#fxpro bonus
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forexrebatehub · 28 days ago
FxPro Rebate, forexrebatehub.com
FxPro Rebate 90% of IB
Rebate Rate:
Standard 40% of spread
Raw+ FX 40% of spread + $2, GOLD 45% of spread
Rebate Method: Monthly & Direct to account
Website : https://forexrebatehub.com/fxpro-rebate/
Highlight & Promotions!
Welcome Bonus $50 : When open MT5 Account and deposit money $50
Trading Central
PAMM Account (Percent Allocation Management Module)
FxPro Squawk – Breaking Forex News
cTrader Trading Platform
Daily analytics
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allaboutforexworld · 4 years ago
BitRiver Is Selling Tokens to Build More Bitcoin Mining Farms in Siberia
BitRiver Is Selling Tokens to Build More Bitcoin Mining Farms in Siberia
BitRiver, a key player in the Russian cryptocurrency mining market, aims to raise up to $35 million by selling tokens that entitles holders to space in its data centers. The company, which operates several mining farms in Siberia for 150 megawatts in total, would use the proceeds from the sale to open more such facilities. The token runs on the Ethereum blockchain, the main launchpad for…
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fxasker-blog · 7 years ago
WHAT CURRENCIES CAN I USE TO FUND MY CELER-TECH ACCOUNT? Read More http://fxasker.com/question/2c7dfbe531f039bd/ FXAsker
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cafesukses-blog · 4 years ago
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JAKARTA, Orchidmedianews.com - Kementerian Perdagangan melalui Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (Bappebti) memblokir 105 domain situs web entitas di bidang perdagangan berjangka komoditi (PBK) yang tidak memiliki izin dari Bappebti, salah satunya yakni Binomo.
Dengan demikian, sejak Januari 2021 sudah terdapat 273 domain situs web yang diblokir. Pemblokiran dilakukan bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika.
“Antusiasme masyarakat dalam bertransaksi di bidang PBK selama pandemi semakin meningkat. Untuk itu, pengawasan dan pengamatan perlu diperketat untuk mencegah adanya potensi kerugian masyarakat akibat penawaran iklan dan promosi di bidang PBK yang tidak berizin dan salah satu caranya dengan melakukan pembatasan agar situs-situs web dari entitas tak berizin tersebut tidak dapat diakses,” ujar Kepala Bappebti Sidharta Utama dalam siaran resminya, dikutip Kompas.com, Kamis (15/4/2021).
Berdasarkan Undang-Undang RI Nomor 10 Tahun 2011 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang RI Nomor32 Tahun 1997 Tentang Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi, setiap pihak dilarang melakukan penawaran Kontrak Berjangka, Kontrak Derivatif Syariah, dan/atau Kontrak Derivatif Lainnya dengan atau tanpa kegiatan promosi, rekrutmen, pelatihan, seminar, dan/atau menghimpun dana margin, dana jaminan, dan/atau yang dipersamakan dengan itu untuk tujuan transaksi yang berkaitan dengan perdagangan berjangka kecuali memiliki izin dari Bappebti.
Dengan demikian, pemblokiran domain situs web entitas di bidang PBK tak berizin Bappebti memiliki dasar hukum yang kuat, dan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang PBK.
Bappebti juga menyampaikan, setiap pihak yang berkedudukan hukum di Indonesia dan/atau luar negeri yang belum memperoleh izin usaha dari Bappebti sebagai Bursa Berjangka, Lembaga Kliring Berjangka, Pialang Berjangka, Penasihat Berjangka, Penasihat Berjangka atau Pengelola Sentra Dana Berjangka, dilarang melakukan kegiatan usaha perdagangan berjangka antara lain melalui promosi atau iklan, pelatihan dan pertemuan mengenai perdagangan berjangka di Indonesia.
Hal itu sesuai dengan Peraturan Kepala Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi Nomor 83/BAPPEBTI/Per/06/2010 Tentang Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Promosi Atau Iklan, Pelatihan, dan Pertemuan di Bidang Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi.
“Masyarakat perlu menyadari, apabila suatu situs web tidak dapat diakses, berarti terdapat konten yang melanggar peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia,” kata Sidharta.
Sementara itu Kepala Biro Peraturan Perundang-undangan dan Penindakan Bappebti M.Syist meminta masyarakat agar jangan mudah terbujuk berbagai penawaran dari oknum yang menjanjikan keuntungan dari transaksi di bidang PBK.
“Banyak oknum yang memberi janji kepada masyarakat bahwa PBK dapat menghasilkan keuntungan besar sebagai tambahan penghasilan. Bahkan, dikatakan melalui PBK uang akan bekerja untuk kita. Padahal, risiko kerugian yang dapat terjadi juga sangat besar atau biasa dikenal dengan istilah high risk high return,” ujar Syist.
Selain itu, masyarakat juga diimbau agar tidak mudah tergiur oleh penawaran pendapatan tetap (fixed income) maupun pembagian keuntungan (profit sharing) dalam investasi PBK. Jangan mudah menyetorkan dana ke rekening tertentu, bahkan ke rekening atas nama pribadi yang memberikan janji keuntungan dalam persentase dan dalam jangka waktu tertentu.
Penawaran tersebut, lanjut Syist, biasanya juga dibumbui dengan iming-iming bonus atau komisi apabila berhasil merekrut anggota baru sebagai downline. Dapat dipastikan bahwa modus tersebut berujung dengan penipuan.
“Sebelum memutuskan untuk berinvestasi di PBK, masyarakat diharapkan selalu melakukan pengecekan legalitas pialang berjangka dan kewajaran keuntungan yang ditawarkan. Selain itu, masyarakat diharapkan untuk tidak tergiur dengan janji keuntungan di luar kewajaran serta mempelajari terlebih dahulu mengenai mekanisme transaksi, untung, dan ruginya,” pungkas Syist.
Berikut daftar domain situs entitas yang melakukan kegiatan PBK tanpa perizinan dari Bappebti dan diblokir pada Maret 2021:
1 AM Broker https://ambroker.io
2 Assets Fx https://assetsfx.com
3 Barclay Stone https://br-stone.com
4 BDSwiss https://bdswiss-idn.com
5 Bfx rebate https://bfxrebate.us
6 Binomo https://binomoidn.my.id
7 Binomo https://ift.tt/3srzLUm
8 Binomo https://binomomain.com/
9 Binomo https://ift.tt/3mQnVSB
10 Binomo https://ift.tt/3sn2sBV
11 Binomo https://loginbinomo.com
12 Binomo https://ift.tt/2Qru2AD
13 Binomo https://ift.tt/3tnKmkH
14 Bityard https://bityard.com
15 Blackstone Futures https://ift.tt/2L47m1P
16 Cabana Capitals https://ift.tt/3gbk2GA
17 Deltin Fx https://deltinfx.com
18 Errante https://errante.com
19 Exness https://bumifx.asia
20 Exness https://exness-asia.net
21 Exness https://exnessblog.com
22 Exness https://exness-fx.asia
23 Exness https://exnessind.com
24 Exness https://exness-ind.com
25 Exness https://exnessindo.org
26 Exness https://exnesssite.com
27 Exness https://idexness.net
28 FBS https://fbsid-fx.com/
29 FinMax Fx https://finmaxfx.com
30 Firewood https://ift.tt/3uM435U
31 Forex4you https://ift.tt/3dniPtP
32 Fx Citizen https://fxcitizen.com
33 Fx Optimax https://ift.tt/32jjLJr
34 Fx Pro https://fxpro-ind.com
35 Fxb Trading https://fxbtrading.com
36 Fxq Markets https://fxqmarkets.com
37 Fxtm https://fxtm-id.com
38 Fxtm https://ift.tt/3dmJ9UX
39 Fxtm https://fxtmsite.com
40 Fxtm https://fxtmtrading.com
41 Fxtm https://ift.tt/3soQ5Fg
42 Fxtrb https://fxtrb.com
43 GFX-i https://gfx-i.com
44 GICM https://gicmarkets.com
45 Go Markets https://gomarkets.biz
46 Go Markets https://gomarkets.eu
47 Golden Capital Fx https://ift.tt/2RaShDB
48 Grand Capital https://ift.tt/3x1HsUI
49 GT.IO https://gt.io
50 Hantec Markets https://hmarkets.com
51 Hotforex https://ift.tt/3g9oAxc
52 Hotforex https://rpforex.com
53 Hotforex https://ift.tt/3uSUVfN
54 Hotforex https://ift.tt/2RFBk4s
55 HXFX https://hxfxglobal.com
56 IFX Brokers https://ifxbrokers.com
57 Instaforex https://ift.tt/2OYF1RS
58 Invest Markets https://ift.tt/3mSgjPw
59 Iq option https://iqoption.review
60 Jogja Forex & Bitcoin https://ift.tt/3uVj7Ow
61 JQL Markets https://jqlmarkets.com
62 Juno markets https://ift.tt/3wTyBod
63 Just Perfect Markets https://ift.tt/3gdbEGD
64 Justforex https://justforex.info
65 Justforex https://justfx.co.id
66 Kridex https://kridex.com
67 M4Markets https://m4markets.com
68 Meefx https://meefx.com
69 Metrochanger https://ift.tt/3v7JLUL
70 Moneta Markets https://ift.tt/2Q8kdaT
71 MRG https://mrgpremiere.id
72 MRG https://ift.tt/3e761qH
73 MRG https://ift.tt/32iNHW3
74 MRG https://ift.tt/3e1h052
75 MRG https://mrgtrader.net/
76 Nash Markets https://nashmarkets.com
77 Obo Fx https://obofx.com
78 OctaFx https://ift.tt/3skmfBT
79 OctaFx https://idn-octafx.com
80 OctaFx https://octafx.vip
81 OctaFx https://octafx.website
82 Oke Fx https://okefxpro.com
83 Olymp Trade https://ift.tt/3uSUXUX
84 Olymp Trade https://ift.tt/3e5cdQa
85 Olymp Trade https://ift.tt/3dZHILa
86 Olymp Trade https://ift.tt/32hUvTM
87 Olymp Trade https://ift.tt/3uSUYIv
88 Olymp Trade https://tradergrup.com
89 Option Ancoll https://ift.tt/3gb9Z4l
90 Pacific Union https://puprime.com
91 PBFX https://pibizco.com
92 RCPro https://rcpro.com
93 Ruby markets https://rubymarkets.com
94 Topic Markets https://ift.tt/2RAkTGt
95 Trade.com https://cfd.trade.com
96 Triumph Fx https://tfxi.com
97 Unicorn broker https://ift.tt/2RAkTWZ
98 USG Fx https://usgfx.global
99 Vantage Fx https://vantagefx.co.uk
100 Vantage Fx https://ift.tt/2RAkUu1
101 Vantage Fx https://ift.tt/3ahy1qv
102 Weltrade https://weltrade.me
103 WSM International Brokers https://wsmfx.com
104 Xm https://ift.tt/3x28oDI
105 Yorkmarkets https://yorkmarkets.com
Sumber: Kompas
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bestforexbrokersreview · 10 days ago
2025’s Best Forex Brokers: Trade with Confidence & Success
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The Forex market continues to be one of the most dynamic financial arenas in 2025, attracting traders from all over the world. Choosing the right broker is the key to ensuring a smooth and successful trading journey. A reliable broker provides a secure trading environment, competitive spreads, high leverage, and access to the best trading platforms. To help you navigate the vast broker landscape, we have compiled a list of the Top 10 Forex Brokers that offer the most advantageous trading conditions. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, this guide will assist you in selecting a broker for forex trading that best aligns with your trading goals.
1. FP Markets
FP Markets has earned a strong reputation in the Forex industry for its excellent trading infrastructure, lightning-fast execution, and ultra-tight spreads starting from 0.0 pips. With leverage up to 1:500 and support for MT4, MT5, and IRESS platforms, traders have access to sophisticated charting tools and a deep liquidity pool. Regulated and highly secure, FP Markets ensures a seamless and transparent trading experience.
2. FXPro
FXPro is a well-established Forex broker that provides traders with a variety of trading platforms, including MT4, MT5, and cTrader. With access to deep liquidity and leverage up to 1:500, FXPro offers ultra-fast order execution with no dealing desk intervention. This broker is perfect for traders who prioritize precision, advanced trading features, and a secure trading environment.
3. EightCap
EightCap stands out as a highly competitive Forex broker, offering access to over 200 financial instruments with tight spreads and leverage up to 1:500. Traders can utilize MT4 and MT5 platforms, benefiting from advanced charting tools and seamless execution. With a focus on transparency and a trader-friendly environment, EightCap is an excellent choice for both novice and seasoned traders.
4. IC Markets
IC Markets is renowned for its raw spreads starting from 0.0 pips and high-speed trade execution, making it a preferred broker for scalpers and high-frequency traders. The broker offers leverage up to 1:500 and supports MT4, MT5, and cTrader. IC Markets' advanced risk management tools and deep liquidity make it one of the most trusted brokers in the industry.
5. FBS
FBS is a well-known Forex broker that caters to traders of all levels with its diverse account types and high leverage of up to 1:3000. The broker supports both MT4 and MT5, offering a seamless trading experience. FBS is widely recognized for its generous bonus programs, secure trading environment, and excellent customer support, making it a strong contender in 2025.
6. XM
XM has consistently been a top choice for traders due to its commitment to transparency, rapid execution speeds, and flexible leverage up to 1:1000. With access to a wide range of financial instruments and a no-requotes policy, XM ensures a smooth trading experience. The broker also provides extensive educational resources, making it a great option for traders looking to enhance their knowledge.
7. Axi
Axi (formerly AxiTrader) is a highly respected broker offering institutional-grade trading conditions, leverage up to 1:500, and support for the MT4 platform. Known for its deep liquidity, competitive spreads, and superior customer service, Axi provides traders with a secure and efficient trading environment. This broker is particularly popular among professional traders looking for stability and reliability.
8. HFM (Formerly HotForex)
HFM remains a leading choice among Forex traders, providing access to multiple financial instruments with leverage up to 1:1000. Supporting both MT4 and MT5, HFM offers tight spreads, high execution speeds, and excellent customer support. Its strong regulatory framework and user-friendly platform make it one of the most secure and profitable brokers to trade with in 2025.
9. Pepperstone
Pepperstone is a highly reputable Forex broker known for its razor-sharp spreads, rapid execution speeds, and superior trading technology. With leverage up to 1:500 and access to MT4, MT5, and cTrader, traders benefit from a high-performance trading environment. The broker’s strong regulatory oversight and commitment to transparency make it a trusted option for traders worldwide.
Selecting the right broker for forex trading is essential for achieving long-term success in the forex market. The Top 10 Forex Brokers listed above offer superior trading conditions, advanced tools, and high security to ensure traders can execute their strategies with confidence. Whether you're an experienced trader looking for tight spreads and high leverage or a beginner seeking an easy-to-use platform, there is a broker on this list that meets your needs. As the Forex market continues to evolve in 2025, trading with a reliable and regulated broker will be the key to a successful and profitable trading journey.
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maskmanhk · 5 years ago
FxPro Group Limited, a Forex and CFD broker, which is based in Cyprus and is regulated by CySEC, ASIC and FSA UK. The main client base of FxPro consist of retail clients, traders like me and you, however currently FxPro aims to grow in the institutional Forex market. The broker was established in 2006 in Limassol, Cyprus and it is currently headquartered there. In addition to Cyprus, FxPro offices are located in Australia, Austria, France, Spain, Russia and UK.
MetaTrader 4
Live Support
Islamic Account
US Traders
Please note that traders from the US and Canada are not accepted, thus if you are a resident of these countries, it is recommended to look at other top brokers.
FxPro Key Fetaures
FxPro is extremely innovative and a trustworthy online broker. It is considered to be one of the best Forex brokers due to the outstanding services, great trading conditions and  wide selections of the trading platforms.
Trading currencies online with FxPro is a great experience due to the following reasons:
Wide range of trading platforms available, including MetaTrader4 and cTrader
Live chat and support in more than 15 languages
No limitations; Forex scalping, high frequency trading and expert advisers are allowed
Direct market orders
Full market depth
Numerous downloadable books and trading tools
Extensive range of deposit and withdrawal methods
These items make FxPro one of the best forex brokers on the market. Nevertheless, we are strongly aiming for telling you the truth, thus the negative points will be also covered.
FxPro Weak Points
In general, beginners are looking for deposit bonuses to boost their trading balance and unfortunately deposit bonuses are not applicable with FxPro. The main reason for this is that FxPro tries to attract high volume traders by providing superior trading conditions. However, it is also understandable that the bonuses can be of a primary importance for beginners in the world of financial instruments trading.
Trading accounts
FxPro has a relatively simple range of the trading accounts, but the trading conditions of these accounts will suit anyone.
Demo Account
When you are just beginning your trading activities and you are still not sure if this broker is right for you, click here to open your free practice account with FxPro and preview all of the available platforms and account set ups.
The registration process is rather easy, you only have to disclose your name and e-mail address. Also, at this stage you are allowed to select a trading platform, account balance and currency, as an example below:
The good thing about FxPro Demo account registration is that you have a chance to remove yourself from their mailing lists straight away and you receive extensive amount of services even as a demo user:
This account will give you an overview of trading conditions, introduce you to trading platforms and will allow you to start trading with zero risk involved.
If you open a practice account, you will always have an option to upgrade to a real trading account.
FxPro Real Account
This type of account is will provide you with an access to MT4 and cTrader trading platforms, as well as numerous mobile trading applications and web traders.
Registering a real account would be rather more time consuming, since the regulators require a broker to collect quite some personal information from you, including you address, employment data, trading experience, investment knowledge, copy of your ID and the proof of residence.
Do not be afraid when you see such a bulky registration form, it generally means that you are dealing with a financial organisation rather than a scam.
After you have completed the registration, you will be able to choose from one of two following accounts:
MetaTrader 4 Account
The minimum deposit for MT4 trading account is 500 USD or equivalent in any accepted currency.
It is possible to trade Spot Forex, CFDs on spot gold and silver, futures contract for oil, gas, wheat, soya beans and corn, as well as CFDs on indices.
Forex spreads at MT4 account are quite lucrative, starting from 1.2 pips.
The leverage can be set manually, up to 1:500.
A minimum size of an order is 0.1 lots, which is rather large, since most of the brokers offer a minimum of 0.01 lots.
There are numerous currency pairs offered at FxPro with extremely attractive spread. Also you can trade with some exotic pairs like USD/ZAR, but the average spread for exotic pairs can be rather large.
When it comes to CFDs on stocks trading, FxPro also does a great job as for the trading conditions, a spread as low as 0.04 is offered while an additional 0.1% commission is charged on the of the deal. These CFDs can be traded anytime between 16-30 and 23-00 server time, from Monday to Friday.
FxPro offers a great variety of the most popular trading indices, like S&P 500, DJ, Nikkei 225, Dax and much more. All of the trades are executed with a fixed commission of 15 USD per one standard lot. A required margin to open 1 lot size deal starts from 500 USD.
In addition to the desktop version, FxPro offers MT4 Multi terminal, MT4 WebTrader and MT4 available at any mobile device.
cTrader Account
If it is your first hearing about cTrader, you should just go ahead and check out the demo now. Trading with cTrader becomes very comfortable, intuitive and efficient.
cTrader accounts is ECN based, meaning it provides you with the fastest speed of execution as well as with assurance of never receiving a requite.
One of the best thing about cTrader is the offered spread, which can be so low as 0 and is averaged to 1 on the major currency pairs. However, to compensate such an attractive spread, FxPro charges a small commission, around 6.5 USD per opening and closing a position.
There are numerous currency pairs available for trading with cTrader and spot metals are also offered. If you are looking to trade indices and CFDs for stocks, then you would rather look at FxPro MT4 account, however if you execute fx trades, then cTrader will be your paradise.
There are numerous powerful charting tools available at this platform, possibility to make screenshots of your charts and even stream them! Moreover, cTrader is available for as a web version, so if you are always on a go or you simply have an Apple computer, then cTrader is right for you.
Besides that, an analogue of MT4 Expert Advisors – cAlgo is offered. Generally saying, cAlgo provides traders with enormous possibilities for making trading robots and custom indicators using a programming language c#. Also, there numerous developers sharing their code, so one can easily apply the ready-made robots and indicators and even back test them.
To apply for a real cTrader account a minimum deposit of 1000 USD is required.
FxPro Bonus Conditions
Generally, FxPro does not offer any bonuses. However, if you are looking to make a reasonably large deposit, it would make sense to contact their sales or even a support chat and ask for a bonus. If you are planning to deposit more than 10,000 USD, then you can easily get 10% bonus upon the completion of a certain trading volume.
FxPro Trading Software
In general, FxPro offers two types of trading software – MT4 and cTrader, however if we calculate all of the versions, we will come to the result that 10 trading platforms are offered. Let’s examine these trading platforms below:
FxPro Deposits and Withdrawals
FxPro does a great job providing its clients with the most flexible ways of placing the money on the trading account and getting them back.
Following Deposit/Withdrawal methods are available:
Credit/Debit cards – Visa, MasterCard, processing time is up to 1 hour
Neteller – E-wallet system, usually processed within one hour
PayPal – very common E-wallet system, processing time up to 1 hour
Skrill – previously known as Moneybookers, processed within an hour
Wire Transfer – a simple transfer from one bank account to another takes 3-5 days
FxPro Support
All of the clients of FxPro are provided with excellent customer service via e-mail, live chat and call back options. Also, FxPro provides access to the knowledge center, where you can find answers to the questions on your own. According to our research, FxPro live support response time and waiting time is one of the best in the industry. As for the level of support friendliness, FxPro scored the first!
FxPro Review Summary
FxPro is a broker for professional high volume traders and it provides superior trading condition. As for the licenses, it is authorized by numerous authorities, CySec (Cyprus) and FSA (UK), as well as AISIC (Australia). Besides that, FxPro is one of the most awarded broker, which has been elected as a most innovative Cyprus broker, best institutional broker and many more!
The practice accounts are available for free and the minimum deposit required for real account trading is 500 USD. FxPro supplies the tightest spreads starting from 0, stable trading environment and greatest support.
As for the trading conditions and software, FxPro currently has the most innovative trading platform – cTrader. Also, MT4 trading via desktop and web applications is possible. Besides that, mobile trading on any device is supported.
It can be said that this forex broker is highly recommended for experienced traders. However, new traders are also advised to try FxPro, even if your deposit is small, you can still benefit by trading with the best. So sign up for a free demo account here and check out one of the most outstanding foreign exchange broker!
via Kenya Forex Firm LTD
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fxasker-blog · 8 years ago
How will I benefit from creating an EA or strategy with GTCM?
How will I benefit from creating an EA or strategy with GTCM? Read More http://fxasker.com/question/90e89107109300bc/ FXAsker
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traderprovietnam · 5 years ago
icmarkets có uy tín không , đánh giá tổng quan về ic markets
Sàn giao dịch ICMARKETS hiện hoạt động khá rầm rộ tại thị trường Việt Nam. Số lượng Trader giao dịch ở sàn này ngày càng tăng vì sàn giao dịch ICMARKETS có spread và hoa hồng thấp.
đăng ký icmarkets tại đây : https://www.icmarkets.com/en/?camp=33893
IC MARKETS  là sàn giao dịch có trụ sở tại úc, được thành lập từ năm 2011 tới nay đã có gần 10 năm kinh nghiệm trong thị trường tài chính phục vụ hơn 7 triệu khách hàng đến từ 120 quốc gia trên thế giới và có 10000 tài khoản được tạo mới mỗi ngày.
Vậy câu hỏi đặt ra ở đây là có nên giao dịch Forex ở IC MARKETS ? Sàn ICMARKETS có uy tín không? ICMARKETS có lừa đảo không? Tất cả những câu hỏi này sẽ được trả lời trong bài viết đánh giá chi tiết dưới dây.
Giấy Phép Hoạt Động của ic markets
đăng ký icmarkets tại đây : https://www.icmarkets.com/en/?camp=33893
Sàn ICMARKETS chịu sự quản lý bởi International Financial Services Commission (IFSC).CySec (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) đây đều là những cơ quan quản lý tài chính khá có tiếng tăm trên thị trường nên bạn có thể an tâm tin tưởng giao dịch tại sàn IC MARKETS.Sàn ICMARKETS cũng đang hoạt đông chủ yếu ở thị trường Đông Nam Á.
Sàn Giao Dịch ICMARKETS Đa Dạng Các Loại Sản Phẩm
đăng ký icmarkets tại đây : https://www.icmarkets.com/en/?camp=33893
Nếu bạn mới bắt đầu giao dịch Forex.Bạn đã đọc tất cả các sách hướng dẫn giao dịch và đã giao dịch trên tài khoản demo được ít nhất 1 tháng thì bạn đã sẵn sàng giao dịch tài khoản thật. 
Nếu bạn quan tâm đến Ti��n điện tử và muốn giao dịch các loại tiền điện tử trong thời gian ngắn, cả thứ 7 và chủ nhật thì sàn ICMARKETS đáp ứng cho bạn điều đó.Hiện tại các loại tiền điện tử đang được giao dịch trên ICMARKETS ngày càng nhiều như Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, Ripple…
Ngoài ra IC MARKETS đa dạng các loại tài khoản giao dịch Standard, Zero Spead, ECN Account…mỗi loại tài khoản đều có những ưu nhược điểm riêng.Với tài khoản ECN bạn đã biết,đây là loại tài khoản có chênh lệch giá Spead khá thấp, phí Commission 6$/lot…rất phù hơp cho nhà đầu tư chuyên nghiệp.Tôi đã sử dụng phần mềm MT4 để so sánh Spread của sàn Forex ICMARKETS với các sàn lớn khác như: XM, Exness, FXpro, … thì spread của IC MARKETS luôn thuộc loại tốt nhất.
Nền Tảng Giao Dịch Sàn IC MARKETS
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nguồn :https://traderprovietnam.com/danh-gia-review-san-icmarkets/
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saifurrahmansumon-blog · 6 years ago
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techgurudroid · 5 years ago
FxPro Review 2020, User Ratings, Bonus, Demo & More Founded in 2006, FxPro has established a reputation as a global Forex broker that is here to stay. The brokerage had remarkable success and now serves retail traders as well as institutional clients from over 170 countries. FxPro is a well-regulated company with licenses from five different regulators and continues to grow. During our FxPro review we found that that the broker currently offers CFDs on six different asset classes, boasts Tier 1 capital in excess of €100,000,000 and serves traders with lightning gas execution times of less than 11.06 ms while execution just shy of 7,000 trades per second. That being said, the broker is obligated to divulge that approximately 77 percent of traders lose money when trading with FxPro. FxPro appears to be a true NDD (no dealing desk broker) which offers excellent market access to all types of traders. According to the latest data available for 2018, 74.65% of trades were executed at quote price, 12.81% experienced positive slippage and 12.53% negative slippage. 98.60% of trades were executed without a re-quote, 0.72% with a positive re-quote and 0.68% with a negative re-quote. A comprehensive educational and research department complement the reliable trading environment traders enjoy. The remainder of this FxPro review will focus on specific details of what the company offers (or doesn’t offer) it’s traders. Read on to see if FxPro is right for you. #fxproreview #forexbroker
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fxasker-blog · 7 years ago
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fxasker-blog · 8 years ago
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