#gísli örn garðarsson
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King's Road, taken out of context, as fanfic fodder for those who need it. The proceeding dialogue doesn't help:
Rupert: your dad will be thrilled when he finds out Júníor: you wouldn't? you're my fucking friend Rupert: don't take this personally, I like you but…
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juliabarghest · 1 year
Vidar Jutul (Ragnarök).
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Digital art without a tablet (I use a computer mouse 🐭💻).
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Actor: Gísli Örn Garðarsson. TV series: Ragnarök (NETFLIX).
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destinededits · 8 months
gif pack: GÍSLI ÖRN GARÐARSSON in "Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands"
At the source link (or here), you'll find #65 gifs of Icelandic actor Gísli Örn Garðarsson (b. 1973) as Breca in the 2016 ITV series Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands. The gif-making scene has changed a LOT since I last dabbled in it, so I'm behind the times on methods for sourcing footage (among other things), but I recently renewed my interest in the character I intended to use this FC for, so I managed to find a handful of HQ clips on YouTube and threw some gifs together. Might as well share with the rest of Tumblr in case anyone else wanted Gísli in this role. Coloring is psd #1 from @themaesters though I apologize if it looks a little odd in my application of it. I only barely know what I'm doing, okay?
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Enjoy and simply don't claim as your own, that's my only rule.
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theonlyadawong · 11 months
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Dir. Gísli Örn Garðarsson
Det Norske Teatret, 2023
(Photos by Jorri Kristjánsson and Siren Høyland Sæter/Det Norske Teatret)
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chevvy-yates · 2 years
OC Interview Questions
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Felt like doing this for Ryder now as well, so here we go.
If you wanna imagine his voice while reading: Gísli Örn Garðarsson's voice it is (he played the leader of the Hassansins* in Prince of Persia for example). *I swear I hadn't this character in mind when creating Ryder. I just remembered Gísli when I was quickly searching for a voice and then just realized (once again) myself: fuck, why does this match so goo visually too? (I have a type as well yup)
Ryder. And Ryder only. Not going to tell you anything more.
Are you single? 
Are you happy? 
Right now I am on edge, because I got to do this probably worthless interview that will waste my time I could spend better getting off with someone else instead. Thinking of that right now �� actually, that would make me happy. So, no – I'm not. Happy.
Are you angry?
A lot.
Are your parents still married?
Yes. They probably die happily together, too. They are truely made for each other. But—takes a puff of his cigarette—don't ask me where they are or any more questions of them. I'm done with anything Corpo Shit — counts in Corpo parents as well.
Birth place?  
Over the big pond. I am from Germany. The city where I come from is called "Frankfurt am Main" — I think you Americans know it better as "Mainhatten". Exhales smoke. Oh — now don't look at me! I didn't give it that name. It is a term refering to the city's skyline. It is a portmanteau of 'Main', the river on which Frankfurt lies, and 'Manhatten'. Frankfurt is one one of the few cities where tall buildings are allowed to be build. Germany has no mega cities like Night City.
Hair color?
Is Black. Was always black. Stays black.
Eye color?
Look me in the eyes. Tell me what you see. Stares.
End of October. Or halloween, if you want a name. Don't give me that look that tells me "Cool you can celebrate Halloween big every year!" — NO. I don't. Takes another puff, blows out smoke. Why? — Because most mutuals and friends seem more busy celebrating Halloween and tend to forget about that it's some German dude's birthday as well. I would need to ask A YEAR BEFORE that they should mark their calendar when I want to throw a party. I don't do that.
I did mention on edge, did I?
I identify as male and I thirst after males.
Summer or winter?
You really want to make me play pick this or that games? Was ein Kindergarten.
Morning or afternoon?
None of it. Night.
Are you in love?
I'd love to say no. Can't be turned off with a switch, though.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
No. All I know is that some day it suddenly hits you like a lightning strike and you're completely over the moon.
Who ended your last relationship? 
He did. It was reasonable. He offered me friendship and that is the closest I could have, so I took that, because it's good to have him around. I've been in a deep hole before I met him. It's just recently he's got some chemistry with a new guy I can't read. I'm a little concerned. But he seems to be happy with him, and he truely deserves to be happy, it is what I want for him.
Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Plenty. By piercing their chests with one of my blades. — Oh, what? We still talk about love? Ugh— might have been one back home when I left Europe. And one here.
Are you afraid of commitments?
Have you hugged someone within the last week?
Yo, Vijay and I hug every time we see ech other, which is practically every day. So, last time— this afternoon.
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
If they want to admire me in secrect, they stay secret. Otherwise secret admirer no more when they reveal.
Have you ever broken your own heart?
Get back to the relationship question notes and look for clues there, then answer yourself.
Love or lust?  
Fuck it! I take lust.
Lemonade or iced tea?
Cats or dogs?
A few best friends or many regular friends? 
Regular friends are no friends – they are mutuals. I can count my true friends on one hand. Question answered? — Gut. Next.
Wild night out or romantic night in?
I always tell myself: You're always the foreign guy everyone finds interesting bc people tend to love us Germans it seems. So, be wild, be interesting, dance all night through, fuck around, drink until you can't stand stable anymore, party hard—takes another puff—Secretly, I just want dozens of romantic night ins.
Day or night?
Laughs. You are serious about that, aren't you? Bold of you to ask a Night City citizen around night time in a night club after "Day or night?". Bescheuert.
Been caught sneaking out?
I can be sneaky if I want to. So, no I did not get caught.
Fallen down/up the stairs?
I remember I fell down somewhere a few days ago. Guess I had too much beer.
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?
Now what? — You want me to pour my heart out even more?
Wanted to disappear?
Ja, I thought about it sometimes. But V would be the first to worry and he'd find me — everywhere.
Smile or eyes?
Smiles. Bright ones. Can be like sun rays. Balm for the soul.
Shorter or taller? 
You have interviewed V to, right? He's 1,94m — think Americans do say 6''4, right? I will never get used to that stupid measurement system of yours. I'm only around 1,88m. Was auch immer — I want to say height doesn't matter to me in case of a relationship but damn— tall men are sex on long legs.
Intelligence or attraction?
Both is important.
Hook-up or relationship?
I'm a relationship type, but I'm trying out hook ups recently. I'll probably ditch it anyway.
Do you and your family get along?
Tell me, what did I tell you at the beginning of this interview? Glares in silence.
Would you say you have a “messed up life”?
No. Of course nothing is all sunshine but i wouldn't call that messed up. Merc life is a life I chose. I knew what I've got to deal with. It can get real messy. And my blades make it look real messy indeed.
Have you ever run away from home?
No. Not even back home in Germany.
Have you ever gotten kicked out?
I've gotten thrown out of many clubs, yeah. Because you US peepz simply can't understand German and when I'm super drunk I tend to speak German only and I don't know shit but to me it feels like they feel offended by my German speech alone, so I get thrown out most of the time.
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
I could say now that guy my ex is now with, but thing is — I don't really know him yet, he's not my friend, so I am not to judge. I'll see after time passes by.
Do you consider all of your friends good friends? 
My friends are my good friends. Others are, already explained, mutuals — therefore not good friends.
Who is your best friend? 
Vijay for sure.
Who knows everything about you?
Probably also him. Sighs and agreesivly stubs out the cigarette. Are we done yet? – Gut . I need another beer. Uuuund Tschüss! Stands and leaves for heading to the bar.
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kurtlukiraz · 1 year
Kadrosunda; David Stakston, Theresa Eggesbø, Herman Tømmeraas, Synnøve Macody Lund ve Gísli Örn Garðarsson benzer biçimdeki adlar olan ve birinci sezonla Norveç yapımı diziler içinde en oldukca izlenenler içinde yer edinen Ragnarok'tan 2. sürem fragmanlandı. 27 Mayıs'ta ikinci sezonda beklenen dizi gösterge performansı 2020 yılının Ocak ayında gerçekleşti. İlk sezon 6 bölüm devam eden dizi, Edda adlı bir kasabanın küresel ısınma nedeniyle iklim değişikliğine maruz kalma ve bu koşullar de kışları olup sıcak geçen kasabada buzulların eriyip gezegenimizin “yeni Ragnarok” olarak isimlendirilen bir nevi felaketler zinciri ile karşı karşıya kalma mevzu, bahis ediniyor.
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gundemburadadedim · 1 year
Kadrosunda; David Stakston, Theresa Eggesbø, Herman Tømmeraas, Synnøve Macody Lund ve Gísli Örn Garðarsson benzer biçimdeki adlar olan ve birinci sezonla Norveç yapımı diziler içinde en oldukca izlenenler içinde yer edinen Ragnarok'tan 2. sürem fragmanlandı. 27 Mayıs'ta ikinci sezonda beklenen dizi gösterge performansı 2020 yılının Ocak ayında gerçekleşti. İlk sezon 6 bölüm devam eden dizi, Edda adlı bir kasabanın küresel ısınma nedeniyle iklim değişikliğine maruz kalma ve bu koşullar de kışları olup sıcak geçen kasabada buzulların eriyip gezegenimizin “yeni Ragnarok” olarak isimlendirilen bir nevi felaketler zinciri ile karşı karşıya kalma mevzu, bahis ediniyor.
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Cine: Órói (2010)
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Una pequeña búsqueda por el traductor de Google indica que “Órói” es una palabra islandesa que significa “preocupación” y un similar concepto se maneja si intentáramos el el título más universal de “Jitters”, que nos concede el similar “nervios”: se trata de una variante del frisón, una lengua minoritaria de Alemania. Título apropiado que engloba los sentimientos de los tres adolescentes protagonistas del filme de Baldvin Zophoníasson.
La historia abre con Gabriel (Atli Oskar Fjalarsson), un joven cuyos padres se han divorciado, que se topa con otro islandés, Markus (Haraldur Ari Stefánsson), en un colegio de Manchester. Aunque no quiere comportarse indebidamente y la primera vez que visita un pub sólo pide una gaseosa, el muchacho se emborracha junto a su nuevo amigo y, en el medio de la calle, se dan un muy tierno beso. A partir de allí, el joven intenta dirimir, mientras pasa días de fiesta y besos robados (a él), qué es lo que sucede con su sexualidad. Y en el medio, su madre intentando indagar qué hace cuando sale, temerosa de que su hijo haya caído en drogas.
Quien también padece el acoso, pero de su abuela (Lilja Guðrún Þorvaldsdóttir), es Stella (Hreindís Ylva Garðarsdóttir), una chica que ha perdido a su madre en dramáticas circunstancias y ahora parece haber encontrado en amor en Mitrovik (Vilhelm Þór Neto), un inmigrante ruso que trabaja con ella en el supermercado y cuya relación se vuelve más cercana cuando un par de atracadores ataca el local y le roba un preciado collar con una cruz.
La tercera protagonista, cuya historia se entrelaza de forma eficiente con el resto, es Greta (Birna Rún Eiríksdóttir), que suele escaparse de su casa debido a la vida demasiado “alegre” de su madre (Katla Margrét Þorgeirsdóttir), a quien le exige explicaciones sobre el paradero de su padre Haraldur (Gísli Örn Garðarsson). 
Este filme es un nuevo y hermoso regalo de Islandia, el país que nos deparó “Heartstone” (2016).
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fromaliminalspace · 3 years
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Can anyone pls scream with me about how Vidar is apparently gonna make an appearance in season 3 and what it might potentially imply
My guess so far is that Laurits is gonna see him in visions or sth, the way Magne has been seeing Isolde (or more like someone who appeared like her at least), but who knows who knows
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peipurr · 3 years
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someone's so proud of his (new) son😂🥺😭❤
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abs0luteb4stard · 3 years
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gottdeswill · 3 years
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juliabarghest · 1 year
Gísli Örn and Nína Dögg.
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Pencil, paper.
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Nína Dögg Filippusdóttir and Gísli Örn Garðarsson (fan-art).
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lasaraconor · 3 years
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scary-pixie · 4 years
HECK, I wrote a new Blog Entry.
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HELLO INTERNET, welcome to a new installment of “Tina Rambles On About Stuff”. First order of business: Who else has seen “Ragnarok”? It’s a short six episode series on Netflix (hopefully with a second season in the works, as the first ends with a CLIFFHANGER) about Norse gods and other supernatural beings in modern times. I quite enjoyed it! Important note: Vidar Jutul (played by Gísli Örn Garðarsson) is a five-star asshole, but DING DANG DARN is he attractive. Pictured above, for those of you curious.  NEXT: I am playing “Afterparty” on Xbox Game Pass right now. The game is making me miss Goth clubs. BLARGH! I haven’t been to one in years, but am seriously wondering if club nights will ever be back considering all the current shittery. I WOULD LIKE TO WEAR NICE GOTH OUTFITS and dance like one of those inflatable characters waving around in front of car dealerships.  THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS: I am bored. I want to be in a lab. And by “lab”, I mean, “I would like to be in class, studying”, not “I would like to be experimented on”, since that would likely be unpleasant. It is unfortunate to note that all the classes I had planned to take have either been cancelled entirely or are only being offered as half-assed online versions which aren’t worth the money. *SHAKES FIST*. There are a few “made specifically for online learning” courses I am considering taking instead, though they won’t start until November. Until then I suppose I will continue evilplotting and doing art and dicking around on Twitter. FOURTH: That is all for now, Dear Reader, as I am tired and would like to continue dicking around on Twitter. I shall be back later, with more games and shows and books to discuss!
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chevvy-yates · 2 years
10, 22, 26 and 49 for Ryder? :3
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10. Is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted?
Ryder is ex-corpo. Ofc he's book-smart. He even reads a lot and has an entire bookshelf at home. You're likely to find books everywhere in his apartment. Yeah, he doesn't look like a book worm but he's. Do not underestimate him just because of his looks. ;) He's also intelligent. He just doesn't show it to hide his origin.
22. Who are their friends? Lovers? ‘Type’ or ‘ideal’ partner?
Vijay is his best friend :) He's been his lover a few years ago. Now they're friends (yes, you can still be friends after having had a relationship – it's not easy but possible). Hizumi follows after, tho Ryder thinks of them they're a bit strange (but hell who isn't in this city?). He's also gotten friends with Vanessa Vergara and Ivarr not long ago. :) He knows a few more but these are merely aquaintances for him rather than friends. Ryder doesn't have as many friends as Vijay and mainly knows people through him. He's just not the 'go to talk with everyone' type of guy.
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
Ryder's got the apartment in the Glen. Yeah, fairly large for a single guy, I know. But he's got the money for it, so why not make himself a nice home? Sure, he doesn't like corpo but he just can't live in a small shitty apartment in one of these stinky mega buildings. He's got a certain pride alright? He loves his loft apartment — much of steel and glass, nice city view, one big room, high ceiling, brick walls. Big TV, king size bed, book shelf, a bar etc. You can't kill everything corpo when you're born one. His appearance now is seen by others mostly that he's a light goth dude. His style however is inspired by 1980s Depeche Mode and the overall German techno scene. People love to wear dark clothing in Germany when they go to a rave. Rave is essential for him to express himself. His hair has always been and stays black. He wore it differently when he was still a corpo. It looked more neat and not as messy as now. He's glad he got rid of it. Too snobby. Same for his appearance back then. When he was still with his Corpo family he had a different hairstye, shaved regularly, had no tattoos neither implants or scarifications and also no cyberware – just scars he received from his father. He started with adding the complexions on his face (not around the eyes) and found a liking in looking slightly different with that (his father had a different opinion though). After he made a cut with his corpo life he began to get himself a tattoo on his back what slowly went into becoming an entire upper arm-chest sleeve. He's also got anothr big black on mathing to the rest on his left lower leg. Lastly he changed his eyes and finally started to value how he looked.
49. What about voice? Pitch? Strength? Tempo and rhythm of speech? Pronunciation? Accent?
When Ryder speaks his first language, German, his voice often sounds kind of hard and a bit darker, hes also speaking pretty fast — no one's going to understand him then. He tries not to sound like a German speaking English 'cause he sets great value on pronounciation. Sometimes the German accent comes through, tho. When he speaks English his voice sounds a bit softer, given that English in general sounds softer than German.
If you wonder how his voice sounds like, here's a link to Gísli Örn Garðarsson speaking for a bit. :)
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