#fuzzle cuddle
inifinitypink · 2 months
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Wall of doodles for fun Razor gijika belong to @razorursine
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funkyfurymalissa · 2 months
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Fuzzle Cuddle's profile is here! took a bit to finish but, here goes. I'll updated the pinned post wit it manually.
beside that, a brand new (?) character in Mary Micky! she's not a teacher or anything. just a background character with zero purpose to the plot, I just drew her because I can. She's a nurse that works at nearby SOS facility and is a sister of Nicky Micky, in comparison to her bubbly and extrover sister, Mary is a person with few words, only talks when it's necessary or feels comfortable doing so.
her concept was inspired by Trisha from World War Blue.
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pink-octopede64 · 3 months
ohhhhhhh iiiiii frequently think every now and then of the glorious fruit of the noble hen
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asameera · 2 years
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Oddoworldtober day 19: Scary Fuzzle
Honestly at first I tried to draw a single Fuzzle and give him a very scary look but... actually Fuzzles are already scary to begin with, so it seemed there was no point! 😅
In the end I chose to do some kind of Scary movie parody with Fuzzle... while trying to draw as fast as I could (I had set a 5 minutes countdown)... while being bothered by my cats that chose that very moment to demand attention and cuddling!
So in the end it took me about 15 minutes and... yeah, meh 😅
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yamipoli · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Douglas Cuddle Toys Veda Unicorn Rainbow Fuzzle # 4274 Stuffed Animal Toy.
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hi there !! it’s me again and i have a doodle request if you’d like !! is it alright if you drew something soft -ish with deimos and a visible grunt ? like cuddling or something like that hfhfh ::3
also if it’s alright with you , can i refer to myself as 🦇 anon or something like that ?
Yes anon!! To both >+D I was a little fuzzled w/ the requests wording so if I got anything wrong via misunderstanding, just let me know bud! +)
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ddlg-matchmaking · 3 years
♡Little Submission♡
Name: Kitty
Age: 19
Location: Texas
Little Age Range: 2-5
Role: little/princess/brat

Preferred Little Titles: Princes, baby girl… anyphing weally

About Yourself: I love to color and give my Daddy pictures, Disney watch parties with my Daddy, playing with my stuffie and toys
Big Life: I’m a biology major currently doing classes from home
Little Life: I like to be cuddled and watch movies
Big Interests: Sewing, Puzzles, bike rides, baking
Little Interests: being praised, cuddles, pacis

♡ Favorite Big / Little Item? Big- my kindle Little- my stuffie Mr. Fuzzles
♡ Big / Little Activities? Big- Reading Little- coloring, puzzles
♡ Favorite Shows / Movies? I watch too many shows to pick a favorite, but my favorite movie is Beauty and the Beast
♡ Stuffies? 2: Mr. Fuzzles (pink giraffe) and Peanut (white bear) but I wants more
Preferred Partner Age: 20-25
Preferred Partner Type: Male
Preferred Partner Role: Daddy/Dom

What are you looking for in a Partner: some on to care for me and be there when I regressed but also there in big space
I like when my Daddy: praises me, tells me his thoughts, cuddles
Things that I Dislike: being ignored
Deal Breakers: if you no like brownies dat won’t work.. hehe :)
Relationship Type: TBD
Best way to contact me: tumbler @princesskittens-things
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jellycatfriends · 4 years
Are you able to describe the different fur textures for each of your Jellycats and any Jellycats that you don't own? You can group them by type if you want.
anon, you have come to the perfect texture sensitive jellycat collector for this question.
i’ll start with the bashfuls as they’re arguably the most common and well known jellycats. they all have the same fur and fur texture - incredibly soft, however it is prone to clumping together with time and becoming less soft. while this can be helped with regular brushing, they don’t stay as soft as the day you meet them for too long. that being said, even when they loose that initial softness they are still very soft.
the jellycat website has a section called super softies and it is very very aptly named. i have two from that section (bailey sloth and huggady hippo) and they’re softer than the bashfuls. their fur is softer and longer than the bashfuls’ and has another texture difference i’m struggling to put exactly into words. i’m unsure about how they go with clumping over time as i’m scared of ruining them and have not hugged them as much as some of my other jellycats (for which i feel awful), however they’re doing very well and both of them are still very very soft. i use their textures to stim and ground myself because of how soft they are. 
for christmas i got a fuzzle reindeer and she is a very different texture to all my other jellycats. she is soft but her fur feels almost ‘stiffer’ than other jellycats’. this is not to say her fur is stiff - it moves freely and nicely - however it has a rigidity that other jellycats’ fur doesn’t. while clarice is still soft i wouldn’t recommend a fuzzle if you’re looking for super soft. if you’re looking for soft with an interesting texture, a fuzzle could be worth looking into!
my two bears have vastly different textures. ernest (cinnamon bear) has an interesting texture as his fur is intentionally messy. soft, but not on the same level as the bashfuls. bruno’s (bumblr bear) fur is softer and closer to bashful texture, however it has a bit of swirliness to it that gives it a difference. both ernest and bruno are pretty much impossible to brush due to their respective messy and swirly fur, however so far i haven’t noticed their lack of brushing having a negative impact on their softness. 
slinky (starry-eyed kitten) is similar to the bashfuls, just a little less soft and with shorter fur. he’s good for warmer days. his eyes are his biggest texture difference as the glitter around his eyes can be felt. it’s enturely avoidable as his fur covers the worst of it while cuddling, however if you’re sensitive to rougher textures perhaps starry-eyeds aren’t for you. 
odie (baby odell octopus) has experienced the biggest decrease in softness since i got them as they spend a lot of time in my hands and have thus been exposed to more oils from my skin. despite this, they’re still wonderfully soft and soothing to me. when i first got them, they felt very similar to my bashfuls just with shorter fur. 
while frankie (pitterpat elephant) ranks probably the lowest of my jellycats in softness, their texture makes up for it by being satisfying in other ways. it’s shortness makes frankie great for bringing out during the hot summers and when brushed, frankie looks brand new. 
edith (pedlar bunny) doesn’t exactly have fur, she’s made of a soft material that i’m struggling to give words to. of course, without fur it’s not really fair to compare her to bashfuls as bashfuls get their softness from their fur, however i promise that her texture is incredble. she’s soft and so are her clothes. her satchel isn’t as soft as her clothes, but i wouldn’t call it stiff either. it’s just more sturdily made as it’s prone to moving around a bit more (it is secured in place by a stitch on her shoulder, but it still moves). the underside of edith’s material is very satisfying when rubbed together and i frequently rub her ears (as they are unstuffed) together for stimming/grounding. 
that’s all of my jellycats!! honourable mentions from my jellycat adventures include:
-amuseable cloud - i’m still undecided on their texture. they look adorable but to the touch the fur feels different than i’m used to.
-puffles giraffe - extremely soft, very huggable, intend to add one to my collection
-barnaby pup and billie giraffe - same texture as bailey and i also would love to add them to my collection
-toothys - also undecided. could also take some getting used to. luckily while they’ve grown on me and i’m amused by them i’m not sure i’d ever get one
-christopher caterpillar - his underside is excellent. his green fur is usual jellycat softness. 
i just wanted to note that jellycat is hands down the softest brand of soft toys i have ever encountered and i’ve been a soft toy person since i was a little kid. even frankie is very very soft by most soft toy standards and beats a lot of my other non-jellycat soft toys. while in the right conditions i’m quite sensitive to touch and can personally tell as difference between jellycat textures, others with lower sensitivity to textures may not. 
i also just read over this to proofread and realised how many times i wrote the word ‘soft’. i hope this indicates how soft jellycats are. they’re extremely soft. 
i hope this is at least a little helpful anyways! if you have any more questions send them my way :)
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kurumisredbow · 4 years
Oh, I frequently think every now and then
of the glorious fruit of the noble hen.
Eggs, eggs, E, double-G, S-eggs
My knowledge of eggs is tremendously wide.
I've eaten them boiled, I've eaten them fried.
Poached and shirred and deviled and scrambled.
Hummeled, shmummeled, cuddled, and frammeled.
I've eaten them beaten and swizzled and swuzzled.
Frizzled, cadizzled, bamboozled, and fuzzled.
I know every way that an egg can be guzzled.
And thinking of eggs reminds me of Sam
Whose favorite dish is green eggs and ham
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mymedicine · 4 years
nuzzle wuzzle fuzzle buzzle buzz buzz what r ur thoughts on bees cuzzle nuzzle snuzzle snuggle buggle bugle do u like those chip things called bugles bagel belgium selguim seldom meldom muddle cuddle cuzzle fuzzle wuzzle nuzzle can u tell i'm bored ily tan 🥰
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snuggle wuggle buggle kruggle cerfuggle ily too 🤑
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inifinitypink · 2 months
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holy shit, hello squad! I return to you with more funk it malissa/funky fury malissa stuff once again! Meet Malissa's Rival, Fuzzle Cuddle, an Italian poodle that works as a secretary to some guy that owns a jewelry company in Origami City. or at least, that's what she does in the morning! at night, this poodle reveals her second job as a skilled thief that steals jewelry and diamonds from the riches for fun. she does that alongside her friends Gaster and Groover, who also have a foot in the theivery.
Beside all of that, she's also into the electric piano player, Berzack! (the guy Malissa is into) whom she always tries to impress, whether by playing a heroic act in the sweet beard burger, or by showcasing her super limo 9000.
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funkyfurymalissa · 2 months
+. Welcome aboard this blog! which is dedicated to my project of a fan spin-off series of the Parappa The Rapper franchise, Funky Fury Malissa. Featuring a new protagonist with "Malissa Rappa" ,original characters, teachers, rivals and more..
+. I made this blog to share my process on working in the project and receive questions about the characters on the way! I won't make this series into a game though. not only because Sony are becoming the next Nintendo with Fan-games but, also going such thing will require experience and budget. which I got NEITHER. but, I can draw and write, which is what I shall use to tell the story of the series! in a visual novel type of style, dialogue of characters, actions and of course, LYRICS of the songs.
+.As stated before, this series is STILL a WIP, which means I've yet to finish/Finalize the designs of characters and elements of the story (mostly the teachers) so, I'll always pinpoint the stuff that are unfinished/finalized with a note with brackets. Also this Post will be updated manually, adding more references and information about the series.
Mission Statement?
+. Malissa Rappa, a funky gal from Origami city is trying to win the heart of her beloved crush, Berzack Bandicoot, however there are MANY obstacles in her way! starting from her rival in love, "Fuzzle Cuddle" to a Group of thugs fro hell.. to.. a giant polygon face that's trying to take over the City?! boy, those are lots of obstacles. but, not something that will keep this funky dog from moving forward, Keeping her head on and facing all the challenges with her funky gorgeous singing and HER fury metal rings! will she grant her dream? only one way to find out.
Characters (40% finished):
+.THE MAIN FOUR: (Finalized)
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+.THE RIVAL: (Almost finalized, Missing the introduction card and thief-outfit display)
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Fuzzle Cuddle is Italian poodle working as a secretary to the owner of the biggest Jewelry company in Origami City, she retails a very bubbly and narcissistic air-headed personality, she's also into the electric piano player, Berzack, whom she always tries to impress, whether by playing a heroic act in the sweet beard burger, or flashing showcasing her super limo 9000.. atleast, that's what she does in the day time.
In night, she goes by her alter ego name "Diamond Candle", a skilled thief that's always targeting the riches and robbing them from their precious and delicate jewelry for fun. accompanies by her partners in crime, Gaster and Groover, (they also have code names but I've yet to come up with them lol) who also have a foot in the world of thievery.
+.The Teachers/rivals (20% finished, No references, still conceptualizing most of them, some names are placeholder. all what you gotta know is that some of them will be like parallels to parappa's teacher with tweaks. )
King E Roo: A kangaroo that owns a private boxing Club
Krash Pitch: Karma's mother and a racer car instructor
Nicky Picky: a white-square headed cat who works as a barista in "sweet beard burger"
Narissa RaParra: Malissa's Monochrome copy and the leader of the retired band, "BornEye".
Grand Polygon: some giant Floaty face thing built of of instruments. it has the ability to hypnotize people.
+. Others (10% finished, once again missing introduction card, gallery and design for the other bg worker.)
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(note: this character's importance will be FULLY explored in "funky fury malissa 2" o, I won't spoil anything about his story. though, I thought mentioning him because he's kinda like a BG character now.)
Miguel Nosso: the current heir of the MOST successful restaurants in ALL of Origami city, "sweet beard burger". He's the manager of the resturant and mostly found in the kitchen, baking cakes for costumers while his workers serve the desserts.
the branch was originally initiated by "beard burger" in order to expand his brand across the globe, taking Europe as the first stock to market it. the Resturant was Run by one of Miguel's other uncle "Sweet Nosou", and it did QUITE awful on it's first few decades of launch. Sweet Nosou negotiated with beard burger to change the Resturant's direction from burgers to dessert as an experiment. a decision that fruited with good results, thus "Beard Burger EU" was changed to "SWEET BEARD BURGER".
Tama AIpple: an anthro tomato headed girl who also works in sweet beard burger.
now that's all established, here's the the rules of sending eml- Oh, I'm sorry, "SHOUT!!"
While I do not mind suggestive question (the entire cast are adults), please keep them minimal.
absolutely NO NSFW or fetish-related questions, this also include major gore.
If you're asking a character, please refer to them by name so I know who's receiving the question
If I take long on answering your question, my apologies. I'm not ignroing you, I'm either busy with other stuff or burnt-out.
Finally, if you made it to this point, thank you so much for taking your time to read this mess I wrote. have fun!
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veuve-lilac · 6 years
Makarov gently cuddled his wife in his arms as he gently nuzzled her neck while they slept trough the morning. It was still dark as he felt the slight fuzzle of her in between him and his wife and knew that Vanilla was looking for attention. Giving the kitten a pat he smiled and said in a groggy tone "Our daughter is one in needs for cuddles"
“But she slept in your chest all night, honey.”
Amélie sighs, but laughed and hug the little black cat on her arms. 
“She’s so warm and fluffy, I’m happy to think she exists in our life, my husband.”
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killian-whump · 7 years
I just... I just wanna... scoop him up and like, fuzzle and snuggle and cuddle him... It’s like Hook and Colin had a love child and covered it in glitter and love and adorableness and I just wanna eat him up in a sundae.
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justwritingscibbles · 7 years
Furry Encouraging
Fic Request:  “OML OKAY I HAVE A REQUEST IDEA!! So the reader is getting rly stressed about exams (seeing as it's that season again ;-;) and ends up having a breakdown. Chica comes in and tries to cheer the reader up with cuddles and being cute but when that doesn't work Chica finds mark and brings him to the reader to help and fluff happens :,)) I'm so sorry this is so long :,,,,,,)” 
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The textbooks seemed to mock you.  Nothing you read stayed in your mind. Words became fuzzled as you tried to get some kind of information from the books.  You were already stressed about the upcoming exams, this bullshittery was just adding to the growing plate of anxiety.  You shoved the textbook away in a fury of frustration. Tears stung your eyes but you refused to let them fall.  Hurriedly brushing them away and breathing in a deep sigh.  “I’m going to do fine,” You tried to reassure yourself. “It’s just a little test.  You’ve read through everything already. You know what it is.”  But your words fell heavy as the crushing dread your situation flooded your mind.  A quiet sob burst from your chest, and it seemed to be the breaking point.  Tears streamed down your cheeks and you leaned back against your bed, stifling your sniffles in your knees as you curled into a ball. 
Unbeknownst to you, a particular fluffy canine had heard you. A black nose pushed against the small crack in your closed door and squeezed into the room.  She was rarely allowed in your bedroom. Chica only came in when Mark allowed it or you would call her as she passed the door. She stepped quietly towards you, surprising you with her wet nose prodding your arm.  “Oh, Chica!” You sniffled, wiping away your tears. “Hey, girl. How’d you get in here?”  Chica sat beside you, her tail wagging gently as her left paw came up to touch your hand. She then pushed her snout into your fingers and pressed her body against yours.  You chuckled, still wiping away the tears. “I’m alright, girl. Just stressed.”  You scratched her nose. Chica whined when you stopped and tried wriggling under your arm.  “Chica, not now please.” You said, a little too firmly. “I’m not in the mood, girl.”  You felt bad when Chica’s tail stopped moving, and she lifted her head from your lap. Looking at you almost reproachfully.  You felt even worse when she turned and trotted out of your room, tail tucked under her belly.  You tightened your hold on your legs. You hated crying. Especially at something stupid like school-work.  It always came down to this. You breaking down over a test. It was a vicious cycle. 
“Chica what are you doing? Let go of my pants!”  You looked up at Chica backed up into your room. Her jaws were clamped around a loose pair of trousers, which were being worn by her adoring owner, Mark.  “Honestly. (Y/N) do you know why-” Mark halted when he saw you on the ground. Eyes red and swollen from crying, hiccuping with quiet sobs.  “(Y/N) what’s wrong?” He asked, moving by Chica (who had released his pants upon entering the room) and crouching beside her. “Are you ok?”  You tried to nod, but the movement wasn’t very assuring when another burst of tears rolled down your face.  “I-It’s just school-work.” You hiccuped, wiping your tears with your sleeve. “I-I don’t think I c-can do it? What if I fail?”  Mark moved beside you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you against his side.  “Don’t think like that,” He said softly. His arms enveloping you. “You’re smart. You’ll be able to beat this test easily. It’s just an exam, nothing you haven’t done before.”  You shook your head, “But everything I read just-” Mark hushed you, squeezing your shoulders. “It’s ok. Don’t worry about it now. Have a break, ok? Let’s go get something to eat, huh?”  Mark shook your shoulders gently, rocking both of you side to side gently. As if soothing a child.  Chica walked over Mark to get to you. Her nose pressing against your cheeks and her tail wagging madly as you stroked her head.  “Ow, Chica that would be my dick!” Mark groaned with pain, moving Chica off his groin. Then spluttering as her tail slapped into his face.  You couldn’t help but laugh at the scene. Hugging Chica close as Mark pushed her off him, spitting fur and wiping it off his tongue.  He half glared at Chica, but smiled when he saw her cuddle up to you. She collapsed into your lap and you ran your fingers through her fur.  The stress of everything seemed to disappear as you patted the loving dog. Mark stayed with you, kicking the text-book away from you with a disgusted grunt.
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Jo chuckles, nuzzling into Diana more. "Kara can't even lift me if I don't want her to," she quips. "Trust me... I'm a lot heavier than I look."
"I've play wrestled dinosaurs, Johanna. Though I'd rather you not squeeze the air out of me, mm?""I do not mind the cuddling and the nuzzling, but if I need to get up, trust me, I shall."She fuzzles the wolf's head.*Fuzzling: playful scratch-rubbing :D
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