girlydemise · 4 days
Can we still fuck if we are both descendants of Genghis Khan
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girlydemise · 6 days
The world is buring down but I am just floundering around
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girlydemise · 6 days
I want one of those scenes in a dude bro film where “tomboy” chick has to wear a dress to go undercover or whatever, but instead of the guys drooling as she walks down the stairs, they’re like “k. U need to stop. Go put the cargo pants back on. You look super uncomfortable and awkward in that. Brutus, you go be the fake prostitute.”
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girlydemise · 7 days
The world will not end if you don't get up, there is no rush
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girlydemise · 13 days
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it ok to not be ready
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girlydemise · 13 days
Sometimes I ponder on why I hate myself, is it because my body wants to consume consume consume and my mind wants to create and forming habits is hard. Or is it because I hate the world around me that forces me to escape the horrid structures we live under and the only escape in consumption
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girlydemise · 18 days
you're really cool and i love your takes. they should put you in charge of society tbh. always brings a smile to my face seeing your posts - a transfem
My promises
Weed delivered to every home. Free.
Homes delivered to every person. Free.
Free food. Free munchies. Everyone gets one free Taco Bell order a month!
4 hour work day 4 days a week! Higher wages and benefits!
Pizza Parties on Sunday if we meet our quotas.
Abolish prisons abolish cops murder cops
You get a public transport system that functions! And YOU get a public transport system that functions!
The president (me) gets a special reward of sopapillas. Please? I promise I've been good.
Every political position I've ever preached on this blog.
Nation wide movie marathon. Popcorn provided by theater of your choice.
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girlydemise · 19 days
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beware of attack lesbian!! reblog if you too are, indeed, an attack lesbian
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girlydemise · 19 days
One weird thing about becoming a girl is actually wanting more body fat never in my life would I expect that I wanted to be more fat than I am
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girlydemise · 22 days
hi any life advice for 21yo
Don't date thirty-year-olds until you are at least 25.
Having a glass of water for every glass of alcohol will give you a 50% reduction in hangover viciousness.
Bad people will use your willingness to be quiet as a weapon against you. If someone's being awful to you and trusting you'll be quiet to keep from making waves, surprise them.
There is no physical object in the world that is worth as much as your honor.
Honor is not the same as dignity. Retaining one sometimes means leaving the other aside.
Don't have any sex you don't want to have; have as much as you want of the sex that you do, whether that's a lot, a little, or none at all. Nothing you can do to your own body is immoral, unless you're doing it as an act of self-punishment.
Food is morally neutral. You do not have to earn the right to eat calories. Fat and sugar keep your brain from eating itself.
Learning to sit still and breathe--in, in, in, hold, hold, hold, out, out, out, out, out, out--can give you five feet of clear space around yourself in a maelstrom.
Find out how to make three good meals: A comfort meal you can make for just yourself relatively easily, a fancy meal you can use to wow a date, and a meal you can feed a bunch of people. All the other cooking can come later, but you can build a community on those three meals.
If you ever get to the point that things are so bleak you can see no other way forward but to die, make any other choice. If that means leaving everything you own and being a beach bum, or quitting your career, or taking up or leaving a religion, or deciding to bicycle across the country, so be it; living means more chances, dying means everything stops and you don't get to see any more interesting things. As you have not yet seen all the things that can interest you, it is better to live.
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girlydemise · 27 days
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It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
Wooo one year of girldecay
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girlydemise · 30 days
Our ALL-NEW blog about transfeminine literature takes on hard questions about the history and organizing mythologies about trans fiction. If you've ever wanted to learn more about trans women and the fiction they write, make sure to check out thetransfemininereview.com!
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girlydemise · 1 month
If you did not hate capitalism before job searching shows you all it's flaws and makes you lie to fit in
Is there anything worse than having to fit in a horrid structure and say yes please suck out my life so I can live
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girlydemise · 1 month
tall butches will tell you they ‘know a place’ and then you wake up three days later locked in a basement with distinctly larger breasts
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girlydemise · 1 month
I'm like a politician all cock no cum
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girlydemise · 1 month
Nonbinary is just the imaginary number of gender
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girlydemise · 1 month
I am the goddess of girlrott, femdeath and girlydecay
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