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lotus-pear · 8 months ago
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i miss them......please come back........please come home :((
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luneariann · 1 year ago
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Disaster Dazai my beloved
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starcollectorsilas · 9 months ago
something I feel like people miss while reading stormbringer is this line from the second chapter when Dazai and Verlaine met:
'Nevertheless, Dazai continued to slaughter his enemies and serve the Port Mafia in order to force himself into an even darker place.'
So, "why does Dazai stay in the mafia for so long?"
Because he wants to be in a bad place. He wants to commit these atrocities to further dehumanise himself. He wants to alienate himself and is determined to convince both himself and everyone around him that he is a terrible thing, the 'black wraith of the Port Mafia' who had no empathy or sense of humanity.
That's why he stays in the Mafia, that's why he works so hard in the Mafia, that's why he does what he's told. He's an automated killing machine capable of planning out and causing mass destruction, and his fuel is self-hatred.
He doesn't take pride in his 'accomplishments' in the mafia because, again, he doesn't actually want to succeed in the mafia, he wants to prove he's a bad person. He's not in the mafia to try and find a reason to live anymore, his reason for that is Chuuya, he's realised he's not going to find it in the mafia, even if he's not going to admit it until the dark era.
He probably feels a sense of guilt and disgust, but refuses to acknowledge it because he thinks that as something inhuman, he isn't meant to feel things like that, and the more he does, the further he removes himself from any sense of remorse, until he doesn't feel it any more, and probably still hasn't processed even in the ADA.
He stays in the mafia, and does the things he's told with such accuracy and deadliness because he thinks it's the only thing he can do, and he can use it to prove he's no longer human.
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aunnokokyuu · 1 year ago
what if YOU were a poor little animation studio who kept straightifying the very homosexual moments between a tiger and a malnourished victorian child in order to make the anime more appealing to the general public. but THE MANGAKA HIMSELF said NO here’s a scene where said malnourished victorian child sensually bites the tiger’s neck while he’s transformed as a vampire and U HAVE TO ANIMATE IT THIS TIME BCS ITS IMPORTANT TO THE PLOT!!! now bones if you straightify that scene like you did to akutagawa telling atsushi to run you fool then you can trust that i’ll find you more than you trust in god
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chuuyascumsock · 1 year ago
Thinking about how Chuuya loves you selflessly and Dazai loves you selfishly.
Chuuya loves you in the sense that he’d do anything to make you happy, even if it meant that your happiness was with another person. He’s used to people leaving his life, but he feels better knowing that you were one of the ones who left still alive.
Dazai loves you in the sense that he wants you to be happy, but he wants that happiness to be with him. He wants you for himself and he’s unwilling to let you go no matter how much it hurts the both of you in the end because he can’t find it in himself to see anyone else walk out of his life.
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sylrela · 2 years ago
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dazais-guardian-angel · 9 months ago
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Reminder that the Dazai's Entrance Exam audiobook comes out tomorrow! It's narrated by Patrick Seitz, Kunikida's English dub voice actor!
Here are all the places you can buy it:
Barnes & Noble
Google Play
Apple Books
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iwritenarrativesandstuff · 11 months ago
I’m just going to throw down my thoughts now real quick. Someone is obviously going to get taken over by Fyodor. This takeover seems to require blood to activate. Here are the potential options, rated lowest to highest by my own personal interest.
Random character we’ve never met - the easy and boring answer. Fyodor will body snatch one of the vampire guards he was communicating with. Fair amount of likelihood since he could easily have made the transfer of blood at any point, though I’m not sure yet if it needs to be an instantaneous thing or if his blood can lie dormant. Either way I think it’s a bit of an ass-pull with no stakes on our cast so I’m hoping this isn’t the case.
A named character outside Meursault - Probably someone he’s had a lot of contact with, so Fukuchi. This depends on the blood having a latency period and is also insanely contrived. I actually hate it more than the random guard.
The Catgirl thief - I’m assuming this is extremely unlikely since the host needs to be alive. But anyways. Women lovers here’s how we lose even worse.
Having said this now, I think it’s fairly obvious it has to be one of the other Meursault four. This is appropriately thematic and tragic, given that all of them place a lot of value on free will and self-determination, which a takeover by Fyodor would rob them of.
Chuuya - He spent a lot of time around Chuuya to be sure but there’s no blood on him. If there’s a latency period though, it is possible. I’m not feeling this one though, to be honest. I don’t see what narrative purpose it serves - Chuuya hasn’t had enough of a role in the manga for this to mean much, other than royally pissing Dazai off (which to be fair is definitely in character for Fyodor). I think it far more likely that Chuuya is going to be a witness for whatever comes next.
Sigma - High likelihood. He did get stabbed and had the memory transfer. I can’t remember whether Fyodor touched him with his wounded hand. It would be brutal for this to happen to him after he’d just broken free from his manipulation. But honestly I don’t know that Sigma getting taken over is all that interesting. For one, they’re going to need his knowledge (though that may be a reason for Fyodor to off him truthfully), and for another, I just don’t think Sigma’s… done enough as a character. I feel it would kind of render his arc in Meursault pointless to end his story here.
Nikolai - The most likely possibility to me. He is holding Fyodor’s severed hand, which he touched to his face. Fyodor’s ability probably kickstarts after his death, and Nikolai was the first to get his blood on him. Sadly, I suspect that if this is the case, this will be the end for Nikolai. If he gets taken over, I can’t see a reason or method to restore him to himself. What a horribly tragic end this would be to our favourite clown, his freedom snatched away for good by the one person he couldn’t help but get attached to.
Dazai - I dismissed this off-hand at first. Of course I did, Dazai is immune to abilities. I also want to be clear that I seriously doubt Asagiri will off his favourite boy like this. But oh man. What if Fyodor’s ability isn’t an ability, much like in the first skk manga team up? What if them both being there is a call-back to Rimbaud who snatched corpses, and Lovecraft who could hurt Dazai? What if Fyodor really has become no longer human - and this is the proof? I was kind of hoping the Meursault arc would end with Dazai (temporarily!) out of the picture, and this would be a way to do it - Atsushi and Akutagawa would have to step up, Chuuya could be more relevant. We could even have more Kyouka if what I’m starting to wonder is true - that Fyodor was involved in the death of her parents. At the same time, Dazai’s special boy plot armour nullification and mysteriousness gives us a plausible reason to bring him back. And all the while maybe they could continue their mind games, with Dazai being an annoying little pest in the back of Fyodor’s mind.
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lu-zijing · 7 months ago
L i t e r a l l y S c r e a m e d -this parallel-
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And the fact that both have actually very likely canonly happened...! Chuuya did say something along the lines of "Lend me your shoulder" to Akutagawa before the video cut off in Dead Apple -which is literally happening in this picture- so the fact we actually got a picture off it..!!!!
And the first one between Dazai and Atsushi is 100% possible to have happened as well if you ask me.
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And often, with either the pairs: Akutagawa and Atsushi - Chuuya and Dazai or Akutagawa and Chuuya - Atsushi and Dazai
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These three alone are together quite a lot as well -! Love that second one specifically...!✨ 
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Which makes sense! It is more or less only Dazai from the old Double Black who has been a part of the new one so far. No point denying that.
So of course there's art with only the three of them. But there is ALSO art with all four, so perhaps at a later time...?
What I mean is that I'm personally hoping Chuuya will be a part of it somehow too in the future ...! Because it hasn't yet. As far as we know- But it could.
Maybe the Production team at BONES would like to see Chuuya in on it as well in the future considering there's a lot of official art from them with all four..
At the very least they must like the parallels between them.. orrr they simply know the fans like them.
Yeahhhh, maybe it's just to feed the fans. But hey, at least they serve us really well. ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ 
Or mayyyybe if we are super, SUPER lucky it's hinting at it-?? am I delusional? I am- aren't I- They aren't the author after all- Do Asagiri or Harukawa approve of all official art now we are at the topic? Or maybe comment on it? hmmmm...
Okay, I just reaaalllyyyy wanna see more Akutagawa and Chuuya interaction...!!!! I love that possible parallel between Atsushi and Dazai having a mentor-student relationship and Akutagawa and Chuuya getting something similar as well.
Like Chuuya giving him advice and stuff. Show concern for him?
I also wanna see Atsushi and Chuuya interact........at lot.......
Is it unrealistic?
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Yes it is ALL official art. ✨ 
Annnd this was the second post of a list of posts with official art I would make, heheh, if anyone remembers that, it's a long time ago I posted the first one, but here you go! Thanks for reading-!
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saffron0v0 · 4 months ago
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I doodled this in class because i realized i haven't drawn them together before
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altruistic-meme · 6 months ago
i know we all like to joke about Dazai pushing Chuuya down during Dead Apple after they land on the ground but like.... what WOULD have happened if he hadn't been touching Chuuya?
the fog is still out: Chuuya's ability would've separated from him. we know this. however, Chuuya also contains a self-contradicting singularity.
with Verlaine, N explains that his gravity manipulation is a result of the singularity, so they're tied together. on top of that, as soon as Verlaine lost his singularity, he was dying. and he would have, if Rimbaud hadn't found a way to transfer his own singularity.
would something similar have happened to Chuuya? i know whether he is a persona model like Verlaine or not is still technically under debate, but could you imagine? even Dazai is uncertain since the one way to prove it was erased the first time Chuuya used Corruption, would he want to take the chance?
he says he doesn't want to have to protect Chuuya from his ability (which also. just. him openly admitting that he would fight Chuuya's ability to protect him while he's passed out) but what if there's a deeper concern as well? that without his ability—and the singularity it's attached to—will Chuuya still live? or would he start dying like Verlaine had?
would Dazai have been able to take the ability down fast enough to save him? was it even worth the risk?
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philzokman · 2 years ago
everytime bones erases an incredibly important scene/detail i sob knowing danny motta will never know what was truly intended😔🙏🙏
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sepiamestus · 9 months ago
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ADA mandatory work naptime 💤
Commission for @thepartyishere !!
Commissions for Gaza
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souheki-lovechild · 11 months ago
ethereal beautiful meaningful soukoku and cringe fail loser soukoku are two concepts that can and should (and do) coexist
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cryptidnest · 9 months ago
The port Mafia is ADHD cause all its executives are disfunctional :-P
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manongeon · 9 months ago
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a little Dazai doodle i did :3c
don’t ask why he looks like so young idk either
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