#gabu does stuff
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Hello mod Gabu! I have something pretty cute in mind (or I hope it turns out cute-) What about the dark generals having a little daughter. She would probably be very young. She absolutely loves her dad in every way, shape or, form. She also loves playing princess and having little tea parties with her stuff animals. Which ones love to play with her? Which ones are still busy, but try to have the time to play with her. Which ones just don’t give a crap about princesses and ponies, but still love her. (Also thank you doing this! Hope you have a good day)
Olegmon will ALWAYS make time for his little daughter, roping some of the crew into her little tea parties as well. Even though his hands are so large he can hardly grab the cups properly he sure as hell tries. Olegmon enjoys spoiling her, but not too much. He definitely wants to teach her to be kind, as any princess should be kind! And he just loves to see her happy when he plays along and when some of the crew also play along with her. Olegmon gets her everything she possibly needs to have such parties at that, and hunts down the best looking teacups and pots to make sure she can be the happiest little girl! Always getting her input first, of course.
Splashmon entertains his little daughter with the ideas when he's able to. He makes time to play with her, as he's usually a bit busy with things. He adores her to death, and she is probably the only one he cares enough about to try and sneak away from his duties to play with and make sure she's happy. Some Drippins he's tasked with bringing her more plushies, or "friends", to her tea parties as well - specific animal ones if she's in a phase, like unicorns or bears, whatever she wants. Splashmon truly tries to sneak away from his duties as often as possible to join in the little fun, and she knows that he's trying his best to be there for her!
Zamielmon LOVES the little tea parties and princess stuff his little daughter tends to dress up in. He made sure that the dress she got to make her feel like a proper princess - made of very nice silks and what not. He was quite proud of it when she squealed and immediately tried it on when he presented it to her. He likes to make himself smaller to play in the tea party with her and her many stuffed animals and loves to play along with her. He makes sure nobody makes fun of him for it or tries to crush his daughter's little dreams whenever she asks if they want to come to the tea party with her. Zamielmon also likes to provide actual tea with honey, but makes sure it isn't scalding so she doesn't burn herself when she drinks it with him and the "guests".
Gravimon is too busy for such things, sadly... but his daughter knows that well enough to not be bothered! Besides... if she plays in the same room as him, sometimes, the toys will look like they're moving! He only grins when he hears her squeals of amusement whenever he uses his powers to make the plushies pretend like they're actually moving and "talking". He can never sit with her, as he's far too focused on his duties, but if she brings him a cup of "tea", he'll pretend to drink it for her, unless it has actual tea in it. Gravimon will talk with her to make sure she's having fun, and if he needs to get more "guests" to add to her parties.
Apollomon will absolutely join in her little princess party! Even dressing up a little if she wants him to. He likes how it makes her giggle and kick her feet whenever he wears the small tiara she presents him with every time he sits at the table with her and her many stuffed animal friends. He knows each of their names and enjoys pretending along with her. He even provides cookies to add to it all! Apollomon Whispered is slightly less agreeable, but he does check in with the young one to make sure she's having fun before he returns to his duties.
Dorbickmon is too busy. He acts as if he doesn't care about her Princess stuff, though he usually likes to linger to watch whenever he passes by her room or wherever she may be holding the tea party. If she moves it to the area he's in, working or whatever he may be, he likes to watch and make small cracks about things she says to her stuffed animals - all in good heart of course, just to get a laugh out of her. He always leaves her small gifts of more plush toys or even better crafted dresses if she accidentally ruined one of her other ones or she wanted a new one as he overheard it. He's present, just not for the little tea parties. If they could find a spot that he wouldn't be seen, maybe he'd entertain her... but she knows how his pride is about it and doesn't mind. She finds other ways to get him to play with her!
Doesn't give too much care in the whole "Princess" stuff but makes sure she has the best tea parties possible with nice sets for the plates and cups. Seeing as it's more than likely his daughter, it's more gothic themed and the aesthetic is more dark than usual. It does slightly amuse him when he catches glimpses of her playing with the toys in a more "darker tea party" setting. NeoMyotismon does adore her of course, but the little playtime just isn't for him. He has more important things to do, but she knows that and doesn't mind. She loves him still, and he makes sure she's always happy! Even if he doesn't join the little princess tea party, he'll play other things with her and read her books when she's going to sleep, or whenever she asks, so she loves him still!
#Digimon#Olegmon#Splashmon#Zamielmon#Gravimon#Apollomon#Apollomon Whispered#Dorbickmon#NeoMyotismon#Mod Gabu#(fhsdfhs they TRY but it hard man fhsdf
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f(x)’s Shadow x LOOΠΔ/Go Won’s One & Only
This was a wip(aka why its so choppy at certain parts) but I think I’ve officially given up lol
#f(x)#loona#go won#kpop#video#gabu does stuff#if i ever get some motivation i might pick it back up#but it's been sitting there untouched for like two months
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Free Falling Chapter 2
A/N: For my fellow Poppy simps (looking at you gabu lol) also this is like late af but I've been busy clowning, but also I haven't written anything in months so forgive me for my trash writing, but hopefully you enjoy. Anygays, it's probably not going to be as long as the first chapter but hopefully y'all still like it. Also I know it's Poppy x MC but let me be dramatique okay. (if you get the reference i giv u cookie) If anyone wants to be added to the tag list just say so uwu and also my requests are open for foreign affairs ig, hopefully I do the characters justice lol. But yes go easy on me please, it's been a while since I've written anything but work related stuff so feedback would be great. Thanks y'all.
Warnings: swear words, angst? Light case of prof x MC but if y'all hate it you skip. (Also probably my writing has gone poopoo so ye warning for that too.)
Taglist: @somewillwin @uhh-the-green-thing @jmojellybae @simp-pony @made-me-deep-blue @uselesslesbianfr @it-lives-in-braidwood-manor @belvoiresqueenbee @alexlabhont @samanthadalton @crazzyplays @sparring-hyena
Also here's the playlist for this chapter ig. My music taste is basic so yeet. I also put the songs down below.
It's been hours since Rosie has been driving off to New York to get to Belvoire, and as soon as she gets there everything seems so large and she felt insignificant, so many skyscrapers looming around her, making her feel small. However, she feels a strange sense of wanderlust and curiosity for the new place around her. "Look out Belvoire, here I come." thought Rosie.
As soon as she reaches Belvoire her mouth gapes at the sheer size of the campus, it's everything she imagined but at the same time it's got her feeling anxious, like the feeling where your stomach feels hollow and butterflies just flutter. Don't get her wrong, Belvoire was beautiful but in that kind of intimidating way.
'Why do I suddenly remember that girl from my dream?' thought Rosie, as she suddenly feels a surge of pain that comes as soon as it goes. She shakes her head and tries to focus on taking in Belvoire. She can feel her hands get clammy whilst the anxiety seeps in but she takes a deep breath and everything falls into place. The most surprising thing was that people already seemed to know her. Rosie could hear a few people murmur in the crowd as she walked past.
"Wow, I thought The T was joking when they said that the new girl comes from a small town, but they weren't exaggerating. O M G! Even her sneakers are off brand." says one girl. "Tragic. Or is that what they call ranch couture these days?" adds another.
Rosie walks around, ears and face red in embarrassment from the unwanted comments and attention. 'If I was still back home I would have whooped their asses but I gotta play by the rules, considering I am the new girl.' She pushes through ignoring everyone with gritted teeth, bags in tow ready to get to her dorm, until she's stopped by the welcoming committee. The guy looks bored and over the whole welcoming people thing, "Name?" he says, clearly lacking patience. Rosie rolls her eyes. "Hughes, Rosie Hughes." she says. He checks over the list, his eyes slowly looking through the list, and as soon as he finds her name and as soon as he does he waves one of the others in the welcoming committee as they help Rosie take her bags to her room.
On the way to her dorm room she bumps into a blonde girl, her platinum hair glistening against the natural light, whilst Rosie can't help but stare in awe. You know that slow-mo moment when you see someone and they're just goddamn beautiful. Even when they both fall on the floor, time moves so goddamn slowly and Rosie swears she's never seen anything as mesmerising, even the way this girl falls is nothing less than beautiful, gorgeous even.
As soon as they both hit the floor, Rosie gawks at the girl in front of her. 'Damn it Rosie! There goes your first impression, she's such a pretty girl too.' she berates herself. Clearing her head, Rosie gets up and offers a hand to the blond girl. The girl takes her hand but Rosie pulls with a bit too much force, thus making the platinum haired girl fall into her arms. Blushing Rosie profusely apologises "I am so sorry, I've bumped into you now I pulled too hard and I'm suddenly hugging you. I'm really sorry!" The girl giggles and raises her eyebrow at Rosie, "It's okay." she says with a sweet smile on her face.
Suddenly, a hint of deja-vu hits Rosie and a memory flashes quickly as her head begins to hurt again. Rosie groans in pain, while the other girl looks at her worried. "Are you okay? Do you need help?" said the girl.
Rosie just flashes a small smile, though it seems a little forced, her smile not quite reaching her eyes. The girl doesn't seem too happy with the answer as she says "I'm Chloe by the way." Rosie holds her hand out and introduces herself. "I'm Rosie, nice to meet you Chloe." 'The name suits her' she thinks.
Chloe looks at her wrist watch which catches Rosie's attention. 'A Rolex? Damn, I knew this was a rich kid school but a Rolex?' Chloe checks the times and rushes out of Rosie's grip, shooting her a small smile she walks off. "See you around Rosie!" she waves as she goes off in a rush and Rosie's just there shaking her head with a chuckle.
Rosie's left smiling as she walks over her dorm room, giddy about the day's event and the new person she met. She couldn't quite place it but the way Chloe acted reminded her of the girl she's been seeing in her dreams, the one that she can't quite seem to place but cannot forget either. She gives Rosie that warm fuzzy feeling, like they've met before, but one thing's for sure, she is definitely curious about Chloe.
Continuing to walk towards her dorm room, Rosie has a soft smile on her face. She's excited to know more about Chloe, she can’t help but feel happy around her. As soon as she gets to her dorm, she’s met by a tall, beautiful girl and Rosie can’t help but feel shocked. ‘Is this school full of gorgeous people? What the fuck?! Everyone legit looks like they should be walking down the runway for Chanel.’ She can’t help but stare, luckily her roommate seems to be one of the friendly ones. “Hi, I’m guessing that you’re supposed to be my roomie?” she says and Rosie manages to pull herself together. “Hi, I’m Rosie, your roommate.” she manages to say albeit a bit awkwardly. - Don’t get her wrong, Rosie’s not this shy, but she can’t help but feel like a wreck after seeing to gorgeous people one after the other is too much for her lil’ gay heart okay? - Her roommate laughs and asks “You good? Or do you need a breather?” and Rosie is just there stunned embarrassed as she must have been staring for a bit too long. “Sorry, I- it’s been a long day.” she explains dumbly while her roommate just shoots her a good natured smile as she says “I was kidding, I’m Zoey by the way, nice to meet you roomie.”
Rosie is about to go off and sulk in her room but Zoey seems adamant and determined to get to know her roommate for the year. “Rosie, before you go and sulk in your room, wanna walk around campus with me? I promise I don’t bite, plus it’d be a good way to get to know each other?” says Zoey. - On one hand Rosie is seriously tired and wants to do nothing but just take a long afternoon nap but on the other hand Zoey is genuinely trying to be friendly and she wouldn’t want to seem rude so she sighs and begrudgingly agrees. (shoutout to pixelberry if i was writing this for them it would be a diamond choice. no shade i just wanted to throw a joke lol)
As soon as she gets ready to go, Zoey looks at her with a questioning glance. “What?” asks Rosie as she looks at the other girl. “You’re not wearing that are you? Please don’t tell me you’re wearing that?” said Zoey. “There’s nothing wrong with what I’m wearing” she argues as Zoey just shoots her an unamused glance. “Girl, wearing that is like joining the mathletes in high school, it’s social suicide, especially in this school where everyone wears designer.”
“You’re not being serious right?” and a raised eyebrow and a wry smile is all she gets as a response. “I’m being serious, unless you want to get roasted while we walk around on campus you better wear something better than that.” she says, face serious.
Zoey manages to find a few clothes that can be passable, but she can’t help but think that it’s missing something. She quickly runs off and goes to her room, and as soon as she’s back she holds a brand new YSL bag as well as a matching belt. Rosie is then urged by Zoey to get dressed and she does as fast as she can, after she just wants to get it over and done with, but as soon as she gets dressed Zoey is shocked and quickly snaps a photo of Rosie. “Am I good or what?” she asks as she shows the photo she took.
Rosie sighs as she weakly says “I have no idea how to even go about dressing like the others in this school.” Zoey looks at her as she shoots up off of her seat, “I can help with that.” and the two basically rummage around to find something Rosie can wear so that she can fit in with the rest of the school.
She would be lying if she didn’t think she looked good, to be fair she actually looked like one of the Belvoire students, sure her clothes weren’t as expensive but goddamn Zoey was good. She couldn’t help the whistle that comes out of her mouth as she looks at the photo. Rosie gives Zoey a mumbled “Thanks”, as she scratches her cheek, a little embarrassed that she even doubted her roommate who is apparently a fashionista.
Zoey goes off to get changed so that both her and Rosie match, whilst Rosie is wearing mostly pastel colours, Zoey goes for the muted navy blues. Zoey takes a selfie and posts it on her Instagram, after all she didn’t go through all that work not to show off, especially since she knows they both look good.
Another day, another façade she has to put up. The mental toll of having to act a certain way around Belvoire to show that she was untouchable and undisputed as the reigning queen bee of the campus was really getting to Poppy. It irked her to no end, every single day being a repeat of everything she hated, having to pretend to be mean just so she can be the best of the best.
On days like these Poppy wishes she can go back to her childhood, where times were simpler and she didn't have to have all the worries of peer pressure and everything else around her. But the one thing she missed the most was the person that just made her feel complete. 'If only Rosie was here then maybe I wouldn't be as miserable as I feel.' she thought as she got ready for the day, however Poppy couldn't help but reminisce about the memories of Rosie, her heart broke as she remembered how things ended. Whilst she did miss Rosie, she did feel a bit bitter since she didn’t hear anything from Rosie even as the years passed and she would be lying if she said that she didn’t feel hurt that the one person she loved hasn’t done anything to contact her. It’s not like she changed her home address or her phone number, so how come Rosie didn’t speak to her? It’s like she’s moved on and forgotten about her, and that hurts more than she thought it would, the idea of Rosie moving on and forgetting her just stings and it hurts to the point where she feels like she can’t breathe.
Remembering where she was, Poppy snaps out of her daydreams as she begins to put her makeup on as well as the rest of her ensemble. Pink puffy jacket with a matching skirt is notorious around campus as the outfit itself has cemented its place in the minds of the students of Belvoire. Poppy was the HBIC of Belvoire after all, but her reputation was far from angelic. One could say Poppy was like a siren, beautiful yet an encounter with one could lead to a whole world of hurt, or in Poppy's case a whole lot of verbal lashing out. Sure Poppy looks sweet and delicate but she’s far from it, the people who have been victims to her words would probably say that if the devil exists then it would be in the form of Poppy.
She looks at the clock in her room as she rolls her eyes, Chloe was late, again. Contrary to popular belief, the queen bee actually holds her second in command in high regard, despite all the harsh words. To others it might seem serious but Chloe knows that Poppy is all bark and no bite, especially since the two are actually quite close, and on days where Chloe does get hurt Poppy is quick to reconcile with Chloe by bringing her her favourite snacks or whatever managed to catch Chloe’s attention that week.
She quickly sends Chloe and Veronica a text, “Are you hoes dead? WTF, we were supposed to meet up like half an hour ago???” All she got in response was a gif of a girl rolling her eyes from Veronica and a “Sorry :(“ from Chloe. “Whatever, just hurry up you two, I need my coffee stat.” Veronica just responds with "Yes princess, we all know about how mean you can get without your coffee."
Sooner than later both Veronica and Chloe make it to Poppy's room where they see her looking as pristine as ever. "Yo Poppy, you ready to head out?" They ask and Poppy just looks them up and down. "The next time you're late I'm gonna kick you." The other two don't even pay attention to the threat because they both know Poppy wouldn't do that and they both know that deep down Poppy actually considers them to be her friends.
"Well, considering you're all made up and ready, we should probably head out and wait for that Taylor girl to get you your coffee." said Chloe. Poppy just gets up and leaves without a word while the other two follow.
They make it to the courtyard of the campus where Poppy is waiting for her non-fat, no foam skimmed milk latte, emphasis on the non-fat. That Taylor girl better have her coffee ready for her or there will be hell to pay, she is after all the queen bee and it'll do her well to learn.
Speaking of the devil, said girl is running towards them with her hands full of coffee and then she trips, bits of coffee going on Poppy's shoes. Faster than you can say Mississippi, a shriek can be heard all throughout the campus. Considering how loud it was one would think it was a banshee screaming, so imagine everyone's shock when it turns out that the sound was coming from our resident queen bee.
"Are you fucking kidding me?! You dropped my coffee on my new season Jimmy Choos, you had one fucking job Tana or whatever your name is? You're so fucking stupid, oh my fucking God!" she screams.
Chloe and Veronica just look by, both with a yikes expression, they weren't exaggerating when they said that Poppy without her coffee is really bad but adding stained shoes to the mix definitely did nothing to gain Taylor any favours right now. Especially since they know that it's the first time Poppy's ever worn those shoes and yeah they don't really think they can save Taylor from getting ripped a new one. Chloe and Veronica are sure as hell not gonna go over and save her because a) if they even tried it'd probably make the situation worse and b) in all honesty, they don't really want to face Poppy's wrath on a Sunday morning.
There were already a few students on campus with their phones out, probably ready to send it to the T or just post it on their story for a quick source of entertainment, some might say that it's cruel but that's just what happens when a bunch of 20 somethings are bored with nothing else to do, especially since they're not going to face any consequences, the most they'll probably get as punishment is a slap of the wrist. It's not fair but considering that Belvoire is filled with kids from high society it's no surprise that they don't face any consequences. In the case of the Min-Sinclair heiress, half the faculty is terrified, considering her parents donate the most money to the school and they don't really want to risk their jobs.
Taylor looks like she's on the verge of tears, and in order to maintain her remaining dignity, she pulls herself up and get ready for the verbal lashing that's bound to come and Poppy's already coming closer by the second, ready to unleash her fury on the already quivering girl. She's about to scream at Taylor when a voice she hasn't heard before stands up for Taylor.
As soon as Poppy saw Rosie, she immediately feels bittersweet as she remembers how things ended, and she's shocked to her core because what the fuck? Why isn't Rosie on her side? Why is she standing up for this groupie who literally spilled her coffee on her brand new Jimmy Choos.
She rolls her eyes as she expects Rosie to remember her but she's surprised when Rosie actually stands up for that Tana girl or whatever. All that runs through Poppy's head is 'Has she forgotten about me? What the fuck Rosie?' All of the bitter thoughts return and rears its ugly head as Poppy's eyes blaze with anger, if it were anyone else they would have ran but Rosie isn't really one to back down. 'Fine, R, two can play that game, if you're gonna pretend that you don't know me then I'll just treat you like everyone else in this damn school.' A flash of hurt quickly shoots by Poppy's expression but it's gone before anyone can fully see it.
Rosie was walking around campus with Zoey, the other telling which building is for which department, she thought that the whole thing would be boring but from the quick and witty banter she had with Zoey, Rosie couldn't deny that she was actually enjoying herself. That is until an ungodly shriek is all she could hear.
Rushing towards the sound, worried that something was wrong, Rosie was shocked to see that it was nothing but a blonde haired girl angrily stomping towards her victim. From how loud the shriek sounded you would've thought it was a banshee and if it was any other day Rosie would've been impressed that a girl that small could manage to even sound that loud. Right now though, she wasn't impressed, especially since she could tell that the brown haired girl looks absolutely mortified and clearly afraid of the other girl.
"That's enough!" she yells, which successfully catches Poppy's attention. Rosie moves in front of the brunette as she faces the blonde girl. "You have no right to treat people that way! What's wrong with you?" This catches the attention of a few students and while a few stare in awe at the new girl, half the campus wince as they expect Rosie to get torn to shreds.
Poppy rolls her eyes as she looks at the new girl, "Who asked you, loser?" The words are spat out with so much venom that Rosie almost flinched but she doesn't. "No one did, but obviously you weren't taught any manners at all were you? Walmart Chanel Oberlin." she says as a few students let out a laugh while a few cheers for her. "Oh snap! Newbie isn't backing down."
"You just messed with the wrong person sweetheart, instead of worrying about people like her, it's me that you have to worry about. I'm gonna make sure that I'm your first and last memory of Belvoire, Farmsville." After seeing Poppy so close Rosie's head starts to hurt but she holds it in, she refuses to be seen flinching in front of this mean girl.
Students begin to clap as soon as the words escape Poppy's mouth. Another one yells "Yo Poppy, ask her what English sounds like in Farmsville!" Poppy smirks as she ignores the student. She looks at Rosie up and down as she says "Why would I ask her that if I can ask about her clothes, they're kind of cute for something pulled out of the dumpster."
Rosie keeps her cool. "My shoes? Well the thing is pumpkin, I make it my habit to squash my inferiors beneath my heel and I figured that it would add salt to injury if I did it using sneakers pulled from the dumpster." She looks at Poppy's white, gem encrusted shoes with needle thin heels as she says "Those shoes must make it hard to run from all the haters Poppy, and I for one can't wait to run over you."
Instead of taking Rosie as a threat, Poppy just makes a show of rolling her eyes as she claps her hands sarcastically. She didn't even look fazed. "It's so cute, how you think you can threaten me on my turf Farmsville. Especially since I barely understood those pig squeals coming out of your mouth. Let me give you some advice. Get out of this school and this is your last chance, before I make your life a living hell. You don't belong here so why don't you just waddle back to Iowa or whatever part of the country you're from."
Rosie, refusing to back down "You don't get to decide what I d-" but before she can finish her sentence, Poppy interrupts. "Hush little lamb. I'm talking, you're not the first middle-class hopeful to come to Belvoire, but the thing is they never fit in. This is my turf so I suggest you leave." Poppy shoves her phone in front of her face and she can see that Poppy's on top of a list called the T, meanwhile Poppy scrolls down and Rosie sees her name at the very end of the list with a really shitty nickname to start with. It says 'Newbee Hughes' and Rosie sees red.
"What the fuck is this?!" but once again she's interrupted by Poppy. "This is proof that you are a nobody, you don't have what it takes to make it in Belvoire, you'd be lucky to last five minutes." Despite the whole bitchy front she has going, Poppy is starting to regret half the words she says to Rosie. Her chest starts to hurt, like each word she says makes her feel worse and worse and she knows that as soon as she gets back to her room that the guilt will seep in. It's a kind of hollow pain, the one that builds up and turns her stomach to knots. Her heart is pounding in her chest and Poppy knows that as soon as she gets away from the crowd that her heart is going to falter and break, considering she doesn't mean anything she says. How could she? Especially since it's Rosie, the one person who she absolutely adores
She expects Rosie to back down but she doesn't. Instead of backing down like anyone else would Poppy is met with a defiant look from Rosie. "You know what, Poppy? I'm gonna have a blast making you eat those words once I pass you in the rankings. So just take a seat and watch as your ranking falls down, princess because I ain't backing down."
If it were any other situation, Poppy would have found Rosie endearing, after all she's still as stubborn as she remembers and as much as she wanted things to be the same with Rosie, she didn't think that Rosie knew or remembered her. She really regretted wishing that Rosie would appear. After all, the world has a fucked up sense of humour.
Before things can escalate any further, Rosie is pulled away by Zoey. "Hey Rosie! Look at the time, we're gonna miss lunch. Come on, we gotta go!" she says obviously in a hurry as she takes Rosie away by grabbing onto her wrist and rushing from the crowd.
The two sprint off in the other direction, only stopping once they were far enough from the rest of the crowd.
"Zoey? Why did you pull me away?! I wasn't done talking to Poppy! That girl needs to be taught a lesson." Rosie huffs, annoyed that she didn't get to finish what she was about to say to Poppy. Zoey just sighs as she says "I'll explain, let's just get out of here and go where I can explain what's happening." Rosie sighs in defeat as she's taken away by Zoey.
Rosie is led by Zoey to a bar - if she can even call it that, considering half the decor is probably worth more than her clothes right now - she looks on in awe and fascination. The bar itself had an air of mystery and sophistication around it, she couldn't quite place it but it seemed like it was the kind of place people traded information in secret, which was probably why Zoey took her there. Not to mention the fact that it's pretty far away from the prying eyes of the Belvoire students.
Zoey sits Rosie down as she begins to explain the social hierarchy of Belvoire. "If you want to know what's up with Belvoire and the website you saw, you better sit down and let me explain Rosie. There's a lot of shit going down in Belvoire. Sure it's an ivy league school but let's just say that since a few pupils are from old money, they can be kind of stuck up and that's putting it lightly."
Rosie quirks her eyebrow at the revelation, but then as she thought about it, everything kind of makes sense, the way everyone looked at Poppy with mixed expressions, a few students stared at her in awe and a few students looked on in fear. She sighs as she looks at Zoey. "That makes sense, especially since everyone seems to be scared of her, let me take a wild guess. She's at the top of the school hierarchy, right?" she asks and Zoey nods.
An idea clicks and Rosie looks at Zoey with a smile. "I have an idea." said Rosie as Zoey looks at her confused. "Help me take Poppy down." and her roommate just stares at her like she's crazy.
"Look, Rosie, not to be mean or anything but do you have any idea how crazy you sound right now? Poppy literally owns the school, everyone loves or wants to be her." Rosie just smirks at Zoey. "Yeah, I know that but if we play our cards right we can take her on. Plus you seem to know the inner workings of Belvoire well. We can take her down together, you know, mean girls style." she says it so confidently that Zoey just laughs. "You're insane, you know that? But, you seem pretty darn confident, so you know what? I'm in." The two share a smile.
Since they're already at a bar, they decided to go get a drink. As soon as Rosie approaches, the bartender is immediately rude and dismisses her as if she wasn't worth his time. "Sorry missy, we don't serve cosmos here, try somewhere else, maybe the Upper East side." Rosie can't help but think that everyone is trying to grind her gears today. Taking a deep breath, she makes eye contact with the bartender. "Well, I thought this was a bar? The place where people get their drinks?" The bartender scoffs, obviously unamused as he rolls his eyes at Rosie. "So entitled too, sorry girlie, we don't serve your type here. Go back to Fifth Avenue where you can hang out with the rest of the wannabe Instagram models."
'Too can play that game' thought Rosie. "Excuse me, where are your manners? I'm pretty sure that if your mother was here she'd wash your mouth with soap. Do you treat everyone like this? It's a wonder you even get any tips, considering how fucking misogynistic you are. I may not be from here but at least people have common courtesy where I'm from." her voice is sickly sweet, along with an extra dose of that Farmsville accent. Making sure to smile at him, much too forced to even be considered genuine. "But since the lighting is a bit dim, I guess you've mistaken me for someone I'm not. No worries, it happens to the best of us. I'll take those Manhattans now, thanks."
The bartender gawks at her, obviously surprised as he didn't expect the girl in front of him to fight back. He scurries off, obviously embarrassed as he gets the drinks ready.
As he gets the drinks ready, Rosie hears a giggle across the bar, and she makes eye contact with a woman. She looked amused as she raised a drink to Rosie, as if congratulating her. The woman before her has long black hair, and she's dressed in a pencil skirt, a white button up and a blazer that looks very good on her.
There's something alluring about this woman before her. The stare they share is magnetic and Rosie can't help but be intrigued. The woman looks distinguished and beautiful so much so, she finds it hard to look away.
"Can I help you?" asked Rosie as the woman looks at her. "I was just thinking that most people would have called for the manager and asked for him to get fired. It's surprising." Rosie would be lying if she said she wasn't interested in the woman before her, so she flirts back. "Well, you'd be glad to know that I am one of a kind."
The woman smiles at her and Rosie sees the bartender coming back with her drinks. "Here are your two Manhattans. Enjoy." Rosie gives him a polite smile as she thanks him for the drinks.
She makes her way back to Zoey and hands her the drink as she sits down on the armchair across the other girl. The two clink their glass against each other as they both take a sip. "To an afternoon without Poppy and her groupies. Cheers!" said Zoey. "Cheers to that mate! But also, I have a question for you Zoey. Why are you being so nice to me?"
Zoey just gives her a gentle smile as she explains. "Look, I'm new money like you, that makes us underdogs at Belvoire, and we're rookies so we have to stick together. Not gonna lie, you did the best and worst thing you could've done at Belvoire. You stood up to Poppy and let's just say seeing the queen bee of Belvoire shook was really funny."
"You know when you say that Poppy is the queen bee, does that have anything to with the whole ranking thing that she showed me?" asked Rosie. Zoey nods her head as she explains. "The website you saw is called 'The T' and it's basically a list of all students on campus. The numbers are the rank of each student and right now you're basically the dirt under Poppy's feet considering she's at the very top. It's a garbage system, but it's how Belvoire works. And to sum it up, each student is there, ranked by their popularity. Students from old money, campus celebs and legacy students are sitting comfy at the top."
This intimidates Rosie a bit, but she pushes on, wanting to learn more about Belvoire. "Let me guess, Poppy is all of those things." Zoey gives Rosie a serious look. "Poppy Min-Sinclair has ruled over Belvoire ever since she was a freshman. Everyone either loves or hates her, but it's not like they can do anything. She's at the very top, and this opens a lot of closed doors and opportunities. For example, Poppy's clubhouse, once you're in, you're set for life, or if you cross them, well they can basically ruin your life. Unfair, but that's how it works."
Rosie rolls her eyes as she says "Poppy's not that great. What do people see in her? Sure she's beautiful, but her personality is literally the equivalent of a dumpster fire. Sure she has size zero clothes but surely that shouldn't matter." This earns a laugh from Zoey who then explains. "True, but Poppy's clothes are always fresh from the runway and she's never been seen wearing the same thing twice. Not to mention the fact that everyone is absolutely terrified of Poppy and what she can do to them if she doesn't get her way. She expects people to grovel at her feet. Bad things happen to Poppy's enemies, the last person who stood up to her dropped out of school."
Refusing to believe Zoey, Rosie shakes her head. "She can't do that right? She can't have that much power." Zoey sighs. "Poppy's family is one of the top shareholders of the school. She has crazy power and she's not afraid of using it for her own gain, especially if it's getting rid of anyone in her way."
This angers Rosie even more. "Well, I'm not just going to stand by while she bullies everyone into submission, I don't care if i get hurt, she needs to be stopped." Zoey smiles. "Well, you've already showed her that you have a backbone and that you're not afraid of her, and a lot of people noticed. I'm pretty sure that videos have been uploaded to The T."
As if on cue, her phone buzzes and she whips it out as they read the latest post from The T.
Breaking News
'Queen Bee finally has a worthy opponent. It looks to me like this feisty newcomer might just be the one to dethrone the queen.'
The T
Zoey looks shocked as she exits the article and sees the ranking. "Oh my God! Rosie you've gone up on the rankings! Your little stint at campus made you rise up." Rosie looks as her name zips through the rankings, and she sees that she's not last place anymore.
"What the hell?! I'm suddenly number 197? What's happening?" she asks, obviously confused. Zoey just grins at her. "Girl, you're catching up to me. That's what happens when you stand up to the queen bee of Belvoire. You start a revolution. And look, people are commenting about your new outfit and the designer's website is crashing. I told you that it would be a good idea to change, you owe me."
Rosie is surprised, she didn't expect to have caught people's attention this fast. "How can I win against Poppy when she wants me out of here and she's already the most powerful person in the school?"
"There's two ways. The first option is to grovel at Poppy's feet and ask for forgiveness." said Zoey and Rosie's face contorts into a frown. "Or you can keep going up the rankings and steal Poppy's crown." This catches Rosie's attention. "Now you've got my attention." Zoey smirks, "It's about time that someone dethrones Poppy, and you have my full support."
Rosie's eyes soften as she flashes a genuine smile at Zoey. "Thanks Zoey, you have no idea how much that means to me." As soon as she finishes her drink Zoey tells her that's she's going to back to campus, and Rosie decides to stay back and maybe flirt a little bit more with the woman she met earlier.
"You go on ahead Zoey, I'm gonna check out the bar again." Zoey says her goodbyes as she heads out and Rosie makes her way to the bar.
She approaches the woman who smiles at her. "You came back, I was beginning to worry that you might not."
"I couldn't leave without saying thanks. And besides, I couldn't just leave you all alone." She winks and the woman chuckles obviously amused and captivated. "You're clever aren't you?" Rosie just shrugs as she says "It's about time someone noticed." The other woman scans Rosie up and down, as she introduces herself. "My name's Ina, what's yours?"
"Hi, Ina. As previously discussed, I'm clever." Ina takes your hands into her as she chuckles. "What? You're not gonna give me your name?" Rosie laughs, light and easy, she would be lying if she didn't find Ina attractive, but she wasn't one to sleep around. "Well, I'm quite new to the city, and at least buy a girl dinner first. It's nice to meet you, Ina. I have to go though, considering I have stuff to do tomorrow, and staying up late would probably be a really bad idea." said Rosie as she pulls away, however before she leaves she says "Maybe next time?" Ina looks at her as she walks away completely entranced and intrigued by the girl she just met. She can't wait to see her again.
Rosie rushes off home and gets ready for bed, considering she has classes to attend tomorrow.
When she wakes up, Zoey's already in the kitchen making breakfast and Rosie just mumbled a "Good morning" as she gets ready for the day. As soon as she wakes up she ask Zoey where to find Chamberlin hall, and the other girl offers to take her there.
Zoey leads Rosie to one of the buildings on campus. "Here it is, Chamberlin Hall. Have fun, be a good student and remember to meet for lunch at Spicey's. See you later Rosie." And as soon as she says her goodbye, Zoey's gone.
Rosie walks over to a seat where she finds Chloe, who sees her and gives her a gentle smile. "Hey, you're Rosie right? I don't know if you're insane or just not intimidated by her but I'll give you props. But seriously though, you should probably stop antagonizing Poppy, I wouldn't want to go against you." said Chloe as Rosie looked at her, obviously perplexed. "What do you mean?" Chloe sighs as she explains. "I'm one of Poppy's best friends and I would hate to go against you since you don't seem that bad, but if you are planning to go against Poppy then we'll be enemies." That shocks Rosie because who knew someone as sweet as Chloe would be friends with a mean girl like Poppy.
"I know you probably think that Poppy's just a mean girl, but she took me under her wing and helped me out when I was having a tough time at Belvoire, so I won't hesitate to stand up for her." Rosie just nods, but internally she's confused because why would someone like Poppy help someone out?
Her train of thought is broken as she hears someone clear their throat, and as she looks at the front she sees Ina, or in this case Professor Kingsley, who looks just as shocked as she does. Rosie has half a mind to drop this class considering she literally flirted with her Professor without knowing. Ina just stares slack jawed as she sees Rosie, obviously surprised and flustered.
Meanwhile Rosie just facepalms. -You have got to be fucking kidding me. At least I didn't sleep with her, that would've been a big fuck up. - she thinks as she ignores Ina.
A/N: hi guys! This is the second chapter of free falling, yes, yes I'm setting the scene for Poppy and Rosie. And just in case you forgot, Rosie has no memories of Poppy, except the fact that she remembers that she had a childhood friend who was blonde. Meanwhile Poppy remembers everything about her. Next chapter will possibly focus a bit more on Poppy and MC's relationship. I gotta build up the drama somehow lol. But anygays, feel free to request anything. If I know the character I'll probably write for them lol. But yes uwu uwu. This is probably full of mistakes but I hope you still enjoyed. But also oh no! Rosie thinks chloe is someone that was once close to her and right now she hates Poppy's guts. 👀 friends to enemies to lovers lol
#poppy min sinclair#playchoices#queen b#poppy x mc#choices#simpwrites#rosie hughes#queen b poppy#queen b choices#choices fic#choices fanfiction#free falling#free falling chapter 2#i am back#uwu#i missed you all my fellow simps#i hope yall are having a lovely time my loves#this is a long time coming but ya girl is a procrastinator#also requests are open#so come at me#not just for queen b#for foreign affairs#open heart just not for etahn#platinum character are cool too#i hope y'all enjoy reading#squint squint if you are reading the tags would u be interested in an au im not telling yet but if u r seeing this then say yeet#also if u r still somehow reading the tags then let me just say i love you and take care of yourself or else imma finna come at chu#with a blanket and a hug
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Okay, so here's the story: I'll be doing movie reviews on my top 10 favorite movies and promoting them and why I think they need more love. "One Stormy Night/Arashi No Yoru Ni" is a big one and will change your life, that's how inspirational and powerful it is of a movie... and it's for family audience as well. However, I'm watching the English dub, which is technically a fandub. It's more well done, and I can't watch a movie with subtitles. The voices though... amazing! Even my grandma liked it the first time she watched it.
One stormy night has everything: The strong female character we all crave for (Mei's mother) who sacrifices herself for her baby, the overprotective grandmother (Mei's grandma), the goofy sidekick who is full of himself (Tapper) and the cute girly sidekick who kind of enjoys attention (Mina), a bad*** villain (Giro), the villain's slightly more lovable sidekick who speaks with British accent (Barry), the two screwups who can't do anything right (Zack and Beach) and our two underdogs who are different from the rest of their groups (Mei and Gabu). Mei is a sheep/goat (it's an English dub idk what he is exactly) who is not the stereotype of how a sheep should be. Mei is fearless, carefree, and outgoing. Gabu is also different from his pack. Gabu's sensitive, goofy, and not tough like the other wolves. Just by the descriptions of the characters, I think you canmake out which one suits you and which one you can relate to. If you have questions, FEEL FREE TO ASK ME!
The other movies I will be doing reviews of;
1.Barnyard/Back at the Barnyard (Nickelodeon)
2.Sheep and Wolves (WizArt)
3.Wolfwalkers (Cartoon Salloon)
4.Rock Dog (Mandoo Pictures)
5.Duck Duck Goose (Netflix and Origin Pictures)
6.Chicken Run (DreamWorks, Aardman, and Pathé)
7. Storks (Warner Bros)
8. Rio and Rio 2 (BlueSky and 20th century fox)
and finally at 9. One Stormy Night/Arashi No Yoru Ni (TBS and Studio Chizu)
and at Halloween I'll do a stream on Discord where I'll watch 4 Halloween-themed kids/family movies in a row
I plan for next year at Easter time. I'll start watching more movies with sheep but things happened that changed my life forever and now next year will start. Next year at Father's day, I'll be reviewing Duck Duck Goose so that means you got to wait a LOOOONG time for the One Stormy Night review. Those of you who watched One stormy night, let me know you're favorite character in the comments. I don't know if you know me already but you'll know I LOVE Gabu! ^u^ Gabu is one of my favorite anime characters of all time. I think he's so cute and funny. I love the movie's character designs, especially for him. His voice in the dubbed version is also really good too. Tustin Macafee did a great job on every character he voiced! I fell in love with Gabu!
Now I know the dubbed version is TECHINCALLY A FANDUB but I don't care. It's not fully a fandub, since they got permission from the companies that made One Stormy Night/Arashi No Yoru Ni, and had the funding to dub it over. It's not like a normal fandub. I can't watch a movie with subtitles, too distracting. If you're an easily distracted person like me, I recommend the dubbed version, and even if you're not I still recommend it. I was so shocked that one man could voice like 20 characters! If you know who Tustin Gilmer Macafee is, let him know what an amazing job he did and why isn't he voicing characters in movies/cartoons and stuff?
Another thing; One Stormy Night is mostly a family movie. I wouldn't consider it a kids movie, but I will say it's for family audiences. There's a difference between "kids movie" and "family movie". I would rate One Stormy Night as PG. Although, it does have some intensity in some scenes, I think mostly kids can handle it. It moves slow. I wouldn't put it on for a group of 2-5 year olds, though. Also, if you have a disability such as autism and are easily upset I don't think there's a lot that might upset someone like that, but I'd still be cautious. There's some violence, no real blood though. There is a LITTLE WEE BIT of blood.... but not a lot. I think it's mostly a cute movie though. It's only that first scene that's a little touchy. There are also a few minor swear words, not real bad swear words but they say "Hell" the wrong way and use the word "Bastard". I'm sure there's Disney movies that used those words, too, it's not like real bad swear words. It's not like street swear words like the F word and stuff. I recommend this movie to everyone in the world because of how powerful the message is but I know in reality that everyone in the world can not watch everything. My cousin is 9 and she is very sensitive and innocent, I think the movie is fine if you cut out the first scene and told her what happened. However, most 9 year olds I think could handle everything in the movie and I think more parents should let their children who are old enough to watch it. It's long and slow moving, not really the best thing for a group of preschoolers, though. I wouldn't have the newborn baby watch it either, they don't know what the heck is going on.
If you're looking for another option, and you have a bunch of little kids, the show is an option. They made a terrible adaptation, yet it's also amazing. I love the show but I hate the fact that they made Mei and girl and changed their designs... and the worst betrayal... Barry doesn't speak with British accent! 0_0 This can't be I can't listen to him and think that's Barry that's not Barry! (Just kidding, but the voices for the other characters in the show are very unfitting) I believe the show for One Stormy Night was meant for preschoolers, and even though it's a Japanese show, it reminds me a lot of western kids shows made for that age group. The animation reminds me a lot of Miss Spider Sunny Patch Friends and the voice acting is spot on! Jack Merluzzi makes a great Gabu. I don't love him like Tustin's Gabu, but Jack does a good job and makes Gaby always sound enthusiastic. The names are also different from the show, too! Baru=Barry, Mii=Mina, Tappy=Tapper
If you have questions, tell me in the comments
Where to watch the movie - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR91OFzEjKQ&list=PL0DF5236A6A2C7BC1 (i know it's a playlist, it'll play automatically)
This has all the episodes of the show- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQeBajjKkQQ&list=PLyg8y-6ZFxZShTgm92QzlVKAGTfg2SwkP
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Oh boy have I not watched Psi for a long time, oh man have I missed out on Some Stuff (I’ve only heard the names of like three Digimon mentioned but oh man did those names alone come with Some Package)
Let’s watch episodes 25-31 then and catch up!
So just to recap, last time Agumon evolved to Mugendramon, fucked some shit up because Taichi totally 100% legit died, temporary evolved to WarGreymon I think (I can’t remember man lmao) and beat the shit outta DoneDevimon
25! Dive to the Next Ocean!
Uhhh who the fuck yeeted ElDoradimon into the sky
This is so bad
They should die so hard
Have I mentioned how much I love seeing the kids interact with their non-partner Digimon (and vice versa)? Because I do, I love this a lot (even if it ain’t much)
Ohhh Mugendramon was so sexy... I wanna rewatch episode 24 but I really need to catch up on this first
ElDoradimon’s gonna die from that fall, right? His joints are gonna get pulverized
Zurumon! :D I love these lemon jelly goops
HIKARI!!!!!! Baby!!
I wish Taichi and co would be like, trying to even think about how they’re gonna survive the fall- like I know Leomon saved them but they couldn’t like plan to just Get Saved, IDK it’s kinda off-putting how they’re so calm
Leomon to the rescue tho! Finally!
Patamon is so chumby, v good
Holy shit Leomon punches HARD, a single punch just straightened out ElDoradimon in one go, holy fuck
Finally they’re worried about dying from the fall
What happened to the Agu and Gabu being too exhausted to fight (I’m sorry this is just a massive pet peeve for me, ‘esp cause there’s like no reprecussions for the Digimon for pushing themselves here)
(Like it’d be one thing if they managed to evolve out of desperation but this ended up being like bad for them and force them to take longer rests later or IDK kill them, but when you’re just like “I’m too tired to fight- oh wait my friend is slightly in more danger now than before, I guess I can fight again”)
(This is an issue with most MotW shows and even some shounen series (I’m looking at you Bleach) so it’s not unique to Psi, p sure Adventure had this issue to some degree too, but still man, it’s a massive pet peeve and bothers me so much)
26! Break through the sea monster barricade!
God I love that the Cloud Continent is actually in the sky
Quality content (slightly cursed maybe)
Seadramon! Honestly I really love Seadramon?? Like it’s such a simple, minimalistic design but... IDK man I love Seadramon, it’s such a cool Digimon
I’m sorry I am just so not interested in the real world crisis (in the show), it’s... I’m sorry it’s so Mundane and I’m here for the Fantastical
God I wish Psi just had perma-evolution, so many of my issues would be solved with perma-evolution
Aweeee yeah, MegaSeadramon’s here too, now we got both of them, yeeeeee
I love how Hikari is just quietly judging the other kids
Y’all okay with talking about Taichi being in a different world right in front of Hikari? I mean She Knows Things and they all just got taken to back to that world but still like, should you try to be more inconspicuous maybe
Oh my god how many times have they used that clip of Falcomon throwing bombs in this episode- four? That’s a lot yo
Taichi’s gonna get vored again, press F for him
The water is so deep how is Zudomon standing- oh I need to stop asking these things
27! To the New Continent!
"Hikari, who called you?” “I don’t know :)” Honey that is so ominous I love you
This image has heavy Digimon Kaiser energy in it
I love how Psi!Jyou is like a try-hard in trying to help (while OG!Jyou was always struggling with figuring out what the right thing to do was etc)
Is... is the enemy a Tortamon? Oh yeah it’s Tortamons
Ikkakumon’s gonna get vored, F
You know I never thought Grounddramon would be so chomby based on the Bandai art but I guess Groundramon’s a real chomper
“Everyone, give Angewomon your power!”
OH IT’S THE BASTARD!! DARK KNIGHTMON!!! THE SEXY BASTARD!! The one I’ve heard an interesting theory about... But I ain’t saying anything fornow
PATAMON EVOLVES??? (On command which is kinda bs)
Ohhh this ending has such nice, soft but jolly energy c: Also yay Tailmon
28! The Children’s Fight for Survival!
BTW Patamon with angel wings was a lowkey hilarious visual, 10/10 would laugh again
Still don’t like how we just got Angemon on demand like that
Oh yeah, out-of-context I heard a theory that DarkKnightmon is Tailmon and hearing Dark Knightmon’s voice, yeah I can see that (not to mention their facination with Hikari)
Oh man those are some Big Wings
Whu happen, did the kids get yeeted back to the Human World?? Oh no they’re still here
I bet Angemon’s dead again lmao
Oh Patamon’s okay- REALLY TIRED (thank you Psi) but okay
Hikari being worried for MetalGreymon ;__;
Aweee yeah HIkari’s special Evolution Powers are still here! GET ‘IM WARGREYMON!!
Whoop Hikari got spirited away, F (she’ll be fine, SkullKnightmon ain’t gonna do shit to her, I’m sure)
Hikari volunteered to go... ;_;
29! Escape the Burning Jungle!
I mean at least they’re all just chillin’ and enjoying the bath instead of just staring at Jyou. I’ll considder that an improvement
Ooooo a single lil Lopmon, I wonder if this will be an important character later
I like Woodmon, Woodmon are cool and chill
What do you mean MetalGreymon hurt when the tiny Allomon bit him ON HIS METAL ARM
I- I need to stay quiet or else I’m gonna end up with too many questions. I mean I already have too many but the less I question it the better
Woodmon, Budmon, I love your energy, please aim for Tankdramon’s eye, you could blind that fucker with ease
Man I have been quiet through this entire episode so far lmao
ANYWAY CROSSMON! HELL YEAH have we seen Crossmon animated before?
GIGA DESTROYER AAAAAAAAAAA anyways I think this is the first tme we’re seeing Crossmon animated (unless my memory is garbage, which it might just be)
Aaaand Taichi is dead
Agumon....... I love you..........
Man this animator is making Crossmon look vaguely too humanoid for my taste.... And MetalGreymon’s super fucking jacked yo

HOLY FUCK GAIA FORCE ANNIHILATED ALL OF THEM (but didn’t cause any environmental damage? Handy!)
Lopmon’s totally like Cherubimon or something, right? Reborn Cherubimon, right?
WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING PSIIIII where the fuck are you going yoooooo
God WarGreymon’s so fucking big holy shit
OH YEAH LOPMON’S TOTALLY LIKE CHERUBIMON OR SOMETHING (I mean it’s not a plottwist by anymeans lmao)
LMAO Skull Knightmon looked away when Hikari noticed them looking at her lmao tsundere ass fucker
Wait the temple was also on Cloud Continent??? Like that whole area was still a part of Cloud Continent?????????? The geography of this world confuses me yo
AGUMON EVOLVING TO MUGENDRAMON WASN’T JUST A CUTE REFERENCE TO THE DARK MASTERS, IS THERE GONNA BE THING WHERE AGUMON IS USED TO RECREATE MILLENIUMON??? (And they have to get Agumon Out Of There like they had to extract Tailmon (and Meicoomon until they gave up) out of Ordinemon in tri.???)
Oooo we’re on Eternal/Mugen Continent... Oooo :oc
I like how Sora is the Dedicated Character who will be there when we get like Backstory lmao
METALFANTOMON?! :O YEEAAAHHHH (Ngl when I saw the pink scythe for a moment I was hoping for Jokermon.......)
Oh wow that’s a lot of MetalFantomons
Man Kabuterimon sure is flying quietly (I mean adding the flying sound effect probbaly wouldn’t add much here but... It’s so quiet)
I am gonna say, because Psi is constantly moving, like there’s constantly an oncoming threat and the characters never get to take a fucking break (that’s longer than 5 minutes), it just... Because there’s no contrast between danger and peace, it makes the non-stop danger feel far less dangerous imo
There is one more episode out but sadly I can’t watch it yet because region lock. I do know there’s an interesting, familiar face in there tho and I’m excited for that!
I... I... I can’t believe he actually said that...
“They’re cool pants!” KOUSHIROU LMAO
Anyways, episode preview!
Aaaand nothing of value was seen there. I mean I do know what Patamon probably evolves into because I do follow the Digimon Twitter so like, I saw the relevant art they shared but ye
Anyways a lot of these episodes were dull as usual, I didn’t feel like I missed out on much tbh aside from the sexy animation and the lore
This really drives it home to me how not having a villian of somekind just constantly present and active really makes a story so much more flat for me... Like I ain’t gonna argue Devimon or MetalSeadramon were interesting villians, but even just seeing them planning their next moves outloud and talking to their minions drove home what kind of people they were, and they weren’t even the most Packed-With-Personality villians in Adventure. And while SkullKnightmon is there... they’re just kinda standing around. I don’t know much about them really and it makes me sad
(Look I’m sorry I’m a filthy villian-stan and not having interesting villians to stan makes me sad)
Anyways, as always, I am definitely looking forward to whatever the fuck Psi is planning on doing because 1. Holy Shit It’s Milleniummon and 2. Holy fuck we got WarGreymon and it’s only episode 31, what the fuck are they planning on doing with the rest of the series and indeed 3. Patamon evolves into what
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Gabu figured if this is his home now, then he should at least explore it. There are so many new and strange things in this world, it’s kinda overwhelming. He came from a world where it was animals, nature…aaaand that’s it. There’s none of this…what did someone say this was called…a “Bar”? What is a “Bar”??? Tonight he’s going to find out!
He walks inside, it’s pretty crowded but he manages to find a seat. Okay sooooo how does this work...he looks over to the other people nearby. They’re asking the person behind the counter for stuff. Okay so he should do the same. He finally notices a “Menu” sitting in front of him and opens it.
There are…a lot of words here he doesn’t understand. Ah shit…okay he’s gonna need some help. He turns to the person sitting next to him.
“Hi there!” He smiles widely and waves excitedly to his companion, “Sorry to bother you, but I don’t understand how this works. Can you please help me?”
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30 Facts: Yuji Matsumoto Edition!
Since this is a new kid coming in like, halfway through, here have some facts!
1. Yuji Matsumoto does in fact identify as male, and at this point can no longer use the nonbinary bathrooms. Tough luck, boi.
2. When he talks, his hands gesture much more dramatically than is merited, and his facial expression and tone of voice may not always match up especially when he’s trying to be chipper. This comes from ages of manipulating Piney’s expressions by hand and voice, without his real face coming into play. He gets embarrassed when it’s pointed out, and tucks his hands away.
3. If Yuji tucks his hands on or near his face, he’s feeling vulnerable and more specifically threatened. A good tell for if you want to see if he’s going to start closing up clamlike.
4. Some quick fast food facts:
Fav Meal: Udon
Fav drink: Green Tea (I’d say matcha but n a h, he likes the cheap stuff)
Fav snack: Soy sauce flavored rice crackers
Fav desert: Custard Pudding
Fav festival food: Kakigori (sweet) and Yakisoba (savory)
5. Thrifty doesn’t even BEGIN to describe this guy. Everything is reused and reused and reused, and DIY is common enough with him. Expect him to let out a noise of terror at any wasted items.
6. Yuji considers fast food like Mcdonalds (which is honestly a tad more expensive in Japan) to be ‘friday night treat’ material. If you took him to even a nice-ish alehouse he might die on the spot.
7. In universe, Yuji’s hair is a normal shade of hair as opposed to dyed--it would translate over best as ‘black with a greenish tint’.
8. Short list of weird things Yuji cannot stand: Firecrackers, Elvis, Falco from Star Fox, tattoos and sauce packets (this also goes for bagged food. “It’s so SLIMY”).
9. Short list of weird things Yuji actually likes: hard candy (he’ll hoard them, and take anyone’s ‘green flavors’ if they don’t want them. Oh gee, wonder why he’d want G R E E N dryad squad), coffee caked on the inside of mugs, hair (on the head that is--he thinks it’s beautiful, and completely natural so near anyone can have it), cockroaches (slugs too, general crawlies--they don’t bug him, ehehe).
10. Yuji will occasionally reach for something or type on his phone, then do something weird as hell with his hands like try to use the sides or scrunch his fingers for no good reason and overshoot his objective. An inside look at how he held things with gloves it seems. Similarly, sometimes he walks weird and overshoots his footing--those big shoes are likely to blame.
11. If you ever walk in on Yuji alone, you better expect there’s SOMETHING set up to make noise or otherwise alert in his nearby area. Wooden lids suspended in the crack of the door, temporarily ductaping a door shut, ect...by this point it’s not even worth keeping a secret, this man temporarily booby traps any area he’s in by himself. Remains of the cleanup or the direct results of a trap have probably been experienced by most of the kids here.
12. He is...still not wearing pants, much of the time. The boxers mainly. As of this past trial though, sometimes he can be seen wearing jeans when he’s out in rougher areas like the woods or something. Still no shoes though. He double layers those socks though...? This is sad.
13. He’ll freeze up if you try to ask him for a personal preference. Like, candy or cookies better? Favorite color? Ect. He goes deer in the headlights.
On that note, Yuji’'s spent a lot of time soaking things up from the mascot environment he worked in--even during that time he was going from hotel to hotel and accepting whatever bits and pieces he found. This means he couldn’t tell you what kind of music he likes, but he could sing you the entirety of the latest Hatsune Miku concert from heart. Not that he WOULD but...
14. If people trash their food before they finish their plate, people who stick around might catch him fish it out of the trash and either finish it off or cook it into something new. Yuji, swear to God.
15. Yuji considers his experiences as Piney the experiences and actions of a separate person and dislikes the idea that specifically he reflects on Piney; rather than consider him a character he played he considers Piney ‘their own separate and genuine tree.’ He still has every memory he made as Piney of course--which makes it weird when he can relay his experiences dining at Michelin star restaurants but gets intimidated by an Applebees.
16. Oh boy. Yuji and...electronics. He’s not....a hermit? As in, he knows most of this stuff he’s not genuinely pastoral...but this man does not know how to work a snapchat. In fact he’s never so much as fiddled with any apps but the notebook and photo app. Overwatch is literally the only viddygame he knows how to play, and he does so nigh religiously now that the Overwatch Club introduced it to him.
17. Hypothetically, once Yuji got over his confused feelings for Starbucks, the green tea lattes and their iced equals would be a revelation. And while he’d eat anything he got, he wouldn’t be particularly fond of any of the foods on offer sans the Madeline cakes and Hawaiian Bagel.
18. Sometimes he just starts crying. Like, not loudly, and not show stopping, but sometimes he just starts getting his sniffle on. More often than not, this is a good sign though; happy group activities are the worst offender for this.
19. Yuji’s favorite hang outs, should you need to find him anywhere specific, are the Adventure Park (he even has some Gabu Gabu merch now!), the Ramen Shop (fixed it up and restocked so it’s ready for business) and the Home Ec room (Overwatch and, as of Chapter 8, weird...fanfiction. Do not look for his on computer account.). Please don’t note that to him though--he’ll spook and try to change up his patterns.
20. Yuji is actually not a bad singer! If you can drag him into a karaoke situation, catch him pullin out his voice claim!
21. Apparently now that he’s out of suit, he’s more willing to share a few trade secrets. For example, according to him he was the only one of the mascots who was manned by only one ‘friend’, and most of the others had interchangeable buddies specialized in whatever the mascot needed to do for the variety show episode. This was everything from cooking to acrobatics to even ex soldiers for extreme stuntman activity. Apparently out of pity or respect, some of these guys gave the tree some variety lessons to help make life a little easier for him.
22. Yuji’s real birthday is actually on May 4th. This is the same day as Japanese Arbor day, as well as the same birthday as the famous fictional detective, Shinichi Kudo.
23. As Ryouji respawned with his own non-blood splattered necklace, Yuji has the original blood splattered one still. Now he’s no longer in suit though he wears it around his neck and tucked under his shirt collar rather than on his far less protected wrist.
24. Yuji’s terrible about gaining crushes on people quickly and holding onto them for a long time. His list (with varying intensity) for this crew has been:
- Ryouji (big time)
- Charmayne (big time)
- Ebull
- Hanako
- Tomoka (for .5 seconds at a time)
- Madoka (on first impressions alone)
- Kazuko (if not full blown at LEAST on the rise)
There is also the moderate threat of Tadashi joining this list, and an honorable mention for Ailani who was never crushed on but WAS friend-crushed on (wanting to be her friend) and Ryan who is not crushed on but HAS caused some stupid sexy flanders moments for the guy (some unbidden dokis).
Yuji makes a point of crushing, even loving, very unobtrusively though--it’s perfectly possible to remain friends with him even if he’s crushing on you and never have it Become Business. So no worries or obligations there!
25. For the ‘super Japanese foods’, Yuji’s very on board for eating eel, squid, seaweed, mentaiko, ikura, and even natto and as far as sanshouo (rarely, he feels a little bad about it but it does remind him of Spirited Away). However, he won’t touch Horse meat, ume and takoyaki (the last one not for the flavor, but for a moral respect for the octopus. He’ll have hotdog substitute though!)
26. Yuji has a soft spot for french bakeries. For a lot of his time living by his seams in Ikebukuro, steals from the French style bakeries dumpsters were by far the best meals. He feels like he personally owes them a lot, even if Udon will forever be his true love.
27. If you’re new to Japan and want to try all the holes in the wall without running into anything illicit, Yuji’s pretty handy to bring along for the ride. He can sniff out the difference between a “snack bar” and a yakuza run “Snaku Bar” by sign font alone and fear alone. More than anything though he knows Ikebukuro specifically, especially close to the train station, like the back of his hand.
28. This guy has an odd little kind of ‘eclectic spiritualism’ that mixes standard casual Buddist and Shinto stuff with some personal rituals, magical thinking and fascination with fantastical energies like Japanese Youkai and Western Tarot. More than anything though, this is a very casual system that focuses on a strict and hands on calculated version of Karma. Give and take, pay your literal dues, receive fortune and punishment as you earn it.
This has contributed to ‘totem collecting’ from what he can find to represent the dead students, feeling that holding them safe will in turn grant safety to them in the afterlife--or now, outside of the sim. As Piney he was never allowed to admit to endorsing nor holding a religion, so now while he won’t go parading it around it isn’t so much a secret anymore.
29. Yuji’s verbal tone is a sliding scale. The more nervous he gets the more youthful he sounds, at his worst off channeling Scooby Doo’s Shaggy with full voice crack and warble. You can tell he’s at his most stable when he stops fidgeting, plants his feet and starts calling people ‘kid.’ At that point he’s got a near gruff tone that sounds a tad Adachi-esque. His middleground is like, a disgruntled and fashion blind version of Vincent from Catherine, about.
30. HIS favorite mascot? Either Purin the Dog from Saniro or Funashi. Purin is a good design he’s personally weak towards, but Funashi is an inspiration. He’d say “With that expressive waist hoop and the thin cloth making it easy to move around, that must be one hell of a fun set up to play with.”
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Happy birthday to me. /o/ And that’s the first and last time I mention it in this post. I don’t care and you shouldn’t either—I just want cake.
FubuGabu is back! Not by popular demand because, well, no one has asked for it, although the feedback I got was lovely. But, hey, I had this material ready, so might as well do something with it, lame as it might be.
These are some early and not-so-early doodles of FubuGabu. The latter was pretty much the base of the final design, but the former… that’s from 2014 or something wild like that. I actually had many more doodles and concepts, but I hated them all so much that I erased most of them. I’m surprised I could save that one. I might have kept it because it was a full lineart, I guess. In any case, I’m glad I could find that much.
Since it’s fitting to do, let’s talk about FubuGabu’s design today! There’s a lot to talk about, but my memory is awful, so I’m sure I’ll forget about some things. I hope it won’t betray me too much.
Anyway, as usual, more under the cut.
Well, well, well. Ain’t this boy one little shit. Fudou gave me nightmares. Kidou is still giving me nightmares (to the point where I’m considering changing the idea I’ve had for around a year now). Someoka was awful to draw and make sense of. Max’s tail was awful to work with. But Fubuki? Fubuki is on a whole different level.
Let’s start by talking about the final design, since that’s the better one. Not even good, just better. That’s an epic victory as it is, so who cares.
FubuGabu’s design, as the reference sheet and my last post states, is not based on Gabumon, but on Gabumon’s line. What this means is that it has elements from (almost) every single one of Gabumon’s evolutions. Just for the sake of satisfying people’s curiosity, namely @IshidoShuuji’s, I’ll list the different elements here, since that’s the easiest and most straightforward way to explain it:
Tsunomon: eyes, colour of the face.
Gabumon: horn, face stripes, teeth, hair ears.
Garurumon: eyebrows, pretty much all of the hair, hair tail, forehead marks.
WereGarurumon: nose stripes, pretty much all of the hair, earrings, eye scar.
So, no, MetalGarurumon, Punimon and Omnimon/Omegamon aren’t part of the design. …Or are they?
Just kidding. They are not. ww But you shouldn’t rule them out just because of that. Well, no—rule Omnimon out. There will be no Agumon miximax, so that isn’t going to happen. I don’t want to keep people’s hopes up for nothing. I made it pretty clear from the start that I wouldn’t use a franchise twice, but I bet most people don’t know that. So, yeah.
Now that I have broken down the elements, let’s look at them from up close. This is truly a difficult design to understand, so I’ll get the explaining done as I move along.
Let me start with Tsunomon’s part. I used the colour of Tsunomon’s skin because it looks human: I didn’t want to turn Fubuki into a furry—I mean, have him all covered in hair, because it just looks weird. It was either Tsunomon’s skin or Gabumon’s, and he’s BRIGHT YELLOW. So you’re welcome.
The eyes have changed very dramatically. Tsunomon’s aren’t all that complex compared to Gabumon’s, for example, so it was easier to pull off without screwing up too much. That’s in the early concept you can see above, Fubuki has eyes based on Gabumon’s instead and it looks like he’s using about 4kg of eyeliner, hah— You’re gonna run out of money if you wear so much of it every single day, pal.
They’re not exactly Tsunomon’s eyes, although it’s a rather radical change. As I mentioned when I talked about Creature miximaxes, eyes get rather distinctive shapes when animals (or monsters) are involved. I did something that goes against my analysis, though: I added light to FubuGabu’s eyes. Just because I hate myself and because it looked kinda weird without it.
While Tsunomon’s eyes are completely round, FubuGabu’s actually follow the shape of Fubuki’s eyes, although vaguely. The irises are Fubuki’s, period. I simply extended the lines to match the new shape of the eye. The lower eyelid creates a straight line based on the hypothetical line of Fubuki’s eyes, which is visible in coloured art. The outer part of the eyes also matches that of Fubuki, not to mention that I kept the fold over the upper eyelid and the little marks below the eyes. The main difference, therefore, is the thicker contour (which is linked to the spikes) and the curve that replaces the right angles on Fubuki’s usual eyes.
Let’s move on to Gabumon. His marks were probably the toughest to place, and it doesn’t help that Fubuki’s refs are so BAD. REALLY. Many, most characters have references that match. Maybe not perfectly, but almost. But Fubuki? Fubuki ain’t need none of that crap. When you are this FABULOUS, no one cares about your face changing size and shape in every screenshot or your hair going longer and shorter every 5 seconds. Everyone is blinded by your sparks, anyway, so who will notice?
I noticed. But anyway. ww
Since Gabumon only has markings on half of his body (since the rest is all yellow), I let FubuGabu borrow those on Gabumon’s nose. Actually, if you were to strip FubuGabu (please don’t do that), you’d see that his whole body is covered with markings. I like to think that those belong to Gabu, even if they could easily belong to Garuru or Were instead. Still, that means that the marks on his neck are Gabu’s.
As for the marks on his cheeks, they were very easy to place on the front view and frustrating to figure out elsewhere. I just gave up on them at some point and thought, “meh, Inazuma has pulled off weirder stuff!” They’re supposed to end somewhere behind the jaw, though, but before reaching the neck. Hence why I actually drew the jawline ww
The horn and the teeth are pretty self-explanatory, but I’ll point something out about the latter: I only added two teeth even though Gabumon has many because I wanted some kind of parallelism with Someoka. He, too, has two teeth, but they grow on the opposite direction. True teammates who complement each other!
Now, for the hair ears, aka those things growing from the sides of his head. Those are 100% hair—they don’t really serve a purpose. As such, using Gabumon’s seemed like the best idea. After all, what makes WereGarurumon’s ears interesting are the earrings, but how do you put an earring on hair? As for Garurumon, his ears are just more boring than Gabumon’s. Gabu’s ears are kind of quirky and worn out, which is a cool little thing that I felt like adding. Also, Garuru’s ears go upwards and I didn’t dig that.
Regardless, Garurumon is probably the star of this design. Most of the bigger elements are based on him, after all. You could argue that many of them also belong to Were, but I was looking at Garuru when I designed them. I guess that’s enough of a reason. I guess.
There was an element of Garuru’s design that I really, really wanted to add to Fubuki: the feather-shaped hair growing from his back. You know, these things:
After fiddling with that idea a whole lot, I eventually realised that it was best to keep it simple and shape Fubuki’s hair to look like those… however you wanna call them. I’ll just call them feathers. It may not be a perfect resemblance (and it may not make perfect sense either lmao), but I definitely thought it looked the best. These are actually not too hard to draw:
The first feather (from the top) follows the natural curve of Fubuki’s hair, but instead of curving down again, it creates an arrow-like shape.
The second feather starts and ends in the exact same spots as Fubuki’s, but instead of curving upwards, it’s completely horizontal.
The third one is the trickiest: it’s long and doesn’t match Fubuki’s normal hair. The part that touches the second feather starts where it should, but the part that touches the fourth one doesn’t. It’s tough to explain, so here’s a picture that will hopefully make it all clear:
The last feather is shorter and isn’t as diagonal as the third one, but it does start and end at odd places, too. The “trick” to draw it is keeping in mind that the third and the fourth feathers end at pretty much the same height:
The fifth feather isn’t even a feather; it’s just a simple spike. Nothing relevant there ww
Garurumon is also responsible for the marks next to the ears and the one on the forehead, not to mention the top of the head in general. The ones on the ears weren’t too bad, but the forehead was frustrating. As I mentioned, Fubuki’s references are a mess and I draw over them for the sake of keeping the original proportions, but it backfired in this case. Since they’re all so different from each other, Fubuki’s forehead grows bigger or smaller depending on the view, so the forehead mark is radically less visible sometimes, even though it technically shouldn’t be. Still, rather than repositioning it every time, I thought it made more sense to place it correctly to settle for a specific place, so that’s what I did.
Now, the top of the head is tricky. Let’s start by saying that it’s based on Garurumon’s back. Maybe WereGarurumon’s too, but I couldn’t find a single picture of Were’s back, so who knows. As you can see in the following image, Garuru’s back has a long, thin line that goes from his head to his tail, and that’s exactly what happens to FubuGabu too. You can’t quite see the end of the line because of the hair, but it’s still there… technically.
That thin line sprouts into a bunch of rugged lines, and that’s exactly what happens with FubuGabu too. The lines are rather random (and I didn’t spend much time figuring the size out, whoops), but they do follow some certain shapes. The closest line to the face might be rugged, but it goes straight down. The second one starts from way back, but it’s shaped like an arrow pointing at the face. The tips of both lines are fairly close, too. The third line is way smaller than the rest, and is also the last one you can see, but definitely not the last one in general.
Let’s talk about Fubuki’s little sprout as well. As you know, Fubuki’s sprout has two locks of hair, but FubuGabu’s has three. That’s because FubuGabu’s is also based on Garurumon: to be more specific, on this part:
I tried adding that part just the way it is by sticking it to the forehead, but I didn’t like the result at all, so I figured it was best to do something funny with Fubuki’s sprout instead. Oh, well. Choices! And talk about choices, I added Garurumon’s tail simply so the hair would be a complete portrayal of his figure. As I mentioned in the post I linked to above, miximaxing with creatures often leads to that, so yeah.
The hair is obviously the biggest and most visible part of FubuGabu’s design, but Garuru hogs quite a few other spots. Not Gabumon, nor Tsunomon, nor WereGarurumon (nor Punimon) have eyebrows, so I was pretty much forced to use Garurumon’s. Not like I mind, because they’re pretty awesome. It’s kind of sad that they’re usually not visible, but, to be honest with you guys… they’re kind of a pain to draw because of their very specific shape. So I’m secretly glad. ww
And last, but not least, WereGarurumon. Ah, what a little shit. How come there are official linearts for MetalGarurumon, but not for WereGarurumon? Anyway. ww
Were’s contribution is pretty straightforward. Earrings, a scar and marks. There are a couple of things worth mentioning, though.
For the earrings, I noticed too late that Were has both white and red earrings. I was going to use the red earrings because they stand out more, but I noticed that the visible ear was on the side of the white ones… And it was too late to change the design completely, so I just went for the white. Too bad, but life is simply unfair. Especially when you don’t pay attention.
Now, the nose marks are funny. I struggled so much with those. As you can see on the second picture of this post, they were originally going to be shaped like triangles, but I didn’t dig that. And even after I changed the design, I couldn’t get them right, which was… frustrating.
(Also, it took me a long time to realise that the bridge of the nose would be hiding one half of the marks in every view except the front one. After I did, though, everything finally looked better. Thank goodness.)
Anyway, I think that pretty much covers the final design, but let’s also talk about the early designs real quick.
Nothing much to say about the second picture of the post. I just made sure to make some sense out of the markings and retouched the elements I mentioned above. Well, I tried to polish everything, really.
Now, the first picture of the post is easily over 2 years old. It was one of the first, if not the very first, concept of FubuGabu. And, man, what a mess.
It was like, “what does Garurumon have? Feather thingies! SO LET’S ADD THEM EVERYWHERE.” The feather thingies appear on his forehead, the locks of hair over his face, on his hair and even behind his head. I could never figure the latter out—but, man, did I spend hours trying to make those work. And all because Garurumon has feather on his face and on his back, so I felt like FubuGabu needed two layers of feathers too. Thankfully, I eventually realised many of these elements simply weren’t needed, like that second layer of feathers, the earrings on Garurumon’s ear (which, again, are made of hair, so wtf), and… the ring at the end of the tail? Where did that come from? This is Garurumon, not Gatomon! Geez, self!
Some of the early elements made it to the final design. The overall shape of his eyebrows, the markings on the head, the neck and the cheeks and even the horn, just to mention a few. The final feel to it is completely different, though.
This is probably because of how different the hair looks. FubuGabu’s original hair was full of feathers, but they didn’t fit Fubuki’s normal hair. They were randomly coming out of his head for whatever reason. Not to mention that the hair falling over his face looks like tentacles rather than anything else. It looks like a miximax with Squidward rather than with Gabumon. Ugh, I hate myself. XD
One last note: I don’t know where the forehead mark on that first design comes from. I guess it’s meant to be Gabumon’s, somehow? I forgot and I’m too tired to investigate it. It probably never made sense, anyway. XD
I think I covered everything! But, phew, that took long. Still, if anything isn’t clear or there’s something I forgot to mention, please let me know!
(Also, I’m too tired to re-read this post, so excuse the many typos that I probably made. I’ll check it out... eventually.)
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Tri Spoilers
I feel the new trailer has kinda spoiled some of the films best moments since they take some of the tension out of it... On the cast talk, they didn’t say much of interest, since we hadn’t seen the movie, so anything interesting would have been a spoiler...
Cast Talk Sora’s va had invited other cast members to her concert and they came, so she felt like they were family. They twirled around in the uniforms and said they thought the movie was interesting. Next broadcast is those two + Mimi, with Takeru as the MC, because he’s cheerful and able to chat. He called himself ponkotsu (useless, terrible etc) and said he found it difficult, so Sora should do it, but she said she was ponkotsu too. Mimi’s va is the ‘you can do it’ senpai, so the announcer said the three of them probably balance each other out lol
Warning: I was working on three hours of sleep and did have a teeny tiny bit of alcohol before the movie (I get tipsy easily :/) so I may or may not have missed something.
Shipping moments - honestly whenever someone asks me about a ship moment I never know if they’re talking friend or romance. Because in all honesty, character A can look at B and half of tumblr will say it’s code for them dating. So when y’all say ‘moments’ I never know what you’re thinking because half of you exaggerate nothingness into canon. So when I’m asked about moments, I talk about times when characters interacted. I hope that clears things up.
Also please slow down on the shipping asks. I deleted over 10 messages. Patience is appreciated. So is not being rude. I’m happy to talk about literally any ship, but don’t spam me and demand answers. You make your ship and the fandom look bad. (Also why are y’all on anon I don’t bite lmao)
We start off with a flashback, done in an old timey style (like old movie cinema noises, flickering visuals etc. I thought it was rad like it made me so happy I love it) HIMEKAWA AND DAIGO ARE DIGIDESTINED. (HE’S A GOGGLEHEAD I LOVE HIM) So we see their final story and that’s hella cool but I can’t read kanji and some of it was written in kanji so :/
Looks like she was possessed like Hikari? Glowing eyes and shit, mentions of light, hope, Yggdrasil and homeostasis. (Apparently they were the original chosen which seems kinda blegh to me but w/e)
So they both know they’re chosen and Maki works her butt of to try and get them back (looks like she may have made reboot in order to reach her partner?). At one point Daigo tries to get her to STOP (even though she just wants to see her partner??? Bakumon/Tapirmon)
“I’ll be your new partner”
I fucking squealed HOW CUTE
But also what a dumb confession you nerd. This looked to be high school or uni btw. She was favourable to that. It seems they dated for a time but he forgot everything? (Which explains why she’s so bitter 24/7)
In any case, the kids are stuck in the D World with no way to contact anyone (Gennai isn’t answering) or to get home. They eat. Koushirou goes on a lecture about Oolong because Mochimon said it was nice. Mochimon is looking for a polite way to say ‘I honestly don’t care’ since Koushirou is rambling about it while everyone is doing their own thing. Sora made food for everyone. Everyone’s bonding but Piyomon is being an unreasonable bitch. I can understand her being scared, confused etc, but she’s full on aggressive the whole movie, and it literally makes no sense. It’s distracting, not like the first Piyomon we knew and it doesn’t advance the plot or characters.
Ah, there’s also a few scenes where they’re trying to bond with their Digimon. Hikari’s whistle smells like her so they bond pretty quick and it’s pretty cute. Tsunomon is hiding even though yamato is standing ages away just looking over his shoulder. Lots of ‘DON'T EAT ME PLZ’ which is cute and Mochimon is adorable.
Koushirou is busy so Mimi tries to feed him!!!! He goes bright red and puts his laptop in front of his face, saying he can feed himself. I’m screaming everyone loved it they’re SO CUTE. Sora made some weird shit with jelly beans and whipped cream. Koromon is the only one who likes it. Everyone else thinks its fucked up. I wouldn’t eat it.
Everyone Digivolves because of food? Palmon has a cute scene where she’s all like ‘Am I cute~?’ and Mimi is like YAAAAS YOU ARE! YOU’RE THE DIGIWORLDS NEXT TOP MODEL (okay not a direct quote but shush) which is super cute since Mimi wasn’t impressed with having an ‘ugly’ digimon originally so it really shows her development and growth.
Meikuumon appears, runs away and then disappears through a portal. Meikuumon is very odd, going from crying to being incredibly angry the whole time. It doesn’t make a lot of sense. Meiko gets to the Digital World after her Digivice changes.
Sora is upset because Piyomon is being a bitch so Taito try to comfort her. They sit on either side of her, so it’d be an excellent opportunity for them to both show interest in her. Or for Yamato to go ‘dude, my girlfriend/love interest, back off’. But no. Apparently neither of them know more than ‘Sora’s upset’ and have no idea what’s really wrong or how to help, so they’re using each other as back up to try and make her happy.
How many years have they known each other now? They should have some type of guess at how to help her inidivdually. It makes me wonder if the epilogue is tri canon because this could have set Sorato up perfectly, but if you didn’t know the epilogue, you honestly never would know. Everyone would assume it’s Koumi that’s the official pair.
Agumon floats by on a log? So Tai goes to help and Sora walks off. Tai says the same line Piyomon said about taking care of herself and she’s all like ‘don’t say what Piyomon said!!!’ as if Tai knew about it??? The whole scene is funny, but it’s filler and just goes ‘boys and girls are SO different they CAN’T understand each other?!???!’. It’s basically Taito speaking in unison and going ‘girls are troublesome’.
Considering they don’t know how to comfort her and they’re constantly together, I wouldn’t say it’s a win for anyone but Taiorato fans, and due to the bad writing, I don’t think you can call it a win.
At some point they’re discussing Meiko and Hikari’s like ‘ehhh Takeru, don’t you have a crush on her?’ and he’s like ‘don’t worry, my number one person is...’
-looks at Yamato-
‘Isn’t that great, oniichan?’ (Taichi)
Tsuntsun Yama makes his appearance again. I LOVE IT.
Everyone (Meiko not included) is deciding what to do and Jyou is old reliable Jyou again. Takeru mentions how he’s like Jou of the past and Mimi wonders if he’s responsible now because he has a girlfriend to look after. Jyou can tell by her tone she doesn’t believe he has a girlfriend. I live for these jokes tbh.
Everyone gets separated when the big bad attacks. The scene of Jyou/Pata/Pal is adorable, since we see Palmon and then it pans up to Jyou. It looked so dramatic but then it’s Jyou and two weak/girly looking Digimon against a stormy sky and everyone just burst out laughing.
Tai and Gabu are together. Tai’s shouting for everyone. Gabu joins in.
“YAMato... kun”
He’s too embarassed because they aren’t close enough and stuff to just say ‘Yamato’. Tai is a bit miffed that Gabumon won’t use honorifics on him lmao Gabu’s the cutest little muffin and everyone loved it. It happens again later when he and Yamato are reunited and Yamato is like ??? why honourifics??? and Taichi’s still pissed he doesn’t have honorifics lolololol
Anyone Tai and Hikari meet up and Tai’s like ‘well all their memories are gone it sucks’ and Hikari’s like ‘I don’t know. This way, Plotmon doesn’t remember all the bad things that happened to her. I think it’s okay this way.’ AND DAMN THAT HIT ME. Abuse isn’t something you just magically get over. It’s a lifelong fight. Honestly it was really simple and wasn’t elaborated on, but it seriously touched me. It says a lot about Hikari and her relationship with Tailmon to me.
Palmon draws Mimi on some rocks. Koushirou and Yamato are together and Koushirou just shows photos of everyone having fun which is cute, but do we really need all this bonding stuff? Tri has been really well character driven, but it rebooted to 0 character for the Digimon so I just feel like it’s a bad decision and I’m worried about the time it ate up, since it leaves less time for plot.
Piyomon and Sora are in the desert, Piyomon tries to ditch, they find Meiko. They go recoop and Piyomon doesn’t want to talk to Sora but she happily does whatever Meiko says? Which considering how little she trusts Sora, why would she trust some random human she just met? It’s honestly so cringey and Sora and Meiko were uncomfortable with it, and it made no sense. Sora deserved better.
Ken appears to Sora and Meiko. He shows himself to be Gennai. But apparently is NOT Gennai, but is on the Digimon’s side. Whatever the fuck that means.
Also, he licked Sora’s face while pinning her down and felt all over her to steal her Digivice. It made me hella uncomfortable. It wasn’t necessary, the cast is already freaked out by him, he’s stronger and smarter than them, so it did nothing except make the audience uncomfortable. Sora didn’t make much of a reaction either, so it was weird and unnecessary and not what Digimon is about.
Maki finds her partner but obviously it doesn’t remember her. She seems really shocked? Like what the fuck? She probably knew this would happen, or the amount of time it’s been could have changed things. Instead of being understanding or sad, she goes berserk and grabs it and shakes it? Girl needs to chill (honestly made me uncomfortable, like imagine shaking a small child? ew)
(Meanwhile, Huckmon fills Daigo in in Maki’s office and just info drops really. Daigo has some nice hacking skills tho. Mostly cuz he knows Maki too well lol)
By the end of the movie everyone except Tailmon is at their final form iirc. That was pretty rad, except I’m pretty sure Takeru’s digivice said MagnaAngemon instead of Holy? Also, Butterfly was playing instead of Brave heart for some of the evolution and that’s weird and wrong. (I love it but it isn’t the evolution song :/)
The end battle is everyone going ‘oh shit Sora/Meiko are in trouble lets get Gennai away from them’ and for some reason they’re on a boat? Okay then. Taito run off with Hikari and encounter Seadramon. Hikari is left to float by herself while the other two drown. They're ultra gay because Taichi can’t swim enough so starts drowning (even though he should theoretically be more athletic than Yamato? Or at least equal) so Yama comes back and swims around him to save him? But they both drown and the AguGabu’s friendship saves them and they Digivolve. As you do. They monologue and shit, but, as much as it’s my OTP and Yama is bae of baes, it didn’t fit the tone, the situation or anything. It wasn’t important. Generic friendship stuff.
Nobody really brings Sora back to her normal self, but Piyomon comes to her senses after Sora tries to save her and is repeatedly smashed into a mountain. Meiko does try to comfort Sora before they’re all attacked and is all like ‘Digimon are our partners’ and using the words Sora used to comfort her (this is right before Meikuumon attacks her too lmao so Meiko tries to help Meikuumon and then they’re all attacked by gennai).
So the others come up with a plan to distract Gennai from SoraMei (which backfrires because Sora runs off to help everyone and he can teleport? So he’s like lol thanks for leaving Meiko wide open nice).
Piyomon gets captured, Sora tries to save her and is smashed up against a wall of ice numerous times. Piyomon digivolves, mostly everyone else does and a giant Tentomon appears?!? Because Koushirou used a hologram, nice. There was no reason for Palmon and Gomamon to be on the sidelines. Nice fight tho. Takari scene were ice is crashing and Takeru is looking out for her, but that’s what he’d do for anyone, and I’m honestly sick of her needing to be saved (happened like, three times this movie? Yuck no thanks)
Anyway Gennai plot drops and I don’t really get it but it looks like he was using Maki to make reboot so Digimon who were sealed away could be reborn and Meiko is needed for some reason (maybe due to Meikuumon’s virus?). Yggdrasil seems to be the big bad. Gennai is trying to get Meikuumon to do something but it won’t so he strangles Meiko until she passes out (I honestly don’t believe she’s dead) and Meikuumon evolves.
The end.
My thoughts:
Weakest movie so far. Many scenes were enjoyable but since the Digimon are memoryless, it didn’t add to development, character or plot wise. Enjoyable scenes were also dragged out too long, leaving little room for plot. Plot came out of nowhere and was unexplained (where the fuck are the 02 kids) and Sora honestly just cried a lot. This should have been her and Meiko’s movie, because Taito didn’t do much plotwise and Sora’s arc was written too weakly to carry the movie. At the end of the movie everyone kinda paused, going, ? oh, that’s it? It didn’t feel like a complete movie
Felt a little like filler. I enjoyed it, but I’m very worried about the pacing the last two movies need to fit everything in.
Especially if the epilogue is canon. They’re either glossing over everything (ie Sorato) or … I don’t know. Like, to show a relationship, all they need is Sorato standing next to each other, Yamato attempting to comfort her alone and like, one or two lines a movie where they show concern for each other on more than friends level. But Koumi + Jyou/Mystery Woman get more than that, so it’s worrying to see how it will end out.
I honestly don’t care if they rehash the epilogue. I like it as it is, but unless they did something majorly off like pair Meiko with Yamato I’d probably be happy with it (I only wouldn’t accept this as it comes out of nowhere). I don’t think there’s really been tonnes of Takari hints (some, yes) but I wouldn’t mind betting that Koumi has good chances of being canon, though Mimi doesn’t always seem to realise Koushirou likes her, so maybe not. But if any couple was going to be canon that wasn’t originally canon, that’s where I’d put money.
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Youjo Senki ep 9 Okay, first part of the plan seems pretty straightforward. Tanya gets taken out, but recovers? It isn't all that clear? Is she hiding injuries? Finally that mad scientist again! What kind of plan is that ... lol, Voktoriya Ivanovna. Hahaha, Zettour is eating Bratwurst and Sauerkraut. I love how they're still writing "Any and all resemblances to real people or places are purely incidental" or smth like that at the beginning. There they go. Hahaha, that after-credits scene. Long-term care because of a rotten potato. :D Bumped up to 8/10.
Demi-chan wa Kataritai ep 10 A little bit of Machi-Tetsuo-relationship foo going on. Now they're introducing a new character? Is he the final boss? A no-nonsense vice principal, trying to oust Tetsuo for having inappropriate relations with his students? We'll see. Aaand an excursion to uni! Another new character. Gah, couldn't they have glossed over that bad "physics" explanation? Meh. Not my favorite ep. Stays at 7/10.
Little Witch Academia ep 10 An Eros-bee (it's clearly a wasp, but, well ... it's animu). In the hands of those three. What could possibly go wrong. Please tell me, Akko's gonna try to use that bee and sting herself or Diana and they fall in love (for the episode, Sucy will surely be able to concoct something up real fast) or something. That'd be hilarious. That guy selling the magic stuff tho. At least Akko's magic does something by now. 「どうしたの?」 Oh c'mon. That's too tropey and unfunny. It could've at least been Sucy or something. Lotte's got a boygroup after her, okay, it’s something. Okay, that's a little better. Kabedon! At least Sucy gets it. Oooohh. YASSSS. HAHAHAHA. WHAT DID I SAY, SUCKERS?! Hrhrhr. The narcissistic streak is probably not undeserved either. Huh. What's that guy doing reading Orwell on the roof, under the moonlight? Somewhat enjoyable episode. LWA, you may yet live another week. 5/10, still, though.
GabrielDropout ep 10 Yeah, that's about what I expected of all of the girl's families. Including a perverted butler for Raphiel (she's gotta have learned somewhere, right). Hrhrhr, Gabu is so smol. Yessss. Hahaha, please, let him believe the bullshitting about the ingame action. Gabu coming away with everything scot-free would be icing on the cake, honestly. Yessss. She did iiiiit. Hahaha. I love this show. Yeah, this is how I imagine heaven would be. Endless boredom. Hopefully a visit by Satania will bring some life into them. Would've loved to see Gabu's best face, though. 7/10.
Onihei ep 10 Storytiiime. Okay, so Wasuke doesn't look exactly like all other small, old guys in this anime, but ... the animation and artwork is honestly so bad again this episode. OMG, those expressionless crying faces. And then suddenly everybody dies. Ohh. Pretty nice revenge actually. Damn, how good this show could be with better animation and design. Stays at 6/10.
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon ep 10 Christmas is all around me ... and so the feeling grows. So if you really love Christmas! Come on and let it snoooow!! And let it snow they did. Oh what a doozy. Maybe a bit too little Kobayashi in the play preparations, but enjoyable nonetheless (especially watching Kanna and Riku). And there's ample Kobayashi (and accompanying reactions) in the second half. This show just keeps on giving. Solid 9/10.
Kuzu no Honkai ep 10 That guy in class who's all like TMI when the girl is going on about that guy cheating on her. :D Wait what. They made Akane student counselor?? Whose bright idea was it to make the narcissistic sociopath counselor? (Sure, they don't know, but that's still hilarious. They could've just as well staged that meeting in the music classroom.) At least Mugi understands. His mad face is great. All the feels. Hrhrhr. Literally only absolutely clueless nii-chan can get any kind of reaction out of her, without even trying. This episode reminds me of the first few, what with all the comedic gold. And that scene with the other guy!! I'm dying here. Mugi, lol. Definitely a solid 8/10.
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Hi mod gabu can i come forward as a myo simp to please ask for nourishment:
What if myotismon had a tamer that struggled with their sleeping cycle like a complete wack cycle that is either awake all night i can taste colors or i have slept for 18 hours and im still feeling horrible. How would our vampire gentleman do to help out
Myotismon trying to help his Tamer who struggles with a completely wack sleep cycle
It didn't take long for Myotismon to notice his Tamer's strange sleep cycle. The days they'd sleep for hours in a day, but still wake up tired, or the way that they'd seem to stay up for far too long compared to what one probably should. It was a bit of a problem for them, that's what he saw.
Myotismon contemplates how to help... There are plenty of Digimon that he would have connections with that could help them get to sleep on days they seem to want to stay awake for goodness knows how long, but whether or not they get a decent sleep from that is a roll of the dice. But, he feels, that it may help them to at least get on a schedule at least or try to help their body understand when it should sleep. Myotismon would make sure to get them a wake-up call for that, too.
He does also wonder if it's about stress, too. On the days they stay up and such, he does check up on them and try to act as their support if something is bothering them, or if they just want to have a chat. Myotismon stays up plenty late, as he isn't too much a fan of the daytime anyway, so he'll stay up with them through the nights and just talk with them, see if it may help them release some stuff by venting should they have something to vent about. Even if it's just silly little things.
When they sleep for hours, he's not quite sure how to help with that other than to try and get them to wake up at a decent enough time, should he know how long they had been asleep. He is always gentle, and he always has small offerings of treats and a nice, warm (or cold) drink to help them wake up a little as well. If he can keep getting them to wake up at such a specific time after they went to bed, maybe he can help them fix their way of sleeping as well. It's only a thought for then, as he does try to help get them to feel well enough rested, for sleeping so long might not be helping them either.
Myotismon also tries to see if it's perhaps the pillows, or perhaps the bed. The bed is large, made to be comfortable, but there could be something going on with how it is. He wants them to feel comfortable, so he makes the space as comfortable as he can. Added pillows, blankets, anything he can get on it that might help make a comfy, sleepy nest.
He checks on his Tamer quite often when he thinks they're still awake. Even if they're sleeping, he checks in on them just to be sure that're sleeping in a good position and not hurting themself in some way. When they're awake, he sits and talks with them just to see what may be going on this time, for he is doing his best to help them sleep comfortably without use of other means. If he can help his Tamer get a decent schedule, he'd be happy enough.
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-.. .- -. -.-. . i like what i like -.. .- -. -.-. .
Part four to mysteric, metronome, and lights.
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#kpop#bts#seventeen#gwsn#kard#berry good#up10tion#imfact#myteen#seungri#oh my girl#good day#berrygood#jhope#dannic#moon yirang#hoody#kpop playlist#gabu does stuff
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Gabriel Dropout Episode 4 Notes
These guidebooks (しおり shiori) are primarily associated with school trips, such as field trips (at all ages) or those overnight trips middle and high school students do. However, they’re sometimes made for personal (or work) group vacations as well, often by whoever’s in charge of organizing the event. It will generally contain a schedule and various other bits of useful/relevant information about the trip, basically a glorified pamphlet or printout. It’s also common to give them a title, as seen here, to kind of represent the trip.
All that said, you gotta be pretty fired up about the trip to actually go out of your way to make these things yourself, so there’s definitely an element of “aww, she’s so excited” intended here.
The 思ひ出 (omoide, memories) in the title is usually written 思い出; in modern Japanese ひ is the hiragana for hi, and い is for i, but in classical Japanese it wasn’t quite so clear-cut. In “normal” usage nowadays it would pretty much always be い, but you can use the ひ for stuff like this to make it more emotional/old-fashioned. For example, it’s used in the Japanese title for the Studio Ghibli film Only Yesterday (おもひでぽろぽろ).
The phrase she uses in the Japanese is “charisma demon” (well, akuma 悪魔). “Charisma” as a loan word when paired with a noun like that basically means charismatic + star power; someone who’s so good at being whatever [noun] is they’ve gotten some level of acclaim for it. An example would be a “charisma beautician,” someone who’s highly skilled and has some fame for working on celebrities or something.
It’s not very commonly used with professions that would generally require charisma and lead to stardom by default, like an actor or something.
When using it to refer to yourself, it’s like proclaiming yourself a star; not exactly the best of manners even when true.
It’s not shown in the typeset subs, but she actually misspells the word (i.e. writes the wrong kanji, 行 instead of 業; both can be pronounced gyou) and has to cross it out and rewrite.
The original line here is “do bananas count as snacks?” (バナナはおやつに含まれますか?). This is in reference to a rule on school field trips that you can only bring (usually) 300 yen worth of snacks. Schools typically enforce this rule to keep kids from bringing a bunch of junk food or whatever and spoiling their lunch by eating it on the bus/train, and also to maintain a sense of equality among students with different home environments.
The banana question is an oyakusoku question somebody always asks when the teacher is explaining the trip. Nowadays, it’s generally a thing asked as a joke about trying to find a way around the snack cap. However, back in the 50s/60s it was a serious question.
Prior to that, bananas were fairly hard to come by in Japan and largely considered a bit of a luxury food, but by the 60s they were becoming somewhat more accessible to the average person (but still maintained their status as a fancy treat). Since school trips are kind of a rare and special event, it wasn’t uncommon for parents to want to send something special (i.e. a banana) for the kid to eat on it. So you’d always have at least one kid who would ask whether that banana would be included as part of their snack limit, or part of their lunch (which generally you’d bring from home).
That might make more sense if you consider that Japanese lunch boxes tend to be pretty thin and tightly packed to begin with. Even if the parent intended the banana to be part of the lunch as sort of a dessert (as fruits tend to be thought of), it wouldn’t fit in the lunch box and would have to be carried separately—like the snacks.
Vignette, of course, anticipated the question coming up and included it in the guide booklet.
She doesn’t actually use baby-talk here, but she does use the –ageru grammar point. Ageru means (several things but in this case) to give something. By attaching it to the end of another verb it becomes you doing that verb for somebody, with a nuance of doing it as a favor for them—which, depending on context, can be pretty condescending.
Satania uses that sort of language a lot when in Future-Ruler-of-Hell mode.
Specifically she says playing in the sand, not a general “out of the water.” Doesn’t really matter, but it foreshadows how serious she is about building that sandcastle later.
Here she says “umi no ie” (海の家), which literally is like “ocean house,” but actually refers to small scale restaurants on the beach that are generally only open seasonally. If you’ve seen a beach episode of an anime you’ve almost certainly seen one before.
As mentioned in an earlier episode note, the mai (舞) here is used for a verb that basically means descend with grace (舞い降りる), a la an angel descending from heaven or big fluffy snowflakes falling (it also means dance or float/hover). Ten (天) represents heaven.
西区 (Nishi-ku) is basically “western district,” which is appropriate enough, considering.
“Arara” is something people say when something bad/disappointing happens (usually when they are watching it happen to other people). “Machi” is just “town,” a common part of many place names.
Another example of oyakusoku. As soon as somebody is shown to have worn their swimsuit under their clothes, you know there will be some forgotten underwear joke coming up.
This looks like the torii at Miyajima, though there’s no bridge like that there.
Edit: It turns out this is Bentenjima, another fairly touristy place with a torii that is partially underwater during high tide.

As you can, the "-tenjima" part of the name is the same, the just swapped out the Ben for Mai. Benten, by the way, is an important goddess in Japan, and one of the seven lucky gods.
Guess what she says here?
The little shrine on the left there is a common sight on the roadsides of Japan. The statues are generally of Jizou (or Ojizou-san/-sama as they are often called), the Japanese incarnation of a major bodhisattva. He’s a pretty cool guy who basically considers all life his responsibility and is mega kind and watches over everybody, and in Japan, especially children. There’s probably some connection between his shrines/statues being on all the roads and the fact that most kids in Japan walk to school unattended.
The red hat and bib are offerings put on them in prayer that one’s own children will grow up healthy and safe.
There’s also a famous folk tale regarding the hat. A kind old man travelled to town to try to sell five straw hats he and his wife had made, so he could buy some rice cakes for them to eat on New Year’s. Unfortunately nobody was buying though, so he left to return home. As he made his way back, he saw six Jizou statues being covered by the falling snow. Feeling bad for them, he wiped off the snow and gave the straw hats to five of the six, and his own cloth cap to the sixth. Later that night, the Jizou came to life and visited the old couple’s home, bringing with them a huge supply of rice as a gift.
There are several different versions, and this is a pretty summarized take on it, but that’s the gist.
You may be familiar with the “tadaima/okaeri“ tradition of greetings for when someone returns home. This is basically a similar deal except for when it’s a guest arriving, instead of someone who lives there: you say irasshai, they say ojama shimasu (though there are of course variant options for each). In practice they’re just ritualized greetings, like “come on in” and “thanks for having me,” but in literal terms ojama shimasu basically means “I’m going to get in the way/cause you trouble.”
So Gabs is basically saying “I’m being a pain” repeatedly.
I saw a lot of people a little confused about this exchange, so just for clarity’s sake.
It basically boils down to:
Gaben: “Come on, surely you saw this coming.”
Vine: “Yeah, I guess I did.”
Garb: “Right? Now settle down and let me see your homework like a good girl.”
Viggo: “Wait, why are you acting like I’m the one being a child here!?”
The actual line here is “sasuga Vigne.” Sasuga is a super common word in conversational Japanese, that basically means “as expected [of someone/something].” Often it’s used as a compliment along the lines of “that’s our boy/girl!”, kind of a combination “wow you did it!” and “but we knew you would because you’re great!”
It doesn’t have to be complimentary though, it can be used in a sort of “there they go again…” way as well, or anything in between. Here, it’s basically like “I knew you wouldn’t let me down.”
Ironically, of all the places to squeeze an idiom or joke into the translation, this is one where it would have actually matched the Japanese.
The word she (doesn’t) use here is “naruhodo“, which is basically just “oh, I see/understand/get it.” It’s also Phoenix Wright’s Japanese name, eyy Naruhodo-kun.
What Gub says here instead is “naru~,” like she’s too lazy to finish saying the word.
This is a common(ish) way to compliment a girl’s looks, especially from one woman to another. Particularly someone who leans toward “cute” and who keeps their appearance neat (as in like, hair not wild, etc.).
Not everyone particularly enjoys it though, you can find people online asking “why do people say I look like a doll, are they calling me emotionless?” In theory though it’s purely a compliment.
The saying she uses here is “困った時はお互い様 (komatta toki wa otagai-sama).” It’s used when you’re helping out somebody in trouble and they thank you/apologize for being a burden, and basically means like “oh, you’d do the same for me” or “don’t worry about it, people gotta help each other out” (but not so informal-sounding).
A friend in need is a friend indeed, by my understanding of the phrase, is a little different. The “friend in need” part of it means a friend who is still your friend in your time of need, with the idea being “if somebody sticks with you through the hard times they must be a real friend.” So for Gabu to be using it when she’s helping out Vigneto kind of implies “yeah I’m your real friend,” which is not quite the original intent.
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Thoughts on Power Rangers Ninja Steel Episode 3
Which the name is the same as a sonic song.
Hahaha the rollerskater monster. That’s their second monster. He was ridiculous in the original one which made him a good fit in Power Rangers. - His new name is Spinferno
They (Mick, Robo, and Brody) are molding new ninja stars the way his dad did. Have to say it is a clever thing which stops the idea on “Power Rangers gets stuff easy” - The stars made today were the element stars/elemental shurikens
So Brody is dressed as a ninja.. You would figure he should be going to school. He will sooo look weird and stand out if that is what he is wearing.
Funny enough, they all have ninja dojis. Well... they did something that Samurai SHOULD have done. Their dojis are not truly something cool. I mean, MMPR they did it and they were decent. Here... too overboard. They better be bulletproof! XD
One of the elements is labeled forest, not wood. Originally it was labeled wood but since they did it with Samurai well... why would they not rename again?
They are training with the new star. Cool that they kept the element stars going array. The original they did it and it was funny. It was a test from their grandfather on seeing how worthy they are. Metal is the hub caps... nope, it is not. Awwww... it might be an easter egg. Instead of the funny part, they rushed to school.
Brody is skipping school to face the monster. Troy would so lecture him. Too bad it is a hypocrite move given he skipped to find RoboKnight. The communicator/Data Com is still linked to the ship. A good heads up.
Hahaha, Earth twerp. Good one.
The Data Com can give Brody advice
- kinda sucking though on the advice
- well ok.. kinda
Brody as the Red Ninja is getting viral. He got caught on a video site and everyone is watching. The others found out.
Oh lord... Victor... wants to be popular and stay popular. Since the Red Ranger is on top... he is getting jealous.
A teacher, she is ok. Not as good as the principal. She is a step up from the MMPR teacher. XD Wow a quick intoduction of Brody then onto school work.
So, Brody uses the Data com for class - Math and then other subjects
33 EARTH minutes?! Doesn’t anyone find it weird he said it like that? Or are they seeing him as a nerd?
Brody is using it for everything - Well.. kiiinda helps but could have made it an aid. Also, let’s reflect and actually think of the idea that he could have learned up to the high school level by the Data Com. It sounds like a good idea and it works but ok. He is still clueless.
Victor is calling Brody out on using his Data Com on an activity. Apparently, they were playing a game with two teams and well... Since Victor is a jerk and always have to win (Charlie Sheen’s replacement? XD) he told on Brody. (Like a little b...) Brody has to take it off... sadly Victor has a plan.
I figured he would actually steal it. But since he is a snitch of course (the writers)[it dropped out of his backpack] Victor's minion (Monty) is a but kisser by the way. Haha Victor uses it to find out how to become more popular than .... the Power Rangers. Much more crappier than Bulk & Skull but sure. Good for you Victor.
Yea... the data com is a hindrance. Note how Brody used it in battle and in class. Given his dad taught him, he still uses it. Kinda a bad time to wedge in a lesson but ok. Sure you do that [writers].
So, Victor shows up to the monster due to the Data Com giving him the answer to become popular. - This reminds me of the bulk and skull dream where they are superheroes and somehow got to pilot the megazord. What a weird moment in Power Rangers history.
He comes and challenges in a getup and his a weapon. Victor's weapon suuuucks
- a bazooka made of an extinguisher
The monster notices the idiots have the data com which good for the monster. He can think! He got it and sent the two idiots flying.
The Rangers fight the monster excluding Brody because well.. he needs the Data Com. I forgot why in reality they couldn’t have him there. Might be a Gabu R thing. Brody looks for it everywhere for it. Mick.. in a freaaky mid-transformation helps Brody to make sure that it is not truly needed.
BUT... still need a communicator... Mick does not have one anymore. The crazy part is still would be good to know when the monsters come to Earth and attack. No one will send a memo to say “hey 8am to 2pm, no monster attacks!”
Brody comes to help.
Haha and here, The way the rangers deliver the line is stupid.
The morpher seem capable but no spinning it first role call - spirit of the ninja, no ...
think the original one, the episode was cementing the red-blue rivalry
a trap,
megazord, finally?
lol rock him.
umm why make them call out the zords
new stars for the megazord... again?
what the chainsaw!
lol amazing megazord - that villain banter since the show
looks like the team has communicators - ninja coms
the data com is not connected to the ship
Victor.... lol got mocked by someone - he is ok with it though o.o
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my sister and i take care of my cousin's one year old daughter and like she causes so much mayham and scares the cats so we call her slayer
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Like a fantasy .-.. .. --. .... - ... Part three to mysteric and metronome.
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#kpop#onf#shinee#exo-cbx#(g)-idle#neonpunch#lucy#kisum#elris#lovelyz#tvxq#exo#kpop playlist#playlist#gabu does stuff
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