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Yoga with Miles Davis (aka Booger)🥰 ⤠⤠⤠ #yogawithadriene #findwhatfeelsgood #quarantinelife #fwfgyoga #fwfg #fwfgkula #yogaeverydamnday #yogaathome #yogisofinstagram #catsofinstagram #spreadlove https://www.instagram.com/p/CBV7kaWgaJ2/?igshid=1rziq5r9odsuz
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🇹🇷 30'a 30 Gün Kala | Gün 1 "Yoga with Adriene ile bu yıl 2. kez True yolculuğuna başla." Bu 24.6.2018 tarihli bir hedef ve ben hala blog yazısını bitiremedim 😂 ama söz veriyorum yarın sabah güncel takvime döneceğim. Kelimenin tam anlamıyla harika bir ruhsal yolculuk olan True'yu yarattığı ve paylaştığı için @adrienelouise 'e kucak dolusu sevgilerimi gönderiyorum. True ile ilgili yarın blogumda daha fazla bilgi edineceksiniz. "Hangi blog?!" diyorsanız profilimdeki bağlantıya göz atın. . . . 🇬🇧 #30DaysBefore30 | Day 1 "Start #True Journey with #yogawithadriene for the second time this year." This one is from 24.6.2018 and I still haven't finished writing my blog post for this one 😂 but I promise I will catch up tomorrow morning. I am sending lots of love to @adrienelouise for creating this "truly" amazing spiritual journey. You'll read more about that tomorrow on my blog. Check out the link on my profile if you are like "which blog?!" I'll be posting in #English and #Turkish. . . . 🇩🇪 30 Tage Bevor 30 | Tag 1 "Start Sie True on #Youtube mit Yoga with Adriene zum zweiten Mal in diesem Jahr." Dieser ist vom 24.6.2018 und ich bin noch nicht fertig damit meinen Blogbeitrag zu schreiben 😂 aber ich verspreche dass ich morgen früh alles aufholen werde. Ich sende viel Liebe zu @adrielelouise, um diese wirklich erstaunliche spirituelle Reise zu erschaffen. ❤ Mehr dazu liest ihr morgen auf meinem #Blog. Schau Dir den #Link in meinem Profil an, wenn Du fragst "welcher blog?" Ich werde auf Englisch und Türkisch posten. #sevgiekicigil #photography #yoga #mindbodysoul #fwfg #ywatrue #fwfgkula #challenge #30day (hier: Çayırbaşı Köyü)
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Post- “No Buts Run”, post-woke up late, post-yoga, pre-shower, real Mom life 😏😜🤷♀️ . . #nobutsrun #REIWinterPark #forceofnature #optoutside #lakebaldwin #momlife #reallife #postyoga #postyogabliss #yogawithadriene30daysofyoga #fwfg #fwfgtrue #fwfgkula . . @algermissenapothecary @girlswhohikefl
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Working hard or hardly working, wasn’t a question asked today!!! AM routine that involves journal for #theartistsway , daily performance journal in #thehighperformanceplanner read a passage in #ilprofeta, walk with my man @sweetpeapinup, then to the Studio!!! Took down shelving because soon we put up canvas storage;) #homestudiolife then #oilpainting don’t forget about #communitygardenplot now time for #fwfgkula #oilpaintings
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Yoga Day 29 of #ywadedicate with @adrienelouise: Celebrate! 🎉🎈🎶 Celebrate good times, come on! Let's celebrate!🎵 Today's practice was a celebration of each of us. We made it this far. Amazing! Was I the only one that put music on after and danced around her mat? Just me? Oh, ok 💃 But hey, let's party it up, one more practice. We could do it. We have been doing it! Can't wait! Namaste 🧘♀️ • • • • • #yoga #yogi #yogawithadriene #30daychallenge #30daysofyoga #health #fitness #challengeyourself #namaste #athomeyoga #fwfgkula #fwfglife @fwfglife #celebrate (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtSL2oUD46q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=x6tpjil9cdh7
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Yoga Day 27 of #ywadedicate with @adrienelouise: Dedicate. Yoga is a very personal journey. And today's intension was to step outside ourselves and think of someone and dedicate your practice to someone else. I dedicated it to my biffle @dcschedler. She's stressed and so much happening at once. She's so graceful through everything. And although she doesn't see herself this way, she is one of the strongest women I know. I chose #shavasana as today's picture because I am sending her stillness. I'm sending her quiet. I am sending her peace and happiness. Love you Sil! Who did you dedicate your practice to? Namaste 🧘♀️ #yoga #yogi #yogawithadriene #30daychallenge #30daysofyoga #health #fitness #challengeyourself #namaste #athomeyoga #fwfgkula #fwfglife @fwfglife #dedicate (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtPouNSDxK4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13set7awex2ys
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Yoga Day 26 of #ywadedicate with @adrienelouise: Power. This is what happens when you do a core base yoga after leg day at the gym. I am too tired to be clever. Hope you had a great practice! Namaste 🧘♀️ #yoga #yogi #yogawithadriene #30daychallenge #30daysofyoga #health #fitness #challengeyourself #namaste #athomeyoga #fwfgkula #fwfglife @fwfglife #power (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtNGtyYji0Q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=136n6o06yc877
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Yoga Day 26 of #ywadedicate with @adrienelouise: Drop. Drop-drop, drop it like its hot. Aka it was leg day. And as you may know its my favorite. How did you enjoy today's bootay drop? Namaste 🧘♀️ #yoga #yogi #yogawithadriene #30daychallenge #30daysofyoga #health #fitness #challengeyourself #namaste #athomeyoga #fwfgkula #fwfglife @fwfglife #drop (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtKidmdg7bt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qcpfryu2svjj
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Yoga Day 25 of #ywadedicate with @adrienelouise: Alive. 🎶And it's a great day to be alive. I know the sun's still shining when I close my eyes.🎵 Today was a super short practice, less than 14 mins. Just a little boost to feel alive! Namaste 🧘♀️ #yoga #yogi #yogawithadriene #30daychallenge #30daysofyoga #health #fitness #challengeyourself #namaste #athomeyoga #fwfgkula #fwfglife @fwfglife #lead (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtIJMn5AbNW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rb2z4axj46zn
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Yoga Day 23 of #ywadedicate with @adrienelouise: Joyful. Today I struggled to find my joy. When I landed on the matt, I had just shared the news that I had re-released my first book that was originally published over 10 years ago. I am super confident person except when it comes to my creative writing. I get SO nervous. I was sitting at my desk cold sweating. I had to step away so I went to find stillness on mat. By the end of the practice, yes I was still nervous but I realized that it was about dang time my series was reshared. It was something that was always hanging over my head. And in the end, I am so happy to share my world with you. By the way, these are my optical illustration leggings. Do you see an otter or a penguin? Namaste 🧘♀️ #yoga #yogi #yogawithadriene #30daychallenge #30daysofyoga #health #fitness #challengeyourself #namaste #athomeyoga #fwfgkula #fwfglife @fwfglife #lead https://www.instagram.com/p/BtC3IyYgSji/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zp3x0gfr4arv
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Day 22 of #ywadedicate with @adrienelouise: Steady. These are the practices that I don't like. The ones you have to hold on to 47 years. I know why the are beneficial. But I cringe every single time. How did enjoy day 22? Namaste 🧘♀️ #yoga #yogi #yogawithadriene #30daychallenge #30daysofyoga #health #fitness #challengeyourself #namaste #athomeyoga #fwfgkula #fwfglife @fwfglife #lead (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtAUX2ng4T8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rsxlbjsnuvn
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Day 21 of #ywadedicate with @adrienelouise: Light. 🎵Come in baby light ny fire🎶 You have the right to slap your booty if it feels good! After all you should be finding what feels good. Today's pratice was an all over affair. Some of y'all will be sore tomorrow! Namaste 🧘♀️ #yoga #yogi #yogawithadriene #30daychallenge #30daysofyoga #health #fitness #challengeyourself #namaste #athomeyoga #fwfgkula #fwfglife @fwfglife #light (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs9uzsIg6T1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=x452uc09ovza
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Day 20 of #ywadedicate with @adrienelouise: Lead. Don't be fooled by the smile. I've been trying to keep a normal a routine white I have bronchitis. Today it got the best of me and the weather didn't help. BUT I did love today's pratice working my favorite body part! Want to guess? LEGS! I could do legs all day, every day. It was great to move and get the blood going. How was your lead? Namaste 🧘♀️ #yoga #yogi #yogawithadriene #30daychallenge #30daysofyoga #health #fitness #challengeyourself #namaste #athomeyoga #fwfgkula #fwfglife @fwfglife #lead (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs6-PO6gxhE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ij2h8saeff2g
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Day 19 of #ywadedicate with @adrienelouise: Listen. "What if your breathe was your hearts song?" Today Adriene invited us to listen to our breathe. Its harder than it sounds when you are bent like a wanna be pretzel. I hope you listened to the waves of your heart. Namaste 🧘♀️ #yoga #yogi #yogawithadriene #30daychallenge #30daysofyoga #health #fitness #challengeyourself #namaste #athomeyoga #fwfgkula #fwfglife @fwfglife #love (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs3vEy7A1-3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qxsskwealjbg
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Day 18 of #ywadedicate with @adrienelouise: Love. Because today's pratice is all about loving yourself, all I have to say is: self-love should be the new #relationshipgoals. Namaste 🧘♀️ #yoga #yogi #yogawithadriene #30daychallenge #30daysofyoga #health #fitness #challengeyourself #namaste #athomeyoga #fwfgkula #fwfglife @fwfglife (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs2AaP9AZ-t/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6sctiq9kskx8
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Day 17 of #ywadedicate with @adrienelouise: Learn. I'm not feeling well so I opted to veg out in bed last night. I just finish day learn practice and although I am meh my body enjoyed the movement. When it comes to yoga, you never stop learning. You are always trying to be a little bit better. How was your practice? Namaste 🧘♀️ #yoga #yogi #yogawithadriene #30daychallenge #30daysofyoga #health #fitness #challengeyourself #namaste #athomeyoga #fwfgkula #fwfglife @fwfglife (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs0cShGAge-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cplirskarpe6
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