#future edd angst
httpfr3shlyrtten · 9 months
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yyunko · 6 months
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Baconcola angst yippee
(Sorry guys was in an angsty mood😊😁😁)
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littlefanficprincess · 8 months
Your last breath
(This is unrelated by my catsworld au story)
Pair: Future Edd x gn!reader
Second pov (Angst)
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“We should be fine around here, it’s almost abandoned” Edd says, looking over a wall. He grasps your hand tightly, the two of you walk cautiously over the sidewalk. It felt ages since Tord, or what he calls himself “Red leader” took over and banned cola. It hadn’t the best effect on Edd, since it was his one true love, but he had you to keep him sane.
You and Edd were immediately close after you moved in. Even through, zombies (multiple times), mummies, sea creatures, aliens, you stuck togheter. Sadly not so long ago, Matt and Tom had been captured by the Red Army, their current status being unknown.
It was quite, the two of you didn’t exchange a single word and that was fine. Edd holds your hand tightly, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. It was his sudden way of comforting you. He had become a lot quieter and energetic, but he was still your Edd.
“There over here!”
A voice calls out, from afar. You and Edd tense up, already knowing who the cry belonged to.
“How did they find us?”
Edd says under his breath. The both of you begin running away and bullets are send your way, lot of them flying past your face. You suddenly feel the wind knocked out of you, you ignore it and continue to follow your companion.
Making a quick turn, Edd pulls you into an alleyway. You watch as Red Army soldiers run by, desperately looking for the remaining members of the rebellion. The man let’s out a sigh of relief “that was close”
You cough, feeling something come up your throat. You cover your mouth with your hand, when you look at your palm, you find it covered in blood. Then you realised…
You had been shot
It felt like your world was spinning, horror sets in. Edd looks over, worried at your silence. His eyes widen when he sees the shot wound in your chest and the blood coming out of your mouth. He grabs onto your shoulders “Hold on, please, I’m going to get help as fast as possible”
You weakly place your hand on his “Don’t, the nearest doctor is a town away. When you reach that, I’ll be already dead. I want to spend my last moment with you” You move your hand to be placed on his cheek.
“Don’t say that!” Tears emerge from Edd’s brown eyes, a dreadful expression on his face. It’s been a while since you saw him last cry, it’s been longer since you saw him smile.
“Come on, give me one more smile. Your smile was always my favorite, you were always my favorite” you muttered out. You could barely breath.
Edd lowers his head, his soft cries turns into sobs “Don’t do this to me, you know how much you mean to me” He places his hand on the one that was on his cheek.
“If you see Tom and Matt, tell them…that I love them” You let out a soft chuckle, before going quiet. Edd feels your hand going limp, he watches as your eyes closes peacefully.
“No, (Y/n)!” He cried, bringing your now dead body into a embrace. He puts his head onto your shoulder, soaking the fabric of your jacket “How can I go without you..?”
He pulls out his ray gun from his jacket and looks up at the big distant Red Army base, his eyes darkening “If I can’t have you in the future, I won’t have a future at all” He picks up your lifeless body and walks away, looking for a place to bury you.
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sillymaxing · 7 months
Hi it's me again :3 give me angst hcs for a Tord x Matt pairing maybe?? Or for Tom x Matt!
Maybe I will do BOTH.
In this ask, everything is set in a timeline where Red Army invades very soon after The End. Like a months or two after Matt, Edd, and Tom move into a new apartment.
Note: I LOVE this ask guys. I didn’t really capture the angst like I could have in a fic. But I certainly described it!! Also, I didn’t implement any romance….. if you want that I can make another hc list :3
But NORMALLY I do platonic stuff.
CW: Gun violence, mentions of war, implied torture if you squint really hard, gore, near death experience, implied kidnapping, body horror. Let me know if I missed anything!
Tom & Matt Angst
For this, I’m honestly thinking about Matt and Tom getting separated first. Red Army invades, all 3 run, but Tom gets separated from Matt and Edd.
I think Edd would abandon Matt pretty quickly after feeling like Matt is slowing him down. Matt would have trouble swallowing his fear of what’s happening in the start, and Edd wouldn’t stick around with someone who he thinks could shift and join the Red Army, or surrender.
Matt would have to learn how to manage things on his own and fast.
Tom and Matt would regroup at some point, probably after Tom fends off some soldiers trying to attack Matt.
Maybe on his knees, shaking, with a soldier’s gun to his head. And then he sees the dude drop dead right in front of him. Tom runs up to Matt. THATS when they regroup, and Matt explains how Edd left. This totally won’t cause Tom a long-living grudge and hatred for Edd! I’m sure!!
Things will certainly get difficult when WANTED posters start showing up everywhere they go, and radio stations start to broadcast a description of Tom, Matt, and Edd, expressing the Red Army wants them to be turned in ALIVE.
There are different bounties on each of them. It seems like Tom is the one most sought out by the Red Army.
Matt certainly tries to convince Tom to surrender. It’s hard to get by on little food and shelter. Matt expresses that maybe Red Leader is trying to help them. Tord wants them alive. Not dead, not even hurt.
Tom inevitably gets kidnapped first, probably out to sneak by and steal food, leaving Matt at their current shelter.
Matt thinks Tom abandoned him too.
When Tom is kidnapped, he stands his ground for months. He doesn’t give in, doesn’t talk, withstands torture.
The next time he sees Matt, he’s in a Red Army uniform. Tom feels so betrayed, still being stuck in a cell. It’s obvious that Matt surrendered, gave in. Something else happened, considering the prosthetic face bits.
Their friendship is never the same. Matt is certainly forced to partake in watching over Tom. Tord encourages the idea that Tom abandoned him, so there is a constant feeling of anger between the two.
Tord & Matt Angst
Matt HATES Tord. At least in the beginning. Matt was the one who beat the shit out of him in The End with the robot.
But seeing his beautiful face on posters, saying Tord needed him alive? It put a little hope in his heart. Maybe Tord didn’t really mean to hurt him.
At some point, a while after he had captured Tom, Tord got a call about Matt having been captured.
What Tord didn’t know is that the people who captured him didn’t get the whole “Wanted Alive” memo.
Needless to say, they were both killed on sight the moment Tord arrived to retrieve Matt.
Matt was critical condition. He tried to run from the bounty hunters, but ended up getting shot in the head. Pretty gnarly, took his entire jaw off. But he somehow survived with only a severe flesh wound.
He was in a coma for a while. Tord really didn’t know if Matt would live, and wished he could go back and make the death of the bounty hunters a bit slower.
Tord considered Matt to be a friend of his. Leaving him in the first place hurt. Hurting him hurt. In the moment of exploding the house, Tord was filled with rage and nothing else. It was all meant to be taken out on Tom. Not Matt and Edd.
But afterwards, guilt ate away at him, gnawing at his bones until he was nauseous.
When Matt woke up, Tord stayed by his side for days, letting Paul and Pat take over duties for him.
Matt wasn’t a fan of this. Being cuffed to a hospital bed made it difficult to beat the shit out of Tord for all the awful things he did.
Matt found that he couldn’t speak. Just make noises. Apparently his tongue was still in tact, which was good. But having your jaw ripped off your face kinda inhibits your ability to communicate.
Tord tried to accommodate for this. He wanted so badly to explain everything to Matt. To hear what he had to say. To try and find some common ground. So he gives Matt tablet and notepad. It was his choice which one he wanted to communicate with.
But Matt wouldn’t indulge, and his days were spent moping, crying, and ignoring everything Tord had to say.
Of course, during all of these visits to Matt, Tord is telling Tom that Matt surrendered and is living a life of luxury.
Also, here’s a big kicker guys, Tord refuses to give Matt a mirror. No reflective surfaces at all.
Even after the surgery to implement the prosthetic jaw.
Of course, that wasn’t even the main concern. Getting Matt to be able to use it was WORK. Especially when the only time he accepted physical and speech therapy, the only words that would come out of his mouth were insults.
Slowly, Matt starts to break. He’s allowed out of the hospital room, even eventually allowed to see Tom. Of course, Tord tells Matt that Tom abandoned him.
It makes Matt rely on Tord a little bit. For like, ALL his emotional support. Tord is happy to help.
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fadeddebts · 9 months
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Wow a crappy comic
Also thank you @lukelovezyu for letting me use your awesome and really cool au for this!!!!
Go support them and and HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKEEEE
- Edd
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comfortablecomfort · 1 year
Future Edd tickle headcanons
(I know this is technically the same thing as the main 4 headcanons, but whatever. Future Edd needs tickles too)
•Unlike his past self, he's embarrassed about being tickled
•He's become all bitter and cold
•He hates it, because he's lost his friends and there's no point of using tickling at all
•His sensitivity increased a little
•He's still not as ticklish as Tom and Matt
•His sensitivity raised a bit, much to his dismay
•He still snorts
•VERY Ticklish belly
•Also has the same worst spots as his Past Counterpart
•Just a BIT more ticklish
•He'll probably die if his past friends tickle him
•Tummy raspberries and nibbles tickle him a shit ton.
•He prefers comfort tickles, cause he deserves some
•He got tickled by a machine once, it was one hell of a ride
•He can be a mischievous ler at times
•Still good at tickling
•He still likes to draw on people every now and then as a tickle method
•Also the biggest ler, but too afraid to show it cuz of possible trauma
•Maybe one day he'll love tickling or being tickled again.
•He just needs to wait until the day comes
(Aight, all done. Future Boi needed these. Also, @random-tickle-stuff, if you could make some Future Edd tickle headcanons too, that would be cool.)
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sexymancatalogue · 11 months
Tumblr Sexyman Of The Day #0104
Future Edd (Eddsworld, 2010)
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Art By @forkgirls!
List Of Archetypes
4th Wall Blurring
Distinctive Voice
Ensemble Darkhorse
Eye Imagery
Long Coat
Villain Protagonist
Submitted By Anon!
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asimpleddhead · 3 months
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ur dose of (your design) angst future Matt hehe
he big sad he misses Edd
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doubledyke · 2 months
9 and 13 :3
thanks moth!!
i did answer 13 already and kinda rambled a lot but i'll say that as far as characters that i'd like to write about in the future, there's a lot of potential for humor and angst among 3 impoverished teenage half sisters living mostly unsupervised in a trailer park.
9. recommend someone else's fic 🤔 can't choose just one so i won't.
it's tradition at this point for me to mention 'death of an artist' by eddbedandeddy. short, insightful and one of my faves. everything they write is like.... unreasonably good so check em out.
'like me still' by owmylasagna is so immersive and fun, and the casino scene is something straight out of an adult eene reboot (in the best way possible!!) i hear murmurings of a new chapter on the horizon 👀 'ed is thicker than mud' also by owmylasagna is another favorite of mine that i believe might be continued? it stands on its own though as a slice of eddy's life post bps, which is my favorite thing to talk about.
'out' by gettingfrilly is uninfinished and is unfortunately likely to stay that way, but i'd still recommend giving it a read, especially the ed chapter.... bring some tissues.
and i was actually reminded of your fic, 'you know i should be leaving soon' the other day when a friend told me he called a sex line when he was eleven and told the operator to put the phone up to her butt?? literally the most eleven year old boy thing i've ever heard. anyway i love that fic, and it's unique in a lot of ways, but specifically in that it takes place during the show and edd and eddy are just hangin out without ed. it feels like we didn't get a ton of that in the show. and not in an overly shippy way. it's fun to explore the dynamic between any two of the eds while one is away. you wrote their inevitable fight fantastically (when eddy told edd he's annoying....that shit hurted 😭) and the characterization is perfect, having eddy chicken out and edd reluctantly taking over, despite his moral objection. love it so much and really look forward to reading more from you in the future <3
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mysticbeaver · 3 months
How you think KevRolf would contrast with EddEddy as a couple?
Interesting question... and very tough to figure out! hehe😅 KevRolf would take a longer time to really happen, I think. Edd and Eddy already have a very strong bond by the end of BPS, Eddy's issues might lead to strong emotional moments in the near future of their developing relationship, and maybe even drama, but it will be an intense thing, for lack of a better description. Kevin and Rolf falling for each other and hooking up, I can only imagine as a a fairly lighthearted, silly thing, quite simply because the characters are silly and lacking drama (think of the KevNazz quarreling in BPS, I remember Rachel Connor mentioning something about how "light" it was compared to the Eds fighting). Although who's to say some angst couldn't appear in their teens? Perhaps family issues or school trouble, their own developing feelings (especially Kevin being emotionally constipated), dunno... just riffing here 😅
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kellianklonk · 5 months
Chapters: 2/?
Fandom: Eddsworld - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Relationships: Tom/Tord (Eddsworld), Patryck/Paul (Eddsworld), Patryck & Paul & Tord (Eddsworld), Edd/Matt (Eddsworld), Edd & Matt & Tom & Tord (Eddsworld), Future Tom/Future Tord | Red Leader (Eddsworld)
Characters: Tom (Eddsworld), Future Tom (Eddsworld), Tord (Eddsworld), Future Tord | Red Leader (Eddsworld), Edd (Eddsworld), Future Edd (Eddsworld), Matt (Eddsworld), Future Matt (Eddsworld), Paul (Eddsworld), Patryck (Eddsworld)
Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, more angst than fluff probably, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Slow Burn, Grief/Mourning, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, probably more things i’ll add further on, :3
“You look like someone I once knew.”
“You can see?”
“No I’m smelling you- Of course I can see!”
The two laughed playfully as they enjoyed the rest of the night, between laughs and drinks and small talk, came an unexpected feeling of closure over an old rivalry.
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melchiordommik · 5 months
favorite eddtord dynamic + situation to put them in?
Listen, I'm boring, but: nerd bastard + nerd bastard but red
I love putting them on zombeh attack situations, where Tord is a zombie and Edd is just fine with it
I also live for some the end angst too, augh
Future enemies to lovers
So many...
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yyunko · 2 months
Extremely anxious to tag you but I drew the yuri plus angst, it might be out of character for Bea sorry 😭
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(fun fact of the day kids!!: did you know I have an unfinished comic about HoneyBea ft. Future Edd 😁😁??? Will I continue and remake it? Maybe...if you guys want me to lol.!!)
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X reader rules + More.
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" Please do not interact if you are a swastika, Or a pedophile and a pro shipper as i do not support the actions at all. "
Rules below.
, Fluff
, Angst
, Slightly suggestive behavior, But no real sexual intention as i am a minor and i can not write such things until i turn into the age of consent.
, Platonic
, Romantic
, X reader ( ' Is this not an x reader page?...)
, Non-con/Sexual assault
, Romanticizing Harassment
, Smut.
, Romantic child and adult relationships.
, Sexualizing or making x readers of real life people.
, Character x character.
, Yanderes. Yanderes are obsessive and disgusting, So remember how fucked up it is in the future if your in a relationship like this.*
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FANDOMS; , Digital circus
, Total drama
, Team fortress
, Fionna and cake
, Bonnies bakery
, Lego monkie kid
, The lego movie (P. 1 & 2)
, Omori
, The law of talos
, Panty & Stocking
, Spooky month
, Undertale
, Spider man across the universe/Spider man multiverse
, ONE (hfjone)
, Cookie run (kingdom/Ovenbreak)
, Lego ninjago
, Project sekai
, Bugbo
, Cuphead
, Fnaf night guards
, Dial town
, Backrooms entities? Sure okay pop off i guess
, Faith the unholy trinity
, Cult of the lamb
, Puella Madoka Magica (PLATONIC)
, South park (PLATONIC)
, Edds world
, Wii deleted you
, Happy tree friends
, Painted playground
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sillymaxing · 7 months
Eddsworld Future HCS
This is actually based off of my Matt Angst ask tbh. I think I’m just gonna roll with this timeline for a lot of my works.
Anyways, here’s how each character ended up getting captured by Red Army.
CW: Vague starvation, guns, blood & violence, imprisonment, implied torture, gore, depictions of war
Tom was the first of the three to be captured by the Red Army.
He left the makeshift shelter he made with Matt. They needed food. They hadn’t eaten in a few days, and Matt wasn’t looking good. So, Tom was the one who had to go out to get food.
Nobody knew about his monster form. But having it gave him a bit more energy.
Of course, using that extra energy meant exposing some of his monster-like features. Claws, tail, purple scaly skin. It was a last resort, really.
He had tried to disguise himself best he could. Long trench-coat, hiding his hands in his pockets, hiding his face underneath a hood.
Things actually became a lot easier when he took out a stray Red Army soldier and stole their uniform and gun. Apparently, a protein bar in the solider’s pocket was enough to tide Tom over. He didn’t have to maintain a monster form anymore. At least for the next little while. He needed more food.
But when someone that looks to be a soldier is found away from their station, questions arise.
And when that stray soldier attacks another soldier, normally backup is called.
The Red Army soldiers stationed in Tom’s general area were all called to hunt him down. Obviously, Tom shifted halfway to his monster form to run. He would’ve shifted all the way if it weren’t for him being so malnourished.
The chase didn’t last long. At least no bullets were shot, as the men had been instructed to not hurt Tom too severely.
Although, a taser and a tranquilizer was enough to get Tom on the ground, groaning and heaving as soldiers approached him.
Black spots littered his vision and the world was spinning. He could hear shouting, feel hands in his hair, metal click around his wrists. Just as he felt himself being lifted up off the ground by his shoulders, he was out cold.
Tom is transported to a lab. It’s more like a prison cell with medical equipment.
Matt is captured maybe a week after Tom is.
Matt had been eating scraps out of trashcans to get by.
The one time he braves a walk into a rundown abandoned convenience store, two strangers try to force him to the ground, talking about how much money they’ll make.
They seem to be in their own worlds for a second, and Matt takes that opportunity to get up and book it.
He could hear gunshots and shouting. Adrenaline fueled his every step.
Up until there was a loud bang and a flash, and Matt was on the ground. Nothing even hurt yet. He tried to scream, but all that came out were gurgles. Matt didn’t even have the chance to register his missing jaw before he was unconscious.
Soldiers caught up to the two bounty hunters. But upon seeing the state Matt was in, the bounty hunters were detained as they waited for Red Leader to arrive to the scene.
The moment Tord saw the state Matt was in, the two bounty hunters got bullets straight to the face, no questions asked.
Matt was rushed to a hospital. Tord’s best doctors got on the job of keeping him alive and implementing a prosthetic.
Edd is the last one to get captured. It takes two whole years for the Red Army to track him down. Tord assumed he was the leader of the resistance, but could never pinpoint where he was.
Edd continuously works to fight against the Red Army. The resistance is certainly smaller than the opposing army, smaller than most factions, but it’s nothing to scoff at. The resistance is ruthless. Merciless to soldiers.
It actually takes several spies to organize an ambush on Edd.
They get Edd while he’s sleeping. It takes five soldiers to restrain Edd. They take him out to the front of his bass, as he is forced to watch as Red Army soldiers capture every resistance member who surrenders, and kill ever member who fights or runs.
After enough blood is shed, and Edd is shaking with grief and rage, he gets knocked in the back of the head, and everything snaps to black.
He’s transported to a cell for interrogation. And he won’t be leaving for a long time.
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little-otter-writes · 6 months
Please not that these are not the ONLY characters I will write for! These are just the only ones I've written for up until now!
If you have any characters that aren't on here you want me to write for, send a request!
Also, these include all aus/versions of these characters!
Late night practice [Tord x Tamara] (fluff, oneshot)
Too loud [Tord x reader] (fluff, slight angst, oneshot)
Shut up and kiss me [2004!Tord x loud Bob] (fluff, oneshot)
Tord x Chubby!Reader (headcanons)
Loud bob x Tord[2004] (headcanons)
Funny looking thing [2004 Tord x 2004 Tom] (fluff, oneshot)
Take a break [Tamara x Tord) (fluff, oneshot)
Best day ever [Loud bob x Tord] (fluff, oneshot)
Protective [Tord x Reader] (fluff, oneshot)
"That's my sister!" [Tord x Tom's sister!reader] (fluff, oneshot)
How the main four help with readers period (headcanons)
"I'll listen" [2004!Tord x Loud Bob] (fluff, angst, oneshot)
[More coming soon..]
A sweet surprise [Edd x reader] (fluff, oneshot)
Ice cream date [Edd x reader] (fluff, oneshot)
Edd x Chubby!reader (headcanons)
Hungry [Edd x vampire!Matt] (fluff, oneshot)
How the main four help with readers period (headcanons)
[More coming soon..]
Dont go.. (Future!Matt x Future!reader) [angst, oneshot]
Matt x Super Hyper!reader (headcanons)
Matt x Chubby!reader (headcanons)
Hungry [Edd x Vampire!matt] (fluff, oneshot)
How the main four help with readers period (headcanons)
Matt x Autstic!reader (headcanons)
[More coming soon..]
Cuddles and breakfast [Tom x reader] (fluff, one-shot)
Late night practice [Tord x Tamara] (fluff, oneshot)
Funny looking thing [2004 Tord x 2004 Tom] (fluff, oneshot)
Take a break [Tamara x Tord) (fluff, oneshot)
Tom x Chubby!reader (headcanons)
How the main four help with readers period (headcanons)
[More coming soon..]
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