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stahri · 5 years ago
have you ever gotten gum or something sticky stuck in your tails ?
"Just once... I don’t like talking about what happened.” 
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starthieve · 5 years ago
26 uwu
OUTFIT PROMPTS ! ( selectively accepting ❤ ) | @fxlgurkinesis  ・゚✧ : ・゚✧  
26 . Loungewear / i had so much fun drawing this one uwu , even if i don’t know tack shit about cell shading i enjoy me a good goat w/ comfy blankets & sleeves.
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xfatedties · 5 years ago
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@fxlgurkinesis​ Please enjoy this sketch of Vinea and Lux enjoying beach day/pool party day
[Today I woke up and was flooded with pool/beach party so I had to draw these two enjoying a day off from their timelines. Despite these two never meeting in vanilla verse, Dark Cosmic Sleepy and Cosmic Slipper need a break together ;x]
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curtaincalling · 5 years ago
what did the fish say when he swam into a wall ? Dam.
     Khada Jhin stares at her, his one visible eye unblinking behind his mask. He is absolutely still, as though his reaction is not a reaction in itself, but rather a complete absence of a reaction.
     But then he chuckles. A single, close-lipped chuckle, that quickly splits into several. And then he’s laughing. And he keeps laughing. By the gods, he’s cackling now, shoulders shaking, bent at the waist. 
     Someone get help. 
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moonaspect-a · 5 years ago
onsie diana to fit in with the pajama gang
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Outfit Prompts | (Accepting Selectively!) @herpleasvre & @fxlgurkinesis
17. Onesie
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shurima-demigod · 5 years ago
What’s the difference between a rabbit and a plum?They’re both purple except for the rabbit.
Me and Nasus trying to figure out this joke:
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gracefulprecision · 5 years ago
@fxlgurkinesis replied to your post.
The blonde felt the other stiffen and the stern voice and found her lips downturn slightly.a little crestfallen, but only for a few moments.. " i'll take those three seconds then." she speaks back, because regardless of her reaction it seemed like Fiora needed it, or at least it seemed that way to the blonde. She counted to three in her mind before loosening her arms. " i don't see why we need to pretend it didn't happen though."
She fixed up her clothing as the other let go, gaze mostly focused on that than the other’s own.
“ I have enough people bothering me already. The last thing I need is them thinking I’ve grown soft. Which I haven’t. ”
She spoke, bright blue eyes briefly shifting towards the other at the last part. A facade, maybe. As much as she did it for her own preservation, she did not despise the sudden contact at all. Still, it was good the others thought the contrary.
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fatebreaking-a · 5 years ago
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5 - a sharp suit. / @fxlgurkinesis​ // ( no longer accepting )
I failed to give her all her usual earrings & clasps or any possible ‘work accessories’ ( her shirt isn’t even tucked in! gasp! ), mostly due to a lack of time and enough careful planning ( and there was a lot of planning ). I also accidentally made my canvas too small - 1600x1600 somehow became 800x1600, but that wasn’t large enough to get all the fine details of her face right. Strong chin, earrings, little exhaustion wrinkles and bags under her eyes...? But hey at least she’s kind of smiling this time, instead of making an ultra serious expression. There’s a lot of little things I feel I could improve on, but until next time! 
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ragebred · 5 years ago
It  was  quiet  out  here.  Wherever  this  new  acquaintance  had  led  them  to,  Shyvana  liked  it  much  better  than  the  city.  She  only  ever  felt  this  free  when  on  duty  outside  the  city  of  Demacia,  near  the  border  &  such  ——  it  was  almost  strange  to  feel  it  elsewhere.
❛   Where  are  we?   ❜
Shyvana  looks  around,  tilting  her  head  from  side  to  side  as  she  does.  She  stretches  out  on  her  way  over  to  sit  on  a  nearby  rock,  making  herself  comfortable  on  the  sun  warmed  surface.
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lightshielded · 5 years ago
@feyquil replied: he's so handsome is...he single
he is ;)
@hamartio replied: [ BABE ]
well your boy can take like half the credit for that. rest is good genetics :^)
@fxlgurkinesis replied: handsom bOI
he is u w u
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bladesferocity · 5 years ago
what is forest gump's password ? 1forest1
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     it’s almost enough to make him smile.
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xfatedties · 5 years ago
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“Submergence” For @fxlgurkinesis based on her headcanon.
[The words are entirely from her headcanon short linked above! This was extremely challenging and fun! And I really suggest opening the image in a new tab to read, as I am severely under skilled at formatting :).]
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curtaincalling · 5 years ago
☆✦ fxlgurkinesis is grasping at infinity.✦☆
     AND NOW THE UNIVERSE LISTENS. Before them, a world--- just twinkled into existence, and now screaming out its dying song. Fragments of young rock and pale light shoot outwards, sparkling and exploding in a crackling fire. And Khada Jhin, floating above it all, laughing, laughing, laughing into the abyss, the sound being devoured by the nothingness. 
     "You were too late to save them, Lux, but you’re just in time for their debut into oblivion,” he says, twirling to face her. Around him, the stars distort and shudder. “It’s a cradle song, you see. To ease a young planet into the tranquility of annihilation.” 
     The gun whirls around him in rapid circles, before finding its place in the crevice of his hand. It trembles with the weight of its celestial ammunition, though settles into perfect stillness as it points itself at Lux. 
     “What do you think?” 
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deathsaught · 5 years ago
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fxlgurkinesis        She wasn't sure what exactly had come over her, but there was a pull from the other she couldn't quite ignore, maybe it was just how soft the fox's tails looked, it probably was, really. soon she found herself hugging the other gently.?
There’s a silence given as the taller fox-like woman is given a sweet embrace from the little magic user beneath her , though , little is understatement considering how much power the vixen can sense from the very source of light itself . . .  Honeyed eyes narrow transparently , attempting to scrutinize the girl however no words are uttered as the soul-stealer is truly a sucker for women . lengthy     silky   red sleeves gingerly wrap around the lithe waist of luxanna ,  talons press themselves gently into soft skin letting her know that she had been within a apex predators grasp albeit the touch is nonintoxicating saccharine .   “ my , what caused this  ? “   finally comes the temptresses words , amusement tugging at those sharp features . canines begins to grow prominent whilst lengthy ears stand up right , a small flick or two given .  “ so . . .  eerily    s w e e t .   “ 
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scneschal · 5 years ago
her arms wrap around the other, face to chest. she squeezes for a moment before pulling back for a smile. "thank you for all your hard work."
The Seneschal’s mind drifted for a moment. Thinking of many things that were on his mind. Ensuring that each and every Demacian were in good health and not troubled. Their wellbeing came first before his as he cared for all of them. They were his friends, his family. He would protect them all even if it meant dying.
As he finished talking to one of the guards, he turned and was surprised to be hugged. His expression neutral and sometimes intimidating, but it softened knowing it was Luxanna.
“No need to thank me.” He awkwardly patted her shoulder, still not used to hugs. “I should be thanking you. Your presence is radiating and brings smiles upon many.”
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fatebreaking-a · 5 years ago
cosmic ori ! ‘ you can be a good thing and not a whole thing ’
“Is that...” Her voice comes faltering, unsteady, creaking. She exhales, stardust in her aching breath, and wonders just what good these overwhelming emotions are to her. They were just another reminder that she was different now, that everything was different.
“Is that really true...?” Orianna’s body seems to shimmer and twist, as if threatening to collapse into a supernova, but it is nothing in comparison to her smile. It is so deeply wounded and so unapologetically resilient that it could be worn right into the abyss. Perhaps that was what she was thinking, the clockwork cosmic, mentally prepared to be swallowed up and disappear.
“I am not a whole thing. I am... not...” She does not finish. She does not say, ‘I am not you.’ She only closes her eyes, nebulae tucked away beneath a cosmic veil of eyelashes. Her eyebrows crease in frustration with herself - her foolishness, her instability, her differences. She is an outsider to her own skin, not to mention an outsider to the court and to everyone’s lives. Not meant to be.
“What you say is true. Perfection is not the standard for goodness. You prove that to me. You are imperfect but beautiful.” As though calmed by speaking a truth only she understands and making her observations, her smile thins. Her shoulders drop in a very ‘alive’ motion and she curses that she has to force such an action through her body.
Nothing comes naturally to her... or easily.
Once, there was only her.
Once, once, once, there was only her. Only her and the stars and she had endless millennia alone, born with a hunger that was indispensable to her very state of being. She was born a hungry creature, a greedy creature, and a creature of such startling reason that it worried - Ah, what if I should eat and there is nothing left?
And her startling rationality consumed even her hunger until all she had left was a single worry - How do I reverse causality? How do I make things right? Her greed left her barren of anything else, devoid of reason, with only a lust for answers, for truth, for more. Among the dark stars, she was both the least and most cruel of them all - she was callously, unapologetically, unrelentingly... uncaring.
At the core of her being, there was a hole.
She frowns and closes her eyes tighter. Every day spent with the court made it more obvious, every day spent with Lux made it almost unbearable. Emotions were a reminder of what she wasn’t. This phrase, this simple phrase - it is meant to imply that things will get better.
“I will never be whole. I never was. There is a chasm inside my chest that is integral to my very being, around which all my thoughts and stars and all else orbits.” She laughs, a hollow sound that reflects just how hollow she is - it is not just a feeling, it is a state of being.
She is empty.
I am empty.
“I am an outsider. The cosmics stare not into my eyes ” - eyes as dark as black holes, dark enough that a comparison to ‘despair’ was insulting, merely void, empty, pitch - “ but at my core. They see nothing. They see what I am. How I came to me.
They see nothing in me.” She laughs again. “ And I think, as they see nothing, some of them think that I am nothing. Or perhaps that I am dangerous. Greedy. ‘Mortal sin.’ If I fulfill my purpose and create something from nothing, I can fix everything.
I can even fill the void inside me. It would be good, to see that.”
Another weak sigh.
“But it may never happen. I have spent millennia upon this. It is all I am. Hunger and a hunger to end the very same. And if I do not... and I think, perhaps, I will not... If I cannot prove that I mean something, I am worth something, I matter, I-”
“That you were right to help me... What if I cannot prove it?”
“Will I ever be good enough...?”
Will I ever be worthy of you?
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