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23 year old trans woman vibing and full of girldecay
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girlydemise · 16 days ago
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girlydemise · 18 days ago
I am worried about the swedes of color, there is so many openly racist laws being passed here in sweden currently
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girlydemise · 21 days ago
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girlydemise · 2 months ago
Something we all need to hear
The problem with the concept of male socialisation is that it is based on a premise that is fundamentally innacurate, i.e. the assumption that your were raised as a Man and therefor your are, in action and thought at least, more or less a Man and in order to stop being a Man you have to remove this fundamentally Masculine thing that was somehow instilled in you
And yes, it is accurate that there is a series of processes in amab childrens lives that attempts to condition them into whatever their culture of masculinity is, but what it doesn't acknowledge is that the fundamental purpose of this is that you are meant to come out of it with an ability to perform whatever social function it is that designates you as a Man in your culture. That's male socialisation. It's the thing that allows you to signal to Proper Men that you are also a Proper Man so you don't face any consequences. However, when you are not a Proper Man, this is more or less impossible.
Male socialisation for transfems (and queer cis men to a lesser extent) is basically just a long series of friends, acquaintances, family members etc trying to shove you through a hole that you don't fit through. And there's only two things you can do, you can either cut bits of yourself off til you squeeze through, or you can just keep getting pushed, painfully and fruitlessly, and hope they give up.
And neither of these approaches actually works. Because of course, they aren't going to give up. Because, remember, a lot of these people pushing you actually like you. They think they're helping you. And in a way, they're not completely wrong, because being anything other than a Real Man is painful and difficult (largely due to these same people, but that's beside the point). So they aren't going to stop pushing you until you get away from them, a process that is difficult and painful and if you ever go back they will just start pushing again
But even if you shave away all the undesirable bits of yourself, and you cut your hair and grow a beard and wear the right clothes, it still doesn't work. Because you still don't fit right. And they know it. Sexuality and gender are two things that people have a very good sense for. And people will see it in everything. The way you walk, the way you speak, the way you hold a glass, the way you stand, the way your wrists move, the movies you like and the books you read and the colour of your shirt and how you style your hair and how you cut your nails and on and on and on. The very best you can hope for, after years and years of meticulous shaving away, is that you work yourself down from being a tranny to being a faggot. And sure, it is better to be a faggot, mostly, but you still aren't a Real Man. And so they'll keep pushing anyway.
Male socialisation is the process by which cis men become Men, but it's also the process by which transfems realise you aren't a Man, and you never will be, and people will always hate you for it. It isn't the process by which you gain some almighty Male Power, it's a process that uses that power against you because you can't wield it right
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girlydemise · 3 months ago
Fuck I am cooked i read duke nukem as dyke nukem
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girlydemise · 3 months ago
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When the anti "LGBT propaganda" law passed in Russia, all of you were going insane and cared. Give Georgia the same energy. If you can have sympathy for our oppressors on the basis of them being queer, you should keep the same energy for us, if not more.
If this law passes, every Georgian queer person I know is so severely fucked, myself included. If you make jokes about "being illegal in several countries" you better fucking care about the countries you're apparently illegal in, or going to be illegal in.
Make sure to spread this around. This is important.
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girlydemise · 3 months ago
If you're a trans girl, just remember that you are female and you don't have to call yourself "biologically male" or any of that horseshit to appease cis sensibilities. You are biologically female
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girlydemise · 3 months ago
I can't keep having the same conversations about love languages, mbti, iq, bmi, "brain fully formed at 25" and shit over and over again...
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girlydemise · 3 months ago
Hell yeah
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girlydemise · 3 months ago
Hi speaking of medical literacy for trans people, transfems pls check out the website Transfeminine Science, especially their introductory article on feminizing HRT
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girlydemise · 3 months ago
Omg this is so fucking hot
God, so many cuties just desperate to be pounded into the floor..~
Come on, get in here little slut. Mommy’s got the perfect little collar for you, come on! Now, kneel. Kneel. Goood girl..~
You are my toy now. Mommy’s pet to use when she pleases, so be a good girl and bend over~
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girlydemise · 3 months ago
i dont think whites understand how being white makes literally everything easier.
it effects everything.
being trans is easier when youre white.
being gay is easier when youre white.
being disabled is easier when youre white.
being a woman is easier when youre white.
being autistic is easier when youre white.
oppression is eased when you are white, as you get extra privileges, and your whiteness is seen as a positive characteristic that in some ways counter-balances your other forms of being a minority. whiteness controls everything.
you are automatically way more innocent in your own oppression as a gay, trans, disabled person because of your whiteness.
never forget this.
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girlydemise · 4 months ago
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girlydemise · 4 months ago
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trans day of i love you, written in memory and honor of those lost at Club Q, November 19, 2022. This poem is featured in my book, The Weeds Grow Anyway.
I'm wishing all trans people reading this a day of tenderness, joy, love. We deserve better holidays. May our grief be soft on us.
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girlydemise · 5 months ago
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Oh look, just as fast and dirty as any other April 1st gag bit. Matt, Staff, Automattic, etc, FIX YOUR HEARTS. And do some work on the real problem on here.
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girlydemise · 5 months ago
I get sad everytime I see a crab die. Like look at the little guy
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girlydemise · 5 months ago
reblog this if you're okay with booping spams please !!
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