#gabe garcie
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Im quite happy how this turned out to be honest
#twdg#twdg clem#twdg clementine#twdg gabe#gabe garcie#gabe x clem#clem x gabe#gabe and clem#clem and gabe#gabe and clementine#clementine and gabe#gabe x clementine#clementine x gabe#gabentine
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more than just a game for two
Identical twins Amy and Iris were separated at birth and adopted into different families. When the girls are sent to the same summer camp, they discover the truth and hatch a plan to bring Amy’s single mother and Iris’ widowed father together. The girls switch places but their plan quickly goes awry when someone new enters Amy’s mother’s life.
AKA the Garcy Parent Trap AU nobody asked for.
AO3 link
The sun was merciless as it beat down on the young girl and her mother. It was a sticky heat, coating their skin with a thin layer of sweat. But the woman didn’t care as she pulled the girl closer, arms wrapped tight around her daugher’s body.
“Oh my god, Mum,” Amy groaned as she let her arms go limp. “Too. Hot. Can’t. Breathe.”
Lucy reluctantly let go. “You’d think I’d get used to this after so many years. But I’m not. I’m going to miss you.”
“l’ll miss you, too,” the girl smiled, her green eyes shiny with the tears she was trying to swallow down. “But I’ll be home soon.”
Amy gave her mother another quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before rushing away, large duffel bag in tow. Lucy watched as her daughter walked right up to a large girl in a tie-dye shirt and introduced herself. Lucy heard her ask her new friend about their poker skills and laughed, knowing she would likely be getting a call from the camp director in no time.
After Amy had disappeared from view, Lucy got back into her car and took a few deep calming breaths. It would only be seven weeks before she saw her daughter again, and in the meantime she knew her little girl was going to be learning the necessary skills to be a strong, independent woman. But the pang in her heart didn’t let up.
Her phone rang, “Jiya” flashing bright on the screen. Lucy smiled, knowing that they would have their traditional “when the kid’s away, Lucy can play!” night out tonight. There was no amount of begging that would convince Jiya to let her stay in for the night.
Hitting the little green icon, Jiya’s voice filled the car as Lucy pulled away from her spot, a rental car taking her place.
The little girl that got out of the car was a carbon copy of the child that had stood in that exact spot mere minutes earlier. The same shining green eyes and dirty blonde hair, button nose wrinkling at the dank smell of earth and unwashed animals.
“This is where Mum spent her summers?” the girl asked as she scanned the area. The brown wooden structures with fading green roofs, young girls of all ages running around in matching white tee-shirts, the camp logo sewn on their breasts, and matching green shorts.
“Yes, it is. She used to tell me stories about her time here. I think it’ll be good for you,” a tall man replied. His shadow was long and Iris moved to stand beneath it, using it as a shield against the unforgiving sun.
“You mean Uncle Gabe thinks it’ll be good for me?” A sly grin spread across her face.
“Don’t get smart with me, young lady.”
The grin grew and Garcia felt his lips smile in return.
“Okay, let’s check the list. Sunblock?”
“Insect repellent?”
“Family photos?”
“Check, check and check!”
He paused and raised an eyebrow. “Three checks?”
Iris laughed. “I have three photos!”
Garcia leaned down and pulled her into a long, hard hug. The girl returned the embrace, stuffing her face into the space between her father’s neck and shoulder, small hands gripping his shirt tight. Although Garcia often travelled for work, this was the first time they would be separated for longer than a few days.
Giving his daughter a kiss on the top of her head, he let her go. Iris looked down at the floor, right foot digging into the dirt. Garcia curled a finger underneath her chin and lifted it until they were face to face.
“Volim te, moja najdraža.”
“I ja volim tebe isto, Tata.”
“Have fun, okay? If you need anything, call me.”
He pulled her into another hug before stepping away. Giving her a reassuring smile, he got into the rental and watched in the rear view mirror as Iris hesitated before grabbing her bag and walking away.
The first few days were full of near misses. The girls would go into the showers seconds after the other; one would leave the cafeteria just before the other entered. It wasn't until halfway through the first week that both of their cabins were scheduled for fencing together.
The girls were outfitted in nylon jackets and wire-mesh masks as they all stood together in a muddled bunch.
Amy swung her foil as if it were an extension of her body. She’d never fenced before but she’d dragged her mother to enough self-defence classes that she was confident with the sword. She was on a winning streak, having beaten her previous two bouts when Iris volunteered to be her next opponent.
The two girls met in the middle of the mat and bowed to each other. Amy immediately went on the offensive, thrusting her sword towards Iris who faltered and parried in the nick of time. The attack was frenzied and Amy grinned behind her mask, thinking that she had the upper hand. She feinted left before going right, but Iris seemed to know what she was doing. Their swords met as Iris deflected the hit. Amy tried to knock the foil from Iris’ hand but Iris spun and evaded Amy’s blade.
The other girls clapped and cheered, delighted at the display, while Iris thrust towards Amy who parried, sweeping both their swords in a circle and bringing the two girls chest to chest. They separated and paused for a moment, catching their breaths, before Amy ran at the other girl who knowingly waited for the right moment to take a lithe step to her right.
Amy couldn’t stop her momentum and found herself running right past Iris. She turned quickly, just in time to see Iris lunge. Taking a step back, Amy fell right into a perfectly placed water trough. The water immediately soaked her clothes and Amy could feel it seeping right into her underwear.
The cheering turned to laughter and Amy could feel blood rushing to her cheeks, darkening them to an embarrassed shade of red.
“Oh god, I am so sorry,” Iris walked over, holding out a hand to help pull Amy from the trough.
Smirking beneath her mask, Amy grabbed Iris’ hand and pulled with all her might. The other girl landed beside her and Amy felt a slick sense of satisfaction as she watched Iris’ white uniform dampen.
They scrambled to get out of the deep trough, facing away from each other as they pulled off their masks. Iris tried to wring the dirty water out from her long hair as Amy smirked, cheeks still red. The camp counsellor in charge tried to calm the situation, declaring Iris the winner and urging the girls to amicably shake hands. They turned to each other, angry and embarrassed, only to catch sight of their mirror image.
They froze, hands outstretched but not touching.
Amy took a step forward, slipped her hand into Iris’ and shook it once. The other girls crowded around as a tense silence permeated the air.
In that moment, Amy and Iris took an instant dislike to each other. They spent the next few days trying to one up each other; prove that they were the alpha lookalike. Insults were thrown and a prank war ignited.
Iris lost a bet and was made to jump into the lake in the middle of the night, while Amy ran off with her clothes. All the bunks in Amy’s cabin suddenly disappeared from the cabin only to find new homes on the roof.
Shoes were filled with honey, shaving cream sprayed onto pillowcases, the floor oiled, and twine was tied around a bedpost before being wound around Iris’ room in the middle of the night.
A prank goes wrong and a bucket of Hershey’s syrup is dumped on the camp director’s head.
In an effort to bring peace, the two girls were thrown together in an isolation bunk.
“We’ve got six weeks left at camp and you two are going to spend every glorious one of them together,” the director growled. “You’ll eat together, bunk together and do all of your activities together. Either you’ll find a way to get along or you’ll punish yourself better than I ever could.”
But still, their hatred for each other did not waver. The two girls spent their time together in silence, only looking at each other when the situation was dire. They ate their meals, participated in their activities, prepared for bed without a single word being passed between them.
It took a few days and a storm before their icy relationship began to thaw.
A raucous wind was playing a rock concert outside their cabin as Amy and Iris prepared for bed, when a sudden gust blew their door wide open. Amy had been decorating her bunk with photos from home when the images flew into the air. She screamed, rushing to pick them back up before they could be ruined, and Iris ran to slam the door, latching it shut.
Iris sat cross legged on her bed, warily eyeing Amy as she tried to salvage her photos.
“Are any of your pictures ruined?” Iris asked.
Amy looked up and showed her a torn magazine cropping. “Only the beautiful Amandla Stenberg.”
“Oh, your friend from home?”
“Yeah, right. I wish,” Amy gave Iris a look. “You’ve never heard of her?”
“No, never.”
Amy cocked her head to the side. “Where are you even from?”
“Croatia, which is 6,815 kilometers away. That's about 4,235 miles. But sometimes it feels so much further. How far away is your home?”
“California is on the other end of the country,” she handed Iris one of her photos. “This is my house. It’s a little small but it has this this incredible porch with rocking chairs.”
“It’s pretty,” Iris ran her finger down the side of the image. “Who’s that?”
“Oh, that’s my Mum. She didn’t know I was taking the picture otherwise she would have turned around. She’s kinda like my best friend. We do everything together.”
Goosebumps rose along Iris’ arms and she tried to rub them away.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” she replied through gritted teeth. “It’s a little chilly in here, that’s all.”
Amy took a long look at Iris before reaching into her duffel bag and pulling out a packet of Oreos.
“Do you want one?” she asked.
“Sure, thank you. I love Oreos. Back home, I eat them with peanut butter.”
Amy gasped. “So do I!”
“You’re kidding? Most people think it’s disgusting!”
“I know, I don’t get it.”
“Me either.”
The girls laughed together. Amy reached back into her duffel and pulled out a small jar of peanut butter, causing the girls to fall deeper into hysterics. When they calmed down, Amy opened the jar and they took turns dipping an Oreo into the peanut butter.
“What’s your Mum like?”
Iris stuffed a peanut butter coated cookie into her mouth to buy herself some time.
“I don’t have a mother. I mean, I had one, once. But she died when I was 5. Dad talks to me about her all the time, but it’s not the same.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Amy uttered, offering the other girl a small smile.
“It’s okay.”
“I don’t really have a dad. My parents split up when I was a baby. He calls me every now and then, but he’s one of those types that say ‘I’ll talk to you later, honey’ but then never does.” Amy shrugged.
They continue eating in silence for a few more minutes before Iris couldn’t stand the quiet.
“How old are you?”
Amy didn’t bother to swallow before replying that she’d be twelve on October 11th.
Iris choked on her own mouthful. “So will I.”
“Your birthday is October 11th, 2009? How weird is that?”
“Very,” Iris studied Amy as the girl stuffed another peanut butter Oreo in her mouth.
“I’m really thirsty; do you feel like walking with me to the canteen to get a drink?”
“Will you stop thinking about your stomach at a time like this?”
“At a time like what?” Amy furrowed her eyebrows.
Iris sighed, loudly. “Don’t you realise what’s happening? Don’t you find it a little strange that we both look so much alike and have the same birthday? Amy, are you adopted?”
Amy dropped the last Oreo on the floor. “What?”
“Are you adopted?”
“You can’t just ask a girl if they’re adopted, Iris!”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
Amy looked into green eyes the exact same shade as her own. “Yes.”
“So am I.”
The girls stared at each other. They were the same height, had the same tone of voice, the same competitive spirit, same hair and eyes…
“Oh. Hold on, so if we’re both born on October 11th and we’re both adopted, do you think we’re like, sisters?”
“Sisters? Amy, I think we’re twins!”
Amy laughed hard, but before long tears came to her eyes. Iris’ own filled in response and soon enough the two girls were embracing, fitting perfectly into each other’s arms. Two halves of a whole.
“I’m a twin? There’s two of me! I mean, two of us? Wow. I think I need to sit down,” Amy plopped onto the end of Iris’ bed and Iris followed suit. “Can I see your toes?”
“Eww,” Iris laughed before slipping her sneakers off.
Kicking her own shoes off, they compared their feet.
“Identical! Hands?”
They hold out their hands which are identical right to the beauty mark on their right thumbs.
“What’s your favourite colour?”
“Mint green.”
“Well there had to be some difference,” Amy laughed. “Mine is blue. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?”
“Pizza, 100%.”
“Topped with?”
“Olives, green peppers and anchovies,” they said at the same time.
“Oh my god, we really are twins.”
The rain stopped and the bell rang for lunch, but the girls didn’t move. All throughout lunch and their day’s activities, they shared everything about their lives.
“Tell me about your mum,” Iris asked as Amy shovelled dinner into her mouth. “What’s she like?”
“She’s amazing. She’s a history professor at Stanford University.”
“That’s so cool, I love history.”
“Really? I don’t,” Amy laughed. “She’s up for tenure soon. I don’t know what that means but she’s really stressed about it.”
“She sounds awesome.”
“She is.”
It was in the middle of the night when Iris had her eureka moment. Amy had been in the middle of a very pleasant dream when Iris turned on the light and woke her up.
“Amy, did your mum ever remarry? After what happened with your dad?”
“No, she hasn’t even really dated. She says that one heartbreak was enough and that I give her the only love she needs.”
“Dad hasn’t dated either. Do you know what this means?”
“Not really? You’re obviously the older one, you get everything before me. What does it mean?”
“It means that if we play our cards right, we could be real sisters!”
“Aren’t we already real sisters?”
“Well yes, but no. I am such a genius,” Iris exclaimed as she paced the tiny cabin.
“What are you raving about?”
“You’ve never had a real dad right?”
Amy bit her lip, “no.”
“And I’ve never really had a mother. So what I’m thinking is…Oh man, this is so brilliant, it’s scary.”
“Out with it already.”
“I think we should switch places. When camp’s over, I leave as you and go back to California and you go to Dubrovnik!”
“That is definitely not going to work.”
“What do you mean? Of course it’ll work! We’re twins, aren’t we?”
“Yeah, twins from different countries, with different accents, different hair-styles, different vocabularies... different everything. Iris, we're totally and completely, one hundred percent different.”
“I fail to see the problem. I’ll teach you to be me and you teach me to be you!”
“You’re going to teach me to speak Croatian in four weeks?”
“Yes! Or at least as much as you’ll need to know to get by. I speak English with my dad and you can get to most places in Dubrovnik speaking English. The thing is, if we switch then sooner or later they’ll have to un-switch us.”
Amy began to catch on to what Iris was saying. “And when they do, they’ll have to meet.”
“Exactly. They can get to know each other, fall madly in love and just like that we can be real sisters!”
“I told you I’m brilliant.”
The plan began to form. The girls started by immediately switching roles at camp – they began to wear each other’s clothes, hand out with each other’s friends, etc. They gave each other crash courses on their families, their homes, their habits.
Iris had to learn to bite her nails while Amy had to learn Croatian. Iris’ hair got the snip and she had to suffer through Amy punching holes in her ears.
“This is so unfair,” she moaned as Amy approached with a sewing needle.
“This was your great idea,” Amy muttered, no hesitation as she stuck the needle through Iris’ ear.
Before they knew it, camp was over and all their hard work was about to be put to the test. They spent their last few minutes together testing each other, making sure they didn’t forget anything.
“Iris Flynn, your car is here! Iris Flynn!” a counsellor called.
“Okay, here goes nothing,” Amy said as she gave Iris a quick hug and stepped towards the waiting car.
#flynn x lucy#garcy#lucy preston#garcia flynn#timeless#i miss you#my fic#*#second chapter is ready and will be posted on monday :)
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Déepalma Ibiza 2018 -5th Anniversary Edition mixed by Yves Murasca, Rosario Galati & Keyano

DE Déepalma Records veröffentlichte am 11. Mai 2018 anlässlich seines fünfjährigen Bestehens eine Jubiläumsausgabe der beliebten Ibiza Compilation-Reihe, erhältlich als 3xCD und Download-Edition. Pool und Party. Beach, Dancefloor und ein Haufen Sonne. Das ist das Koordinatensystem, mit dem das deutsch-ibizenkische Deep House Label Déepalma in den Sommer startet. Für Déepalma Records ist es ein besonderer Sommer: Das Label feiert seinen fünften Geburtstag! Anlässlich des Jubiläums lässt Labelchef Yves Murasca am 11. Mai 2018 und pünktlich zum Opening der Ibiza- Saison eine feine 5th Anniversary Edition der beliebten Ibiza Compilation erklingen. Die neue Platte, bestehend aus drei angenehm unterschiedlich komponierten CDs (auch als Download-Edition), ist so facettenreich geraten wie die vergangenen fünf Jahre waren: Déepalma Records gelangen mehrere Nummer-1-Platzierungen in den deutschen iTunes Electronic-Charts und eine Platzierung in den offiziellen deutschen Verkaufscharts. Und auch sonst zeigt der Daumen nach oben: Die Millionen Klicks auf Spotify, YouTube und SoundCloud unterstreichen den Eindruck, dass das Label Musik macht, die Menschen mögen. Mit mittlerweile knapp 80 EP-Veröffentlichungen, zahlreichen Samplern und Mix-Alben hat sich Yves Murascas Musikcompany in kurzer Zeit den Respekt der Szene erarbeitet. In dieser Hinsicht stellt die 5th Anniversary Edition der Ibiza Compilation-Reihe einen neuen Meilenstein dar. Yves Murasca und seine DJ Kollegen Rosario Galati und Keyano verweben darauf 42 Titel zu einem filigranen Soundteppich. Ganz gleich ob musikalischer Sonnenanbeter oder Elektro- Lover – in den drei unterschiedlich gestalteten Mixen finden alle ihre Klanglounge. Die Liste der Künstler, die an der Kreation dieser einzigartigen Atmo mitwirkten, liest sich wie ein Who is Who der jährlich auf der Insel gefeierten Star-DJs und Produzenten. Im Sunset Moods Mix begegnen einem Persönlichkeiten wie Tube & Berger, Lexer, Kölsch und der brandneue Déepalma-eigene Dayne S ‚Finally’-Remix. Das klingt dann mal perkussiv, mal elektronisch, mitunter auch verträumt relaxt und deep housig. Genau richtig eben zum Relaxen und Grooven in den Sonnenuntergang. Der Pool Party Mix liefert mit energischem House und Tech House edle Partymucke aus den Studios von u.a. CamelPhat, Kings of Tomorrow, Purple Disco Machine und Josh Butler. Der Beach Mix bildet Part 3 und lädt mit lässigen Deep-Disco Sounds wie etwa von Mousse T. & Lovebirds, Miguel Campbell, Chasing Kurt und Groove Armada, hier im Remix von Mark Knight & Funkagenda, zum Strand-Chillen ein. Auch die drei Déepalma-DJs präsentieren sich in bester Sommerform: Yves Murasca und Rosario Galati steuern – einmal mit den Jungs von Chasing Kurt, einmal ohne die Künstler, zwei Songs bei, die direkt ins Tanzbein gehen. Und weil auch DJ Keyano mit ‚You’ und dem nagelneuen Holter & Mogyoro-Track ‚Summer Vibes’ mit zwei sonnendurchfluteten Projekten aufwartet, ist eines sicher: Der Ibiza-Sommer 2018 hat den Groove. https://dplm.lnk.to/Ibiza2018 CD1 - SUNSET MOODS 01. Tube & Berger vs. K. Sanders - Bring Back The Love (Original Mix) 02. Jan Blomqvist - Empty Floor (Extended Mix) 03. Dayne S feat. Max Joni - Patience (Original Mix) 04. Sweed feat. Jalana - Finally (Dayne S Deep Mix) 05. Echodust - Chloe (Original Mix) 06. Frame Of Mind - Waiting (Dub Mix) 07. Larse - Karoo (Original Mix) 08. Nebs Jack - Elegija (Original Mix) 09. Miyagi - Woodpeckers Love Affair (Sascha Braemer & Dan Caster Remix) 10. Ucha - Sonsondergang (Dark Matter Remix) 11. Low.Tales - Someone Like You (Mario Aureo Acoustic Remix) 12. Lexer - Long Days (Club Version) 13. Dark Matter - Simple Things (Touch & Go Laidback Mix) 14. Kölsch - Left Eye Left (Original Mix) CD2 - POOL PARTY GROOVES 01. Ben Gomori - Illusion (Original Mix) 02. Purple Disco Machine feat. Alex Mills - Where We Belong (Original Mix) 03. Yves Murasca & Rosario Galati feat. Chasing Kurt - The Light (Superlover Remix) 04. COEO - Feel Me (Original Mix) 05. CamelPhat - The Quad (Original Mix) 06. Holter & Mogyoro - Summer Vibes (Original Mix) 07. Valentin Ilie & Kataa - Belief (Misha Klein & No Hopes Remix) 08. Kings Of Tomorrow - Kaoz (Dario D’Attis Remix) 09. David Caballero feat. Nia Martin - Back From The Stars (CASSIMM Remix) 10. Rosario Galati & Yves Murasca - Kalura (Original Mix) 11. The Deepshakerz feat. Shamil - Breathe Lazy (Original Mix) 12. Gorge - Way Back (Original Mix) 13. Keyano - You (Original Mix) 14. Josh Butler - Rabbit Hole (Original Mix) CD3 - BEACH FEELINGS 01. Giom - The Move (Original Mix) 02. John Monkman feat. Liz Cass - Follow Me (Original Mix) 03. Full Intention feat. Chelsea Como - Just Go Back (Full Intention Original Mix) 04. Chasing Kurt - Burning Man (Original Mix) 05. Bondi - Trippin (Gabe Remix) 06. Munk feat. Lizzie Paige - Deceiver (Purple Disco Machine Remix) 07. Stu Patrics - Someday (Miguel Campbell Remix) 08. Meines feat. Lenny - Take Me Away (Original Mix) 09. Mousse T. & Lovebirds - Close To You (Original Mix) 10. Groove Armada - Love Sweet Sound (Mark Knight & Funkagenda’s A.H.B. Mix) 11. Suonare - You’re Gone (Original Mix) 12. Juloboy - Don't Look Back (Ben Delay Extended Remix) 13. Mike D’Jais - Beautiful Dream (Original Mix) 14. Alex Kentucky & Ivan Garci - Ibiza Moments (Original Mix) Links: https://www.facebook.com/deepalmarecords http://deepalma.com/ Read the full article
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