Heyy, can I get a modern au of satosugu, preferably with no angst, no ooc, and no smut, totally okay if you don't have that in stock and shove a daddy issues fic at me, but can you at least check in the back
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beabadoobeef · 8 months
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kemafili · 2 months
i appreciate your determination of making all the shit your into look faggys as fuuuuucckkk (compliement)
DUDE…. LIKE…… GENUIENLY THANK YOU that’s my ultimate goal I want to achieve at least a small portion of the faggyness that Tom of Finland oozes like ant pheromones to a dead body
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toast-bythe-ocean · 13 hours
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Project HH Character Concepting~ I kinda like the design a bit ngl ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌
I've also just realised I forgot her scar details on the left drawing fuuuuucckkk~
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huffys-other-blog · 8 months
Hunted down? (Mr.X x reader fluff)
I'm back bitches! contains: X speaking in broken english, slight mentions of sex but nothing actually sexual...very touchy X bc he's worried about you, Human × Monster
Hunted down? (Mr.X × Reader fluff)
"Fuck fuck fuck fuuuuucckkk-"
You knew he was after you...you weren't from around here...but you knew the monster was sent to hunt down anyone left in racoon city, you had seen him kill multiple humans but he had always managed to let you slip by...until now. You'd always catch glimpses of his eyes...and he would glance back, and while he tended to have what could be described as a dead-eyed stare, the way he looked at you seemed uncannily human.
Alas...you didn't have time to worry about that anymore, you had to find a way out of there. You ran down one of the many maze-like halls of the RPD, occasionally turning a corner or two but it was mostly just straight hallway after straight hallway...and yet, those footsteps seemed to be behind you every way you went...until you managed to lose him when you booked it into the nearest safe room...or so you thought.
You took a moment to adjust to your new surroundings...but once you did...it was quite the odd sight to behold, a quilt, mattress and a few pillows were the only things of notice in the room. "Weird...but ultimately useless…" You muttered under your breath as you turned back around to leave, big mistake.
The Tyrant was the first thing you saw the moment you reopened that door, the way you jumped back in fear and onto the mattress as he entered the room was like that of a cartoon character. You wanted to scream but the fear took the voice right out of you...all you could do now was scamper towards the wall as he slowly approached you.
He eventually stopped approaching you and just….stared at you in the same uncanny way he had before...but then you noticed that he seemed to be a lot...calmer...something about you was different to him...perhaps he could tell you weren't from around here...or maybe it was because he just knew you had nothing to attack him with and he wanted to give you a chance...or maybe...just maybe...he was into you? No...that would be weird right?
He resumed his crawl towards you and eventually made his way onto the mattress, quickly bringing his face close to yours...he had you pinned against him, and there was nothing you could do except stare back into his eyes...that and inspect him as much as he was inspecting you.
His silver-ish skin seemed to glimmer and glisten even in the dimmest of light, each wrinkle on his face could be inspected for hours on end, he had an oddly high body temperature and was almost double the size of you...but at least your death would be comfy...that is if he wanted to kill you of course.
The Tyrant kept his eyes on you but raised his hand towards your face, you flinched back in fear...but you were quickly caught off guard by him placing his hand gently against your face, using his thumb to stroke your face. "I think he likes me?" you thought to yourself. You admired how gentle he was being, but at the same time...he had been chasing you for hours on end and you had seen him easily kill that rookie cop you had met earlier...he could easily end you if he wanted to...but he wasn't, he seemed entranced by you...in love even...no, he couldn't be...could he?
You felt him place his other hand on your other cheek...one could say you would almost be a you sandwich...jokes aside, all you could really do is hope that he didn't hurt you.
He seemed to inch his face closer to your's, his hot breath practically being blown into your face, all while he kept his eyes locked on you...and then, he seemed to try and smile as he moved his hands from your face and swept you up into his arms. "EEK! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" you yell, stopping the tyrant in his tracks by squirming. He didn't want to hurt you so he kept his grip on you to a minimum...but not loose enough to accidentally drop you. He waited for you to calm down before he made his next move.
"Why are you doing this??? What do you want????" you manage to barely scream out. He seemed sad at your behavior towards him but he seemed to understand that his way of trying to make friends was less than stellar. "...lone...ly…" he said in a low, grumbly voice. "...I...like you...want you...both as friend...and mate…want to protect outsider human...help them...love them... "
He seemed quite sorry about how he "introduced" himself as he let go of you...you could run away now...but he seemed genuine and you had to admit… you might have been overreacting a bit.
"Mate? Like a partner?" you ask, once again looking him in the eyes. "Yes...X so lonely…" he added. "no like hunting really...will only hurt zombies from now on...for you...X really really like you for long long time...since X lay his eyes upon human when first get lost in Racoon city…but X understand if human no like him...X just wanted to make you comfy... but got too touchy feely since he want to make sure human was not hurt by zombies or rookie cop….."
"Oh...so you just want someone to love...I think I understand but...wouldn't it be weird for us to be together?" you say as you continue looking at him. "Would a human and a mutant work?"
"We can try and make it work! If anyone try to stop us...then too bad! Human shouldn't let others judgements hurt them...neither should X!"
You just nod in agreement, it was something you had to think about for a bit however. "Ok...but just casually for now ok?" you add, to which the tyrant nodded back. "But why the mattress specifically?"
"X know it look suspicious...but human have no place to live...so X try and compromise with prison mattresses and pillows to make human a bed to sleep in! It not too comfy...but X hope he can at least provide shelter and food...and maybe "fun times" if human get closer to X and need to let off steam, X never ask for that kind of thing himself though, so don't worry!"
"Got it! You don't have to be too protective though!" you respond as you could feel yourself falling for the bioweapon, he was definitely a charmer...even if he had a hard time explaining it! "Give me a few bullets n stuff and I'm sure I can keep myself safe for a while, the help is very much appreciated! However, we should first find somewhere better to live than in here, somewhere like an abandoned motel maybe?"
"Yes...but tomorrow, it night time outside when X follow human in...X know he forget to bring blanket for bed...but X warm body hopefully keep human warm for the night!" he chirped as he offered to pull you in for a hug...which you gladly accepted, the tyrant pulled you close to him and laid himself down with you carefully cradled in his arms. His size and warmth were perfect, and soon enough...you both found yourself fast asleep, what had started out as what you assumed to be a hunt had turned into a tale of love and protection, and the monster was more than happy to protect his new friend no matter what!
The end.
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pastabot · 8 months
hr geiger got a tour of a server room and was like holy fuuuuucckkk it’s like cock and balls and pussy in here
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bwoahtastic · 9 months
I'm reading your Pack alpha Max posts and PUP SQUEAKS FOR JENSON!!! Fuuuuucckkk so cute and yes! I love it!
Plss he is such a good leader but also very much baby lol! Jenson visiting to cuddle Max and smiling when Max pup squeaks and noses into him! Jenson leaning in to lick Max's throat? Pls Max judt melts and is so relaxed!
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drowninginblox · 9 months
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lavend3r-stardust · 5 months
Mascs in crop tops 😵‍💫 😵‍💫 fuuuuucckkk yes
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frogdadskeleton · 1 year
Those "year ago today" pics r rly hitting the trigger button
Nothing makes me wanna lose weight more than seeing myself at my lw
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patiann345 · 1 year
Ok but... why are they so uggglyyyy????
Just gonna dump some of my ROTB thoughts here before the movie releases. Long post, very ramble-y,, >3<
I haven't kept up with all the news about it I'm sure, but I have been looking out for the designs and. Oh my...
Look, I have no doubt ROTB will be a good movie. A great one? I'll have to see, but I don't think it can ever get as bad as Bayverse. I've heard (word-of-mouth, no source sorry) that Cullen is really happy working on it, and that he thinks it's gonna be the best of the movies so far, which like,, it's Peter Cullen, man's been here since G1 I trust his judgment slkhasdkg
And real quick, before I get into the meat of what I wanna talk about, I do wanna make something clear; I fucking love Beast Wars. I binged it when I was first getting into Transformers, and yeah there's a reason it's in such high regard.
And I'm more than aware the animation is dated. And I'm more than aware there are a lot of people who would never think to watch BW or any show like it cause "Ew it's so old, it looks grosssss"
That's always been a really stupid argument to me. If you can rewatch Toy Story for the 5th time at your family reunion, you can watch some slightly dated-looking cartoons. I firmly believe that the WRITING and STORY ultimately makes a show. It can look pretty "yuck" or weird, but if it's well-written and engaging, I think it's worth more than it's visuals y'know? A movie or show can look beautiful and stunning, but that won't change it having bad writing and plot.
Anyways it's 2023 and uh, yeah why do Optimus and Megatron look like thatttttt???????? Girl there is no excuse
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Megatron particularly like, that face could work on another bot but... Not MEGATRON, not when his Bumblebee concept stuff looked like THIS:
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LOOK AT THIS MAN. WROW. Could use some color, the body's a little cluttered, but his face looks good! Great even! He fits the style that Bumblebee (2018) had set up and built. ROTB though? Christ-
That's not even getting into Optimus who's got that Bayverse crap going on with his face, which is,, so disappointing. He looks just fine with the mask on, but it comes off and it looks bleh. There's no reason for them to look like this! Seriously, cause everyone else (at least the autobots, haven't seen the maximals) look great!!
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I particularly love Arcee's design, think she looks great, and I actually kind of prefer her design here over her Bumblebee (2018) look
Oh and hey speaking of that, Wheeljack what the fuuuuucckkk????
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Sorry I've only got the toy image on hand but... That's not Wheeljack, I dunno who that is, but it ain't Wheeljack. Let it be known I'm not seething with rage like other people may be over this design, I don't mind deviation from the norm, just look at Armada or TFA. You can deviate from a character's usual look or schtick and make it work!
But when you look at his Bumblebee (2018) design,,,, We were robbed. We were robbed blindddd
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I bring up all these examples because the designs are so. Hit or miss. And I don't understand why or how they ended up this way. Bumblebee (2018) had amazing character designs, that's evident enough by Bee's design in ROTB, he's still using that same helm and face and his body is still very much inspired by his look in the last film.
I brought up the dated animation in shows and films earlier because I don't want anyone to think I'm going to think less of this movie for its designs. If the writing and story and characters are good, then that's a good movie in my book. BUT there is,, no reason for half the characters to look like THAT, not when the other half look so GOOD. It is not 1996, it's 2023. Which like, Beast Wars had problems with age in its animation and rendering, NOT in character design. The CGI in ROTB looks amazing from what we've seen in trailers! But,,, the desssiiiggnnnnssssssssss. Optimus' Mouttthhhhh.
I'm gonna see this movie, that's a promise. When it hits theaters? Maybe, I'll have to see, y'never know what'll happen. But at SOME POINT, I'mma see this movie. And I really really hope it's good, I hope it's great! Hell, I hope it'll be the best movie in the catalog! But... I also hope it doesn't set a standard in terms of design.
Well. No, let me put it this way; I hope it doesn't set a standard for how certain characters will look in future installments. I love Arcee's look, I love Bee's, I hope they continue with that! cause. But man, Megatron is so ugglyyy, Optimus' mouth is gross, and Wheeljack just isn't Wheeljack. I'd hate to see them devolve into more Bayverse mess again, please Hasbro-
Lemme end this before I start repeating myself
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seashellheiress · 1 year
[Speech to text activated]
Oooo)( fuuuuucckkk )(oly s)(it o)( my cod mmnngg)(
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spooky-narwhal · 6 months
Fuuuuucckkk I’ve eaten like 2 cookies this whole day I wanna eat this cheesey garlic bread so badd,,, cook areadyyyyyy
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furmity · 8 months
Well woke up with a completely locked, painful neck. Endured work, made it worse, and spent money I can't afford on a massage to only be 70% better.
What has done this? Most likely going to bed with one braid rather than two. Is it really just downhill from 30? Fuuuuucckkk
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ajroberson · 8 months
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