#future harringroveson
I'm not sure how I'll continue it yet, but this is the infamous pastel grunge punk!Steve I ended up writing instead of tentacles, so enjoy XD
Sparked by this beautiful post
By @discodeviant because while I was reading, Beggar's Song by Matt Maeson started playing in my head.
Steve looked into the backroom bathroom's cracked mirror and fixed his hair for the seventh time in the last thirty minutes. It was practically a ritual at this point when he was nervous. Well, maybe it'd become his lucky thing after tonight.
He brushed the hair away from his face and clicked his tongue ring pensively. From one side, his new haircut still had his usual thick brown voluminous waves with highlights that nearly brushed his shoulder. From the other side, he'd had it trimmed down into a disconnected undercut and dyed baby pink. He'd originally been planning on dying all of his hair pink and getting both sides shaved, but had chickened out. He'd still been thrilled by the outcome though.
Or at least he had loved it just this morning. But would everyone else? Had he made a mistake and fucked up one of the only good things about him-
A fist banged on the door and Robin's voice came through the door. "Come on, dingus, you're already pretty. Stop spiraling and let's go!"
Steve smiled and let her in. "Aw, Buckley, I'm pretty? Even pretty enough for you?"
Robin snorted and wrinkled her nose. "Don't push it. Now get your ass up on stage before it escapes those pants and makes a run for it. You're never going to throw those out, are you?"
Steve looked down at his worn thin jeans and yeah, maybe they were a bit tighter than usual in the ass, but their new apartment had a lot of stairs, okay! Despite it being almost more holes than pants, they were comfortable and definitely something his parents would never have let him wear when he'd still been under his dad's thumb. So of course that made them his favorite.
He turned and washed his hands once more. Robin let out a choking noise and pointed at his ass. "That's a new hole."
For a split second, Steve thought she was talking about something else until she poked at a spot on his ass not covered by the pants. There was a new hole in his jeans that showed off a not small peek of his ass and thigh. But it was low enough that Steve wasn't too worried about it.
"Buy a guy dinner first, jeez." Steve teased her.
She just slapped his ass. "Yeah, sure, I know a great little place on Easy Street called Cafe Puttana."
"Did you just call me a whore in my own mother tongue, Buckley?!" Steve gasped dramatically. "And maybe if you dressed like this more often, you'd stop having to resort to handing out free drinks to get a girl's attention." Steve hip checked her as she giggled at him and opened the door. "Now let's get this show on the road before everyone notices their favorite bartenders are both missing. My public awaits." He adjusted his pink jean vest over his Nirvana t-shirt as he stepped out, still picking, still-
"Your 'public' is a bunch of drunks, punks, burnouts, and half dead partiers." Robin hugged him from behind just before they got to the stage in the bar. "So don't let the nerves get you. Just have fun and sing me a song, piano man."
That got a genuine laugh out of him. "I'm no Billy Joel, but I'll see what I can do, uptown girl."
Robin went up on stage to announce him. She hyped him up as best she could given her audience and got a not too bad round of applause. Steve wasn't expecting much, this was a gig he'd just gotten only because he worked at the bar and the band that had been scheduled to play had canceled. He usually worked as their bartender and he was good at it. He probably wouldn't have gotten either job if Robin hadn't stepped up to bat for him.
Steve practiced his breathing exercises as the players they could find on such short notice got ready. He stepped up on stage, gave a friendly wave to the regulars who recognized and cheered for him.
He took a seat at the piano he'd had to tune himself before the show because it got so little use.
"Hey, you bunch of vagrants and drains on society." His words were met with proud hoots and hollers. "It's me, Steve, your favorite bartender." This was met with a loud boo from the bar, Robin playfully heckling him.
"That bunch of assholes the boss hired canceled, yeah, I know. So you get me instead, aren't you lucky? Usually you have to buy a drink to get to listen to my dulcet tones." Steve grinned as the crowd booed, whistled, and catcalled. "So enjoy the music, I wrote it myself. Yeah, that's right, fuck you, I have layers. Or if you don't like it, just shut the fuck up and enjoy the view you bunch of pervs." More catcalls.
Steve signaled the players and waited a moment, waiting for his cue, as they played the intro. They weren't bad for only two days of practice.
Jesus, come talk to me
I am but a blind mess, I am wild and free
I know that I need us more than I need me
One more whiskey, I am wild and free
Steve started playing as he continued singing.
Oh, but I'm a beat-down, washed-up son of a bitch
I got one more cigarette and all my money is spent
But I'ma be damned if I let it keep me down
Oh yeah, I'm a beat-down, washed-up son of a bitch
I got one more cigarette and all my money is spent
But I'ma be damned if I let it keep me down
Steve didn't hear any hecklers, not that he thought anyone was that willing to get on Robin's Shit List, but he still didn't dare look up.
Oh, my mother Mary, come walk with me
I am on four drugs, I am wild and free
I know that I failed less, the less I knew me
Wander through the darkness, and come walk with me
Steve felt good about the beat and the band seemed to be really getting into it.
Oh 'cause I'm a beat down washed up son of a bitch
I got one more cigarette and all my money is spent
But I'll be damned if I let it keep me down
Ay, yeah
Yeah I'm a beat down washed up son of a bitch
I got one more cigarette and all my money is spent
But I'll be damned if I let it keep me down
Yeah, yeah
He timed his breathing as the band trailed into the chorus.
Oh yeah, I'm a beat-down, washed-up son of a bitch
I got one more cigarette and all my money is spent
But I'ma be damned if I let it keep me down, yeah, yeah
Oh, I'm a beat-down, washed-up son of a bitch
I got one more cigarette and all my money is spent
But I'ma be damned if I let it keep me down, yeah, yeah, yeah
Steve nodded and belted the post chorus.
You know that it's not over
It's okay to let yourself hurt
Swimming in the murky water
Won't you come on out? Yeah, yeah
You know that it's not over
It's okay to let yourself hurt
Swimming in the murky water
Won't you come on out? Yeah, yeah
We sing a beat-down, washed-up beggar's song
And we sing it even louder when the money is gone
Because we'll be damned if we let it keep us down, yeah, yeah
Oh, I'm a beat-down, washed-up son of a bitch
I got one more cigarette and all my money is spent
But I'ma be damned if I let it keep me down, yeah, yeah, yeah
Steve blinked his eyes open when he felt a bit of an echo- no, there were people singing along. He recognized Robin's off key voice and smiled. Steve sang out the lyrics with his whole chest.
You know that it's not over
It's okay to let yourself hurt
Swimming in the murky water
Won't you come on out? Yeah, yeah
You know that it's not over
It's okay to let yourself hurt
Swimming in the murky water
Won't you come on out? Yeah, yeah
He could hear a lot more voices raise with his as he sang the last chorus as the band tapered off. "Come on, beggers!"
We sing a beat-down, washed-up beggar's song
And we sing it even louder when the money is gone
Because we'll be damned if we let it keep us down, yeah, yeah
Oh, I'm a beat-down, washed-up son of a bitch
I got one more cigarette and all my money is spent
But I'ma be damned if I let it keep me down
For an embarrassing moment, Steve thought he might fucking cry at the roars from the bar. Yeah, it was a few dozen regulars, drunkards, and partiers blitzed out of their minds, but it was leagues above his self doubt's worst case scenario. He had to swallow hard more than once before he felt confident enough to talk into the mic again. 
"See, that wasn't so bad, was it, you assholes?" Steve knew he was probably smiling like an idiot, but it was hard to care. "Give a hand to the band, they had like two days to fucking practice my crap, holy shit."
The bar clapped and yelled for them. The band looked pleased with the positive attention and a few waved back. One flipped off the audience much to their delight.
"Now, the rest of the songs are covers, the good shit, I promise." Steve announced. "So spend your fucking money, don't forget to tip, and enjoy."
They ended up playing some Nirvana, a little The Clash of course, Dead Kennedys, Siouxsie and the Banshees, through in a Motley Crüe song, and topped it off with his beloved Queen.
To Steve's honest surprise and giddiness, there was a demand for an encore of Beggar's Song. He led them through it one more time before ending for the night. Closing time was in less than an hour and he wanted to help Robin out with last call.
They got a decent amount of tips that he let the band take the lion's share of, but still got a sweet fifteen bucks on top of the thirty his boss had already paid him. He'd be able to buy some pretty good food for him and Robin this month.
That's all I got for now!
The backstory is Robin and Steve moved together somewhere after Robin got kicked out for coming out to her parents.
Maybe she stayed with Steve until her parents told his parents and they called to tell him to send her home, whatever. Robin and Steve decided to strip whatever they could from the house, sell it, sneak into her room while her parents were gone to pack, and they rode off into the sunset. 
Now they have a shitty apartment, jobs at a shitty bar, and they've never been happier. ❤
I have plans to bring Billy and Eddie into it later.
Two Nights Ago
Robin: I volunteered you for a gig
Steve: I've only sang in front of you!
Robin: it's time to fly, I'm kicking you out of the nest, dingus
Steve: does this make you my mama bird?
-Robin throws a pillow at him-
Steve: how could you do this to your child!
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serenity-lattes · 2 years
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Chapter 1/20 of How to Save a Life
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson x Billy Hargrove
Series Summary: Grey’s Anatomy AU, focusing on the lives of surgical interns, residents, and attendings as they grow into seasoned doctors while balancing personal and professional relationships. Steve and Eddie run around like headless chickens their first year, and when things finally seem like they’ll settle for the second year residents, Billy comes into their life, shaking everything up again. 
Chapter Summary: Our group of interns (Steve, Eddie, Carol, Tommy, Nicole, and Keith) are shown the hospital and are fighting to win that first surgery at the end of the day.
Warnings: Canon typical blood/gore, details of medical procedures, surgical tools, anxiety attack, vomit, minor character death, major injuries. It’s a hospital/surgery AU.
Word Count: 2185
A/N: For my A1 square, “In other good news, flattery works for me” for @harringroveson-bingo​​ This chapter is inspired by Grey’s Anatomy episode: 1x01
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The operating room. The thought of one can bring someone anxiety, but sometimes it can give someone an absolute thrill. It’s crystal clean to the point you can see your reflection in the marble floor, fluorescent lights blind you, and your nose is scrunched from the intense smell of disinfectant. Today, there are six brand new doctors who are positively giddy to be in one. 
“Each of you comes here today hopeful, wanting in on the game. A month ago, you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today... you are the doctors,” The chief of surgery, Dr. Jim Hopper says, voice reverberating off the tile walls, “The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point.”
Steve Harrington runs a hand along the tray that would hold the surgical tools, flinching slightly from the cold metal. It nearly sends a chill down his spine from the thought that soon, finally, he will be in one of these operating rooms performing life-saving surgeries. 
“Look around you. Say hello to your competition,” Jim calls out, taking a moment to look at each of the six doctors looking amongst each other, “Two of you will switch to an easier specialty. One will crack under the pressure. One of you will be asked to leave.”
Jim had to go through a strict screening process, accepting these six people carefully. Of course, he had an idea who would flake out, who would crack, who he would eventually fire, but he kept his expectations high. After all, they didn’t just pass medical school without brain power and incredible effort. 
“This is your starting line. This is your arena.” He says, giving the group a pointed look, “How well you play, that's up to you.”
Another doctor confidently strolls into the room, as if ready for battle, peaking the interest of the six interns. The doctor shares a nod with Jim and Jim leaves the room, allowing Dr. Murray Bauman to have the lead of the interns’ initiation. 
“I am Dr. Murray Bauman, I am the head of the trauma department,” he says, giving the group a dramatic bow, “Now. I’ve got five rules and you best memorize them. Let’s get a move on, kiddos.”
Dr. Bauman turns on his heel and exits the O.R. with his coat fanning behind him like a cape. The six interns rush out of the room, pushing at each other to get out the door.
“Rule number one, don't bother sucking up. We already hate you and that's probably not changing. Ask me again in five years if any of you make it,” he muses before pointing out the six brand new phones on the nurses’ station, “Congrats, everyone. Free work phones. It is strictly for work, no extra curricular videos or texts, kiddos. Nurses will contact you, you answer every call or text at a run. A run, do you hear me? That's rule number two.”
Eddie Munson is the first to grab one of the shiny new phones. He had never had a new phone in his life because paying for med school was a priority.
“Your first shift starts now and lasts for the next forty-eight hours. As you know, you're interns. Thus, you’re grunts, nobodies, and the bottom of the surgical food chain.”
“In other good news, flattery works with me,” Eddie deadpanned, glancing over at Steve who was the closest to him. 
“You will run labs, write orders, and work every second up until you feel like you’re ready to drop!”
Murray leads the group through the hallway, pointing out a specific door, “On call rooms. Sleep when you can and where you can. This brings me to rule number three, if you’re sleeping with each other, don’t bring your bullshit into the hospital. This is the big leagues, people, high school is over!”
Tommy Hagan and Carol Perkins tense up and inch away from each other, avoiding each other’s gaze. Steve curls his lip in disgust. He’d had his fill of the two of them during med school. The thought of them being gross at work was enough to make him start tasting that sesame bagel from this morning. 
“Rule number four, if your attending is sleeping, don't wake them unless your patient is actually dying. That being said, said patient better not be dead when they get there. Time is of the essence and we like to cherish what little of it we have.”
Murray began to look over the group, trying to gauge their reactions, figure out who he was going to pair with who today. Then one of the interns raised her hand, sheepishly. 
“Yes little orphan Annie?” Murray huffed, unimpressed that his plan was being interrupted.
“My name is Nicole,” she frowned, “But you said there are five rules and that was only four.”
Murray’s phone blipped with a message. A smirk spread across his face and he dangled his phone in their faces.
“Rule number five. When your attending moves, you move, too.”
Murray sprints down the hall, the six interns following closely behind. He led them to the E.R. where they were being met with a man curled up on a gurney.
“Okay, children, what do we do first?”
Carol is the first to pipe up, immediately spouting off various tests that should be run. Eddie gets the man on his back, checking the four quadrants of the abdomen. Steve starts asking the man questions to form a history. 
“If his pain is on the right side, it could be his appendix. CT’s gonna take too long to check, we can do an ultrasound instead,” Steve says urgently, checking the man’s temperature, “Not to mention he’s febrile.”
Eddie looks up at the other three just standing there, “You just gonna stand there or are you gonna get the ultrasound in here?”
Murray smirks. Oh, he likes the fire in that one. He just might have to steal him away for trauma. Keith wheels the machine in, but trips and falls on his face, making Nicole yelp in surprise. Eddie cringes at the sight of Keith’s bloody nose and snatches up the gel to squirt onto the patient’s abdomen. 
“Sorry, sir. This will be cold,” Eddie says, squeezing the bottle for an ample amount. Steve gets the machine on and hands the wand over to Eddie.
The three of them look at the screen, looking for any indications of what’s causing this man’s pain. 
“There,” Carol speaks up, pointing to one of the corners of the screen. Eddie squints and moves the wand to get a better look.
“Would you look at that? It’s supposed to be a gallbladder but it looks like a sac of stones,” Eddie murmurs, looking back to Murray, “cholecystitis.”
Murray nearly looked impressed. Nearly. He then stepped out to make a call. Steve and Eddie shared a look amongst themselves. Did they just mess up? Why did he leave?  After they cleaned the man’s stomach and got him comfortable in bed, Murray returned. 
“As you may know, the intern who shows the most promise gets to perform in the O.R. for the first time,” Murray says, hands clasped behind his back. In walks another doctor, one many of the interns knew, one who inspired most of them during med school. Dr. Joyce Byers, the head of general surgery. “Now, lucky for you all, I was able to make a quick judgment based on this case alone. Dr. Byers will be shadowing one of you lucky ducks as you perform your very first surgery, a chole.”
The six interns gasped, Tommy and Carol, namely. Steve watched with doe eyes, silently hoping it would be him. There was no way it was going to be Keith, that much was certain. 
“Congrats, Guns n’ Roses, today’s your lucky day.”
Eddie’s jaw dropped in disbelief as he stepped forward to shake both Murray’s and Joyce’s hands, thanking them for the opportunity. 
“Now, freckles, Cheeto dust, and orphan Annie, I don’t want you two touching anyone else for the rest of the day, so you’re going to the gallery to watch Munson and maybe, hopefully you’ll learn something,” Murray says, clapping Eddie on the back as he walks by, not sparing a second glance at the three interns who have already disappointed him today.
“C’mon, Dr. Munson, I’ll take you down to the scrub room,” Joyce smiles like a literal angel. No wonder she was so widely renowned, and not only for her talent. Keith, Nicole, and Tommy followed behind, ashamed that they were only to be present in the gallery. 
Murray turns back to the remaining two interns, eyes narrowing. 
“Swayze and loud-mouth, you didn’t disappoint me just now. Therefore, as a kindness, I will be introducing you to the head of our cardiothoracic department, Dr. Newby.”
Now, Steve couldn’t quite complain about that. Robert Newby was nearly as renowned as Joyce Byers, and to have the opportunity to work with so many great surgeons… Well, there aren’t enough words to convey such a feeling. 
Inside the scrub room, Eddie was lathered in soap, still in disbelief that he was about to do his first surgery on his first day as a doctor. He expected it to be weeks later. Yet here he was, alongside Joyce Byers. 
Joyce quizzed him on the steps of a chole procedure, making sure he wasn’t totally in over his head. So far he seemed collected enough she wasn’t worried he was overly confident or too nervous. A happy medium. If he choked, though, she was ready to step in and take over. This wasn’t the first intern she has worked with and trained, nor would he be the last. 
Once efficiently scrubbed and rinsed, Joyce and Eddie entered the operating room. It wasn’t empty like when the chief first introduced them, no. There were plenty of people moving like a well oiled machine- an anesthesiologist, scrub nurse, circulating nurse, the patient, now soon to add two surgeons.
“Hello, everyone. This is Dr. Munson and he will be attempting his first surgery this afternoon,” Joyce chimes as the scrub nurse begins to glove both her and Eddie, “Interns in the gallery? Please pay close attention. This will be you in the weeks to come.”
Eddie turns to look up at the faces in the gallery- Tommy, Nicole, and Keith, his fellow interns. There are other doctors he has yet to meet, some residents and attendings. The pressure is certainly on.
Joyce steps aside to the assistant surgeon position, allowing room for Eddie. He steps up, giving her curious eyes. Honestly, he’s in disbelief that he’s actually doing this.  
“Alright, doctor. Which tool are you choosing?” she asks, eyes upturned in a smile above her mask.
Eddie takes a breath, “Ten blade, please,” he says, turning to the scrub nurse with an open hand. 
Meanwhile in the cardiothoracic department, Steve and Carol join Dr. Newby during his rounds of patients. Most would expect this floor to be full of elderly patients, when really, there are patients of all ages. 
Currently there’s a woman who is struggling with complications after a coronary bypass. The nurse is shouting out a series of symptoms for Dr. Newby to care for- plummeted blood pressure, v-tach, sky-high central venous pressure, and she’s maxed out on meds. Steve watches, mouth agape.
Medical school was one thing. They practiced on people who were already dead, but there was something about actually watching someone potentially die that was far more haunting. Carol watched, hands covering her mouth. Thank god Dr. Newby wasn’t calling them in to help.
Blood clot. 
Next thing they know, the woman is being flayed open in her room because there’s no time to get her back down to the operating room. Dr. Newby moves expertly, removing the clot with his hands rather than a suction. Steve and Carol had never seen anything like it. 
Then the heart monitor rings out that high pitched sound. She’s flatlining and no amount of massaging her heart or shocks from the internal paddles is helping. She’s gone and Steve just watched her die. Literally see the moment the life left her body.
“Time of death, 14:39.”
Steve can’t hear Carol call out for him because his ears are ringing. He can’t hear the nurse ask him if he’s okay because his head is suddenly pounding. He doesn’t notice the lady looking shocked by his appearance as he shoves himself through the door of the nearest bathroom. And he certainly doesn’t notice anything else as he flings himself down to the nearest toilet as that sesame bagel from this morning finally makes its appearance back into the world.
Meanwhile Eddie’s in the O.R. riding on a high as he knots the last stitch for his patient after a successful chole. Joyce is incredibly impressed, as most interns flub their first surgery. 
Murray was right in choosing this one, she thinks. He’s going to be special.
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Harringroveson Bingo Masterlist
Stranger Things Masterlist
Masterlist of All Masterlists
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I love this idea
I have this au where billy, eddie and alexie come back, the upside down is defeated, lots of paper work is done for billy and alexie, eddies name is cleared, the party are heros. The party stay in touch as they leave Hawkins, new relationships happen, and they all get famous and rich.
Steves a pop singer, think Harry styles meets Avril
Eddie is a Rockstar, corroded coffin took off
Billy's a model, and doesn't hide his scars
Jonathan is a photographer
Nancy is a journalist
Robin is a director
Will is an artist
Mike is an author
El is a rock star, became close with eddie
Max(after getting surgery to replace her eyes) is a pro skater, x games level
Lucas is in the NBA, tells his fans to follow their dreams
Erica is a actress and mathmation
Dustin is a scientist, with his tech genius wife
And they all look cool and rarely vist Hawkins
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
just a lil snippet of a one-shot im working on. :D it'll be harringrove, obviously. it's gonna be angst, since that's my brand, but it'll have a good ending for billy and steve <3
(might try to throw in some implied future harringroveson)
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lexirosewrites · 13 days
Monday Wrap-Up!
Slick Sunday 09/08/24
(asks/posts hyperlinked below by category)
steve wears a pregnancy belly
mpreg steve fanart
famous punk steve/metal eddie & elumax
jealous mafia boss eddie/stripper steve
accidental bitching steve (steddie/harringroveson)
scream queen omega steve
superfetation (steve gets double pregnant)
eddie records tapes for dyslexic steve
domestic violence/drugs use/heavy angst
confident omega steve/pathetic wet cat alpha eddie
WAP/coming nearly untouched omega steve smut
fic recs:
awake for ever in a sweet unrest: california trail steddie
there is safety within these walls
ask: what are my top three favorite fics i've written?
general omegaverse:
rejection sickness damages future bonding
slick sunday:
slick sunday mental reset
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on the subjects of last names: since both steve and billy hate their family names/legacies, they just. steal names from their found family. either steve wheedles enough for them to become hendersons (bc dustin is his brother in all but name) or they probably become hoppers/byers.
if you ship harringroveson hands down they're taking the munson name. without any discussion or anything billy and steve would both start talking like "when i'm a munson" about marriage and future planning; the ownership aspect of them taking his name would eddie all riled up i bet.
Oh that's a good idea! I imagine Billy as Billy Hopper but i can't imagine Steve Hopper :/ also can't really imagine Billy getting Henderson name randomly lmao
So Munson would be a good choice. Also Eddie would claim them like hell yeah these are my husband's proudly.
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jad3w1ngs · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Ahh this is so fun. Okay here we go, god I have so many to try and choose from (wow that sounded cocky)
In no particular order here are my current five faves of the fics I've written
'Forged' - Mungrove
Edeval, the dragon god of metal and fire, has requested a hunt in his honour. As a blacksmith Edeval is Billy's patron god and so he volunteers to represent his village in the royal hunt. Little does he know that the hunt is simply a trial for Edeval to choose his future bride. Taken from his home to the gilded isle of the gods Billy is also about to find out that whilst Edeval may have power over fire, he's not exactly a dragon either.
'The Stolen Sapphire' - Harringroveson
William Hargrove was drafted into one the most notorious pirate crews on the seven seas after his father sold him to settle his debts. He had been prepared for his captain 'King Stephen' to either kill him or sell him on but instead he was accepted into the crew without question. Now he's rethinking whether or not that was a good thing when he is invited to the Captains chambers for an 'unusual' game.
'A blue eyed cat and a brown eyed boy' - Harringroveson
Billy has been living on the streets ever since his father attempted to sell him to an older man when he turned 14. Now, half starved and slightly feral he stumbles into the sleepy town of Hawkins, where he meets a boy who appears to want to help him.
Eddie has always hated the way hybrids are treated. The very concept that a thinking, feeling creature has to be owned by a human just because they were born with a few animal traits, infuriates him. So when he spots an unowned, feral hybrid he makes it his mission to help him.
Steve has had a crush on Eddie since middle school, so when the other boy asks for his help with looking after a new hybrid he jumps at the chance. It's not like a hybrid's going to stand in the way of them getting together, Eddie owning a hybrid shouldn't change anything. In fact, there should be nothing wrong with them sharing him, right?
'Live Fast, Die Beautiful' - Harringrove
Corroded Coffin are invited to open for one of the newest and biggest metal bands Mindflayer during the Indiana leg of their tour. Eddie invites Steve to come backstage with him where he meets Mindflayer's, openly gay and incredibly attractive, frontman Billy Hargrove.
Whilst Steve is instantly smitten he can't see this going past a casual one-night stand and Billy, well Billy's been hurt before.
'Ghost' - Mungrove
Billy has been trapped in the Upside Down for longer than he can remember. One day he meets another trapped soul that might just make this hell worth it.
Written to the song 'Ghost' by Gunship.
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robthegoodfellow · 2 years
✨Side blog: Check out @feedthefandomfest for all your comment bingo needs✨
A Little Death Do Us Part (demon!Billy AU) - 70k - Steve’s attempt to bring Billy back from the dead royally backfires, saddling him with an irate lust demon and a mystery that spans centuries. Angst galore, enough smut to feed a demon, surprising degree of fluff.
For My Baby, For My Man (roommate future fic) - 26k - Steve notices something about Billy and decides to... test a theory. The results are mind-melting. Harringrovekinktober prompt fic. Pure smut and fluff.
¿Por qué no los dos? (90s future fic) - 18k - Billy's a go-go dancer allergic to rom-com scenarios. Steve and Eddie are a pair of hopeless romantics, each harboring a major crush on a certain blond bombshell. Harringroveson (aro Billy)
now with holiday sequel series: ¿Por qué no Halloween?
That’s All Folks! (s4 fix-it?) - 32k - Eddie wakes up in the Upside-Down and is promptly ushered into Billy Hargrove's manhole. Mungroveweek prompt fic. Answers the perennial question: what if Billy had the powers of Bugs Bunny?
Sideways (s2 re-write) - 46k - Billy and Max agree to ceasefire right in time for him to help bail them out at the junkyard, and then things devolve from there. Billy is semi-unwillingly adopted by Eddie Munson. Harringrove. Opposite of a slow burn.
Upside-Down (s3 re-write) - WIP - Switches between Billy’s experience being flayed and the preceding months. Features Billy bonding with Robin over erotica, with Patrick over basketball, and with Jason over—jk, they hate each other’s guts. Steve and Billy try to figure their shit out. (just Steve-related snips: 1, 2, 3 — just Robin-related snips: 1, 2 — just Patrick-related snips: 1, 2, 3)
Only One Bed (wtf who knows) - Summer after graduation. Eddie and Billy are roommates and friends with all the benefits. But Eddie’s a bit head over heels for Chrissy, and Billy loves HATES Harrington. Endgame Harringrovesoningham.
Vampire Records (Mungrove Creature AU) - Lunch break fic. Billy is a siren and lead singer of a rock band. When he has to take a vocal break, Billy decides to spend time with his foster sister Max, a phoenix approaching the end of her first life cycle. His first night there, a chance encounter with a vampire sets him on a path he never expected... but what else is new. Also on AO3
ONE SHOTS & FICLETS (blanket tw for reference to alcoholism and abuse)
I’m Glad My Dad Died (no Neil, no Upside-Down) - 2k - Billy moves to Hawkins in sixth grade. His crush on a certain guitarist follows him all the way to high school. Mungrove fluff.
Drummer Boy (drummer!Billy) - 5k - Billy is born with a beat. Billy loses the beat. Billy gets his beat back. Harringrove. Angsty sweet.
The Eye (short kidfic) - 3.3k - Steve and Billy as middle-aged married couple with their adopted kids at a concert. Billy now has Kiefer Sutherland energy, and Steve has the hair of Trent Crimm. (set in Spin Me Right Round verse)
Admit Two (no upside-down/post-high school) - 4k - Heather and Chrissy are tasked with judging who is the better date: Steve or Billy? Double date shenanigans ensue. Harringrove. Background Cunningway.
Näcken in Loch Nora (or on AO3) — Why Billy Loves Dangly Earrings — Harringrove Serial Killer AU (read tw/tags) — Billy the Octopus — Why Billy Loves and Hates and Loves His Mom (expanded on AO3) — Billy’s Curls — Steve’s Childhood: Equal Parts Privilege & Neglect — Billy the Concussed Bookworm (expanded on AO3) — Patrick’s Sneaker Obsession — Now I (first attempt at Mungrove!!)
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billyharringson · 2 years
So I'm doing a world building exercise for a possible future novel and I'm using fanfic for this exercise. Therefore here is my Siren Billy AU that I'm also using as a prompt fill for the @billyhargrovebingo
Square: A2 - I read the rules before I break them
Rating: Teen and up (may change)
Ships: Eventual Harringroveson, established Steddie
Title: The tragedy of the Siren's Song
Additional tags: Siren Billy Hargrove, Witch Steve Harrington, Vampire Eddie Munson, established steddie, Neil Hargrove is His Own Warning, Traumatised Billy Hargrove, Rating May Change, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, worldbuilding exercise, Alternate Universe - Fantasy
Summary: Billy was eight years old when his mother left, and sometimes when he looked back on it, he wonders if it would have been kinder for her to have simply skulked away in the middle of the night. Instead, she had taken Billy down to the ocean, sat him on one of the large boulders where they often communed with the sea and made him watch as she pulled on her cloak and disappeared into the water.
Billy waited until the sun set properly before paddling back to shore, casting one last look at the ocean that had been more his home than anywhere, before leaving his surfboard on the beach and heading back to the man that was going to ensure his continued obedience by tearing him away from everything he’d ever known.
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dynamic-power · 9 months
Evie @energievie tagged me in an end of year writer interview! This is such a cool idea.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 
15! I plan to increase that by a lot next year!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Just shy of 62k.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Since Prom - Steddie, E
An Offer - Kanej, T
back to the past - Steddie, T WIP
Coach H - Steddie, T
Kinktober Drabbles - various, E WIP (it's finished on tumbr. I just need to move the last few to AO3 lmao)
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Ngl, I struggle with this. I want to. I see and cherish every single one! But I forget to reply, or I don't know what to say, or I don't check for comments for a month and when I finally see them, I feel like it's too late. 😅
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
That would be A Coat Or A Blanket. Angst is not my forte. I want happy endings for everyone.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Probably Since Prom? Or Arrivals. Just because there's an actual plot and a real ending lol.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not yet. But maybe in the future? 🤷
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes lol. It was on a kinktober fic. Ao3 rule number 1: don't like, don't read. Apparently they didn't get the memo. 🤣
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Most of my fics are kinktober! So kinky, gay sex. 😏 That'll change next year. I mean that I plan to write a lot of non-kinktober stuff, not that I won't be writing kikny, gay sex.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so 👀
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I wouldn't be opposed
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope, but I wouldn't be opposed. Seriously, if you ever want to collab, lmk! 😄
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Currently, it's Gallavich. But my favorite of all time is Drarry.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
It's one I haven't even started posting yet. It's a Gallavich soul mate AU where the pair have special gifts centered around eye contact. Mickey can see soul mates and Ian severs soul mate connections. I'm absolutely in love with it but I'm also kinda struggling to get through it. 😭😭😭
15. What are your writing strengths?
Word limits. I love the challenge of trying to portray certain emotions or situations in a limited amount of time, and I feel like I'm really good at it. I don't have to get caught up in details, I can just make my readers feel in just a few sentences.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Pacing lol. I don't have patience, I always end up rushing my ending.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
2 situations. If the POV character doesn't speak the language, I try to limit it to things that can be easily assumed without need for translation. Expletives, nicknames, or recognizable phrases. Unless, of course, the POV character is meant to not understand what is being said. And 2, if the POV character speaks the language, I'll usually have them translate in their thoughts. I just want the reader to be on the same level of understanding as the POV character.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. That was way back in the day. I posted my first fic in 2010. 🤣 On my current account, it was Six of Crows.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
Hooo boy. Doctor Who comes to mind. I'm obsessed with the idea of Fourteen and Jack Harkness meeting again. I've always wanted to do something for Criminal Minds. I'll probably dip my toe into Supernatural, too. I've done drabbles for Mungrove, Harringrove, and Harringroveson, but i'd also like to do full fics for them. Idk, I've always got too many ideas.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Either Since Prom or Coming Soon To Home Video. I can't pick.
If you write fanfiction, you should totally do this! Consider this me, tagging you.
Our just giving you cake. 🍰
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-kicks in double swinging doors and almost gets hit in the face-
What if Steve starts sleep walking after season one, and Billy almost runs him over before Billy started school in Hawkins. Steve shocks awake when Billy gets out of his car, is confused and in nothing but his pajamas and socks at night in mid October, and Billy drives him home.
Billy starts feeling concerned when it keeps happening. (Some times Steve remembers it, some times he doesn't.) Billy reads up a bit on sleepwalkers at the library and he starts feeling a little protective over Steve. They start hanging out during the day too.
Steve some times sleep talks about what happened. Billy feels- kind of needed and starts cruising at night sometimes just in case Steve takes a stroll, sometimes just let's Steve sleep it off in his passenger seat. It's calming and good for his nerves.
Steve gradually becomes Billy’s passenger princess 👸 Billy’s moods are more stable with Steve’s influence, having a good excuse to be out of the house and away from Neil more. Max learns about their weird friendship and that Steve sleepwalks.
The Halloween party and school turn out different, though Steve lies to the others about how they know each other. Billy doesn't mind, kinda likes that they have a secret. They hang out even more outside of school. After Nancy dumps him at the party, Steve drives Billy and Max, drops Max at home, and Billy stays the night at his house because Steve really needs the company.
When Billy sees Steve at the Byers house, he almost wonders if Steve is sleeping walking again. Steve trusts Billy enough to just tell him the truth and show him the demodog.
Afterwards, Billy starts just showing up at Steve’s to drive him around on Hawkins backroads until he falls asleep.
Steve gradually sleepwalks less now he has someone to talk to more, has the kids to keep an eye on now, Dustin, and Billy.
Maybe instead of the pool, Billy gets a job at the gym at Starcourt mall so he can see Steve in his stupid cute uniform.
If Billy ends up in the hospital after the mindflayer or something (No date with Karen this time, was on his way to pick up Steve) and winds up in a coma, Steve starts sleepwalking again and Eddie finds Steve this time.
But that's another post. Should I do a part two?
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camaro-and-smokes · 1 year
First Line of 10 Fics game
Rules: share the first line of 10 of your most recent fanfics and then tag 10 people. If you have written less than 10 fics, don't be shy and share anyways
I was tagged by the lovely @dragonflylady77 💜 and my main @suometar by @spaceofentropy 💜 Thank you 💜💜💜 Because my fics are all of the subject of this sideblog, I'll post this here.
Let Me Be the One (Mungrove, lemons, angst, fluff)
Somewhere in the outskirts of Chicago in mid-2000s...
Nightmares (wip, Harringroveson, mostly angst, hurt/comfort, nightmares, maybe some lemons in the future who knows, older characters)
He’s falling.
Oh Baby (Harringrove oneshot, lemons, hurt/comfort)
What they had been doing over the months after the very satisfying ten minutes in the bathroom at Tina's party had been less than romantic, really.
Pretty wo(man) (wip, Harringrove, lemons, angst, hurt/comfort, genderlfuid characters... Two lines because, well...)
Blonde. Blonde, BLONDE, BLONDE.
Little Bird Starts Nesting (wip, Harringrove, domestic life, established relationship, older characters, angst, domestic fluff etc)
Dream a Little Dream of Me (Harringrove, soulmates, angst, hurt/comfort, dreamsharing, genderfluid characters, fluff, lemons - all the good stuff. Imo one of the best fics I've ever written and also the one I love the most.)
The nightmares had finally stopped.
Fever dream (Harringroveson, plain p*rn without a plot)
“Hey, gorgeous,” Steve said and kissed Billy.
Wounded deer (Harringrove oneshot, hurt/comfort)
Steve opened the front door and his eyes grew large.
The Letter (Harringrove oneshot, hurt/no comfort, angst. Three first lines because it is probs one of the most beautiful and mood setting starts I've written.)
Billy, Steve looked at the name on the paper. How it smudged when his tear fell on the ink that hadn’t yet dried in full.
(I'm in Orbit) Stars Exploding (Harringrove oneshot, soulmates, angst, hurt/comfort, temporary character death)
It started at some party.
No pressure tags: @neonponders @strangerqueerthings @chrisbitchtree @discodeviant @lovebillyhargrove @prettyboybillyhargrove and anyone else who wants to join because I can't remember right now who else writes!
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eddiebillysteve · 2 years
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cat and mouse
(( harringroveson prison au )) chapter fourteen | find it on ao3 HERE
a/n | planning on uploading a chapter every saturday from here on out !! also don't forget to check out @leticheecopae's sister fic pit of vipers bcus it is SO good and connects so much to mine (and will even more as it progresses!) thank you for reading!!! i would love to hear your thoughts and comments!! :') aLSO would love to give a shoutout to my first ko-fi supporter because?? i could barely believe it!!! so a massive thank you to ada <333
warnings | anti-religion comments? if that's what it'd be called?, daddy kink, dom/sub themes, punishments, possessiveness, murder/suicide, drugs/failed overdose mention, steve being a gay panicked confused mess (this is a permanent tag), he's also being trained with candies and i'm not sorry about it, general prison talk, stuff like that !!
tag list | @whoringrove @darkandstormyslash @devotionsofmaryoliver @nowhereinthedenn @cherixsays - let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future updates or removed from the list !!
moodboard by @a-redharlequin !!
Breakfast hour was weird without Billy, even when they knew he was safe in his cell. Their table didn’t feel complete without him sitting at the head between Steve and Argyle. The empty spot haunted the four boys who were left, reminding them of Creel and his power and how he could so easily tear any of them apart. 
Still, they made the most of it. Since Jonathan returned from being on watch, he and Steve chatted about anything and everything to fill the silence. Eddie told stories too, sometimes, but he was much more interested in listening to his baby’s sweet voice talking about Three’s Company or Duran Duran.
“How’s being nineteen?” Jonathan asked the morning after Steve’s birthday, taking a little spoonful of cereal. 
“The same as being eighteen,” Steve joked. “Just really weird to know it was spent in here. My best birthday yet, don’t get me wrong, but–”
His voice came to a quick stop when someone was sitting beside him, sitting in Billy’s seat.
“Woah, brochacho,” Argyle immediately said, still somehow managing to sound relaxed, but Steve knew better. “Taken. Sit somewhere else.”
Steve looked over at Eddie when the word stumbled out of his Papa’s mouth. They were staring at each other, Eddie and the blonde man that had sat down beside him, and the nervous look on Eds’ face made Steve nervous in turn. Really nervous.
“Your little boyfriend really thought he could get rid of me, Munson? He thinks I’m that big a threat, huh?” The blonde boy, who didn’t even look Argyle’s way, leaned in closer, almost over Steve to murmur his words to Eddie. “I know that little stunt was all him, so you can tell him you will pay for his mistake tonight.”
Carver was supposed to be dead, Eddie knew that much. He was on Creel’s side whether he considered himself to be or not, had used Eddie without Billy’s permission, and had to pay for his sins. He wasn’t supposed to have survived; Hagan had been told to subdue him and force enough product down his throat to have him overdose. Billy had told Eddie while in the infirmary, and Eddie had passed the message along to Argyle, who would vouch for him, at least.
The one that was really in trouble was Tommy for not doing exactly as he was told. Eddie, too, but because of how angry Jason was. He was desperate for revenge, nearly frothing at the mouth for it. Anyone within ten feet of him could see how he was refraining from throwing Eddie to the floor to start wailing on him.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life,” Jason hissed, and Steve leaned backward to try to put some space between him and the words. “You need to learn the word of the Lord, Munson. Maybe then you’ll understand why I’m not going anywhere. God only punishes sinners.”
“And you’re not a sinner? Aren’t you in here for beating the shit out of your girlfriend?” Eddie snorted and Jason standing up in two seconds.
Steve didn’t know what he was thinking, but he was up at the same time, standing between the two of them to block Jason from being able to reach for Eddie. It just happened, the same as if someone were to try to bully Dustin in front of him. His body reacted, went into protective mode. “Relax, man. I’m sure this is all a big misunderstanding.”
Jason’s eyebrows shot up, leaning back a bit to take Steve in. “Jesus, no one told me you’re getting fucked by two daddies now, Munson. Hargrove not good enough for you anymore? Just how loose have you gotten while I’ve been gone?”
“Right, nope. This isn’t happening,” Eddie stood up, shaking his head and waving his arms around. “Shut the fuck up, Carver. Think all those drugs you do have melted your brain. Didn’t know God let crackheads into Heaven these days.”
“Eddie,” Steve whispered, wanting him to calm down. He’d be in trouble if he got into a fight – not just with the guards but with Billy, too. “Everyone just… calm down. This is crazy.”
“You would both be quite wise to listen to him. This is a cafeteria, afterall, not a jungle. As feral as some of you may be, you are not animals. Sit and eat, or get to work.”
Every head in the room turned to look at the source of the too-calm voice that broke through the tension. Creel could silence a room just by walking into it, let alone speaking. Even the biggest, most muscular murderers were frightened of him. 
“I will not repeat myself,” He said when no one moved, tilting his head the tiniest bit. Eddie immediately sat, grabbing Steve’s wrist to yank him down, too, and even Jason sat back down in Billy’s seat.
Creel had been the one to transfer him. He’d hand chosen him, had surveyed the prison up north for someone big enough – and potentially crazy enough – to give Billy a run for his money and to be a distraction of sorts. He’d told Jason what his job was, and what the consequences would be if he failed to do as he was told.
But even Jason wanted nothing to do with him.
“32566, it’s been too long,” Creel stepped forward, closer to their table, and Eddie’s grip tightened on Steve’s wrist where it was hidden from view. “Who’s your friend?”
Eddie couldn’t breathe. He’d succeeded in keeping Steve invisible until now, but his attempts had been futile. All because of Jason fucking Carver. 
“Harrington,” Steve answered when Eddie didn’t speak, glancing nervously at his Papa.
“I don’t believe I was speaking to you, was I?” The guard’s voice was polite, but his eyes were so dark that they’d join the list of things haunting Steve’s nightmares. “32566, his number?”
“I don’t know it,” Eddie muttered, dropping his eyes from Creel to his tray.
“You don’t know it,” Creel sighed like he was disappointed. “Then we’ll just have to find out together, won’t we? Come along.”
This time it was Steve’s hand that was shifting to secretly grab onto Eddie’s wrist beneath the table, a feeble attempt to keep him from moving. After another breath, though, Eds moved to stand again. 
“Not you, 32566.”
Eddie paused mid stance, almost frozen in place. He couldn’t take Steve, he was too delicate. He wouldn’t last two seconds alone with Creel. “I’ve got it. I can grab it. It’ll take me two seconds,” Eddie tried, daring himself to glance up and meet Creel’s eyes. 
“Sit back down. I’ve finished speaking to you. Your friend may stand.”
He had never felt so helpless before. Steve standing beside him and not being able to stop him or do anything about it was a special kind of torture. The only thing he could do was watch as Steve followed Creel towards the cafeteria’s doors, sparing one frightened glance back to his Papa on the way.
Jonathan had gotten up and slipped out of the room the second Creel had made himself known, though. He’d run straight to get Billy, who was waiting outside the cafeteria doors for them, jaw clenched and steely eyed. 
“Well, hello, 62097. I didn’t realize you were off of bed rest yet,” Creel stopped moving to stand in front of Billy, hands moving to fold in front of himself just like always. “I thought you were relieved from work duty until Monday morning.”
“That’s right,” Billy didn’t look at Steve, didn’t even acknowledge that he was there. “Just came to get a cup of coffee and heard you needed a number. Thought I’d save you the trip. 82894.”
Creel’s eyes narrowed.
“His number, Officer Creel. It’s 82894. Now there’s no reason for him to have a delayed start. I can only imagine how behind the laundry unit is without me there to keep everyone in line.” Billy's insides contorted in the same way they used to when he had to face his father while knowing he’d pay for it later, but he’d rather it be him than Steve or Eddie any day; Steve, in particular, would be crushed under a mere few words.
“How very helpful of you, 62097,” Creel replied; his voice was tight, irritated, and he pulled his hands apart long enough to gesture back towards the cafeteria. “You’re dismissed, 82894. You may leave.”
Steve gave Billy a look of pure gratitude before practically running back to Eddie. It felt like he’d been saved from a volcanic eruption – Billy had jumped in front of a bullet for him and would do it again without a second of hesitation.
Billy hadn’t met his eyes, though; he still didn’t acknowledge Steve, not even when he was scampering off. His blue eyes were stuck on Creel’s, the two of them refusing to look away from the other and be the first one to break.
“I shall walk you back to your cell, 62097. Make sure you get settled in properly again. It wouldn’t hurt to check up on your wounds, either, hm? Check to see if everything’s alright. Would be such a shame if you were to be out of work for a few weeks more by doing something stupid .”
“Yeah,” Billy cleared his throat. “It sure would.”
“One fucking thing, Hagan. Told you to do one fucking thing!” 
Billy had burst into the laundry room a few hours into their shift. Two joints was all it took to get the guards to let him in and leave him alone with his crew for a bit. Their logic was that if Billy wanted to move around and fuck up his healing, he could. They weren’t going to babysit him, especially not if he was offering weed to get them to turn a blind eye.
“Holy fuck. I should beat your goddamn head in for being so fucking stupid!” 
No one else in the room made a sound as Billy went off, Jonathan sitting with his hands over his ears. Billy was roaring, pacing around to keep himself from pinning Tommy to the wall. His anger wasn’t a full blown blind rage – it stemmed from fear. 
Creel knew about Steve because of the fuck up and would know he was an easy target just like Jonathan by dinner hour. He was in panic mode, barely able to think though it. All he knew was that they were fucked – not just him, but all of them. 
“Always comes back to me. Have to do fucking everything around here, useless fucking prick. Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Eddie stepped in when Billy started to throw things around, cautiously walking up to him to touch his shoulders. “Bills, breathe,” He whispered, squeezing them tight. “Come here and sit down for a minute. You’re going to hurt yourself.”
“Don’t you tell me what to fucking do,” Billy snapped, shoving Eddie away, but there wasn’t any reaction from his old cellie. Eddie simply stepped forward again, reached for Bills’ wrists, and pulled him over to a chair when he wasn’t pushed away again. 
“We need to think, yeah? So just – chill for a minute,” Eddie tried his best to soothe him without sounding condescending. “Steve’s fine, I’m fine. We’ll get Carver taken care of and then–”
“And then Creel’ll tear Steve to shreds for fun, and then what, huh? You don’t know shit about what he does, none of you do. Preppy fucking princess over there wouldn’t survive twenty seconds trapped in a cell with him,” Billy was up again, throwing his hands in the air, and Eddie glanced over at Steve.
If he hadn’t stood up, hadn’t tried to defend Eddie, everything may have been prevented.
“I have to kill him. Have to. It’ll never end,” Hargrove started up again, and Eddie’s eyes went wide. “I don’t give a shit if I get life. It’ll be worth it to see the life drain out of those fucking eyes.”
“Billy, stop. You can’t say shit like that,” Eddie went right back to him, voice shifting into something more pleading. 
Argyle was up too then, reaching out to grab Billy’s arm. His grip was tight, unlike Eddie, and he shook him for a second. “No one’s getting life, man. Get it together. You can’t do shit if you’re worked up like this. Chill. Out. ”
With a shake of his head, Billy pulled his arm free and headed back towards the door. Talking about murder out in the open was a dangerous game – but everyone in the room could be trusted and the guards weren’t anywhere near. “This ends soon. I’m coming up with a goddamn plan to end him if it’s the last thing I do.”
“I want you to kneel down here, right between my legs, alright? Need to talk to you, sweetheart,” Eddie murmured. He sat on the bottom bunk, spreading his legs open before guiding Steve down to kneel between them. His hands were gentle on Steve’s wrists, only letting him go to touch his shoulders to press him downwards.
Billy shifted on the top bunk until he was able to look down at them. He’d spent the entire afternoon plotting and writing too many drafts to Chrissy to try to relay his thoughts to her without getting flagged or Max realizing what he was thinking, and now the boys were back from work and dinner hour to keep him company again. He still didn’t know exactly what had happened in the cafeteria, but even through his anger he could tell Eddie wasn’t right when he’d stopped by earlier on. Something had upset him, and now he could tell that that something was Steve.
“I’m upset with you,” Eddie murmured, his hand going to pet Steve's hair. He nearly took the words back when he saw the way Steve’s entire face fell and his eyes started to water.
“I’m sorry,” He immediately started, but Eddie shook his head. 
“No speaking yet, Stevie. You answer me when I ask you a question, but that’s it,” Eddie’s voice was even, calm, and his hand shifted again to massage his scalp. “I’m not angry, but I am upset. Do you know why?”
Steve took a second to think, desperately searching his mind to try to figure out what he could have done. He had been a good boy at work, hadn’t even cowered when Billy started throwing things. “Because I… I went with the guard?” He guessed, looking back up at him.
“No,” Eddie slipped his hand from Steve’s hair, moving it downwards to hold his chin. “What did you do during breakfast? After Carver joined us. Tell me what happened, exactly what you did.”
Even though he was trying, Steve couldn’t remember what he’d done wrong. His fingers reached for Eddie’s sweats, fiddling with them as his eyes dropped to look at his torso. “I was–”
“Ah, ah. Eyes up here. On me, baby,” Eddie tipped his chin upwards to emphasize his words, and Steve forced his eyes back up.
Billy was absolutely perplexed on the top bunk. He’d punished Eddie hundreds of times over the years, but he’d never sat him down to talk first, not like this. He’d have him kneel for conversations often enough, have him naked and waiting on his knees for him, but there was something so intimate about the scene before him, something so gentle. It made his breath catch in his throat.
After sucking in a breath, Steve spoke again. “I was just eating and he sat down,” The words came out cautiously, like he was worried he was going to say the wrong thing, and his eyes flickered over Eddie’s face. He was trying to watch for a reaction, any sort of hint that he was doing good or bad. “And I was afraid he was going to hurt you and then the guard came.”
“Getting closer,” Eddie nodded, encouraging him to keep going. “What did you do when you were afraid he was going to do something to me?”
Eddie saw the realization spread over Steve’s face – and then the nervousness that followed it. “I stood up to block you behind me.”
“Right. There we go. And what did you put yourself in when you did that?” Eddie raised his eyebrows a touch. 
“A bad situation?”
It was hard for Eddie to resist smiling at how small and shaky Steve’s voice was. Even though he was frightened, it wasn’t in the same way he’d been frightened of Billy. It made Eddie realize Steve trusted him.  “ Exactly. A bad situation. A dangerous situation. You intentionally put yourself in harm's way.”
“But I didn’t mean to. I was just there, and I thought he was–”
“Shh,” Eddie cooed. “You have to learn not to do it again. And how do you think we should do that? How should I teach you, what’s a good punishment?”
If his Papa wasn’t so calm, Steve would have been in full blown panic mode. He would have been convinced he was getting an M to match the H on his arse, and would have started to choke on his own fear and beg for mercy, but Eddie didn’t have Billy’s temper. His hands weren’t rough, he wasn’t squeezing too tight – if anything, his thumb was smoothing over Steve’s jaw, silent encouragement for him to answer the question.
“I don’t know,” He shook his head a bit.
Billy had some ideas from the top bunk, but he kept his mouth shut, staying silent to see just what Eddie was planning on doing.
“I’m sure you can come up with something, Stevie. Think for a minute.”
Steve let out a soft little sigh. He didn’t know anything about punishing other people – the most he would do to ‘punish’ Dustin when he acted up was lecture him about safety, maybe take away one of his little figurines or science experiments for a day. It gave him something to go off of, at least.
“Maybe no sweets? For today?”
“Just for today?” Eddie couldn’t help but laugh, physically couldn’t contain it. “It’s past seven o’clock. We’ve got less than two hours before lights out, I think that’d be a pretty tame punishment, but good boy for coming up with something.”
Eds didn’t know what was going to happen when he went back to his cell; Jason was going to be pissed as fuck, but he didn’t know if that would mean he’d get the shit beat out of him or if he’d have to listen to the blonde read out from his bible the entire night. He’d prefer the former, he decided. Anything but the fucking preaching.
“I think we can start with sweets. No sweets for two days,” Eddie decided, but then he paused to ponder for a second. “Open up Daddy’s drawer, pick some out.”
Steve hesitated, looking at Eddie for a moment, and then up to the top bunk. Billy raised his eyebrows just a smidge, challenging him to disobey Eddie’s orders, but Steve wouldn’t dare. He obeyed, opening Billy’s compartment underneath his bunk that held all the fun items. His drawer was only ever used their clothes, and everything else was kept in Billy’s. There were all the snacks, the makeup he’d just gotten for his birthday, a couple of books. He got out two packets, one of his favorite gummy bears and another that was a hard kind, before sliding the cubby back in.
“Good boy. Now open them,” Eddie instructed some more, and Steve’s face contorted in confusion before he tore the packages of candy open. “And dump them into the toilet.”
“What? No!” The words came out before Steve could stop them, hands tightening around the plastic packages. “That’s such a waste, you can’t just–”
“It’s not a waste if it’s teaching you a lesson. You put yourself in dangerous situations, and you lose your rewards,” Eddie leaned in further to him and his voice dropped down a bit. “Pour them into the toilet, baby. And then you’re going to flush them. It might help you remember not to try to play the hero next time. Daddy and Papa don’t need protection, okay?”
Billy hadn’t been expecting to find Eddie in dominant mode such a turn on, but he did. He wanted to bend him over the bottom bunk and rail him until Papa was screaming like a pretty little whore. 
After another few moments, Steve stood up with a sigh and went to stand above the toilet. It may have seemed like a silly punishment, but it wasn’t just candy he was having to flush. It felt like he was having to flush that addictive feeling that came with them, the feeling all the praise gave him. It made him feel horrible, like he’d done something so wrong, like he’d been bad, and if he stayed bad, they wouldn’t want him anymore. He had to be good, had to listen and be who they wanted him to be so they would just stay, so they would love him and be his family for real instead of playing pretend like it was all bullshit. Even if Billy could be rough sometimes, and even if he didn’t want to do everything they told him he had to, they wanted him, usually so much that they didn’t care if he wanted them back. Eddie didn’t pull his hand away when Steve reached to hold one, Billy didn’t turn him down when he asked him to climb down and sleep with him after the lights went out and his thoughts took over. He didn’t want to lose it, lose them, like he’d lost everyone else.
It was a feeling he didn’t want to feel again. It was the complete opposite to the high he normally got from the candy and praise.
The hard ones were dumped first, the sound of them clinking against the metal toilet filling the cell for a few moments. Then, after another glance at Eddie, he dumped the gummies in, too.
“Go on,” Eds prodded, and as Steve flushed the sweets away, Billy jumped down from the top bunk.
It definitely wasn’t any sort of punishment he would have given – he was more into the physical kind – but Steve did look upset, the wheels in his head turning and clearly overthinking the entire thing as if he’d just flushed half his soul instead of two small packages of candy that barely cost forty cents a piece. 
“I want you to think about this then next time you feel the need to step in,” Eddie reached out to twist Steve around until he was facing him and Billy. “We protect you. We look after you. Not the other way around. Do you understand me?”
“Yes,” Steve mumbled.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, Papa. I understand,” His cheeks turned red and Eddie brought his fingers up to brush over them. 
“Good boy. Now strip.”
Billy raised his eyebrows then, watching Eddie reach out to pry the packages from Steve’s hands to toss into the garbage so their boy could start peeling his clothes off. He’d left his hesitancy over being naked behind while Billy was gone, and was far more used to being nude. Still, he didn’t know what Eddie’s plans were, his own ideas running through his mind at a mile a minute.
Even though he wouldn’t look at them as he peeled his clothes off, Steve stripped down to his underwear before them. Once he was clad only in his briefs, hands not really sure what to do with themselves, he looked between both men, waiting for more instructions. 
“I think he should have something to remind him of what he’s done tonight, don’t you, Bills?” Eddie asked, still keeping his eyes on Steve. “Take them off, too, Stevie. I’ve got an idea.”
“I’m starting to like your ideas, sweetheart,” Billy laughed through his nose, eyes following the underwear as the fabric slid down Steve’s legs. 
“I’m full of good ones. Could’ve shared them a long time ago if you’d of let me indulge this side,” Eddie joked. He held his hand out for them, curling his fist around them. “I’m going to make a mess in these, and Daddy’s going to make a mess all over you, and you’re going to sleep in it, yeah? And then, when we go to the showers tomorrow morning, everyone’ll see what a mess you are before you wash it off.”
“Well, shit, Eds,” Billy laughed softly and Steve’s eyes went wide. “Couldn’t have come up with anything better myself. Didn’t know you were into humiliating pretty boys.”
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, Hargrove,” Eddie teased. “I take it this sounds good with you, then? You approve?”
“Yeah, baby. I approve. All sounds good to me,” Billy pulled Eddie in for a kiss before nodding towards the bottom bunk. “Get on your bed, Stevie. On your back. Spread those lovely legs for me.”
Steve’s eyes prickled with tears a little bit at the idea, but he shifted past Eddie to do as he was told. He laid on his bunk, bending his legs at the knees and spreading them wide so Billy could stand between them at the edge and duck down enough to look in at him. It prevented Billy from having to get atop him and put any strain on his body – he could simply stand up straight and jack off above him, let his load out over Steve’s cock. It started to stir to life when Billy looked down at him, tongue snaking out over his lips as he got his cock out. 
Normally, Billy was against wanking off – he had no desire to, not when he had two babies with four holes and four hands between them – but he reminded himself that it served a purpose this time. 
“You’re gonna fall asleep with Daddy and Papa’s cum all over you, princess. Going to absolutely ruin your panties,” Billy muttered, more to himself. Steve felt around with one arm for the bears that lived on his bed all day. “You’re real lucky that Papa is so kind and gentle with you. I would have beat your ass bluer than that silly bear for doing something so stupid. But it’s okay, you can be a stupid baby. Only thing you have to worry about is pleasing us, we’ll teach you the rest,” He grunted, jutted his hips a little harder into his hand, before stopping and reaching for Steve’s, instead. Once Steve wrapped his hand around his thick cock, Billy covered it with his own to guide him along, setting the pace. “When I’m done with you, the only thing you’ll be able to think about is cock and candy and those bears, baby boy. Gonna be a perfect pet for us by the time we get out of here. Might get you a leash and everything when we get out, keep you close and spread open for whenever I need you. I think you’d like it more than you think, Stevie. Never having to worry about working, or bills, or any responsibility, your sole purpose to please. It’s what you’re good for, you know? Looking pretty and being a few tight holes for me. Can’t wait to finally tear that tiny little ass apart, fuck.”
The words didn’t hold any meaning, not to Billy. He wasn’t serious – of course Steve would be his pet, their pet, but it wasn’t all he was good for. There wasn’t a doubt in Billy’s mind that Steve would go on to be some sort of big deal when he was released, maybe a teacher or something with kids, but gushing about his faith in his pets wasn’t exactly his thing even if it somehow would have made for good dirty talk. In no way did he think his baby was stupid or incapable, he thought Steve was bright and clever and fun to be around, but he didn’t realize that Steve considered himself such. He didn’t know Steve’s insecurities and trauma and issues, didn’t know that words of him being a mindless sex pet would bother him.
He just didn’t see himself as being good for a lot of things. He didn’t consider himself to be smart, or clever, and he clearly couldn’t consider himself strong if he let Billy treat him like a bitch from day one. Even before getting locked up, he didn’t have much hope for his future, and it was even worse as the days went on. The only thing he felt good for was obeying them, and Eddie being upset with him had him questioning even that. 
“Don’t cry, Princess,” Billy’s voice shifted to a coo, free hand leaving Steve’s thigh to reach and wipe his cheeks. “You just gotta learn, that’s all. That’s why we’re here, to train you real good. Go on, say it. Tell us you’re gonna be our perfect little pet.”
When he didn’t immediately repeat the words, Billy came to a pause, stopping his hips and keeping his hand still. 
“Stevie. Say it. Tell Daddy you’re going to be such a good pet that all our friends are gonna be jealous, wish you were theirs. Maybe I’ll share you, train you to love it just like Papa. The more cocks you go though, the better. It’s what your body needs.”
“I’ll be good, I promise. I’ll be your perfect pet.”
Eddie let out a stifled groan from his place behind Billy at Steve’s shaky voice, almost immediately releasing into the underwear he was jacking himself off into. He’d been silently listening to Billy’s words and the sound of their hands around Billy’s cock as he got himself off; it hadn’t taken long after getting to look down at Steve on his knees for him. The image was enough wanking fuel for the next three weeks, at least.
“Good boy. I know you will. Did you hear that? You got Papa off,” Billy started to move their hands again, shifting his feet to position himself so he could spurt over Steve’s cock, his pubic hair, his thighs. He wanted to make a real mess of it just like Eddie had pictured. 
As he got closer, Eddie moved to toss the soiled underwear onto the bunk beside Steve before sliding his arms around Billy’s waist from behind. The act made him stiffen at first, but he relaxed when Eds dug his nails into his skin.
“You close, Daddy?” Eddie murmured, resting his chin on Billy’s shoulder so he could look down at Steve, too. “Jesus, just look at him. Those big eyes. Can’t believe he’s all ours.” Billy grunted at the words, a signal for him to keep going. “Look how pretty they are when they’re filled with tears, Bills. You think he’ll cry real hard when you fuck him? I’ll get him all ready for you. Stretch him open, have him waiting to be filled right up.”
Eddie slid his hand downwards, pushing their hands away until he could take over the motion and finish getting him off. He felt like he knew what his man liked better than Billy himself did, could milk the grunts and groans out of him with ease. When he came, Eddie was sure to get it just where he wanted it, and then proceeded to smear it along Steve’s cock afterwards. He wanted it to be uncomfortable, for Steve to feel the stickiness whenever he shifted. 
“Good boy. Now we put these back on, and you’re getting into bed,” Eddie murmured once Billy had backed up and out of the way, working to get Steve’s underwear back up and over his legs. Even though he was blinking out tears, Steve was hard, but Eds shook his head at him. “You don’t get to get off. Not tonight. If you ask Daddy after lights out, he might let you hump one of the bears, but you’re not getting off. You’re already too much of a mess as it is.”
His voice was gentle, kind, and he wiped Steve’s tears as he spoke, words followed by a kiss to his forehead. “Come on, into bed. I’ve got to go before they come and drag me away.”
It drove him insane, not being able to stick around and crawl into bed with his baby. He missed bunking with Billy – some of their deepest conversations always came in the dead of night. It sucked having to leave them every single day, even more so when he had to go back to Jason Carver.
He said goodnight to Steve one more time before standing up straight and looking at his old cellie. “Night, Bills. Take it easy.”
“Yeah, yeah,” He yanked Eddie in for a kiss before shoving him towards the cell door. “Get out of here before you’re thrown into isolation, Eds. Tell Carver he’ll be meeting Jesus Christ himself tomorrow if he lays a hand on you tonight. I’ll even end him in the prison’s chapel so he doesn’t have as long of a trip to hell.”
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kiraixi · 1 year
My name is Kirai ♡
I use [They/Them] pronouns. Mainly write Harringrove but also Argilly!
Feel free to dump ideas or thoughts into my asks ❤️
ao3 profile , bluesky
Mermaid, Pirate, King: Harringroveson / Medieval Fantasy AU. Rated E
On the Californian Coast : Argilly / Childhood friends to lovers, just Billy discovering himself before all goes downhill in Hawkins. Rated M
Finished ~ oneshots
Billy and Steve's montage of fucking in weird places : A collection of them getting spicy in places they probably shouldn’t, we got a kitchen and Nancy bedroom atm but ill be adding more! Rated E
Bad Kitty, Billy! : Cat Billy goes into heat, steve helps out…. yeah.. Rated E
Secret Girl(Boy)friend? : Steve’s been a little suspicious about his new girlfriend to everyone, guess it’s up to Dustin to sleuth around and find out! Rated T
Pestering Pretty boys : There's a box under the bed, its existence known to Steve but never actually seen. Maybe it's time to show off the skills he's been crafting since the day his mom sat down in front of the vanity and changed Billy's world. Rated T
My soft Summer with you : Steve’s not dumb, it’s common with Billy to act huffy some days, but instead of hauling him into their ritual after hours snogging Billy simply snatches the goods out of his hands and bolts backyard. Nothing to worry about, surely? Rated T
A Royal Declaration : Two days ago Steve Harrington, royal heir to the throne, Billy’s childhood best friend turned lover, got down on one knee and proposed to Lady Nancy Wheeler.. Rated T
Mission (Maybe)possible : Billy's resigned himself to moping in his room, locked inside for tripping on the many landmines that make up his father. But all's not lost when a pair of pestering brunettes come tapping on his window... Rated G
Santa Baby : Christmas themed ficlet of Billy babysitting Holly and awkwardly flirting with Steve 🎄
Sharks and the water park : Baby Billy and his mom go celebrate his birthday Rated G
Max has a dream : short Max memory of Billy and Argyle. Rated G
Last Kiss : Future ficlet of Steve and Billy moving to start a new chapter in their lives. Rated G
Pretty Baby. : Kinktober prompt, Lingerie | Edging. Rated E
Anon Answered
“We cant do this here, but make it harringrove” Rated E
pt2 Rated E
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serenity-lattes · 2 years
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How to Save a Life: Masterlist
Pairing: Steddilly
Summary: Grey’s Anatomy AU, focusing on the lives of surgical interns, residents, and attendings as they grow into seasoned doctors while balancing personal and professional relationships. Steve and Eddie run around like headless chickens their first year, and when things finally seem like they’ll settle for the second year residents, Billy comes into their life, shaking everything up again.
Warnings (will be updating as future chapters are posted: Canon typical blood/gore, details of medical procedures, surgical tools, anxiety attack, vomit, minor character death, major injuries. It’s a hospital/surgery AU. 
A/N: For my A1 square, “In other good news, flattery works for me” for @harringroveson-bingo​ So far there has been inspiration from Grey’s Anatomy episodes: 1x01
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Chapter 1: Year 1, Day 1
Chapter 2: Year 1, Day 60
Chapter 3: Year 1, Day 120
Chapter 4: Year 1, Day 210
Chapter 5: Year 1, Day 360
Chapter 6: Year 2, Day 1
Chapter 7: Year 2, Day 7
Chapter 8: Year 2, Day 60
Chapter 9: Year 2, Day 90
Chapter 10: Year 2, Day 210
Chapter 11: Year 3, Day 30
Chapter 12: Year 3, Day 90
Chapter 13: Year 3, Day 270
Chapter 14: Year 3, Day 300
Chapter 15: Year 3, Day 330
Chapter 16: Year 4, Day 1
Chapter 17: Year 4, Day 30
Chapter 18: Year 4, Day 90
Chapter 19: Year 4, Day 92
Chapter 20: Year 4, Day 360
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Harringroveson Bingo Masterlist
Stranger Things Masterlist
Masterlist of All Masterlists
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steddie-on · 2 years
For the @harringroveson-bingo!
Square: C1: Grey Hair
Title: Being Seen
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 2299
Ship(s): Steve Harrington / Eddie Munson
Major Tags: -
Additional Tags: Insecure Steve Harrington, Supportive Eddie Munson, Established Relationship, Future Fic, steve wears a free dad hugs sign to pride, Billy is there too, Fluff
Steve's hair is going gray and he's not taking it very well. Eddie's got his back.
Eddie takes Steve to Pride to show him he's still got it while also letting Steve's mother instincts loose.
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