Hell Clake
74 posts
Side blog of @citizensofcradle. Let the chaos reign supreme, all hail Clavis’ Hell Cake
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
theosclake · 3 years ago
i hope everyone with acne, eczema, vitiligo, psoriasis, dermatitis, and skin conditions have a good day today
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theosclake · 3 years ago
jean and reader doing some sexual sparring while classical music plays in the background cuz they're doing it backstage at one of mozart's concerts cuz his music made them so horny that their moans could be heard over the sound of the horns section playing at fortissimo
I'm pretty sure this is now the craziest request I've ever gotten. Or at the very least, the most detailed.
The One Where Jean Got Horny During Mozart's Concert
(Jean and MC are sitting in the audience at one of Mozart's concerts)
Jean: This's...doing something to me.
Jean: If I may be so bold...
MC: Please, go ahead, Jean.
Jean: I want to take you backstage.
(Jean and MC are now backstage. Jean has MC pushed against a wall. They are not far from the trumpet section.)
Jean: MC, wrap your leg around me. No, not like that. Like this.
MC: *moaning* Jean, I want you. *touches Jean*
Jean: *groans louder and louder* MC....
MC: *breathless* Jean, keep your voice down. We don't want anyone to hear us.
Jean: I assure you *groans* that no one *groans* will find us back here.
Jean then proceeds to let out the loudest groan, a glorious groan, one he normally reserved only for when he climbed into the baths at le Thermae. One might say, it rivaled the sounds coming from the trumpet section.
Mozart: (backstage after concert) If I find that mischief maker who was back here moaning, disrupting my concert... I bet it was Arthur. That is something he would do.
Mozart: (sees Jean's sword tossed to the side) Jean was back here? What is his sword doing discarded like that?
Mozart: (spots a crumpled lily blossom on the floor) And MC was wearing this in her hair. Why is it crumpled on the floor?
Mozart: (throws up his hands) I am not inviting residents to my performances ever again.
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theosclake · 3 years ago
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tumblrs cardinal sin is being tumblr
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theosclake · 3 years ago
May I please have a NSFW of Theo from IkeVamp with the prompt “clinging onto each other”🥺🥺🥺
Thank you for the request anon! Hope you enjoy this!
Theodorus Fedorus - Theodorus van Gogh x Reader (Ikemen Vampire)
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Pairing: Theo van Gogh x Reader
Prompt: clinging to each other
Warnings: NSFW; Minors - DNI
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“I need you.” His blue eyes, now wild with lust, pleaded with you; his breathless voice laced with urgency. 
Your body, still pressed against his, filled with the warmth that radiated from his. But there was just one thing that was wrong with this picture. Standing on tiptoe, you gave your lover a quick kiss, and while he was distracted, you reached up and snatched the fedora that was perched on his head. Laughing with glee, you pulled away and ran down the street. 
“Hondje!” You heard Theo’s growl growing faint as you dashed down the cobblestone streets. Ducking down a dark alleyway, you hid against the wall, his hat still clutched between your fingers.  
Your body tensed as footsteps approached; alight with anticipation, you awaited your lover. 
An angry face soon appeared before yours; his hands grabbed the hat that was once in your grip. “That was a dirty trick, hondje.” He put his hat back on, anger flashing through his azure eyes. “I should punish you.” 
“Not with that hat on,” you teased, dragging your hand down his chest. 
He huffed a breath and smirked. He lifted his hand, as if he was going to remove the hat, and instead, spun you around, pinning you against the brick wall. His mouth was hot against your ear, his breath fire against your skin; his hand slid up your thigh, under your skirt, caressing your soft, sensitive skin.  
“The hat stays on, hondje.” 
You moaned softly, no longer caring about his hat, when his fingers found your clit. Stroking you slowly, you pressed your back against him, seeking further contact. Reaching behind, your fingers found the bulge in his pants; Theo groaned in your ear as you traced the outline with your fingertips.  
Removing his hand, a sad whimper left your lips. You heard him chuckle against your skin; it was a wicked and dangerous laugh. Time for the real punishment. A cool breeze was felt on your skin as he hiked up your skirts; your bottom now exposed, a tantalizing thrill ran down your spine.  
 He ran his palms down your soft flesh, his fingers digging into your hips. Heat pooled in your core when you heard him unzipper his pants. A moan left your lips as he rubbed his cock against your slit; with a single thrust, he pushed his entire length inside you, a pleasurable pain filling your body.  
Braced against the wall, ready for your punishment, your face flushed and filled with frustration as you waited for your lover. Hands on your hips, he roughly pulled you to him as he began to thrust deep inside you, slowly stretching you with every stroke. Your back arched as his pace increased, pleasure coursing through every nerve in your body. 
His taut body pressed against yours, he dipped his head to your neck, marking you as his as he continued to thrust his cock into you harder and faster.  
“Such a good hondje,” he whispered, his teeth grazing against your sensitive skin, his tongue soothing his bites.  
“Theo, please...” you begged, the fire in your belly burning bright. Rapture rolled through your body as he ravished you. Pleasure built until it peaked, sending you over the edge with your lover. After spilling inside you, his body collapsed on yours, panting and breathless, clinging to you desperately.  
His arms wrapped around your waist, needing to keep you close to him, his head resting on your shoulders. Reaching back, your fingers tangled in his chestnut locks; you were pleased to discover that his fedora had, in fact, fallen off during your escapades. 
Tagging: @alixennial @redheadkittys @citizensofcradle @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @atelier-maroron @rhodolitesrose @ikehoe @kpop-and-otome @lucyw260 @queengiuliettafirstlady @kisara-16 @lordsisterxotome
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theosclake · 3 years ago
If you had to pick, what’s the ONE trait in a fictional character that makes you immediately go “oh this one’s mine”
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theosclake · 3 years ago
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theosclake · 3 years ago
@aria-chicken-flugget sorry this is my side blog but you mean to tell me that Theo threw up on your shoes and asked you out on TWO dates and you went?!😭😂
Your IkeVamp Hogwarts Experience Click and Drag🧹
Inspired by a conversation with friends in discord, I present to you a Harry Potter themed IkeVamp click and drag! I hope you enjoy, please feel free to share your results too~❤️
Doing them one by one may offer less repetitive results! The game is under the cut to be more friendly to users with sensitivity to rapid flashing!💝
Here are my results as an example!
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theosclake · 3 years ago
everyone's got That One movie soundtrack they absolutely go nuts over so reblog and put in the tags which movie has your favorite soundtrack <3
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theosclake · 3 years ago
Arthur: sometimes, i wanna french kiss someone.
Jean: but you are british
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theosclake · 3 years ago
AU where Belle/Emma is a princess and Chevalier runs a bookshop. Except he is still scary and mean af, so Clavis handles customer service, except Clavis is still Clavis, so Nokto handles the customers, except Nokto *handles* the customers, so Luke actually for realsies works the front counter while birds make babies in his hair. Rhodolites who don't like paying for Animal Planet can come watch Luke's hair for free. And they do. They stay real late too.
Clavis runs a shady video rental service in the basement and that's why Jin is always down there asleep on the couch with his eyes open. It creeps Clavis out so he puts giant googly eyes on him and then has Rio paint Jin like one of his French girls.
The paintings are popular among the upperclass and googly-eye enthusiasts and Keith, who regularly attends googly-eye auctions.
Seeing Keith ask Yves to ask Licht to ask Leon to ask Chevalier if maybe he could have two paintings commissioned for his dining room, Nokto hatches a plan to pitch the paintings to Silvio. He hitches a ride on the next bookmobile and after one year he finally arrives in Benetoite where Silvio allows him to shave his very long beard before they have brunch at McDonald's which inevitably ends with Silvio flipping the table, cussing everyone out and agreeing to purchase one painting but only if it's done in the style of Vincent Van Gogh.
And that is how Chevalier prevents war with Obsidian
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theosclake · 3 years ago
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roll up, roll up one and all to the uquiz, and let me describe you with one adjective!
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theosclake · 3 years ago
MC Flirting With the Ikevamp Cast:
MC: What’s your favorite letter, Isaac?
Isaac: Letter? I never thought about it. Maybe S? For science. What about you?
MC: I love U.
MC: Hey, Vincent. What’s the best view you’ve ever painted?
Vincent: Hmmm. There’s so many I can’t pick! Maybe the sunflower field? What about you MC? What’s the best view you’ve ever seen?
MC: I’m looking at it right now.
Theo: *minding his own business*
MC: *stares*
Theo: What the heck are you looking at?
MC: The love of my life.
MC: You know Leonardo, you’re just like a cat.
Leonardo: Like Lumiere? Is it because I like to sleep a lot?
MC: No, it’s because I cat live without you.
MC: Hey, Dazai.
Dazai: Yes, Toshiko-san?
MC: Do you like yoga? If you do then yogana love me.
MC: Hey Comte, there’s something on your face.
Saint-Germain: *touches face* What is it?
MC: Nevermind, it’s just handsomeness.
MC: You know, Arthur? I think you’d make an amazing driver.
Arthur: Really now? Why do you say that?
MC: Because you’re an expert at driving me crazy.
MC: Hey Shakespeare, you know what I like about you?
Shakespeare: No, What is it?
MC: You put the poet in poetry.
Sebastian and MC: *cooking*
MC: Hey Sebas, do you like butter?
Sebastian: I wouldn’t say I hate it, why?
MC: ‘Cause I can treat you butter than anyone can.
MC: Hey Napoleon, you know where you rank first place?
Napoleon: Where?
MC: In my heart.
Jean: Hey MC, can you take a look at this book?
MC: Sorry Jean, I can’t see anything.
Jean: Really? Is everything alright?
MC: I’m okay. It’s only because the only thing I can see is you.
MC: Hey Mozart, can’t you see?
Mozart: See what?
MC: That you belong with me.
MC: Hey Vlad, do you like steak?
Vlad: It’s okay. Why do you ask?
MC: ‘Cause you steak your way right into my heart.
MC: Hey Charles, aren’t you tired?
Charles: Tired of what?
MC: Tired of running through my mind all day.
MC: Hey Faust, you know what I really hate about you?
Faust: Hm, I can think of a few things but what is it?
MC: The fact that I don’t hate you.
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theosclake · 3 years ago
Honestly? I was still really big into rev when it was announced to be released. So I already knew about it, but I didn’t start playing it until this past October. My bestie @otomeblcass LOVES vamp and I’d started playing Prince with her again and she talked about vamp so much I was like ehhh what the hell why not? So I did and I fell in love🥲🥺❤️
I want to know how you people found ikevamp.
I just got back from London. I was deep into Shakespeare. And I went into the Google play store and typed William Shakespeare to see what would come up. Ikevamp did and I was like VAMPIRES???? SHAKESPEARE???? immediate download. Then I got upset that Shakespeare wasn't out yet so I started with Leonardo
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theosclake · 3 years ago
This but can we also make it one of those whodunnit murder mysteries?😩🥲
i'm so sick of this shit can someone please invite me to a masquerade ball in a mysterious castle in the middle of the woods already
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theosclake · 3 years ago
@rhodolitesroseforclavis I would bully this man so hard for this I swear😩🥲😂
Theodorus "My dick reaches past my belly button so I'll be as rude as I fucking want, first of all—" Van Gogh
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theosclake · 3 years ago
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theosclake · 3 years ago
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How to get an information out of Arthur?
Just stand there quietly, he'll tell you the quicker the less questions you ask.
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