblogged something in relation to this, so you might want to check it out (and the several reblogs).
I think if we want to trace the creative influences from the fantasy genre, then it makes no sense to employ umbrella terms with The Witcher. It's Polish fantasy a Polish author with all the particular sensitivities of a Pole wrote. Does the history of CEE inform the writing? Yes, absolutely. Do the cultural attitudes, linguistic peculiarities, and humour? Of course.
Slavic, though? And, moreover, Slavic alone? Well that's a bit preposterous, because Slavic does not designate something "specific" in the first place. I'm a particularist, I'm sorry. And while I am not even a Slav, I can relate to the outlook and "voice" of the characters in The Witcher instantly, because we live in the same neighbourhood. (The neighbourhood has very different corners with equally shitty beaches, you don't usually understand what your neighbour is trying to say to you, and body language can go overbroad just as frequently as overt familiarity is not appreciated.)
Slavic or Celtic or Indo-European or what have you are umbrella terms. They are totalising and their nature overlooks the cultural diversity that the terms draw upon: Celtic, for example, should be divided into insular and continental branches, and the insular Celtic groups, again, could be linguistically divided into Brythonic (Cymraeg/Welsh, Kernewek/Cornish, & Breton) and Gaelic (Gàidhlig/Scottish, Gaeilge/Irish, & Gaelg/Manx). Ditto for Slavic, starting from the East, West, South divide and going more intricate from there.
The lore changes the closer you get with your looking glass. These are not unified categories, even if they are used to generate broad solidarity for good or bad purposes, or to simplify and refer to some broadly received meme (but, for example, your quintessentially Slavic Baba Yaga likely derives from contact with Finno-Ugric and Siberian peoples with their stilt-hut building style, tucked away in the middle of forests, so tell me more about how a legend can "belong" to one people alone).
I guess what we should ask is when and why does it matter who lays claim to these things, and why Slavic? Why not Polish in particular and pan-European in general? I guess it depends on who you are and what you want to do with your statement. Yes, it's that banal.
Because intellectually, when sniffing out the history of its ideas and the flavour of them, The Witcher is incredibly diverse. The author has also been very open about it, referring in detail to a vast amount of literature he has come in contact with in fantasy canon. Generally, that includes authors from Western Europe and Northern America (but his literary influences do not stop with those alone of course) and the thing about, for example, Northern American fantasy is that it has a penchance to romanticize the British Isles (followed close behind by Germanic and Greco-Roman world). It is not without reason that Sapkowski considered Arthuriana the bedrock of Western fantasy - it really was one of the first "medieval fantasies" that was being written and re-written throughout medieval Western Europe already at the time. The PR that memefied the entire enterprise of Arthur and his Brythonic roots has been chugging away for a VERY long time, cross-fertilized by lore from all over the place. But its roots stretch back to the Isles. Because that's where history related to him took place - at the forgotten outpost of the crumbling Roman Empire, which had been colonized before the Romans and would be colonized again after the Romans (and would eventually go on to colonize peoples far and further away from the European peninsula).
The thing is, Arthuriana is like a gateway into the myths of the people among whom he was likely born, and the actual bedrock of various Celtic mythological traditions is much more varied and has a wholly different vibe than the most popular French monks' agendas with Arthur. You could similarly consider Geralt's and Ciri's story a gateway into the folklore and history of the peoples among whom they were brought to life and among whom they first proved popular and "homely"; a signpost leading you into finding out more about the part of the world that birthed them. But CEE, to my knowledge, does not have a fantasy genre tradition with that strong of a PR that would derive from a semi-political legend stretching back a good thousand years, acting as a kind of unifying fairy tale for the various people among whom its figurehead proved popular and drew its tale from. Scratch the figurehead; there just isn't one particular tale as such that would have risen into prominence above all others.
And to split the hair even further, Geralt and Ciri are not semi-historical. Not semi-mythical either, even though Sapkowski tries to lift them into that status by the end of the Pentalogy. They are already composites or subversions of broader fantasy traditions, which have mostly been heavily Western European-centric. The Witcher, however, takes this Western European tradition, traces the roots of its underbelly, and gives its own interpretation. While keeping in spirit intact the lived experience, mentality, and speech of its characters, which are - if you like - the most Slavic features of the tale.
It popularises a lens the like of which there was little of in the Fantasy genre at the time.
(and yes, the games' PR - as a market-oriented enterprise - obviously would try to find the broadest possible common denominator that is still specific enough to ring as novel and sexy in the world-wide market and proud back at home)
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cleolinda · 1 year
Weekend links
My posts
I chimed in on a very helpful post about polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), specifically on treatment side effects. Apparently our collected knowledge is more than most people are getting told by their own doctors.
A post about Neneh Cherry's "Move with Me" (with a sidebar about the '80s hit "Buffalo Stance"), a song I listen to when I feel scattered.
The part where I say "He's six" is the entire reason I wrote about Hozier’s "Eat Your Young." I still wasn’t sure I wanted to post it, and then I saw an article titled "Maui Needs Speculators" and I went, yeah, okay, here we go.
I need to write things that aren't posts about music but it's hot and I can't think. The only thing cold around here is in my nose and this is Unideal.
Reblogs of interest
I didn't reblog the Trump mugshot because I knew everyone would see it anyway, and honestly, I don't want his face on my blog anymore than it has to be, although his attempt at looking badass was hilarious.
("do u want to see the most anyone has ever considered fleein to russia")
I don't know what the fuck Tumblr thinks it's doing with icons but I wish it would fucking stop.
A NEW KILLERS SONG 2023 why have you been so good to me
There were several interesting posts about Gaeilge, indigenous languages in the US, and an Irish-Choctaw connection re: the new Hozier song "Butchered Tongue."
("Suffer my carefree bops, planet earth")
Marie Curie's name was actually Maria Skłodowska-Curie (Skwo-dov-ska) and her Polish identity was deeply important to her, which I did not know and am glad to learn
"Thoughts on one of the hardest things: banishing the imagined bad faith reader from your writing process"
"1k words without inspiration: i will do it. i will take the ring to mordor"
POV: It is 1992 and you are Selina Kyle, which I probably shouldn't have left in the tags
I had a number of fun reblogs under #animal sounds this week
We invented a new game called “protect the asset”
Dances to pull out at parties
The sacred texts
This Gru meme about Orpheus and Eurydice
Personal tag of the week
Let's go with #color, where I tag anything, artwork or not, that catches my eye
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sesamestreep · 1 year
wip meme
tagged by @firstelevens to share some part of a WIP I’m working on!
“Did you just call me a shark?” Foggy asks, struggling with the fact that the morning light is cutting directly across his right eye in a way he finds profoundly unpleasant and the fact that he would also rather die than move right now. It’s a tough spot to be in. Matt makes an inarticulate noise against his shoulder and buries his face further into the pillow, not enjoying being woken up for conversation at this hour one bit, by the looks of things. Foggy nudges him gently. “Matt?” “I’m awake,” he says, in a way that directly contradicts his own assertion. “Wha—what’s it?” “I asked you a question…” “Yeah,” Matt says, fairly confidently for someone who definitely does not know what’s happening. “I heard you.” “So…?” “Yes.” “Yes, you did call me a shark?” Foggy asks, alarmed. “What?” Matt asks, equally alarmed and finally, mercifully awake enough for this conversation. “Why would I call you a shark?” “That’s what I’m trying to ascertain,” Foggy replies. “I don’t think you were fully awake yet and you said something that sounded like ‘room shark’ and it was right after I kissed you, so I assumed it was directed at me.” “Oh.” Foggy does his best not to sigh in frustration at that very Matt response, which tells him precisely nothing. “So, was it? Directed at me?” “It’s not ‘room shark’. It’s,” Matt says, before repeating the word from before, which still sounds suspiciously like ‘room shark’ to Foggy’s ears. This probably means he’s being made fun of, but, if so, Matt’s doing a good job of hiding it. Looking embarrassed, though, he adds, “It’s Gaeilge, Foggy. Irish?” “Oh.” He’s heard Matt speak Irish before, his heart doesn’t have to get fluttery about it every time. It’s getting more than a little pathetic. “Well, what does it mean?” “It’s not—it’s hard to translate exactly—I wasn’t really awake, so…” Foggy does let himself sigh this time, in case it wears Matt down at all. “Is that code for you’re not going to tell me?” Matt just buries his face in Foggy’s shoulder again, immune to any attempts to influence him by virtue of his sheer shamelessness. “I can’t have you knowing all my secrets,” he says, with a cryptic smile. “I have a reputation as a mysterious gentleman to maintain, you know.”
no pressure tagging @brattytrixie @firefeufuego and @flythesail if they want to share anything they’re working on ♥️
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thatnerdyqueer · 10 months
okay *deep breath* I think it's time we made a new intro post because I lost the old one lol
some trigger warnings:
i swear
discussions mental health stuff (suicide, sh, ed and body image)
global issues eg war, poverty, climate change, discrimination of all kinds
occaisional mentions of rape, substance abuse, domestic abuse (but this is fairly rare)
I do reblog stuff with mentions of sex in it, but nothing graphic
Things I post about (its so chaotic lol):
mostly multifandom
political stuff (see the tws for specifics)
The arts (linguistics - learning francais and gaeilge, philosophy, music! - I teach and play violin, and sing - film/theatre, writing)
random memes
queer stuff, lots of queer stuff
neurodivergence as well because my brain weird as hell
Things I'm a fan of (buckle up guys):
Good omens
Project Hail Mary
Arc of a Scythe
LOTR, hobbit, and silm
Agatha christie
Percy Jackson
classics (oscar wilde, jane austen, nietzche, victor hugo)
Musicals and stage plays:
les mis (AND THE BOOK)
moulin rouge
natasha pierre and the great comet of 1812
you know what I could go on and on about musicals lmao so we'll leave it there
Edward ii (christopher marlowe, essentially shakespeare but gayer)
Shakespeare, especially HAMLET
Oscar wiiiiiiilde (slay king)
Merlin BBC
Star wars (especially the tv shows)
Hugo Cabret (also read the book ofc)
Dead poets society (guys I swear im mentally stable)
Star trekkkkkkk
Classicallllll (tchaikovsky, beethoven, barber, saint-saens, schubert, rachmaninoff, shosty)
Broadway stuff as well ofc
Fave conductor of course bernstein (ik I'm a basic bitch)
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compassofsouls · 1 year
👪 - What’s their relationship with their parents like? 🎨 - What’s their favorite color? 🗺️ - What languages do they speak? 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 - Do they have any siblings?
[Misc Ask Meme]
👪 - What’s their relationship with their parents like?
Jade: Would be good, if she remembered them. Possibly strained since her disappearence / reticence to return to the family. There could be space to repair things, but I haven't decided where or how her parents are atm and if both are still around.
Nate: Ambivilent with his mother, bitterly hateful of his father for abandonment of the family, leaving them at the mercy of Nate's uncle to provide.
🎨 - What’s their favorite color?
Jade: Predictably, green xD
Nate: Red and gold.
🗺️ - What languages do they speak?
Jade: Gaeilge and English fluently, with a smattering of French, Dutch and Spanish phrases picked up from towns and ports - enough to get what she needs but not to hold a conversation.
In modern verse she'd be fluent in English and Amharic, and moderate with Gaeilge (learned in school but not often used).
Nate: English, possibly a smattering of Latin from hanging around churches so much.
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 - Do they have any siblings?
Jade: One older brother.
Nate: Two younger sisters.
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